Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, April 03, 1903, Image 1

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nil. . . . .
f 8 y B
Vol. XXX.
E. K. TO M.IK,
HlI.bMlOltO.OUl-.UON. .
Orrnia: Kmiiiih J.4, a 5, Morgan HI',
Itroum: !nlral I '.look. Iliwml and J.
Hmoa: IUhjiwi 6 aud 7. Moigun block,
Jtitilcy. Morgan l'.iock, Rooms 1 &
S. T. MMtLATEK, M. il. C. M.
Dnim: at residence, east of ton
J!. nine, where lie will he found nt nil hom
tttlnll UOl visitillM OatlUtltS.
ome Study Course
t St
Self Education Through the Medium of Specially
Prepared Articles by Prominent Instructors
3 Little Creatures (
)n About Our
( Homes )
servation of timber.
These reservations are Hid first
that have aver been made by any
railroad company as permanent
i i iti i i forest reservations. The object is not
Now tbo spider flrnily fasten! her end l" feaerve the timber from use, but
of the line to the llttlo drop of gum to "PPly to these forests a scientific
and starta out on her tight rope, system of forestry; that in, to rut the
strengthening !t with more ailken libera r!eiiel timticr In such a manner as
aa she goes, for thia line Is to be the not to lniirr., h ... .. u .
I . .-..aawav WW ( U 1U (jIVHIU J
-.beniuuig the VOll n if timtwr ua that tl.ur .;n
R I aua7 Will
bean annual new growth of these
rural cooipauie. Tht.i-.tu-w for this
change is that the local telephone la
The Southern Pacific Company un.,00' "bout one-third that of the old
uer the direction ol General Manaer l""upany-a instruments, which with
Kraltschnitt, la pursuance of a aug. I ,ne 'ct that 0,1,y small per cent of
gestion made by Wni. II. Mills, land ,ne Iow people have the long dis-
agent of the Central Pacific Company, ,ance Phones and very few farmers,
na reserved two bodies of land In wul'8 nearly all Ibe country and
Oregon as a permanent railroad re- town people h ve the local company's
cblL'f support of her web.
the farther end, she draws In the slack
anil fjlRfona tlmt ..ml GI.A J
- ...... .uu uiid minr until, I f . t
down, spinning a thread after h..r J rore8'8 without changing the forested 1
she descends, fastens the lower end con(,ition ot the areas reserved.
and so passes on around to the start- "e ,,M'M,'M' on the McKenzie
lug point. and Mohawk rivers, comprisiue
Aa Art-ravatluc lough Cured.
A customer of ours who had been
suffering from a severe cough for six
months, bought two bottles of Cham
wugu xiumeuy irom us
and was entirely cured by one and a
half bottles of it. It elves iierf.
satisfaction with our trade Hayne-
rarKerACo., Lineville, Ala. For
sale by Delia Drug Wore.
J. I. TAMIKS1E, m. J..
P. li. U. 8U1MJKON, . : ;
H1M.SU U. U KO it. '
Ornoi mii tonwi : eonief Third
and Mhiu Strim. tilioe limirs, H:M Ui Iz
a. iu.. 1 to f aud 7 o H ). 111. 'I lihona to
rMiduiinn from ItcooL A Hem lniiwtir ni
all boar. All culls promptlY Httondoi!,
uiylit or uht.
V A. KAII.KV, M. i:. '
OIIIm Mnri'iiii l'.iiilcy I'.lork. up ntnir
nuiiii 1'.', l.iHiul hi. IhiHiilmiar, f. V.t:ir.
Hm liiitHiiud Ht'Oimd tr-ii4.
1'tifh 'rhones,
J. i:. ADKIKS. .
Dkntist, - : ?
ini.r,sr,ono, orixion.
4lrric iloiTiiit: I) . 111. to i:?0 p. ni.
Olli.n in Union lilock over Tliarma'-y
A. II. IIUHKY, I). I. S.
iiii.ir.or:o, or.KtioN.
Umms 10 hiiiI 11 Murpir.-ltrtilcy Mk,
Ollico Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 1 p. 111.
