Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, June 17, 1904, Image 5

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    -. il ,i U t. i, i, .. ii-
OCir Weekly Market Report.
Ctii. ken, old, r H-
Turkeys, cr 11
Geese, per U ,liv. . . ,
j-'s, r lo.
butter, i-r roll
potatoes, per sack. . .
Onions ht sack
bacon, l'r Ih
. . Wo
. : ;w
. . i t
' "
Corvallis & Eastern R. R.
Time-Tble No. 24
no. I run yaI'Isa:
.mvi' ll'n --
M Upn
'Mai p ua
:'A) lu
t:V m
. U.I.', p 111
Arr.v. .Uin-
Nl. 1, MKrl'HNINii:
l.fHV V HI!I
I rait ' urvalll.
Ai ;- A 1 l.ny -
mi. i ro tiiraoiT:
mv Ail-any
Arrio- . irnil . .
7t0t) a ra
ll-.At (i IB
Nil. 4 MOM I.KTU.MT,
U I!"1" ,: V m
Arrlvf Uhany "
Train No 1 Arrive ill Altiany In dm to imu
nr. a ill. Ilia V. an.ilh bound train, a well a.
lanur Ihrrt liimiu lu Alliauy txrforu de
J,artim- of s. H. Nurih txjiitnl Irmn.
Tmlu s"- V eomiarcla with 111 rt. P. tmliu at
roiU x1'1 Allwny M ' v 1 ok illrert torvicv lu
r'rl Alil eul btal lie.
Trmu So. 3 lor Ix-lroli, Hr-unbiih ami ollifr
pmuuiitlii reaorla li a Albany at 7 :i a m..
irat'lima l-vooii alioiii 111M111. nivlDg auiiilB lime
o ruai'li Hi 'rlllKa "al"" o'-
'r lurilier inliiriualliiii iiil to
MVilN liroNIE, Manager.
T l'o K kki 1.. AKrul. Albany.
H. H. ( aoNinK, Ak' UI. t iirvatlli.
nor 1 11.
No -'.
8 :4.r a. m. .
No. 4.
ti tXi 1). in .
No. I.
4 :LV p. 111
No. 3,
7:1.1 a. ni.
HiNMHAw, Aent.
II. A.
Siihsi rilie for The Independent.
(iet vour icecream ut I'almateer'g.
Hulk picklennt II. WehiuiiK A Sons
See Ciaudair photo ad. on this page.
F.vcrv dav is IVihy day nt Pope's gal
lery. All hats maikeil down at Mrs. Yroo
niau's. CiandaU's, Seventh street, forthels-st
Mrs. 1. W. Kath wits a Portland vlsi
tor Saturilay.
li. II. (ireer ni;ldn a hiliiness trip to
I'lirtliilid Wediiesd-iy.
Watch Pos-'s show case. It's theie,
and he can do the rest.
lr. mil Mrs. S. T. Mnklater were
IVl lain I visitors Saturday.
I.. M. Ilovt wa transactint; husinesn
in I'.iitlaud the tirst of the week.
The lwis uu 1 Clark lailie have their
fair envelopes on sale at lioth drugstores.
Wanted- A i ipetent girl tor general
housework. Mrs. 0. W. Hath.
waists and
luck suits.
Wehruiitf Sc Sons.
Mrs. lieo. Schnlinerich viitel friends
in roreslii rove l'ueftla) an 1 Wednesday.
V. M. Watroiis, who lately
from Peuiisylvuiiiii, has gone
to M011-
('apt. mid Mr. Merryumn are attend
iiitf the eiicaiiipiueiit lit llissl liiver this
Miss Starr .f Poiiland lias Is-en visit
ing this week wit h the family of J. (.'.
Mrs. VrcHiniau was iu Portland Mon
day selecting some handsome new mil
linery. Work on the
( Mr. Milie
handsome new residence
011 First street is being
Have Dr. Iwe euro your eye and
head ache with a pair of hi superior
Tea Harden I rip. Ii t-aliiu maple
s.Mup. Try our biirrell syrup, 40
cents a gallon.
T. II. ' l.ittlchales, of Forest drove,
transuded business ill llillslsiro Mon
day Uttcl liooli.
h e Cream The 1 lazelwissl lsst oil
earth- lor sale by the dish, pint or iUarl
at I'aliiiateei '.
llest cabinet
$1 iai .r doen
i.hotos at Poi' a
including KOI.KKK.
u 1 1. 1 samples.
I lie newest styles ill pliotoa and
I'll. uioitiit" at " Crandall s, Seventh
sin. ;. best iii the city.
Several new houses, of the sightly and
'ih-ti. mi d kind, are going up in difter-
m p ots of tlie city.
