ABNER DANIEL By . . . WILL N. HAR.BEN CesyigM. 1902. ty Airca. mos, b Bk rrm. All BVigiMS Lwm4 r CH.M'l Kit I. IriK young nun stood In tb ttrid road giving direction to robust negro who u plow iug the e ro. wblcb lu paral M run ntn.ti.bn1 ou to the main road a quarter of a mile distant. It was beaniif ul day. The sun was sbiuitig brightly, but tbe atmosphere bad dropped a diu Tell over tba near- by mountain. Even tb two storied farmhouse, with Its veranda and white columns, to wblcb tbe Held road led up a gradual slope, showed only It out linos. However, AUn Bishop, aa b steadied bla guxe upon tbe bouae, saw tbo figure of an elderly wouun come out of tbe gate and with a quick step hurry dowa to blm. It waa hi mother. She waa tall and angular and bad high cheek bone aud amull blue eyes. fclbe bad rather tbln gray balr. wblcb was wound Into a kuot beblud ber bend, and over It sbe wore ouly small red breakfast shawl, which she held In place by oae of ber tons; bands. . "Alan," sbe said, panting from ber brisk walk, "I waut you to come to tbe house right off. Mr. Trabue bas come to see yore pa again, an' I can't do thing with 'lin." ' "Well, what des be want with blmr asked the young man. His glance was on the plowman and bis borse. Tbey had turned the far end of tbe corn row and were coming back, only tbe nod dlug head of the auluial being visible beyond a little rise. ..;- . "tie's coiue to draw up tbe papers fer another latd trade yore pa's ni ak in". He's tbe lawyer tit tbe Tompkins "LUlen to notntn'," tAundered Dithop. estate. Tore pa tried to buy tbe land a yeer ago, but It wasn't In shape to dispose of. On, Alan, don't you see he's Roln' to ruin us with bis fool no tions? Folks all about are a-laughln' at him fer buyln' ao much useless mountain land. I'm powerful afeerd bla mind la wrong." "Well, mother, what could I dor Alan Bishop asked Impatiently. "You know he won't listen to me." "I reckon you can't atop Mm," sighed tbe woman, "but I wish you'd come on to tbe house. I knowed be was up to sonie'n'. Ever day fer tbe last week he's been rldln' up tbe valley an'.rollln' nn' tumbllu' at nigbt an' cbawln' ten . times as much tobacco as he ort Oh, he's golu' to ruin ua! Brother Abnar . aays he Is buyln' beca'ae he thinks It's golu' to advance In value, but sech property hain't advanced a apeck sense I kin remember an' Is bein' sold ever yeer fer tax money . "Sn It's very foolish of blin," said tbe young man aa the two turned to . ward the house. "Father keeps talking about the due timber on sucb property, but it Is entirely too far from rail road ever to be worth anything. I ask ed Ray burn Miller about It, and he told me to do all I could to stop father from Investing, and yon know he's as sharp a speculator aa ever lived; but It'e bis money." There was a paling fence arouud the bouse, and the Incloaure was alive with chk kens, turkeys, geese, ducks and pea fowls. In tbe sunshine on tbe veranda two pointers lay aleeplng, but at tbe sound of the opening gate tbey rose, tretcbed themselves lastly and gaped. "They are In the parlor," said Mrs. Bishop, as she whisked off her brock . fast nbawl. "llo right In: I'll come In uiluute. I want to see bow Linda la ma kin' out with the cburuln'. Lai X feel like It's a waste o' time to do tick o' work with him In thar actin' like a Child. Ef we both go In together. It'll look like we've concocked aoiue tliln', buT we must stop 'lm ef we kin." Alan went luto the parlor on tbe left of the wide, unoarprted ball. The room bad white plastered walls, but the ceii- ttiK was of boards planed by baud and jMilnted-sky blue. In oue corner stood very old piano with pointed, octag onal legs nnd a stool with haircloth covering. Tbe fireplace was wide and high and bad screen made of a dec orate.! window shade tightly pasted on a wowlcn frame. Old man Bishop sal bear n window and through bia atecJ framed nose glasses waa carefully read III); a long document written on Icgnl cop paper. He paid no attention to tb entrance or Ills sou, but the lawyer. short, fat mail of sixty-five with thick IvVii k hair that fell below bis coat col lar, rose, and extended bia band. "I Iowa A In or he aaked pleasantly "I saw you down lu the Held as I coin ahuig, but I couldn't catch your eye Ttu see, I'm out after some o' yout dad's cash. He's buying hlsse'f rich My Lord, If It ever does turn his waj it wxmn In mnch nootiev to act yoj