Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, March 27, 1903, Image 2

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t-nteied in tii postollir at IliPshoro, Ore.
a second-class uiiiii mailer.
Subscription, in advance, per year, U0
1III.I.SB0KO rCUUSHIXO 10 , l'n.ra.
J). M. 0. (iAI'LT, Editor.
call, ion cocm conveyiio.n.
A convention lor the county of Wash
ington, State ut Oregon, is called to
uioet, at tit court house, in Hillsisjro,
on Thursday April 2, V-Mi, at 10 oVl.ick
a. m., (or the purpose oi electing H del
egates to the First Congressional Oixtrict
Convention, to bo held at Kugeue, On
goo, on Aril , 1WKI. The convciitiun
v. ill consist of H'J delegate., to be ap
portioned awl elected from the several
prwincts, aa follows:
Beuverdain 7, lJeaverton 9, Huston 6,
Columbia , Cornelius 8, lHiiry 'J, IW'y
4, Kant Butte 7, Kast Cedar 7, Guatoii 7,
Mountain 2, North llillaboro , North
Forest Grove U, lleedville 7, fcSouth'.llills
Lorol), Kouth Forest Grove 11. South
Tualilin , Washington 7, West Butte 0,
West Cedar 8.
The primaries will be hold In the sev
eral precincts, at the polling plas there
in, on Thursday, March -. IMS, at 2
o'clock, p. in.
By order of the Washington County
Republican Central Committee. Dated
this Marcli l!t, 1903.
Bknton Bowman,
Touching- permission for the Went
Hile ami Suburban trolly line to
i-nter Portland, the morning organ
or that city writes:
Many time TheOregonian has Hpoken
will, diaannroval. and even with severity
of the obstructive acts ol those citizens
who have opposed a gram oi use oi
streets for car lines that nniHt enter or
traverse the city. These few people,
who put on airs, and cau't have anything
ni.nt ilium xi vulurar as street cars, are
entitled to very little consideration.
They ought to be ijrnutted to slink
liack into the wilderness.
But these silk nitfht-Hhirted gentry
do not "slink." They are persistent
mid to date have completely balllud
nil attempts of the Hillbsoro-PortUml
road to got Into rortland. True a
voted iHtriuis-iion logo down Northup
street hiw been given, but this whs
not voiced till the council had it from
their masters that the City and Hub
urban would not let the oulsidc
company occupy that Htreet In com
mon Willi fhoiiiselves. Every coun
cilman then bccf.nio very glad to let
the Hill .Imro line Into the city uinl
ail unauiinomly voted to let them
through Northrup street. It Is
another case ol "How n it to do it,"
The Oregoniau Joiiw the silk night
whirled brigade and becomes m
' knocker, foi in the name article above
quoted appears thin paragraph :
The Common Council of Portland due
not know, nobody can lind out, whether
this proposed road is a positive entity,
un artuul enterprise, or merely "hot air."
Here is the real trouble. Who are the
responsible persons behind the pmoiil?
Were they known, were it certain tliey
mean business and were ready to go on
at once, public, opinion in rortland
would uickly sweep away all the lliinsy
objections of the few who would obstruct
the und ertaking. But there is disincli
nation to deal iu the dark with such a
matter. It is a common habil with
seculatini to solicit franchises and use
them for trading purHses. Is there any
good or eutlicieiil assurance that this is
not a case of that kind? Where is the
money for this enterprise? Who lias it?
Who pledges it?
In that paragraph it Is admitted
that the company is not in the city
and that permission to use Northup
is meaningless. And more It means
that permission to go Into the city
will not be given. II. W. Uurbett,
President of the Lewi A Clarke
Exposition company oppones the
road. He contributed an article to
the Oregonian one dy last week
to (bat elTect and now tie dictates to
the paper to take up hid tight.