Mr-. W. K. Thorite and little daugh
ter I u lie v-iled over Sunday ami M011
d.it ai Ii li lends in Cortland.
V I'V variety
i lei I ii oui.
of summer gissls to
II. Wchi nng Sons
A large crowd enjoyed the owrr air
lie. i t itiven lV tlie I'UII'I lusi rnonj
eveiiing in the iinirt house yard
lineri. h I'.ros. have ust revet v
tH.M.nloads of farm miichinery, it'll
si-tingof biiblers, mowers and rukes
Tin' dry weather Is having Ita effevl
on tlie strawls-rrv oron anil the season
ill in coiise.iuence l itiucli shorter
llnlll Usual.
( lias. Tiiiurd, of Tinardvillv, was in
tun M-teidav transiictiniZ business at
the court house. We acknowledge a
plea-ant call.
The ol.l hiinl mark on Main street called
the "diamond window house," owned for
11:1 1 . 1 tern In- Mrs. Marv W.asls, is
s iim torn iIom n.
M is F.dna Imbrie returiusl Saturday
afleriiiHiii fr.i.ii ik tlir.
lev returned the
day lolhiw iiiK.
Mrs. Hannah Ps'-st, of ( iaston, wn in
Ion 11 Mom, I iv on business oonnevtisl
llh tlie tili:.l s. tllelliellt of her late
loi-Uind's estate.
Mrs. Vr.Miman has reduced the price
on nil a, nOllmerv. She ha
k"" I issoi tineiit and w iil add to the
st s k as o -casioti deitmndl.
I'r. I owe has arranged to purcliuse
lor .ash all kind of glasses at greatly
w it it it
Wheat liit
Oat cwt
Timothy Hay. . . .
C'livt-r tluy
I'lii'iil May
Hour, lif'ht
straight. . .
.... in
.. tl.VlM
. ...SIO.IIO
... fl.10
. . . l. 15
f TT
' t f . '
A. II. Ciarriiton la in the city on hi
return front a viait with hi Muter in
Amity, Ore. lie will fpciul tome time
with hi daughter, Mrs H. A. Finney.
The delegate from IlillnNiro to the
Mont Worxhipful (irand Lode, A. F. A
A. M., at Portland thin week are: I r.
V. A. liuiley, Hon. W. N. IJain tt ami
Jauiea A. Imhrie.
Mrs. II. A. Finney ahipjied a aetliiiR
I 01 tine 1 lymouin Kocit eirir to Alunlca
yeier.iuy, an.t tu that lar-away country
the rooatera w ill sihhi lie crowii.a: out the
glad retrain that "Oregon it all right."
An Ice rream sis'tal and bund concert
will lie given in the court house van! t.
iimutow, Saturday, evening It is f..r
the Isuielit of the league uud every
Issly should try and ls present.
Dr. Lowe, the eye iecialist, liua just
returned from New York, w here ha took
a post-graduute course on the eye, and is
now lietter prcoared than ever in every
way to test and lit glasses to your eye.
Don't fail to see him June -'. tind IU).
The llillslsiro Y. P. S. C. K. haul
union will hold its next .piurterly meet
ing at the Tualatin Plains Presbyterian
church. Pastor Day, of the lli'llsls.io
baptist church, will' deliver the address.
A collection will he taken in aid of the
state work.
Miss (irace Iiuth went to Kugene Sat
urday to attend commencement exer
cise at the State University this week.
Kvery train into Kugeiie ia crowde-l and
the attendance at the exercise is very
A business meeting of the F.pworth
la-iniie was held ut the home of Key.
K. F. .iiniiierinaii lust Friday evening.
A large liuiiils r of ieople were present
and all enjoyed themselves. Iid'iesli
11 it-n t m consisting of straw Is riies, creain
and cake were served.
Kurly cherries are ripening fast and
the heavily laden tree present a magni
ficent sigh'. The limbs are bending low
with their loads of splendid fruit and
birds, as well a the -ople, are having
a genuine feast.
Doiielsoli is still doing business at the
same old stand, ready to cuter to your
wants. Wall Ph'", Furniture, Lice
Curtuins, Portieres, Art Squares, Mat
ting and Carpets, in fact anything in
my line. If I do not curry what you
want, I will get it Is low Portland prices.
Corner Third and Main, I. O. O. F.
liuilding, Jlillsboro.
J. Northrop, proprietor of the Carev
Hotel at The Dalles, was in town Wed
neaday transacting business and shak
ing hand with alsmt every man he met.
Mr. rsorttirop was lan.iioru 01 me iniis
tioro House for some time, truing from
here to The Dalle where he ia doing
well and conducting a good hotel.
