KtWSt OK TUE STATE. Shearing is now lo progress on tbe Kaatern Oregon abeep ranches. Ai though tbe put winter wu severe, the wool yielj promise wolL TheNewburg, Yamhill Co ,bend is preparing lo give open air concert in the near future, to take place on Hal ur day evenings. Aneotertainlog aud patriotic move. Graphic. Seventy five applicants for poai tlons in the Portland fire department, took the preparatory examination in puraoce to tbe Civil Service law, and all paused a fair grade. Tbe Friend' church at Newburg, built In 1893 at a cost of f 16,000 baa J nit been relieved of debt which fell on the structure in the 9U's when by reason of hard times, the original pledges to the building fund could not be met. WiJES UK 19 PBOSPEKOl'S OTHER 19 WILL filU. The Portland Railway Company, that owna and operates the Wash ington stieet electric line baa com mencod building on the East Bide of the Willamette. Connection witb tl.e new system will be made over the Burnside bridge. Prnlaibly tho largeat patch of pota toes In Wasco county is to be found on the f-rui of Jauiee U. Ilaveiy who1 has Just finished plautiog CO acre aud anticipates that he will harvest butweeu 8,000 aud 10,000 bushels of spuds near Boyd next fall. Moro Olmerver. Tiie Portland laundries.; after a two weeks' rent, started up aghln last Monday with acab labor, Thia they ought to have done the next day af ter the uulon labor quit. There U free labor enough in the state to do the work if oDly (he employers will give it opportuuity for striving. One of the silvers of an opera house U'orh pierced the pantaloons aud undtrware of J. I It. Belches at tbe Fleming Bros. Show, lacerating the epidermis and breaking off in the so deeply that It required the skill of Dr. Logun to remove it. Jim had the bench down and was sitting on it when it attacked him. Sher man Co. Observer. A black hearted ' assassin named M, V. Ltiasla, shot and killed the fither of bis divorced wife, laet Sun day morning. Hei then kidnapped the woman, leaving their two Infant children with a neighbor, and disap (KHtretl, Leasiu l..of French extrac tion, and a very violent man. His former wife la of Oerman lineage. John Collier met bis death In the big water tank at Q. H. Bourhilllf, iu (1 ran valley, Sherman county. He was painting the lank on the inside, and had gone In through tbe secretary on aw aayi: "The em ployer of labor Is both a consumer and a producer, and therefore may be appealed to from either standpoint The wage earner Is also both a con sumer and a producer. lie consumes food, clothing, fuel and shelter ard he sella days' work. lie may be so shortsighted as to believe that it would be to b la advantage to have cheap food, cheap clothing and cheap living expenses generlly. Or hi might be so farsigbted as to know that tbe market for bis labor and for the product of his labor Is as Import ant to him as tj his employer. Thus either the employer or tbe employed may be shortsighted enough to think their Interests are unlike, (if not antagonistic, or so farsigbted as to know when one is prosperous the other is never hungry or naked, and that when the other ia well paid tbe one la always prosperous." This Idea advanced by Secretary Shaw la no new whim, hut is a his toric fact which has been demonstrat ed over and over and lime after time in the business annals of Ibis country aud it is oue which It seems should only to be adverted to In order to tlafy any one that there should be no antagonism botweeu the employer aud the employed. In other words there should le harmony between pital ami labor. That capital in many Instance? cau, and does oppress labor is not to be denied, aud that labor