1 n Society CttBU P0T0 HILLS BORO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 23. IW)3. Vol. XXXI No. 23 mi ruomMosAL carw. E. K. TOMsl'E, TTOllN KY-AT-1.A W, MIIiLHOUO. OWU. OrrioB: K.wiuta.4, S.Mataa W. S. rtiRKEH. nillCNEY-AT-LAW, illl.l MtOMl, ORgook . A w: I eat! Hkwe. Moeeas u4 1 HEX HIS HOW BAA. ' TTORNEY-AT-LAW. ' ' Hil.UUHiKV. OKKOOM lruie Kmm Cad i. Morass Wort J JIM M. WALL, TTORNEY-ATLAW. Ill LLSHOliO, OliKGON. luiley. Morgan lllock, lluonm 1 . T. LISKLATF.R, M. H. C. . lilIYKlCJAN AN BURGEON UfliLHUOKU,UHlUM)N. IvwuiHl Bit roaLlonM. MUt f eourt Hottee, where be will b fooad at kit aoui wbeu M iHIUM pauema. , J. P. TAB1EM1E, . t P..R. H. HUBQEON, Ovrioa 4d Kaatnsaosi eoraev Third kM M -I- falMM S'JO fa! U . m., I la and I o a p. at. TUno- r-Midenea rrore Draw oet II hoars. All eaiie prwniT - auditor day. r a. hulkt. a. pil YICIAN AND SURGEON iiiixsporo, orkgon. OHiee Morgan Ua(ey Block, up " rooms i; i ami to. kwui L. 1... HU " - MMNl, V. J. Ill 1 LET, a. v.. pilYSU IAN ASDSl'RWEOX , llH.tBORO,0RK4J'JN. OfKit r: Morgan-Bailey B.uck Upstair nil r. A. liaiiev. niwmira, w corner Third aiul Oak Hi reel . A. 11. BilLET, II. I. It. llll.lBORO, ORKtiON. It wm 10 awl II MurR-an-Balley Mk. Oillm H-aim: 9 o 12 and I to 4 p. at R. "1X0", I ENTIHT. Fo K EST KU V K, OREGON Ileal art. Mai teeth t per set. Cement nil Amalgam nllinga Au cent each. Oold lillinga from II hp Vitalised air fur pain Irm eilraulion. Otfios i three doote aortk o Brlai tnaa. Offiaa kMin e.e. 4p.a UDII AiHEKI.Y MK Stt, VSITEK AKTISiNH. IIILLSItOKO, ORKUOX. RKdULAU mttiiit on Mon.l v.-liinB' of mrh Wfk t Odd Mloaa Hall, HilNlM.r.i MimuImt llnM nlffiwt' fbla IcBMnra l ea t7 bo o Um oaala Laxative bromo-vuimne MATTWi t'kWM IIKtTII. I Kir lltil- ilrtiiKiiior hail iin aln oai faial at'k if wliiiin( rmih nd IfiinrhH !, wr Mr. W.K. IUr Uml, of Armnnk N Y "hut, when all iither rrmrftw-w f-tllirl, mini b-f life- lih Ir Kint?' N- Dim. y. Oarnir, wlm hml Cmmbiup tlit In an a(titMx Half, 1a nacd Ihla wotMlerful MwiliHn unit today ahr la rf f.lly wrlR" rtnprtat Ihmat anal lunir ili--a yirhl lo Dr Kins' New Dwovery a lo io nihn nirlirinr ltd rarth. ' Infallible for Oaten ami (VhK Ma ami l.0 hoAilMRiiaranlrvd by All iVargbt Trial bottle frw. Wkrnaver two brother Waaooa Lar( a srieraace, th on agalnat tba otlwr. thejr abould endearor to avttle tba mat tar bjr valui co moderation and nut ruab lato tba lods with cliargea. Charge avainat a Alaaon abould b auade aftei all other aiulcabla uietboda of aett le nient bava been tried, aaya tb raeifl' Uaaou. ' Tba bariuony of a kMlye In auuiellmea dlaturbed bjr making It a tribunal of aoma frlroloue matter that might b aettied between tbe brethren abould I hey both manifest a right Ma aonic spirit. Be ever ready to meet a brutber of tba fraternity half way In tba aettleuient of dllflcultlea. Tbe Grand Royal Aren chapter of 1'ennaylvanla la growing rapidly, bar Ing made a net bK'reaae of 1.133 mem bera during 1902. At tbe cloaa of tbe year tbera were 21.278 atnilated Royal Arcb Maaons In tba Juriadlctlon. Tba craft In Indian Territory has raised 110.000 toward a fund for the erection of an orphan borne. When tba fund reacbea (30.000 tbe noma will be buUt J. E. Marco in be, who baa been ap pointed prcaa cenaor for tba aultan of Turkey, la grand aecretary and li brarian of tbe Iowa Maaonle library, the largest Maaonle library In tbe world. Tbe oldest llring paat grand hlgti rrlest of Missouri la Tbomaa E. Uar rett. Ha waa elected a grand blgb priest In 1803. ' Tbe Royal Maaonle Institution For Boys of England since its foundation In 1TD8 baa cared for. educated and clothed 2U03 bbya, 3i( boya being cared for at tba present time. If tbe percentage of Increase in Scot tiab Rita Masonry continues In Texas tor tbe nest ten years as it baa for the past three tba membership will be