Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, January 01, 1904, Image 8

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    UIVI.MC St.MI-t LNIt.mL
.1. X. '"triii liu-
A. 1!. 'onifliti-
professional cards.
e. b. tongue
atto::ni:v at i. v.v
Hillsboro, Orencn.
Cilice: Kimm 3. 4 an. I .r. Morgan h'.V
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Office: Central Hlock, Rooms C and 7.
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Ollioe, in I'liiou 1:1k., with S. l- Ilu-toti
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Bailey-Morgan lllocli. Runm 1.
Office: Looms '.'. I un! "i, MmiMii Illock
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Hillsboro, Oregon.
oUice, up-dairs, over Tin? Delta I Tut'
. Store. OUice hours to r' ; 1 to ii, mid
in (lit rwninn Iroin 7 to o' loi k.
S. 1'. It. It. SUtflKOX
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Offlco and Itcsi.li ih o. corner Third
an.l Main streets. Office hours, 8:30
to 12 A. M., 1 to . nn.l 7 to 8 V. M.
Tclf l'lmiif o residence friun Uroek &
S Is' drugstore at all hours. All calls
promptly attended, night or day.
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Office: Morgan-Hallcy block, tip
fslalrs, rooms U', 13 and 1.". Residence
S. W. cor. Ilase Lino and Second eta.
Doth 'phones.
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Office: Mm gall Ilnlloy hl" k. lip
Ftnirs with I-'. A. Kailev. R. siilencc,
N. L corner Third and Onk t'ts.
C. L. LARGE, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Diseases of women a specialty.
Forest Grove, Oregon.
(Cards, $.", a year; Resolutions and
Meeting Not lets ' free to advertis
ing Iidges.)
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Regular meeting on Monday evening
of each week at Odd Fellows' Hall,
Hillsboio. Member please attend.
Notice is heret.y given UiHt tn pursotttieo of an
enter nf the minty Court t.f the i entity nt
V A-htntftert mill Mill, ol urni'iiii iiih.Ih on (tit
Ttli itsy of lt'vintr. r.'l, In I tie mutter ol the
einte of Ivter llitrir. 1m enril, t lit- titi.ler-tiirii-el
ailinlliiiitrnlnr of hI1 i-- l m It- will "I'll nt pill., if
auction to tlif tilKlient luiMer Inr ea-li, miIpjii-i
tothe cotifiriualiuii of (tie Conmy iimri on
slur.lT, the '.nn ilnv of January, CM, at In
oVIock A. M. ot inil day on suel iireim-H". tn the
town of lillley, all ttio rlifhl, lllt-sii'l lilt. rc-t
arel entste of the Mai.l militate at itii'tline of tun
tleaih an1 alt the nac lit. title ami tnieretthat
t tie a i.l estate hy n)-ration of law or niherwiF-e
liaa ince ai'iiitre.l hi mi.1 pretntM-a: mill prcml
m tsMuir ilencrilsM at follow: a ulrlp i,f laml
fifty (Vi) feet whle nit the xmtti i.te of hh k
tour (4) In the urmliial town ol lulley, Wanliiug
Un County. irenoii.
1 he iinlniirat..r remTTing the rklit to re
jeet all bhlR tnaite at Mhl tune ami plm-e. If no
milinbie tilda ar mail will after ftai.t ilmeill
said .reiniea at private Kate, tn ammtanre
wito theunler maile hy ht Court at the time
I form,
W R Stki'iikmi.
A1iiilnl"lrlor ol anul estate.
V. M. l.auxley ,v Son, Altorueya.
Cheap Sunday Rites Between Forest
Grove and Portland.
Low ronndtrlp rates havo been
placed In fffect hctween Portland and
Forest Grove, In either direction.