may aud sometimes does injure capital is also true, But notwith standing this the Nations! relation of capital aud labor should aud could be in harmony with each other This Is cot theory but could be iuhH practical. That should le the great aim of any government. There is uo occasion in a political campaign lo stir up a fceliug of labor against capital. A candidate can do mare injury to both capital and labor lu one campaign along that line lhan he could remedy la a whole term, ll elected. TUK of bis party throughout the country on the tariff issue. There Is no doubt at all that the majority of tbe republi cans of that state stand with the bulk of their party all over the coun. try on this Issue. Tbey have been misrepresented by a corporal's guard of mischief maker', who .have thus cast a good deal of discredit upon Iowa in the past year, all of which will be removed when the platform In the approach! lift convention re- pudiattt all these fads aud follies. Tbe Iowa Idea will be burled very far out of tight In the convention, Of course, no quarter whatever would be given to it In the ualional contention next year This is one of the reasons why the sane ropubl leans of the state are golog lo control the coming gathering In their com mon wealth, and place It In line wilb their party throughout the country The tariff smashing fad was species of lunacy which would be sure 'o injure every public m in In Iowa by putting the state outside the pale of parly orthodoxy. If the little junta of Iowa republicans want f start a new spades of Populism or auarchism, tbe mi4M of Ibe party in the approichlng conventiou will cut loose from, and let them seek political favors In some other quarter than from the republican parly Allison, Cousins and the rest of the level I leaded luenHiers of the liawk eye statu in ea:h brani'li of congres btcked by the great bulk of their constituents, uie going to see to It mat iiih cou vent ion a few weeks hence stands on solid republican ground on the tariff issue. Ou that as on all other questions, the republ louii line throughout tiie country will bu solid in l'JH. The Iowa tarifT-siiia-hiug idea of 1902 is as dead as the so-called Ohio idea of rag money of 1868. (J lobe Democrat. a DEJiUOUlB ASD A STATES! AX. At a dinner in Brooklyn, held in nominal honor of ex-President Mon roe, Edward K.Shepard, the attorney for the sugar trust and tbe great mouth piece of the Cleveland demo erats, said: I have receutly said more than once, and I repeat it tonight, that here Is Ibe ail-donilnanl is ue of our present politics. Tbe talk of Ibe masses of American men is of trusts on oue aide and of trades unions on In the committee of I he), House of Reprrsentatlv In tbe next coogrcr, to which Hon. Hermann will te elected, aud it is believed that ,Oie- gon's Intel eats will be the gainer thereby. Hon. Joseph Caunwn of Illinois, who' will be Iheaexl speaker of tbe House, is a.pcrsouat friend of Mr. Hermann, and tbe two whosorv ed together in several sessious of con gress are quite cbummy. Besides, Mr. Ilermaun's wido acquaintance and well-known Industry as a com mittee worker will be of vast odvsnt incomer. Many a lar-eignieu Am-.g jn placing him on " important erlcan has a deep and anxious fear, committee. There will be very maoy more changes In the imk.up PRESIDENTS AND PEOPLE. A comparison between the Interest manifested in the, western trips o President Hays in 1880 and that o! President Harrison lu 1890 with that of President Roosevelt shows that the Ameilcan people now have- very much greater opinion of the dignity of the office than they had a few years ago. , In 1880 President (Jays and party stopped In