"Not Guilty." Senator John II. Mitchell entered pie of cot guilty Lint TueaMay to two In dictment charging conspiracy under action 5-1 W. One indictment charging him with unlawfully adtiig money while L'nitl Statu Senator. Thia ia the "Putter cane." Enteral plea of abatement to indirt luent charging him under eretion 178'.' with accepting if" while Unites! Statue bonator, throogU the firm ol Mitchell Jt Tanner. Kx-Spucial Atfetit W. D. Stratford pleaded not guilty to a charge of Con spiracy in coiimxjiton with liulle Creek 1-and, Liveetock it Luiulier Company' indictment. W. W. Steiwr, prenident ; II. II. Hen dricks, turretary and treasurer; Clar ence li. Ziu hary, gt-iieral manager, and C. K. (jUmh, UMjkeeper of the Butte Creek Land, Live-it. x k A Lumber Com pany, entered plea in abatement, simi lar to that of Senator Mitchell, the charge agaiimt theiu being conHpiracy to "cover" or fence up the public domain. litrit Attorney lieney objected to the pleas in abatement on grounds of their being filed too late. Hearing will be given Lriday morning at 10 o'clock Will Begin Within ThirtT Day. Contract will be ined thia week (or construction of the road of the Oregon Traction Company from Portland to llillnboro and Forest Grove, and the contractors will endeavor to complete I lie entire line in considerably lens than the M'vcn months specified as the period of confltrut'tion. Most modern methods of conHtrurtioti w ill be employed, and bridge work will Ih) under way at van on points on the route while the con tractors are engaged on the track work of the city portion, so that the entire truck outttidu the city can be put down with the greatest poaaible gtieed. Rub controi'tM will le let for different por tions of the line. Cars of the interban tye used gener ally on suburban roads in the Kast will lie uxed. This type of car will be of 60 feet length, with cloned Utdy, seating a total of M paHHongcrs, 10 in the smoking compartment and 40 in the body of the car, ami will be eiuippel with four 75 tiorxcpower motors. Weight loaded will lie aliout 2b tons, being great enough to enable fast running with safety, such as would not be possible with lighter cars. PROBATE COURT. Kstate of Ferdinand Malitz, deceased ; inventory and appraisement filed, ex amlned and approved; valuation. $ t,)27; etition filed for order to sell iKTHonul property. Administrator auth orixed to sell versoiial proM-rty at auc tion for cash or approved notes, with se curity. Guardianship of Adam Fulton, a siendthrift ; rejiort and account filed, examined and approved. Kstate of Kuaepio Kossi, deceased ; final account filed and approved : execu tor discharged and estate closet of re cord. Kstate of Mary J. Myers, deceased : estate admitted to probate; bond tiled and approved ; letters issued to Mary Myers, and II. IS. Johnson, N. J. Walk er and Geo. Hancock apHinted apprais- bluck n font Grots Hsory Jwll to B B Guff, tract In mm t 1MB W Kinase M BaMwtootal to Ollf.r CurtU part of block 7 fores Orut Usury Hauoaa as to W A Bclllocvr N ot W Hand W !of K W ! and M wh 54- 1100 00 100 ov as oo too oo Malls AailaaoD Mm loO L Lualacber SO aerMloT M AdaBSU LC and outer land 00 Krtc Erlciaoo to Wm Hiwhu as acre In wmBaUdraDLC 23U0 0U Mort HaMtUto John I'smlcy rt of lot bluta 11 waiaars AM 'uiot Orov and other land . J at lluwlaud at w L Uuwlaod i I 10 arm latMlTTtN Hi. W rri.alv-mlrtul I" Hmmim S.w.ll kvUnilkofiWUiW .) t i a i w Jwdm A Aaderaoa ni to F W Cadf I acr In AItiu Kmllli D L C Julianu TatKM ui loLJ fapatoaarwln KllllitlW Ho K hlroua.t ui to Harrfc-t K Ballet 3 tJiurniiMtiriDkl W LjcurituoalnrMlh toJoavpn Galtiroalh ' I..V ... .1....