Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, August 25, 1905, Image 4

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Official Papar of Washington County.
Entr4 at th Foatofflc at Hills
toro, Oregon, for transmission through
tb malls u snl -class mall mattar.
Official Paper ofWasliiDilon Comity,
Newborn Graphic: Henry McGuire
ha in hit ioaaession a fir dollar bill of
the date of 18:!H, issutxl ly an Indianap
olis, Iiit., bunk. It in a well preserved
bill and ia probably worth several timet
ita face value. Ou the Iwck it writtea
the name of John Suck, who m well
known to the early settlers here.
The Oregon preta will be represented
at the eleventh annual regatta in As
toria Autfutt 29. 30 and 31. Editors and
their tubordinatet will all be on hand
The press committee it busily engaged
preparing to receive their newspaper
gueetf and that varioua meant of en
tertainotent will be adopted ia itrongly
hinted at.
President David R. Francis of the
Louisiana Purchase eipoaition who baa
been visiting the Lewia and Clark fair
at Portland, said during hia stay that
he considered the Western World
fair a tremendous success. President
Francis prophesied that the fair would
bring great proHperity to Portland, to
Oregon and the whole Pacific coast.
J. C StubbH, traflic director, of Chi
cago, has announced the consolidation of
the traflic departments of the Ilarriinan
railroads in Oregon. A. L. Craig
pliifed at the head of the passenger de
mrtiiient ol the combined lines in this
state and K. H. Miller is made general
freight agent, with W. E. Coinan as first
asniwtant general freight agent. The as
sistaut general freight agents are Paul
Shoup and W. I. Skinner.
It in now a well established fact, says
an exchange, that spicea and condiments
are not only palatable but really health
ful. Pepper assists digestion and stimu
lates without reaction. Mustard it good
for the throat and stomach. Cinnamon
is an antiseptic and a germicide, at well
as harmless. Ginger is of great value to
dysjwptics. The use of spicea and con
diluents is bcncllciai save for adultera
lions, det pure ones and they will not
injure you.
'lines a summer vacation pay?" Ttiit
question it frequently asked after the
the outing it over and the humdrum of
work must lo resumed. Of course it
payi. The delight of getting home and
piling into the bath tub and crawling
into an easy bed between clean sheets
once more is a complete recompense for
a week of strenuous rest and recreation
It helps ua appreciate the civilising
agency of water and a good brand of
soap Newlierg Graphic.
Preparations are in progress for the
Custer massacre spectacle at the Lewis
and Clark exosition, which was jxwt-
poned from August 10 to August 29.
I he great tragedy of the Little Big
Horn river, in the summer of 187(5, will
lie reproduced by the use of Indians and
United Slates troops except the actual
killing and scalping. This will be fol
io we-1 on the 3lst bv Japan'a peace jubi
lee carnival on the watert of Guild't
Within the past two week County
Clerk Godman has issued upwards of
150 hunter's licenses and the demand is
still brik. No person can hunt without
a license, and when hunting he must
have it with him. The ow ner of land
and his iiii iiixliute family may hunt on
their own premises without a license.
All licenses must le obtained of the
county clerk and are good anywhere in
the slate. A resident of the state pays
$1, w hile to an outsider a licenso costs
10, and all licenses expire December 31
of each year.
The Lew is and Clark exposition has a
ecial wing of the Administration
building devoted to the visiting press.
This is just to the left of the main en
trance. If the newspaper people will
. .. ... .1... 1 ..
mm m iiib leu as soon as they get in
tide the arounda they will too
reading "Press Ituilding," and
the door another sign, "Visiting l'r-..'
All ieMspuer men and women are cor
.l!..nu . 1 . .
mihiit iiiMHM 10 make tins ulg room
llieir headquarters while visiting the
fair. Frea writing materials, tables,
rocking chairs and other conveniences
are provided. Next door it a room
where press coupon passes are validated.
