THE INDEPENDENT, HILLSBORO, OfflcUl Paper of Washington County, Entered at tba Poetofflca at HUla toro, Oregon, for transmission through thsj maila aa eeond-claas mail tnatfr, Official Paper ofWasMntfoa County. BY D. W. BATH. There will L a partial eclipse of the tin August 31st, at about 6:00 in the morning. Massachusetts requires some' work from train if they are to receive food, and it haa reduced the number in the atate last year from 800 to 300. Work wdii to be one of the beat remediee for the tramp that baa yet been discovered Annie Besant'a assertion that the knowa what becomes of us when we are asleep reminds tie of the widow who said there was some consolation in the fact that, now she naa buried her bus band she knew where he was nights. A two-year-old son of James Martin of Kio died Sunday from the effect of drinking butter color which he got hold of. And yet butter color is used by nearly every farmer to color the butter so that the people w ill eat it. If the stuff la poisonous it ought to be abolish ed. Fox Lake (Wis) Representative. A professor haa discovered among some ancient ruins what is supposed to be the eleventh commandment. The text is as follows: "Etnas rot yltpmorp tseyap uoht ssulnu repapswen adaer ton tlahs uoht." The commandment is easily translated by beginning at the end of the sentence and reading back ward. What's in McClure'a. McClure's haa always eoinuthing that compels attention, something immudi ate and significant that i important to all Americans. The September number adds to an unbroken series of "McOlure ArtLlce" as iliuuiiaat:::. stii !y i-f com mercial piracy, the first half of Miss Tarbell's study of the Kansas Oil War, and an excursion into the marvels of modern biology, "Prolonging the Prime of Life," which is an authoritive account of the discoveries of a group of scientists who have determined that old age is a disease. Color printing has never achieved more perfect rosulta than iu the eight full-page reproductions of Lungren's painting! of the Grand Canon of the Colorado, which accompany William Allen White's description of the won ders "On Bright Angt-I Trail," a bit of descriptive writing which may well take place with the classics of our lenguage. Eugene Wood, George Randolph Chester, Mrs. Wilson Woodrow, Jean Webster, Arthur Lrain. and Norvell Harrison supply a round of short stories itirring, numerous, light or teriuui to fit every mood. Mississippi states were visited by an earthquake shock shortly before mid- niicht la.-it Sunday night. Three dii tinct shocks were felt as far east as Hen derson, Kentucky, and aa far loath Memphis. In St. Louis the trembling was accompanied by a dull rumbling noise, and sleeping citizens were awak ened and badly frightened. No damage is reorted. PROBATE COURT, Estate of G. II. Griffin. deceased : fin al account and reoort filed : objections to final settlement, if any will lie heard on Monday, Septenilier L'r, at 10 o'clock a. m. Estate of Christian Molestad. de ceased; special administrator asked for: petition granted, ami Frank Unwell ap pointed with bond fixed at l,)00. Lunate of Martha J. J'arrett. de ceased; petition granted to sell personal property, described as the lx'titiun. at private sale. Estate of James Willis, decexsed ; fin al account and report tiled and Monday, September 25th set for day of hearing. Estate of Philip Feghting, deceased; inventory and appraisement tiled, ex amined and approved : total valuation, 1,675,00. Estate of Christian Molstcad. de ceased; bond filed and approved, and letters of special administration issued to Frank Kowell. bherwoee) rU'imer rurreapooilnul. Itoru at Sandpit, August 20, to Mr and Mrs. Louis Pedeeco, a daughter. The old barber building Is being fitted up for residence purposes that stands adjoining the arug store ou tite ; main street of the town. " A. L. West and J. T. Fletcher left Monday morning for an outing in the Salmon river country on the coast for a week or ten days duration. George A. llrown and John Kerr hare received the appointment of