qui to that of tbe York Rita ap pendant degrees. Teiaa freemason. The three Royal Arcb chapter In De troit, Mlcb bar a combined member ahlp of 2.012. Tney are Penlnaular chapter, with 834 members; Monroe, 0tJl merubers." and Kins: Cyrua. SIT sown bera. ?. At tba but communication of tba grand lodge of Arkansas there waa adopted a regulation which permits tbe grand master to issue a dispensation to empower an Individual lodge to make a Mason of a man who la physically de fective provided tbe grand master, aft. er investigation, finds that tbe Candi da te'a Imperfectlona would not render blm unable to Intelligently give and receive the necessary signs of recogni tion. ROYAL ARCANUM. ttea ( laterwet Cwaeeralaat the rratevaltr. The Royal Arcanum membership In the state of New York is now 7-1.000, a net increase of 8,000 since January, which la the largest increase ever re corded for tbe same period. Call on the atay at borne member and And out if they have any Just rea son for staying away from lodge meet bigs. There were larger gain In member ship during the past summer than in auy summer In the history of the order. In August alone there was a net gain f 1,330. Tbe order baa on band today above all llablllUea approximately S2.750.000. Tbe average age of tbe membership is about forty-one and a half, and tbe death rate, which baa been decreasing during tbe last few years, to now a lit tle more than ten men per thousand. Weak Hearts Ar due to Indigestion. Ninety-nlna of even ens hundred people who have heart trouble can remember when It was almple Indiges tion. Ill a selenuflo tact thatall caseaol heart disease, not organta, are not only traceable to. but ar the direct reault of Indi gestion. All food taken Into the stomach Which (ails of perfect digestion ferments ana wells the stomach, pulling It up against the heart. This raterferea with tbe action ot the heart and in the course of time thai seHcate but vital organ becomes diseased. sir. llmQ,n: Undttaracs oukle aa was la a tea stale w I kad haart tntia trttk a. I took Kasot OraseMa Cera tor akoa tea Ilia aa a earea ate. Kedet Mgasts What Yaej Bat and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart of all pressure. sVsttMaslr. SI. 00 Sir aoldtne 2 waM raetrwJ sua. wkitk sake tor SOa. rreparad Bf B. a OeWiTT OO, OrltOACttk A U)TE I klTEr. WmUI m i ImmX ytaii yoci'ra Nwtktua; fitr nerant'wl Mi for wrw, KuraM t Ptte. , OUo Dodd, f I'.Hiib-f, M write-': . ! raffetcd srlth an ugly Kir a yea', but of Burklen'a Amir rUlva rurad Mw. It's lb btBt HaJ? CMS IBTtb. 25c at All Dtanit. SWaBmUSUiS-VWX-iU. r- lll.MIHHMMH.il. II ll ii i r--.v-;-t-A. -f-" A. B. AYLESWORTH. LEADING CANAOIAN LAWYER 1 IN THE ALASKA BOUNDARY DISPUTL Allen It. Aylesworth. Canada's chief representative In the Alaska boundary urbltratlon proceeding, l.a long been one of the Dominion's leading legal luminaries. He Is a hard worker and a great student It Is said In Canada, that he will toon be knighted. i .7 Z .v . v .ft ) 1 ,4 At,'iv i."t w ATTACK ON AN INSURGENT VILLAGE IN MACEDONIA. . Ibis picture of a skirmish bet awn Macedonian insurgents and Turkish troops gives one a good Idea of the horror of the insurrection. Kveu tbe Mace donian women fight for they know the Turk shows no merry to captured women and children. WASHINGTON No. acres tillable land Value of tillable land No. of acre of non-tillable land Value of non-tillable land Value of Improvements deeded land Value of all lty or town lots Value of Improvements (town lots) ... Improvements on land not patented Mtlea of railroad bed Valttf of railroad lanJ Mile of telegraph and telephone lines Value of telegraph and telephone line Value of railroad rolling stock Stationery engines and manufacturing machinery Men nan, line and slin k in trade.... Farming Implements, wagons, etc Money, notes and accounts Household