It is gratifying to noted that when United Statis of America to admit theii
money ia wanted for a worthy objoct twariua of cooliea without restriction,
people are not alow iu supplying the The snake hat itt bead reared. Will
want, and very often give wore than is you chok. It? How? Keiuovo the pet
aaked. A couple of weeks ago a sneak tlUutial tore, known at Chinatown.
thief the tiieakingest kind of a sneak-- from the uudst of Portland, stop patron
from a Mrs. Werts, of Portland, and
escaped. The lady had drawn the money
to pay off a mortgage on her home w here
her husband lay tick and helpless. The
Portland Journal, ever ready to help in
a good cause, investigated the matter,
and finding that Mr. and Mrt. Werts
were worthy people, started a popular
subscription list, and last week the cou
ple were handed a cheek for M'-'l', t?2
more than waa stolen. The happiness
this little act of kindness carried into
that borne can bo lietter Imagined than
described -
An exchange grows very sarcastic iu
mentioning an accident w hich happened
to Mrt. George Gould recently. It tavt :
"We are informed that George Gould
and hit wife, while riding in Frame, in
their auiutuubiie, uivi with an accident.
The auto ran away and, the telegram
says, Mrs. Gould was thrown out, bruis
ing her leg, but not seriously. This it
awfuL The Idea that Mrs. Gould has
legs like common people. Whycouldn'
the teletrram bave said "limb" and thus
softened the blow to a waiting and ex
pectant public. Leg, indeed, how vulga
and unappreciative and Immodest
"Limb," now, is beautiful and refined
and it suggestive of wealth and culture,
while "leg" is plebeian and common
base and popular. We are astonished
at the Associated Press for allowing
such an expression to creep into ita re
port, for, generally, that purveyor of
news is snobbish to the limit.
Another way has been devised to
separate fools and their money. It
as easy as falling off log and there it
withal a spice of poetic justice about the
scheme, in, that the biter of the second
part it sure 10 ne bitten. 1 tie game
works in this way: A pleasant-faced
toft-voiced stranger stops at a farm
house and informs the occupants that he
has lost a valuable diamond pi 11. He
and the farmer make a diligent search
but fail to find the jewel. The well
dressed chap tells the farmer on going
away, he will give lOO for the return of
the jewel. A week or so later a tramp
comes in and ' tells the farmer he has
found a diamond pin. The farmer, after
some dickering, gets the pin for 5.
After waiting some time the pin is taken
to a jeweler, when it is found that fif
teen cents would nave been a big price
for it. Ex.
A sjec!al day at the Lewis and Claik
exposition has been named in honor of
Hon. F. X. Matthieu, the sole survivor
of the fifty-second nioneer settlers of
the Oregon country w ho voted to estab
lish an American civil government in
that vast section, ou the 2nd of May,
1S42. The vote look place at a trading
point called Champoeg, about thirty
miles south of Portland, and th propo-
ition was bitterly opposed by the Cana
dians and other subjects of Great Ilrit-
in who were present. Hy a majority
of only two votes the Americans won.
nd thus established the first American
civil government west of the Koekv
mountains. Mr. Matthieu, though a
French-Canadian, sided with the Ameri
cans, lie has lived ever since w ithin
three miles of the historic ajiot. Septem
ber 15 has been chosen as tint tin on
hlch he w ill bo honored at the expo-tion.
Sam Jones has come out at a friend of
John 1). Rockefeller and would proUbly
ut a roll ot the "tainted" money where
would do the most eood, if J. D.
would give him an opportunity. Ham
was preaching in the Century Methodist
hnrch in St. Louis the other day, and
hen alout to take up the collection.
said : "You little fellows down In fn.nl
ith only thirly cents in your liockets
couldn't build a railroad or a steamly t
or a telegraph line. We need rich men.
The richest man we have is John I)
Rockefeller. Now I don't lay all our ills
to Rockefeller. There are other men an
ad as he. Where I Itrei&rheJ at a
hautauqua lust week the man who pre
ceded me jumped on John D. He ioke
of tainted money and then took un a
collection for his new rhnrl, 1 .al.w.n.
a si'n j keeper put In a hundred dollars. My
above friend went down from the pulpit and
thanked the iiI.H.nke.,,r. I would
rather havt y made out ,.f coal oil
than ftis'le ..il. I admire I: -kefeller.
He ia a rascal, but lie is paid for Ixing a
rascal. Yon little rascals down in front
with no money in your clothes have
been serving the devil all your lives and
boarding yourselves."
wjt ttp r? o rn t)ie--
Oriental bloodsuckers, and aeud thsui
back whence they came. As for trade
study statistics and you w ilt be convinc
ed that America supplies the v.orld and
it has got to come to us." . ,
Dear Gus: I have solved the mother
in law problem, just give her rvgularly
Hollister't Rocky Mountain Tea. It
ill make her healthy, happy and docile
as a lamb. 3," cents. Tea or Tablets.