- 91 -...I -a T i A U J - IH . tmua mmna mm m m mm Mary B H Vd at ux iu"winialiif Yu l ti BVfN iTi H KJ W.. William rVo M ui Ui (o Fiaber a) NbUmisTJN kJWW M VM 00 1 tu 1JUU 0U Ht) 00 176 00 afoo (x SMJU 00 25..0 9) Hotel Tualatin Arrlvala. The following persons were registered at Hotel Tualatin this week ; Walter Jackson, Portland. F. M. Goodmurphy, Seattle. W. M. Whitney, Salem. A. L. Sherrer, The Dalles. K. F. Fry, Portland. W. I). Weep, New York. M. K. I-att, Portland. W. M. Itobuett, St. I)uis. W. W. i:rwy, Portland. F. K. Allen, I'tirtland. W. M. Whitney, Astoria. C. it. Pines, 8an Francisco. J. A. Swanke, Portland Wm. 11. Honeyman, Portland, ('has. II. Jackson and wife, Portland. Dr. I). F. Pulley and wife, The Dalles. II. 4 . Wright, Portland. T. J. Wallan, Ki holls. Portland and Return '85c. The Southern Pacific I now selling round trip tickets to Portland from Ilillslioro for 83 cents, good going Satur day P. M., or any train of Sunday, re turning Sunday and Monday, giving nil day Sunday and Monday in Portland The same arrangement applies from Portland, givinit all Portland teople a chance to visit valley points at greatly reduced rates. Ou June 1st the whipping post law Roes into effect and it is said the deputy sheriffs ol Multnomah county have their eyes on several men who make it a past-time to beat their wives. If convicted ol the offenses, the officers will take a great deal of pleasure in aUminis teriiiR the twenty lashes, as the law requires. Another law which should, and undoubted will be en forced, is that providing a fine of $ 100 to $1,000 or Imprisonment in the county jail in cases wheresa-loou-leepers sell liquor to girls under 21 years of age. On May 18 the new law relating to disorderly houses goes into effect. This law not only makes it an offense to keep such a house, but extends the pen alty to the owner ol the property as well as the proprietor of the place. Other new laws which will go into effect May iS are those fixing a fine of not more than $ 1000 against parents who permit their children to rlav truant from school; a fine . ... for jumping boaraj Dins; nne ana imprisonment for hunting game out ol season, and increasing tne pent teutiary sentences for train roblers and many others. Hew Ice Cream Parlors. Wilkes & Olson, Props. E Have just installed a new Sanitary Smla Fountain and Fixtures, and will soon be ready to supply the demand for "winter weather." It id our intention to keep a com plete line of Uussell it Gilbert's Confectionery, the purest and the best. We have exclusive agency for tSwctland (SI Sons' Famous Ice Cream which wo guarantee to pleaso our customers. Our stock of Tropical Fruits and Nuts will bo tho finest in Ilillsboro. In selecting our Cigars and Tobaccos wo have taken care to get best. We are here for business and solicit tho patronage of all, and by fair dealing and courteous service wo expect to get it. Wo supply all parties, lodges, etc., i with Ice Cream and would bo pleased to give you our f estimate. Come to our opening next week. Wilkes SL Olson. t i Opposite Patersons. TreKpumi notice, cloth or cardboard printed at thii ollioe on ahort notice i for 50 cents. All Kinds of Set Plants Wo have 200,000 Cabbago Plants, 40,000 To mato Plants, Cauliflower Plants and Pepper Plants aro now ready for replanting. Our rates aro the lowest." liig variety of Carna tions, 50 cents per dozen. Best variety of Roses, and many kinds of House Plants. Nursery Stock, Fall Delivery Our Nursery Stock consists of all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Ono need not go out of tho County for Nurs ery Stock or for Cut Flowers. Wo make a specialty of Mail Orders. Our prices aro reasonable, and we insuro prompt delivery. The Morton Greenhouse Co. Largest Lilies in U.S. BEAVERTON - - OREGON I Makea a Clean Sweep. There' nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Halve jou ever heard of, Hucklen's Arnica 8alvi In the iHt. It nwecp away and cun't Hurno, Hon, Hruimn, Cuts, IIoIIh, UleT, Hkin Eruptions and rile". It's only 26o, ami guaranteed to give aatixfrtctlon by all druggUt. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Oaklrr M Arnolil to Jan. M Traman, 30 WMMlTK R 4 4 00 F A W.lroaiM .1 to W 11 Mlln. S W of MS blork rort (iro ,. . . 00 lnTwamtnl Omp.ny to r. W. CI 30. 