Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, January 01, 1904, Image 2

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Current Comment Timely Topics
Will French, Publithor.
Austin Craig, Editor.
Republican In Politlcu.
Published every Frl.i'iy at The Imlep
eudi-nt Printer-, Ulllbboio, Oregou.
t Ml 1C 1
Forest Grove-: Abbott I'ldliiug
I'hone : Main ( i
v Hilisb. to: Cr.nidall I'.U L '
t'hor.e: Main uo
Circulation jjii.ir:inted toexciud -('00.
Advertising Rates: likplay, CO rents
an Inch, elnjilo column, for four in
sertions; remttng polices, alvvuys
starrel (), one cent a word each
insertion (nothing lifts than 13
cents); profei.donal cards, one Inch,
$1 a rntmta; 1m'ku mills, $j a year,
payable uuirt?r!y (notices anil reso
lutions free to advertising lodges).
With M juday, Jan. 4, registration
of voters will begin at Hie county
cleik'a oill re and it U well lo rgNt
er tarty us 1 'JO 1 hs.s oolh h Ht.it-) u ::)
national election. This etra latior
added to the already heavy duties ef
the clerk's ofii'e would seem b Justi
fy the eiunloy moot by the county of
an additional (U'U'y " nitl iu kep.
Ing up ili'j work. i r;imtf of loubll-
Ky to fiml tiiue l. prepe it th;
fieri) i annual s'atenient of eouuiy
, UnAactf, q-iirmJ by law t(i be pub
lished, Ins not appeared for several
years The ctii :n Ins had its hands
full with keeping up in dally duties
without Uking up anything extra
find now tliis further burden coming
business is likely to mruniulute to
ttie detriment of the county 'it pa
rous. With nearly it hid more peo
ple than were hero five yearn ago it
.is reasonable that th county should
make provision for the great in-
crease iu business.
A New Year's resolution for that
part i f the republican party haviug
its home lu wasnington county
might titly te to drop all Internal
difJVreiftes and as an united organiza
tioa work for victory la 1901, from
precinct to presidential candidates.
Factious! tlghtt are at best uDprout
able but now they eem especially
senseless for this year no state cr
senatorial interest Is involved except
only that Senator Wehrung's sue
cessor will cast ft Vote for the huW5
eor to Uulud flt&ica Secetor John
H. Mitchell three years hence, and
that solitary vote seems too remote
and Inconsequential to divide the
trjhjorlty party and again turn over
the important county officer to the
representative! of the minority.
Four years ag one wing of the
party helped elect the opposite party
to county offices to spite the other
faction, two years later the ttbles
were turned, but both times t'.ie of
fleers elected by thee ''union" move,
ments speedily lorgot that they wen
rt piesetitativ.s of any broader patty
than the deuio"racy . Alluoutch the
democrats coul 1 mil poll a tliird id
the voles iu Washington county, on
h strictly party vote could pro'ntly
not elect Us juitii.,? of the peacs in
three prccinets iu the county, yet
these officeholders are not '"Union,"
are not Silver Republican," are not
"I'opulist," and fit m there Itiuents
came two-thirJs of their majorities,
but pose and speak and act as demo
crat. The Interests of the factions
which brought tiieca success In
neither case were advanced by their
triumph. Much Is the natural result,
bid not partisan feeling bliuded thl
outcome uiijht easily have been fore
seen. Wiser by this experience let the
republicans settle their differences
among themselves.
Tne pr.mary Is the proper battle
field for party control, then hedge it
about with such recautions that Its
fairness canno'. be questioned and no
pood republic-), will rppuJiat its
The following is the bill Introduc
ed by Senat r llinsl rough, o' Xorth
Dakota, looking toward tbe rtvtsion
of tlie existing land laws, liythe
terms of H e mea.surH the limber and
stone act Is entliely repealed. Asa
"ubwtitute, the Secretary of I be Inter
ior is authorized 1 1 m II to the blyhcHi
bidder ut putJic auction the iIk'H lo
cu' the tiiiilHi or t quarry the slune
ou s ny guvef uineiit Intnl:
A bill provl.liig for thedisioal nl
t'mtier hud stone on public lands
chit tty valuable f.jr timber or fctoue,
I and for i ther purposes,
J De it Ivjavted by the Benate aid
i Iloiist of H 'present at Ives of th
! United (States of America in Congres
jAsKiubled. That It .fchall be lawful
j f jr the 8'cretary of the Interior to
(HI ta the highest bidder, t ublic
outcry or o'herwis", under such rules
and regulations and silt ject to t-uch
conlitions and restrictions and in
t-uch quantities ss he ina prescribe,
the right to cut, quarry and remove,
within huch period of time as he
may fix any timber or Hone from
any unappropriatt d, nonmiueral,
surveyed or unsurveyed public land,
after first havlagnuc.1) Umber or stone
duly appraised and after having pub
lished a notice of the time, manner
and place of such sale and of the con
dition ami restrictions prehcrihed, '
tne newsptpers of general circulation
nearest trie location of such timber or
s on?, and In a newspaper published
at the capital ot the state or territory
in which the timber or Hone is sit
uated, at least once a week for ix
consecutive weiks.