Surveyor A. A. Morrill will leave
ubout August 1st for Wallowa county,
in (i ran. In Koiinde river, where he has a
government contract for surveying which
will take him ami ins force 01 Helpers
alsmt sis weeks. Mr. Morrill is con
sidered us one of the Is-st and most uc-
urste surveyors Iii the state and Ins ser
vices are in demand where careful work
is needed.
The I-ewi and Clark club hns just re
eived the half pint jars which are to In-
tilled with fruit for distribution at the
xssition next year. If there are any
,i, ies. not members of the cluh, who
are willing to take some of these jars and
lilt tliein with cherries, their Kinniiess
uill ls aniirii iiitiil verv much by the
lub ladies. Cull on Mrs. h.J. liailcy
for jars.
KememlsT that F. U. Dailey is now
iatsl in his new building 011 Main
Street, where he is prepare! 10 aueno
t,. vonr wants iu the hicvele line. He
carries a full st.sk of tlie'U-st wheels for
ladies and gents and will .to repairing
on short nonce aim ia iniwriiniv r. ...
He bus in st.sk a line line of guns, an.
-..ii- -l, ..lis niiininiiitioii. etc. Call and
see him w hen in want of a new w heel or
NcwsimisTS in different sections of tin
ui.,ia.ni rou.it nir a traveling swiumer
u ho ia uorkiiur t he "ciisv IIIUIKS W illi
.111 article which he culls Swans Stick
Muscilage. It is probably a composition
1 1 ..1 uii.u .irtii iiriiiiinir
.11 gllie HI. 1 (5IJCI-I oi.-, no. i. j
pres rollers, an.l "sucks iiouiu.n
il,.. ...an uhobuvs it. Puss the word
aloi.ir and when voii ni'eive a isit from
the fiikir. irive him an intrisliietioii to
your No. W.
0.. dav lust week. Kols-rt Imbrie,
living live mile east ol tins cny, was
ss-verelv I'llien iv a o.s.
-r ...
1 Mr Imbrie hv the lower
...i.i.iiii p.. . ---- . .
I... t.-arimrollt a -shussl piece ami
...vcrim an artery, which bl.sl iiite
1 1.. ti.. v A Hnilev was hastily
summoned and carefully stitched up the
wound and the ininrol man is gei.om
..1...... carv Ull 1 II tKlir Hlin 1 ! l
fin I - .. t
il... t' .tittle f ill I. 11 Mil IMlIiri IllK ni"
HIP UUIIl' I I 'I . . 1 I a I .
i heiimutism. Mr. Imbrie picked up the
animal to remove him to another piuc
when theilogsnapssl mm 111 tne up.
The case of the state uirainst .1. Francis
11... ..f liill..v. a tried Is lore jiisikt
Itih.v lust F'ri.luv. The defendant was
. 1 .....1... tioo Ik.h.Im to keel the
i.iae.si .11.1.0 t - - 1
H-ace. Attorneys Itenton lawman and
! 11 t ir.sl tor the state 1111. 1
r.. ..m.k.. - - -- . ..
ti. K. Uagley ami J. .". " , ; ' v L
..... f.,r I lie ilelel nam. " o.e-
V.il was the complaining witness an.
the iK-rson against whom threat were
1 . xi... vi.l..u.'t allowed thitt tne
IIIH.IC. . ..
defenditnt IukI threutemsl to do ail ser
ions injury
1 ..I il, t pu is and Clurk
1 lie 11. mi.n , ll.il.,..
.1..1. .1... l.o... ..f Mrs. I". J. Ikiilc
cull, nv ... - - - 11 ., ...J
Kri.luv aftern.s.n wa well at ten
1 .1 ...I.....ra ilistlllhsl. It Wits
' ' Iv l,itHt the stut.
.1 f,.n and si.uce will Is- arruiii:i'
, . .1... 11 ..-i.iM.rtoii county I"
iV,.Mo.,. with the l-ewis and t'lurk ein
;.,..wl .... iliem art to U- tnii'l'
1. li-. .1 p. 1.0. - 1 .
. .. 1 :n 1-. -..m l.v everv liiellllsT 01
HillslM.ro club. A ilistinguishing
feature of the budge will Is' the rose
Having is alsmt finished in Ihi vicin
itv and the roP i generally ohI
i.'I.i t. Iieadmil nu-ely. ha U'""
. 1- 1 rtn... Corn is com
I'A rV: .T-WinHne. or
color ami i" ."""n ... .