an' your sister up for lue! io.ks tell me he owns mighty near every stick of timber land In tbe t'ohutta valley, au' what he bas be got at tbe bottom figure. , . ; . "If it ever turns his way," said Alan. "But do you see any prospect of Its ever doing so, Mr. Trabue V Tbe lawyer shrugged bis shoulders. "I never bet on another man's trick, my boy, and I never throw euld water on the plana of a speculator. I used to when I was about your age, but I saw so many of 'em get rich by paying no attention to me that I 'quit right off. A moo ought to be allowed to use bis own Judgmeut." Old Blsluip was evidently not bear ing a word of this conversation, being wholly absorbed -In studying the de tails of tbe deed before blm. "I reckon It's all right." be anally said.' "Ton say tbe Toiapklus children are all of age?" - . . . "Yes. EtHe waa the youngest," an swered Trabue, "and she stepped over the tine lust Tuesday. There's her signature la black and white. The deed's all right. I don't draw up any other sort." . Alan went to bis father and leaned over blm. "Father," be said softly and yet with firmness, "I wish you'd not act hastily In this deal. You ought to consider mother'a wishes, and she Is nearly distracted over It." Blsbop . was angry. . His niassiv rlean shaven face was red. "I'd like to know what I'd consult her for," be said. lti a matter o' this kind a worn an's about as responsible as a suckln' baby." ' ' . Trabue laughed heartily. "Well. 1 reckon It's a good - thing your wife didn't bear that or she'd show you whether she was responsible or not couldn't have got the unit word of that off my tougue before my wife would 'a knocked me clean through that wall" , Alfred Bishop seemed not to cxro for levity during business hours, for he greeted this remark ouly with a frown, He scanned tbe paper again and snld, Well, ef tbnr's any flaw In this I reckon you'll make It right." Oil, yes, I'll make any mistake of mine good." returned Trabue.- . "The paper's all right." "You see," said Alan to the lawyer, mother and I think father bas al ready more of this sort of property than be can carry, and" I wish you and yore mother 'd let my business alone," broke In Bishop, Bring up again. ' "Trabue beer know I've beeu worryln' 'lm fer the last two months to get the property In salable shape. Do you reckon after be gets it that away I want to listen to yore two tongues a-waggln' In open- opposition to itr - Trabuo rubbed bin hands together. It really don't make a bit of differ ence to me, Alan, oue way or the other," be aald pacifically. "I'm only acting aa attorney for the Tompkins estate and get my fee Whether there's transfer or not That's where I stand In the matter." "But It's not ,whar I stand in It Mr. Trabue," aald firm voice In tbe door way. It was Mrs. Bishop, ber blue eyes flashing, ber face pale and rigid I think I've got a right-end a bis one to have say so in this kind of a trado. A woman 'at's stayed by man a siue rer thirty odd yecr an' raked an' scraped to be'p save a little handful o property fer ber two chil dren bas got right to raise a rumpus Wben her husband goes crooked like Alfred haa an' starts In to bankruit 'em all Jest fer a blind notion o' hls'n. "Oh, thar jou are!" said Bishop, lift ing his eyes from tbe paper and glar ing at her over hla glasses. "I knowed I'd have to have a knockdown on' drag out light with you 'fore I signed my name, ao sail in an' git It over. Tra hue's got to ride back to town.' "But whar In tbe name o common sense Is the money to come fromr tbe -woman burled at her husband as she rested one of her bony bunds on the edge of the table and glared nt him. "As I understand It, t bar's about 6,000 acres In this piece alone, an' yo're a-payln' a dollar a acre. Vhnrs it a -com I u' from. I'd like to know T Whar's It to come from?" - Bishop sniffed and ran a steady hand over his short, gray bnlr. "You see bow little sbe knows o' my business. be said to the lawyer. "Ilecr she's ralslu' the devil an' Turn Walker about the trade, lin' she don't so much as kuow whar the money's to come from." "How waa I to know?" retorted the woman, "when you've been telllu' me fer the last - six months that tbar wasn't enoiiKh In the bauh to give the bouse a coat o' fresh paint an' piitdb tbe barn roof." "You knowed 1 hnd I.VOnO wulb o Sock In tbe MmhI Klver cotton m.lls. dn't your aked Bishop defiantly and yet with 'the manner of