Albany and took dinner at the depot hotel and there were not more than couple of hundred people to see him and they all had a chance to shake hands with him In 1890, theinter est In thejehief magistrate of the manhole with a lantern and a pot of I country had considerably increased paint, Monday. Not coming out at lnd people turned out in reasonably meal time, search was instituted witb the result of finding the dead body. Uas nf the chemical paint probaply was the cause. Mr. C. leaves a wife and two children. The Portland labor unions have brought an action in the state court todiavolethe Lumber Trust of that city, alleging that it is mainly in restraint of trade. Now the lumber men on their part may sue tbe anions alleging that they are organized in restraint of the Industries, only they are not legal bodies, and there is no one on whom to serve summons or execution, even, when a judgement is obtained. The City and Suburban electric car line of Portland, Is not satisfied with the prospect of a ire bridge In place of the present Morrison street struc ture. The car line company oblect to paying Ihe 3 cent toll for priv ilege of crossing. In Ihe legislature last winter. Representative Notting ham fought for a 6-cent toll, but had to compromise on a 3-ccnt rate. Now the company wants exemption from psylng that few. It will probablj git it, since It practically owns the approaches to the bridge and the) nre valuable trading assets. But why might not the city build the new bridge from the foot of Stark street, and let the railroad have its old approaches? The proposal now on foot for th large numbers. But no other prcsi dents have received suchcrowda as did President McKluley and as are turning out to fee President Roose velt in his trip now. This is j not because Iheso men are especially more popular, than the others with the people, but it ia because Ihe people attach more Importance to Ihe office than tbey formerly did. The people are not turning out to see Ihe President as a man. but as the chief magistrate ot the greatest Nation on earth. Albany Herald. There la a little of the roan in Roosevelt to account for the masses of people that congregate along his route of travel. A Mare Thing. It W said that nothing insure ex cept death and taxes, but that is not altogether true. l)r. King's New Discovery for Consumption is a sure cure lor alt lung and throat troubles, Thousands cau testify t that. .Mrs, C. B VanMctre of Nheuoero.; wn. W. Va.. says "I bad a severe cade of Bronchitis aud for a year tried every thing I heard of, but got no relirf. One bottle rf Dr. King's New Dis covery then cured me absolutely." It's infallible for Croup, whooping Cough, O rip, Pneumonia and Con sumption. Try it. It's guaranteed by Biltcy'e Pharmacy Trial bottles free, Reg. sizes 60c. $1 A Farmer Stralguteaeu Oat. "A man living ona farm near here came In a short lime ago completely doubled up with rheumatism, handed him a bottle of Chamberlain Pain B din and told him to use It freely and if not satisfied after usin It ho need not pay a cent foi It," Baya !. P. Ryder,ol 1 'at tons Mills, N. A few days later he walked into the store as straight as a stringaod hand ed me a dollar ssvinir. "elve me nolher bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I want It in the house all the lima for it cured me." For sale by Delta Drug Store. that the industrial clviiixitiou of our land will come to be nothing more than an luterplay between Ibe great organizations of wealth and of labor, aud that in such an Interplay Ihe vast body of Independent small pro ducers will cease lo be indepe i. S-mehat Jater In Ibe same day l Omaha, President Rwsevelt