stato agent( for the Prudential Life Insurance company with head-quarters in Port land. George Adams, who disappeared irom here some months airo. leaving larva farnilv has liven locatmi. It ia uU in California where he is living with his brother on a larm. Gardens on the uplands iu this vicin ity have proven a fiat failure this sea sou oui on me creek bottoms, near town, a bountiful crop of all kiuds of vegiiUMva hs been pioducud. Walter Willis forfeited $10 bond rath er than appear before tha recorder on a charge of slanderous and abusive Ian guage. His absence was conspicuous at court on Saturday morning. Mr. Swilxer, an assistant butcher of William Uritzmacher is suffering from the effects of a knife wound on the in dex finger, accidently incurred while carving meat. Septic Infection of the mound is feared. The dust raised by passing team along Main street has become almost in tolerable and a street sprink er or water taken from the stand pipes on the street corners can only remedy the pub lic nuisance. Miss Annie Lancer, died at Wilhoit springs rrmay evening ami the re mains arrived here at her old home for mterrment on Saturday. She was a vie tun of tuberculosis ami had been under treatment for a number of months, her anu eisewuere. Wan t joIuidd SUMMONS. IN THE flROCIT CM'gT OF TUB STATS OF OKEUON-fur SYaehlngtoa County C. K. Detchmaa anil a. B. Uoodla, Plain U 0k, vs. Auuw C. etcoeaa, befendani. Tn Annis C. Xclieaa. the above named da- For Rent. Fine residence near the trrove. known I ,"qJm,, as ttie Talbot place, west of the park : ,B ""' of ths Buts of Oregon, voe are house in splttndid condition: fine ifar- I herebx required to appear and answer tha ln, good bnildings, pure water. In-I P1'" Hl heralaoa or before ths law day of quire on premises, or at this office. lM Um Pescrlbed In tha order foe publication For Sale. A very desirable residence, eight ui"iaa iroin me inxiiolllce 'on Main street. ilou-m in fine condition, fine gar.ien, two acres of land, good barn, hen house, all fenced, electric lights, aim jjuou water, terms, part cash; bal ance on time to right parties. Inquire una uuiuej. of this summons, and if jrou fall to to appear and answer. Us plalntltTI will applj to the eourt for tha rallaf prayed fur la ths complaint, to-wlt: That ths plaintiff ba decreed to be the owner in tea almpla of tha followint daacrlbad real aauta. tow II: Tbaeaathalfof tba north west quarter of Section IS. T. I N R, W. of ths Wllllamette llartdlan. la Washington County, Orefon, eon talnlnf SO acres. That ths defendants, and all peraont claiming br, throusb. or andar her be forever barred from claiming or asserting any right, title or In terest In or to laid premises, and for such other and further roliel aa to the eourt mar appear Residence For Sale. in iorth llillsboro, due north from Tualatin Hulel : tt rooma. mm.1 hmi,. two lots, 100x190 feet, good garden, good equitable. The time preaertbed ia the order tor rut, new sKiowaia, gootl well on back 'he publication of this summons is alx weeks. porcn, nmau barn and chicken, house. Tins ts a bargain statist); terms, cash, """"" r. u. itox w, or this ottice. Who Fills Your Prescription? If we fill your prescription or re cipe it is filled, with the best quality of drugs and full-weight without , over charge fot honest service. We pay no oue to send you to us and therefore, it PAYS YOU to bring your prescription here. A goodly number of people are al ready aware of this and a trial will convince you. Bailey's Pharmacy. Home For Sale. true-quarter block. vtuwn t.,l,tl. and Ninth streets on Hiilin .n.l Washington streets; tt-rooiu house, good well on back norch. wood h,iu l.i..i. win noii ten ords of wood, about thirty earing truit trees, an almn.luno.. smaii iruit, picket fence, good sidewalk ; .Mi iu goixi repair, nttea for electric lights an 'phone. Iiok t ! i ii.ioo down, balance to suit. .u.irees r. u. Uox H. or this office. Wanted. BtOt'k tO DaBture. Aillniiiino tnavn iu ..... "7. . ' niov ui airaw lor sale, see F. M. Heidel. Hop Pickers Wanted. land ths da? of tba tret publication la Auaust 11. IsuS. This summons Is served npoa yon br pub- llcaUoa bf order of Hoo. L. A. Rood, Countjr Jndgs of Washington Coanty, Oregon, which or- der was mads and dated August , 19u6. 