Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, August 04, 1905, Image 3

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No. 2.
8 :44 a. in
No. 4.
C .(HI U. Hi
No. t.
..4:31 p,
No. a,
a. m.
Forest Grove
Cornelius .
I lilUlxiro. . . . ,
Ueedville. . . .
IU-averton. . . .
IlilUlxiro . . . .
Forrst Grove.
12 :30 p. in.
12:35 p. m.
13:4" p. m
12:fi7 p
1 K)7 p,
1 :r)0 p.
.1 1 p. m
11 :3J p. in
.11:44 p. ru.
12:01 a. id.
12:05. ni.
1 !un tram will run daily except Bun
oay, ami service will it) maintained as
long an the buiness will justify. This
will l a local pasHengcr train ol aubor-
bun nature ana will nut carry a baggage
II. A. Hinshaw, Agent.
Subscribe for Toe Independent.
(ma Patterson waa a Portland visitor
Nweet pickles In bottle and bulk at
Ed Mali.y, ol Ijnirel. waa a Hillsboro
vinitor Tuesday.
Miss Minnie Ubeen ia visiting friends
in Forest drove.
Ira Ingram, of Portland was visiting
bore lust Sunday.
HwiH-t and Sour Pickles. Fresh and
in bulk. At Cate'a.
Try our F.l Toro and Capaduro Five
cent cigars at Messlngers.
Mn, hodslugcil and eon John, of
Si-liolU, ere in town Monday.
J. Nurntu, ol ISethany, waa a
county sent visitor Wednesday.
Mm Marie Hostetler, of Portland
spent Sunday with Mrs. Blasur.
Joy lluelctte, of laurel, Sundayeii
with I. S. Zumwalt and family.
Jacob Whitiuore and son CIhikIo were
in Una city Monday, from Laurel.
Miss Lucy David, of Ulencoe, visited
with Miss Kva Cornelius, Tuesday.
J. A. Messinger and family bave re-
turned from a week's trip to the hills.
Miss Maude Brown visited with Mrs.
C. lilanchanl of Portland, last Saturday.
Walter Oberg, of Portland, visited
with F. S. l)lon and family over Sun
Tom Wann, of Portland, sient Sun
day in Hillxboro visiting friends and re
hit Ives.
You can get what you are looking for
at Iimielrion'a Furniture Store. I. O. O.
F. Illdg.
When you need a llHW Washer, see
Messinger, the Hillsboro sgent for this
Mrs. TIioh. Oheen returned Monday
from a two week's visit in Portland with
Jas. Iturrett, of Portland, is in Hills
boro visiting his cousin, W.N. Barrett,
of this city.
All kinds of screen doors, also a full
line of camping outfit at iVmolson's Fur
niture Store.
Mrs. J. C. Wciitherred, of Tacoma, is
in town visiting with T. S. Weatherred
and family, this week.
Ales Mathyes, of Phillips, has pur
chased eighty acres of land in that vici
nity of Fred licttman.
Andrew Jack and Judo Niccadetnus,
of Farmington, were doing business In
the county seat Tuesday.
Many ople have been made happy
at It. V. Humphrey's Bicycle Shop, by
good work ami light charge.
Mr. Hallow, of Kansas is visiting bis
brother (). (I. Harlow. Mr. Barlow ia an
oltl time Washington county man.
W. N. Iturrett and family left on Tues
day and Thomas Bailey on Wednesday
for Newport for their annual outing.
Mrs. Hailey and little son of Holton,
Columbia county, visited a tew days
last week with her brother, Fred Emer
Mr. Dan Hill and family left with
their household effect for Oak Toint,
Washington, last Tuedaay. Mr. Hill
has a position as chief engineer with a
big lumber mill at that place.
Supt. Caaa and family and Mrs. Max
Crandall and children left yesterday for
a three weeks' outing in the mountains
between Oales Creek and West Dairy,
where Mr. Case has a ranch.
On Saturday last Mrs. II. It. Davis, of
this eity, commenced a suit in the cir
cuit court against W. L, Davis to re
cover money due on two notes aggregat
ing with interest something over $:S00.
McCormick's music store has secured
a first class trade in the music line.
Their special orders, outside of their re
gular trade for the past week, were three
dosen copies.