Tickets will "ee seld Saturdays and
Sundays, and limited to return on or
Jirfore Ck followlnc Monday. Rate of
l.t" r'Hiui) trip. Call on So'tthrrn Pa-!
t ilic's Aijents f r artii nhrs, j
Cc di liar a jrar, in advaar c. j
The JI.-i-Hinlt: rUii eentt'itr.lMl lrev
n luryf uttlherin; of Jliwtm Htul their
f tmilies to tin1 Mi-toiiie I't iiiplH S it
ur.l ty whert the loil'erootll hml lieen
irelt:ly ilicomliil wild e vtritret'ti
H'tl wrentit-t of holly. Ir. F, J.
i; nit y pr. side"! niiil alter j-r-ti er l
il'V. A. llutiiii-Dii,-tin- chaihiiti, whs
iustitlleil is w r-hiftil ints.tr ol
Tuttlity Imlije hy I'st Ornml Master
W. I). Hare, Mini then invented liin
a-Hocittlcn with the limine of their
ollices. J. A. Imhrie ni W. N.
Htrrett are Ht'iiior hikI Juni'T wartl
f oT;J Dr. V. U. Wood, Her'tBry;
JuiIh It. Cramlitll, treaajrer; Juii'f
L. A. It xxl ami J. H. luilay senior
and junior tleaeoitf; S, Wil-ton and I),
liurkhiilter, Htewards, ami IVler ii
cow, tyler.
Past Matron Mrs. W. N. Unrrett
was installing ollieer for Tualatin
Chnpter, Order of the lli.stern Star,
with Mr. J. V. H.tiley aelitiK hs
Orand Marsha!. Mrs. J. U. Merry
wan is worthy matron, J. A. Imhrie
pttron, Mrs. H. V. tiates tts.sooh.tH
matron, Mrs. W. 1). Hare secrt tary,
Mrs. W. N. Barrett conductress,
Miss May Imhrie associate conduct-res-,
Mrs. C. K. Deichman, Mrs. S.
T. Link later, Mrs. (leo. H. Wilcox
ami Misses Lura attti Wilmn Wajf
gener Star otli'ers, Mrs. U. Cave
warder Hiid A. Wil-on sentiml.
Pa-t Ormid Ma-ter H ro as anni
versary orator, recalled the events in
Tuality lodge's history, the main
points which were otitlini d last week,
eulogizing of the departed t rvthrtn
and iayi-'g espccitl trihute to th
memory of the lute Congn s-man
Tongue who studied law in ids oliiee
and w as aft 'rward intiinatcly h.-ho-ciated
with liim. After these exer
cises came the hour nf refreshment
with plentifiil proviMon for the many
Chan Wilson to darn Bardies
70 a in see aitl'urlv $."w
Win Mcquillan to .1 U Hare '7 a in
A Hither el 1
Chits Laiuhott to Alhert SoIIberger
HO a in see 21t2nr2w 1 lilO
.1 C tiarrigna to A H Garrigtis a
in see H t 2 n ri w ,VK)
I! II I.aiiKlilin to S Marshall lot 4
in hlk L':l F (irove !'00
(i I. Liindess to K I RoihI 1)0 a in
John Lamless cl iMNl
J T ltotioven to Carrij Church is
a in ee 1'i t 1 s 1 . .'"i.'iO
S F Knowl'.y to I. M K.'ll. y 'Jo .i in
m'c I 'i t J ii r '! w .1
.1 W Luther to M W Il.J.n 1 To ,
in nee '.'s t - n t .! w l'o
A l-!riesniin to I: H.il-i tier 1-' .i in
M M Watts ,1 ioihi
I Rail to .1 Katon o a in sec I 4 t
2 s r I w . :ino
W Ii Day to S L Wirth ii a near
Tualatin 7u0
IVrry Watson to W T New Ionise
110 a in sec j'i t '.' n r 1 w J4.)
1' Streih to Weni'ielin Waihel tit a
in sec :! t I it r 2 tr 2Suo
A M C Hendricks to L T Wilcox 40
a in Fee L'l tllnrJw 27."