1S-1S & B. HUSTON, Attornej for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. IN TUB rtRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON-For Wublngton Countjr. I. R. Wilkes, PlalntifT, vs. W. If. Taylor. Defendant. To W. If. Taylor, tlx above named defendant; IN THE NAME OF THE 8TATE OF OREUON. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff herein oa or be fore the last day of the time proscribed In the Oood water.good place to camp, three order for the publication of this summons, and If ir i wo'k' l",ll"' t Humphrey's you fall so to appear and answer, ths plaintiff e 'ueycle Shop. will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for llillsboro Commercial Sank Docs a General Banking Business Sells Exchange Charges no Exchange to Customers and ? C pays Interest on time Deposits j& !ll on Cbcttt and Get terms. j& A. tS. Sholes, Pres. Geo. ScHulmerich, Cashier Ilop.Pickera Wanted. la his complaint, to wit t That the plaintiff be decreed to ba the owner I Marriage Licensee. County Clerk Godman has issued the following marriage licenses since last Friday: August 19 E. If. Iturkand Talitha McCoy, both of Gales Creek. August 19. Joy llulit and Iva Zuin- Seventeen gutemen at the Lewis and Clark fair erounda were let out Tiiula for "knocking down." The turnstiles walt bota of 11 il'aboro register every person that passes through the gates, but it is said that the admis sion men would often tear two coupons from the commutation tickets, when holders were not observant. These they would drop in the box instead of the 60- cent and 1'5-cent cash tickets. Most of the employes discharged are school boys, having Bee u red work at the ei position - (luring their vacation. The post-otlice dejiartment is going alter the souvenir postal card fad. Or ders have been received to stop all such cards which are offensive to decency and good taste. There are plenty of these cards w hich are not generally regarded as indecent and are no worae than many pictures in illustrated weeklies, but which are entirely too "skittish" to suit the taste of the postoflire department. Hereafter pictures of girls in their bath- rred Oedding, an offlwarer at Cosel- One hundred and fifty acres of hops to In teesfmpleor the following described real es man Krna., aasr mills narrowly escaped pick. Call and register at Cate's Mar- tate. to-wlt- iwmug ma me rant ween wiuiu in ironr 01 the saws. A saw tooth became loosen cd in a rapidly revolving saw, new off at a tangent and struck him on the leg be low the knee, penetrating to and into the hone, producing a bad wound. He was brought to town for surgical treat ment. A smaller -wound was found up on the opposite leg, in about the same location but not of a serious nature, rortunately the direction of the mislle was downward instead of forward, else a serious result would have been the consequence. :. want an me nop Dickers l can I Lots is and 14. B ock to. Bmith prk i.iHinnn I xct. tan at once ana sign up (or the to the City of Forest Orore. Oreeon. Season. I Anrt that the defendant anil all . .. .. - ' - U Kl . K . Kj. V. ale, I log by. through or nnder him. be forever barred from claiming or asserting any right, title or In terest In or to said premises, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may appear equitable. First Annual Regatta and Clam Bake AT NEWPORT, ORE., Saturday and Sunday, August 26 and 27 Residence for Sale. A fine lare eiuht-room house, located about three blocks from the school house in llillsboro, wired for e'ectrio lights, not aim com water aon iauce. buth room, and handsomely finished. Lot is lUOxloU. fine shade trees, fine lawn. fruit trees and walnut trees. Also a lot iiirectiy opposite, lHl)xll2, on the cor ner. This property at a bargain as the owner wishes to move awav. 11.500 taxes tne notise