man throwing mls-ille which he hoped would lull lightly. "Yes, I knowed that, but" The woman's eyes were two small urea burning hu.tgrily for Information be yond their reach. : . "Well, It happens that Klioal stock la Jest the same on the market as ready Btnney. tip a little today an' dowu to morrow, but never varyiu' tuore'n a fraction of a cent on the dollar, au' tlie Tompkins heirs say they'd jest as lleve have It, au' as I'm Itibln' to re lieve them of the'r land It didn't tnk us long to come together." If he bad struck the woman squarely In tbe fare, she could hot have -shows more surprise. Hbe became white to tbe lips aud with low cry turned to her son. ,."Oh, Alan, don't don't lot 'lui do It. ' It's all we have left tlut we can depend on It win ruin ns!" - "Why, father, surely." protested Alan as be put hla arm around tils mother, "surely yon can't mean to let re your mill Investment which Is pay ing IS per cent to put the money lute lands that may never advance In value and alwaya be a dead weight on your bands! Tblnk of the lose of Interest and tbe taxes to be ke, ' you must listen to" -"IJxten to nothlu'," thundered Blub on, half rising from his chair. "No body axed you two to put In. - tt'a my busiueiMi an' I'm a-goln' to attend to It. I believe I'm dolu' the right thing. an that settles It." "The right thing." moaned tbe old wouuin ns sbe sank Into a rhafr and covered her face with ber hands. "Mr. Trnlme." she went on flercfly, when that factory stock lenves ou bands we won't have a single thing to our names tuut will bring In a ceut of Income. You kin see bow bad It la on a woman W ho has worked as Imrd to do fer ber children as I have. Mr. Bishop always said Adele, who is vlsltlu' ber uucle's family In Atlanta, should 'have that stock fur a weddiu' gift ef she ever married, au' Ala a was to have tbe low er half of this form. Now. what would we have to give the girl uotbtn' but thousands o' acres ef bills, mountains an' gulches full o bear, wildcats au' catamounts bind that It ud break any young couple to bold on to, much less put to any use. Oh, I feel perfectly sick over Itr Thore was a heavy, dragging step In tbe ball, aud long, luuk man of six ty or sixty live years of sge paused In tho doorway. He had no beard except a tuft of gray hair on bis chin, and his teeth, being few aud far between, gave to bis cheeks a hollow appearance. He was A liner Daniel. Mrs. Bishop's bach elor brother, who lived In tbe family. "Hello!" be exclaimed, shifting big qnld of tobacco from one check to the other. Tlottia' agin the whites? Ef you are, I'll decamp, as the feller said wben tbe bull yeerllu' butted 'lm In tbe small o' the back. How are you, Mr. Trabue? Have they ruu you out o" town fer some o' yore legal rascality?" I reckon your sister thinks It's ras cality that's brought me out today." laughed the lawyer. "We are on a lit tle land deal" "Oh, well. Ill move on." said Abner Daniel. "I Jest wanted to tell Alan that Itlcg's bogs got Into bis young corn In tbo bottom Jest now an' rooted up about as many acres as role Bak er's plowed all day. Ef they'd a -rooted In straight rows ntil not gone too nhrh tbe stalks, they mought 'a' done tbe crup more good than barm. bit the'r nim or Intention, one or t'other, was bad. ' Folks ie that away. Mighty few of 'cm root when tbey root at all fer pnyhody but the'rse'ves. Well. I'll gl along to my room." "Ixm't go. Brother Ab," pleaded bis sister "I want you-to be'p me stund up fer my right. Alfred la about to swap our cotton mill stock fer some more wild mountain bind." ' In spite of bis pntiirul tendency to turn everything Into a Jest even t ' STiotis things of llfp-the sallow fa of the tall iniin lengthened.' He stnr 1 Into the faces around blm for a ne nient; then a slow twinkle dawned his eye. ' fI've never been knowed to take sides in any connubial tussle yet," be said Trabue In dry tone. "Alf may ik. know what he's about right now, but be a Solomon hlsse'f compared to feller that will uudertake to set He dispute betwixt a man an' his wife more especially the wife. Ceewblllktns I never shall forget tbe time old Ja. Hiirdeway come heer to attend a wee an' Alf thar nn' BetHy split over buyln a batruck fer tbe bulb Betsy bad seed oue over at Mason's at tho canipgrouti nil determined she'd have one. Muytie yon noticed that fancy rolitrnptimi In the hall as you come In. Well, Alf seed nigger iinloadlu' It from a wagon at the door one morn In', nn' wben Betsy, In feer an' treiuMIn', told Mm what It was fer bo mighty nigh had a fit 1 said his folks never had been abov hangin' the'r cor.ts an' hats on good. stout nails an' pegs, an as fer them umbrella pans to ketch the drip, be said they was fancy spltboxcs, an1 wanted to know ef she expected a body to do the'r chawlu an smokln' In that windy hall.