Liut Washington county cares little
who builds the road. We do not
care whoso money as for the grail
lug and equipment, Weilo not stop
to Inquire, who is to furnish the
money. We never stop to enquire
who furnished the money to build
the Central I'aciQc Ha 1 1 road, or the
Northern Pacific or the Oreat North
ern. Huutiugton did not do It. He
sold bonds. J. Cook did not do it,
obscure tervont girls, teachers,
widows and orphans drew their
Havings, Jim Hill didnot do it. He
was the promoter. Even the Orego
' n Un did not furnish the money that
built lis home. No one ever stopped
to enquire, but cheered as brick wns
piled upou brick. In the case of this
proposed trolly line the franchise
should be given. The only thing to
guard is not to let Smith have an
indefinite time to build anil thus
prevent some one else from building.
Suppose Hinith does sell to Jones and
he builds the road. That is what
the publio wants, at least protends to
want. If the franchise Is a valuable
thing, let the city council set a price
on it, and hawk for a buyer, and not
parade (tie streets with hands behind
them like a seal's flipper.
They want to know who is to
furnish the money, and wh? No
they ran discourage the investor? In
ISM, two well-known Portland rail
road men projected a trolly hue to
Hillsboro. They revealed their
backers. Portland internals went to
New York and by threats tieared the
bonds till they could not I sold.
Two years ago Win, Heed projected
a steam rood through Washington
county into Tillamook. He in an
unguarded moment told who were
his New York bankers. Immediate
ly two Portland agents weut to New
York and boycotted the scheme till
it failed. Mr. Corhctt knows the
names of those agents. In truth
the West Bide and Huburban Co. is
only exercising ordinary business
sense in not naming the financial
concern that protoHes to invest in the
Washington county gridiron.
Portland wants the Lewis and
Clark Exposition for 1 Lt05; has want
ed it since the prcject was first sug
gested In 18'.)!) by the State Press As
sociation and the National Editorial
Association that met in Oregon that
year. To say Portland want- it may
be a statement too positive, but cer
tain interestsare clammorlng. Those
Interests demanded a state appropri
ation of $o00,000, nor would discus
sion be allowed. la the legislature
when the bill was In the Committee
of the Whole, the chairman abso
lutely refused to entertain any pros
osition looking to the modification of
the demands. These methods pur
sued from the day President Corbelt
demanded the appropriation, and
has made the people of the state un
friendly to the Exposition. In
places the people are in open rebel
lion, and propose to use the referen
dum, If they can ever get an oppor
tunity, but the right Is such a cum-
Secretary of State Dunbar has i-wuisl a comparative statement showing the ap
propriations mailo by the Legislative Assemblies of IS!)!), l!)oi aud l'.03, for each of
the biennial periods of 1S!I!).!M)0, l'.mi ml, 11MI3 101)1, which will enable the reader to
see just where the money giaw each term, where the 1 icr.M-n oc'un and when the
chr reuse is to be found. The amount needed fir the asylum this term is $10,000
greater than two yeirs ago, while the allowance lor llirt p niteutiary is $25,000 greater
as is also the amount f.r the Hilling business. Too new Stain I) ird ol Health gels
$10,000, and $1"),000 has lieen appropriated for lighting state institutions. The big
items in the appropriation for this year are Lwis ami Clark Fair. $."00,0()0j Celllo
Portage, $lU.r,000; Indian War Veterans, $100,000; total, $75,000, as much as the
total tax for this year. The following table will form an inte,reting study:
Kxecutive Department
State Department
Treasury Department
Iepnrtment of Kdncation
Judicial Department
lieifislalive Assembly
Public printing, binding ami paper
Capitol building
Oregon State Insane Asylum
Oregon Schisil for Deaf Mutes
Oregon Institute lor the Blind
Oregon Soldiers' Home
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon
F'lorcnce Crittenton Homo
I 'at ton Home
( Irphans and foundlings, support of indigent,
Nonresident ssir, nupportof
Oregon State Penitentiary
Oregon State Reform School
University of Oregon. . . .
Suite Agricultural Colieg
State Normal Schools.
Agricultural 8K:ietiu
Oregon Historical Society
Oregon National Guard
Oregon Domestic Animal Commission
Oregon Dairy and Food Commissioner
State Board of Horticulture
State Biologist . .
