THE INDEPENDCNT, HILLSBORO Official Papar of Washington County. Entered at the Poatofflta at Hllla toro, Oregon, for tranamlailoa through the malla u aecond-claja mail matter. Official Paper of Walton County. BY D. W. BATH There In a popular diatruat of tbe nroixjmtlou to monkey with th a prune crop. Tbe czar's salary la $7,600,000 a year and yet there la acarcely anyone who would take h la Job. A letter with a "burn this" pout acript ahould for tbe Bake of safety be burued before It Is aent. I'rraident Htlllman said any banker Is likely to make aa error. Aunty Ch&dwlck will lull you the Mine thin. An EngliHh clergyman says that meat makes a man Immoral. This may explain why Ibe trust Is boost ing the price. It's an III wind that blows good nobody. Tbe "glass-put-in" man finding his time well taken up Uuiwia thme dys. Watch are now made only an eighth of an Inch thick. Your pock et book looks thin, too, after you have paid for one of them. A leading critic says: "evr of the poets are now working at their trade." How does he know, s'nro the real poots are always dead. New York's gilded youths have calling cards for their dogs. Thus boHtess knows at once which to ad dress when they are usbered in. I'ennypacker of Pennsylvania says he believes the devil Is an editor This shows that a very small reason may sometimes totter on Its throne. Two Omaha women, believing that "cleanliness Is next toQodllness" spent their last nickel for stove pol Ish and proceedod to starve to death. J. Pierpont Morgan has bought King Leopold's Interest in a Chinese railroad. It Is Dretty safe tosav that Leopold didn't soak anybody on tbe deal. Secretary Shaw recommends that the treasury vaults have alarms, They should be arranged to go off whenever a supply bill is introduced In congress. When a woman falls la love you ran' make her believe all men are alike, and when she has been mar ricd ten years you can't make her believe that they are not. A Chicago man Is supporting his nineteen children and their mother on an Incomeof 19 a week. When It comes to expert financiering there Is something worthy of study. A good deal of fun Is made of the female bargain hunters, but It is lust this clans which saves many a man from misery by making the ends meet and a little more. The Htandard Oil Company should be able If anything can to still the troubled waters of legislation and keep the machinery of congress In good condition. It bandies the goods. A Cleveland editor advertises the loss of a diamond scarfpin and dia mond watch charm. As editors are supposed to live the simple life, the question is, where did he get those trinkets T A girl In Tampa was wooed and won by mall, but she backed out when the would be bridegroom called. It Is a sad fact that a good many men make their best appearance through the postofflce. This story that Hetty Green has a doughnut for her lunch every day should be discredited. Probably some enemy is trying to spread the notion that she is leading a life of reckless self Indulgence. Thousands of children in New York have no breakfast at home be lore leaving for school. It was a wise missionary who said he could not convert a hungry man, and we listen to hear a teacher apply his words to another field. The differences between the presi dent and the senale are not a circum stance to the things that are going to happen next winter when Mis. Fair banks and Mrs. lloosevelt try to rnn Washington society according to their different ways. A New York man has been declar ed Insane because he wanted to tell the president how to run the gov ernment. The Insane asylums would be Oiled If all the men who have been giving such advice could be Intercepted. The Wisconsin assembly Is consid ering a bill to Impose a tax of ftf head for bachelor. The amount of the tat Insures that no bachelor will marry to escape the tax. At least those who have talked with their married friends on tb cont of a mod ern wife will not. New York dealers In automobiles report the sale of over 1 10,000,000 worth of their machines la the last two weeks. Most newspaper men are using their last year's wheel or walking. According to ceunus bureau statis tics telephone users In the United States shouted "Hello, Cer.tral!" 6,. 