tt flWt If Gentleman From Indiana IL JbHiii. U 111 U Ju PROOF" OF THIS "By Xooth TAHK.iJfGTOSf C,rr4t. 1999. my VmmmMmr S31 McClmrm Cm. 4j Cmmr4U 1902. mr M.CI. TMUn '21 C tJ 13 HEAD "ARTISTs be coiue la npstulr with you and FU tw tliey wer Jt blu new watcbed th color of our ribbon." ': rv pes ted Mr. Tipwortby. When the editorial chamber bad beel made ao neat that It almost glowed though It could never be eipected t blue a did Flat aud Caleb I'arkei and Koaa Schotield tbat morning. tb lady took her eat at tbe dealt aoc looked over tbe few Item tbe gentle bipd bad already compiled for ber p ruaal. Mr. I'urker eiplulued many tecb nlealltie peculiar to tbe Carlow Her aid, translate some phrase of tb printing room and enabled ber to gram tbe amount of mutter needed to fill an lHNue. When Parker finished the three In cotnetents sat watching tbe little fig lire with tbe expression of hopeful ami trimtlng terrier. Hue knit her brow for a second, but she did not betray an Instant' Indeclalou. "I think we should have regulai market reports," ah aunounced ear nestly. "1 am aure Mr. Ilarkles would approve. Uou't you think he would?" Bbe turned to Parker. Market reportsr Mr. Flhee ex claimed. "I ahould never have thought of market reports, nor do I Imagine would either of my-my associate. A woman to conceive the Idea of market reports !" The editor blushed. "Why, whe would, dear. If not a woman or a pec ulator, and I'm not a speculator, and neither are you, aud that' the reason you didn't think of them. So, Mr Parker, a there 1 so much pressure, and If you doti't mind continuing to act a reporter as well as compositor until after tomorrow, and If It Isn't too wet you must have an umbrella would It be too much bother if you went around to all the shops stores, I mean to all the grocers and the butcher and th leather place we passed, the tannery and If there's one of those place whew they bring cuttle, would It be too mucb to ask you to stop there and at thi flour mill. If It Isn't too far, and at the dry goods store and you must take a blank book and a sharpened pencil, and will you price everything, please, and Jot down how much things are?" Order received, the Impetuous Tar ker was departing ou the Instant when she stopped him with a little cry, "But you haven't any umbrella!" And aht forced ber own, a slender wand, upon him. It bore a cunningly wrought handle, and It fabric was of glisten ing silk. The foreman, unable to de cline It, thanked her awkwardly, and as she turned to speak to Flsbee hi bolted out of the door and ran down tbe steps without unfolding tbe um brella, aud then as lie made for Mr. Martin's emporium ho buttoned It se curely under bis long Prince Albert, determined that not a drop of watei should touch and ruin so delicate a thing. Thus he carried It, triumphant ly dry, through the course of his re port I UK of t!iat day. When he had goiie the editor laid bet band on Flshee'a arm. "Ocar," ahe said, "do you think you'd take cold If you went over to the hotel and made a not of all the arrivals for the last week and the departures too? I noticed tbat Mr. Ilarklcs always tilled two or three sticks, Isn't It? with them aud thlngi about them, and somehow It 'read' very nicely. You must ask the landlord all bout them, and If there aren't any, we can take up the same amount of space lamenting the dull times. Just as be used to. You see, I've read the Herald faithfully. Isn't It a good thing I al ways subscribed for It?" She putted Flshee's cheek with her soft band and laughed gayly into his mild, vague old eyes. "It won't be this scramble to 'fill up' much longer. I have plana, gentle man, and before long we will print news; and we must buy 'plate matter' Instead of patent Insldes; and I had talk with the A "so" In ted Press people In Rouen, but (lint's for after while And I went to the hospital this morn lng before I left. They wouldn't let me see hi in again, but they told me all about hliu, aiut he's better, and I got Tom to go to the Jail, and he saw some of those lien hi-, and I can do a column of description beside an editorial about them, and I will be fierce enough to tilt Carlow, you tuny believe that And I've been talking to Senator Hums that Is, listening to Senator Hums, which Is much stupider and I think I can do an article on national politics. I'm not very well up on local Issues yet, and I" She broke off suddenly. "There, I think we can get out tomor row's nnrntwr without any trouble. Py the time you get back from the hotel. fathpr, I'll hare half my my stuff written 'written up.' I mean. Take your big umbrella and go. dear, and please aik at the express office If a typewriter bus come for me." She laughed again with sheer delight like child, and ran to a corner and got the cotton umbrella and placed It In tbe old man's hand. As he reached the door she called after him. "Walt!" nd went to him and knelt before him and, with the humblest, proudest grace In the world, turned up bis trousers to keep them from the mud. Itoss Scho fleld had never considered Mr. Flsbee a particularly anctvd sort of person, but h did from that moment The old man made some timid protest at tbe girl' action, but she answered: "Tbe great ladles used to buckle the Cheva lier Bayard's spurs for him. and you're great deal nicer than the Cher You baven't any rtiblsrs! I don't be lieve any of you have any rn biters!" And not until both Flsbee and Mr. Bchofleld had promised to purchase overshoe at once and In the meantime not to step In any puddle would she let the former depart upon hi errand. H crossed the sijuare with the strang est Jauntiest step ever een In Platt ville, Solomon Tlbb bad warm ar tint wtth Ml Sellna a to