.1 J Seatnn to M Slater ! a in sis'
t 2 r 1 w 1100
J Carr to (ieo F. Strong lotn 1 and 2
hlk H ofherood, (n Titl
J W Shiite to II S Itiiiitiing tract Ri
Fairview add llillsUiro 1
I'll I'linhaiii to S (iuwan ti a
near Ilillslmro 4
A Thomas to S F. Thomatt Ri a in
sec l:t t I n r 4 w RiOn
M I'ike to t.eo A Doughty hlk ('
Doughty hiiIi Ilillshoi'n 4 "at
W L Skeels to M.iuntian Side Fruit
Co l-'J a in sec 20 t 2 s r 1! w . . 20
ill-tave I laa-s.' to I Leopold Lilider
Rat a in see l'l t 12 n r " w a)
Notice is licrehT driven that the Kxncut
or ut the last will und testaiiient of Aimer
M. Vaughn, deceased, hat lileil his tinal
uci'oiint, as luch executor, in I hi County
Court of t lie (State ol (Ireuon, lor W'aohiiiif -ton
t on nt r, in the matter ol the entitle of
Aimer M. aiulin, diri-uiied. ami the Hon.
1.. A RihsI, Judire ot the mid Court, leu
t Monday t lie a th day of JiinuarT, t'.M4.
nt 1(1 o'cliH'k ol ttie forenoon o sui'd day.
at the County Court K oin in the Court
House in HilIslKiro, WashniKton County,
Slate ot UreKOti as the time and place, lor
h-inn(r oloei-tions it ' tiy to said linnl ac
count Mini for the tinal settlement ami
ilistrihutt n of said estate,
I he Order of puhhciitum U'in dated at
HtllslKiro, Ore(run, the ist, day ul Dec
enilier. V.ttiS.
Ihetiriit pulilicatinn of this notice is
made the 2 -t ti day "f Ivcemher, l'.sm.
.'has. 1 Viiiitrhii.
Kxecutor of the lu-t w .ll and testann-iit
of Aimer M. Vaughn dis eased.
J. N. iluttmaii, Attorney.
For S lie Sotite chii;i'r lots in the
Wacrter H'hlitioT'. J. I. '.Vsif'ie',
I'ore-t (irove-.
i s tiik 1 1' 1 1 l iK : in;. 1I..M k ,
t nl K l KuU illi: II".-'! It i: Or TIIK
i'l.At K ANli i tlN.-!' W.l.K Ids 11: 1' ' I i
ol- !' !!.. I ill: . i". n A-il 1 N . U)S I
i m: n . i;:l '.v
.1 f)r.
U i.-I.oil'I' n Ci.unty
Kiuil i r.iji 1 l.tin:.;l i ivil Artioi f.r
vs ) licruitiy uf
Jnliii llouliy I 't-leiid .nt Money
To John llowley. tin- utinve named De
le ml nut: In t tie nuine ol Hie Slate of Ore
kjii;)oh are lierc'iy ri.Uiri'd to tj'jwir
in tore the . iiiieriiK-il. a Juxtie ol the
l'ence lor the Rtrn t ul'oresaid, on the 7th
day uf January, 1 M 4. at M u rim k 111 the
lore in. on nt niiil day, at the oltiie of ea'd
J iiMiee, ill Mini In.-ini t, to tinawer the.
uliove nuuieil i.lainti I in civil action
I lie ilc leiiilnut ill tu.e no' ire. that if
he tail to ntihuer tlie i iinii'laiiit lierein
lie l'l iintill will take j u. lament HKiiinst
him lor Ihe Mini ol fS.' met lor nale ot
the i.'ix-i tv aMachetJ ii thi. ct on t"
Kelher ilti lux costs ai.d 'I ishtir Mneiil s in
-n'il action.
I hat l lie Order lor the I'lthlic ation of
thi suintiiiiim w:i iniide I'V the Jii-tn e ot
I lie I'l'iit'e hefore whom the Mime i Jifiiil
on the l.'tli day of Noveiul er l'l'!.
.ven uinler itiy"hainl, U'l" '"''i day of
Nutt'liitn-r, J'lOl.
J. II.. Wl 1!T.
Ju-tice ol ttie i'cai:e.
