Fi-il drliver-d free to any purl of the, cliy from CMuiax Mill . Minn Helen Gate, m etudtut nt Si. Helen's Hall, is homo during the rece-s. M!.s Mury Eigleton, of Pirthuu!, In th gut-al cf Mit Alice MerryuiMii durln-j thi ifo'iday.. V. II. William-., L J. Patch, F. A. Taylor Hii'i U. A. lli.'len were. Purl. Iuii'!iles lu town Tueiday. J. A. Ojkennan, a cattleman of Hum, htm been vi-illug his brother, C. r. Overman of I.yedville. V. J. N nl li.of Ctdir Mill, and Ij Hyau, of Ii-Mvertmi, wer IrMiiMHctiun business ut the county seat Friday, Mr. J. H. Turner, of PortlutiJ, was a IiuliJjy vl.-iior at ;be h-tre of County Treasurer W. M. Jaclian), Miss Alice MerryiDHo, who U at tending Itif State University at Eugene, Is spending the Holld-tys t home. A. M. D.SDH, Miuiieapolif, aud R. P. Flanders, fciun Francisco, were. In terviewing local business bouse Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. ?J. Jaeksoa Jr , of Portland, vbiturt at the homes of County Treasurer Jack.-on and Mrs. Vaught Friday and Satur.lay. Closing out our line of tin and granite ware at prion trint will sur prise you. For cash. Monger Trading C. Mr?. John Keats and children, of B uth Tawrua, are visiting Messrs. Geo. A. and J. M, Morgan, uncus if her husband. lion. II. V. Gates, who is interest ed iu water and electric liyht plants fttl over Oiegnn, spent Christum at ' home and remained over Monday, i R;-prcaent..tlvo and Mrs. I. M, O. Qtuit are sjien.'lin. (he Holidays w ith I heir eon Harry w ho Is etn ployed in ih S:aU Printing offijJ til Shlein. Tliti Cosgrove Concert Company nre all ttity claim to be and more. They liud tho lrj,Mrt audience Hendriik lies ever aeep. Heuclriek, Dec. 18. h, 1903 1). J. K'jwlan J PreH. Gun Club. Dr. Gus P.ailey, who , closed his dental olfl re here last fall to com pletn his medical studies at Salem, Is home during the holiday receaf. When he gem his M . D. next spring there will be three physicians in the family with Dr. F. A. Uilley's third aon la the Pharmacy, at leant h ilf doctor. Postmaster YVaggner has on hand, for the week ending Dec. (, the fol lowing unclaimed letter-: Tho9. Matheison, Henry Niger, 9. Syren son, Mr. Thos. Fennel), Mla Lottie Hartman (3), Mrs. 8. L. Resener, Miss Annie Taylor. If not railed for by Jan. 19, they will be sent to the dead letter office. Judge and Mrs. J. T. Sumney, of Beaver City, Neb , who have been visiting Mr. aud Mrs. Philip Fretch near Dilley, are guests at the h rue of Mr. Geo. M. Fro.t who lives Ij r i . - . t. it'll m i - . . I tulles northwest of Hillsboro. Tbty were old friends in Furnas county, Nebraska, and both came to tint land of suni-hiue ( tnd nccaslotiid bliz zird?) from Pennsylvania. The Ctrove Orchestra Is the best for its ulzi that has evtr pltiyeil this city. Spokine Dec. 10. 03. C. J. John on Pres. Gen. Relief Comm. I. O. O. F. County School Superintendent Bail has received a letter from Stte Sup erintendent of Public Instruction Ackerman giving the full text of the tax law passed at last winter's session of the legislature regarding teporting the tax levy by school and road dis tricts and cities. The law la not very clear in Its wording but la effect allows till Jan. 15, 1904, if the report cannot be made earlier, to notify the county clerk cf the levy. Cocgrove's Concert first clttsst larg. est bouse ever seen la Rosalia . Au dience highly pleased. R. II. Anderson, Pres. Y. M. R. Club. Hillsboro and Vicinity ' The day Uf.irw C'hritiu Cn- doctor Webster, of the Corvatii train carried on his round trip ner I.V "(Jt) pns-tt'figers and Conductor t line's train was even morn crowded A few years ago ISO would Imve !n considered g)bd travel, a fair indication of how much livelier Hints ru in the Vilify and how Webloot :s grow ing in population. HillaUiro lodge No. 01, A. O. U. W. snl lodge No. 41, D. I of II , will hold J dnt installation iu I Wehruug's hall, Friday, Jan. l. I rttall:tHn cremotiies at !) i. m. afn-r which supper will lie nerved ut 5: oU. Men) tiers tiud families and g . J mrnlng numbers nre cordially in. vited. R-prest nt itive GtuVs tiM, House Bill No. 37, relating to the com petency of witnesses, which' was pass el at the ex'ra ae-stou of the Legis lature, has hten aigned by Governor Cliamberiain and is now a law, but will not take ftlVct until Mirth 22 as if carried no emergency clause. E Senator O. W. Patterson was iu towu Hajrtny getting ready for the extension of hiaturnlture business which he plans to make early in the year when the tore expands to take lu the room now occupied by the In dependent t fflce, which will thin remove to the Masonic Temple. The Cosgrove entertainment glen for us last evening was first class and Hie appreciation by our guests enthu i-iHstic. Music was the ber-t we hare ever bal in the town. Pullman, Va.h. D.