Delta Drug Store.
An Elegant Summer Book.
"Restful Recreation, Resorts," the
11)05 Summer Rook issued by the passen
senger department of the Oregon Rail
road & Navigation Company, contains
forty-eight pages and cover. The book
is printed on heavy white paper, fifty-
eight cuts being used to illustrate the
trips up and down the Columbia river,
to ma mountains, beaches, inland re
sorts and fountains ot healing. The
cover Is done in three colors, adding ma
lerially to the beauty and effectiveness
of the publication, which may be bad
by sending two cents in stamps to
L. Craig, General Passenger Agent o'
the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Coin
pany. Portland, Ore. It is a good thin
to send to vour friends in the East who
expect to visit the Lewis A Clark expo
Portland and Return 85c.
The Southern Pacific la now selling
round trip tickets to Portland from
Hillsboro fur 85 cents, g'xol going Sutur
d P. M., or any train of Sunday, re
U ning Sunday and Monday, giving
II ita v s,,.i.y ... 1 t- vri'ar.J.
The kame arrangement appliea fr.mi
Portland, giving all Portland bcople
a chance to visit valley po'iits at greatly
reduced ratea.
Sunday Train.
Commencing Sunday, Juue 4, l'JOTt,
and continuing until after the low is
and Clark fair, the Southern Pacitic
will run regular trains, as on w eek days
us follows :
No. 2 going South, 8:41 a. ui., and
0:04 p m.
No. 1 going North 4 :31 p. in. and 7:14
a. 111.
and Union Pacific
Three Trains to the Hast Daily
B ICaSiri
In connection with Sir Frederick
Treves' ex Hirience among the troops in
South Africa he alluded to the enor
mous column of 30,0(10 men who marched
to the relief of Ladysmilh ; those who
were the first to fall out were not the
fat or the thin, the young or the old, or
the short or the tall, but those who
drank. So well marked was this fact
that the drinkers could have been no
more clearly distinguishable if they had
worn placards on their backs, which
goes to prove spirits, whatever else may
Iw their effect, do not give stamina, as
o many ptsiplo lieheve. Unlon
A San rraiictaco dispatch says thirty
new standard sleepers havs been order
ed for the service of the Southern Paid
tic related lines. Twenty af these are
10-cctlon, single draw ing rown, double
state-room cars for the Ove.land Limit
the oilier ten are 12-section, single
drawing-room cart for use on the Port
land line. It is expected that these
cars, which are the latest product of the
Pullmnn shops will be in operation the
latter part of August. This is an indi
cation of the efforts put forth by ths
transcontinental lines to take rare of
the rapidly increasing traffic to (he Pa
cific Coast.
Commenting on the fact that the Chi
namen of Portland are donating fi a
head to aid In the boycott in China
against 'American goods going to
that country, the Oregon liooster, pub
lished in Portland, savs: "If there is
an eyesore in Portland if there is one
quarter that has long been a demoralis
ing influence in this city it it China
town. Situated as it is in the very
heart of our business district, its malo
dorous smells permeating the notri!s of
every man, woman or child riding on
our cars its noisome smells being too
much for the olfactory nerves of our
police, it has festered as an unholy sore
in oar midst, awaiting municipal sur
geons w ho could apply the lance and re
move it. The vi.-es of the Oriental hae
run rampant in this district for years,
white girls have been debauched, our
boys have been degraded in the vile dens
which infest the quarter, and the insid
ious lottery and "fan tan" games havs
been the source upon which the lecher
ous heathen havs fattened. Not con
tent with tolerence, Mr. Chinaman and
his consort, the Jap who, by reason of
a temporary victory over a degenerate
aad venal nation, has become more or
less "cocky" have decided to add in
sult to injury, and by putting into vogue
weapon ths boycott to force the
l tie iieiidoi wire hair brush Is guar
a 11 teed to remove dandruff, keep it re
movt.d, atop the hair from falling ou
and promote ita growth. A trial will
prove this to be true.
Delta Drug Store
Public la Arouaed.