Stnto Uind Agent
Health Ollicer and boatman at Astoria
Pilot Commission anil pilot schooner
Fisheries, hatcheries, etc
(nine and Forestry Wardens
Public Building Commissioners
Flection blanks and supplies
Proclamations, warrants, calls, etc
Rewards for arrests
Public roads, improvements
ater suyply for state institutions .
Soda Springs, Linn County, improvement of
State sewer, extenlion to jsyluin aud penitentiary. . .
Bounty on wild animals
Pan-American aud West Indian Commission
Lewis and Clark Centennial Fxpositiun
Code and general laws
Indian War Veterans, expenses to D. C
Indian War Appropriation ,
Monument at Champocg
Second Oregon I'nited States Volunteers
State Board of Health
Portage Railway, The Italics to Celilo
Bureau of lilsir Statistics
Irrigation desert land
Lighting State Institutions, provision for
Total .
bersotne thing it Is doubtful if it can
be invoked.
The Portland papers are not re
flecting public opinion when they
assert that the people would by a
great majority vote the $.K),000 ap
propriation. They may be whistling
to kwp op courage. The managers
are in mortal terror of the referen
dum, aud use their intimidating
methods to abort an appeal to the
voice of the electors. The jwplo
got no hearing through their re pre.
seutativea In the legislature, and now
if they want an individual hearing is based usin tlio cars in use, the
it is their right. The application ofjlopplng required and the rates paid
approbrious epithets is not dignitled. I per car which were in force on April
The threat to publish names of voters 1 1, 100:1 Any Increase in the size ur
who sign the etition ,for a referen-! the car or In the topping required
dum Is made to frighten. With
some it will succeed with others it
will not. Portland Is raising a torn-
(est which it may not be able to
Word comes that a great holy of
tin ore has hen found near Kl Po,
Texas. Iet the oil wi lis f-nl and
Texas will still have "the tiu."
The report of the commission
appointed by the president last Oi
tuber to Investigate the Anthracite!
coal strike wai made public- oday.l
The report Is datej March IS, and is
signed by all the members of the
commissioners who are Judge Geo.
Gray of Delaware; Ltbor Com-'
miNsioncr Cnrroll . Wright aud
Brigadier General John M. Wilson,
both of Waahiugtou lilshup John L.
Spalding of Illinois: Thomas H.
Walk ins of Pennsylvania andEd-; 'ess than that fixed In the award,
ward M. Parker of Washington. The Tha U.when the price of said coal
report Is to be illustrated aud it will 1 reaches $4.65 per ton, the compen
be accompanied by the testimouy i aation will be increased one per cent
taken by the commission, but thus '"lnue until the price fallsbelow
tar only the report proptr has beeu 1
priniou. i ins alnue covers 87 pages
of printed matter.
In brief the commission awards a
general increase of wages amounting
in n i ml instance s to 10 per cent; some
decreases of time; the settlement of all
disputes by arbitration; tixes a iniul
mum wage and a sliding scale-; pro
vides against discrimination of per
sons by either "lie uiineowiiers or
the miners on account of member
ship or non membership in a labor
union, aud provides that tiie awards
made shall continue in force until
March ul, l'JOti. The commission
discussed to some extent the matter
of recognition or not recognition ol
the miners' union, but declined to
make any award on this measure.
The report also provides that any
dilliculty or disugreemeut arising
under this award as to Us interpreta
tion or application, or in any way
growing out of the relations of the
employer and employed which can
not be settled or adjusted by consult-
tiona l..r li-wi
7.HIN) (N)
18,210 tiO
U',7:i0 40
21 i,r:ts no
Sl.ti-M 0.1
liO.WI" IMI "
m,na 2o
:M,4.V) (HI
24,00 ) (SI
17,2i0 (HI
20,135 RO
5,0C0 00
3,000 00
111,320 00.
37,277 32
1)0,000 (Nil
2!l,33 00!
di.rxio ool
32,!71 04
3,(KHI 00
l(l,77!t S4
(,IHH) 00
11,000 (H)l
m.ooo oo!
;H) ool
3,(KK) 00,
5,400 ()o!
