Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, March 24, 1905, Image 2

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Official Paptr cf Washington County.
Entered at the Potto (Dee at Htlle
toro, Oregon, for trmnamliiton through
the mall - Mcond-clan mall matter.
Official Paper of WasMnjton County.
Woodburn Nursery
Following i the irice lint o( a few
choice trei-H. vine ami root furnished
by the Woodburn Nursery Co. Every
thing Mnt out by thia firm is fully guar-
anU-ed and the prices are from one-
third to one-half lower than asked by
other nurseries. Send for catalogue :
each 100 10U)
Apple, 2 to 3 ft 12c $10 S0
AniU-a,Sto4ft 20c 15 120
Apples, 4 to 6 ft 2.5c
Apples, 6 to 8ft c
Tears, 2 to 3 ft 20c
Tears, 3 to 4 ft 25c
Pear, 4 to 6 ft 20c
Tears, 6 to 8 ft 35c
Cherries 2 to 3 ft .25c
Cherries, 3 to 4 ft 30c
Cherries, 4 to 6 ft 40c
Cherries, 6 to 8 ft 50c
drains 20c
I e wherries 20c
Loganberries 26c
Gooseberries 12Jc
lilucklierries 10c
HiwplMTrioH 10c
Currants .' 10c
Ithuharb 10c
Plumn and prunes same price as ap
ples. Teaches, apricots, nectarines and
quinces same price as the pears,
Don't fail to try "Saypo" Washing
Towder. Can wash your hands with it.
Uneijualed for the laundry.
J. A. Mossiner.
Regular CorrospoiiduDt.
The Grangers held their regular
meeting Saturday. They are constantly
receiving new members.
The present weather is favorable for
full sown grain.
Hon. W. II. Karnes and wife, are now
occupying their elegant new home,
which they recently purchased of James
Mr. Homers, Sr., has been quite sick
for the pant two weeks with lagrippe.
Mr. Mott has very poor health at pres
ent. The banket social which was given
Saturday evening, proved a success,
both sm ially ami financially, A short
program constating of recitations and
musical selections, was rendered in a
very creditable manner.
Miss Mary Chase will lecture at this
place, Friday March 24, at 7 :30 p. m ;
subject, "Woman Suffrage."
Probata Court.
Matter of the estate of E. II. Warren,
deceased ; ordered that the administra
tor be discharged and the estate closed
of record.
Matter of the estate of Win. A. Brit
ton, deceaHed; entitle admitted to pro
ate, J. T. Fletcher appointed adminis- (
trator, with bonds at $2,000; upon ap
proval of bond, letters will issue.
Matter of the estate of Nancy V. Mc
Namer, deceased ; petition to sell real
estate; ordered that citations be issned
and served on the heirs at law and all
ersons interested to appear at the
county court rooms in Hillsboro of
May 1st and show cause why said order
shall not lie granted.
Estate of Margarette I). Jones, de
ceased ; TKtitlon to sell real estate filed
and said petition granted to sell at pub-
he auction (or cash in hand.
Real Estate Opportunities.
I wo acres near Cornelius ; good 6-room
house, orchard, etc., 1550. Farms of
every description and town property
K. W. McNUTT, Real Estate Agent,
Cornelius, Oregon.
Real Estate Transfer,
tarco B Porter st ox. to Robert Becker
N H tot L block 41 Forest Groe 1475 00
John Wagner et. ux to Kllubeth Barf'
r tract In Wm. Bloakea D L C 400 00
B HiMioD et ux to John Enols 36 acres
sec as T 1 8 R I W 110 00
F J Lewis lo Minnie U Lewis 30 acres MC
1 00
Wm Kel.lt to Wm HsTioh tract la Wert
Portland Hnithts , . .
U H Hxoo to J D Ko.le Vi scree K Walk
r I) L C
1 romgrati to Terry Watson t acres sec 4
Ti N 4 W
30 00
Ifiu 00
iso oo
1 1 Tamlcwle St us
sect NSW
to A CM pelt SO acn-s
400 00
Waller 8un.lt to 11 li Ttmms 15 acres eee
31 T 1 81 W 1200 00
1 W Coouall to Isaao Trullinger tili sens
In J L Meek D I. C MM 00
W H Wehmtigelal to Wm Wolf etal 44
acrve In C Wllklni p I. C 1W9 40
Its lllsnlnfto A J Wilkes lot 1 A 12 block
4 Purilu Add Plllcr n0 00
W A Hanor et ui to II R O'Neal 20 acres
In arc 55 T 1 N Rl W.