-C 18. W. XVi Windus Chr. Hot'. Cunuiu. II P. O K. B. Osterimtn, of "erboort vicinity, was in t)wn Wednesday. The creamery formerly at Centerville has cl'"d down as it was moro profitable for farmers to patronize the conden ser and tiieowneis of dairy herdsare muking money. A C Lttham, formerly of Hill". boM, and now in tlie employ of the 8 P. IUilwy, is the happy father of k daughter, born Saturday, Mrs. Lttham is with ber mother, Mti. P. O. Brown, at Cirneiius. J.'C, Moor, of Greenville, J, B. I nlay, U-edville, and . II. ltntlerty. Mountaindale, were among the out oMowo members who attended the Masonic (eml-centennlal Saturday. It, C. Hartrampf, who is traveling f -r the B'itTalo Pitts thresher with headquarters at Spokane, Is upending the Holidays at home and fexpecU to rem tin a month in the Valley . N. A, Btrrett, now a travelling nun but formerly of HilUlmro and a brother of Hon, W. N. Bmett, was outTrom Portland Saturday and was we'e med by his many friends, I. Putnam, Lrsne, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wadsworth, K. C. Vhitell, J. 3. Turner, Portland, and W. L. Siebren, Dkllas, were among the (Christmas guests at the Tualatin. Mrs. Tongue is having the wooden ft ic In ftont of her residence on 2d replaced with a neat wire fnce with iron posts, making a great im provement in the appearance. L O. O'rgan, Kelso, Wo; Rslph Iljzeltor, Waitsburg, Wn; J. Crt right, Wilkesbarre; and A. Lrnne. Portland; wero here on business Saturday . A. S. York, of tbe Portland Even Ing Telegram, made a flying visit here Moud.iy looking after the grow ing circulation In this vicinity of that popular Journal. The youug ladles of the B. M. II. club 'are preparing to entertain at "Pit", oie of the latest novelties In cards, New Year's at the home of Miss Eva Bailey. Those who attend the Cosgrove Concert at the Met hod urch next Saturday eve, will enjoy a rare treat. The following telegrams .are expres ive. N. O. Johnson, Deputy District Attorney E. B. Tongue and Dr. Ad kins spent Sundiy In Portland. . P. E. Walters, of Gaston, was a Saturday visitor. KKHDLL II )S OK ( U.M0I.LM K (HUNboro Degrtf of Honor.) Whereas, in the death of Sister Kate Msy Wiley, we have lost cue of our youcger membern, and one whose life, though short, was filled with deep deeds which wtre the stepping ttlones to a hapy Eternity, and, whereas, her young life went forih at tin Master's call nhe has left an Uuprefsion on those who knew her which u ill "it main fur year; Toerebire B it Revolver, that in her death this L-dgH has lost a notlt sisU-r and one of its most' workers, Hie community a kind neighbor and friend, one whose lift Is worthy of Imltatioi : and, it .urlher Resolved: That a copy ol these Resolutions be spread upon the Minutes of the Lodge, a copy t-etit to the bereaved fdiully, and one to the Argus and Independent for publica tion. J. A. Imbrie, W. II. Wehrung, Mary A. Limkiu. Committee. R. L. Greeur, C. S Curriris and A. II . Kopp, visited Portland Christ mas Diy. R?v. and Mrs. A. Robinson, County Treasurer Jackson ud JutUe Crandall attended the Masonic Instal latiou at Forest Grove Monday. Miss 'Alma Bowman, who Is attending the Normal School at Monmouth, Is spending the, vacation at the Ik me of her brother, Attorney lit-nton Bowman. Mr i and Mrs. L A. Whitcnr&band dsugbter, Meryl, and Mr. and Mr?. J tin Abbott, of Portland, speni Chri-tttiias ut the home of Mr. E. L. Recorder and Mrs, E. I. Kurntll, and D. Kuratii, the R'-corder's broth er who had come out from Portland for the oivasiop, attended the Polh.i-k-Wdke wed ling W'etinesday. Representative Gnult with the Speaker, Chief ClerK and Calendar C erk has been revisiug the Journal ot the House of Reprtscutatives fur iht extra aession. Their work is n j completed . Services at the Baptist church Sun diy, J-tn. 3d, 1904. Sunday School 10 a. m. Sermon 11 a.m., sutject "Preparing for a blessing" Evening 7:30 gur-j-H-t, "The New Year Re a live." All are cordially Invited to each service. Strangers made wel cinne. R-v. J. F, Day, Pastor. Th'J Masonl-j Temple Is being put in conditi m this week preparatory to the removal of the Independent Prlnterj there. The floor timbers are being teplaced and foundations prepared for the heavy machinery. The present Independent office will be occupied by the expansion of Patterson & Son's furniture business. Attorney T. H. Tongue Jr. suc cessfully prosecuted a case against a Mr. Newman before Justice Buck of Sherwood Tuesday, in which the de fendant was convicted