Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, June 24, 1904, Image 3

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    '.. ii i M t 41 it H .1
OOr Weekly farlt Report.
Chickens, old, tr lit.
Turkeys, er !i
Geese, kt Hi, live...,
Kgw, r don
Itutter, ttr roll
I'otatoee, per ntrk.,,
Onions .t n.ick
lt.tcou, r 1 1 ,
. . .Irfc
. . .K.:
.30 .fc'i
. . 1 IK)
" " "
" "
XjOCL brevities.
Corvallis & Eastern R.R.
Time-Table No. 24
o. '4 roa vyiu:
I-T AlhailV .
l.eev oivallla
A rnv. YaUiiia
so, l, arrraatsu:
IeaVS Ylllll ,
I eeve I . i r v 1 1 1 . . .
12 p Dl
2:U0 p H
6..V p
... 4'. a
.11 a
Aante Albany . 12: lap a.
no. 3 roe i.toii:
Leave lhany . ... , 7:0ii a
Arrive U-ln.il . .. 12:
' : & p ui
M. 4 raua uiaaoir.
Leave lM'tr.li , , , . , l ui p m
Arrive Aihany . , - . . 5: j6 p u
Train No. 1 arrive lu Albany In lima to roa
nNi wilb the K. r. south bound tralu, an well e
giving two or three boora in Allatuy before de
parture of t). I'. Norib bound Iralu.
Train No. 2 connect with Ilia K H. Iralni al
Corvallla anil Albany giving ulrect aervlca lu
Newport aul adjaceul lieacbea.
Train No. 1 for IH-lroit, Hrellenbiiah ami other
mountain reaoria Iciifi All any at 7:W1 a lu.,
reaching Detroit alioul noon, glvlug ample lliua
to raat'b Itie Muring aauiM day.
for further Information i.lv to
rUWIN sTo.SE, Manager.
T. C(s aail.l.. Agent, Albany.
II. H. caosias, Ageut, Corvallla.
Wo 'i.
8 AS a. in. .
No. .
(1 :0t ti. in . .
No. 1.
4 p.
No 3.
i :l,J a. in.
A. IIinshaw, Agent.
Subscribe fur The Independent.
Get vour ice cream nt I'uliuateer's.
liitlk pickles ut II. Wehrung A S.iiih'
All hula marked down ut Mrs. Vroo-
Vroonian sient Monday in Port
TIib Iw in hikI C'litrk ladies have their
fair envelops on sale at lotli drug stores.
Wanted A t'oiiiHtciit girl tor general
housework. Mrs. 1. W. ltuth.
The ijn:ikir medicine. mIiovyh have
druwu gissl aiidicnccH all the week. '
Itoya' wuists ami duck titiitt.
II. Wehrung & Sons'.
The only place you can get the
Sepia photoa ia at (.'randaU's.
Have Dr. I .owe cure your eye anil
lieiul ache with a pair of his siiieriur
A hix variety
Melect ll'olii.
of Hiiininer gixxU to
II. Wehrnnu A Hoiih'.
Mra. 8. S. ilatemuun ami tlauxliter ol
(in lea Creek waa in the city Wednesday.
Mra. A. l. Charlton, of l'ortlaud waa
the (fiieat of Mra. F. J. Hailey ovel Sun
day. Mra 8. (1. Morgan and children Tlnited
over Sunday in 1'onlaml with her htiH
Land. Mra. Iluinphreys ami duulitcr Miaa
Lucy are home from their vlait at Hood
Mr. and Mrs. 1. K. Purdin, of Foreat
(irove, fpent Sunday wilh' Mra. H. 1.
Willi an electric line to the capital
from HillHlairo, we'll all U in the swim,
and It's coming.
"Cream KoHemerc," I eat preparation
on earth for the akin. Sold only at the
l'elta Inin Store.
Miaa M inniai Warren returned Wed
ncaday from an eiU-ndtM viait with a
sinter in California.
The foundation ia in for the double
atom of Schtimerich liroa. Work w ill be
piinhed from now on.
Horn On Friday laat to Mr. and Mrs.
.T. Melton, who reaide three inilea eaat
ut IlillxlNiro, a aon.
Miaa Jennie Tlionie went to Portland
Monday, where ahe will upend a couple
f wtka with rrl.ilivea.