Bamuel tetn to Alliert Oil
T 3 8 R I W
3H00 00
30 acre see SO
500 00
A E Humph try U8 B Huston 2ft acre In
wSbTlSRIW and other lande
I M Toi.tue t al to Isabella Herbert 27
t 00
arm Hvlknap I) L C.
14X5 00
Peur K Wanner to Pavld Miller SO acre
In arc IA r 2 N R 6 W
T A flerk et al to Western Orwron Oon.
Association rVren Pay AdrenUata,
tract In W m F Hall D L r.
Wm 8 Smith to Franklin J Lewi 0 acres
eee 3 1 N 4 W
RS Hob Win el al to Jamea B Walker t
arrceThos I) Humphreys D L C
A P Stewart to Peter Mass 42 acres MC IS
Tl R W
8 Bdllptnto DB I omnia lot 4 block IS
Forest liniTe
W m H Klngle to f I t-rge 100 acres In
tSO 00
1 08
400 00
000 00
400 00
(3 00
M 25 T 1 N R W
l 00
R W Maine to W B llalnee rreeeul
at Toreal (iroee "t"
SxQ 00
AWrike el nx lo Jamea T Young U
acrea In llomeetead Claim of a J
l .,w.lhy i iim tao 00
Chaa r.hman lo Km ma Caah Iota In
Weal Portland heigh ta. loo'
WahlngVn Hmnty lo Prank Nacbbanr I
it arm In aee I T 1 8 R 1 W 1711 00
Mrry I Miller el al lo Franrti E O'ftm-or I
lot t A part of tot blork t HlllabonK. DO '
"The Sheepher dtr."
The Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal will
soou begin the publication of a new
newsafer novel by Taul le Laney en
tilled "Tho Sheepherder." In order to
give our readers a chance to read this
story, we have arranged an unprece-leiit-d
low clubbing rate w ith the Journal.
This paper and The Svmi-Weekly Jour
nal will be given one year, the to for
$ 1.75. Call at the office at once and
subscrilss in order to get the first chap
1 MLfiTO
A Big: Assortment of both Field and Gar
den, and Flower Seed. Red Clover Seed
and Alsike sold in any quantity. For price
and quality our line of seeds can't be beat.
Mill-stuff and Stock Food
All of our Flour and Feed is sold at Port
land prices. We have several brands of
of Stock and Poultry Foods; also Rock Salt,
Kow Kure for dairy stock and Blue Vitriol
Farmers Trade
Here and you'll
Main Street.
The lev Bicycle
Repairing of all kinds promptly done. Second hand
wheels for sale. All kinds of bicycle sundries. Give us
a trial. We are located just opposite tho Tualatin Hotel
ter of the story. This offer applies to
old sutweribera paving in advance as
well as uew oiies.
Congregational Church Notices.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Morning service at 11:00; subject,
"Tower in Conrentftion."
Y. T. S. C. E., 6:30 p. m.
Evening service at 7:30; ' subject,
"Launching out into The Deep."
II. UiLPATRKK, i'astor.
Save Money
.IBennett, Prop's.
Wheels to Rent.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received at the
county court rooms iu Ilillaboro, up to
TbiirUy, April 0, I'.MiS, at 2 o'clock p
ui. for grading Tatton Hill, on th
Scholls bridge and Tortluud road.
SeclnYation may be seen at the
County CWk'e olUco in Hillsboro after
March 20, iMo.
Ty order of the County Commission'
t rs. L. A. KOOI), Jude.
HilUboru, March 17, TJ0.'.
A Carload of Utah
Land Plaster just in.
Host on the market.
your order
now and
it lasts.
it WllilO
lhalnless b icycle for sale cheap.
inquire at Messiner's.
In the County Court of the Slate of Orecon,
Washington Count?.
In the Matter oi the fcstate of Nancy B. McNam-
er, deceased.
1o Theodore Mc Namer, Mrs. LulaMonken, Mrs.
Josle Kltcbey, Km. Nettle Bellinger, Mrs.
Alice "arsons, Hn. ponls Goojlu, Mrs.