- Ike snld It Jest should not stand tbar with nil them prongs an' arms to attack unwary folks In the dark, an be toted It out to tbe buggy sued, that got Betsy s dander up. aa' she put It back agin-the wall an' said It 'ud stay tbar ef, she bad to stand behind it an' hold it In place. 'Alf wasn't done yet. He Mowed ef they was to have sech a purty trick aa that ou. tbe hill It bad to stay In the best room In the house, so be put It heer in tlie parlor by the pluno. But Bets took It back two or three tlmen, an' be larnt that he was a-doln' a eight work fer nothlu' an' finally quit totiii It about he, tou, went out. flUlf EU II. LAN found bis uncle on th! back prcb washing his face and bauds In a basin on tbe water shelf. The youiii: twin bwiied agalust one of the wooden iw.s which supported the low roof oi tbe porch and waited for blm to conclude the puiting, sputtering oivratiou. whlWi be finally did by tut-eloping his Uad hi a hue; towel banging from a ivikmI eu roller on the wratherboardiiu. "Well." he laughed, "yore uncle Ab dldu't U-tter mutters la thar overly much, Lut what could a feller do? Yore pa's as bullheaded as a yotmt steer, au' he's already played siiiuhIi anyway. Yore ma's wastln' breatb; tut a woman seems to bare plenty oX It to spare., A woman's tongue's like windmill It takes breath to i.tep It a-golu', an' a dead clam 'ud kill her business." "It's no laughing matter, L'ncle Ab." said Alan despondcutly, "Soinethinu must have goue wrong with father' Judgment. " He never has acted th'' way before." . .. . Tbe old man dropped the towel ami thrust bis long, almost Joint bus firmer luto bla vest pocket for a hern comb which folded up like a Juckknlfo. was Jettt a wonderln'," as be begun f rake bis sliuggy balr straight down to his eyes "I was Jest B-woiideriii' ef be could 'a' bent bin r'.ull lu n litt' that time bin mule th'owe l Mm ag'ln tlie sweet gum.. Tbey say thut ofte changes a body powerful. Folks ' "But that ain't what 1 started In to tell. As I was t-Huyln', old Jane Hardeway thought she'd sorter put a word In the dixpute to y fer ber iMwrd an keep, iiu' sbe told Betsy that it was all ow In' to the way tbe Bishops was raised that Alf couldn't stand to lisive things nice about Mm. Hbe said nil the Bishops she'd ever knowed had natural stoop that they got by UvuV iu cabins with low roofs, ttbe wasn't spreadln' Vr butter as thick ns she thought she was ur maybe It was the sort she was sprcadiu' fer Betsy mused up like the woods afire in high wind. It didn't take old Jane long to dixklvcT thut tluir was several breeds o" Bishop out .o' Jail, an' she speut most o" the rest o' her visit brug- fc'ln' on wine she'd read about. Hbr said the mime rounded like the start of 'era had been religious and sub- stanch. -, t "Brotlier Abner," whined Mrs. .Bish op. "I wlKbt you'd bush all thut foul- lshness an' help me 'n tbe children out this awful fix. Alfred always would listen to you." . "Well." ami the old man smiled and winked at the lawyer, "I'll give rou both Mil the advice I kin. Now, the Khonl Itlver stock is a good thing right now, but ef the mill waa to ketch on fire an' burn down thard be a kws. Then as fer Haulier land. It ain't easy to sell, but It mought take a start !- fore another flood. I say It mought an .then agin It monghtn'L The mill mought burn, an then agin it moiightn't. Now, ef yon una kin be helped by this advice you are welrojiie to it free o charge. Not rhangin' the subject, did yon mis know Mrs. Bleh anlHon's heffer' got a calf? I reckon she won't borrow so much milk after ber gits fco.Nl" . imbue smiled broadly as the gaunt man withdrew, but bis amusement was sliort lived, for Sirs. Bishop began to cry, unl she soon rose In despair end l.