Hee. 2. The Secretary of the Inter
ior shall have power and authority to
rtdct any and hII bids offered at isiiy
-uch sale, and it Mmll be unlawlul
for any purchaser at such sale to hell,
transfer, assign or In any manner
alienate the rights secured by him
under lids act.
Khc. :i, That no nonmineral pub
Ho lands chietly valuable for timber
or s one, or any Interest therein or In
the timber or rtone thereon, shall tie
sold or in any manner dl-posed of,
either through settlement, entry,
location, selection or otherwise than
as prescribed herein. But this act
shall not affect claims heretofore law
fully Initiated.
Sec. 4. That any person who
violates or attempts lo violate any of
the provisions of Ibis act, or any
regulation or requirement prescribed
pursuant thereto, rhull forfeit to Ibe
United States all henetVa coof- rrea
by this act and all moneys paid by
him thereunder; and any right to
cut, quarry and remove timber i;
stone thrf under hlch he may then
hold shall be canceled and tevoked.
Sec. 6. That an act entitled "An
act making appropriations for sundry
civil expenses of the government for
the fiscal year ending June tbirtietb,
eighteen hundred andfnlnety eight,
and for other purposes," approved
June fourth, eighteen hundred and
ninety. seven, he and the same is
hereby amended to read in part as
follows :
That in cases In which a trsct
overed by an unpsrfect-'d bona fide
claim or by patent Is li.ciuded within
the limits of a pub! c f jrest reserva
tion, the settler or owner thereof
may, if he desires to do so, relinquish
the trac. to t ie government, and
may select lu lieu thereof a tract of
vacant surveyed nonmineral public
land which Is subject to homestead
entry, not exceed n In area the tract
covered by his cUim or patent, an I
not chiefly valuable for t'tober or
Mine; and no charge shall be made
in such esses for making the entry of
record or issuing the patent to cover
the tract selected: Provided, That
in cases of entirely unperfected
claims the requirements of the law
respecting settlement, residence, lu
provement, and so forth, are com
plied with on the new claims, credit
being allowed tor the time spent on
the relinquished claim.'. All acts
and par's of acts in conflicts herewith
are hereby repealed."
Sec. 6. That an act ectlllfd ,4An
act to amend section twenty-two
hundred aal i.iuely-fcur of the
revised stst ul m of the Uditt d States
of America," approved March elev
with, nineteen hundred and two. te,
and tbe same is hereby, ameuded to
rend as follow ;
Sec, 22'JI. Tl.at hereafter all
proefs, Hffilavits and oaths of any
kind whsts e-f r reqairi'd to be ma
by applicants and entry men uudir
the homotead, pre-emption, tint tr
iul;ute, tit rt land, and timber and
stone acts, may, iu Hdditiou to thus
now author!, 'd to take such affile
vils, proofs and oaths, tie made before
any Unit' d S ates commissioner, er
conjiiiis-.ioner of iho court exerci-ing
federal juris tictiou in the territor ,
or before the j'lde or elerk of any
court of record iu the land district in
which (lie lands r t-itimlec: Pro
vlded, That iu case the affidavit,
pro fs and oaths hereinUfore men
tioned t 1 1 k out of t:ia couuty in
which the Inn I is located, the aj-ph
cant must show by affidavit, hhU fac
tory to the commissioner of the gen
eral land office, that it was taken b .
fjre the neartnt or most Hccotdhlt-
officers qualified to take said sffi a
vit , proofs siid oaths iu the land dis
tricts iu w hich the lands applied pr
are located; but such showing by
affidavit need uot t made in mak
ing flnul proof if I tit pn of be taken
In the town or city w here the iiews
paper is published in which the final
proof not ice Is prlt.tn'. The proof,
affiinvit and outh, when ho uiad
and duly subscribed, shall have the
ume force and tffctt as if maile
before the register and i receiver,
when transmitted to them with the
fees arid commissions allowed and
required by law. That if any witness
making such proof, or any applicant
making such affidavit or oath, chill
kuowingly, wilfully or corruptly
swear falsely to apy material mailer
contained in said proof, affidavits or
oaths, he shall be deemed guilty ol
perjury, and shall be liable to the
same pains and penalties, as if he had
sworn falsely before the register :
Provided furftn, That all proofs ot
reclamailon and cultivation rcqulmi
under the desert land laws, and ail
proofs required under the commuta
tion provisions of the homestead lae
shall tie made before the register
and receiver only .