furniture, watches, etc No. of horses and mule Value of horse and mule. No. of rattle Value of cattlo No. of sheep and goat .". Value of sheep and goats Dog Value of dog . No. of awlne Value of awlne Oross value of all property Exemption Net taxable property , (t I . .9 ta a'i i Tliit COUNTY ASSESSMENT SUMMARY FOR I U99"jT . lhi.8S8l ,s;.i.24( $ 317J4 .013.135$ 234.9051 ir,sj2i! 131,493; 173 341 114.010$ 59 9 3.C2S $ 14.S20$ 30.365 $ 73.030 $ &0.ki r7.920$ 92.850 $ 3961 i 93.3KS $ t1 67731 94.160 K5S.V T.720$ 204 871$ .J8,2l,$ 350.0101 J88.3I0 $ Maecabee dny at the world's fair will be the 2Sth duy of September. l!tH. This date wns decitletl iiixm nt a recent meeting of the supreme board of trus tees. All the prominent Maitubees In the United 8tat.es will be present. Long tent of New York now has a membership in good atauding of about uoa Arkansas Maccabee are doing excel lent work this fall and rapidly Increas ing their membership. Cherokee tent of Fort Smith I tbe largest In the state. It ha a membership of about 200. Texa 1 sharing In the general pros perity of tbe order. Several new tents were organized in the Lone Star juris diction recently, and there has been a good growth In membership. Minnesota now boast of a member ship of 10.000 and intends to add at least another thousand by tbe close of the year. Duluth tent, wltb 000 mem bers, Is tbe largest the state. i During tbe past year eleven secret societies have in some manner read Justed and Increased their rate. ' E. E. Roger of Buffalo, N. Y ha been elected president of tbe National Protective legion. The contract for tbe erection of the Temple of Fraternity at tbe world' fair grounds, -St' Loula, ha been let and the work commenced.. Tbe aggregate of be neat paid In 1002 by the societies reporting to the nation al fraternal congress was I&2.59U.108. 47. In 1901 tbe aggregate was $30,133. 078.62. This total waa only S25.323, 478 for the year 1892, ten years prevl- O0D FELLOWS. sadee et Patrta. rvfea Mill- teas rrateraas Mans, The new commander of thenatlonal rarrlnrrha- Militant Oeoeral , M. , A. Raney. ranks high In the Old Fellows' fraternity and has a permual acquaint ance among the order extending throughout the country, t.enentl Ra ney I a well known lownn and at - ' OKSKBAb X. A. tA.NST. present grand senior warden or the grand encampment of Iowa. lie was born In Oalena. Ill, in 1838. was for merly edlur of the Fontanelle (la.) Ob server and I now editor of tbe Maren FIVE YEARS. 1900 1901 1902 1903 82.8331 85.242' U28.H.$t,40.7li2$l 327.M4i 332.0891 8S9.770$f.()41.818i 1 S6.673 87.941 ,436.385 $1,76745 335.7081 340.966 039.338 $1,350,325 204.404$ 242.145$ 271iV 333.925 128.250 $ 112.205$ - 725$ . 114.020 $ ' 69.85 4.925 $ 14.600$ 28.740 $ 66.010 $ 65.620 $ 162.455 $ 94.730 $ 41981 103.175$ $2181 143.810$ 8iil4 1S,97$ : 2394 147,772 $ 134.790 $ $.550$ 34i 1 1 4.01V $ 113! 6.IHI5 $ 14.CHi $ 27.125 $ 65.150$ 69.535 $ 179.150$ 11 2.50a $ 45601 113.295$ 91681 181.435$ 10.4P.8! 20.889 $ J 43$ 28311 151.960$ 137.105 $ 3.790 $ 34! 114.020$ 165.712 155.635 4,210 34 131.020 113.861 6.INI5 $ 14.600$ 29.370 $ 70.280 $ 107.90 6.080 14.600 39.650 83.845 86.240 83.255 $ 155.213 174.985 141.1X10$ 133.345 44851 4641 111.490$ 156.190 10.373, 194.395 $ 12.247i 24.&OH $ 3 45$ 26551 aooo $ 11.354 211.670 14.428 28.705 90 2420 8480 7395$ 9270 $ 3.238.490 $3,910,861 $4 .014.768 $4,852,152 470.755$ 504.095 .543,993 $4,348,057 37.555$ 441.875$ 2470.935 $3,468,986 $3 go (la.) Republican. For a uumber of years be has been an active member of tbe Fatrlarck Militant and ha bald several other blgb office in tbe order. Tbe Odd Fellow of Rhode I aland have taken step toward tbe establish ing of a borne lu that Jurisdiction. September reports from many Juris diction show there I great activity among the Rebekahs. Tbey are rapidly Increasing in membership. There are fifty-four live encampment In Ontario, with a total membership of nearly 4,000 patriarchs in good ataud ing. The District of Columbia Odd Fel lows' borne project la In good band and to already In excellent condltioo and give promise of complete success. It to in charge of a competent and en ergetic board of managers. 