Uratarti ?!ul leclh $.,ri0 pemt. Cement
nml Aiimlpim tilling Ml rente rnrh. tlolil
lilliiiKH Iriiin ft tii. Vitaliznl til r for uiin-li-tH
1 rFii 1 ibree doom north of Hriok
xtora. Olhiw hour from H a. til. to4 p. m.
VII.-The Spider.
Tf".UlJ spider is nti object of dig
1 like, 6f dlHRuut or even of fear
4i to o mujorily of miinklnil. and
yet she la one of the most iu-
ustrlous, iniHt skillful, most motherly
nd iiiiwt cltiiiily of the tliousaiuls of
little creature in the world around us.
True, kIio 1h sometimes very cruel, for
after siipjiortlng her busbnnd for some
time in idlem-Ks kIic often kills and eats
hlnl. The male spider is very much In
ferior to the femule. In all sjieeles he
is smaller than Ills gnomic and iu some
species not more than a fiftieth or a
hundredth part us large as she. j lie
very seldom spins a web, in some
species never does, aud in many cases
he depends uio his wife's bounty for
what he has to eat.
The body of the spider is mndo up of
two parts, the thorax and tho abdo
men, separated by a marked constric
tion In most species. To tho thorax are
attached eight legs, ending in ono or
morn claws, usually two. Kach of the
two fangs which hang down over the
mouth ends in a sharp hook contain
ing a poison duct from a gland in tho
head, but no one need fear to handle
any spider of the northern United
ftates. The author has bandied hun
dreds of them. Their senso of feellmr
flcuto, their sight very defective.
Spiders nro found in every hubltnblo
part of the world, and they vary much
in size, somo being almost microscopic
In their dimensions, while others have
ltodies three inches long and legs ex
tending over a spaco of from eight to
twelve Inches. They are all carnivo
rous, feeding only on living prey, mid
tliey are not at nil averse to tho prac-1
ticc of eniinlliallsm. IMh sexes seem
to be fond, of fighting, and tho van
quisucd is always devoured.
The defective vision of spiders Is not
due to lack of eyes, for the number of
eyes U usually eight, though tho bar-
fobbed The (J rare.
A startling incident, is narrated
by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as
riillftuitia r ..... . t . ....
Tho outline of her net miiHhwrU 27.000 arrea .r rll..l mfcii. an awiUI condition.
irnoii rai.l.ll.. t-l, ll...i... ... i ,i .... I.I ..... . I "'J aa.111
-- - ... i.fc.n 1 uuro mi, iiiciuuH me intervening even
rope, runs out to about tho middle of it. numbered actions. Including the
ZTn"8,,!,,, T, ,fln,d lT l!erSClf Goverment sections the are. would
down until, by swinging back aud k tti n,u ,nu , . T
forth, she catche. the base Uue to ",00 The aocond and .Ull
which she fastens the lino upon which larKer rwwv,lion 18 in tU8 hydrogra
sho descended. Now she climbs back ' ,c a,rtm,' comprising the head-
... muuo mi, 10 auouc 11s iniuaio --"" o ciiumaw. ine lauer a decided imurovemei t
point, where site fastens a. now linn I rwrvKhn mmnrl.. in', mm o,... .r 1 .. . . v vemeni.
wWh she carries on up to her tight railroad land, making, including "he nl'? ,, r T"'
rope, keeping ,t free by mean, of the Lccomoanvlmr . J r . We" n- 1 knw
hook, on her hind feet. She next runs ment am' . " ' ' , ne Krve of another victim."
out a short distance and fasten, the "t ,h ' n , within the No oue 8hou,j fai, t(J , (h
n.. i... ....... IIUJII8 Of Ine railroad nwrvuilnn Inn . . .. .
juw bjiuu, mus completing the first ... . -,guaranieett at Uailey'g Pharmarv
siwke in the wheel-like net or snare. U 1" k"ow n 10 the ""road people mUC
The remaining spoke, are made in the uml raan" 01 u,e owners of private vvuiiam j. uryan will be oue of
aamo way, after which sho goes to the 'oresl ve concluded that the slash. tn0 principal speakers at a bif dem-
center, fasten, another lino and then inK ,,f tiniler U improvident, and onatration a few weeks hence. This
walk round aud round tho center iu a that when they are supplied with a wi" a dner in Washington on
spiral, fastening the line she is spin- working plan from the standpoint of April 13, the anniversary ol JelTer-
nmg to each spoke as she crosses it the bent liit,.H!.....,i.ui..-i.i.. i .... son's birth. Tt mill i . rr.......