-ft the room. Alan stood for a moment looking at the unmoved face of hi.i father, who bad found some-i thine in the last clause of tbe docu-j IVt wo louyMiio nalUr, Uncle 'Ab." think he's off bis cszlp tn the land question, an' now that he's traded hi best nest egg fer another swipe o' thr earth's surface I reckon they'll talk harder. But yore pa iu't no fool. No plumb Idiot could. V managed yore lua as well as he has. You see, know what he's accomplished, fer I've been with Mm ever since tliey was ynkoc together. When they was married, sbe was as wild as a buck nn' certainly- made our daddy walk a chalk Hue, but Alfred 1ms tucred 'er down beautiful Phe didn't want this thing done on- bit, an yet It Is settled by this time' tlie old man looked through the hall to the front gate "yes, Trabuu's unhitch lu'. He'a got them stock certificates In his pocket, nn' yore pa baa the lcrd in bts note case. When this gits out, mosshacks from beer clean to (Jllnicr 'II be trapsln' In to dispose o' land at so much a front foot ' "But what under high heaven will Bf do with It ally "Hold on to It," grinned Abner; "thai U, ef be kin rake an' scrapo enough to gether to pay tlie taxes. Why. last yeer bis taxes mighty nigh floored Mm, an' tbe expenses ou this county he'a Jest annexed will push Mm like rips, rer now, you know, he'U have to do with out the income on his factory stock. But be thinks he's got tbe right sow by the yeer. Before long be may yell out to ns to come be'p Mm torn er loose, but he's waltxln' with cr now." At this Juncture Mrs. Bhdiop came tit of tbe dining room wiping ber eyes on ber apron. , Mother." said Alan tenderly, "try not to worry over this any more than you enn help." , Your pa's gettin' old an' childish," WhiiuiK-red Mrs. Bishop. "He's been! somebody say timber land up In the mountains will some day advance, an' he forgets"thut he's too old to get the benefit of It. He's goln' to bankrupt UK.".. .!.--. Ef I do," the man accused tlutn dered from the hall as he strode out "It'll lie my money that's lost money that I made by hard work." Ho stood before them, glnrlng over his eyeglasses at his wife. "I've had enough of yore tongue, my bidy. Ef Id not hnd so much to think about In tbar Jest now, I'd 'a' shut you up soon er. Dry up now not another word, I'm dolu' the best I kin accordln' to tny lights to provide fer my children. an' I won't lie Interfered With." No one spoke for a moment. How ever. Mrs. Iltshop finally retorted, as ber brother knew she would In ber own time. I don't call buyln' thousands o' acres o' unsalable land providln fer anything except the porebouse," she fumed. "That's beca'ae you don't happen to know as much about the business as 1 do," said C1hIki, with a sntl.-nert chuckle, which to the observing Dan iel sounded very much like exultation. ' ben you all know what I know. you'll l e In iirbin' on t'other sides o" yore iiirtcthh. reckon I'll Jest have to let you all know about this or I Won't have a speck o' peace from now on. I didn't tell ynii at fut beca'se Dolmdy kin keep a secret as well as tbe man It Indonga to, an' I was afoered It ud leak ut an' damage my IntrrextM, but Ibis last r,mi acres Jest about sweeps all the best tlmlier In tlie whole Coluitta section, an' I monght as Well let up. I rrckon you all know that t'f I say ef my land was niicb a mil rood it u.l be low at Ave times what 1 mid fer It don't yon? Welt. then, tlie bsig an' abort of It Is that I bapp:i to be on the Inside an' know that a railroad is goln to be ruu from Lick Junction Jo Darley. It'll le started inside of tlie next yeer au' 'it ruu smack dub through my proper ty. Thar now! Vou know uiore'n you thought you dlil. don't you?" The little group stared Into his glow ing face lucrt-tliiicuely. "A railroad la to lie built fatherr exclaimed Alan. "Tim fa what I said." Mrs. Bishop's eyes flushed with sud den hi-e, and then, ss If remembering her husband's Umltathius, ber fuce fell. "Alfred."' she asked skeptically, "bow docs it happen that you know about tbe railroud before, other folks doesr , "How do I? Thai's It now how do I?" ami the old man laughed freely. "I've hud my fun out o' this thing, listenlu' to what every crunk snld about me beln' cracked ah' so on, but I was Jest a-lyin' low waltin' fer my time." . "Well, I'll be switcbedr ejaculated Abner Daniel, bulf seriously, half sar castically. f'Ueew hlliklns! A railroad! I've always said one would pay like rips uu' open up a dern good, God fersukuu country. I'm glad you are a goln' to start one, Alfred." I Alan's face was filled with an ex- pn i-s.ou of blended doubt and pity for hla futhor's credulity. "Father," be said gently, "are you sure