070,554.666 times last year. The census bureau has failed to gather statistics showing how many times central replied, Line's busy." For the protection of hotelkeepers sgalust dead beats, a bill was passed at the recent sea-ion which provides that any rxran who aha, 1 1 rwiimvw his baggsge from a hotel without first paying his bill shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, puuishable by fine of not less than 20 nor more lhau l 00, or be imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than fifty, or both fine and imprisonment. But the fellow who leaves a grip filled with old papers and a rock will be found transacting business aa usual, a The Oregon press asked (he leg Is lature to pass some legislation ap pertaining to their line of business that was by no mears a graft but which has proven of great benefit to older states that have passed the same law, says the Qervais 8'ar. "We refer to the bill proposed to publish assessment rolls by precincts in papers published therein, so far as possible. It Is estimated that it would cost Marion county not to ex ceed $150 per annum and it would unquestionably uncover thousands ol dollars worth cf untaxed property, but the legislators in their wisdom unwisely turned down all requests from the state -press. A hmall pro portion of the money squandered by our legislators If used to pass bene flcial laws to the state and press would be more to their credit." Oee Whiz I friend Clarke, did you expect legislators who ride on parses and collect full mileage from the state to pass a law which would brand every mother's son of them (with perhaps one or two exception) as blooming liars every time the assessor comes around. Just thank the Lord the capitol Is still at Salem, and let it go at that. Aa Editor's Opinion of the Kojral Merge EJyth Toxier Weatherred, in de scribing a recent trip over the Den ver and A Hio Orand railroad, says In "The Exposition :" "At last the goal of the ambition of years has been reached marvel ous, wonderful, grand and Inspiring Royal Oorge Is in sight. The only disappointing thing is you only have one pair of eyes, while the train darts In and out of the tremendous chasm. If any who have never seen It are wondering how It looks Just go and see. Thousands have tried to describe it, yet every attempt falls short of giving the sul ject Justice." If you contemplate a trip Est, write W. C. McBrlde. 124 Third St., Portland, Or ., for booklets picturing Colorado's famous scenery, and any other information you may desire. World's Fair Nearlug Coinpletloa. With the opening day of the Iewls and Clark exposition rapidly ap proacbing, It Is gratifying to the of flciala and the people of Portland to note that the work has advanced to such an extent as to surpass the most sanguine hoee of all. If current reports may be accepted as a criterion, such a condition is wholly without precedent. It li uni versally known that in the Instances of the Chicago, Atlanta, Buffalo and St. Louis expositions, upon the open log days, much remained to. be done. There was a deplorable absence of the finished appearance which will prove a marked feature of the Lewis and Clark exposition. According to an official report of tbe percentage of completion, the buildings and landscape gardening of the mainland and the decorative work Is advanced in excess of 90 per cent. In St. Louis within three months of the opening day, work was advanced but 80 per cent. The mere fact that the centennial Is advanced to such an extent within four months ot Its opening day, Is In all probability due to the Ideal cli matic conditions which unquestion ably have materially facilitated the work of construction. When the gates of the Lewis and Clark exposition are thrown open to the public on June 1st, visitors miy walk through both buildings and grounds and to the most remote parta of the fair site entirely unham pered. All debris which nceAarily accompanies the hurr'ed construction of exposition buildings will have been removed, and the great exposi tion, commemorate of the famous expedition to the Northwest will be holly complete. A beautiful Kttx'k ot stationery tor the ladies just received at the IVlU. Some thing new and nice. Trice are one of the prrttv features, too. 1 rrirht'a Terfldj. From the Oregon Mint. The old adage that "rata desert a Inking ahlp," waa never better ex emplifled than io the following ex tract from Tuesday's Washington dispatch to the Oregonlan : "Io connection with Mr. Mitch ell's letter to Tanner, it developer that Max Pracht, who delivered the letter to Robertson, turned a sharp trick to his own advantage. Prachl recently resigned as special agent of the land office and came to Washing ton seeking an appointment Io sow i ther department, but