lew Year's Resolution lor 904 w raae at vis Yes, if you would be happy all the Year, trade at HOYT'S A Resolution tlmt moans a Contented Disposition, a Fuller l'ocketbook, and onee Taken not to be broken. Goods reliable, Prices right, Stock up-to-date, and courteous attention to every wantbig or little, a business winning combination. Many w Customers have been attracted by our Holiday Offerings, but you Mill find it just as much to your advan tage to come to us for jour everyday wants, (ive us a call and be convinced. iMii 1 11 11 1 1 LOOPING THE 'WORLD'S LOOP During 1001 we promise larger stock, more lines, better bargains, to keep at Hie bead of the proces sion. Every day of VM)l will be a bargain day. llellable goods at right prices, always the biggest dollar's worth.. Particulars of our plans for 1904 will appear later in our advertisements. It will pay you to watch Hoyt's ads. There's .money to be saved through them. 3k B2. Hillsboro, Oregon I 5