Henry Brown and wife, of Milford,
I'l, cousins of Mrs. C. E. Deichman, of
this city, visited in Hillsboro last Mon
day. They are here to look over Oregou
and visit the fair. They went to Van
couver Tuesday.
Thnnder awoke the people of Hills
boro Wednesday morning at about 6
o'clock, and thunder of the genuine
Eastern variety. It was followed by a
light sprinkling of rain, but not enough
to lay the dust.
Thos. Bailey received from his friend
Harold Merryman, in a letter this week
a souvenir of Klamath Falls country,
lieing the musical appendage of tl
celebrated Crotalus Horridus. It ha
ten rattles aud a button.
Clarence Jewett, of Middleton, th
young man injured In a dynamite ex
plosion while blasting stomps in Hood
River Valley last week, diet! from the
effects of his injuries and his body was
sent to Middleton for burial.
On Wednesday County Treasurer
Jackson received from State Treasurer
C. S. Moore, a check for 10,308.80, being
the amount apportioned to Washington
county from the common school interest
fund, by order of the State Land Board
made August 1, 11)08.
Max Crandall, who has been at Paris
Idaho, for the past three months audit
ing books for the county, returned to
his home here Wednesday evening. He
left tor St. Helens last night, where he
has soma work to finish, when he will
return for his summer vacation.
E. A. Knotts, of Tigardville, has
closed a contract with Chief Engineer
George L. Davis to grub and grade three
miles of track foi the new railroad, be'
ginning at the end of Thompson Bros,
contract and running to thel'urdin road
two miles south of Banks. Work will
begin tomorrow.
Miss Anna Hyland, who has been
stenographer for Attorney W. N. liar
rett, and making her borne with the
family of Recorder Kuratli for the past
two years, left for her home in Beaver
ton Tuesday. She will visit Seaside and
other points on the coast during her va
Fred Leuder, of this city was badly
burned with gasoline in an automobile
accident last week, mention of which
was made in the Independent. His
many friends will be glad to know he is
making satisfactory progress toward re
covery under Dr. A. B. Bailey's treat
Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Sholes left for
Newport Saturday morning, where they
six'iit Sunday, returning the first of the
Fred S. Olson anil Jas. Iainkin assist
ed in the installation of the officers of
the I. O. O. F., at laurel last Saturday
Cow for Sale. A splendid Jersey cow,
gives three gallons of milk a day; gen
tle, good family cow. Inuuire of J. A.
A. C. Shute and wife Sundayed in
Portland. They went down on the
non train on Saturday and returned
Monday evening.
Henry Smith, who has been visiting
his daughter, Mrs. F. S. Olsen. returned
to his home at the soldiers' home, Rot
burg, Monday evening.
Good teeth anil good brains are said
to never 1 found in one person. We
know lots of eople who have perfectly
lovely teeth. Portland Telegram.
O. O. Wilkes and party returned Sun
day from Meecham'e crowing where
they have Wen camping. They report
ed a fine time, but a scarcity of fish.
Our Crystal I rip Syrup is uneqnaled
for quality ami puce. Bulk, ftc per
The business man who never adver
tise, and sit in his office chair and
w ishes his business were larger, ought
1 1 try the effect of wishing on a mala
like Maude.
K. I- McCormick has Just received
4i'i cylinder and 300 disc grephophone
records of the very latest songs, etc.
Call and look over his fine stock of
grsphophones and records.
The new train on the Southern Paci
fic la filling a popular want and is being
liberally patronised. The train going
to Portland last Saturday had on board
eighty-one passengers when it left this
station, and returning at midnight car
ried a good crowd. That train has
come to stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tucker lett
Tuesday morning for Martin's Hot
Springs, Wash., in hopes the climate and
and water there will be of benefit to
Mrs. Tucker, who has not been feeling
well for some time. They were aceom
panied by their danghter, Mrs. U. O
The Bsaverton Camp, Woodman of
the Worl.l will give a grand ball at Bea-
verton Hall, in Beaverton, on Saturday
evening, August IV, lUUo. music win
be furnished by Jack's orchestra and a
good time ia promised all who attend,
Good order will be maintained. Admis
sion 50 cents. A cordial invitation is
ei tended to all lovers of dancing.