" ..u in nivji " a wv. 111 inuiliuu
waa almost yellow, eves
sunken, tongue coated, pain continu
ally in back and sides, no appetite.
growing weaker Hay by day. Three
physicians had given mo up. Then
I was advised to use Klectric Bittern:
to my great Joy, the first bottle made
I continued
A new report from Niagara fulls of
date March 22 state that the Atutr-
Word goes out from Portland that
lean fall of Xlagara wa i nearly dry I horses for all polioses are scarce and
mat day and many persons have
traveled over the dry river bed where
human feet never before had trod.
The remarkable miwcUi-Ih u-o flr-i
revealed in morning, although late
the night before it was discovered
that the usual amount of water wa
not coming down the American
Saturday the river flowed as usual.
high. Draft horses welghinir 1.600
each and over, readily bring! 100 per
pan. Carriage hon-ett are scan.
jraltla McVickers aged 21 years,
committed suicide last week at Bump
ier, Dy shooting herself with a 22
ritie. Bhe gave no reason for com
miltiug the crime,
Tillamook County has organized
a Commercial club whose principal
work will be to take in hand the
There was considerable ieo passimr
downstream with the water, but Sun-
day the ice floe from Lake Krie grew advertising of the county with refer
so heavy that great ui tunes of ice etu ,0 attracting immigrants.
crowded upon the ledires near the
head of Ooat island and diverted the
water from the American to the
Canadian channel Above the ice jam
the water was at least 3 feet higher
than usual, but Mow tho Hiiut
where the ice rested on the rocks
were quite bare.
ihe scene on tho morning was
surprising, and persons who have
until the web is a foot or moro In di
ameter. Her snare is now complete, ex
cept that she may fasten a few guy
ropes to'Ao outside line, to make them
firmer. All thl. has been done in less
than an hour.
United States they will gladly apply affa,ri antl Bryan's topic will be an
the scientific principles of forestry to addreB" on the '-statute for religious
their holdings. freedom." As a large number of
Ono of the concerns which has an- Prominent persons, including Senator
uouueed it complete Intention to do uoar anJ Charles Kuiory Smith, will
Sho places herself at the center of her this Is the Diamond Mutch Comiianv. 08 Pre8ent Mr. Kryan will have a
s u.?,B Btie can reel a tremor on a eoriioratioii own nir 60.000 er, f cnance 10 get the ear of thflcnimiro
any of tho radiating lines. There she valuable forest land ,, once more. In that add
i . . . L . . - .
may oe reucu on to tell how near he
Irrigation of the Butter Creek
bottom iu Unatilla county, is found
to be impracticable for the reason
a place for a reservoir cannot be found.
The new Irrigation method catches
water and holds it in a reservoir 'till
the heats of summer come.
Tho following member) of the
legislature will act with Governor
.v-.iu.-ti i u iimgara raus ior many vnumoeriain in arranging for the
years hurried to the river to look reception aud eutertainmeut of Presi-
upon a sjteclacle that made them dent Itoosovelt, on his arrival in
marvel. That such a thing could Oregon: Senators Urownoll, of Clack,
occur startled them, for they had not Kuykundail, of Laue; Carter,
thouht that the How of such a river of Jackson; Croisau, of Marlon and'
as that of the upjter Xiararr could Wehrung of Washington; liepresen.
