1'Ai'inr xemi.lk.mknxul Wnt I'uloii tliurcli (Vlrlrtet tlic ft )lh Au .Jvrrnirj uf Its Dedication Haifa rentur ami over of Baptist hUtory In Washington county whs recalled l.y the iueetiniat Wtst Uo Ion I'riday iu the old church building which was dedicated fifty years ago, Da;. 25, 1853. It was the jdoneir too, in the Oregon country where now over 22,000 communicant wor ship In more lhau 300 congregation?. Children and grandchildren of the founders and many interested friends were there to observe an ann'venary of such interest. The morning ser mon was ty Itjv. VV. II. Lttourette, from Itaith LII:I, and at noon a bountiful basket dinner was provided. In thu afternoon Hv. J. F. Day, pas tor of the lllllsboro First Dsptint church, preiched, with Matthew 11:2 as his text. At these services Prof. Sherri'I noted ns organist ami the music wus of high order. At the log cabin home of David T. Lenox on Tualatin Plains the Vet Union Biptist church was organized May 25, 184 i, whin Oregon was de batable land and the settlers did not know whether they were British aurjeots or American citizens, by David T. Lenox, Henry Howell, William I!i?agle, Alexender IJievlus, Nineveh Ford, Louisa Lnox, L'Jfin da Iicagle and Ltvitia lilevius. It was the first church of the faith of Il)ger Williams on the west coast. The pioneer pastor was liev. Vinivnt Knelling who met with the church f it t h-s first time on tlio second Sun day In February, 1815, as the old church record declares "the first ser mon preached to the church by a Buptiit minister In Oregon," and Oregon then included, the extensive doiiisin now familiar as the Oregon country through the coming centen nial ot itexploration. Henry Sitwell, the first church clerk, was ttfterward ordained and for many years was the lailhful and beloved pastor there. On He'pf. 2, 1852, D. T. L-nox, Reuben W. Ford and Henry Hewell were appointed a building committee and on Dec. 21, 185:1, the committee reported the building complete and clear of dobt. Mr. Win, Kme, now living at Forest Urove, was the contractor and the total cost was 1500. Bunday, Djc 25, 1853, occurred the dedication. K-jv. Ezra Fisher preached the sermon end was assisted in the dedicatory service by Hiv. R. Weston and a Congregatl tl clerg man, Hv. Cushing E'lls, of Forest drove. The anniversary service was of especial interest in that ltev, W. II . Litourette who preached the, room ing sorraon is a grandson of Ilev. Ezra Fisher who preached the dedi catory sermon there in that same building fifty years ago, and Rev. J. F. Day who preached.in the after noon is a great nephew of the first pastor, Rev. Vincent Snelling, both of Friday's preachers being Native Bona of Oregon. Among those present Friday were R)bN Imbrleand family, Mrs. Lett tia Mauz9y Smith, of Portland, Jas. Imbrle and family. J. J. Whitteo and family, Claud Cate, Urover Gate, Mrs. Sarah M. Hmith. Washington county, besides the West Union church, has Baptist churches at Hillsboro, Bethany (Ger mar), Laurel and Mlddletou. MVSONIC INSTALLATION Monday vu installation day nt Mason ic hull and Past Master, K. W. Haines, also a past grand putron, initullrl there officer in due (orra : Worthy Matron, Mrs. C. F. Miller; Worthy Patron, S. U. Hughes; Associate Matron, Mr. C. N. Johnson; Secretary, Mrs. Little Harris; Treasurer, C. N. Johnson ; Chaplain, E. W. Haloes ;tWar- ,-iler, Mm. Dilley ; Sentinel, M. E. Dilley ; ' Organist, Mrs. A. B.Todd; Ads, Mm Watrous; Kuth, Mn. Kane; Esther, Mrs. Todd; Martha, Mrs B. Laughing Electa, Mrs. 7.. Large. Holbrook Lodtfe : Master, J. S. Buxton ; 8nior Warden, M. JAMxrtt ; Junior War den, C N. Johnson ; Trensnrer, E. W. Haines ; Secretary, J. C. Clark : Deacons, B. I-Mughlin atnl II. Nauffts: Hewnrd, 11. H. (lark; Tyler, M. K. Dilley. After nn address on "Masonry and the Cbnrrh" by Kev. A. Robinson, of lliils boro, the Masons, nn 1 their fittnilie nn l unests, to the nuniher of more than a hundred, r-.it down at well spie:id t ihles i.n 1 cl'"el the eiereies with a CSnvbinoiioiv -35 H jcampsfias faommmyx jfe