had said Auy man who tries to excite cla hatred, sectional bale, hale of creeds, auy kind of hatred in our comomulty though be may aft ct lo do It in tbe interest of tbe clasa ho is addressing, ia, iu Ihe lung lun, with absolute ceitainty, that' class's own worst enemy. In the long run, and wnoie, ,w are going to go up or godowu together. I .04U Tlll.XU TO KEEP OUT - OK, Tariif discriminations and n criml uallons .have brought ou a warm lltil -row tielueeu Canada uud der ma y C.uaiU lagan it hy giving (Jr. at lirnuu a 83 1 8 preferential laiiif rate ou manufactured goods. Germany retaliates by clapping high er duties on Canadian wheal. It is a natural aud inevitable outcome of the syi-tem of preferential trade ar rangeuiems .commonly called "reci procity," It is chit Hy productive of reciprocal hatred aud HI will. A good thing for auy country lo keep out of. . KEITH LI CAN PLATFORM. THE E.IO or TUE IOWA FAD. The Iowa Republicans will hold tnetr slate convention a few weeks hence, but they will make no dorr in for tariff revision. This much has been learned from the confessions, concessions and hedging of Ihet iriff mashers In that stale who were re- cently so vociferous. It is known that Senator Allison is to write Ihe platform of Ihe coming convention i no senator has never ftvored the tariff revision fad. He does not favor it now. He will not put a word In he platform which will give anybody in or out of Iowa, a chance lo suppose tnat any considerable Is dy of repub (leans In that state want an overhaul Ing of the tariff at this time. A few of the youngi r and brasher members establishment of a sardine cannery! of the party wanted, or said Ihey iu una my, ueservee me encoursge I wanted, a revisiou of the tariff in the . a -it . . I . unlit in Bl riiisens. f or a great I coming session of congress. They lumiy yen ine pacamg oi sardine aeciared that revision was nucesiary, lias been a inedibility that promised in the iuteresi of the republican well but theretofore there has been party. If there weie no revision, no effort to et tabllsh a packing-house, they pretended, the republican' party Ihperienced m-n are of the opinion would be beaten in the campaign of iu ii a ursi Clara article can be prepar el for the market at the mouth ol the Columbia river, and it is thought pertain that a large and profitable induitry may be built up. The pack ing of shad has gone on for many- years, and there has been ready sal 1904 Of course, it was easy lo see that folly would not be tolersled by the wiser members of Ihe Iowa republi- cans. The present governor of that state, a. u. uummlus, probably lil as much as anybody lo start the fool The billowing are Ihe resolutions adopted by the Eugene Convention aud constitute the platform on hlch Hon. Dinger - Herman will stand during this campaign: "Resolved, That we hereby record ur high appreciation of the private worth aud the public services of Ibe late Hon. Tho. II. Tongue, Congress man from this district, and we de plore his death as a loas to his state and tho Nation. "Resolve I, That we recognise Theodore R-xwevelt, President of the United States, as a Msiwtrt type of Amerciun citizenship, worthy ol these, the best dsys of Ihe Rf public, and we heartily indorse bis position upon the great public questions ol the day and bis administration, and he It resolved further, that he be ex tended the hospitalities of this state Uwin tho occasion of his proposed visit. "Resolved, That we do hereby indorse and reaffirm Ihe platform of the last Oregon State Republican Convention. "ReMilvcd. That the Republics party of this Congressional district favors anJ wilt earntstly latorfor the improvement