hla closest friends, Mitchell and Hermann, were indicted and could not help him When Mitchell decided to write Tan ner, he did not trust R iblnsoi either to write or to knowingly carry any word to hla law partner, but hmi Pracht band the fatal letter to Rob ertson to throw nlin off tbe scent. Pracht was shrewd enough to sur mlse that the letter waa Important, and on the quiet be informed thj ae cret service officials of the treasury that Robertson waa carrying an Im portant paper to Tanner. Pracht V tip led to the capture of this very important document In the govern ment'a case, and a few days later Pracht was appointed special agent In the treasury department." Was there ever a dirtier trick than this r If it la true that as a reward for betraying hla friend, Pracht was appointed special agent of the treas ury department, the government will do well to detail one man to do noth log else but watch Max Pracht. He is a cheap skunk and would sell out the government Just aa readily as he sold out the man at whose hands he was seeling favors. The practice of rewarding such men by giving them positions of trust is unworthy of this great government. Possibly inform ers are necessary, but they should be rewarded io the true orthodox fash Ion by payment In silver. Centennial Notes. A miniature mint in full working operation will be a part of the gov ernmenl exhibit at the Lewis and Clark exposition. More than thirty national conven tlons are scheduled to convene in Portland during the fair. Electricity in Its every conceivable application, representing the most marvelous achievements in modern science, may be seen at the expos! tion. A native Phlliplno theatre, in which amusements peculiar to the Inhabitants of our Island territory, Is to be one of the many excellent attractions of the "Trail." The government fisheries exhibit at the Lewis and Clark exposition will show the evolution of a Royal Chinook Salmon, from the embryo to a well matuted fish. Some Idea of the privations endur ed by Lewis ard Clark In their ex pedition to the great Northwest, may be gleaned by a careful examination of the exhibits characteristic of the earlier history of Oregon territory. The model dairy farm at the Lewis and Clark exposition, In which everything pertaining to scientific dairying methods, will prove of par tlcular interest to those interested in dairying. The caressing melody of the chimes In the towers of tbe main govern ment building will recall mental pic tuiea of the missions founded by Junlpero Berra and his Intrlpid fol lowers in the seventeenth century. But seldom are some of us afforded an opportunity to bear the world's famous bands. Many of them have been engaged to play at the fair, among them oelng tones', DeCsp rlo's, Ellery'a and the Hawaiian Im perial band. The manufacture of gold pens will form one of the many Interesting working displays at the fair. Callfornla'a building at the fair will be four times as large aa tbe pa vilion the state erected at St. Louis. Fraternal societies of the United States have organized for the purpose of erecting a Temple of Fraternity at the lxwia and Clark fair. Over $20,000 haa been pledged toward the project and the erection of a beauti ful and appropriate structure Is as sured. It has been decided that the ma chinery, aa well as the amusements on the "Trail," at the fair will be stopped oo Sunday, The. exhibit palaces will be open to the public and all other features of the exposi tion will be running as on week asys. The Lewis and Clark exposition buildings will be protected from fire by a regular automatic system of nreaiarma. Thevystem works like ordinary improved city systems, au- tmetlcally harnessing the borwv to the lire engines and wagons, as well aa souudlog the alarm. Western school teachers have ad opted a novel method of advertising the fair. They give their children si an exercise the task of writing a letter to some relative or friend In lite Eist, extending an Invitatiou to attend the exposition. School eh II dreu of Mom-ow, Idaho, recently wrote 1,100 such letters. O round has been broken for the Washington stste building and work n the structure begun. The building will typify the timber wenlth of tbe Eve-greeu state. The Washington legislature approptlated $75,000 for rectiugthe building aud collecting -ind Installing a comprebeiiHlve dis play of the resources of the state. An excursion that will doubtless tltiact great interest is one planned iy F. R Drew, of New York city. .Mr. Drew