The public is aroused to a knowledge
of the curative merits of that great in oil
icinal tonic, Electric Bitters, for sick
stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary 11
Wallers, of 54(1 St. Clair Aye., Col u 111
bus, I)., writes: "For several mouths, I
was given up to die. I had fever and
ague, my nerves were w recked ; I could
not sleep, and my stomach was so weak
from uselera doctors' drugs, that I could
not eat. Soon after. Iieginning to take
F.lectric Hitters, I obtainet) relief, and
in a short time I was entirely cured
Guaranteed at all drug stores ; price 50c
Join the local Library Club, !. per
year, at the I'elta.
on the
A series of lmsebali games have been
arranged for the amusement of visitors
to be played at Newport every Sunday
at 2 p. in. ' Surf bathing, crossing the
bar, boating, fishing, etc.
1 liree day tickets from all points on
the S. P , good on Sunday tralna going
or returning. Fare from Hillsboro 3.00.
Train leaves Albany at 7:30 a. 111
Corvallis at 8:00 a. 111. Returning
leaves Newport at 5:00 p.m., arriving
in Corvallis at 9:25, Albany 9:55 p. m
rive hours fun and pleasure at the
beach. Fare from Albany or Corvallis
1.50 round trip.
On the Road to Wealth.
Peter Gibba had never knowu wealth,
but on the other hand he had never
felt the prick of poverty. This, some
people said, was because he was consti
tutionally iuiervious to pricks of any
"Having a hard time to gut along this
winter?" aaked an interested neighbor,
who came upon Mr. Gibba sunning him
self on the NHt-oHice steps one cold day.
"Why, no," said Peter, cheerfully.
'I've got the promise of some wood-
sawing down to Mis' Rand's when I get
round to it, and my w ife she's got the
promise of tome washing when her
rheumaticks are better and my boy's
most fifteen, and we expect he'll be
teaching; district school in two or three
years, and Aunt Mary has just written
t' I can wait another year before paying
her that six-fifty I've been under obli
gations for since she was here a few
years Uck. Take it by and large, I'm
feeling pretty forehanded." Youth's
Three hundred Chinese were admit
ted into the United States last month.
There is no evidence that thev h
been mNsed from the four hundred and,
more millions of the inhabitant of
Chinese empire.
Fiendish Suffering. !
Is often caused by sores, ulcers and can
cers that eat away your skin. Win, Pkj-
dell, of Flat Rock, Mich , suvs: "I have
used Ilucklen's Arnica Salve, for Ulcers,
Sores ami Cancers. It is the best heal
ing dressing I ever found." Soothes
and heals cuts, burns, and scalds. 25c
at all drug stores ; guaranteed.
An elegant line of Rox Paper and Tab
lets at prices better than ever, Jut ar
rived at the Delta Drug Store.
It w ill w ash and not rub off
This complexion all envy me,
It's no secret so I'll tell
Take thou Rocky Mountain Tea. .
Delta Drug Store.
Peculiar Disapearance.
J. D. Runyan, of liutlerville, O., laid
the peculiar disappearance of hit pain
ful symptoms, of iudigestiou and bili
ousness, to Dr. King's New Lne Pills.
He says: "They area perfect remedy,
for diaiiueas, rour stomach, headache,
constipation, etc." Guaranteed at all
drug stores, price 25c.
Since the war began Russia has
drawn down her treasury balance 451,
000,000 rubles, used as a special war
fund of 140,000,000 and borrowed 1,710,-
000,000 rubles, showing that ihe war has
been costing her about 6,000,000 rubles
2,500,01 M daily.
Popular and Picturesque.
The only thing necessary to make
the Denver and Rio Grande the
most popular, as it has ever been
known the most pleasant and most
picturesque way to cross the conti
nent, has come about. This is the
establishment of through sleeping
car service
In connection with the O. R. &
tf., a through Pull man Standard
Sleeper is now run from Portland
to Denver, leaving Portland at 8:15
p. m., arriving at bait Lake at 8:40
a. m., the swrond morning, leaving
Salt Lake at 3:50 p. m., and arriv
ing at Denver 4:20 p. m., the fol
lowing uay. 1 ins schedule gives
passengers seven hour-stop over in
Salt Lake, affording an opportunity
to visit the Mormon Capital as well
as a day light ride through the
graudest scenery in the world.
Por reservations in this car and
tor illustrated booklets picturing
the scenery contiguous to the Den
ver & Rio Grande, proving it to be
the "Science Line of the World,"
write to V. C. McBride, General
Agent, 124 Third street, Portland.
Through I'ullman aUDiUrd and tourut Imp
Ill ran dally la Oinmbo, I Licikii, Hpokan
lourUt Itwiiluf ears daily to kanaka 'lly:
IbrtaiKb I'ullioan tauriai di-vpni rars Hwrnui
ally ouuiIucUh!) weekly Io4'hlrao. Kiuu Oly
milluluf chair carataeau dally) to LaM dally.'