Considerably more than 900,000 ad
missions have been recorded by the
turnstiles of the Lewis and Clark expo
sition. If this percentage keeps up, the
total admissions will exceed . 2,000,000,
there is every prospect that the attend
a nee will Increase toward the end of the
exposition period. This is the ex per
ience of all expositions.
Man. Ingram, of Farmington, met
with a serious accident by getting his
right band caught in the hay baler
while working on the farm of Dan Burk
halder. Two of the bones of the wrist
were broken and some of the tendons
were torn Into and the hand badly lacer
ated. Dr. A. B. Bailey was called, ad
ministered an anaesthetic to the young
man and dressed the wounds and he is
getting along as well as can be expected.
The governor has appointed J. W.
Shattuck, of Gresham ; George W. Jette,
of Baker City; R. A. Harris, of Port
land ; W. K. Newell, of Dilly, and A. B
Cavender, of Brownsville, a state board
commission to investigate into the feasi
bility of the employment of convict
labor in the construction of a Macadam
road from Portland to the southern
state Una, and to report its findings to
the next legislature.
On Sunday last a subscription paper
waa passed among the business men aud
sorue ft raised in a short time to pay
railroad fare and defray the expenses of
C. T. Crow to Spokane where bis broth
er resides. And thus, so far as Hills
boro is concerned, winds np the career
of a man who could bave been an orna
ment to society and a credit to himself.
The one word "Whisky" tells the story
and adds another to the long list of un
fortunate, i
Grain Is about all cut in this vicinity.
L. Langley and family are camping at
Mr. snd Mrs. Messinger were at the
ttlr Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Collier, of Scholia, were
in town yesterday.
iPr. Large, of Forest Grove, waa in
Hillsboro Wednesday on business.
Mr. and Mra. Kindt and children are
visiting the family of R. Waggener.
Miss Lura Neill, of Nebraska, was the
guest of Misa Ada Burris the first of the
Miss Katharine Boswell, of Colfax,
Wash., ia a guest at the J. A. Imbrie
Mrs. Geo. Leob, of Lewiston, Ida., Is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
The Ladies Lewis and Clark club will
meet with Mrs. F. J. Bailey on Friday
afternoon, July II.
Ray Bennett returned from Ballston
Wednesday evening, where be has been
visiting several days,
J. II. McCormlck, of Eugene, Ore.
visited his nephew, E. L. McCormick
of this city Tuesday.
J. M. Wall and family departed for
their summer home at Roderick Falls
on Galea Creek, yesterday.
Miss Bailey who has been the guest of
Miss Lura Waggener, returned to her
home iu Salem yesterday.
Miss Meta Brown arrived here Wed'
nesday from Nebraska, for a visit with
her friend, Miss Ada Burris.
Rev. Breck will conduct Episcopal
services in the Congregational church on
Friday evening, August 11, at 8 o'clock
Misa Josephine Danner, of Pendleton
Ore , is visiting her aunt Misa Laura
Mulr, at the home of Mrs. C. R. Bag ley
Miss Ada West, of La Grande, r
turned to her home yesterday after
visit oi several weeks with Miss Helen
II. Wehrung and family left for New
port the first of the week, where they
will spend several weeks at their cottage
at Nye Creek
Mrs. F. A. Grines, and two daughters
Blanche and Marie, of Iowa, and Mrs.
Mvers. of Cedar Rapids, Ia., are the
guests of Geo. T. Rea and family.
Misa Jennie Thorne and her guest
went to Portland yesterday where they
will spend several days at the expos!
thin. Miss Burdick will leave for her
home in Hals ton, N. Y., Monday.
The Grange picnic at Scholia last Sat
nrday was very largely attended by
Hillstoro people and others from all
parts of the county. Hon. Jas. Withy
combe, of Corvallis, was among the
speakers. The Ladies' band of this city
furnished the music.
Kerr Brothers have leased the old
vinegar works, Corner Fourth and
Lincoln streets, North Hillsboro,
and about Septemler 10th they will
commence drying prunes. September
20th they will giind apples for vinegar
and cider. They are experienced in the
business and will turn out the best arti
cle made. That old drying house has
stood vacant for a long time, but will
now be put to good use, and the Messrs.
Kerr solicits the patronage of the people
of Hillsboro and surrounding towns.