Canhier Shute lout a valuahle cow yea
terduv. She waa worth $73 of any
luau'a money.
Photoa, rain or ahtne, 4.0t) one for
3.00, and -'.(K onea only for a
ehort time at ('iniidnU'a
Iiev. and Mra. UohiiiHon retuniiil,
Saturday from a Ave week' aWnce at
St. Ijuiia and the Kant.
The brick work on the new bank build
IiiK in pnvreKainK and it will take but a
abort time to tliiiidi the job.
Miaa Alma llowman ia attending
rouinieiicetnetit exerciwa this week at
the State Normal at Monmouth.
Mra. C. II. Mclaaac, of Portland, and
Mra. Scott Sweetland, of Vancouver,
are gueata of Mrs. F. J. Bailey.
iMn't wait till I have jro'io and then
have to pay two prieca for Inferior
photoa. Come now. CraiidaU'a Stndio.
V.. II. Kobbina, of F".nat Cedar Creek,
waa in llillalatro yeaterday tranaactirg
boaineaa, and itave thil otlice a pleaaant
Cbaa. F.. Purvia, t.f Ijiiic county, and
Miaa Alida rellowa were married in thia
city lant Wednesday by Kev. Ziinmer
luan. Froal Wedncadav niht dl I conaider
Kble ilanutife to garden atuff and killed
the top of many potato vint on low
ground, we are informed.
Carda ara out announcinii the mar
rlagf of Oliver I.. Curtia of Foreat (irove
an.l Miaa tlrace Kl, daughter ot Ju.lue
Kood, of tMa city.
Mra. Vrooman haa r'diicel Hie prica
on all tnmnier mllbnerr. She has a
good aaaoitment ntl will ' the
atixk aa occasion detuanda.
14 it .4 41
I U II II .. .1
Timothy Hay..,
t'lover Hay
Cheat Hay... ,
Flour, tint . . . . ,
. . . I 15
..$ll'. (N)
.. tl.ltl
.... 17c
"" " 't TT ... . .
The new county olllcera elect, who
will come to IlilUI-oro to live, are look
ing for deairable home or places on
which to builJ.
A new residence ia soon to lie built on
lha Vaughn property, just back of tha
Jourt hotiae, by one of the heirs of Jthe
Vaughn eatate.
Mrs. A. J. Kicbir ln of San FVancis
co. a sister of Mrs. F. J. Pailey arrived
Saturday, and will spend the month of
July In llillaboro.
.Mrs. J. M. ParrUh and children of
Wilbur, Wash., relumed to their home
laat Friday after a six week's viait with
relatives in this city.
After a cloae shave apply "Cream
Roaemere." It makes the akin soft and
ia very healing and retreading. 8old at
the Helta lrug Store.
t! .1 L ii .
several cnanges w ill ne made among
lli buaineas firms of this city in the
Dear future, which goea to show that
"things are moving in the old town."
Si liulnieru h Hroa. have juat received
two carloada of farm machinery, con
alating of binders, mowers and rakea
W E. Thome, who haa Wen enjoying
a week at the aeaaide, returned laat
night. Prof. Paruea found the attrac
tiona too sirong, and will remain anoth
er week.
otlung like Cream Roaemere, and
no other preparation so fragrant andje-
freshing. Every lady mIiouUI have
bottle on her toilet table. The Delta
lrtig Store.
Theodore E. (Jritliu and Emma Mo
Pheraon, of Puxtoiij EdU-rt Uollina and
I'earl I aatelle, and . V. P. Day and
Beaaie Caatelle, of Tualatin, have la-en
iaatied liceuaes to marry.
Mias Willetta Iawmt, of Ilcppner, has
lieen spendintr the week with Mins Eva
Bailey and her mother. Mra. Ieczer
arrived here yeaterday for a abort viait
with Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Bailey.
Indies, the bloom that cun't rub off
is produced by Cream Iioaeinere. If ap
plied to the face daily the akin la-comc
aa soft aa a child's. It ia nature's own
remedy. At the Delta Drug Store.
Ice Cre:im The Hatelwood beat on
earth for sale by the dish, pint or quart
it Paluiateer'a.