Ito diverted from one channel to an- tatives Harris, of Lam?: Kd.iv nf
etheras the Ice had done. Practically Tillmook; Banks, of Multnomah;
all of the river bed of the American Oault, of YVaahinirton: Uale. of J,.
channel between the brink of the uhine: Ilermn
I ' 1 WWIilB, ui
American fail and a point above the Lincoln: aalloway. of Yamhill ami
head of Goat island was bare. Bilyeu, of Lane.
inosewhoare unhappy because
the United Slates 1(MH not hilt
and his element are to tho true teach-
logs of Jefferson and how antiJeff
ersonian are Cleveland, Hill, Ciorman
and all the the rest of Ihe non Bryan
Ilea. It will bo a great occasion for
KisiiHt of flcees ani'tng all the
Canons ol Colorado, being situated
on tlie main line of the Denver A-
Kio Grande I t twtett Canon City anil
Salitla in the front ranee of the
UiM'kles, Is the ino-d secular, awe
inspiring anil iiiagnilictnt. Down
this mighty cleft in the heart of the
granite roci-barrier ru.ih the raving
waters of the Arkansas liiver, lashed
into foaming fury anil daslnd Into
Mpumiing spray by its swift de-.een
through ihe tortuous ill die. Ho i ar
row is the pashH;e at ono .'point
that there was no room for both the
rotttl hiiiI river, anil therefore a cur
lonsly eoiisl riii tt .l bridge nf steel hail
lo la thrown lengthwise ,f the
sires m. Misprinted from iron sup
M.ris mortised Into (be canon walls
on each hide lo the right ami left.
And right here can be sien the cli
max of all the canon's- grandeur, that
which has liecn aptly called The
Koyal Gorge." Kor two thousand
six hundred feet the solid monoliths
mwr upward five tiiiuv as lofly as
, the YYasiiington Moniimrnt, the
higher sriiiunent sljuelure rtareil
ly the hand of niau. No words can
mlriiiiutely describe the magnificence
of Ihe cue. Only those who have
beheld its glories can appniiitte
This Is but one of the many won.
dersof nature revealed to the travel
er on the Denver A Kio Granite
Itailrond, "The Scenic Line nf the
For ilolnilcil information about
this most deliuhlful trip to I tin Kist,
Address J. D. Mansfield,
Gen. Agt., Uio Grande Syaleiu, I'urt
and, Oregou.
i.iiiu-iuiy waits until some insect a flv lnr,,rni.
perhaps, becomes entangled In some port '
of ber snare, but beyond her range of disordered htomaeh may canse
vision. Her delicate sense of touch tells uo end of trouble. When the atom
her which sioke of ber wheel-like wob ch fails lo perforin its functions the
10 loiiow, nnu sue rushe. out to find bowels becom., deianged, the liver
., . '" emu.1 it
aim a uny arop or poison soon end its
caught, she Is moro wary. Sho throw. 00 urrt,Jeu Ihe Important thlug
lino after line over and around it until 18 ,0 reiitore 'he stomach and liver to "For jears when spring lime came
it is so bound down that it almost healthy condition, and for this pur- on and I went iuto gardening, I was
censes to struggle, and then the fatal Pe no better preparation can be used sure to have an attack of rheumatism
blow is given, should she find a hor- than Chamberlain's SUnuch and and every attack was more severe
.....uun.u, i iu,u, uugau county,
incases, the most fatal of which
, If P. cricket or7 WtirL. been " "eiore the more " t. Ward off an Attaci of Rhea
Jght, she is more wary. She throw. dreaded. The important thlug tlsm'
pose herself to Its deadly sting, theh
repair, her web and waits for furthor
Whero does sho get her silk? From
her own body. Catch ber and examine
ine underside of her abdomen. Near
West Y'a, "I tried everything with
no relief whatevrr, until I procured
a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and the first application gave me
ease, and before the first boil
' Garden Spider at Work on Her
Web; B, Web of Common House
Spider In a Corner Behind an Eave.
vest spider, or daddy longlegs, ha. but
two. Tho defect Is due to nearsighted
ness. Two rplders will sometime, get
so near together that their legs Inter
lock liefore they can see each other.
This 1. especially true of the geomet
ric spiders, which spin those beautiful
Webs that we seo on dewy morning.
stretched like pieces of lacework from
riant to plant.
Tho common garden spider can 8D!n
but eight or ten of these pretty webs
uiinng one season, and nature ho.
taught her to be economical of her silk
and to fast for day. or even week.
rather thun pln a web when foul
weather prevnils or Is npproachlng.