Dr. Bachmann, Rev. Hafner, of the
German Reformed church of Portland,
Rev. Laube, of Bethany, and Mr,
Tuechter of Clncinaiti, made a trip to
Mount Hood last week. The party had
a moat delightful and Interesting trip,
ascending the mountain by way of Hood
River and Cloud Cap Inn. With the
aid of an experienced guide they reached
the summit without mishap and en-
oyed one of those rare feasts of nature,
hich are never to be forgotten and
hlch give a new appreciation of the
wonderful works of the Almighty.
Admissions at the fair Wednesday,
27,420. The"sham" battle brought out
the crowd. If the fair management has
started in to "bilk" the people, admis
sions to the Custer massacre will not to
tal anywhere near that crowd. It was
announced all over the fairgrounds that
the battle would begin at 9 o'clock and
it was long after 10 before the show waa
on. The whole thing waa over in about
twenty minutes, and a dissapointed
crowd pushed and jammed to get on
board the cart for town. The fair man
agement must keep faith with the people,
if they want the attendance to keep up.
United States Secret Service Connell
says that Portland has never been so
flooded with bad bills as it is at present.
In number I believe the bill in this
city will approach the totals at the Chi
cago, Buffalo and St. Louis expositions
that is, in proportion to the population
of the four cities. The altered notes for
merchants to take with suspicion are
the f 1 and the $5 bills. The genuine $1
bill baa the eagle on its face ; the $5 bill
the Indian head. The $1 bill had been
raised to 5 by the substitution of the
Indian head, and it will deceive any one
who does not look for the smaller figures.
The raised bills are roughly worked, ex
cept in a few cases, and the job can be
detected if the recipient feels all the nu
merals, large and small, on the bill be
fore be accepts it."
Prof. T. P. Kendall, who tor the past
three years has been assistant principal
in the Hillsboro public schools, baa ac
cepted the position as principal of the
schools at Pilot Rock, Eastern Oregon,
nd expect to enter upon hi duties
about September 15th. Mr. Kendall
ill Uke with him the best wishes of
large number of our citixens and the
many pupils who have met him
day after day for the past three years in
the school room. The fact that the past
nine years of his work ha been passed
in but two schools, speaks highly for
him as an instructor, and the people of
Pilot Rock will find Mr. Kendall and his
family good citisens, genial, sociable
was a
Mann. Ingram, of Farmington, wai in
town yesterday.
Ed Rosenthal, the popular cigar man,
waa In town Tuesday.
Wm. I'ittenger and Roy Gruear were
fair visitors Wednesday.
Thos. Willis, of Mountaindale
county seat visitor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McCormick
exposition visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor, of Scholia,
were Hillsboro visitors yesterday.
Mrs. 8uie Morgan and eon Edwin,
were Portland visitors Wednesday,
Mr. and Mra. Milea Everett returned
to their home in North Beud last night
Frank Dailey bas secured a good po
sition with a large bicycle bouse in Port
land. .
The Political Study club will meet
next Tuesday at the home of Mr. W. E
Grandma Wood, who naa been very
ill tor the past two weeks, is reported
Fred Adams is again at his old poal
tion in the G. W. Patterson A Son furni
ture store.
Mr. and Mrs. John Abbott, of Port
land, are visiting his parent In this
city, this week.
Mrs. Roy Bill, of Portland is visiting
with her parents, Mr, and Mra. Harmon
McUn, of this city.
Mrs. W. D. Hare has left the sani
tarium and is reported to be resting com
fortably at her rooms in Portland
M isses M yrtle and Lottie Butler return
ed yesterday from their visit with Mis.
Frank Barr, at Gray's River, Wash.
Mrs. A. Siegler returned Wednesday
from a month's visit at Gray' River,
Wash., with her daughter, Mrs. F. Barr.
J. W. Bailey, who is now at the coast,
reports everything booming. The hotels
are full and there are many (campers al
ready there.
The first coat of plaster is on the new
addition to the citv school house, and
the building will be completed inside of
two weeks.
C B. Davis was up before Justice
Bagley yesterday morning charged with
being drunk and disorderly - This is his
second offense.
E. B. Tongue sold to Portland parties,
the first of the week, his famous thor
oughbred stallion, Milwaukie. Conaid'
eration said to be $400.
Roy Moore left last night for the
Dalles, where he expects to send some
time for hi heath. He waa ordered to
do so by his physician.