you got your Information straight?" "1 got it from headipunrters." Tbe old uiuu raised himself on his toes and knocked bis heels together, a habit be bad not Indulged In for uiuuy a year. "It was told to me confidentially by a man who knows all a Unit the whole thing, a mini who is lu the employ ' the company Hint's goln' to build it" "Huh!" The exclamation was Ab ner Daniel's. "Do you meun that At lanta biwyer, Perkins?" Bishop sm red, bis mouth lost some of its pleased firmness, uud be ceased tbe niotlou of bis feet. "What made you tueiitiou bis nauie?" be nNkcd curiously. "Oh, I -duiinu. Somehow I Jest thought o' blm. lie looka to me like he mought be bulldUi' a railroad ur two." ... ., . V "Well, that's the man I menu," -said Bishop, more uneasily. . ' . Hoiiirhow tlie others were all looking It Aimer Daniel, who grunted sudden ly and almost angrllv. "I wouldn't trust that skunk no fur br n I could Ming a bull by the tali."- "oii fsty you wouldn't?" Bishop tried to siu.l but the effort was A fa chil failure. "I wouldn't truttTiii nulh-r. Brother Ab." Mined In Mia Bishop. "As soon sis I laid eyes on 'Ini I knowed he wouldn't dm. He's Usj nniiiy mouthed nn" fawuln'. Butter wouldn't melt In bis mouth., llo bragged on ever'thlng wo had w lille be was beer. Now, Al fred, w hat we miift git at Is, what wa bis object In telllu' you that tub'." s'Objoct!" . thundered her hunbiinil, losing bis temper In the face of the aw ful possibility that ber Words hinted at' "Are you nil a pack nn' puttslu o' fools? If yon must dive an' probe, then I'll tell yon be owns n slice o' timber land above Hoi b y creek. J'lulii' some o mine, ait so he let me into tho secret out o' jmnre good will. Oh, yon 811 rayn't nkii-r me. I ain't one o' tho skoerln' kind." - 1 But, notwItliHtnudln,' this outburst. It wns plain that doubt bad actually taken 'root In 'the ordinarily cautious mind of the crude speculator. Aimer Daniel laughed nut harshly all at onco nnd then -was silent. "Wbat'a tlie matter?" asked bis sister In do spiilr. .,.'. - . "I wns Jest a-wonderlu'," replied her brother. - "1 on titer' said Bishop angrily. "It seems to nie you tlou't do much else." "Folks 'nt . wonders a lot ain't so apt to lielleve ever'thlng tl'.ey beer," re torted Abner. "I was Just a-wonderin' why that little, spindle shanked Peter Moseiy lias lieeti buldlu' his head so high the last week or so. I'll bet could wake a duru good guess now." "What under the sun's Peter Moseiy got to do with my business?" burst from Bishop's Impatient Hps. .. - "lies got a sorter roundabout con nection with It, I reckon," smiled Ab ner grimly, "I happen to know that Abe louipklim sold Mm -',000 acres o' timber hind on Huckleberry ridge Jpst atter yore Atlanta mnu speut the day lookln' round In theso parts." 1 Bishop wns no fool, and be grasped Abner's meaning even lieforo It was quite clear to the others. . . Looky beer," be said sUarply. "what do you take me fer?" "I 'ain't tuck you fer nothln'," said Abner, with a grin. "Leastwise, I 'ain't tuck you fer $5,000 wuth o' eot- poii3lruu1i"flne"tfue west vy ah L1ck skillet to Darley, with stop over privi leges at Buxxard Boost an' fifteen min utes fer bash at I vg Trot Springs, Then, somehow or other, by book or crook mostly crook Abe Tompkins wasn t dodgiu anybody about that time. Peter Moseiy could 'a run agin Mm with his eyes shut on a dark uight "I was at Neil Fllmore's store when tbe two met au' ef a trade was ever made quicker betwixt two folks It was done by telegraph an' the paper was signed by lightnin'. Abe said he had tbe bind an' wouldn't part with it at any prico ct he bfldn't been bad iu need o n.onev, for be believed it waa chuck full o' iron ore, soups tone, black marble au water jiower, to say nothln' o' tlm ler; but h. d lieen troubled so much about cash, he said, that he'd made up his mind to let 'er slide an' the devil take the contents. I never seed two parties to a deal better satisfied. Tbey both left the store with a strut. Moso- ly's strut was the biggest fer be wasn't afeerd o' nothln'. Tompkins looked like he was afeerd Moseiy 'ud call Mm back aa' want to rue." , "You mean to say" But old Bishop seemed unable to put bis growing fear into wards. "Oh, I don't know nothln' rer cer tain," said Abner Daniel sympa thetically, "but ef I waa you I'd go down to Atlanta an' see Perkins. "on kin tell by the wsy be acts whether that's anything in his railroad story or not But by gum, you ort to know whar you stand. You've loaded yore se'f from bind to fore quarters, an' ef you dou't plant yore feet on souie'n you'll go down." Bishop clutched this proposition as a drowning man would straw. "Well, I will go see Mm," be said.