Mocbaui of oars
from Portland, Or.
Hall Lak, Denver, Ft
.io a m Tta i- .
1, in 1 -- --
l:li ia
rla Huut-
8tr Paul
ran Mall
14 p m
Hail Lake. IieUTer, rt
Worth, Omaha. Kan-
a CI17, at. Loula, Chi
caao aud Kan.
Walla Walla, Lew I.1011
Hpokane, Wallaoe.Pull
man, Minneapolis, at.
Paul, Imlutb, Milwau
kee.Chleairoand Kut.
AKjm a
4tS p. m.
Lewia and Clark Exposition. ! dividual tickets at one fare for round
During the Lewis aud Clark ex- trip.
po.sitiou the Southern Pacific Com- Stopover of ten days will be giv
pauy will cell round trip tickets to en at Portland on all one way tick
PortJjiv!, limit thirty days, it enc rra '.irg through that point dur
end one third fare for the round nig the exposition. Tickets mut
trip. For parties of ten or more be deposited w ith Joint Agent at
traveling on one ticket, one fare for Portland and a charge of City cents
the round trip. Tor organised will 1 made for the exteutiou of
parties of one hundred or more, in- time.
7 14 a. m.
ssn a.
Ocean and River Schedule
'.er nre nayi al s p. n.
Tor Pan Franelwo Krer
ror AKtoria, way poinlnand North Bvai'b oallv
ex(IKuiilaylalB:Uup. m. ; atunlaa al lu wu
P- I""'r era-toe (watvr peruiluluc) ua the
mttlle aud Yamhill rlrera.
or write jror
or runner information ak
neareat ticket agent, or
A. L. Craig:
General Paaaenger Afeul.
The Oregon Railway A Narigalloo Co. , Foil land
To Spokane, S. Paul, Minneap
olis, Duluth, Chicago, St.
Louis, and All Points
Kust and South.
ror me next tun days we will eive a
'20 ix r cent reduction on all gold filled
and silver (ramus, als on lenses. We I
will also give a reduction on the prico of
treatment. Jteiueiiiler. wo cure ad
urauie tnseases witliout medicine or
knife. We make a speciality of the
eye. We will treat goiter for 10 per
moiiin ami guarantee a cure in from
one to two months. All chronic di
seases yield to our system of treatment.
1 Ins otter holds good for the next ten
lays, examination free.
1'lione, 1 1.1 lr. A. C. Katon.
The Flyer und Ihe Fast Mall
I am prep ired to furnish plans and estimates on any kind of a build
ing in Washington County. 'Phone 28x4. or address
R. F. D. I. T. P. GOODIN, Hillsboro. Or.
The Must iiellglitrul Way to Cross the Continent.
Through Salt Lake City, Glen wood Springs, Leadville,
Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver.
A Daylight Hide Throiiuli Nature's Art (Jalleiy.
Passing Caatle Gate, Canon of the Grand, Tennessee
Pasa, Marshall Pass and the Royal Gorge.
3 Tralna Dally Between Ogden and Denver 3
Tor detailed Information, address
W. C. McBRIBE, General Agent.
i4 Third Street
Portland, Oregon
Telephone, Main SSi
ReslSence fhone, Scott f 006
ontractor and Builder,
Htore Kilting a
Horllaml, Oregon
iien rl Jobbing.
HO Blark Htreet,
Oitloe and
For Tickets, Katts, Folders and
Full Particulars, call on or address
City Ticket Agt,
1 22 Third St. Portland
S. O. YURKIiS, A. G P. A.,
First Ave. and Yesler Way,
Seattle, Wash.
Corcallis & Eastern Railroad.
NO 2 roa Ylgl'INA
Iave lAlliany .12:4.1 p. m
Leave Corvallis. .... :4.s p. tu
Arrlvea Yaoulna 4:4.1 n. n,
Leaves Ya,Ulna .. 7:1ft a. m
leaven l or veil la. II .) a. In.
Arrlvei Albany i;, '. m
imvea a iohiit lor Detroit 7: m a m.
Arrirea Iwirolt . .W:.W u. m.
We Kive Expedite.! Serv.ce on Freight.
Route Vour Nhiiinieiita i :,..,,(
Full Information from Ww. llim.m
General Awrent, Portland. Ore.