nf our rivers and harbor by the National Govern ment." V hea yoj want a pleasant physl ry Chauihfrlaiu'rt Stomach and Liver Tablets, They aro asy to Uke and pleasant in effect. For sale by lh-ila Drue Store. Ill HI) COAL TKIST TO UO. A Washington, D. C. news report states that an Injunction la the rem edy which Attorney Ujueral Knox will administer to Ihe anthricite coal trust as soon, as the present Inquiry Is iiiiished by the Interstate commerce commission. The latter body has no uthority to apply Ihe punitive sec tions of the law. The commission will turn over the results of its work to Ihe department of Justice, and on fhe showing being made that tbe law has been violated, i nd is still being violated, tbe attorney general will move. Tbe attorney general has conclud ed that Bjer and others have secured Immunity by appearing aud testify ing' before the interstate commerce commission. ' What will happen lo the coal Irusl may lie inferred from Ihe Northern securities company case, and Ihe case against the beef trust. Tbe anthracite carrying roada have been acting uuder agreements which of Ihe committees this year thau ha baeo usual heretofore In the rmraani Xitlon of the house by. rea-on vacancies on important coumutt -f--snd vol. m of the First Di-lfi. i i Oregon who are iuteresti d In proiuoi lug Ibe welfare of the stu thoul,. remember ibis aud give Mr. lie maun a rousing endorsement at tin polls. Grants Pass Otaervt-r. ' ' mere are a great many reaso-u why Ihe democratic parly abould b kept out of business, but the ui,n. reason Is because it gfis the flinini-i i end of everything it tn-ldle uul stuck in the mu. Moravian F..II- (N. I ) "Yejlow Jickel " The difference is litis: A n venu- tut ft force the American Woiknmi to compile w.tti the foifin woik man, and the protective tariif forcit. the foreign workman toioiiipele u ilh tbe AuirricMU Woikmeii. Ai a hu-i ness proposition it is ln-sl to forci t'olht-r fellow into coiupotiiloo. ShUfleld (Ala ) "Reaper." Tiie cry that ihe tar. If fosters uu fair profits for the makers of protect ed commodities can be met with the response that excessive puff: will foster competition, which will redu.-e prices to the cousumer and profits to tne manufacturer, amf upon this score the ulira.protcc'iouists are ready to claim that auy eonsiderahln revMou of the tariff is not soon like ly to be needed. Fall ll.vi-r "Her ald." ha ASH'ctallc Preparation for As similating Uic Food ami Reg ula uiig tjic Stomachs and Bowls of Prontolcsi DigcslioaCheerfMh i ness ami hcsi vuiuains neiuurr Opium. Morplune iior Mineral. Not Nahcotic. Mx.Smitm IHrmtfJ- mmhim 'a For Infants and Children. 5. The Kind You Have Always Bought ' Bears the Signature Aperfivi Remedy forConslipvi fion. Sour Slomarh.DiarflnHjfl Worms .Convulsiuns.Kevcrish-m-ss mid Loss of Sleep. 'v Facsimile Signnlura of N'F.W YOT?K. exact copy or wrapper. . M 4 I-; .. 3 M JUMdB.UhlH in Use For Over Thirty Years .W4MV. NTW YONH CITY. tat t s ( RKEK i rKWS. Ltbor unions xt having, troubles of their own all over the country. j are the people who want work done aud are ready and willing to pay for II. Ho are myriads of wok- ingmcn, Idlo against their will iind anxious to accept tho more thau liv- g wage that prosperity Uf-ry. Anri the beginning of Ihe end no man can . yet . foresee. Uregouisn. j The government has several men and teams working at Ihe lock of the Yamhill river at Lt Fayette, greding, sowing grass swd and other wist improving the grounds. It is going to be a beautiful place when completed, bjt Uncle Ham Iimh a whore lot of dead capital invested down there Newlierg . (Jraphic. But you wanted the lo-n, did you HOI? 4. . ; Down