Ed Luce, who has been visiting at the
Grove, waa in the city yesterday enroute
to the fair. He expects to return short
ly to his home at Sumpter, Ore.
The track of the Oregon Traction com'
pany is now finished on Twelfth street
n Portland and the street leveled. The
track is now half way to the fair ground.
Miss Neva Perkins and Miss Lula
Curran, of Cottage Grove, and Miss
Vanda Coffee, of Eugene, are visiting at
the home of Capt J. D. Merriman this
Dr. Tamiesie and Linklater and C.
Smith, of Portland, operated on Chea
ter Bridges for appendicitis last Sunday
morning. The operation proved success
ful and the patient ia doing a well as
can be expected.
Last Friday waa Mr. Geo. Schulmer-
ich'a birthday and her husband planned
surprise for the occasion by inviting
the Rath hone Sister and the member of
the ladies' band to her home. A de
lightful time ia reported.
Geo. Stephens has purchased a half in
terest of O. G. Wilkes, in the Independ
ent Telephone Co., of Hillsboro. Mr.
Stephen is an old time telephone man,
having been employed tor the company
when it was first installed in Hillsboro.
neignuora ana auesiraoie addition to toe
npulation of their town. Mr. Ken
lall's family will remain here nntil ha
get located In his new home.
Hop Pickers Wanted.
One hundred and fifty acres of hope k
pick. Call and register at Cate'a Mar
ket. I want all th hop picker I can
get. Call at once and sign up for the
C. C. Cate.
Death of A. C. Sabln.
A. C, Sabin, aged M years, died at his
home In this city Sunday, of cancer of
the stomach. He waa a native of New
York, and came here from Oregon City
about four year ago. He enlisted in
Co., I. 60th N. Y., infantry in 1804 and
waa discharged in 1805, at the close of
the war. He leave beside hi wife,
five cblldreu, three daughter and two
sons, as follows : Mrs. Ora Laws, Eva,
Byrtle, Claude and Esra Sabin. The
funeral which waa held under the au
spices ot Tualatin Lodge, and A. F. A A.
M., was held Tuesday from the late
residence of the deceased, and inter
ment was tuade in Masonic cemetery.
Residence for 8ale. ,
A fine large eight-room house, located
about three blocks from the school house
In II il If boro, wired tor electrio lights,
hot aud cold water appliances, bath
room, and handsomely finished. Lot is
100x150, fine shade trees, fine lawn,
fruit tree and walnut tree. Also a lot
directly opposite, 180x112, on the cor
ner. This property at a bargain aa the
owner wishes to move away. 1 1,500
takes the house and two lots, Call or
address Mr. J. A. Cummings, Hillsboro,
It's realty e pleasure t
end as article with merit.
Mis Hale, of Portland, baa been call
ing on the citisens of Hillsboro daring
the past week, securing names for a
new circulating library club, and up to
date she ha secured more than thirty
signers. Each member pays 'i for the
use ot the books for two years, at the ex
piration of which time the books are to
be turned over to the Hillsboro school
library free of all costs. The books are
at the Delta Drug Store, and W. P.
Tucker ha been appointed librarian and
will have entire charge of them. There
are now about fifty book in the case
and more will be added eoon. The
book will be exchanged from time to
time for other work.
On Monday, July 31, to Dr. and Mrs.
S. T. Linklater. a eon.
On Tuesday, August 1st, to Mr. and
Mr. E. II. Baird. a daughter.
On Monday July 31st, to Mr. and
Mrs. Orvil Curtis, ot Forest Grove, a
daughter. This make Judge Rood
"grandpa" again, and he is feeling quite
jubilant. He says President Roosevelt
has no kick coining in regard to "race
suicide" so far a the Rood representa
tive are concerned.
On August 3d, 1905, to the wife ot J
F. Peerbaum, of Greenville, a daughter.
Card of Thank.
we taxe tins metnod ol returning our
sincere thank to those w ho so kindly
assisted ns by their many act of kind
ness and words of sympathy during our
recent bereavement.
Mas, A. C. Sabin aud Family.
To Rent 20 to 30 acres, prefer seed
ed ground (clover) close in; state loca
tion and price. Address C. G. R., b
54, Hillsboro, Or.