snl two lots. Call or address Mrs. J. A. Cummings, llillsboro, Oregon. Wanted. To Kent 20 to .10 acres, nrnfara aAd. ed ground (clover) close in; state loca tion ami price. Adilress C. G. K., box 04, llillsboro, Or. . For Sale or Exchange. A large vacant lot. located onnnsita r;i . ' .. . r - ... I'Biiey music store, dimensions lOUx 200, feet to exchange for a small ranch, located not more than two miles from llillsboro. Inquire at once of J. A,. Metsinger, llillsboro. all ; Decomposed Granite. it farmers wiahlns -dacoinDotexl Races between the Gasoline Launches on the Bay, open to I iltJ 'or chicken grit w ill uotily Rowing Races a w - a ecuu ana Mowing Knees between the crack oarsmen: ' v. J. i'atton and it. llanbow, of the Tortland Rowing Club and E. O. Gloss Champion of the Northwest, winner of the Canadian Regatta, August 14. 1905 ing suits will not reach their addresses, firing Miriti' . .. iuaiiiuiti, lJtll tliu Hit, OaVllIU L,A111UU1UU UJ UlC UUIlClI i-ran- John The time prescribed ia the order for the publi cation of this summons la six weeks, and thai date of the Aral publication Is August 11, Ituft. This summons Is served upon you by publica tion by order of lion. U A. Rood, County Judge of Washington County, Oregon, which order was made and dated on ugust t, IvOTt, 8. B. HUSTON, 1S-19 Attorney for PlalntifT. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for I iu tuumj w wasuiuguju. VINCENT COOK, Plaintiff, vs. RICHARD KLKHXE and WILHELMINK KUE IINE, Defendants. Brvlrtneofan Extutlon, Judgment-Order and Decree, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled Court, In the above en titled cause, tn me duly directed dated the &tih day of July, 1VUA, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In the said Court on tbe 2lh day of Jul? lWlA. In faror of Vincent Coos. Plaintiff, .nd against Richard Knehne and Wllhelmlne Kue hue, Defendant for the sum of KHoo.OUwIth In. tereat thereon from the 20th day of July lwl at etshl per cent per annum, and the further snm ol Ills. II and Interest atelsbt percent per an num from July tan, iuja, and the further sum of fiiio. Attorney's fees, and the further sum of Cate & Son, NewMeat Market, DEALERS IN ALL BINDS Of FRESH AND CURED MEATS Ponltry and Game. Cash paid for all kinds of Conn try Produce and Hutch er's Stuff. . -sVeV Hop Snpiilics a Specialty. Shop on Main St., m (Jreeur's old Restaurant Building r $ $ $ ' i $ $ $ ) $ $ $ Bfown at the hx press oirice, he will or- ' 0 0o"w ai aisboraements, and also tbe der a car oostsofand upon said writ, commanding me and requiring me to make sale of the following ' described real property, to-wlt: LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS nor will pictures of red anicd by the legend, devil of a time." m accom- having a I States Life Sravinp; Crew. Drill to consist of capsixing the life boat, surf drill, throwing the life line, res- Conrad Krebs, who formed the pool of cue etc Oregon hopgrowers last year, is now at There will also be tub races, sailing races bv local talent, and swimming races I ""a- and said tiwrt hi work forming a corporation among the open to all. iii a.htiTm.'Vnd P" All Races Will Take Placo Saturday, August 2G, 1905 arowers 01 tne state lor the lm crop. A musical entertainment will Ins given during the day and night. Excursion "Tim .............. f . .l.-t . . . . ... ...B.cie nro muy protected tins u" lue oar on gasoline launches and the tug "Lorens" will lake out parties over jer,- ne sai.i, ana the lima crop will tne bar at all hours.during the day. sue at least 25 cents. Renorta from New York and California indicate par- All tial failure of tl, rron I.. tl..