20 arm. In i It H1 D I. C M0 00 John L PonriOT to AMt r Cowlnt S roUTlNRtW 00000 K.1M L J.mwi Km to John L Barn- (Kirvr (-10 of an aer In Kenjoa Cranri.l hnmeMMbl .. ' 00 W J VaniVhnjrw.t at to W V Wll rrt Mock liriUrom, Or-rn W 00 WallPaper i Our New Spring Stock of Wall Paper has ar rived. Many entirely new designs. Prices are very low, and quality the best. A fine lino of mattings, Hugs, Carpets, Art Squares, Portieres and Laco Curtians aro part of the Spring Stock of House Furnishings and just in. Shervin Williams Paints Best on Earth .Asiknny painter. He will say tho Sherwin Williams Paints aro the best. We can furnish you with any quanity and in all Colors. Let us fit you out with door and window sash, and all kinds of mouldings. T Qominnr Monhinoo T uuiruig muuiiiiiuo We handle every different make of Sewing Machines and can sell to you for one-half of agents prices. Call and see our stock of drop head machines. The lato models are swell. Donclson's furniture store. Corner 3rd and Main. ; LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Notice of Final Settlement. Kutlc. 1. irjjr yif en ilii lb umturaignfrl bwBled In f b Count 'oiirt of W.ihliiitoU cUi.uty, OreKuo, bli tln&l k-cc.nt u xtrcuturuf he lut will kuU irMauivul of t.uu liarlt, lt mil Iht um hM ta wt (ur flual boar iii( aud itiloairn(. betur. mil curl on Uoa. Ujr Majr .Mb, m tb. bour of luo'cock a. m. of will il.r. 1uk1 ibii April 13, Ij6. J. C. CORIY. CxMouir of the ImI M ill and Tcatamimt of Kiio. IJ1 dec -J. BKNTON. HdrtMAN, Attorner KUt. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Nolle, la hrljr glxo tbat lit. uudenlfOeJ bai been, by lb. Couulj Court of Waabluilon County, Omnon ipoluted adniuUlrUir o tb. Ealal. of F.rilmauJ Mallta, dtiOMawl, and baa duly quallfleil aa auob. All prraoua haTlu olalina aalnid aai.l (MaMar. b.raoy BotlHed to pruaent Idem to me, with proper Toiien.r. at tb. law omc of h.nton Bowman In Hiluboro, Orrgim, within all moullii from tb. daM of tbla nolle latl thia April 4, ll6. W. C. KEC1IN, Aitmiulatratoi olth aetata of r.rdluand Uallta, duCMiaed. BKNTtiN HOW MAS, Attorney for Eatate. tTt NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice la hereby given, tbat t lb. underalaned bav. riled in lb. couuiy Court of lb. futa or Oration, for Waxhliigtim County, my Final Ac , oount, ai Klecuturof thi.Ulof John Bcrgar, iareaaed and aald Court baa wt Monday, May a, l06. at the hour of Itr.uoo'clurk a. m. or aald day aa lb. time, and lb. Couiily Court Koom In lllllap born, Oration, aa lb. plai-c for hearing otijaxuloua to aald account and lb. Flual 8ctllwint'wl aald aatata. Dated April t, 19c. FRKI) HKROKR, Eiet nlorofthe FUte of John llergor, deceaaed. W. N. BARKKTT. Attorney for Etata AOMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF SALE OF RIAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Notice la hereby f irei) that lit pu nuance of an order of the County Court of the Mate of Ore iron for Waablngtou County made In the matter of the atal. of Blrwell N. Fuller, deceaaed, on March 13, liun, I h. underalKned, will from and after Monday the Flrat day of May, I'M), aell at private aaia, loth. hlgheHt bidder therefor, foreaah In baud on day of aale, the following described real estate, altual. In Waxhlngton Couutr, Slate of Oregon: llelng part, of section Nine (9) and sixteen (Hi) In T. 1 B. R. 1 W. Will. Mer., and more partlcu Urly bounded and deacrlbeil aa follnwi, to-wlt: Beginning at a post on the aouth boundary of the (iorge W. Klllott Douatlon Land Claim In aaldaectlou 9, duiunt norths deg. weal 82.11 chalm from the nontheait comer of laid George W. Elliott claim, running tlieuce anuth 24.03 chaluaiolhe center of the O. A C. R. R. track thence north 81 deg. 80' went, 2.07 chalna to point in aald center line dtalant aohtb Sldcg, east, 12.fi chalna from where aald center line cromeethe weal boundary of the ahov. named aection 14, thence north 24.1k! chalna to a aoat on the aouth boundary of aald George W. Klllott claim: thence aouth 69 deg. eaat, 2.19 chalna to tbe place of beginning, containing Five (6)acrea. Alan the following described tract: Being part ofeectlon Nine (); Sixteen (ill) In T. 18..K. 1W Will. Mer., and bounded by beginning at a polul on the aouth weat corner ofW. O. llocken land 31) feet from lb. center of tb. O. A C. R. R. track, thence 31 feet