At the annual meeting of the Grand
Chapter O. E. S., held at Portland laat
week, M rs. W. N. Barrett of thia city
waa appointed Grand Martha, one of
the Eaatern. Star otllccrs of the grand
Corneliua held its annual school meet
ing Monday and elected Horace Fitch
clerk, uinl James Murray, Mike I lender-
aon ami Chas. Fitch, directors. It ia
aaaerted that every menilaT ia a true
blue republican, which at once Htania
the laiard aa progreaaive and up to date.
Some of our atrects are la-ing
'aprinkled" with hay to keep theduat
lown. It docs not compare with water,
but then it is letter than nothing, and
it coata monev to run a street aprinkler.
In a atate which ia liable to go prohibi
tion, there ought not In) a acarcity of
Word was received yesterday from
Adam Young, w ho was reported danger
ously ill laat week in the hoapJtal in
Portland, that the attending physicians
give a more encouraging report ami .Mr.
Young is lu a more favorable condition
at thia time.
The younger classes of the Congrega
tional Sunday school went out to War
ren's (irove, Wednesday morning and
apent the day very happily nnder the
auKrviaion of Mias Koae Wilcox. The
picnic was enjoyed by the little ones to
the fulleat extent.
Tea Garden Drips. Ig cabin maple
syrup. try our iwrreii syrup, w
cents a gallon.
Mias Nettie Ward, of Fulton Park,
was In the city Saturday, enroute home
from Laurel, where she had finished a
m a a I -
spring term ol scliooi rrniay. .msa
Blanche Rice, of thil place bad charge
of the primary department. ,
Donelson is still doing business at the
same old stand, ready to cater to your
wants. Wall Paper, Furniture, Lace
Curtains, Portieres, Art Squares, Mat
ting ami Carpets, -in fact anything in
my line. If I do not carry what you
want, I will get it laMow rortlaml prices.
Corner Third and Main, I. O. O. F.
Building, llillaboro.
D. J. Porter, the Gaston blacksmith,
seems to l having more than bis share
of troubles, of late. His former wife
has lodged a complaint w ith the Gaston
justice of the peace, charging him with
making a criminal assault upon her.
Attorney Rumpof llillaboro haa U'cn re
tain! for the defense. The case has not
yet l?eii tried.
Remenila'r that F. R. Dai ley ia now
liN'ated in hia new- building on Main
Street, where he is prepared to attend
to your w ants in the bicycle line He
carries a full atk of the la"st wheels for
ladies and gents and will do repairing
on short notice and at reasonable prices
He has in sbx k a fine line of guns, and
sella shells, ammunition, etc. Call and
see hint when in want of a new wheel or
The annual June rally of the Oregon
Woman's Home Missionary I'nion and
the Orevon Woman's Hoard of Missions
will he held in the first Congregational
H .1
J church of Portland, Tuesday, June SS.
I An interesting programme will be pro
vided for tth morning and afternoon
sessions. Lunch wl'l 1 served for all
at the church. A cordial invitation Is
extended to members of the lliilnls.ro
The icecream social and lnd concert,
Saturday evening was enjoyed by a large
numta-r. It tlteevening had been warm
r, the crowd would have been much
larger. The several pieces played ly
the band was very good indeed. Hills-
boro has a band which we are all proud
ot. Tables were arranged and ice cream
and cake served by the Christian En
deavor society.
W. E. Wheeler has Just received the
contract to furnish the lumber and
moldings for the new Congregational
church which is to lie built at Forest
Grove. It will take upward of 100,000
feet of rough and smooth lumber. The
church when completed will cost $10,
i)00. Mr. Wheeler ia agent in this city
for the Nc!p..n & Reed Lumber Co.
II. T. Pauley wants Editor I long of the
Forest Grove Times to "cough np" fr00
as damages for an article appearing in
his paper some time ago, which stated
that Mr. Bagley was at one time In dan
ger of U'ing debarred from the practice
as an attorney. Now Brother Hoag, it
is either "put up" "abut up" or "go in
ami win. v
The Scholia base ball laiys played the
Tualatin club laat Sunday and went
down to defeat by a score of 11 to 12,
and attribute the loss of the game to the
fact that two of their best players were
detained at home. The Scholia team
went to Tualatin on a gasoline launch
ami report having a splendid time. The
distance by river ia fully thirty miles,
while by wagon road it ia only ten. The
return run was made in two and a-half
Postmaster Waggener has several
hundred names on hia ietitiou for re
appointment aa postmaster. He has
made a gissl official and is satisfactory
to most of the patrons of the otlice.