When you so one nguln whose Web
lms been destroyed by a storm, notice
how forlorn she looks; how like a shiv
ering, hungry tramp, especially If the
sturm ha. been of long duration. If
the weather is about to clear up, our
little artisan sdeets a suitable point
for the support of one end of her main
line, and, pressing her spinnerets
against It, she loaves there a very
small drop of sticky gum. You will
noon ace a gossamer silken thread fl.Jit-
hi from her Is sly out on tho gentle
orcrze nmu it conies In contact with
some object at a distance of twenty or
thirty inches to which it adheres.
A Thoughtful Man.
M. M. Austin of Winchester, lud.
knew what to do in the hour of need.
His wife had such an unusual case of
ivtiviutru. leurt ..... I coor, ouu uvioi
tim !.., l- - .,!, ... , . ... isiomacn auiiiivpr tmniiio i,hi.i.n. . . . . ...
....... . ,u , Ulm several nt- , , . used I felt like a new person Xow
tic nipples, with a great number J' 'P " thought of I feel that I am cured, ut I 'always
what nntienr tn lw. i.nt. .1 and tried r. K nir'. Nam l ifu mn. . . 1 aiwajs
' ' av ill. - s - -'x.tt aw a II ID l tr n-k . . k,.iti. m 11 i .
These hair, are little tu.K., and all -nd she got relief at once and was Balsam in the Z , V ,
are connected with glands within the finally cured. Only 25c, at Bailey's , . J 1
body. These gland, are filled with a Ph-rL 'e-M UMly 8 feel any symptoms of a return I soon
. drive it away with one or two appli
Kentucky Has a law fining a man cations 01 tnis liniment." For sale
issuing from the little tuliea are all or going to church, but as it onlv uy le'ta Drug Store,
combined Into a single thread by the applies to a time when hnknnwlnrlv
mnu reet of the spider. The nipples, has the smallpox, the statute seems heimor that Nicholas II,
or spinnerets, nro usually six in num- reasonable ' reform decree is due to France's
uer, una thero are from 100 to 140 lit- . Influence is decidedly complimentary
tlo tube, on each, so the threads of a Of course Mr. Cleveland denies that to that country. As an ally of Itus-
.. w..i OI , mousana ne ever said he hatl retired from sla His reasonable that France should
wrtTaliofThp 7Z ' artiveP'"i to confine himsidf to exercise considerable swa, over the
most spiders can tto nUmrmxtum- well-regulated lolitical attitude of Uussia's govern-
of tbo silk to fit it for different Amerl" 1 politics as long as be I men. France in 1789, 1830 and 1818
Yesterday quarter sections having
Onlv four millionn f.u .1...1
moreofforeign countries than it sells with two-thirds of It hemlock sold
i them should feel encouraged by at 10 an .. nn-..r.u-.
the fact that under Protection pros- claims for which $1,000 was offered
penty we are rapidly increasing tho by the sharps a year ago was sold
Villoma nf nnr hiLol..., . .u . , . . B
. UU1 llle louay ror ri m) aml wou
outside wor d. In January, 1903 our brought J2.500, If Ihe purchaser
total import, were W6,Uhj,899, the wouU llaVe broken hlf J '
largest in the history of our com- backed out of the trade. H waa
wnTt'ir 00 cioso t0 the Pwl a year until he named
billion dollar line. The total imports his price at $2,000. He was laughed
for twelve month ending with Jan. at, but in six months thereafter his
uary, 100.1. were $975,283,01)7. Add to price was granted and now he ia
this the $2 000,000,000 a year which sorry he sold.-Astorla News. March
we pay to foreigners lor carrying our 27th.
oversea freights in foreign shiiw, the
$75,000,000 which American tourists A 14oHeturg exchange container
spend abroad every year, and the thl8 ParaKrKh: E. K. Farrell of
$75,000,000 which we annually dis- War3aw, Wisconsin, an extensive
burse to foreign holders of American man"hicturer of vehicles, tools and
Investment stocks, bonds and securi- ,ajp ement8 hfts decided to move his
ties, and we have a total of
$1,350,000,000 In purchases
about en,ire 1laut lo ,h,s ci'y. "d ha
from 8ecur(;d a building site in Kinney's
foreigners. The Dingley Tariff jH Addition. Mr. Farrell has been in
not such a terrible Chinese wall, after 11118 tHy ,or n"wber of weeks visit
1 ii .