eaat parallel with aald rail road track, thence north 22.23chalna to tbe Q. W Elliott Donation Claim line, tbenoe want 81 feel to tb. northeast corner of the flrat tract above deecrlued, thence aouth 22.23 chalna to the plaie of beginning, containing one (1) acre, (more or loaa. ) Bldi will be received by me at me at my real dencein Bcaverton, Oregon, or at th. IjtwUttloe of W. N. Barrett, In lllllaboro, Oregon. Bald aale will be subject to confirmation by aald Court. Dated March 29, I'.W. Wa. F.. Ft'I.I.KR, Admlnlatratorof the Ettato of Blrwell N. Fuller, doceaaed. SHERIFF'S SALE. In tho Circuit Court of tho Sliito of Ore gon, for the County of Vanliingtoii L. A. Mi'NAKY, I'lalullir. Va. GOLDEN WILLIAMS, and IIKLEtf W1L LI A MS, hla wife, P. II. MAULEY, II. M. KUUK,J. B. Wl I. KM and WASIIINU TON COUNTY, a body politic, Dereud-a!ta By virtu, of au Execution, Judgment and or der of aale, decree duly laaued out of and under the aeal of the Circuit Court of the Htate of Ore goa for Waabingbm Couny in Ilia above entitled cause, to me duly directed dated the 24th day ol March 115, upon a Judgment rendered and en tend in th. aald Court ou the 2Utb day or March 1UU5, In favor of L. A. McNary, plalntllt and against Ooldiin Wllllama aud Helen Wllliama, hla wife, defendant for the aim of Ti.1i0.00 with inlereat thereon from tbe20tb day of March l'.wfi, at ten per cent per annum, and the further aum of tXO.00, atUirney'i feea, and the further aum or fJK.SO, coata and dlsburaemeula, and also Ih. OiBiaof and upon aald writ, commanding m. and requiring me to make aale of all the right tl tie and Interest of the abova named defendant! and each of them In and to the following de scribed real property, to-wlt; Tbat certain tract or parcel of land situated in tbe County of Washington, State of Oregon, and described aa follows, to-wlt: The southeast quar ler of aection seven (7) In township two (2) north of range two (2) weat Willamette Meridian. Now, therefore, by virtn. of said Execution Judgment, Order and Decree, and In compliance wiui tbe commands of aald writ, I bav. levied upon, and will, on tb. Monday, lb. Utdayof May, 190ft, at tb. hour of ten o'clock a. m. at the front door of th. Court House, In th. City of Illllanoro, aald County and Stale, aell at public auction, subject to redemption, to tb. highest bidder, for l ulled States gold coin, cash In hand, all the light, title and Interest which tb. above named Defendant, or either of them, had on lbs dataol th. mortgage to Plaintiff herein, namely tb. 2Hth day of November 192, or since had In and to th. above described real property to sat (sfyaaid Execution, Judgment, Order and D. ere. Intereat and coat and all accruing coata. Ilillaboro, Oregon, March 26th. lwtt. J. W. CON NELL, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon, CITATION. In th. County Court of th "tat. of Oregon, tor Waahiugloa County. I a th. Mailer of th. Eaiala of Nancy B. McNam To T baud or McNamar, Mr. Lala Monk ore, Mr. Juaie Rltehey, Mr. Nettle Bellinger, Mr. Alio h arsons, Mr, lwnla Ooodtu, Mrs. Blanch Moor, and C. W. MeNaaaer, and all peraune Interested ia said aetata. Greetings In lbs Sara of th Slate of Oregon, You ar hereby died and n a ill red to appear In th County Court ol lb Stale of Oregon, for the County of W aah lugloa al tb. Court Room thereof, at Ilillaboro In lb. County of W aahlngtou oo Monday, the first day of May, ltfui, at 10 o'clock la Ih. forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause. If any you have, why an order of said Court should not be made authorising aad directing th Adminis trator of said aetata, to sell th. real property be longing to said a late, within Washington County Oregon, and d escribed (aa follows lo-wtt: Beginning al th southeast euroer of lot nun bered I, In block numbered XI, In th. City of Forest Orov. a designated, numbered . and marked on th recorded plat of said City of For est Orov, and running thene north on th eaal line of said lot, 196 feet; theno west M feet; then south 196 feet; theno eaat W feet to tbe place of beginning, and a prayed for la aald petition. - Witnoas, tb. Hon. L. A. Rood, Judge or the Couulv court nf ttm sm r --r, fcr t!tr County of WhlBUu with lb Mai of aald Court affixed Ibis 22nd, day of March, A. D. 19U6. (Seal) L A. ROOD, County Judge. Attest; K. J. GOD MAN, Clerk. K. B. TONUUK, Attorney. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. The nndeaaigned has been appointed Admlnls tratrixofthe eslat of Henry Haas, deceased by lb. County Court of Washington County, Ore gon, aud baa qualified. All persons having claims against aald estate ar hereby notified to present lb. aain to me at Sherwood, Oregon, with proper voucher and duly verified wltblu al x mouths from tb data hereof. Dated and first publiahed March 24, 1906. Al'Gl'STE H ASS, Administratrix. SHERIFF'S SALE. Who Fills Your Prescription? If we fill your rescript'00 or re ci'e it is filled with the best quality of drugs and full-weight without over charge foi houest service. We pay uo one to send you to us and therclore, it TAYS YOU to bring your prescription here. A goodly number of people are al ready aware of this aud trial will couvince you. Bailey's Pharmacy. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, Nolle, la hereby given that th. undersigned xecutor of Ih. last will and testament of Louis Borehera, deceased, ha Died in th County Court of Washington County, Oregon, hi final account In said estate and ihe same has been set tor hearing before aald court on Monday, April 17, 1"K, at lo o'clock a. m. Dated thia March 1, 190A. FRED MELZF.R, Fx ecu tor of the Le.t Will and 1 eelament of Louis Borehera, deceased. 8. B. IHBTON, Attorney for F-state, KILLth. couch and CURE the LUNGS WITH Drab's Nov Discovery FORI: rONSUMPTIOrs 0UGHI ana OLDS Prle SOeftSt.OO Fret Trial. 8 ii re. t and UuicMe.t Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, In and (or Washington County. T. H. SMITH. Plaiutlff, II. J. MAOKK. ELLEN MAG EE, his wife, and OLIVER NEWTON, Defendants Bv virtue of aa execution, order and decree laaued out or th abov entitled court In the above eutitled cauae to m directed aud dated the iSrd day of March, 1906, under a decree ren dered and entered on th21nd day of Marc mo,), in favor of th plaintiff T. H. Bmlth and against tb defendants H. J. Mage, Helen M gee bli wife for th suns of KIUU.OO witb luteresl thereon at th rat of lea per, cent per nnu rrom the 1st day of December, lsVr, and for lb rur.tbersiiiaoff.'i0.00on account of the pavineu ofuxesby plaintiff, levied and Imposed Uwn tbe land described In aald decree, and lor Ui further turn of 0. 00 attorneys fee, and of tbe ooata of aald suit taxed al IW. SO and of th costs of aud upon tbls writ commanding ni to make sal thereunder of lb following deacrlbeil rea prorty situated In th County of Washington Hut of Oregon. Beginning at th southeast ooruerof the southwest quarter of seciiou 80, township 1 south range I west of Willamette Meridian, theno weat 20.84 chalna, theno north an rods, thence eaat J0.H6 chain, thence south rods lo tbe plao of beginning containing twenty acres more or less. Now therefor by virtue of aald execution, or dor and decree, and In oompllauoe with th oommaoda of said writ, I will on Monday the U.h day of April 11)05, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the front door of th county court house lu llllls- boro, Washington County, But of Oregon, se at publl auction (subject to redemption) lo the highest bidder for cash In band, all th right till aud Interest which th within named de lendentaor either of them have or bad to th aliove described real property or any part there of, to satisfy said order, decree, Interests costs and accruing ooata. Flrat Imu March 24th, 1906. Lasl Issue April 21st, luoo, i. W. CON NELL, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon, CITATION. In th County Court of th Htate of Oregon, for Washington Connty. In the Matter of tb KaUte ofOeorg Morphew, deceased. To Jan Morphew, Jan Morphew Jr., and Mary Ann Morphew and to all persons Interested In Ihlsestaia, Greeting: In th Nam of tb But of Oregon Yon ar hereby cited and required to appear In th. County