The I nited States MHtolIice inacctor
aid recently that "Hillslioro haa tine of
the very best conducted ollicea in Ore
on, which ia a compliment to Mr.
Waggener. The friends of Mrs. Susan
M organ w idow of the late J. W. Mor
gan, also have a petition out for the
appointment of that lady for the
postoilice and it has received many
W. J. Wall, who ia gathering speci
mens of everything that grows in Wash
ington county that will make a good
showing at the coming state fair, haa
juat received bundles of tare (vetch)
.frown on the farina of Sam Moon of
Centerville and J. K. Brown of this city.
Mr. tall thinks there is no tare grown
in Oregon that will equal the specimens
lent him by the gentlemen named. In
thia connection we will add that Mr.
Wall is anxious to make Washington
county's exhibit at the state fair equal
to, if not better than any other county
In the state, and farmers and others
growing anything fine will do him a
favor by advising him of the fact.
Hon. R. F. Pike, of Wasco was elected
lepartmeut commander of Oregon G. A.
K. at the annual encampment in Hood
River last week. Commander Pike is
rtgarded as one of the leading citizens
of the city of Wasco. With the inem-
Iiers of the Grand Army, he i very
popular. Miss Bertie Smith who was
e'ected department president of the
Woman's Relief Corps for Oregon
at Hood River, is a well-known resident
of Portland, and for more than 25 years
has Is-en an enthusiastic worker of the
i. A. R. By virtue of her election as
lepartment president, she becomes dele
gate to the Natunal W.R. C. convention
which meets in Boston in Auguft, and
she will attend. Oregon city was chosen
for the encampment in 1905.
The annual meeting of the missionary
society of the Congregational church
was held on the lawn at the home of
Mrs. W. D. Hare, Wednesday aftern.ain.
More than fifty ladies were present and
the program rendered was very interest
ing, "Moriiionism" laing the subject
of the papers and articles read. The
new officers elected are: President
Mrs. W. E. Thome; vice president, M rs.
Merryman; secretary and treasurer,
Mrs. W. D. Hare. After the conclusion
of the meeting, ice cream and cake were
served and a aia'ial hour enjoyed by all.
rhe following ladies from Forest (irove
were present, Mesdames Clapp' Bishop,
Thomas, Luce, Ferrin, Hughes.
Iloge, Kuaacll, Alexander, Kane and
the Misses Goodrich and Farnhatn. '
An alarm of Are was sounded Satur
day afternoon about 3:30 and the streets
were toon filled with peop'e hastening
to the scene. Smoke was pouring from
under the eaves of the home of Wm.
Wolfe, on the north side, and for a few
momenta it looked impossible to save the
house, as there was a strong wind blow
ing. Fortunately the fire were tin
covered in time and near neighlmrs
quenched the flames Isjfore the firemen
were able to reach the house. The fire
started in the coat pocket of Mr. Wolle,
who on returning from town a short time
befors, put his pipe in his pocket and
hung his coat in a la?d-room, then went
out In the yard alsxit his work. Neigh
lairing children were first to notice the
moke. The damage was small.
The la-st are the Cheapest. Call ami
see Pope's Phot.. 7.00 Photos only
5..T0 for a few days only. Piqa-'s Studio.
Eaeyraien Ratea to Ya.uln. Ba,.
On June 1st, the Southern Pacific Co.
will resume sale of excursion tickets to
Newport ami Yaquina Bay. Both
Season and Saturday-to-Monday tickets
will I sold. This popular resort is
growing in favor each year, hotel rates
sre r asonable and the opportunities for
fishing, hunting ami sea lthing are
unexcelled by any other resort on the
Pacific Coast.
A Brilliant Social Event,
The beautiful residence of Dr. a
Mra. F. J. Biijlcy, on S nitli Second
street waa the acene of a delightful j-urty
last evening in honor of Mra. A. J.
Richardson, of San Francisco, a sister of
Mrs. Bailey. The ila-tor and hia genial
wife were assisted in receiving by Mra.