hi Identity, Ml Sellna maintaining that the figura under the big umbrella-only the leg and coat tall were visible to them was that of a strauger. probably au Englishman. In tb Herald office the editor turn ed, smiling, to tbe paper" remaining vassal. "Mr. Bchofleld. I beard om talk in Rouen of an oil company that bad been formed to prospect for kero sene In Carlow couuty. Do you know anything about It?" Hons, surfeited wltb honor, terror, aud possessed by a sweet distress at find ing himself tete-a-tete with the lady, looked at the wall and replied. "Oh, If that Eph Watts' foolishness." "Do you know If they have begun to dig for It yet?" "Ma'am?" ald Itoss. "Have they begun the diggings yet?" "No, ma'am, I think not They've got a coutrapshun fixed up about three mile outh. I don't reckon they've be gun yet. hardly. They're glttln' the machinery In place. I heard Eph say they'd begin to bore dig. 1 mean, ma'aia; I meant to say dig" He stopped, utterly confused and unhap py, and be understood hi manly pur pose aud knew him for a gentleman whom she liked. "You mustn't be b much surprised, she said, "but In spite of my Ignorance about such things I mean to devote good deal of space to the oil company. It may come to be of great Importance to Carlow. We won't go into it In to morrow's paper beyond an item or so, but do you think you could possibly find Mr. Watts and ask him for some Information as to their progress and if it would be too much trouble for him to call here tomorrow afternoon or the duy after? 1 want him to give me an Interview If be will. Tell him. please, he will very greatly oblige us." "Oh. he'll come all right." answered her companion quickly. "I'll take Tlbbs' buggy and go down there right off. Eph won't lose no time glttln' here." Aud with this encouraging assurance he was flying forth when he. like the others, was detained by her solicitous care. She was a born mother. He pro tested that In the buggy he would be perfectly sheltered. ISesldes, there wasn't another umbrella about the place. He liked to get wet anyway; had always loved rain. The end of It was that he went away In a sort of tremor wearing her rain cloak over his shoulders, which garment, as It cov ered Its owner completely when she wore It, hung almost to bis knees. He darted around a corner, aud there, breathing deeply, tenderly removed It then borrowing paper aud cord at a neighboring store wrapped It neatly aud stole back to the printing office, on th ground floor of the Herald building, and left tbe package In the band of Hud Tlpworthy, charging him to care for It as for his own life and not to open It but If the lady so much a set one foot out of doors before his return to hand it to her with the message, "He borrowed another off J. Ilanklns." Left alone, the lady went to the desk and stood for a time looking gravely at Harkless' chair. She touched it gently, as she had touched It once before that morning, and then she soke to It as If he were sitting there aud as she would not have spoken hud ha been sitting there. "You didn't want gratitude, did your' ahe whispered, with sad Up. Soon she smiled at the blue ribbon, patted the chair gayly-on the bnck and, seizing upon pencil and pud, dashed Into her work with rare energy. She bent low over the desk, her pencil mov ing rapidly. She seemed louth to pause for breath. She hud covered many sheet when Flsbee returned, aud as he came In softly In order not to dis turb her she was so deeply engrossed that she did not bear him, nor did she look up when Tarker entered, but pur sued the formulation of her fust flying Ideas with the same single purpose and abaudon. So the two men sat aud waited while their chleftalness wrote absorbedly. At last she glanced up and made a little start KM exclamation at seeing them there and then gave With tht Kumblcit. irnuU $t grace in thi them cheery greeting. Each placet! Several scribbled sheets before her. and she, having first assured herself that Flsbee had bought his overshoes, and having expressed a fear that Mr. Par ker had found her umbrella too small, a be looked damp (and Indeed he wa damp), cried praises on their note and offered the reortera great applause. "It I all so splendid!" she cried. "How could you do It so quickly? And tn the rain too! It la Just what we Deed. I've done most of the thing 1 mentioned. I think, and made a draft of some plans for hereafter. Doesn't It seem to you that It would be a good notion to have a woman's page "For (To be continued. 3 ILP JE Beautiful Illustrations Of the wonderful resources of the vast western region ap pearing from month to month in the The Greatest Magazine The West Has Ever Seen. Pacific Monthly READ THE OFFER AND SEE, TOO, WHAT YOU GET FOR $1.00 Tho Pacific Monthly $1.00 The Inde pendent $1.00 The Artists Proof $1.00 Total $3.00 WE GIVE THE WHOLE FOR His 7 iplendid Magazine 25 Published at Portland, Oregon, is six years old. It is backed by Western energy and enthusiasm. Jts circulation h going up ny bounds. It is unique and in a class by itself. Western people should read it, support it and be proud of such a high class, rep resentative publication. It is built on lines -like our rolling waters, mighty forests and majestic hills. It sets people talking and makes friends everywhere. IT IS GOOD ALL THROUGH! The illustrations are works of art. The article are timely comprehensive and instructive, keeping you in touch with the development of the Great West. Read it. Send it to frienda in the East. Subscription price, one dollar per year in advance. ADDRESS HILLSBORO, OREGON. n 3 ft! fc3 1 4 7y 1 i i $ 7 'A 3 27 r . i-r I .. -.t.-. 4 Si ft. 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