'The noble grand of a lodge baa no authority to let tbe ritual be taksa from tbe lodge room. A resolution to permit liquor dealers to Join tbe order was defeated at the recent session of tbe sovereign grand lodge. Odd Fellows' borne are maintained by levying a per capita tag on each Odd Fellow In the state or Juriadlctlon having control of the particular bom. More than (.'ino.OHO I exended each year In the maintenance of these home. KHIEHI5PYTIII ' The grand tribunal of Oregon has de cided that a subordinate lodge ba no rii;ht to Rrpm'iriute fund for tbe pur pose of oi-gnn:::in a temple of Rath bone Water. Tbe t:uestioa cam through the grand chancellor of Ore gon from Irvln.- bidge of . Ulcbland. Ore.. In answer to the nuestlon, .Can a subordinate lodge appropriate' money from the general.fund for tile ptirpoee of organizing a I temple of, etatbbone Slatersr The report from subordinate lodges In Indiana show approximately1 90.000 member In the. state, with net gala during tba past year of over 2,304. The Knight of Pythlae lodgj4 of I'cuuaylvanla paid out $300,000 frf vari ous methods -of relit dtwlftg 1W past year. '. . . ta 'ijYi.'f.i Maple lodge of lptcwKinB. a suburb . , . of St. Louis, will erect 'a $IO.0uO club house. This lodge whs orrty recently Instituted and has 100 nteiiibers..- Mepteuihcr report show that tbe uni form rank I prosierous nml growing at h satlafat-tory rate. .a Every knight should bo .insured In the endowment rank for the protection of his family. The Insurance branch of tho onler I lit aplendid 'cWuTlltlon ami lias aid over $10.0004)00 to bene flclaries of deceased members. . j The natlaaal I'aiaa." The National Union senate the gov erning Imdy of the National union, has amended the laws of tbe organisation In several Important particulars. Tba prjnelpal change are: ' Making the third Monday of July the date of the nteulng of tbe aunate; providing that roitiH-il may' provide that altsenee from three consecutive regular meetings by any elected officer shall cause r.-moval for inattention to duty; making tbe giving of a bond by the secretary of the council obligatory; making the ateaker of tbe council a member of tbe relief committee of the council luatead of the ex-prewldeiit. Taking from the prohibited classes hrakemeu and Bagmen otteratlug on paaaenger trains exclusively; providing that In cases of initiation occurring Itetween tlie first ahd nlntb daya of each month the sum paid by the Inltiats be payment of the first assessment to be ?alled after sneh Initiation; taking1 from the senate secretary tbe power to omit the calling of an assessment. . Issuing of a transfer card by tbe ec etury of tbe council made mandatory within ten day after card ha been granted by tbe council; making what tre known a social members Ineligible hold oSce. , . HAM 0 FORTY FtltSIMht THlRIT Fir Ht ila on' ynojnger brother hwl hen Mownlwti. llk In iliaT"n. Ii irl"l eyeral rrin,xllea 'Hit got no bemeflt from I hem. Wd gut amue ttf Chamberlalrt'a Stotpach tml Uver Tabbt atl he mm men ml ak Ing them. inllnf .4i4i"tjJa ba tail rinl 40 iHinl In II oh.' He a now fully rrverel. W hav a fMl tretl- nn tbe TahU.,-Holler Urtst., Merclxttt, L wig Rrenrh, Mo, Kitraelebv Ib-ita Irrnv Hot-. RKOEEIXTt' HlS llursE.' 8. L- (Jlini. of tavendiaK," Vt . was rbrx rf his mstomary health tV invi'- f ("h"tip Otn-Utwllon. When If King' New. Uh, Pills broke Inlti hia hntrae, his triable, WB erreateil ami now he's milrrly rami. They 'a guars nit id lo rare, S3 81 All