stv - iw t v . -hy v : rs .c i t-.v if y j v ri For Sale by W. R. HidS Forest drove If You Want The Best All 'round Hour, a Mend of Hard and Valley wheat, lie sure you get Silver Dust Flour Manufactured ly the Aplin Mills Co., of Cornelius and sold by Dugan & Watrous Forest Grove's Leading Merchants r Wiley's saloon Is I'iO joorer by the vIhH of Homo unknown per-tori who in an equally mysterious way got inside early Tnursday morn ing and relieved the 111', cash register and slot machine of the contents. No breaking was done as the Intruder evidently came through the d xir and found the ivya In the drawer. Juk F.ird and Hurley are under arrrit on the charge. D. J. Porte-, of (iaston, is nwaititur a bearing set for Wednesday in the count v jnil, charged with threatening to kill his divorced wife. Stvere rasor cuts in his throat and lift writ keep liim iindtr Dr. Taiuiesie's caru and ere received early ChrislmaH morning ; whether self intlictril or done by another wi 1 he told after lug hearing. An examination as to bis sanity is also a possiliility. The County Court at its February term will act on the petition of J. I., Hunk, II. David and others for a 40 foot public roud nenr "Fruit Hill Homes" in the Mulkey donation in road district 14 to connect with the Forest GroveThatcher road. The Bazaar at Foiest Grove is prob ably the only place of business in the county that do not need to have a clear- ence sale at New Years as their sales lie- fore Xnias were so tremendous that they are very nearly out of goods altogether Archbishop Christie w ith several other Catholic dignitaries visited St. Mary's Home at lieaverton bum lay and were greatly pleased with the excellent woik being done there. Mil Kill Fr'.H SALE NOTICE FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the under gigneil Administratrix- o the estate of Asa Williams, deceased has tiled her rinal account as inch Administratrix in the County Court of the htate of Oregon, fur Washington County, in the matter of the Kstate of Ass Williams, deceased, and the lion. L. A. Food, Judge ot snid Court has set Monday the Silh day of January, l!4, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day at the County Court roam in Hillsboro, Washington County. Htate of Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections f any to -aid Hnal account, and for the nnul settlement and distribution of said est te l he Order of Publication being dated at Hillihoro, Oregon, the lsth day of Dee ember, 1!H. The tirst publication of this notice U made the l!5tli day of December, ha-ah K Crow, Admlnistrntrix of the Estate of Asa Williams, deceased. J. N. Hoffman, Attorney. WOO UMAX OF TIIK WOULD CAMP no as. FOHKST GKOVK. Meet every Stturdiy ivening at 7.30 T. M. All n I rt bors are cordi ally invited to v'it with u. John Axdkio.v, Cleric John Striiuch, C. C. NoticM is hereby given that by virtue of an execution, decree an t order of sale is sued out of and under tle leal uf the i ircuit Couri of the Htate of Oregon, for the County of Washington, dated the 17th day of December, lisja iu favor of J. W. hhuti! ami E. I. loiiKUe, Administra tor of the Es'atc if I'lios. 11. Tongue, Heps, sed, pluintill's mid uguiiiat Oeorge W. Miller, delendanl lor the -uni ot fll."0 cost and the further sum of $io)i0 with inteie-t the eonf oni 'lelstdayof April, lsisi, at the rate of eiirht per rent per n iiuni, to me dim tel and delivered, com manding me to make salool the real prop erty hereinafter described, I have levied upon ami pit mint to said execution de cree ami order ot siln I will on Monday, the UMh day of January, 1;K). at the roulii door of ilie t'ourthonse in Hills boro, Washington County, Oregon, ut the Hour of ten u'el n'K a. in. of said day, sell at public auction to the highest hiddi r tor cash in hand, all of the lodowing deipriO ed real properly, lying, being mill situate in Wa-hingio. i County, t regon, and more particularly described us follow s, to-wit.; Hloek numbered I In -teen (1:1) ot and in Oak drove Addition to the Town o. Hills boro, Wadiiiuton County, Oregon, as the same is in rlti'd and designated upon the plot of said addition of record in the of fice of tne Recorder of t'onveyaices of Washington County, Oregon, containing two acres more or less, to satisfy the here inbefore named sums and for the costs and exp n es of sale ami said writ. baid sale will be made subject to re de option as per statute of Oregon. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 24ih day of December, 1.MJ1. J. W. SEWELL, 8 her it!' of Washington County, Oregon. K. a. Tongue, Attorney for l'laintin. SUMMONS. IN TUB CIROHIT COURT op THE 8 TATE OK OHEOOS FOR WASH ISOTOX COUNTY Joseph h Lilly, FlaintiT) vs V Martha L. Lillv, Defendnnt j To Martha L Lilly, the above named defendant: lu the name of the state of Oregon : You are hereby commanded and lequired to appear and answer the cotnidaint tiled against you in the atsivt entitled suit, in the aliove entitled court, on or beforithe expiration of six weeks next from, and nfter, the date of the lirs' publication of this summons, to-wit: The tirst publica tion of said summons being on December IS, 1'iut, and if you fall so to appear and answer said complaint lor want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above en titled court for the relief prayed for and demai. ded In his sa;d complaint, to-wit: For a cecree dissolving and annulling the marriage and marriage contract no and heretofore enisling between plaintiff and defendant snd for such other and further relief as lo the court may seem just and equitable in the premises. I his summons is served on yon by pub lication by order of Hon. T. A. McHride, Judge of the above entitled court, which said order was aiade and dated at Hills boro Oregon, on Decemlier 12, I'MX and directs that this summons be published for six successive and consecutive weeks In the Hillsboro Independent. H.T. H OLEY. (31-37) Attorney lor Plaintiff. HOLLY CIRCLE, SO. 15, W. O W., Meets on the 2nd snd 4th Wednesdays of each month in Odd Fellnwi' hall, Forest (irove. All members ami 'visiting inem beik are invited to attend. Lima rtrxtos, (guardian Neighbor, S ipiiia C. f mith, Clerk. Forest (irire's assessed valuation is fl'.iOT-1") for the city and fr school di i trict l'i h J'il:'-.''!. i $1,000 Given Away 0 Notice the o lor! Every I inly lilies goo 1 Carnation, mil this is one. 4 Hicgt-r, tlif California i'rfuiucr, is yi n ( )i i( ) j for .Mother (ioosc Hliyncs tlcscribin California $ Dcrftiiiit's. Dr. Hint's' Dratr Stotv sells tlusc erfunit's. Ask tlic clerk alout it. Dr. Hines Drug Store j Forest (irove, 0 Urrsoii J t- Ltsmiroe;tei wwpoth1 'T'TT-X" Largest Clothiers in the Northwest, Portland, Or. To Mothers of Boys W have recentl)' ojiened our New Haseinent DeartiiH nt, with an extensive line of Hoys' Inexpensive School Suits, which we present at $2.15, $2.85, $3.35 Dozens of neat patterns in donble-hreasled Norfolk, sailor-collar NorfolKs,e(c. Ages, , to 10 years. They are undoubtedly the greatest values ever of fered in the Northwest. These Suits will he sent to any address C. 0. 1). upon the receipt of one-third payment. 7. -'V-.' J 'f'''l h rrf n i ' ll 'mi n ULi AID SEE OS We Are Now Open for Business One Door North of Post Oflieo Corner, on Main Street, Forest Grove, With a New Stock of Hardware and Furniture Stoves, furniture Vehicles etc. The latest Guns and Granite ware, Ammunitions, Tinware, Cutlery and Pumps and shelfware, fixtures, Spaulding's sporting goods. designs in Chinaware, Queensware and decorated goods, the very latest. See our saws they are the best. To bo convinced rrof niiv iii'irpa Wc will he pleased to show you our goods. We are here to stay and promise our prices to he right. M. PETERSON FOKKST fSROVE, OliEGOX Ladies Nolihy tailor-mmlo milti mrtile at Mrf. Maxon'n for $ 1 75 and up. Silk wataM f 1 .75. Wool wal.itu fl.CO. IVrfiTt fit KiMMntePtl. Jlr-t. Maxm. Pdciflc Ave. Foret Grove. Tprty-year genuine Klia or WultJiam movement f!2. Your money l,Rck If our Kxi ar? not at we rrj.rett theiu. Abbott A Son, Forest Grov?.