Blaorhe Moore and C. W. McNamer. and all
ixrwui lnlereated la eald Estate, Greeting:
In the Name of the Stale ofOregon,
You are hereby cited and re
quired to appear la ths County Court
ofthe Huts of Oregon, foe the County of Wash
1 ngton al the Court Room thereof, at HUUboro In
the County of Waahlnftou oa Monday, the Oral
day of May, 1VU6, al lo o'clock la the forenoon of
that day, then and there to ihow cauae, If any
you hare, why anordor of aald Court ahould out
be made aulhorliini and direct ln the Adminis
trator of aald eetau, lo nil the real property be
longing lo aald eatate, within Washington County
Oregon, and dewrlbeda. follows to-wit:
Beginning at lbs aoutheaat eorner of lot num
bered 1, In block -numbered 2, In the City or
Koreet Grove, as deaignated, numbered and
marked on the recorded plat of laid City of For-
i.ml uiuv. a nl ruuaing tnenee north on the eaat
line of aald lot, 16 reel; thenoe weet 60 feet;
Iheuee aouth 1S5 feet; thenoe eaat Ml feel lo the
place of beginning, and as prayed for In eald
Wltne,tfas Hon. L. A. Rood, Judge or the
County Court of the Huts or Oregon, air the
County of Waahlngtou with the Deal of aald
Court affixed IhtiUud, day of March, A. D. 16
(Heal) L. A. KOOU, County Judge.
AtUwt; K. J. GODM AN, Clerk.
K. B. TONUL K, Attorney.
The uudeaalgned has been appointed Adinlnls
tralrli of the mate of Henry 11a , deoeaned
by the County Court of Washington County, Ore
gon, and has qualified. All peraoui having
claims agalnat aald estate are hereby not i lied to
preaeut the tame to me at Sherwood, Oregon,
with proper Touchers and duly Yenned within
Hi mouths from ths data hereof.
Dated and lint publlahed March 24, UU&.
Notice 1 hereby given, that by virtue of an
execution and order of aale lamied out ol and un
der the aeal of the Circuit Court of the Si ate of
Oregon, for the County of Washington, dated the
irdday of Puhrnary, 10J4, in fa Tor of Anna
Ha tea (fonuorly Anna Bodayla), plalnllff: and
agalnat W. i, Thomaa and EraTboinaa, hK wife,
defeudanu for the turn of I 'ooela and the
further auui of 1743 with Interval thereon from
Ihe&lh day of Deoemher 1904, at the rata of 7 per
rent per annum, all In faror oflheaald plaintiff
and for the further anm of 1177.64 with Ink-real
thereou from the 6th day of December 1404. al
the rate of 7 per cent per annum together with
K.ntteoaU, all lu favor ofthe defendant, Mra. M
r. Hail, to me directed and delivered, com
uiaudlug me to make aale of the real property
hereinafter doeurlbed, I have levied uon and
pursuant to aald execution and order of aale, I
will on Mouday, the 27lh day of March, 1906, al
the South door of the Courthouse In Hillsboro,
Washington, County, Oregon, at the hour of te
o'clock a. m. of said day, sell at publlo auction to
the hlgheat bidder for caxh lu band, all of the
following described real property, lying, being
aud situate In Washington County, Oregin, aud
more particularly described as fol ys, lo-V
The South half ofthe North Eaat quarter, and
the North Wost quarter ofthe North Eaat quartet
ofttoctlon 24, Town. Three North Kange rive
West, Will. Mer., containing 14) acres to satisfy
the hereinbefore named aun.a and for costs aud
expenses of aale aud said writ.
Said aale will be made subject to redemption
aa per statue of Oregon.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon 111 Is 23rd day of
rebruury, 1W6.
Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for
Washington County.
In the Matter ofthe Estate of George Morphew
To Jane Morphew, Jane Morphew Jr., and Mary
Auu Morphew and lo all persons lnlereated
In this estate. Greeting:
Iu the Name of the Btaie of Oregon Yon are
hervby cited aud required to appear In the County
Court of the Bute of Oregon, for the County of
WaHhlnglon at the Court Room thereof, al ililla
boro In the County of Washington on Monday,
the 2Hlb day of April l'JOJ, at 10 o'clock In the
forenoon of that day, then and there lo show
oause, If any you have, why an order of said
Court ahould not be made authorising and dl
reeling the Executor of Bald Estate to sell tbe
real property belonging to aald estate at public or
private aale, aald real property being described
as follows, to-wlk
Lying, being and situate within Washington
County, Oregon, and being known and dvslg
naied and described aa the south-west quarter of
section 26, Township 1 North Kange 6, West.