Richardson, Mra. C. II. Mclsaaca, of
Portland, and Mrs. Scott Sweetland of
Vancouver. More than fifty guests w ere
present, the ladies being attired in rich
and handsome summer gowns, making
a very attractive picture. Choice How
era and splendid music made thia social
function an exceedingly brilliant one.
The lawn was illuminated with Japan
ese lanterns and the broad verandas,
under a glare of electric lights were ar
ranged for dancing, and those w ho cared
to trip to the delightful music did so,
while others enjoyed the fasci
nating game ol wtnsl in the parlors. '
Mrs. Bailey is an exceedingly pleasant
hostess and she entertained her large!
IIUMII'V-I VII rMt . i. w litem
royal manner. At the close of a very
enjoyable evening dainty refresh
ments were served. ,
Out of town guests were, Mr). Richard
son, ol pan rrancisio; sirs, .lciaaaca.
Portland ; Mrs. Scott Sweetland, Vancou
ver; Mrs lAJexer ana uaiigliler ol llep
nner, and Mr. and Mts. A. B. Crandall
of Michigan.
67 and Didn't Knew It.
The sous of Judge and Mrs. Crandall
a-rpet rated a mean trick on their mother
laat Monday by inviting some .V) or IK)
friends to the handsome Crandall grove
adjoining their home on the southside,
for the purpose, aa they aald, of enjoy
mif a siM'tal eatliering in uouor oi me
.. .. . i t . i
younger meinlHra of the family, and not
until the enjoyment waa lu full swing
did they inform their mother that it
waa her 57th birthday and that the
crowd of old friends gathered around
hail come to celebrate the happy event
The Judge had built a fire in the grove,
aa the aftermsm waa chilly, and around
its genial warmth the happy party
made merry. Steaming coffee waa serv
ed, along with sandwiches, cake and
sherbit, and no one there enjoyed the
irtssl time la'tter than diil Judge Cran
dall and hia gsxl w ife.
The Fourth At llillaboro.
Bills are out announcing the big event
Itememla-r that the Veterana' F'.ncauip
nientwill be held at Warrens grove,
June 30th ami July 1. 2 and 3, at which
time a large crowd of the "boys in blue'
will lie on hand and have the time o
their Uvea. Everything ia now com
plcted and no one will la) disapisiinted
in the amusements furnished. The pro
gram for the encampment follows :
June 30 Go into camp and renew
July 1 Forenoun Address of wel
come by Mayor Cornelius, who will give
the old soldiers the freedom of the city.
Response, by Comrade H. V. Gates
Balis m ascension.
The afternoon program is to la? furn
iahed by the Forest Grove and Cornel
ius schiHils ami sia-ietiea.
July 2 Forenoon Addresses by vol
unteer sH'akcrs. Afternoon Program
furnished by the Hillslsiro public
school and societies. BaUsm ascension.
July 3 Forenoon Union services in
which all churches will join. Sermon
delivered by a noted preacher from out
of town, at 11 o'clis k a. m.
The program for July 4th is aa fol
Procession form at court house square
and march to Warren's, grove proceeded
by the Ijberty cars.
Arriving at the grounds there will
Music by the band.
Address of welcome by Hon. B. P.
Cornelius, mayor of Hillslsiro.
Vocal music.
Reading of the Declaration of Inde
pendence, by Miss Ia-iih P.trkcr, of
Gaston, Oregon.
Oratfon by Hon. C. W. Fulton, L nited
States Senator, ot Astoria.
Music by the band.
Adjournment for dinner.
The afternoon will be devoted to
sports, which w ill consist of
Slide for life.
Tug of War.
High Diving Dog.
Catching the Greased Tig.
Climbing the Greased Pole.
100-Yard F'oot Race, etc. etc.
"Bread Cast Upon the Water."
The Missionary ais-iety of the Congre
gational church of Hillslsiro is furnishing
the funds necessary to educate a little
girl in far-off India. The following let
ter to .Mra. II. . tiates will l real
with interest :
Arappukotlal, South India, Aprils, ldOi.
