Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, May 29, 1903, Image 3

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    It irt ruinortnl thai llilluboro 1j to
Imvn n uow barber shop, soon.
llou. is. t . 1'uniy ot Oaston, wm
in lfillnlioro yeatertlay on a bus! news
Tii yard down by
lhiI-tro station In
with rouml timber
the a P. (V.
rapidiy filling
which goM for
Mis Minni Uliettn, of this office,
i now utile to resuuio her dulls at
ttn itfier aa illnew of a wevk
with tli in ii in pi.
Tlu alrawlwrry picklui; at Hood
Iliver baa attracted quite a few Hill,
tioroites who left for that place tbt
(lrHt of the A'eelc.
I'drtie Interested in the care of the
it'int'icry of the Tualatin Plaint Pres
byterian church, will please meet al
tlm church next BaterdayMay 80th.
H. f) Happlogton left yesterday
iiinrninir for Orpgou City, to fight Id
tlm court a contest filel against hit
hoiurnlend In Yamhill county.
Mr. J. J. Jt (Tries baa the ruatlc and
Hhi'i'tlPK en his new dwelling at th
corner of First aud Oak streets, and
will lie nailing on the ablnglea as
won aa the weather will permit.
Next Sunday, tielng the 6th. Bun
day in I ht) month, the Presbyterian
pastor will preach at Tualitln Plaint
church in the morning, but at Laurel
in the evening.
Mr. Ed "Luce went to Salem last
Tucxday, aud passed bia examination
for admission to the bar of the au
promt? court. Ilia certificate wld
follow later.
Mr. Win. Mohr, who has been Id
tin' alyio making business for a num
her of yeara in this city, ha sold hi
ttuxiiif'Hfi on account of III health, and
hua taken up farm life once wore
Thn purcliHer la Mr. J. Uottooi8ell
The great onion growing section
iihout lli'Bverton la In fine ahape.
Thn leading staple has been weeded
the firnt time, and la not quite ready
for the second cultivation. Th
growers liavo their work well lii
luinil. A large crop la in proapect.
Thn cily baa placed a Ore plug In
Iho water main at 8cond add Maple
Htreela ho that the people beyond the
railroul track may have water,
Hliiiuld a Ore break out In that neigh
borhood. The electric light wire
have also been extended that far.
Mr. Hannah Tru I linger, widow of
Hon John Trultlnger, died at her
borne In Astoria, May SUtb, after a
protracted illness. The deceased bad
reached the age of nearly 7 year.
She came to Oregon rom Iowawith
her father' family, John Itoylcv, in
the 1863 Immigration. 8he carried
John Trulllnger at or near Oswego,
Clackamaa cobnty, iu one of the first
month of 1853. For several yeara
the young couple lived In the east
eod of IbN county at wh t for a long
time waa designated as Truliiuger's
mill. The family moved from there
to Centervllle, north of Cornelius
where Mr. Trulllnger engaged lo the
manufacture of floor. The water
power being destroyed by the reoiov
al, at the end of a long cootested law
uit, of the, dam across Dilry creek,
Trulllnger told, and went to Astoria,
where considerable properly waa
accumulated in the shape of water
front, electric light and gas stuck.
rhe buabaud died about two years
ago and now the wife Jiioa him. .A
large family of ihildreu survive,
several sons, business men. are in
Astoria, one daughter Uvea iu Che-
hallscounty Washington and another,
Mra. Ek-Qov. T, T. deer, in Sileuo.
The Illllahoro division of the
woman's department of the Lewi
mill Clarke E'lHmilion, will ernVjIalr.
Major William Hancock Clarke and
wife with a drive in the country and
a luncliism at Wehrung's Hall, next
Mmnliy, June int. A reception will I
lm given at 2 p. hi. for those who!
desire to meet them.
The firuiKM who cultivate the
WapHtu lake bod have finished seed
ing their Holds. They are a month,
early I hi year and the land has been
worked while In fine condition,
never U'ttiT. The farmers will br
iliH4ipoin'.cd if they do not harvest
10(1 huHhela of oats per acre. Tbl
ineiiiM 40,000 for tho 400 acres Id
cultivation. Muoh of the lake bed Is
yet used for pasture.