"That the fees for entries and for
final proofs, when made before any
other-officer than the register and
receiver, shall be as follows.
"For each affidavit, Uenty-ave
"For each deposition of claimant
or wltnts', when not prepared Ly the
officer, twent-five cents.
"For each deposition of claimant
or witness, prepared by the officer,
one dollar.
Any officer 'demanding or recelv.
ing a greater sum for such service
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction shall be punish
ed for each offense by a fine not
exceeding one hundred dollars."
Senator Brownell's measure pro
viding that assignee of claims
against counties for fees paid to le
corder lilt gaily shall not be per
mitted to maintain suits on same has
teen approved by the Governor, but
the courts have yet to give their
sanction. Such legislation is of a
piece with the county court's pract
ice of disallowing odd cents on claims.
By preventing combination and
keeping the amounts small the parl
ies Injured cannot offord to set k red
ress for the injustice done tbem.
The State now In effect says that
where it has been allowable only to
wrong the claimant of the county to
the value of 4 cents he shall now be
cheated out of as much as 11.60.
Such raws are legislative attempts to
do evil that good may come of them
and are a tad decline from Ue early
days of the republic when principle
was of such great moment that the
people boasted tbey would expend
millions rather than pay one cent
Re d Buxton are the pioneer
furniture dealers and undertakers of
Washington county. Their rrlf
are right. Why go elsewhere?
Brick Litfcry, Fc$d aol Sale Stable
Kim st Hi-; t Horses Good Drivers
See otir ad. in the T. P. A. Guide. Drummers' traete our .specialty.
Our 'Uits meets all trains. Carries U. S. Mail.
Paae and Freight called for and delivered.
Corn -i- .Main and Pucitie Ave. - - l-Vivt Grove, Oro.
ltf!J vJWir rvfeaanmfci as?v?,
m t K M a
ami m ruai
The Up-to-Date
Is now ojened for
ct.wl- tf C I ....r i ..: in tliM
PIUV,IV "t .wvv., ...
& at prices that are right.
U't .1 - . I :
W Wislt III i iie uroeery line.
k FA KM EUS, we want vour produce. Call
? and see us. We pav the
I'aciiic Avcnuo, Forest Grove, Ore. jj
fan Coeleii & Salens
Meat Market
Here to stay and to Mil you tli
Choicest Meats. Always handle the
Best. Beef, Mutton, Pork, Salt
Meats of all kinds. Lard, Sausaga
and Fresh Fish. We guarantee- Satit-
Kbiiun in- nice treatment. Call on
us. West Side Square.
Main Street
Buy nntl Store nil Kinds of Grain
-a- Manufacture
All Kinds of Grain Products, Chop, Stock Feed and Flour
Cilwn riiirt tlnnr Het-tOrenn A blend of rlioice hard wkeat and
OlIVcl UllSt rlUUl soft valley wheat, nuikiiiK tbs U-st of Sour.
Farm Feed Clioppln? a Specialty.
Cornelius, Oregon
J. W, Baldwin, Plasterer. G. II. Baldwin, Brick Layer
O. Baldwin, Carpenter
Lime. Sand and Cement
always on hand
Orders by mall for printing promptly
filled and delivered. Tha News, For-
est Grove.
IUltMSaS'SS!4H4 5ffl KM
Pies end Cahes, Can- I
Iivu uujuo, iiuiirrv
tioncries, Fruits in
Season, Ciflars. etc.
Lunclics and Meals
itt 1
Forest Groce
lusiiiess with the finest
pitv. nti'l vi nn selliiir
,' ' ' " t
We have anything you
.. i;
highest prices. zA
( Coffees M
( j)ices
Forest Grove
Forest 6rcWc, Or.
Things you want are the fine house-
no5(5 furniture at Roe & Duxton's. See
those bandsome couches and lounges.