My txar Mra, Gate: Tbanka for your letter
and ths kind offer oflhs Mlailonary aoclety of
Hlllaboro Com renatlonal chu-ch tq ill p port a
llltla f Irl In our Khool. I hav selectad for you
Onaua-aaniherl," whoaa name means "wladom
and beauty. " She la about f yeara ol M and
tboush not apeclally beautiful, aha ha a aweet
little fare watch Ii a true index of ber charac
ter. All the other children love her and when
be atood np and aaked to Join the Junior Chria-
tiao Endeavor Society, the other children did
not watt fur the nmal qneallona to be aaked. but
with one aooord aald, "Oh, the Can join; there la
no hindrance whatever." In the U Scripture
examination the received 10 marki in lio, while
as other child In her elaae had more than 4.
Yet ahe Is not al all a forward child, but ahy and
retiring, sheeomea with a number of other
a;1rl for Ibeir afternona sewing leaaon on our
vrnd. The laat hour of the acbool day la
pent by the alrla In aeariug. I wl-h you might
hear tbeee glrli ilnglng their evening hymna.
Thia Tamil mule la not bed when yno get used
to It, and I much prefer their Tamil lyric to
our own bymn. a aung by t;.e native. They
like to etng our innate and there are ao many
Tamil song put to Engllah muaie, but tbey sing
tkelr own tunes much better. Your tittle girl
will be with aa for two or three year more, afU-r
which ah will pea Into ths higher acbool for
young women la Madnra.
1 eaa hardly explala to yon what a change
frmr or Bve year In onr boarding erhonl make In
the village gtrl. Yon bare to see tbea when
they art brought to o and tbea see them wlica
they finish, to get the full effect of the transfor
mation. It I truly marvtllona,
I boti Id be very glad to give you any Informa
tion about (Inane anlbrl and I hope you a lii
write and aak qneatloaa about Iter. Thanking
yon agwin for your help. Your In Hia Mrvlce,
Mm. Jame C. I'erkls.
I 1 . i
orth'rd promptly filKtl, with the purest drugs iimney can buy.
Nearly 200 Citisena Sign the Peti
tion for a High School
Whatever has been the needs in the
past for a high school in this city is - not
the question at this time. Such a de
partment ia needed now and should U
otied with the fall term of school.
It this is not done many of the pupils
who have graduated from the 8th grade
will have to stop going to school or pur
en is win oe lorceu logo to the expanse
of sending them to some place of learn
lug outside of Hillslsiro, and this is
is together wrong. This city cannot af
lord to let it be known that we are not
willing to give our children an educa
tion, and the place to teach them is at
home, if possible. A young uiau or
young woman with a good education can
snap their fingers at adversity and it Is
the parents duty to see that the oppor
tunny is given lliem. .Most ol us are
not able to send our children away to
school and in this age of progress and
push, we ought not to la? compelled to do
ao. If we have to do without something
let it be anything hut a high school.
S. J. Galloway, who like many others
of our citizens, is deeply interested in
this high school matter, passed around
the following petition und with but two
exceptions, it was signed by everyone
he offered it to. The a-tition und sign
erg lollow:
To the Honorable Boar ' of Directors
of School District No. 7. Washington
County, Oregon : We, the undersigned
legal voters of I he aforesaid school dis
trict, respectfully request that here'
after the branches included in the Ninth
grade, as outlined by the State Course
of study, be taught in the school of this
district. And your petitioners will ever
E i K lira til
J T Ynung
W ru H Tucker
K C Drown
A J Pord
K J l.ynn
B T l.tnklater
J P Tamleal
(ieo H Wilcox
J U Wllkea
(J K Delrhraan
A M Collin
W M Jackaon
I, A Kood
T B Herkln