in the First Congressional District f nmnn Iku nimilJii. bave eirmluatedallt-ompetltlonand nave noinllm(ed Bln-er ,Ieri,.Mnn brought ats ut a complete monopoly of the supply of bard coal, l'resum. ably there have been liolalione of the law against secret rebates, and the publication of freight rates. The injunction which will be asked by Attorney General Knox will for id all these practices, under the linini uent penalty of contempt. Vreatly Alarmed. By a IVrslste it Cough, but Perma nently Cured by Chamberlain's, OKiirh Remedy. Mr. II. P. Burbage, a student al law, in Oreenvllle, 8, C. and the democrats have named A. K. Rvalues lo All tbe vacaucy caused by Ihe death of Hon. Thoa, II. Tongue. Of course the result of tho election, June 1st, Is easily fomlold, even al this long range. ' Mr. Hermann will j be elected by a rousiug uisjiriiy. This augurs well for Ihe'stato of ),e gon, as he Is the one Ciiiln; ntly titled to step into tbe place made Vacant by (he death of Mr. Tongue. Honest, trustworthy, well acquainted witli all the workings of government:.! machinery, he la well uaiihd lo take up Ihe work right where, his ( I.i ft oii r fnmi IiihI i'tci) Oil Haiiinlay in :hl rf last week Mr. anil Airs. (Joy Thrapp gave a lawn social in honor of the RFt.Paul Orr of McMinnvi.ie. The forty guests. uho:ei yd tj.e hospitality ol Mr. and Mrr. Thrapp were treated loa (i un iniiiical programo, -also- an exc'll.-i.t luucluiin of cakt-aud ci lfef. Those win h-lot-J eiitr-r'ain Mrs. Mat lliis, MrM.(niplall, Miss t tertrude 0'ialley, Mrs. t'hus lluuley, MoKsrs. Jesse Thr.ipp himICihikI TuK heart. . Fred Ksne and Mls Nellie An.br son of Foii- Uiovc, aere- Soda .Spring visihir- . l :y.. -. Mi.-w l-Wn y.cu r. ii. I Mir-e Z Hhorb tiro vi-iling f( ieLds and rtle lives lure this wek. - i Binger Hermann, accompanied by K. XV. Ilaincs of Form! drove, was a Hales IrH li visitor on Monday. ivv. imui t)!r talked lo a full houe Sunday morning, also al 4 p. m iuite n iiuml(T of our townspeople went to llillstioro Htinday lo see tbe circus. ' - Mr. joe. Lilley, Mrs. -Molile Lilly, Mrs. few-Loon, Miss Ellie Boke and Mis Lu hilly went to Portland, i iiurny, lu voe our Pnsident and ilo some shopping. lion:, to the wife of Wm. Lee. iay urn is h, a daughter - . Sirs. Kinina 8'anton . and Mis. Tom Taylor, of Portlapd. visited with their mother, Mrs John Wilson, Irtrt week. . . . Riy 11 'Banner, of Hillslwro, was in lowu Friday night. .... , Miss Lucy Le, .f Portland, is vis. itinglier purenls, Uf. and Alra..J. lye INTERESTING FACT2 When pent ile nre riiliiiilutiiig a trip , whether on linsiurss or pleasure, i they nuliiruliy waul i lie hest service! j ohtainuhlu us far u.h t d, ci,iujrl j and Ffifety is eon. enu-,1. Kmplov- eesoftho Wicmsl,. C.-niral l.in.'-s 1 are paid to serve the pul.lic and our i trains onerated s.. ; iis to ivaVv close cniineclioii uiih .h. ,..;.,,, ... all juix tioii puints. i Ptllinan Palace Sleeping d Cliaii t:;irs- on in roiled triiin. DlninK Car sniviiw unexielled. j serveil a la (Wle. It order In obtain tin lirt .lusS j ask the ticket aent U u-ll ticket over " Mea! wrr.e you a 1 THE' WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES. Direct connections ut li.icn,.-.. am Mji waukee for all Kaxlern points I. Knr full iiif(rmati..n rail on vonr ...r. t 1 ticket aReiit, ..r wiil ...... Jas.C. Pom., or J.ia. A. i.oc , t Oen. I'aa. Agl., -tJcn.-n.l Avent, j Milwaiikw.Wis. - 24Slark I " ' I'apIIiiii.I M... ... ' Wheat-. Walla VV,.lln n..' t.i , Hour lHt yrd.x, f barrel; grahnni. f:l I .-(.(': 5 I Oats No.l white. 1 loi i 1 8 per rental. IJarlev I'eed. t lias I.... trowing rolled, ?J p( r ton. ' em, (15 per ! - grey i'lOIKllllTi. llriiti. 