Notice in hiTi-hy k'vi-ii that the oiolersiurie.l
ex'-ciior of the Imiw.iI aiel teMnnuMit ol Ah
nur M. itiilin. .leet'H-i-il. toe hl.-il tun IiiikI a.'-i-uiiiit
m.iu'Ii Kxeenior in i lie i oiiuiy i mirt ol
ttie stale of i in-k'im, h.r Vrthim;ll.n coutiiv. in
Hit' mutter ol the eMato ol Ahner M ai:uhn
ilerene.l, an. 1 the Moil. I.. A. li'KliI Jii'lvu iillliw
hKl.l I onil ino. ni'I Nlonita) th .'t-l 'lay ot I'.'i em -l.er.
hi hio'i'l.i-ta of the tott'iioon ol oii-t iluy, nt
Hie i ouiiiy i ie.it room in llill-i.oru. Ma-liinuioii
I ollllly. SlHtt otlrfc;'.II. il the tlM'H Hl.'t Mrtl't'
tor hi'Hrlni tii'iiTtioti ii Hhy to m.l linnl hi'. o.iiii
an.l h.r the limil m-'.llfiiu-iil an.l ! :. l .-ihut i-in in
i.nt'1 elHl .
I he onlur nt I'lililli'iition t.i'ihK .liite.l at
tioro, i it. -yon, t he t .lny ot No cm h. r, I t,
'I he hr-t ..l..!l. KM"II ol lhl llo'lro I" Illicit.' the
J7.ll ilnv ol No enilit'r. 1 hi ;
CIIAS. II. VAfi.ltN.
Kxi'i'iitor ol'llir lt hl ale I te-lniinait ol Ate
in-r .M. Viuiiin, i'ii-e.i
.1. N. Iloilainii, At orin y.
1 " ri : t . .1 States I.;nd Office.
On eon City, Ore.. Oct 22. 'loo!.
Notice is herchy civen that In com
pliance with fie prm Islotis of the act
nf ('orii;:-f"- f f .lime 3, 1S7S. entitled
"An ait for Hie sale of titn'mr Ih'Hm
In thf S'atei ,f California, Nova. la, '
and Washington Terriory," as ev
tended to all the l'linlie Land St'ttes
tiy ai t of August 4. is;2. CViIttn-.hns
". Cowan, of rort'and, county of Mult-1
noinali. Stat" of Oregon, hits this da
tiled In this office his swotit statetnen. i
No. t'i::23, for thi purchase of thp NIC'i I
of SIC'i , Sec. 12, T. 2 N.. K. C. W., and !
lots 1 , 2 and of Sec No 7 in Township 2 I
N., ItatiKo No. 5 W.. and will offer
proof to show that, the land sought Is
more valuahle for Its tltnher or stone
than for agricultural purposes,
and to esttahiish his lalm to said
land hefore t ie Resistor ami Itcreiver
of this ottlcp at. Oresjon City, Ore., on
Friday, the Nth, day of January, l'.HM.
He nanirs m witnesses: James H.
Houston. W. A. Trites, I,. R. Houston,
W. A. Cordon, nil of Portland. Ore.
Any and all persons claming ad
versely f'o n' ove desei il.ed Intuit arn
requested to lile their claim In thin of
lice on m I .elou- s t: I -t h , liv of .1.1, ill, try.
V.i I
AI.tiKKXOX S. r.PJ'SFrt.
t'nltrd States I.Tid Ofllee,
at tret" .ii City , Ire.'oii. Nov 27. l 'l':!.
.Notice is In teliy nivui that In com
pllanco with t :e piovlsinns of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1S7S. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
In the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public LanJ
Sates by act of August 4, 1892, Kntite
Westbers, of Portland, county of Mult
nomah, State nf Oregon, hag this day
died In this office his sworn statement
No, r,C."S, for the purchase of the W'a
of NW'i of Section No. 2S, In Town
ship No. 3 N., nance No. 4 W., and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought Is nioro valuable for Its stone
or timber than for asileultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to
said land before the register an.l re
ceiver of this office at Orecnn City,
Oregon, mi Thursday, the lltli, day of
February, I'hi-J.