1 W Hailey
K C Hallard
A A Hurria
F. R Tongue
K T Zimmerman
II A llinaliaw
II I'rabl
I. S Coiinelt
K I. Abbott
V. W WimkI
B P ( 'cruel lut
T H n been
KC I'au I
E Curran
II D schiueltier
CW Redmond
C 11 JtreinuiU
K I. K.mernou
K a Jeffrlea
W W Boacow
(! A Webrung
II T BsKley
H A Hall
K B SHimlngton
Tom W illiam
Henry Moatert
August Hs)i'bt
U Kelaay
V'm Tupier
8 S Hllcboy
M Kilee
A S Sholea
J M (ireear
11 U Miller
() II Ixsinil
M J Plowman
Mary E llawkln
John H lluiuplirey
C K Bradley
A II WrlKbl
J fl Haeaer
M E Holchkla
Robert Kuliu
P. Maatera
0 I.andea
W E Taylor
A ( Blewart
I.ncy E Huinphrej-
Mary Humphrey
Iiiietta liolman
1. A lxng
Jackaon llixiver
Verena Aleiirtat
A H iarriaiin
W A Fiuuey
lna Rniindey
E I. Mccormick
P H Houlhworth
J E Adklna
A P I -other
B K Hnlnea
Ira E W heeler
W J W all
(ieo K Hagley
C A Miller
W H ( onnell
8 J Ualloway
Frank J Hall
1 W Harlrampt
II H Heaaouar
O M Pope
A A Morrill
T a M eetherred
J C l-amkla
L M lloyt
J M brown
He nt. in Hoa-man
1 K Iiallev
Jaa It Doualdaou
I r bar
T P Tollman
E I .a men
K W angener
D Wo ormiek
Oen llilllnga
I, w lioue
A M t arliale
J A Meaaiuger
A Main
(ieo A Morgan
UeoO I'aiu rnon
Phaa II Mitchell
K P Simon
S S Rarue
Joe I low ti
Kd Wanu
II W lleaae
I, F Kmmott
F schomburg
J n Houaley
w Halb
John I'eler
M S Iiallev
W P Ataliiaon
Mary A Brown
W A William
John betiul
i Hailey
W I) Smith
Tboa H Tongue, Jr
H Mcl.lllu
Ueo F Ireland,
R Crandall
A M W ells
F M lieldel
E W Moore
A C Hbute
Cal Jack. Jr
(i ( IHinelson
R II (treer
W O Oonelaon
K c booeleun
J W Hewell
J W Cave
J Palmateer
Claud lireer
Carey Tilbury
John M W all
A C Arcbbold
) H Magoon
w 1'iwnan
a W'llaon
John K Bird
Mr E freeman
H. BKat.-
O 1 Wllkea
T R Cady
R Cave
J C ureer
Mrs. T. B. Smith, of Dayton, Or., died
last Sunday morning at the home of her
father, Mr. Trayler, five miles south of
Hillslsiro, ot meningitis. The funeral
was held on Tuesday from the Evangical
church. Mrs. Smith carno here last
March at the time of the death of her
:.. I I...
sister, Mrs. ljirsen, acconipaiiieu uj
her husband and two children, ami was
soon after taken sick and obligi-d to re
main here. She was but 20 years of
age and her untimely death is very sad.
Interment was made in Odd Fellows
If Ever The Women
Of Hillslsiro were surprised, and that
most agreeably, it was when "lloyt"
opened his Millinery Parlors on March
11. Since then the gissl news has pass
ed on and on 'till everyone knows it.
When ladies want anything in this line
now, it is the involuntary though' .o
"tin to Hoyt's," when you want some
thing neat and up to date. "Any Old
Place" won't do; go to the place where
you get the largest selection; where
prices are as low as ia reasonable, and
where they give your money lack if not
Hoyt's store is the only "Money
Buck" store in Washington County.
You can buy canned fotnU chap
er at Oreer'a than pny plii In Hlllr-boro.
OkT Do ?ou Know.
WE nre in touch with the best wholhsalk drcg norsi:
on the Pacific Coast and can give yon anything you
want in that line. Good goods at honest puk es. Mail
Annual School Meeting.
The annual school meeting of District
No. 7 was held lust Monday at which
time Hon. H. B. Huston was re-elected
director, and Peter Boacow clerk.
FollowiiigistlioreiM.i t of P. Boacow,
cleik of schistl district No. 7, for the
year ending June 20, PJ04 :
Balance on hand per last report.l evil 23
Tuition received
supt. Ball fall apportionment, County
4ame, atate fund
I'ouiiljr treaauror'ta. , , ......
, 2.'.7 20
, S M
. &I7 il
lMi V9
TO 36
17 70
1:13 76
2.S0 06
1.M3 00
Bit 62
181 44
Supl'a Rall'aapring apportionment.
County treaaurer' i
Total 6,1.3 4V
Caab on hand at laat report.... 631 21
Received caah outalde tulllon. I'.t 86
From county treaaurer. 2IMI 42
From acbool uperintendent.