Kiuiiua lire nueu with a
sticky fluid which hardens Into silk
when exposed to tho air. The fiber.
In different parts of her web and f J 0811 tolk and vo,e
other purposes. r" -
Spider, lay from 100 to 200 egg. and Make, a fleaa Sweep.
wrap them In a silken cocoon. TW Tlu.ri,'j nnii,ini;i,..i:..
arc iruarilml with n... 4...1 . I ..
man,st,Me. omi7,rr "'?.u; thoroughly. Of all the
alout by the mother. In ono species ever hearJ of 1Jl"'kP',s Arnica salve
mo joung wnen notched climb ujHin 18 ,no Jt sweeps away and
the mother and are carried about until cures burns, sores, bruises, cuts, bolls
L'Therrn am'.:.'. Z eruptions and piles! I,'.
their mother and prey upon one anoth- y "nl Kuara,lt'd to give
er. hen you are examining the spin- 8aU8farll"n hy Bailey's Pharmacy.
mt! 11 you cannot nnd two little
sent waves of liberalism all over Eu-
rope. If she incited this religious free
dom decree of the cssr. she deserves
thing the world's plaudits.
salves you
ma a nine rnrther forwnrd. Tho
arc the spiracles, or breathing h..i.-'
mid they oH-n Into nir sack, wlthia
and also Into tulics which carry the air
mi pans or the body. The daddy
longlegs has no air sacks, tho air pass
In;: through tulic. only. This at.l.l...
i't'T, u7ZL'"1 J,'"1"K" ' 'nly, and a comp
It will cnt,r th.se splrach. and auffo- '"ton lo Put In lines
vTarrent every hstlle.
If troubled with rheumatism give
Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial.
It will not cost you a cent if it does
no good. One application will relieve
the pain. It also cures sprains and
bruises in one-third the lime required
by any other treatment. Cuts.
burns, frostbites, nuinsv. nalns In
Rural telephones are eomincr at a the shin ami rhut rlUr,,i,.T...
- n - 1 - - - p.... .iv.u.ii, mm
rain rate in Oregon and Washing- other swellings are quickly cured by
ton. Two more companies have applying it. Every bottle warranted,
recently been formed in Yamhill Price 25 and 50 cents. Delia Druir
I o
pany has been Store.
Tho strike commission gives an
estimate of the losses occasioned by
the strike. These are as follows:
As to miueowners, $4(1,100,000; to
the mine employes in wages, $25,000,.
000; to the transportation companies
$28,000,680. Can the miners or the
oiteratcrs, or the transportation com.
paules stand such losses every year,
now long win it lake a 10 per cent
rise in wages to pay back whst idle,
ness costs?
The McMinnville Telephone Keg.
ister repoits this accident that last
week befel a former residentof Hills
boro. Mr. Housley, Ihe butcher, met
With an accident at his slaughter
house on Wednesday and narrowly
escaped death. He was killing a beef
when the trap used to assist in band.
ling the carcas, tripped In such a way
as to catch Mr. H. under it. The
weight of the trap end the beef reited
across the body of the man until by
his outcry he attracted the attention
of passersby who came to his rescue,
wnue considerably bruised Mr.
Housley was around the next day.
ing tne surroundlog country and
examining the various woods, which
he finds will be well suited for his
use. He expects to arrive here in
May with his machinery and plant,
which includes a complete foundry
and machine shop, and will per
manently establish himself in this
The scarcity of winter feed which
heretofore has applied only to sections
of the Eastern Oregon range now
reaches over pretty nearly the entire
range lult fast of Ihe Cascade, and
stockmen are praying for spring.