The ladles of the Congregational
clmrt-h gave a most enjoyable enter
ttiiioiont in Orange Hall last Wed
nesday evening. Music, recitations,
pitntoiniiie and a parlor play were
entertaining - numbers. The event
most pleasing, however, was march
ing drill executed by sixteen young
women. The evolutions and change
made ly the platoou were charming.
and reflect credit upon Miss Hum
phreys, who trained them for the
The commit lee having Id hand for
llillslwro, the Condoned milk plant
are succeeriinp as they expected they
could. All water rights have been
secured, mid the last pledge for the
money sutmids is in sight. The mat
ter is now up to the Oregon Coaden.
net! Milk Company. The contract for
the purchase of the machinery was to
have been signed yesterday, but at
the writing of this paragraph, that
formslty had not been completed,
but there was no obstacles visible ai d
there is no question but that J he
agreements weri reduced to writing
before tho cloe of the business day.
The htiK k books are at Shute' bank
where puhocrihers may sign for stock.
This la lieing taken In blocks of froia
t"i(M) lo f lOlK).
and Mrs. Calvin Adams
received, last week, a call from their
many friends the occaasinn belngjbe
55 lb anniversary of their wedding,
fbose present were Ma, 8. C. Faro
ham, Mra B. Willians, Mr. and Mra.
Peter Boscow, Mra. A. M. Well,
Mrs. M. SeJgrUt, Mr. and Mrs. E. I).
rhorn, Mrs. A. Redmond, Battle
Butler, Elizabeth Eagleton, Ilase
Wilcox, Mrs Minnie Diwns, Rev,
Kennedy, Mr. and Mm. J. Q. John
on. Mr. and Mrs A. C. Arch bold
Mrs. M. M. Plttenger, Mrs. II. V,
dales, Mrs. J. Ii. Merryman, Mrs.
Wm. Norton, Mrs. A. C. Babin, Mrs.
L. W. House, Mr. and Mrs. I). M. C.
Uault, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1). liar
and Or. Wm. Adams. To this Hat
must ! added the children of the
family, Mrs. Birah Uiwlby, Mrs,
Mora Pio and hushaud, Amos
Adams and wife, Wm. C. Adams,
Mrs, Pitman and Louis Dowlby.
A dinner party was given at the
residence of A.B. Cady, at Deaverton
m Sunday, May 24th, 19J3, In honorj
if his 80tb, birthday. The party
was composed of his family, his
.hlldren and their children. Great
randparents, grandparents, uncles
and aunts and their children. All
made themselves very much In evld
Mice, more especially at the dinner
table. y Covers were laid for 2d persons
an J alt places were filled. After the
dinner, waa over and the tables clear
1 away, all enjoyed themselves in
ocial Intercourse, with music Inter
spersed., But the i most enjoyable
feature waa when tho host took his
place on the floor and showed his
frandeulldpen how to dance the cake-
walk. Everybody enjoyed them
selves 'and wished many returns of
the day.
The revival meetinga'wlll continue
over Sunday, at the Baptist church
Meetings Thursday aud Friday
fter noons at 8 p. uw and at 8 p. m.
Friday evening. At 8 p. ni. sermon
subject, A Royal Wedding, or some
comment on marriage. No service
Saturday. Sunday services. 10 a.m.
Sunday school; Superintendent Dea
con Cary Tilbery. It a. m ., Sermon
by Evangelist A. M. Petty. Subject
"Christ's Preaching of Christ" 8 p. m.
sermon. Special singing . at each
iervlce. Have you heard Mrs. Petty
sing? Don't fail to hear her. You
are missing a great treat In not hear
ing these talented people every even
ing. Coma tonight and bring your
friends with you.
J. F. lay, Pastor.
Mr. Carl Heldel, of Portland, was
a visitor with hi parents In this!
city, the first of this week. -
lor Sale A young Jersey cow, I
giving four gallons milk per day.