: 06
Total receipt . 6,128 49
Teacher' and Janitor' aalary and Inter
re" :i,600 60
lft 16
65 00
132 60
Clerk salary .
Wood and aawlng tale
Printing ....
Supplle .
Night watchman ..
Mr. II. A. Ball, leaching
26 SO
. 120 66
81 00
. 1 Ml
14 10
1,0117 00
261 01
Bond and Interest on a ma
1 lUereit
Halauce un hand.
H.2H7 S7
... a 8 ao
Foreat Grove.
T. H. Adams, of the firm of Woods &
Adams, returned Saturday from a
month's trip to the St. Louis exposition
and rejs)rts a very interesting trip.
A iibw building is being erected on
Pacific Avenue back of Thomas' and
Jones' store. It will Isa occupied by
the Times printing ollice and the Ex
press otlice.
Work has begun on the sight of the
new Congregational church prepartory
to the laying of the foundation. When
com nleted this church will probably Isa
the finest in the county. F. M. Starrctt
is architect and superintendent and
Stephen Starrelt contractor.
Arthur Yoedcr, who graduated from
Pacific University at the close of '02.
and who has been attending commence-
The FAMOUS QUAKER CONCERT CO. FRI5K every night except
Saturday. FREE. BROTHER JOHN, the Quaker at the office in
opera house; hours, 10 to 12 daily, except the Lord's day.
Free Dance and Gold Watch
1 LooRin8' mtT Wl i
$ for rttosj W
mm ?
In w
i Has the kind that wears, fitsylJ
t and remains a joy forever. He
S wants you to see the splondidvp
stock he carries, for Ladies',
j Gents' or Children. No better
a Shoe made on earth. JjJ
'in ... - . vt
I he Hamnton-Bi uvn ! t
1 j" sr
'IT it WW' w.-'
I Ti'
nient exercises here, left Saturd.iy for
San Francisco where he will take steam
er for the Philippines. He has accet
ed a ismitiou in one of the government
schools there.
Monday afternoon nt 3 o'clock occur
red the death of Mrs. N.incy B. McNamer,
one of the oldest and lsl rcsccted resi
dents of Washington C unity. Deceased
is the mother of a large family most ot
w hom remain to mourn her loss and the
funeral was held from her lute residence
in F'orest (irove and burial in the Nay lor
It was fxNftcd that '( irnndnia"
Woods would attend the annual iniyl
ing of the Oregon Pioneers' Assis'latioii
at Portland, which came to a close last
Wednesday night, mid it was the inten
tion of the ussis iation to make her the
guest of honor, but she chunked her
mind at the last hour and did not go.
Consequently those who wished to meet
and shake hands with the oldest woman
in Oregon, (117 years) were disappoint
ed. "It Waa Summertime In Dixie
Very few people have any Idea of the vast
amount of mouey there i to be made and lit
In the Mualn Publlahlng Business. At lime from
I10.UU0 tnl20,uu0 will be Uiat by a ingle Publish
er lu trying to makes "Winner." Thru again,
a lucky publisher w ill make a fortune on bis
fl rat e (tort. The bUxat "Song Mil," and the
beat money maker In thia Ciaintry al the present
time la a aoiig called. "It Waa Summer Time In
Dixie Und" written by Edwin Kendall Thia
aung I now being aung nightly with great am
ceae, in all the principal Theatre from Maine to
California, There were nearly ao.uuj copies of
thia aong old in leas than thirty day from the
dateoflaaue, and present prediction are that
over one million ooplea will be sold lnaule of
one year. It ha been calculated by good Judge
that the publisher will make a net prollt or over
ItO.OUO on Oil one aotig above all expeneea.
It was summertime in Dixie, when the
whispered soft and low,
That she loved me and I'd won ber heart
and hand,
Wheu I klased tlieralrest flow'r,
ever grown In southern bow r
It was aainmertlme lu Dixie blilulsnd.
Upon receipt of 25 cents In pontage stamps, a
copy of tula beautiful Bong will be mailed to any
address In the United Bute by the Theatrical
Muaic Supply Co., No. 46 W. 2sth tit., New York.
Anderson A Son, at Witch llitaol.liuve
a full line of Groceries and Notions.
They will handle your butter and eggs.
Give us part of your trade.
Anderson A Son.
Give Away Saturday Night.
Best in the City,
Prices Right.!