Previous teports of stock dying and
suffering due to lack of feed, have
been principally local. But so much
f etling has been necessary with the
varying spells of this peculiar winter
that Ihe great stock district may now
be said to be on the verge of distress; ;
with protfjiect of grave losses if the
unfavorable conditions, which have
obtained uow for 15 days, continue.
cute the spider.
t pitlers undergo no
lifter they nre hutched
county, Wash-
over the entire
Columbia river front of that county.
metamorphosis Ihe Hood Itiver Company, oriran
A Wreat Heasatlou.
There was a big sensation in Ieese.
vine, I nd., when W. II. Brown of
except to c"Z?" tte ak'nn? lwo "I to soon U'.t place, who was expected to die,
until tiny have attained their full ize b"K'n ,n,,,"ini? Instruments. The nd ,ife ved hy 1T. King's New
After tlmt tiny east off the old cont 'pwburg ami Me.Mlunville Com Hiscovery for consumption. He
v ' " "ult onoe Pa"' he Itrown in membership to writes:
jt nr. if thev oscfitu. ti.ni .. . I
mh-s. they live eight or ten years.
n.nimon jumping .pider spin.
out spring, upon It. prey
spinning a thread after It t ,.;
against falling. It. eye. are fitted for
longer distances than thono of It. cou
In described alsive.
The wolf .plder. are probably the
t'onfinurri on & otmrf J'nge,
I endured insufferable
such an extent that they now em- fconles from asthma, but your New
brace about all the business houses Wscovey gave me immediate relief
of those towns.and the rates have an'1 n thereafter effected a com
dropied to 50 cents for town subscri- P,et ton." Siralliar cures of con
brn and 52 ejects for county subscri-. sumption, pneumonia, bronchitis
ber. In McMinnville and in several ""d KriP numerous. It's the
other of the valley towns the business peerles remetiy for all throat and
men are discarding the telephones of 'un troubles. Price 60c, and $1.00.
Ihe Pacific Nlate Telephone Company Guaranteed by Btiley's Pharmacy,
and putting in the instruments ol Ihe Trial bottles free.
O. B.andC. IJ. Danielson. of Jack-
sonviile, Or., have brought action
against W.B. Roberts et al to recover
$7,000.00 in gold. The Danlelsons
are minors and some years ago were
employed by the defendants to do
some cleaning on premises occupied
by the defendants, and in cleaning
out some out-buildings the plaintiffs
uncovered a can containing $7000 in
gold coin, which the defendanls
claimed belonged to them. Having
arrived somewhat nearer the age of
discretion, Ihey are of tho opinion
that the property, uncovered by the
plaintiffs does not belong to the do
fendsnts and waa not their proiwrty
and they now bring an action in the
circuit court to recover it from the
defendant. At first glance it seems as
though the boys would not get the
money even if Ihey succeed In prov
ing that the treasure did not belong
to the Roberts. Thestate would very
probably stp in anil take the money
and deposit il in Ihe escheat fund.
The bet physic: Chamberlain,
Stomach ami Liver Tablets Easy
to take; pleasant in effect. For sale
by Delta Drug Store, -
At the Experiment Slation at
O. A. C, Corvallis, a new process of
preparing cheese is making. The
curd is treated as usual to the point
where It is put in the press. Instead
of placing In a cheese hoop it is put
in fin cans and sealed with solder.
Results so far attained show that the
curd so treated goes through the
process of ripening, resulting in Ihe
production ol cheese of suiK-rlor flavor
and taste. The texture Is riifrn.nt
from cheese manufactured under the
old method, in that it is very friable,
Instead of tough antl waxy' and
melts in the mouth, making a very
digestible food. This at least Is the
ou..l, .. 1 1 r
unmet irom cans opened a
day or two ago at the station, which
were tilled with curd and sealed five
weeks ago. Tho can in which the
curd was placed in the present exper
iment are of various ranging
from one to five pounus of contents.
Before putting in the curd each can
was carefully coated with paraffin,
for prevention of tainting from the
tin. As the cans were filled Ihe curd
was pressed in tightly by hand and
allowed to remain over night under
good pressure in a cheese press.
Tho rovers were then put on and
carefully soldered, sealing the coo.
tents so as to prevent evaporation.