J. A. Messenger, Ulllsboro.
In the field meet at Forest Grove,
yesterday, between U. of O. and T.
Un the u. ofO. won by a score oil
62 toWJ. , , , .
Mrs. E l ward Williams and chil
dren, of Neburg, spent a few day!
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
M. Collins, of HiiUboro. '
Rev. Kennedy will occupy ihv
pulpit In the Congregational church
next Sunday morning morning and
evening. .
Mr. Ell Po wan has purchased r
homestead In Kllckatat county.
Washington, expect! to take po-
sion or mi new noma by the Brat i
July, where hi luiure residence wit
be established. '
Absolutely Pure
. ... t DEALERS IN ... .
All kinds of Agricultural and Farm
Implements, Standard Ranges,
It drrws the bar
no push..
Mr. Patterson, tht proprietor of lit
City Bakery, has fitted up his pUo
oY business to . aceomniodaiM I In
lovers of Ice cream. Besides Us
cream, be carries a full llue of a l
Thus. II. Tongue Jr. lelrgraph
his fsinHy from Washington, D. G
that h' has lake i his examination
in llio law m hiMil and received his
degree. II "was more Ruceeanful
than M'Vrntl members of he i lass,
who, though having the whole day
for xtiiily, failed at examination.
Tom hail to work during day, and
atleiul to his law studies at night.
Pacing ilie riiclil examination Is the
inoro nolalilc in his cane, when It Is
remembered Ihal he wsa atnt two
monlhs last winter at a lime when
Muilt'tits, exMsMing to take an exam
ination, ran ill afford to b away
from the hrture hall. Tom will
reach homo about June 10th, when
be will enter Into partnership with
his brother, K. U. Tongue, for the
iTartiK' of law. Ulllsboro will
The Beaverton school closed a very
successful year's work last week.
The commencement exerciser were
held on Monday evening cf this
week. Several visitors from Ullls
boro attended. Among them were
Misses Fay Corwln, Pearl (Jrcear
and Lttitia Oonnoll, guest of the
Mlsse Delchman, and Misses Eva
and laicy Weatherred, who visited
with Ihelr sister who is a teacher in
the school. ''
The ordinance granting a right ol
way for the West side and Suburban
Electric through the streets of Port
land cornea up on the third 'reading
at the next meeting of the PortUnd
Council which occur Wedneatlay
JuneS. Tho company la placing it
orders for Iron in nuticip4tin of a
favorable vole.
Mrs. Rtstnussen, who has been
visiting her daughter and wrents iu
this cily for Iho past week, expert
to leave for her home in Wasco, to
morrow. Her husband Is quite an
extensive farmer near Wasco.
The Nelson Hardware t!o. is gi t
ting In Us full stock of merchandise.
On lid in.riLMIniTi fl,M . ml l.niv.
gles, five carts, three reapers, four
backs, a potato planter besides the
smaller things,
C. K. Heury, who early In the
spring treated hi laud to a hev)
coat of fertiltasr, Is gardening for
profit. He has put out 18,000 aspara
gus plants, 10,000 strawbdrr es, 0,000
tomatoes and 8,000 cabbages. Alt
I hi so appear lo be doing well aud
promise a big crop. .
blank "A" ana swear to Hid mme ,
The Ju lt-M ir Kny . Aotsry Public
can ailiniiiisirr iln oath. When
properly U!Ih. uT: Mix man !,as ss
KOOil a riilit to vi t hm though be
was regisiertil. The law does not
intend lo prohibit a iuulified elector
from voting hut only ti make him
prove his qiittliUcitioo."
Iu aiUlitiou to the aliove, note that
the attorney general ua tho word
"freeholder." That is Ilie word used
iu ths statute, and is not to lie con
founded with "householder." ' A
householder is the head of a family,
a married man, and limy not bo a
"freeholder," wl.o la a man that
owns real eetuto.
i sSl o w cut "tI
gji .I-"'
Granite and Tin
Ware, Table and
Pocket Cutlery....
Oils and Paints
Champion Binders, Mowers, Rakes,
and Hay Tedders, Potato Planters and
Diggers. .