will conduct a traiu of prairie schooners from Portland, Me., 'O Portland, Or, the latter part ol he Journey being along the trail followed ty Lewis and Clare 100 years ago. The travelers expect to reach Portland In October, In time io attend the exposition. It Saved Ilia Leg. P. A- Drfofortli of LaOrauge, Qa., suffoied for six months with a fright ful running sore ou his leg; but writes that Buckln's Arnica Halve wholly cured It in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it's the best salve in the world. Cure guaran teed. Only 25 cts. Sold by all drug gists. A Portland syndicate has purchas ed the Dr. Bailey property at New port and will convert il into a swell hotel for the accommodation of sum mer tourists. The one thing needed at Oregon's favorite resort. Lookout for Newport and Nye Creek to boom. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are Ignored by those tireless, little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, Biliousness, Con stlpation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. E'isy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25 cents at all drug stores. No local option election will occur in June. It seems that the house com nlttee representing the aoti sa loon crusade In the legislature promls ed members that if the Jayne hill whs defeated they would not call for any election In June. At a meeting of the standing committee of the Anti Saloon league and the State Prohibi tion Alliance of Oregon, held Tues day in tbe rooms of the Young Men's Associations this decision was reach d. The action of the commit tee dots not bind absolutely all pre cincts, cities and counties of the state, as the initiative can be taken and the work carried out Independently, but the fact that the state organiza tloiis advocate this course will no doubt prove effective in preventing local option elections where no vote Is taken on other matters. Astoria Herald. More Riots. Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an individual dis order of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tention will be fol lowed ry utter collapse, unless a re liable remedy is immediately em ployed. There's nothing so efficient to cure disorders of the Liver or Kid neys as Electric Bitters. It's a won derful tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run down systems. It dispels Nervousness, Rheumatism and Neu ralgia and expels Malaria germs' Only 60c, and satisfaction guaranteed by all druggists. The February number of the PacJ fic Monthly is a characteristic issue, neat, attractive, with fine illustra tions, and thoroughly in keeping with the publishers' idea of making a distinctly Western magazine, yet one of general Interest and value. The cover design is from tbe group by II. A. McNeil in the city park at Portland, Oregon, and Its adaption for a cover design makes an unusual ly eflectlve thing. In the depart ment "PeoploPlaces-Thlngs," which introduces tbe magazine each month, there are sketch of Washington's new Oovernor, Washington's Farm er Congressman, Wesley L. Jones, the big ship "Minnesota," redwood, burl, and the Alaska goose, all of which are illustrated. Tbs depart ment contains In addition illustra tiona of some big trees, studyiug gull chicks, the Oila Monster, Alice Roote veil, scenes in Northwestern Wash ington and Indian pictures Tragedy Averted. "Just iu the nick of time our little boy was savd" writes Mrs. W. Wa alns of Pleasant City, Ohio. Pneu monia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough bad set In besides. Doctors treated him, bui he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Diaeov 'ry for Consumption, and our darling was saved. He's now sound, and well." Every nody ought to know, It's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. Guar anteed by all druggists. Price 60c and $100. Trial bottles free. 'One hundred thousand hop roots wanted at once at Cate's Market. Wanted, 10 men in each state to travel and tat k it,'na and diatribuU aani!e and circular of our goods. Salary $75.00 r mouth; $3.00 per day for expenses. Kuhliuaa Co., Dept. Atlas Building, Chicago. Olytnipic Flour Las been tested by lovers of good bread and has been fouud superior to all other brands. 'Try a sack at f 1.25 and you will use no other At fate's Meat Market ami Grocery. WANTED TJCSTWOBTHY MAMOB WOM- an to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for wall established house of solid financial standing. 