-"I'll go Jest to satisfy you. Aa fer as I'm concerned 1 know be wasn't telliu' me no lie, but i reckon you all never Ml rest till you are satisneu." He descended the steps and crossed the yard to the barn. Tbey saw bun lean over the rail fence fer luomeut as if in troubled thought. "Poor father," said Alan to hla uncle as his mother retired slowly into tbe house. "Ho seems troubled, and It may mean our ruln-absolute ruin." "It ain't no tritHn' matter," adnii,ttt4 Daniel. "Tbar's no telllu how m iuouxuuu acres ne may nave bQugb He's keepli ' somethln' tu hlsse'f. I re member Jest wben thut durn skunk of lawyer put that flea In bia yeer. Th?7 waa at Hanson's mill an talked con DdenUal together mighty nigh all mora In'. But let's not cress a bridge tell we git to It Let's talk about sonie'n eloS, I bala t never hsrt a chance to tell tou. tut r ecd thargai fn: tow"U yesterday air talked; to cr, - "pld you. Undo Abr Tbe face of the young man brightened. was eager and expectant. INTERESTING FACT2ms- When -co Ie are coutcniplating a trip whellicr on business or pleasure, they naturally want the li t service ubtriimblu ns far as si-.l, cemfort and fab ty is concerned. Employ ecs ol tbo Wisconsin Central Lines ' are paid to serve tbe public and our trains opcrnUd so as to make rlone ei niHciion nitli Kvciing lines at all Junction points. Cullman rlaiti Sleeping and Chair Car oa inrougn trains. Dining Car service unexcelled. served a la Carte. Iu order to obtain this first class ask the ticket agent to ticket over Men!. ervice you a THE WISCONSIN CENTRAL' LINES. Direct connections at Chirairo asvt Mil wankeeforall Eastern point Kor full Information eall ou your :rvst ticket agsnt. or w iu J as C. I'omd, orJia. A.(1.ot, s. g., tienersl Agent, Milwaukee. Wis. 1!4H SUrk roitruMi MAKklS. I.'erl td to Bate, Wheal-Walla Walla,' Toe; kluesknu, 82e; valley, Htk;. Flour beat roV, W 00 u, 8ft per barrel ; gralmm, f : 35 ft $3 7, Oats Xo.l white, $ 1 tl7. l 10 gray l 0J tier cental. . lisrley Koeil, $'J0 H-r ton ; brewing 2I roIUil, $21, 21 60 per ton. Millstuffa Hmn, '.':t on ; iiii.Mlinui rl'7 ; shorts. (., ; liop, IS. Hay TimiHliy, old .0; new 114 (Ti 1,1; cloyer, nominal; grain, $12; cheat, noiii- iiiai.' Batter Fancy creamery, 20(,?,22c r Ja.i-y, nominal ; tore, lli-ii 17 ruounu. F.ggs Oregou ranch, l!ti 2Uc. Cheese Full cream twins, Itxillici Young American, l."c jwr piuind ; factory prir Idtllc leys. Poultry Chickens, mixed, lldrlllc per lb, benss llj ) 12c, broilers Satloxeii; fryers, 14 ( 15c, ducks, 4m4 5o er dox; goese 6(S0, turkeys, livo lti(.12c per pound. . Hogs tirons." heavv t.'. RiL-as 7X- ilrewoil, 7!jjC per pound. Veal rimsll. Kc ncf lionn.l : lurue. Kiih His ton0',c ier nmnd. Iteel liross In, steers. I3.T5W4 25! Yes. I'd bitched" In the wacon rnrd Hons ITfirlfki ir wound. an run Into Haxen'a drugstore to git I llvyl7(ilsc;Kstern Oregon, 00 x o- nxio grease nu' was couilu' out ', """ .mjio Mr pounu. with the durn stuff under my arm wben I run ujion 'ef n-settlu' lu a bug-1 gy wauur w git cierk 10 retcn 'erl out a glass o' Body water. , She recog nized me, nn' fir no other earthly rea son than that I'l l Uncle she spoke I to me aa plensb. ' it 1 .., ; ot chips,! Whnt was I to do?. .t,,ir was tit I such a plight In my life,. X boeu un-l londlu' sldo meat at Bartow's ware house an' was klvered from head to I font with salt and grease. I didn't have on no coat, an' the seat o' my (innta waa non est I dou't tblnk thar wna any est about 'em, to tell the truth. Buf I knowed it wouldn't lie the part of 0 gont tenia n to let 'er set thar ttrctcbln' 'er neck out o' socket to call a clerk when I waa handy, to I wheel ed about bopln' an' prayln' of sbe Old look at me she'd take n fnncy to tbe I back o' my bead', an' went In the store on' told 'em to git a hustle on the'r ae'ves. When I come out, sbe hauled mo up to ax some questions about wben camp mcetlu' was golu' to set lu this yeer an' when Adclo was comin' home. 1 let my box o" axle grease I drnp, an' It rolled like a wagon wheel off duty an' me after It, bendin' bend 1 11' of all positions beer an' yan In the most