- .. ""e and the yield in the United Htatea aa a whole will lie lower than for years. The WOIlSter Llam Jiako on humlav, AllCUSt 27tll, 1905 t)regon growers have things in their , mates the Oregon yield for 1005 at about 1 PuIar oto of tllO rcople Of Lincoln County. Three-Day Rates from all ioints on Uie Southern I'acilic and the Corvallis A Eastern gooil going Friday, Saturday and Sunday Excursion Train on the C. & E. and returning on Sunday or Monday. fliaximum rates irom all S. r. points, f3.00. From C. A E. points, $ 2.60 for rounu trip. Tickets for sale at Dc'iiot in llillsboro. S3 for round trin. ardpa- good going Friday, Saturday and Sunday, returning Mon ona of- day. Don't miss this chance to visit Newport. Amlnistratrix' Notice of Final Set tlement. Notice ts herehv etvan that the iiMlMimui the administratrix with tha will an niifcl of the estate of (1. H. (Irlffin. deceased, has riled her iiuki acoouoias.tuesaio: administratrix of said es- hy an onier dated Ana. tbe 2Hh day of Xeptemtwr tne lourt House at Hills ton County, Oreson. as the Dlare TCuun to nh nnai account ana boio, Washing art in i to the nnalseulemeut of said eslalo. Dated this 17lh day, of August, 1IKI6. AMIS L. PATTERSON. Admlnlotratrtx with the will annexed ol the Es tate oi u. n. orimu, deceased. B. B. TONGUE, Atlorney for Administratrix. SUMMONS. H5.0O0 bales, which is a little less than lust year's yield, Tl. ..rtl..- .1.. . . m iiia inietoiiite ueparimeut naa made a new ruling on mail matter addressd to patrons on rural routes which will be of great benefit in this country when the reorganisation of the system goes into effect this fall. Under the new ruling postmasters are allowed to forw lra as well as mail mutter from nee to another where the person ad uresse.i is on a rural route. In the many changes from one postollice to another that will result when the new routes are established it will require several months for the patrons to have their mail properly addressed, and while there will necessarily lie delays, mail of every character will finally reach the party to w bora it was addressed Crop Report. Light Showrrs occurred during the lore part of the week in the lower por tion of the Willamette valley and in the northern coast counties. Elsewhere throughout the state drr westher pre vailed. The temperature in Western Oregon averaged about normal, while the weather east of the Cascades was slightly cooler than usuil, especially at night. The rain somewhat revived vegeta tion, but aa a whole the amounts were too small to do much good, and gardens, corn, potatoes and astures are suffer ing for want of moisture, tirain is about all cut and in the stack Thrashing continues in all sections The yields in the Willamette valley con tinue diss4piointing, but in the Colum bia and theUrand Ronde valleys the re turns are very gratifying. Hops are making seasonal progress, an. I where spraying wai thoroughly done the lice have aliout disappeared. Corn is earing and filling nicely and a good crop ia in dicated. Rock continues to lone flesh ... nuns ami some varieties ol prunes are ripe and being gathered. The yield of most fruits mill fall below the aver age, Uith in quantity and sixe. Apples ami i-cnra are small and dropping more than usual, l ouches are plentiful and of good tlavor. SOX oloe Jav Iff THE CIRCUIT fXH'RT OP THE STATU OK ORKtlONfor Washington County. K. Delehmaa and R. B. Ooodln. Plalntlas, va i. P. Watklns, Defendant. To J, P. Walk las, ths above named defend ant. In the nams of ths State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed herein on or before tbe last day of the Urns presort bed In the order for publication of this summons, and if you fall so to appear and answer, the plaintiffs will apply to the court for tbe relief prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt; Thailtheplalntinsbedacreed to be tbe owners in fee simple of the following described real es tate, to-wlt: The southeast quarter or BecUon is, T. IN. R. 5 W. of the Willamette Meridian, Washington Coanty, Oregon., containing 10 acres. That the defendants, and all persons claiming by, through, or under him be forever barred from claiming, or asserting soy right, title or in terest la or tosaid premises, and for such other and further relief as to tbe eourt may appear euultablo. The time prescribed In tbe order for the publication of this summons is six weeks. and the day of flrst publication is