1-0.00 straight cash salary with all necessary expenses paid weekly by check from headquarters. Money advanced for ex Njnaea. Position permanent; previous experience not essential. No invest ment required. We furnish everything. Enclose self-addressed enveloiie. Ad dress, Manager, 810 Couio Block, Chica go 111. sawl'i , Jlriefi, pamphlets, folders, circulars. dodgers, programs, invitations, letter heads, uill-Iieails, enveloites, and an nouncements turned out on short notice at this office. You can get any kind of a blank printed by applying at this ollice. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN in this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old establish ed house of solid financial standing. Salary to men $21 weekly, to women IU to $1H weekly with Expenses advanced eacli Alonuav by check tlireettro'u head quarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary; position permanent. Address, Blew Bros, A Co., Dept. 6 Moti on liidg., Chicago, in. Hop roots, $1 per 1,000; also bop sup plies, at Cate's market. Call at Cate's for your hop-wire and fertilizer. Trices right. Portland and Return 85c. The Southern Pacific Is now selling round trip tickets to Portland from Hillsboro for 85 cents, good going Satur day P. M., or any train of Hunday, re turning Sunday and Monday, giving all day Hunday and Monday in Portland The same arrangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance to visit valley points at greatly reduced rates. Have you tried the Delta Pink rills? tiood morning. Winter Rates to Yaquina Bay. In order to aooommodata th maoy people who wUb to maka a winter trip to Tabula Bay the southern Pacing Railway company will aell on Wedneadayiaod Saturday! of each week, uo til March It, 1WS, round trip tickets, at low ratoi, to Yaquina Bay and retnrn, limited to lxty daya from data of aala. Thoae who dealre lo take advantage of tbli rate ihould apply to neareat Southern Pacific Uckat agent for llckeU, Manufacturers of Mouldings, Celling Hough ninl Dressed Lumber, Win dow and Door Frames, any kind of Wood Work. THE BEST WOOD PUMP on tno market. We do Turning, Handsaw and Bracket Work. Apents for Mt. Vincent Lumber Co., Successors to Nelson & Reed Factory and Lumber Yard Next to Depot. PROF. EDWIN A. SMITH, OP COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, Instructor of Instrumental Musis. PORTLAND, OREGON. At Hillnboro Tuesday and Wednesday of each wwk. Instructions given on the l'iano, Violin, Guitar or any string instrument. Address, Room 1, Uem Ueetaurant, Hillsboro. Milk Delivered. John W. Gates delivers f resit milk erery morning Those wishing milk may leave orders at Mcssing ers Grocery or phone 310 THE WHOLE THINS IN AN EGGSHELL How to Get 200 Eggs a Year per Hen The second edition of A Practical Poultry Han nal la now ready. Contains among other thlnm the famoaa Sampano Method of Feeding, which la knows to beone of tbe beat meana of making a profit from ponltry. Soma of the chapter bead Inga are: Brooder i'tilcke; Fmfltabla Poultry Raiting; Principle IHfnculllea; Remedlea for Roop; Paring the molt; Economy In Feeding: Poultry aa Bilinear, Trap Neeta, with plan. and UliMtmllona. Thla chapter la worth the prica of the book. Telia the practical way to make poul try pay. Price Me. Onr paper la a2 page Agricultural Magazine with booaehold. Pool try, Horti collar, and Dairy Iiepartmenta. Sabacrlptwn price tl 00. To Introduce oar monthly laloyoar home we will eend the paper one year and A Practlra Poultry Manual for ht eenta. Tnfi Pacific Tree ani Tine. Park Hotel IUdg., San Jose, California. iesler 1 Co., MoeuiitDsooirisDeo.l" i . .. , .... r..,u,i.rt.n huj f MM nrbiirl I I r .T-.. Wa to MitMUM UiU liaO- lUukAl c..ijn-Uu.u, in, n, COUNTSIIS. I wwr mm - . itent 14 Infringement Practice laclualvely. tU lal Start. Vaiv4 lutat htaat Ooa, I wtisitiaroN, o e. Send No Money ONLY TOUR NAMQ AND ADVRKHB For SampUi of Cloth, Etc turn JpIr.DU oroei TEe Medal Tail on ee-Tl Third Bt. VortlajaA, Oa. Plata mention thla papar. raw The3Iost iiellghtiul Way to Cross the Continent. Through Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. A Daylight Hide Through Nature's Art (.allot y. Passing Castle Gate, Canon of the Grand, Tennessee Pass, Marshall Pass and the Royal Gorge. 3 Traina Dally Between Ogden and Denver 3 EQUIPMENT and SERVICE SECOND TO NONE SEEK NO FURTHlilt, HETTKU CAN'T HE FOUND For detailed Information, address W. C. McBRIBE, I34 Third Street The Hillsboro Independ ent, The Portland Tri-Weekly Journal and The. Pacific Tree and Vine, one year for $2. ASK THIi AGHNT 1-OR TICKETS VIA To Spokane, S. Paul, Miniioap oils, 1J 11 1 11 1 li , llilaigu, M. Louis, and All Points Last and South. 