Students Cases,- Ureear, Watlaiv
and aUcphens, of O. A C, Corv.illis,
slopped off lo Hillsboro, ou tbt ir waj
to Corvallis, aud visited home folks a
few days last week. They had parti
coated Iu the presidential exercise
in Portland.
It Is with much pleasure that tin
improvement of Mra. Zimmerman
wife of the Methodist e'ergyman, ol
Hillsbore church, is announced. Tht
patient has bad a long and distressing
illness and it I with great satisfaction
that her husband and friends see tht
daily improveme t that I making
Chas. Meserve, who suspended I hi
publication of Succe at Medford Us'
week, haa moved his plant to Jack
sonville and has commenced thr
publication of the "Jacksonville Sen
tinel." This ought to have beet
called the ''New Sentinel" since tU
Sentinel was published there nearly
fifty year ago. " 1
A party was in town Saturday last
proposing to install a aawmill plant
with a capacity of 25 thousand feel
of lumber per day. Ha wanted a
plat of ground on Dairy creek, Lear
where the railroad crosses that
stream. How far negotiations pro
gressed was not stated. The pay-roll
would lie about $3,000 per month
which would be for tho most pari
distributed to our merchants and pro
fessional men, lor manufacturers will
have disputes, that our attorneys
must settle, and the operatives will
be lacerated by machinery and these
our surgeons must attend. Let noth
ing stand In the way of locating the
mill here.
CiHKT 1101 St.
Kit John W. Cory, iiicaiic, Cila-
Ion issued requiring said J W Cory
t'i appear Jun 2-, and rhow 'cause
hy aguanlUu hIi ill not l0 appoint
si. .
Eil Thos Set hi deed. Final ac
'omit fi!i il and Monday, June 22, set
for examination.
Eit. Chas (J S minor. S T Mc
I ixl Hppointeil guardian. Bonds
M.500. Appr.ti-ers W Chilis, 8 R
Chil.it) and J Thnm;e. ' .
Licenso lo wed vi rre tanned May
20 to Wilhi rt IS l ivy 21, mid Myrtle
May Iterst 22; ami Uarry B Alexan
der 23 mill K V. Joni'H 2i.
Ch!CA S.snhnrn's inlTce at Dennis.
Mitchel Wagons,
Mitchel Buggies,
Mitchel Bee line Buggies
Hacks and Carts
Harness, Whips and Robes.
Bicycle hospital
Uiolfe-Hmericatt Dikes
Try Iho City IJikcry or Ico cream.
New line table linen at the Rtcket
Ramblers, $25 to $40
Staple and fancy Groceries,
gandies, Cigars and Cobacco.j
The awellest Neglige ami golf whirls I
In town for men, doyij nod youths.)
A nice line of wcoil nnd willow
wre just received at Miwdngcr.
The Ricket Store has a swell line
of laces and ribbon. Call and see
Call and aw our 1(H) picco dinner
sets. J. A. McHsingcr, two dmirs
seulh ef P. O.
X - I
Z On
I T TT? X Ii 11 a 11a a iu a tn
Au ... .:::t
1 J -. :-- J
Wolfe-American, j30 to $40
A large supply of sliK'k and poultry
food at MeHNingerV, two doors south
of r. o.
Boy? waists at 18 cents and up lens
then you can nmko them for at I he
Racket Store. . ..
Fishing tackle, Spalding base-ball
goods and bicyclo sundries at K, Jj.
McCormick's. '
J. A. Meiulnger has a large and
fresh stock of chocolate cream, all
' John Dennis has a stock of shoes
that can not be beat In the county.
Ill shoes are fully gnarantecd and
he can please anybody. ' .......
. The groceries that Dennis carries
are always freehand wholesome.' He
carries what you want, and plenty of
it. ' -
Job lot bsll bats at reduced price
while they last; bnys base bulls, mitm
and gloves at F. H. Daily's bicycle
Dorrah ' Waggoner, who has been
beaut, la California, for a year or
so, returned home laid Tuesday evening.