4.1.(10 t2
27,!40 31
4,4(HI (K)
4.IHK) 0U1
l.SOII 00
l00 00'
. 1,200 00'
2,o0O (K
lietween state institutions1
(I,:t50 22j
1.38!),o44 25
lion between I ho superintendent or
manager of the mine or mines and
the miner or miners directly interest
ed,or Is of a woie too large to settled,
shall m referred to a permanent
joint commitlee, to he called a board
ol conciliation, to consist of six per
sons, appointed as atteiward
The recommendations fixing the
scale of prices for the miners is as
follow: 'In all caws where the
miners sre paid by the car, the in-
crease awarded to the contract miners
shall lw acvompanied
portionate increase in the
iy pri
rate paid
t ear.
The following scale of wages shall
)a-eom eir.i-tive April 1, HHia, and
shall i ff.-cl all miners un.l mine
workers Inclu-hsl in the awards i.f
i he f-om mission.
i'he wages fixed ill (lie award
Iwllbe tbelMisia t,f aud,lhe min-
i aium under theslidiug scale
For each Increase of five cents In
the averuge price of white ash coal of
les above pea coal sold at or near
Now York, between Perth A in boy
1 Edgewater, and reported to the
bureau of anthracite coal statistics,
ssy above 1-1 50 per ton, the employes
: ihall have an increase of one per cent
in compensation, which shall con.
tinue until a change in the average
,,f aai'l coal works a leduction or an
increase iu' compensation, but the
rate of compensation shall In no case
M Pr " when the one per cent
increase wilt cease until the price
reaches tl.ijt) per tou, when au
additional one ier cent will be add
ed and ao on.
These average prices shall be com
puted monthly by an accountant
clerk named by the circuit judge ol
the Third judicial district, aud paid
by the coal operators such compen
sation as the appoiniiug jude may fix
which compeusuti.u shall disliibuttd
among the operators in proportion to
the tonnage of each mine.
With fewer pardons there would
be less of criminality. These exten
uating circumstances so ofteu dis
covered after the trial is over and the
convicted has servod part of his sent
ence, is most often more correctly de
scribed as a lapse of public memory.
En j line llegister.
Down in the tirst congressional ois
trlct the democrats seem to f have
I ApririH- I Appropria
tion! lor IWIk Hons lor hall
7,WK) (Ht
0,000 00
23,320 00
,m) oo
11,300 00
22!l,l 19 (14
55.000 00
50,000 00
30,700 00
41,075 00
32,k:io oo
17,820 112
31,1100 00
8,000 V
(1,00(1 00
2,000 00
24,000 00
8,018 07
127,8(17 10
75,tK15 00
120,000 00
85,000 00
88,1.1(1 00
" 31,400 00
5,000 00
HI,0IH) 00
6,000 00
7,800 (XI
0,(HK) 00
1,000 00
3,(100 00
5,400 (X)
6,400 00
30,400 00
8,400 00
4,000 00
121 13
1100 00
1,200 00
2,500 00
111,720 00
7,400 00
12,W 02
00,220 00
M),(I32 00
fio,ri4.r) tKi
3!Hi,.7 21
35,:iri7 .112
15.2SS HO
42,875 71
ti,(K)0 00
fi.OOO 00
24,0(10 00
0.K74 1
102.RS4 20'
76,234 IS
118,274 00
(15,000 00
11(1,229 52'
33,25(1 .rs)
5,(XM 00
80.4IM 03
0,200 001
7,H(H) 00
!,018 2.
1,000 ool
3,000 00
6,400 00
5,1140 00
11,417 55
K,4lK) 00
4,000 00
2.3H8 03
000 Oil
1,200 00
:0,ooo oo
1,(HK) 00
17,500 00
50,000 00
25,000 00
7,744 81
' V5(Nto66 00
2,000 00
" Vtoo'oo
100,000 IX)
1 .1,213 14
10,IXX) 00
ltwi.OOO 00
6,21X1 no
3.IXX) 00
15,1X10 00
3,059 40 ,
1 795,000 01 $2,613,717 52
show unnecessary haste in calling
a congressional convention. With
heavy majority against them they
will reipiire to exercise due deliher
lion about selecting acandidate. This
hn-to may cause them a good many
volte. Mountaineer.