and fined (lo and co'tson the charge of throwing down and leaving dowo, a fence be I mglng to John Winter. Representa tive BjU, of Newberg, appeared for the defendant. Hillsboro's council has flted the city tax at 10 mills. Also at Its last meeting it decided to buy a larger boiler to meet the Increased demand upon the light plant. The new ays t jm'of incandescent street lamps has also been inaugurated and apparent ly Is giving better satisfaction than the old way. The period of darkness at mldnlpht when the belt was shift ed is now a thing of the past. At the Congregational church next Sunday the pastor, Rev. Edward Curran, will preach at eleven In the morning. There will be no evening ervice of any kind In the church hut union services will be held In the Christian church under the auspices of the Christian Eideavor societie of this community. The union rally in the Christian church will be ad dressed by Rv. Mr. Robinson and the prale service will be led by Mr Robb'-AII are Invited to the service;. DEADLY NARCOTICS Any honest, intallik'ent dinsiflst or pliysidun will top von tbst mm-otic poison ncli s oiiiin, henbane, deadly nljihtilmde nr . o.-.ih - mid ueicury im- n I have been since Mi Park A tu. iu hII Pile ltnU. i'.e-. m-l ll .t n;li mtiin ntion really iK-rjf.iates 1'ilfs. Verus Pile cute is noi .t rlie ot i!m 1'iirW A j s, lift te umtaiu no namoilcs or meicurv, f.Mnn) licwunl if a iraiw ol i i.unoiie n in cury ran he foudd in Vern. All o! tiers contn n iiiircotie or im-rrury. Itn it it vou darn lmissbiii-ks. 150 Kewiir.l if Verus fulls to cure any ran- of lile. Worst iase rure l ith one box nf Verus. Over 10,000 permanent cure in five years : SoM in llilW.oro by the Twentieth Century Store: The Hillsboro Pharmacy, BICYCLE HOSPITAL Ramblers, lOoJf-JJmcricaa and monarch Complete Line of Bicycle Sundries Call and See My new (Uteris If ou buy it at IT'S ALL WE SIEHiIL. OISTX." GOOD Who Fills Your Prescription? If we fill your prescription oer r cipe it is filled with thehest quality of drugs and full-weight withont over charge foi honest service. We pay tio one tt send you to v and therefore, it FAYS YOU to bring your prescription here. A goodly number of people are al ready aware of this and a trial will convince you. Bailey's Pharmacy. New Years finds Hillsboro far ahead of Its condition twelve months ago, 1903 has been for the county seat a most prosperous year. Not store room is available, the business limits have extended In every direct loii, the Brms located here have m-atle extensions and la-t but fur from least the coodened milk factory is now running; with over a hurdred patrous and the machinery xhortly lo be Installed means Increased pat ronage which will materially aid in making 19C4 a still livelier year. Notwithstanding the many liuuxes which were built during the boo in days wben Hillsboro had 1500 or 1000 people there is not now a va cant dwelling in town and several fine residences have been added, so that the city has the largest popula tiou now in Its history. Improve ments have been general and every where a more prosperous appearance Is seen, sidewalks repaired,' fences fixed up, painttDg baa been done, although there la still something left to be done along this line during the coming season. Second street has been planked, th electric light plant improved and with the new boiler just ordered the system will un loubtcdly be able to satisfactorily nneet the Increased patronage which tas taxed Its capacity to the break g point. F. R. PAILEY. Prop RIGHT GOODS STRIVE TO PLEASE' Mr. Al Carlile and family spent Sunday In Portland. Hum At the It i Farm, north of Hillshop, December 31, to the wife of J. IJ. 8ch -tfftr, a daughter. Dit-trlct Attorney and Mr. Reams, of Jacksonville, spent the holidays at the home of Mr?. T. II. Tongue. IlilMxim's as-ewed valuation t h 1 - ypar Is til 4,(18 , for achsxd district No. 7. 1305,225. Tbf misplacing of the antl-;ambl-Ing bill by which it failed to Ucome a law st Ihexpedal legislative !esioii has been celebrated locally bjnever al nights cf stud poker, 50 cents u stack, and the opening of two or thie 21 snap. "The Noble Outcsst' drew n crowded house at the Hillsboro Opera House Wednesday even Inf. Though an amateur effort It was bet ter than most the road shows. The music was good, the acting above the average and the audience ap preciative even If tbey did laugh sometime when teara were more in order. If there win a criticism it was that the lover needea more practice Id public. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Lyle V Pollock 2fi, and Coral Lillian Wiflces 23; Elmund Schneler 25, and Anna Llebenow 19.