June the lltb, I2(h, and 13th, Dr.
we, the well-known oculo-optlclsn
will be In HUlsbtirn. See blui about
your eye.
Mrs. W. K. Beauchamp and dau
ghter, Miss Bessie, of Etu, Wash.,
visited with her alster, Mrs. John
wsrn.lyweUi.iiie the young man to Northrop, in this city, during the blank "A" and procure six freehold
his uutlve town. . , wttk. ( trs to subscribe to the second oath la
The crowds that the Southern Paci
fic Company handled last week was
large, rather more so on the west
side than on the other aide of the
river. The skill with Which' 'the
people were handled wa noteworthy,
notwithstanding there were thou
sand traveling, and several extra
trains, not an accident of any kind
occured, aud every train wa run on
time. The trains at times were
crowded, and no doubt there were
those that did not ride In comfort.
but that was hardly the fault of the
company. On Thursday evening
lbs Irain from Portland to McMinn
villo was run In two sections. The
first was much over crowded. This
the company knew, and attempted
.o preui. oupennienaeni fields gtore. vroU, colors
personalty circulated amongltha am rn .,i RM ,hm
both at the Union Depot and at Stark
street station acklna passeneer to
wait ten minutta for the second
section, but the people acted as
though they thought tbat a trick
was to be played them. There were
two or three coaches In the second
section that hid only one or two
pasHengnn lo eai h and several more
only partially. 3lled. The train
men know their business, and
patieuily cared for the crowds that
committed themselves to their care.
Call and See my litw Wheels
Complete -Line of
-Bicycle Sundries
F. R. DAILEY.Prop.
When a whqel you're going to buy,
And want the very bfst,
Ask McCormlck to li t you try,
Ilia big wheeled RACYCLE for a lest,
Cash bargains in Wolfe-American
bicycles. Second hand wheels taken
in trade. Also bargains In second
hand wheels, at P. R. Da I lev's
Bicyclo Hospital. ;
Persons indebted to me uilllpae
call at J. A. Messlnger's (my successor)
store to settle account. J. A. Kremis,
Fourteen new iron bedsjunf receiv
ed . at K. 1 McCormick's furniture
end - prices.
. Execatrlx Aoticci
Nollf. hereby tlrmt tht I. the undmlgneil
bur. been July tiiointC'l en-ciltrU of lb. eslale
or Itphfrca A. wrifiht, decetuxxl, by in. couuty
Court of Ih. SlnMof oregmi, for County of W wh-
initios ihi nave only nullified u inch. All
ptraoua having claims ;iiln axl enuia are
n.reuy nonnea to premini me aarae to m. wlih
the proper Touchera. at the law oiliceot W. N.
liarrelt in llillaloro. On-son, within ilz mnnlhi
irom in.aate u.reoi. lialca April wth 1'M.l.
Anna K. Ill inn
Kieutrii of the eatate of Ucliecra A. Wright
aeceaea. 6).;
A Muesthin came up last week in
rviuilou to bow an elector who Is
registered In an atljolnlog county or
in another precinct may vote, seeing
he la not able at this dale to cancel
bis registration. Attorney General
Crawford writer: "When a man of
fers lo vote- in another precinct than
the one In which he 1 registered or
if he has never registered he Is con
sldcred challenge.! under section 28751
of Bellinger's aud Cotton' Codes vtl
Oregon, and the voter must swear to I
Jim Damps gased cot ea sidewalks hot
And Idoked in vaia for one cool apot t
And vowsd h ae'er again would sat
A lunch of heat-producing meat.
Once nor ha " Force " restored his vim,
Although ti hot, hr " Sunoy Jim."
The Beady l. Sarre CwmI
m&lles comfort possible
on a sweltering day.
Rets. Him to Km CmL
' l"otT 1 k a blctn to hot hnroaaltT- I And
Sjnce etirg It and 1 want It every mornlnf
that I am able to m thrnogh hot day with much
ifioT fori fort UkA when I nMHt to eat hearty
meat bretlttseU. It haa tangbt me hnw to lire.
"KB. Clatssbosb."