If yea have a corn or I
and want to rid yourself of
recommend Blue-Jay e
biking plaster.
Next time your com hurts, don'
wear, toy: BJus-jsy. M
Price, 10c
rn Plasters
Far Sale By
The Delta Drug Store.
recora- i
union I i
Brief Introduction to Operations
A. H. FEHR, V. D. M. D. V.
New York Chicago San Francisco
More than fifty tickets were sold for
the noon train to Portland at this sta
tion on Wednesday, many people going
on the morning and afternoon trains, all
bound for the fair and the sham battle,
nd they witnessed a sham battle, too.
Frank Buff um, a Forest Grove painter,
waa awarded the contract for painting
the Hillsboro school house, and he com
menced work W ednesday. His bid for
the work wss 70c a square for painting
the main building, 30c for the roof and
40c for the brick work.
Mrs. Jamea Young and little daughter
Elsie returned last night from a visit of
ot several weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
8. Booth, of Clatskanie, Or. Mrs.
Booth waa formerly Miss May Young.
Hillsboro girl, and her many friends
here will be pleased to learn that a little
son came to brighten ner borne last
A solid cake of natural soda, weighing
half a ton, which waa mined in Albany
county, Wyoming, is on exhibition in
Wyoming's section in the mine and
metallurgy building at the Lewi and
Clark exposition. The cake of soda re
sembles In apearrnce an Immense block
of ice. Soda la found in Wyoming, no
tably in Carbon, Natrona and Albany
counties, in deposits varying in size from
few acres to one hundred acre and in
depth from a few inches to sixteen feet.
Both the Ladies' and Hillsboro baud
ill give a final concert for the season in
the court house yard tomorrow evening,
the proceeds to go to both organisations.
Many people have attended these band
concerts in the past, but have failed to
patronise the table, for th reason that
the ice cream was served out door.
The cream to be served tomorrow night
will all be made by the ladies here at
home, which ia a guarantee that it will
be good. It ia hoped everybody in tow a
ill come out and hear the music and
sample the ice cream. Th hand have
given their mnale freely, now return the
compliment by eating a dish or two of
cream at the concert tomorrow night.
Dentistry in all its branches.
Trephining the different Sinuses.
Reuniting Slit Eara.
Setting Ear (on dogs).
(4 lass Eyes perfectly fitted.
Numerous Operation on Defected
IfUacial neurectomy, (lor sliietng).
Tracheotomy, (for suffocating animals)
Arytenectomy, (for wind-broken horses
Intrevenlous Injections.
Phlebotomy, (blind staggers).
GCsjphagotomy, (for choking).
Myectomy, (for cribbing).
Different operations, (for poll evil).
Anti-Toxins Injection, for lockjaw.
Tntterculin Test, for tuberculosis.
Maline Test, for glanders.
Brain and Saliva Tests, for rabies.
Operstion, for Fiat ul us Wethers.
Puncture of Cneet, lor piurisy.
Puncture of Intestines, for bloating.
Removal of shoulder, collar and sad
dle tumors.
Caudal Mectomy, for gripping of the
Amputation of the tail, limbs, etc.
Hernia operations, tor breach or rup
Urethrotomy, for atone in the bladder.
Vaeinal Ovariectomy, for kicking, tc
Cliterotomy, for switching and other
bad habits.
Castrations performed (landing.
Tenotomy of the Flexor Tendon of
the foot.
Peroneal Tenotomy, for string halt.
Cunean Tenotomy, tor spavin.
Plantar Neurectomy, Digital Neurec
tomy, for navicular disease, ring bones.
side bones, founder, etc.
Median Neurectomy, Llnar neurec
tomy, for lameness in knees.
Hciatic Neurectomy, Anterior iiuiai
Neurectomy, for spavins.
Medicines ol modern science enaiues
me to operate on the standing animal,
with very little hemorrhage, and abso
lutely painless.
I will he located at the I'oriiand itace
Track nntil October 1st, where all city
and out-of-town mail, telephone or tele
graph mestage will receive immediate
attention. UK. A. u. rr.nn.
City address. 24'. Halladay Ave.
The doctor is highly recommended In
all the Pacific Coast cities wber he has
been official veterinarian to the Western
Jocky Club association, and also refers
to Sheriff Connell and Attorney E. B.