2 OVKRI.ANI) TRAINS DAILY. 2 The Flyer aud the Fsnt Mall SPLENDID SERVICE. rrvro-DATE equpiment COl'RTKOUS EMPLOYES DAYLIOIIT TRIP ACROSS the CASCADE and ROCKY MOUN TAINS. For Tickets, Rates, Folders and Full Particulars, call ou or address II. DICKSON, City Ticket Aget, 122 Third St. Portland S. O. YHRKIJS, G. V. P. A., 612 First Av., Seattle, Wash, We give Expedited Scrvlfe on Freight. Route your Bliipinenta via the (ircut Northern. Full inlormution from Wm, Harder, General Atient, Portland, Ore. y t fwm VlUVUgU Portland Special the mt luxurious tr.iin in the world. 1' .lc'iiit i.irs, dining cam, ImlTct onx'kiinf nnd lit r.iry car Jarlx-r and hath), than three (i.iyi l'ortland to Chicago, TwoThroughTrains to Chicago d.iily from Portland and point in On n anil Eaxti rn Waah in'tcpn the Oregon Kaiiroad & N.i iuation t o., Oregon Short Line, I'nion I'ac'fie K. I'., ami Chicago fit North-Western Ky., o er Tha On! Dwbia-Track Railway Th M itc-jrl River and Chicago Dni'v r riirmn hi I' V!m;in tourist I pin Ir.'tu l'.rt'.itnl ihruugb tl i lilt .Ik' Without C.litMr. ft. . HMTOI IF. AG RARKPft. Gn I A if I Far fmil, .. r il . rfraf. In Miri.-1 Strf. f Din I Ntrrt, tN ! , CAI.. f ITLAND.OMI, Chtcaffo A North-Wetter lty II To Fatrona and Correspondenta. I All locals will be rua till ordered out I ... unless otherwise specified. j lon't send us lor free publication any thing of an advertising character. I lou't ask oa t send you names and address of cirrcHHinilc!it. That is ' private mutter between them and u. Copy for ails, chunges, etc., must is? In the ollice Ivfore '2 o'clock p. m. Wednes day to insure proper care and attention . I liurch and society notices free, ex cept alien fir money making purposes. Such notices at regular rate at the op tion of the publisher. Oou't send ua articles on silitics, tem perance or religion. Iiscussion of such topics only leads t violent and abusive language in the end. Before coming to the city to trails readers are requested to examine Ttie Independent advertising columns. Its the active w ide-auake business man who advertises, consequently he is the most accomodating, sells the chcnix-at. and deals the most libarullv iu everv wsv. General Agent. Portland, Oregon WET WEATHER. WI5D0M! v VtV the original SLICKER SLACK OB VfcLLOMr WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING ELSE WILL TAKE NO SUBSTITUTO CAT.Loauce rare ruLi tiNi or aaaaitNTa tno mats. A. t. TOWER CO., aoaroN, M.aa., u a . TOwrn CANAOt.MCO., LTO-, TORONTO, CANADA. Announcement. Having purchased the Central Meat Market, we wish to announce to former patrons and the public, that we have established a free de livery and have reduced the prices on all meats. For the Inrst cuts and best service possible we res pectfully solicit your patronage. EMM0TT BROS. OREGON SHOWTIME ahdDmion Pacific Three Trains to the Hast Daily Thrmixb I'lillman tamlanl ami lonrl.t alrep Inn rara dally Io Omaho, ( hlcajro, Hpokane: lourlal alivpln: carl daily Ui Kkiimm i; through I'lillman tourial W.ln rata (perMin ally mnnliit'ted) weekly to rhlinito, Katmaa nty recllDiof chair cara(vala ilallv) to hant dally 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No change of cart 70 liM'AKT KOK j TIMK M'HKIH I. KM from Poulan.l, Or. AKKIVK KKDM Chicago eon land Halt Lake, Iienrrr, Kt special norm, omalia, Kan aaa City, Ht. Louie, Chi cagoatid Kant. lAem Tla & V p. m. II muiKton Atlantic Kinreaa Halt t ake. Penrfr, Kl H:lft p m norm, Omaha, Kan aaa City. Ht. Louie, Chi cago and Kaal. rla Hunt ington 7.14 M.'l'aiil Part Mall walla Walla, lawlaion Hpnkane, Wallare.l'iill man, Mlnneapolla, Ht. Caul. Iiuluth, Milwau kee.t hlragnand Kaat. A p m via :00 a. in. Hpnkane Ocean and Riar SohaduU : . . J. r.Tery nre fleya at I D. m tTJ'J'L'"'."" !""" anl North Verb-Sally r ? m '"nl'.'i'J"" p- "."rrt.ya al iThA w,u;me 'Jy.n",r,.::.r:"n,"') - - .nil or further information aak r ..... ..... neareet ticket agent, or A. I,. Craig: fltftfaArml 1'aaxnai.a a Oreron. ' Ballon Pft t Lh CO YEARS tXPERIENCE A mr raetf Diatom enira y awrt.m nnr i..n IrM (,hZi iZsrZmTX, ri"-1"""1- " Tirs rwjw mm-t, .Hh.Hit eliame, la the Scicniilic Jlmcricaii. hanAanmoty P1nra4 klr. T arwMH Mr. nmt,.m f ...i.a. t.. " V IriVr."' P"-""IT palenlahla. ( ..n.n.nnl rr.V .'.:'' ""T'aa. IL Hole m.IL? I SHOwma -ii . a r at, WaafctLlni; uJ