Willamette Merldan, containing oue hundred
aud sixty (160) acrea.
Witness, the Hon. L. A. Rood, judge ofthe
County Court ofthe State of Oregon, for the Coun
ly of Washington with the seal of said Court af
xed, tlilstfih day ol March A. I)., IMA.
(Heal) L. A. KOOU, CoWy Judge.
Attest: K. J. UODMAN, Clerk.
K. B. TONU UK, Attorney.
In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon, for
Washington County.
In the Matter of the Guardianship of Everett
lmiaboy and Louis Uillaboy, minora.
To K. A. Uillaboy, guardian of the Person and
estate of Everett IMUabny and Louis 1)1 11a-
boy, minors, and all persons concerned
said estate, (ireetlng:
In the Name ofthe Slate of Oregon, Yon are
hereby cited and required lo appear In the Coon
ty court or tbe Bute of Oregon, for the County of
W aahlngton al the Ootirt Koom thereof, at Ililla
boro In the County of Washington on Monday.
the 21st, day of April IMA, at 10 o'clock In the
f. ire noun of that day, then and there lo show
cause, it any yon have, why an order of aald
Court should not be made authorising and dl'
reeling the aald K. A. Dillaboy, guardian, of the
person aud estate of Everett Dillaboy and Louts
Dillaboy, minors, lo sell the real estate situated
In W ashington County, Oregon, and more par
ticularly a seen bed as follows, to-wit
Part of the South-west quarter ofthe North
weet quarter of Section twenty-Ova (26) Town
ship (I) South of Kange Two (2) Weet Will. Mer.
aud bounded by beginning 6. IN chs. North from
me quarter section eorner between serilons 26
aud T. 1. 8. K. 2 W. Will. Mer. and running
thenee North on section tine 14.26 chs. Insure
utbboo' K. East In the center of tbe Count?
Koad 6.37 chains, thenoe North "eIO' East 6. m
chs. thenoe South 14.02 ehs. thenoe West 14 26
chs. lo the place of beglnulng, containing 1(.M
Witness, the Hon. L. A. Rood, Judge ofthe
County Court of the Mat of Oregon, for the
County of Washington with tbe Heal of eald
Court affixed this 16th, day of March A. D. lwio.
(real) L. A. Roof), County Judge. -
Attest: E. J. (i(il)MAN. Clerk
Notice la hereby given that the undersigned
executor of lb last will and testament of IauIs
B. .it'll era, deceased, has (tied In lb County
(urt of Washington County, Oregon, his final
account in said eetat and I he earn has been art
for bearing before said court ou Monday, April
17, lii, at lo o'clock a. m.
I"ated this March 16, SJ6.
Exeentor ofthe Last Will and Testament of Louis
Borrhert, deceased.
S. B. Ill BTON, Attorney fur Estate.
Who Fills Your Prescription?
If we fill your prescription or re
cii it is filled with the best quality
of drugs and full-weight without
over charge for honest service.
We pay no oue to send you to u
and therefore, it TAYS YOU to
bring your prescription here. A
goodly number of people are al
ready aware of this and a trial will
convince you.
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
Docs a General Banking Business Sells exchange
Charges no Exchange to Customers and
? ? Pays Interest on time Deposits
jz? Call on Cbcm and Get Cerm$.- j&
A. iS. SHoles, Pres.
Geo. ScHulmericH, CasHier
fbate & Son, New Meat Marked
Miup on .Main tSt. , In (Iret'ur'g
UfHtHurant ItuiliHnu
CHILD quickly
of the nhovc
oHeii takes a lifetime to appreclntc their
vl"e. You can greatly assist the child in
learning the worth of the dollar. How ?
Ify having him open a savings account with
this hank, aud by encouraging him to add
to it.
A single dollar is Nufllcicnt to start an
account. Smaller deposits may follow.
Savings department opens January 1, li)05.
Tourist Cars
Going East.
Many experienced tarvelers
prefer tourist sleeping cars
for the transcontinental journey
Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul Ry.
ran arrange for your trip east
in tourist cars, offer you choice
of routes and save you money
p H. S. Rowe, Gen.Agt
Poultry and Game,
Cagh paid for fill kinlof Coun
try Produce and Butch
er'i Htnff.
Hop Snpiilics a Specially.
grasps the inonnlinr
ehaructcrs. Hut It
131 3rd Ht.
rrtUn4. Or