, . -1 1.. I...I th cron Will g'ssi
We ave in h U oili.-e a bunch of oat.
which measure, , -t In Light, with
"11 tiLai l..i.l. Hop never l.s.ke.1
rjiu-r than now. the vines coreiing
...1 ir Potal.H' t.ronusc
r .?rr:L7. Garden, need rain, but
". .... .,..1 .uffere.1 lor
lh'iiicnilr tint big celebration here 011
th Fourth, and tell your friend about
New MitatM'M, green jean an. I red
rasplx-mes, all home-grow iif are now in
the uiarkt't.
A handsome ni w s.slu fountain ha
arrivtsl ut Bailey's drug store and is
now in working order.
llillslsiro can have the state G. A. K.
encampment in I'.to.'i if she want it.
and of course she doe.
Mini Bessie Waggener, daughter of
Jaini'H aggener, rcturm-d to her home
iu Vancouver yesterday, nftt-r M'iidiiig
the past ten days with" relative her-.
There ha l?en no clue to the Glenc-a
robbery of last week. May a Broe re
jHirts trie loss at f'Jti.lOin money, lajsides
dome dry good and groceries.
Win. Tucker, of the I cltu drug store
is putting up an excellent toilet prear
atioii which he ha named "('ream
Koscinere," and it dova all he claim for
it. Try a bottle.
Mr. unci Mrs. ('. V.. Kindt and family,
of Portland are v ihi t i iilc the Waggener'
j at t lie X ua la t in and while here are aim
uttendintj the tMiminencenient fKera-
of the 1'iiiveisity at Forest (irove.
Word waa revived here Tuetilay front
the hisipitul in Portland that Adam
Young was not expected to suivive the
lay a ud In daughter hastenel'lo his
lsdside. Mr. Young has cancer of the
This week we publish another letter
from Hon. S. It. Huston an.l our readers
will enjoy reudiuir it. We feel under
great obligations to Mr. Huston for these
letters and can assure bun that thev are
appreciated uud read by his many friends
111 Y aslimgtoit county.
"Jerrv."a . at ow ned bv a former Ilills-
sifo family and left herein care of Hotel
iialatiu, covcrtil himself with glory
yesterday bv lauding a rut almost as
urge us himself, and he is no light
weight. The rut was as large as a full
grown siiiurrel, sml it was aisuu an
Jerry could do to come in victor.
The sessions of the Grand Chapter of
Oregon, (. K. S., which have Ist'it held
111 Portland this week, closest yesterday.
cdncsdiiy evening Masonic temple w as
rowdisl to the .1. sirs, the invasion being
the exe uiplilicution of ritualistic work
V Tualatin Chanter No. 31, of llillslsiro,
and tloral work by Alpha Chapter No. 1.
handsome iliamon.l ring was pre
sent. si to the retiring worthy grand ma
tron, Mrs. Helen P. dutch, of Salem.
There were six graduates from the
ucilic University ut Forest (.rove this
week and two of them are from Hills-
siro, Miss Welinu Wuggener and Thos.
iobiiisoii, the former receiving her de
gree us a graduate of the conservatory of
music. .Miss aggener lias applied al
most ull her time during the past three
months to hard study iu order to finish
this year, and her friends are loud 111
their pruise of her recital. Mr. ltobin
son w as granted a degree of A. li.
Mrs F. A. Haines, president of the
.s al W. It. C, and Mrs. S. K. Farn-
ham. went to Ihssl Hiver Monday to
altend the (i. A. K. and the W. K. V.
encampment, w hich is being held there
this eek. 1 ho citizens 01 ikksi niver
have Isvii entertaining the veteran and
ladies royally. The city ia beautiful!
lecorata.t, one feature lsing a tine arcn
erected at the h xit. Just wait until
the "liovs" get home, when the Hood
Hiver strawberry stories will lie in or-
ler, for our visitor who have been tax-
tnj l he r ciiDiicitv Willi the iiencious
fruit, will lie fully able to tell a "whop-
ht" and tell It straight.
From Tiaardvill.
W. W. Tiurard has returned to his
studies at the Portland business College
Strawlierrv season is in full for at
this place, and many berries are lieing
There will lie a grand ball In Grange
hall next Saturday night, given by the
South liend lta.ll team, hverylssly in
The Tittitr.lville loys defeated the
Second Oswego liovs last Sunday bv the
-core of 10 to H in a wen played game,
feuture of w hich was the batting ol
the home team. The boys will pluy
return aame next Sunday at Oswego.
Regular Correnpoudent.
Ira Smock, on the smicial invitution
of his friends, surprised his sister, Miss
Dora, on her liirthduy. Saturday even
ing, w ith a select ounce in ner nonor
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Krebs, present
owners of the Martin fa'tn, near town,
reioice because of an addition to the
family circle 01 an imam uuugiuer, oorn
on the 11 th.