Study the Map
Thirteen states and territories of the Middle
West are traversed by Rock Island lines. There
are more cities of 25,000 population and upwards
on the Rock Island System than on any other
Western road! From Minnesota to Texas, from
the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes, it is
Rock Island country. The Rock Island System
occupies a strategic position in the western
railway world.
Going Bomewhere ? Get a Rock Island folder
and study the map ten to one your destination
is on the Rock Island or reached by way of it.
Note our several offices maintained in the
Northwest :
Portland, Seattle, Spokane,
Butte and Salt Lake City.
The Rock Island is reaching out for busi
ness and solicits yours.
a. it. Mcdonald,
General Agent, Kock Island Syatsm,
14a Third Street, Portland, Ore. -
Leave lietrolt
Arrive! Alltaav
No i run t AIJ IKA
Leave Corva.HH
Arrive! Albany. .....
Iave Albany ..
Arrive Corvallia
M(l 7 roa ALBANY
Leave Corvallu.,
Arrive Alliany
NoS roa coavAU.w
lave Albany
1 : p. m,
6:: p. ru
-..H.M a.
7:10 a. m.
w p. m
v S'Alp. 111.
. 61) p.
6 40 p.
via Yellowstone Park Line.
us p
:" p. ni.
Albany la time to con
Join the loral library Club, l.OOjwr
jeur at llie jeiia. . .; . ',
A Touching Story.. "r. ,
Is the saving Iron, death, of ths UW
girl ot treo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Mil.
He writes: "At ths age of U' months,
our little girl was declining . health with
serious Throat Trouble, and two phy.j.
nans gave her up. W were ajmoat In
lf-pair, when we resolved"" io try. Ir.
Kinu's New Iiiscovery for Consumption,
Coughs, sn.l Colds. The .first bottle
gare relief; after taking four bottles slis
was cured, and is now in perfect health."
Never fails to relieve and cure a couh
or col.l. At all drue stores : Roc and 11.00
gnaranteed. Trial bottle re,
Ths business mu Uo talks to the
readers of a newspaper as he talks to
ths customers In his stors is the one
who wins
Arrive Corvallia
Train No. 1 arrival In
c Willi H. P. soiilhlxMimt train
Train No. 2 ronnei'la with S. P. Iralni at Cor
vallia iii.J Albany, irlvlh iirvc-t aervli- to New
port ami adiai ent U-arhex.
Train No. a leave Albanv for Detroit at 7 :ia.
m., arriving u,, re in ample time lonai blbe
nreueuiiuan not apringi the aame day.
Train No. 4 between Albany ami lelmlt eon-
uecia wuu me Migen local al Albany, also wllb
local raom ( orvallla.
Train No. 6 leave Corvallia at :. a. m., ar
rUroa at Albany 7 In a. m. In lime to eaten Ku
sen local to 1'ortlanil ami train to Detroit.
Train No. 1 leave Albany for CorvallH at 2 41!
p. at., after tbe arrival of a. f. northbound
Train No. 7 leave Corvallia at .( p. m., ar
rive In Alliany at l:40 p m., n time to oonnect
with the local for Eugene and way point.
Train No. leave Albany for Corvallia at 9:16
Pm.. after the arrival of tbe i. V. local from
For further Information apply to
i. C. MAYO. Hen. Haa. Agt.,
T. COCKRFI.L, Aeent, Albany.
H. H. ( KOMfiK, Anenl Corvallia.
m. i u
1 $h
Coast Limited."
Electric Liflhts in EDery Berth.
. . Electric Liflhta.
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Buy HeJialn for Buy PeopU.
Brinp Ooldaa Haalta aid KBwd Vigor. '
A epeclfle for CVinatlnatlnn TnAltrmmUnn t Iwm
and Kl.ln.v TrniihlM, VimplMt. Ectema, Impure
Blond. Hn.I Rmatrh, Hlurfiah How.la. Hmdai'ha
and Harkach. It a Rorky Mountain Tea in lab
let form, Sft rem bo. Genuine made br
H.ajjaraa Dat a Conpav, Malion, Wia.
Dining Car, Night and Day
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Observation Car
Electric Lights, Electric Fans,
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Numerous Other Comforts.
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Bureat and ttuickr? Cure for all
3 All Travel Comforts aro Found on an' of our fc
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The Ticket Oflico at IWtlan.l j, ,lt
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