27 shorts. $-J;l;, hop," 'is Jllll.-lliy, fajf'JI; cov 'I fl'l, luidtllinH, i..; had been tioubled four or five veara with a continuous coueh which he lrc"J-8.'r left i ff and carry it hu savs .reatl alarnwsl m. r....lnr cessfully forward. This was the r.a- me to fear that I was In tbe first stafi-el"0" he WM "tn'"''; ibis is why of .naiim..ll..n Mr. Itn.h. " wl" " eiecieo.-A-asaa ejenllnel. having seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertisel, conclude! to try Now read what he says of II ; I soon fell a remarkable change and Iter using two hot) lea of the twenty. vecent air., was permanently eu red Sold by D.-lta Drug Btore. Mado Veasg Again. it. for the limited quantities prepared iah idea that the majority of the Iowa t y the packets. Hardine packlna I republicans wanted a general revision cau im mucn more extensively eu-1 01 Ice tsrln al this lime. Cummins gageth in, and the promoters of lh I la Dot a manofgreat abilty or balsncf-. new enterprise will be in position U I but be got the gubernatorial nomina rr.ni Itw Ih. U....I.I .....1.. . . . 1 , I 1 ... . . . ,..... ,v .,m..lln uvrriunna I w jmrs ao, ami inereiore was whith has been received from th elected. It will be well for then-pub product of ths salmon canneries. A licans lo shelve Cummins this year, stnline cannery will be an Industry if he holds any of his notion of a' t r lasting benefit to Ihe city and state few months ago. Il ought to beeasy Aslorian. Before canning Ibe fish 'or them to g. t a man for governor arc smell, after, they are sardines. who is In harmony with the masses, A Startling Trul. To save a life, Dr. T. O, Merrill, oi nil. flienoopany, l a., made a won .lerful cure. IIh writes, "a patient wasatlacked with vlilent heioorr hages, caus.l by ulceration of Ihe sloniacli. I had often found F.lectric Bitters exi-elleirt for acute stomach and liver trouble so I prescribed Ihcm. The patient gained from Ibe tlrst, and has not had an attack in 14 months." F.ieclrie Bitters are poal- tive'y guaranteed fr Dyspepsia, Iiiliirestioti,Cinstlpatiou and Kidney trouMes. Try them OnU Mv. Biiiey's Pnarmacy. j Our democratic contemporaries are squirming over' the lierildt.n; throughout the slate of President Roocj veil's wotds, lo the effect thai he is friendly lo Mr. Hermann ami wishes lo see bim se'it to congres-.. The Roseburg Review gintt so far as to ask the question, "If the president "Oue of Dr. King's N -w Life Pills lis lo dictate who Is to I voiiKre ich night f two wei ks has put nie I men hereafter, what is Ihe use to go ein my 'teens' again" writes D. II. Turner of I Vmpseylown, Pa. Thpy'n Ihe best in Ihe world for Liver, Stoma h and Bowels. Purely vege table. Never gripe. Only 25c al Bii'ey'a I'.iarm'tcy NTATK VKKH t A republican onugress will back Roosevelt's posiliou on Ihe trust quesllon. Hermann stands with the president oi thh issue and can do effect iv. work for us in this direction as well as many others. Corvallis Oasetto. But six or eight papers In the die Irict are supporting Klines for con gress, and about all they do Is In attack Hermann. It Is their Idea of a clean campaign. The R-publirar press Is solid and united in in sup- sort nf Hermann whose election i nly a question of how larte the mj'irily, provbled Ihe v.aiers will go polls as is their duly In an election f suih great importance. Eugene Register, to the trouble and expense nf holdinir m election?" Verily this 'saslrange attitude for the Review lo take. Heretofore the detiewrafs have risn en masse and ildly objected to Her mann la-ause he was objectionable to Riosevelt a veritable ship in hi. face. In fact. It was accminirlv their