ridiculous way. I tell you. I'd never play croquet ur leapfrog In I them pants. AU the . way homo I thought bow I'd disgraced you." Oh, you are all right Uncle Ab. I laughed Alan. "She's told me several times that she likes yon very much. fihe says you are - genuine genuine I through and through, and she's right" "I'd ruther have her say It than any other gal I know," said Abner. ' "She's Potatoes Oregon 75(sHOc nersaik. Onions Kilverskinsl lo(a l '.'5rs:k. P&dishuh s St w. :mMi..n Dm Bt la. IhmImi witch Mid Non-Magnetic Hicksl Bitvw Cass ' Fully Guaranteed Farsabs ALL JEWELERS ' rnaatratea Banklet oa raquMt, stowag COLORED FANCY DIALS Till Nei England Watch Co. Watarssry.Csss. Otfkss fttw Vwk, Calcast, asaPcasdM. I higUi ti rn.ni thH athbtia fljlil purty as red shoes, an ef I'm any Ml: meet t I'orltanJ during iho MC Judge she's genuwlno toa I've got an- Fall Otrnivsl, 8pteml-r 14 to SO other ldeo about 'er, but I ain't a-glvln' I Ineltwivf, snj lovers of siblelicevenu ic away jesx now. . ' . .iti h.u-... i, . "You moan thnt sh . I ... ... "No," and the old man smiled mis- "'k M.r-s ct.nlest for .ri.-s. cblevously. "I didn't mean nothln' o the sort I wonder how on earth you could 'n' got sech a notion In yore bead. I'm golu' to see bow that black son nip has left my cotton bind.' I'll bet he hain't scratched It any deeper 'u a old hen would 'a' done lookln fer worms." chapter rn. HE next morning at breakfast Alfred Bishop announced his Intention of going to Atlanta to talk to I'erklus and Inci dentally to call on bla brother William, who waa a successful wholesale mer chant In that city. The Death Tensity. A little thin iruoti.iiM ro-mtt lit death. Thus iner.? scratch, iiisignl- flcjRtcutior puny boll puiil the death js nalty. It l wi-e Id have OuccleuU AroicH Kulve ever baiuly. It's ll:e lct Silve on earth ami will prevent fatality, w hen Durns, H-inw, UlCH, anil I'ile threaten. O.ily 2"j I all Driid stores. Tn th mi aan l ilnllars U Hie sum I believe I would," said Mrs, Bish. being expindeil by the Multnomah boys to mutt lorilHnri' IiIk Fall Carnival suex-em. "l'u tiM-an fa sri" ton mill Mock. To make a long storv short, the All.iiiin J,k leg lawyer is kui 10 ne loinpklns family some nay. Id N-t s new hat to a ginger cakp that 1'iTkins never ownoil m srHMinful o' liin.l up beer an' that be"a "t hepln" tlie Tompkins folks on tlie sly to unload some o' the'r land, so they kin move west, wlmr they've al ways wanted to go. peter Mosfly Is a man on the watch nut fer rail Soft snaps, nu w hen I'erklns w hlsierei tbe big seeret In his yeer, like he did to yon. be startiil out ou a still hunt fer tlmlH-rcd land on. the line of the nro- op. "Maybe William will tell you what to do." "I'd see rcrklns fust" advised Abner Daniel. "Ef 1 felt shore Perkins bad bunkoed toe. I'd steer cleer o' William. I'd bate to beer 'lm let out on that sub ject. He's medo his pile by keepln' sharp lookout "I hain't bad no reason to think I have been lied to," snld Bishop dogged ly as be poured his coffee Into bis saucer and sliook It about to cool. "A body could hear bis dentbknell rung ev ery minute ef he'd Jest listen to old women an' " "Old bachelors," Interpolated Abner. I reckon they are alike. The longer Malelde Prevented. The startling tmiioum-oiitcnt that it pre voi tivo of filicide bail lieeti iIm- cmertol will in lent, t many. A run don sysieer.or det-pinilenry Invari able 1 reeeil.i ruiciilo ami w'iiioiliinf has Im-mii l.mml Hint will prevent Hist nitidilkiti which mnkes suicide likely. At the flrit thought of self ilistlriictiou litke K'evtri.r lti:ter. It llng m man lives without a woman tbe uxwe tonic ami nervinw will sln-ngth-be gits like oue. I reckon that'a leca'se en lh nerves ami luiihl tin ih .vs. tout. 114 also tCr'ttt Sioniiii'li, Liver ami Kidney regulator. Only firtc. 3utlifciion KuarilitMHl by a lrug- the man 'at Uvea with one don't see nothln' wuth eopyln In 'er an' vlce-t-versy." . . Mrs. Blsbop bad never been an ap preciative listener to ber brother's phi-1 K l"t Ksotiiy. Bbe Ignored what he had Just aald and Its accompanying smile, which was alwaya Abner's subtle apology for such observations. "Are you golu' to tell Adele about the railroad V she asked. To U Continued, Every day will ho a special ,! at Portland's l.lg Vl Carnival .Heplelii- ber 14 lo 26 Inrlnsfve, and it is anfe tossy that It will be largely attended from lb la section.