Coortof lb Btautof Oregon, for tb County of Washington al Ih Court Room thereof, al Hilbv boroiulhe Couuty of Washington on Monday, tne tu aay or April l'JOA, at 10 o'clock In Ihe forenoon of thai day, then and there to show oanae.lf any you bav. why an order of said Court should not be made authorising and dl reeling the Executor of Held Estate to sell th real projierty belongir g to said eetat at public or private sale, said real property being described follows, to-wlt: Lying, being and situel within Washington county, Oregon, and being known and deaig nalaxl and described aa the south west quarter of section 23, Township 1 North Range ft, W Wlllamelt Meridan, containing on hundred and sixty (160) acre. Wltueaa, tb Hon. L. A. Rood, ludg. of the county Court of tb. But of Oregon, for tb Coun ty ot nasniugton with th seal of said Court af axed, thls9ib day ol March A. P., 190. (Heal) L. A. ROOD, Couuiy Judge. Attest: K. J. OODMAN, Clerk. K. B. TONOCt, Attorney. CITATION. In the County Court of th Stat of Oregon, tor Washington County. In th Matter of th Uuardianahip of Everell Dlllaboy and Lou la Dlllaboy. minora. 10 a. A. Dlllaboy, guardian of tb Dexson and esUteof EveraU Dlllaboy and Louis Dllla boy, minors, and all person concerned m said astala, OreeUng: In tbe Nam of the Stale of Oregon,-You ar hereby cited and required lo appear In th Coun iy Court of lb suteof Oregon, forth Connty of aamngton al tb cxrart Room thereof, al Ililla boro In tbCounly of Washington on Mondar. Ih21at, day of April 1904, at 10 o'clock In th forenoon of that day, then aad there to show cause, if auy you have, why an order of said Court should not be made authorising and dl reeling the said E. A. Dlllaboy, guardian, of the person aud eatate of Everett Dlllaboy and Lonia Dlllaboy, minora, to aell th real estate situated In Washington County, Oregon, and mora par licnlarly described as follows, to-wlt: ran or me Houtb-weat quarter of th North weat qnartar of Section twanty-flv (35) Town ship (1) Sou lb of Rang Two (3) West Will. Mer and bounded by beginning S.0 chs. North from in quarter section corner between section 26 nd T. 1. 8. R. t W. Will. Mer. and runnin. inenc orm on section nu 14.25 chs. thence south s7uh' E. Eat-In th center of th County Road . .17 chains, thence North MIO Eaatt.W chs. thence South 14.02 chs. theno West 14 26 chs. to tb place of beginning, containing 19.94 acre. W itness, the Don. L. A. Rood, Judge of the ounly Court t th Rut of Oregon, for tb County of Washington with th Real of said 'ourt am led this lin, day of March A. D. 1906. (Mai) L. A. ROOD, County Judge, Attest: E. J. GODM AN.XIerk All goo.1 bought of Cate will be de- liviTcliirnniptly at any honr Jarina the lay. Thia inrlmlt-e meat aa well a Hillsboro Commercial Bank Docs a General Banking Business Sells Exchange Charges nd Exchange to Customers and ' ty Pays Interest on time Deposits Call on them and Get Ccrms A S. Sholes, Pres. Geo. ScHulmerich, Cashier I jCate & Son, NewMeat MarketT! :. DKAI.EKS IH ALL EINDH OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS Poiiltry and Game. i iff m r -- if'; try rnxlm-e ami Uiitrh- I tJff t-r'a Stuff. (1 Mioji on Muin St., in (irciiir'B ol Ki'Htiiiirant ltiiililiiiK Hop Supplies a Specialty. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ A CHILD quickly smsps the liio-iiiliiir m- 5 ilP il.,. 1 J X ,UI" riuinu'itTN. Kill ii ol'ten hikes a lifetime to nimrfriitie tholr M vali". You nui greatly assist the child In learning the worth of the dollar. How ? 5 Ity having liiiu open a savings account with this bank, and by encouraging him to add to it. A single dollar Is sullicieiit to start an account. Smaller deposits may follow. Savings department opens January 1, lt)05. J. W. SHUTE, BANKER. Tourist Cars 1 Goins 7 East. Many exjicrienccd tarvelers prefer tourist sleeping cars for the transcontinental journey The Chicago, Milwaukee &St. PaulRy. ran arrange for your trip cast in tourist cars, offer you choice of routes and save you money & H. S. Rowe, Gen.Agt 2 ' O I'ertUnd Hi. r t W.nrr to Mtrj a Mill! IS Ml M4M griK't'rie.