H names as witnesses: Robert T
Simpson, Adam Simpson, Thomas J.
McFarlami. M. Mlddaush, all of Bux
ton, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above descrlherl lands are
requested to file their claims In this
ollice on or ls-fore sai'i 11th, day of
February, P."VJ.
Notice is hen-hy (riven, that the under
si(rnl R3tcutrix of the Kstale of Charles
M. 8 ith. deci-ased, has this day tiled
with the Count v Court of Wnsliiiiirtnn
Cuuutv, 8tale ot Or ifou. her tinal ac
count in said estate, ami that sai'i Court
has set Ihe lt day of Kh nary. 1 4. at
the hour of to o'clock in the forenoon of
said day. at the t'otintr Court Hou-e in
MilKtxiro I ii'con, s the time and pi ce
lor hearing oh wtioni to said li nal ac. ..an-,
and tlio ileterminntion thereot, and the
tinal setllrmeiit "f saiil Kntite.
I'-ited nt 1 1 INt .rn, Orecnn, tins J-th
lav ot Ileeetnls-r, I'm I.
(S 'L-m-di JO-IK W SV fit,
Ail.i-i -,1-tr 1 1 r s .v i.c tne K-tate .f har'a"
,-"o' a. I iT-'H-t"l.
K. !'.. 1 .'ju"i' . ttort-er. i ; i
Cornelius & Son
Successors to IIcN.uint a Ccrtn-lius
Spffia I Attention tn " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it" I : : I Tr;tt!ir-" I ,i t r n : ; i lj .
(ioinl S-rviof. I'ilif 'i'l'tiltliU Ilt ;l'.l'l M'-'li'Mltc lli'.tcs.
Wiioni ttf to ami from all trains. Special convey
ances over the Wilson Uiver Uoutc to Tilla
mook ut anv and all times.
uioj.iin asn I'oi.t ui u
1 ,1 U'lI'lM"
Forest Grove. Ore.
Letnlinir place in the 'ounty for School I'.ooks
ami Stationery; also Christmas (ioods, Dolls,
Toys, Notions, Fancy Cemiaii and .lapanese
I i.-hes, 'a.-. s, etc.
l'ianos, ( )rirans, all kinds of mn-ical instruments.
Cohiinhia and Victor Talkinir Machines. Sevin'r
Machines for sale on easy payment-:.
Opposite Railway Station
ie li'-t assortment
i in the (.'ounty. Wl' make a
ive you full information as to mixtures, ami how
and when to sow, etc. Cahoon Seeders for sale.
.Martin's St'lMl Store, l'acitie Avenue, Forest irove, Ore.
Stribich & Purtlin
Woodwork and General ltepair Slioji
Vehicle wheels, i.umher 'lanel. Furniture. Fancy
turned wok for huildintzs. For any kind of wood
work, find us -it the F'actory. Prices are rij:ht.
Main St.
Manufacturer of all kinds of Rough
and Dressed Lumber. Delivery on
short notice. Stock on hand. Price
reasonable. Write, phone or call.
Galea Creek, Oregon.
..MkbigaQ HotiSc.
Ily Michigan Feriplc.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Whitney.
C.iio.l Meals. Gooil Iloartl.
Forest (iruve, - - Ore-gun
Lowns' best pcejrorn.
Forest (Jrovo, Oregon
a.. Forest Grove, Or.
and largest .-totdc ot
spcc'iilty of Seed ;ind can
Forest Grove, Ore.
Practical Undertakers and
Ktnhalniers. (Jails answer
ed day or nijjht.
Roe St Buxton
Ikith I'hones. Forest Grove, Or.
CtHDinG BflKBtR $F)0P
I'p to-Date li.tireuttlng and Sl.aT
in?. I aun lty agency,
lain S:ret. Korest Crov.
Al ays f ii' n Tie Pae-ifl' r.''lU
rar.f, nf xt ! w.r W-iti' l trh'.-r sh'.p.