If $ou buy. it af
' i
', At the IIn.T.sBORo Ixhepexdkxt .
ofTice will lo found a largo stock
of Mignonette Pure Linen Legal . .
Cap .paper. j '
Tine Job Printing and Stationary of all Kinds.
Kottee la barer tWtn that the nmitnf-rned
haa tiled la tba Coudiv (VMirt of Hie State of ore-
ton for the Couniy of WaahhiKiou hi final ao
count aa a1tnlolitrator of tha enlaie of Ininlrl
fall tleotl. and thai said Court ha. aprxitnleil
Motitla, tha 1.-th davof Jnn. lwn.at 10 o'clock In
ta KrrriMMHi oi Mm l at ih time ano ine onn
ty Court room lii lllllJior. rn(ro aa the place fot
arioa onteciiotiB lo Haiti account ana lor ma
final aettlrmeiil of aald eaute
Atlmlnlatraior of IbaaataU of lanlel McPall
l'aud llilKlaoro, Oregon. War 9th, hxn. h!-4
Kotlre of MiiaI Hrttlement.
lhenmer.ined eiefittnr of the laat will and
tentament of Thomafl dereaaetl, baa lilr-d
hta f lira I aroonnt a mcti eiecutor Iu the t'ounif
Court of YVafthlnKUm roiinty, 4rfAn, aud aad
Court had apMlnted Moixlar, tha 'tzm daf of
June ivajct, t tha hour of ltto clok a. oi. at tha
time fur hoaiiug ucli aroount.
jrn!f BKTH
F Try n tor of the laxt will and ieatamaot of
Thomas tteth. deceased. l b
Props.- Central Meat Market,
All kinds of fresh ami cure. I rtiPaU for
nip. HIGHEST market (irica iIJ for
butchers' "tack. j
FKKS H FIPH on Frfys and Hatnnlayl
Jtrkrr'i HreBla Tablet, arr aolt
on a puniliv. naraulos. 1 orra hcart-tmn
raining ol th. tuutl, tliatrcas aitir ratine i
any form ol drfpi. iim little tahd
nvM inimailia t relirf. 23 eta. anU. to rta
Th. llta iru Hkira.
Isr Hair.
(ii. tiarbt diivfng tram well matrhed
talk vt.ra aeren jears ol1, will wnih
I.uki punnda each. U'5 0 ill take the
cam. EnqutraoiA. if. Tettraou, Hilla
boro, Oregoa.
Ilmbtir land, let JaueS, 1STS.
Inlleit ftates I.ni orfirc.
OremnCliv, Oreann April H, lw.
rltanr wllb It.e proTlirtoii-of tb art of onn
areM ol Jun. h, in. a, aumleil "Ao art for tb. aal.
of timber laniS In !!. S"uin of California. Ora
tor. Nevada anil Wathlnrlon Territory." aa IX-U-Dileti
to all ih. Public Land iatea by act of
Auau-i 4, l"'Ji.
A. Vernan Htearna af Kt. John,
roonty of MlllH4lnah. Hlate f freaon, ban ttila
day liled lo thli (iilic hnr mwo a -talaaient No.
fJW.. for ih. fiiirrhaw of the S I " r f S K 1.4. N W
14 of d F 14 aud e t 14 ol S W I 4,V rWtion No. I
In T.iuhlp No. 2 N, Kann No IW, and will
olfer uritof ! thow lhat Iba land Honght la lyora
Talul.u- for I la limWf or atone than lor aarlnil.
Inral rmtpoaua. and to MAl.lith her claim to aald
land Wf.ira lha KeviMr and l:?oaiTer of thla
nitioe ai irrrou city, Oragoa. sa Moaday, th. 6th
day i.l July, r.m.1.
II. naiaa. aa wUnteam:
Jaooa T. i in, of Glen wood, Oreaoa.
alter Smlih of
I'harlaa IV lladley ot rortUnd "
We-ley IVnny ot
Any and all proa rlalmlat adrerwly Ih.
aUe .1-crlbd land are rrne-ted to tile their
eiainn ta thuniliea on m beior. aald 6th day July
7 iMfiatw