Ilenrv Knight, a resident of Nehalem
country, Brrived here a few day since
on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wolmsdorf
w ill return w it h him for an outing at the
seaside lor several w eeks.
In the Mid.lleton school district the
n.,..uti..ii of lornl taxation, at the an
unuii'liirii sclnsii eiecuon, win oe 10.101
out. The tax If levied will 1 uiiiuten
in enlarging the present school huild
George W. Saylor leaves this week for
r him.sik ( i v. via nicycie route aim
Grand Konde reservation on an extend
...I visit with his brother Kdgar A , pro
i.ri tor of the Tillamook t;igar ractory
ol that city.
Th. latest addition to the busineM di
rectorv of this tow n i an ice cream es
tiiblishment in a tent on Main street,
.(..mIiIis! over bv Arthur bell. Ilol
weather Is'inir the only road to wealtl
in the business.
Mumps have made their appearsnce
Im ih Rliietown ' district. Several 01
ita inhabitant are wrestling with the
.n.aiw ami hoinmr a crisis may oe
reache.1 ere the glorious oiirtii put
an appearance.
u-v .I.iaeiih Cowman, local pastor of
il,u l'o.,,r..ir:ilional church, had the mis
(..,1,,,,.. of luullv irashintf hi foot with
mhilH ctiitimr liriish recently
The injury has conlinel him to his
home, with medical attendance, during
the past week.
A lie.ite.1 arirnment lween J. Yol
lull and Al llealand, employes at
Young's mill camp, finally terminated
in the latter assaulting Hall with an iron
Intr cutting a gush thr.-e or more inches
in lenatli acnw the scalp, requiring the
services of a surgeon.
ti..i....tl and destsmdent onion-grow
ers re.lict at least one-thlrj shortage In
the yield of their product the present
Lot console themselves with an
nticinattsl high figure for the remain
I... nniii cm worm have. In this c.
pr.sloev.1 but liltle Injury, financially
u ii.m !, numerous adherents of the
"ti l P." In Washington county
with factional
-..1 i....,,..ioml unite, a at lb late
111 -r ,
then Unionist. iH'inoerat
f.,..liat. or a combination of all. "gat
.1,- l-.v abot if-(in the ilislrtbu
ii..n of otlicetand that wa simply
Kditor Inhici'ksiiknt. There is one
thing that I have not yet iken alsmt
that interests a great many ssiplc, viz,
the art department. This is the Mecca
for a great many people. I think more
ts-ople visit it than any other de
partment. To thH who visit it I
would say get a catalogue the first
thing. It will pay you as you w ill get a
great deal more out of it, as you will
understand what is meant by the pict
ures so much Is'tter. Some pictures
show at a glume what they meun, while
other do not. If I were making rule
to govern an ai t gallery, one of the first
would lie, that u the bottom of every
picture thut wus exhibited there should I
lie printed in the Fnglish language, the
name of the artist and the picture and a
brief description of w hat w as intended
by the picture.
In the Swccdish department there is
one nsiin tilled with pictures by Kruno
Lillgefors. They are all animal pictures
and some of them are us line or liner
than any thing, of the kind, I ever saw .
The limits of this article will not t-
mit me to attempt a description of them,
but will only indicute what they are, so
that any one w ho sec this may look for
One is a pheasant sitting in a tree.
Another is a fox iu the snow on the top
f a mountain. A third is a rabbit ls-
ing pursinsl by an eagle. These will all
repay a careful examination. Passing
on you come into the (Senium depart
ment. There are some historical paint
ings here that are very interesting.
"The Congress of Berlin," The death of
William the First uud The Kaiser con
gratulating Yon Mm-lke on Ins With
birthday. There is also a picture of a
lot of Tyrolere mountaineer coming out
f church. In studying these pictures
one is struck with the immense amount
letail that is put into each picture.
There will Is.' fifty or more faces' 111 one
picture and every one ja-rfevt. The
lothing, down to the very smallest de
tail, is js-rfect. If you stand back and
look at the slns's in one of the large
pictures you are almost w illing to swear
that they are real slus-s. "The Con
gress of IVrlin" is also attractive for the
reason that it contains the fncca of the
most celebrated men in Fitros includ
ing such men as IJisiiiiuk, faiisnury,
Disrath. Gortschakoff and others. The
historical painting are all by Von Wer
ner. Some of them are thirty feet long
hv alsmt twelve or fourteen feet high.
The British, liclgitiu, Holland and Can
adian departments contain many nice
paintings, but nothing that particularly
attracted my attention. The French de
partment had some very la-autiful pit
tures, most of them, however, are pic
tures of ladies who bad evidently gone
away from home and left their wardrol?
or had gotten ut) early to have their
..ictures taken and hadn't time to dress.