Tongue, of this city. He will come
fully prepared to perform any and all
operations mentioned in the above list.
Hi headquarter will be at the Hills
boro Livery Stable, on Monday and
Tuesday, August 7th and 8th, where all
examinations and consultations will be
absolutely free.
County Commlaaloners.
The board of county commissioners
met in regular monthly session on Wed
nesday with Judge Rood, W. T. Butner
and C. B. Buchanan present. The usual
number of bills were examined, audited
and allowed. The full list ot which will
be published next week.
In the matter of the coroner' inquest
of J no. Doe ; transcript examined and ap
proved and ordered paid, except as to
Dr. F. J. Bailey, who haa been paid by
bill No. 12.
The appointment of Albert Hartrampf
as deputy sheriff and constable for
North Hillsboro Justice of Peace and
constable district, was approved and ordered.
Report of E. I. Kuratli, county re
corder, waa examined and approved : re
ceipts for July, 1199.10.
Geo. Dorris was appointed deputy sur
In the matter of the coroner's inquest
of Ueo. Allen McDonald, ordered paid as
par transcript
Stat of Oregon vs. Charle Wilson,
examined, approved and expenses paid.
in the matter of the coroner' inauest
on th body of August Lueman ; trans-
script examined and approved and or
dered paid.
SUte of Oregon vs. Hugh Brannan ;
allowed as per transcript.
State of Oregon vs. Geo. Allen Mc
Donald ; allowed as marked on trans
cript. The application for warehouse license
ojJ.A. Thornburg A W. B. Haines,
Cresent Milling Co., waa ordered issued :
bond filed and approved.
Report of County Clerk E. J. Godman,
received, examined and approved; re
ceipts for July f JiH 25.
C. Wedberg, having been appointed
fire ranger for E. DuBois, the appoint
ment was confirmed, expenses and sal
ary to be paid by the petitioner.
The petition for warehouse license by
the Beaverton Milling Co. was granted,
and the bond for $1,000 approved.
It appearing that the county judge ha
appointed Frank Webster and George
Allendorf assistant fire rangers for the
Hammond Lumber Co., it is ordered
that the appointment be confirmed.
The apxintmeiit of John R. Bailey a
deputy sheriff Is confirmed.
A telephone franchise is granted C. W.
Dodson, aa nrayed for, poles to be plac
ed on outside boundaries of road.
Warehouse license is granted the Cli
max Milling Co., bond of $1,000 to be ap
proved by the county judge.
State of Oregon vs. Oliver Chow ning,
two esses: transcript examined and or
dered paid.
The court adjourned late yesterday af
ternoon. The rest of the itroceadinm
and the bills allowed will be published
next week.
Mrs. Oliver Gates and children, of
Klamath Falls, arrived here Wednesday
evening for a two week's visit at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mr. R.
Waggener. Mr. Gate will follow next
week and accompany his family on their
return. It haa been two year since
they last visited Hillsboro.
County Clerk Godman, on Tuesday
evening, issued a marriage license to
Charley Hcffner, of Denver, Col., and
Luona Thompson, of this county. - The
couple hunted up Justice Bagley and
he tied the knot in the most approved
"Tfcc Ice Crcan) of QGality"
Pure, Rich Cream and the Purest of Flavors blended
with Unsurpassed Skill.
S w e
F a m
o u s
Try a quart for the Sunday dinner
Special prices for Picnics and Socials
Fred S. Olsen
FREE SOUVEN'IR-When visiting Portland call at Swetland's, 273 Morrison St.,
and preeont this ad. You will receive FREE an attractive Lewis A Clark Souvenir
to pro-
rrurect your cows
Wo arc now approaching "fly
and you should have something
tcct your cows. Have you ever tried our
"So-Iios-so," the best preparation on the
market for this purpose. This is applied
with a hand spray and is a sure cure for
flics. Your cows will give more milk if
they are kept free from flies, Just try It.
The best stock foods
Always give the best satisfaction. Wo
hanrtle the International Stock and Poul
try Foods and their name is a guarantee
of high merit. Diamond Chick Food for
little chicks, heats all others. Hone, oys
ter shell and grit for your poultry yard
and Salt for the cattle; are in our stock.
We lead in Flour & Feed
And can meet Portland dealers In
Prices and Quality.
Hillsbero Oregen