ilr-il and only desire In please the pn-aident Now thai Mr. Rioeveit has let bis wishes tie known, Ih.y ac cuse him of wanting lo selec t Ibe onrigresamai f Why this Change ol hear.? To be consistent, our ileum, cratlcbreatheren should vntn for Mr. Herinaun In kind aud thoughtful ronaid.THlion iaf the expveos desire ol Presld nt Rsnevelt. Jraphic. Tee Great a Kisk.. , In alinoet .eiy neigbborhoiid sone on,, lias died from an attack of colic or choler. morbus, olten Is-fore medicine could be pr.sured or a physician aiiiniiioiiiHl. A reliable remedy for lhce diseases hbould be keptnt hand The risk la' too great lor anyone I . t.ke. Chamberlain's Colic, Chol.-rA hl Diarrhoea Remedy has uiidoiilifMlly saved the lives of morr. pw.pM and relieved more pain and i-utferjng lhan any other medicine HIUM-. It can always 1m? depended nsn. l-or sile by I Ml a Druu 8t.re. t Itllt'or V,.i... .,-... nlry, noiito.al : tor. 1'n ,.. m . i-.lfgs freh j(i, ,,.a0- 1 Clieuse Full ..n .-. loiing American, J7!c. K(C ,,,.r pn,, . l'ouliry-1 lofkei.K, mixed. :t -r 1.2". : hsansi f ii.r J fdi . i i ... hens, M,-4 fa); ,IW(I, e p( r ,. :te"-:.!-'' - : .i.. ks, (liKKtVII.I K ITKao. !' on i- f tun tnat wrrlc.) s. hor.l .i..rted here last Mon. There promises to be great changes wlt(-y ' airk Arrest. J. A. Culledge of Verlns, Ala. was twice in the hnnpital from a severe-ease nf piles causing 21 tumors. After doctors and all remedi. failed , Bucklen's Arnl.ai Ralve quickly arre-ted further Inflanmiation and cure. I him. It conqaors aches and kills pain. 2oc. at Bailey's Phar. ill day. .Mr. nu.l Mrs. Shenrer, daughter t'srrio, and Mets Kv Catching vlsltid last Sunday iih Mr. If. Bsker's.' - Dr. Frank Biiley was out ( Ilill.- -.ide where ho vaccinali d ' m vera) IXTsons. ., - . i ... Mr. J-k Slnatrer sent 1073 pounds of cream lo the creamery at Banks last month. , ., .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ix.yd visited ln.t ruo lity wiih Mr, laaiis and i.. : i Tfiofumil of M-wrt Nimh Hiker. - S'i t Siin fiy n' tho bomn of Mr, N'el house. Mr. Js. Maii'i and family vlilled with Mr. (bs.rgo M.-flraw'a last -Sucday. ' - . Mi. Joe Jeniilngs, ut llayward, wi nt to Dilb y Monday on business. Oiiet a front was se'n Sunday morning t.y th.we who were out in time. , . lirr .lown - i.pi. r.. ..... 'ive.l3.:; .IreHscd.iric; ? .'Ji,,?"7iro"H' heavy. i;fti.r;; li..,t 1 I-Miiall. 7ic ; h.iKe, ;,7i ,,. ht pniiml. ; Heef Mrrws : ,vr; f 0,i,:ri. ' I'ops-lycfL'Oc per ain nd. .?'?irV",,i"Jr.,:,if" "''"-"teri.OreM.n, Potatoes-..'! ( .,iu ,H,T k Onions 40, fi,. , ,.r . fjla Iffn.lure fj on every Ik,t , senuin Laxative uroiTK'-Otiininc tm. M tnotlt that eurea a r.il.1 tm ntt d.. Mr. JoM-ph Pomlnvitle, of Still water, Minn., after havmg spent ont 2.00 With h l.f-t doctors fer stomarh troiibl... mliho.it reli. r advise.1 by his .Ircgg Ht. Mr. Al. x Richard, to try a box of 'nnmi,.., iu(... 8toma. li ami l.iver laidet n.. .u.i so, and is n v.. ,n i.l,,y. If troubled with tu de,-H!l m, ,k. ,. tn In Ihe mouth, k of ,.H,el,.e, or const I pal !,,, K,y,. ttll T)(l)t.H B 'rial, anil you urn certain tnan pleased with ai .v, cenu , , r l.x bv Drug 8i ,r.. to Ih' iiiom ii-Mill. For Deitl h re- Mil as lleiu- Oorman'a Touith 1au. The Cviuinoiier Im.ni. l xrei Ilm selection of ;,, - -t in me a..aie lln, t may l rry eonsi.h rcd the .tmst ...port.nt vl.s..,rjr lU, fil. ilri the reactionary element f the . ..,,,. cratlc pnrty." Vl,e it i r.H-nllo.1 that theClevohmd winu of the pnrty l.n, alsoMpr,l ,li. on.e,,t v. ith the n.-w eaner. It will t- Ihfif t:..w v. task of harnHJnim I ho party is King --v. v. . n n ui r 1 I n ll... ..1.1 "i(f in the rlover.-Xun Call. . ' Kaiue Francisco