There is a picture of Eve giving the a)
pie to Adam. Now while I am very fond
of apples, particularly if they hapK'ii to
lie of the Northern Spy variety, I have
always hail it in for Adam a little alstut
his conduct on thut occasion. hen I
reflected that if he had only restrained
himself for a little while, we would not
only not have had to work, but would
not ever have to die. I have felt "pretty
sore" towards the ol.l man and the only
thing that bus kept me from tulkinu
pretty hard alsmt him was the fact thut
lie was young and incxKriciifcd and
the further fact that he was a relative
of mine, lsjing my grout, great
grandfather. Hut if this picture is a
correct representation of the circum
stances, and Eve was as pretty as she is
represented to la; I am ready not only to
forgive the old man, but asilogi.e. I
would have eaten anything she would
have asked me to, even if it had ls-en
arsenic. I would have done anything
she asked me to, even if it was to jump
into the river. I am already to testify
that Adam was not ressinsiblc for his
actions and that w hatever he did was
It is when you come to the Japanese
. partincnt, however, that you see some
things that are very wonderful. I do
not know .that it would Is; correct to
all them paintings for they are not
painted at all. They are pictures, but
they are not painted. Most of them are
embroidered and they are far ahead of
any istinting. Suite ( them are made
011 cut velvet. The pr.s'ess was ex
plained to me, but I ant not quite sure
that I understand it. I will say, how
ever, that the pictures are made by a
loom: small copis-r wires used as filling
and are woven into a Isaly of velvet an.l
then the threads of velvet are cut in
certain place where the picture is to Is'
produced. Instead of one man making
the picture there may le a half a doxen
working at it at once. How the editing
of the threads pr.slnees the effect thut
it does I cannot understand, but it is
certainly marvelous. The more I see of
the Japanese and of their pr.sliiclioiis
the more of a "Jap" I am. The Ameri
can Art department was not yet ojam
Isn't that a sham to on this country to
think that it art exhibit should Is-the
hist one to ls nut in nlace. I was dis-
aplxiinted because I was not able to see
it. I came awav feclina that while
there are some fine paintings here yet
on the whole, it Is at h ast no lmprov-
ment on the Art exhibit at Chicago,
am certain that I saw no pictures that
will leave the impression tion me that
was left bv some of the pictures at
Chicairo. particularly by Breaking
Home ties and Watts "biveand Life
an.l "Love and Death." Go to the art
tcimrtmeiit in the morning while vott
are fresh, and stay until yon get tired
Then quit and look at something else
It will do you no g.ssl to hsik at pic
tures when you are tired; you mis the
j beauty that i
i in them. If they do not
Go To
The Delta Drug Store
install electric fans it is going to is? ter
ribly hot in the art buildings this sum
mer a there are a great muiiy inside
rooms with a very sair chance to get
any fresh air.
There ia another subject w hich I do
not like to ss-ak alsuit in connection
with the fairs, but 011 account of our
Is'wis and Clark fair, I feel thut I
shoul.L It is presistently stated thut
certain of the head otliciuls of the fair
are interested in certain concessions in
side the grounds and are usiii their
otliciul swition to fill their iss kets. To
la- more explicit. There is a restaurant
inside the grounds known as the Na
tional restaurant. It is one of the plac
es thut are very high in their prices.
There are a lurge nuinU r of young men
in uniform inside the grounds, whose
lutv it is to act as guards, preserve
order, answer questions etc. They are
given their positions bv the fair com
mission. 1 hey are resigning everyday,
sometimes two at a time. 1 hev say
that they are ordered to eat at that res
taurant and at no other und arc threat
ened with discharge if thev do not ols'y.
Yesterduy a young man recommended
bv Governor iH-ubin, of Indiana, wus
discharged and he says that he was dis
charged la-cause he refused to eat at
thut restaurant and pay the extortion
ate prices. It is not two or three only
w ho make these charges, but dozens of
them, so that one is coniiellcd to I'
lieve them to la' true. Every cars'ii
ter or contractor w ho takes a contract
to build a building adds a la rue sum to
his bid on account, us he savs, of the
st.M'k w hich he is coiiiS'lled to buy Irom
the ollicials in order to get the contract.