Ltbor organization have received
strong lift In the report of Ihe ardit
rati in commission. Capital has not
suffered anything In turn. The find
ings are reasonable and if heeded by
both capital and labor, both will be
much belter off in the end. Albany
Commenting on the Referendum
Li-gue organised at Albany last week
the Herald writes; "One reason for
lack of Interest In this movement
here Is the fact that another county,
which is ashamed of the movement
is eodearoring to put this thing off
on Linn County and our people are
f the oplnloi we rat run our own
concerns ami if any other county
i.nl. Minh ., 1.1 .1. wt m I
,,, ,nj f-luer ,nj ,,,, o0
If it is a gisx! thing nocounty should j
be afrai I or ashamed of it and if it is
a luid 'tiling then let it alone."
The county alluded to is umh r-tci
to be Marion.
Pres. Hs.se veil's strike commis
sion came as near recognizing tin
labor unions aa it could, aud nearer
than an flidal tribunal cs i do.
Ooverniue-H canuot Justly discrinii
nato between citiwms. We boast ot
religious freedom, and if a acini
otllclal commission like this coal
strike commission should recognize
the Presbyterian church as against
the Mi'thislist or as agsinst cit ix.-n-belonging
to no church, there would
he such a protest against its findings
that they would be a nullity. The
commission with our form of govern
ment could not recoguiz labor
unions. The government canuot say
that one class of citizens may Work
at a calling while another, reunify
skillful,' may not.
The miiiers of Haker county, w h i
are asking for a referendum ou thi
Kldy tax law, and the Celilo portage
assort that the cororHtioii tax law
was passed to raise money for the
Portsgo road, an assertion that is
utterly without foundation, claims
the Pendleton tribune. Perhaps
there was no bargain made betweeu
Eddy and Johnson, but in donate it
was urged that by retsoii of the
passage of the corporation tax law
the portage road could be ailorded.
That Kldy tax law was made au
excuse for a good many appropria
tions. Washington's recent legislature
was not slow when it tamo to appro
priating money, the aggregate of its
appropriations being something over
three million dollars. The governor
however lias excercised hi 4 veto
power and has reduced the footings
somewhat. Some of his enemies
criticize his acts and claim he was
swayed by political hatreds and
political favoritism. His detractors
admit that nothing lie has done will
advance him to fulure preferment,
and an examination of the appropria
tion Items show that they were
purely sentimental, if not grails.
kick and sei.uei ii .n.
German boys cii;.::.e I i ei-i. 1.. t 1
lng with the name ptissionnle a: 1 : i- ur
8pdniurls at 11 eiM-kllKhl or KnllKlinien
at a contest between two champion
bulldog. In Kruncc the cliililrci
amuse theniKclvea by sticking Into the
hole of a cricket a straw, which the tr
rltnblo little Insect will seine 11111I clin'
to until it is drawn out of its hole 11 ml
captured. This hus given ribt; to the
French saying, "As silly us 11 cricket."
One of the locusts nf Oernniny Is
called the "ivurt tiller" been use it is a
common practice of the peasants to
catch this insect and rnusu it to bite
The mantis nlso belongs to the same
order of Insects us those Just described,
but lives only in warm countries. It
has a very long and slim pmtlmrnx.
and when watching for prey this part
of the body Is raised nearly erect, and
the. front part of the legs with which it
Seizes its prey nro held together as
though engaged in prayer. This has
brought it the common name of the
"praying Insect." It Is worshiped Iu
some parts of Africa, and tlio ls?st
known meclos is railed the rcligiosa.
The 'walking stick" nlso belongs to
this group of Insects. It often esiaiies
from Its enemies and from sight, by Its
close resemblance to a twig. It looks
so much like a stick that we neldom no
tice it unless It is In motion. There are
many of these odd Insects In nearly nil
porta of this country, hut they roach
their maximum size only In the warm
er regions of tho world, where they are
Sometimes a foot In length. We seldom
see otic more than four Inches long.