August 11. IS0&. This Mm moot Is served upon you by pub lication by order of lion. U A. Rood, Coanty Judge of Washington Coanty, Oregon, which order was made aod dalad on August t, 19U6. . B. HUsTON, Attorney for PlalntifT.. SUMMONS. CoraPlastervs A com h a com whether your foot la shod in a kmm rw mm OlfbH tie and la just about at painful one way as another. The atfTerence between having corns an not having them is just I Oc. CaartsUe te rtwieve a Cera er a Bo ilea la 4a fceirs. TOR SALE BY The Delta Drug Store. In the Circuit Court of the Plat of Ore gon, (or the Countv of Washington. Mary McCalluiu, plaintiff, vs. Walter McCallum, defendant. To Walter McCallum. the alwiva nam. ed defendant: In the name of the State of Orairnn You are hereby require-) to appear and answer the complaint filed against you I In the above entitled court and suit nn or before the last day of the time pre scrihed in the onierof publication of this summons, to wit: On or before the ex piration of six weeks next, from and af ter the date of the first publication of this summons; the first publication thereof being on August 25, l!Jor, and if rou fail to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaint iff w ill apply to the court for the relief demanded in her comprint, to wit: That the marriage contract now existing between herself ini.i.i..t..i. m. me pain oeienuniii imj annuncii : that the plaintiff be allowed to assume her former name. Mar Wolhard. ami for such other sn I further relief as to the court may sppear equitable. This summons is served urxm voa bv publication by order of Hon. L. A. kood, Judge of Washington County, Oregon,! wmeii onier was maiie ami uauM llillsboro, Oreiron, Angnst KW5. M. It. J'.LMI , Attorney for Plaintiff That certain tract or narcel of land sttnatad tn the County ot Washington. Male of Orecon. and ilescrlhed aa follows, namely: Commencing at I me oormwesi corner oi sect on twelve llli Town. hlptwo 2) Month Kanse Onetl) West of the Willamette Meridian; thence east eight (K)chalns I in the east line of the Donation land C aim Wil liam W. (Jraham and wife: llienoa North tni I one and two hundredths (21. IU) chains; thence I West, tw enty one and thlrtv hundredths CM mil I cnainn; ineiuie noma iwo ana eigniy rour nun-1 dredths C2.M) chstns; Ibence West twenty nve and eighty seven hundredths (2.VS7I chains. tuenoa souin, niriT mree iwt aeereea west. twenty tire and elirhlv seven hundredths f2A. s7l mains to tne aoutn line oi section two m town- uniptwo ) Hontn, Kange Onetl) West of the lamittte Meridian: I he una aax nn sanilnn li n Hfly . live and twenty elaht haudredths cnalns to tbe place of begin ning, containing one hundred and all iiud) laores more or teas and being a pop. I ,m,ii if, mm IIVU.IIUH iniiuiaimm niinam w. I Itrabam and wife, saving to the defendant hits. I ever meerop now growing on said premises and Hsu. mi" iu premises to remove sam crop. Now. therefore, br virtue of said w. Jiiditment, Order and Decree, and In com pi I -sneewlth the mm m soils of said writ, I bare k-VMxtiunon. and -will, on thelh daT of Reniam. I )er, IMA. at the hour of ten I'eloek am., at the I mm, iiirpt ii inv iairt iiousa. in tna i: it nr lllllshoro, ssld t'onnty and Mate, sell at nubile aiietmn, suiiiecl to redempUon. to the bltrhest lii'tder. for l ulled Males told coin, canh In hand all the right, title and iniert-st which the above named Pefendauta, or either of them, bad on the dale of the mortgage to Plaintiff herein, namely, the AN h day of July Ihwi, or since had In and to the above described real property to atUt'y said F.xecntlon, Jodsment, Order and iwcree, inieresi ana cost and all accruing ii-iauufif, vngiin, juij xv, ivuo. J. W. COXHELL. Sheriff of Washington Coanty. Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Clrcnlt Court of the State of Oregon, for SAMUEL OOWA!t, PUlntlfl, a. MA TTIE OOW AN. DefendanL To Matlle (towan, the alrore named defendant: in tne name 01 tne maieol In-eaonr Yon are hereby reoulred toaDoear and answer tne cnmpiaini mm against yon in the abovs en titled inurt and suit on nr before the last day of tne time prescnora in ine order for nabllneilnn of thlssnmmon. tn-wtl- Oa ar hefnra thaeinir. una oi aim wtx-aa neii, iroeaana aner tne date of nrsl nnnncaiinn of IBia suiamom: tha Hrat nnhll. cation thereof being no Stum i, IWIA. and If too fall tosnpeer and aaswer, (or want thereof the piaiinin win anpiy to wet oart nr tne relief de manded In htaemanlalnt. Inwlt; Thai tha mar. rlage contract now eitstlng bet wees plaintiff and defendant be dissolved; and that plaintiff ainTii muii ai mriaer miei as to the Conn may appear euultalile. This summons Is served npon yon by publica tion bv order of Hon. T. A. McHrtde, Judge of ins siensmiimimin, wnicn order was made ami oaten in open uourt at Hills boro, Oregon. tailai Oat 1 H Jt via i j mrtf aivw, M. BAILEY BUMP, Attorney for Plaintiff. CHILD quickly grasps the liiomiliii; of the above characters. Hut It often takes a lifetime to apprcclntc their You can greatly assist the child in learning the worth of the dollar. How ? Hy having him open a savings account with this hank, and hy encouraging him to add to it. A single dollar is snllictent to start an account. Smaller deposits- may follow. Savings department opens January l,ll)0o. J. W, SHUTE, BANKER. Administrator's Notiee ef Sale efl Real tatate at Private Sale. Notice Is herehv atvea. that be wlrtna der and decree of the Oonnty Coort of Washing ton t'onnty. Orecnn, made and entered on July 17. IWrt, authorising and directing me. the ad mlntsiratnrofthe EMaasnf r. M. Mchanlel. de ceased, to sell at private aala, certain real estate belonging tn the eatataofaaid deceased. I will from and after August 21. Its proceed In sell the reel estate hereinafter described at private sale to the highest bidder. fW eash In hand, rahlect to confirmation by said Court, tha following de scribed real estate to wit: Lola Kie (5) and Eight () in section Two. Township Three. North Range rive West Will? sier.. containing m and one. ha r seraa hm les. all In Washington Connty. Oregon. Pstedal llillsboro, Oregon, this July SO, 1906. BENTO ROWMAX, Administrator ef tbe Eat ate off. M. McDaolel. deceased. a B. Ht'BTOX, Atty. for E Ufe. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice V hereby given that tbe nnderslgned naa met tn tbe t ounty Court of tbe State of Oregon hit Washington Coanty, his final account as administrator In tbe estate of f. T. Allison. deceased, and that said Court has made aa order appointing the lllh day o fleptember. lm. as aj , tnenmeroraeanngotijectloos to said Una a cauui inq tne seiuemeni of said estate. I Wled, Angus!, isnft. t. B. TONOI B, 1117 Administrator. Chicago3 Portland Special the most luxurious tr;iin in the world. Pullman sleeping cars, dining cars, buffet smokin? and li) (harer an.I hath). Less than three days 1'ortliind to Chicago. TwoThroughTrains to Chicago daily from Portland and points in urcgon and hi.stern Wash ington via the Oregon Kailrtwd Sc Navieation Co.. Orctron SK..rt l Union Pacific K. K. an.I Chicago & North-Western Ky., over The Only Ooubla-Track Railway Tha Mliseuri Rtvar and Chicago I'Sllr escsrtlons In Pullmsn tourist sleeping m Portland through to Lliitsgo without clisns-e. a. a. aiTCHis. no umii est. hiaiusu oas. Chkage North. Western Ry. IW" "III Mtaikes." "The Pioneer Limited" St. Taul to Chicago "Short Line" Otualu to Chicego "South-V.t Limit Kauris Cify to Chicago No train- in the sorvief on anyrailroa.l in tl.c world tlmt equals in c.juipint nt that of the Ciucah". Milwavkkk A St. I'aulUy. They own and operate their own sleeping and dining cars on all their trains and give their natronx an excellance of service not ohtainahlo elsewhere. Berths on their sleepers are longer, higher and wider than in similar cars on any other line. They protect their trains hy the Itlock system. Connections made with all transcontinental lines in Un ion Depots. Her tales Dans, Svensk og orsk. Hier wird deutch gesnrochen. II. S. Howe, General Agent, lortland, Oregon. 131 Third Street, corner Alder.