When the Oregon commission wanted
to have the Oregon building put up, the
contractor asked fiMtXI for it. On lieing
remonstrated with, he frankly admitted
tliat $:t(NH) was enough, but he said he
had figured $H00 for worthless fairst.s k
which he would have to buy if he took
the contract. lie offered to do it for
$:tHI0 if they would protect him itguinst
the st.s'k deul. Of course the head men
say there is nothing iu it, thut they
don't cure whether lie buysst.s'k or not,
but all the same the contractors insist
that it is true and their offer is evidence
that there is something in it. Many of
the "big men" in the management, sul-
scrils-d considerable to st.sk up the
the fair. It is now evident that the
sUs'k is worthless and that if the govern
ment nets back its tt.lUMI.IKHJ loan with
out trouble, it will l luckv. Therefore
if they can conijs'l all the con'ractors to
take a lot of this st.s k off their hands,
thev are that much ahead. If they
have no stis k of their own, muny of
them know jHiiple w ho w ill give a big
bonus in order to get buck a part of their
Now if such deals as this should be
made ut Portland, it would kill our fair
as "dead as a d.sir nuil." It will have
to deis-nd. for its sumxirt, himui home
ile and 11 tnev gel
f ..... -:. ,if
pei ip
to believe there
is a gran 111 it mey w in n-n upion
it. These thing should be most cure
fully guarded against. Our iH.urd made
ail unfortunate move when they pro-
sed to let the contract for ull t.ie
mildings, to one contractor. This
created a feeling of distrust und it is to
be hoMsl that 110 feeling of this kind
will ever have any grounds to support
A telegram yesterday, from Sir Ibiw-
mun, advised ine 01 me ieam 01 .or.
M or nun, the substitution of MrG.slitian
and the election of the entire republi
can ticket. I was very sorry, indeed,
to hear of Mr. Morgan s death. lie
will lie, urreatlv missed. The committee
certainly did a w ise thing in putting Mr.
Gislman on the ticket. I am certain
that it strengthened the whole ticket
and now that the whole ticket is
elected, I see no reason why the unfor
tunate differences w Inch have nerciorore
interfered with republican success in
Washington county should not disap-
is'ttr. 1 isBlieve ine party win oc p.i.n.h-
er now than ever la-fore an.l thut we
will give Roosevelt from 00 to iikki ma
jority this full. This isthe Is-st news
I have had for a long time.
rite republican here were much
interested and very much pleased over
the results of the Oregon election. They
think it showed which way public senti
ment is running. I he feeling is almost
universal thut Roosevelt w ill Is- elected.
Iu fact I have not talked with tint a
. t al.....
very few itein.s-rats who mum mn
have a show. A few of the Hearst
democrat are claiming thut he will Is
elected if nominated. But I can find
nothing to bear out that statement.
Everv dent. s-rat thut optsistsi uryun, is
ipx.e I to Hearst and a few that sup-
tsu-ted iiryan are against nun. . -
ineiit detnis rat here yesterday, (a phy
sician w ho is a son of one of the senator.
ial governor of Oregon) said, "I don't
. . .. .1... .1...
know whether Ihev can prove nun ine
union miner blew up the Indeis'iidence
mine in Colorado and killed the twelve
non-union miners or not, but if they do
prove it, Hearst and his newspaH-rs will
approve of it and defend the unions for
doing it."
We left St. Louis and came to Matt.s.n,
VI.. ron nlc Illinois, the early homo of
Abraham Lincoln, and remained there
four day. Lincoln' father is buried on
old farm, but the house is gone. It
was taken to Chicago in INM. W hen I
realiacd that I was tramping over the
same ground that Lincoln did lit Ins
youthful days; the place where he split
the rails that were mentioned so often
during his canvas for the presidency,
it seemed to me that the soil was almost
sacred. The eople who live near there
however, do not seem to take much in
terest in the matter, with the exception
of a few sis-aking of the cabin, reminds
me that the original cabin built by Gen.
Grant when he lived near St. bulls, is
on exhibition at the fair. It is a won
derful commentary on the opM.rtunities
offered in this country that men of tin
low ly origin and surrounding as these
should have Is-en among the most hon
ored presidents of our country.
We are now visiting here and will
leave for Indiana next week.
S. P.. Ill'SToN.
Coming! Coming)
Wednesday and Thursday, two iluv
onlv, June 'th and h, Vt. Ie, the
welt known oeulo-optician, will be .in
Hillsls.ro at Hotel Tualatin, llsve him
test your eyes lor glasses.
For your druga. We are up-to-date In our line
and carry a select assortment of toilet articles,
patent medicine, stationery, school supplies, etc
Hillsboro, Or.
Eleventh Annual Reunion of tho
Washington County Votorana, Hills
boro, Juno 30th to July 4th, 1904.
The program for the great reunion and
camp-lire by the old veterans has not
s'en fully made up, hut it is known that
there will lie "something doing" eveiy
lay and all the time and it is exsctcl
that the old soldier and their friends
will enjoy themselves a never la-fore.
The tents have been engaged and every
thing w ill Is.' in readiness for the great
It wants to lss particularly emphasized
that every veteran of ull wars are not
only invited to the fustivities of theis--casioti
and to go into camp with the old
soldiers, but they are urged to do so, its
this inuy lie the' lust time the "boys"
will Is' all together. I.ay asnie your
work for the time an.l attend this grand
cainp-tire and have the tune 01 your
life; talk over old tunes, When 11 i.mik
nerve and bl.ssl to declare the old lsiu
ner the Hug of the frev? which t air
wave so proudly over this nation, The
Is-st in the world. Shake hands as of
old and reiuemla-r thut a royal, heart
felt welcome awaits you ut this reunion.
The program as far us it has Is-en pos
sible to arrange it, is as follows:
Juiii'ltO (io Into camp aud renew acquaint
ani-a. .
July I Forenoon Arl.lreaa of wplcome by
Mayor Cornell. i, who will sle the 11M mlillern
Ihe'lrvriluin of the rlly and everything In elht
Kesine. by I'uinraie li. V. dates. Haluun
1 he afternoon pmeram li to be rurnihel ny
the Kort-atUrov end Cornelius echoole ami ant-let
July 2 forenoon Ad.lrenaei by voli.nteer
The FAMOUS QUAKER CONCKRT CO. FRKK every night except
Saturday. TREK. BROTHER JOHN, the Quaker at the ofliee in
opera house; hours, 10 to 12 daily, except the Lord's day.
7th St. Gallery and see his
$4 photos
$2 photos
This is for
onlv. See
play at Paterson's Furni
ture Store.
y Has the kind that wears, fitsv
$ and remains a joy forever. He ,
wants you to see the splendid
stock he carries, for Ladies', y
Gents' or Children, jno better
iv Shoe made on earth. vt
Shoe made on earth.
The Hamiilon-Bruvn !
i ...aiiLTOM-BROWM
IV lJaryaaV-aijss .
is-akem. Aftern.ion 1'r.stram furni.lie.1 by
ihe HilMsirn public acliiaila and .sulfa.
bal.uiu aM-eniloii. . ,,
July :i - ..iri-uonn t'nlon wrvlrea In liirh all
Cliuri'hi-t will J.1I11. Afiern.a.n - ha. I..I r.nnvil.
Kve ni no Sou arrei.e uuUei .liri-eti.-n ol the
lot-al pei-iora. luam I'. JM. 'lap by I'ml Mi.u.p.
W. E. Thorite and Prof, llarues goto
Yaquina bay today torn month.
The price for ice cream und cake)
at the msial to Is- given by the
Epworlh league in the court house vurd
Saturday evening Is 10 cents, instead of
1") cents, as advcrtised.
Kenii'inlM'r thut HillslMiro is to have,
the biggest and best Fourth of July cele
bration 011 reeoid. Program and lull
particulars next week.
Miss Stella Moscow drew the link
number ut Grceur's confectionery and
now has fifty dishes of ice creum to her
Flunk dunliclnio, an Italian sal.sui
kee-rof Portland, shot uud kilh-d Fre
da t iiiarasci.t. a lil-vear old tiirl, ut her
h e in the same city last Tuesday, Is-
canse the gill's father had refused to
allow him to marry her. The miserable
wretch left his victim weltering iu her
blissl w Idle he attempted to escape, but
inside of two hours was Is'liind the bars.
The next thing inor.lcr is u beuip sisuab
AimixisriurKiv oihe.
Notice la h.-n-by given that the nnderaUnist
ha been, bv the l oiiuiy Court of W asliiiisii.ii
I'u.inty, Oreiion, .Inly a.K.lnlt adniinialralrlx
of the estate of Maurice l) .iornia i. dis-eaaetl,
ami liu duly .(itBliiwst a audi, aud all is-renim
havliiK Halms assiu't aalil eatiite are lu-rd.y
untitle. 1 to prewnl them to lue, Willi pror
vouclu'M annexed, at the la ottlce ol Hem. n
ltowi.ii.il, tu llillabnro, tircgou, within n
in. .iill.ii from thla dale.
Hated thla June 17, IWU.
Administratrix of the Kslale or Maurice O Oof
man, lieceaaed.
Hi-nton V. 1 .nil an.
AUorney for Kslale.
for $3
for $1.25
few days
sample dis
Best in the City, v
Prices Right J
rt pf vi
J ' I V!
1: .A UK
I' lll.-eil tiricf a 111 1 Will live all IU iuv
up to the preriii;
want of moisture.
w patron ben tit of the sauie.