Although the apecies of the rat hop.
tera are not very numerous. It is a very
Interesting order to study, and ijny out)
who will devote a few of his spar
hours to It will be well repaid.
fCopyrlKht. 1902, by Lewis D. Bimpian l :
Notice of Final ttctUcmciit.
Notice is hereby given that J. W tjbutu.
.-idniinistrtitor-de-bonik-non of tlie estate
of Martin .Munnuig, dueeiued, has as such
adiiiiuistratoriebonis-non (iluil his linal
account and report in the Comity Court ol
the Htate of Oregon, for V ashingt n
County, and that Monday, the I ;th day of
Apni, A. D. I'.IOI. at the hour of In o'clork
in the forenoon of said day, atthel ourt
room of said County Court in ilillnlx.ro.
Wusliiimlon County. Oregon, has been
duly nppointcd and Hied by the Judge of I
said Court, re the time and plaee lor the
lieurnifc ol oDitouons vu nun uimi m couiti ,
and report, and to the final se: tlenient of
said etttute. '
Dntod ut HllUboro, Wa."hinirton County,
Oreiruii. thu imti aaTOi Man n.
A. l.
, t!w;.
J. W. 8HUTK,
Admiistrator-de-bonis-non of the es
tate of Martin Manning, deceased.
E. ii. Tongue, Attorney l-r Anininislr.v
tor. W7
ariUe llwir4YiiHJwjB
. a? r
S Little Creatures C
) About Our
( )
Continued from J-'ifitt i'liy.
- (
hi I ft
Take luaxauve uromo quinine Tablet.
Seven MHIioa ksme totd bi past 13 month. This SiKnatnre.
and more carpet is what we are going to have to show otir
customers this spring, and a number of patterns have al
ready arrived. We now have in stock
Jin elegant Cine of matting
Tf m Want
and cannot come personally to purchase it, write to us and
we will immediately inform you what we can do for yon,
and will guarautee every article sold as represented.
? w n nnflFTisnfl
, ... -pi
Who Fills Your Prescription?
If we fill your prescription or re
cipe it is filled with the lest quality
of drugs and full-weight without
over charge fot honest service.
We pay no one to send you to us
and therefore, it PAYS YOU to
bring your prescription here. A
goodly numlier of people are al
ready aware of this and a trial will
convince you.
Bailey's Pharmacy.
Any honest, Intelligent tlioggist or physician will tel von that min-otic poisons
such as opium, henbane, deadly nightshade or coraino and'mercnrv are nn.l have
heen since the Dark A. es used in all File. Meilicines. ami that" such meilii-atiiiii
really iK-rpetnates Pile. Verus Pile cure is not a relic of the I.irk Arcs, hence
contains 110 narcotu or meicurv, 6000 Keward if a trace of any nam.lie. or mer
cury ran Im fond.l 111 Verns. All others contain narcoth or mercury. Iicny it, if
you ilar inossbacks. tftt) Reward if Venn fails to cure any case of Piles. Worst
uiic 01 terns, liver
rMi.i in nuiMioro ny tne 1 wenlieth
The Hillsboro Pharmacy,
St. Charles Hotel 1
taoosrosATiD )'
Front and Morris Streets Portland Oregon.
Eloctria Lights, Kleotrio Kelts and Hydraulic Klnvat.ir. '
l.-.O liooms at 25 to 60c, Suites, 7S, to 91, (Jmnl liestaiirant In
Give us a call, ,
W'e olfer One Hundred Dollars Keward
fur any caie of catarrh that cannot be cur
o I hy Hall's Catarrh t'nre.
V, J. CHKNKY A- tlo., I'rops., Toledo, O.
We, the undeniiKned, hive known V. i.
Clieney for the lint lb years, and believe
hi. n pern-oily honorubfe in all basinesa
transaetions. and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their lirni.
West & Truaz, Wholesale Uruggists. To
lflo, O.. Walding, Kinnan A llarvm,
WliolesaleDruggisU, Toledo, O
Hull's t iitarrli Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous Hiirfiiees of the system. Testimon
ials sent free. V rice 7.1c per bottle. Hold
hy il l drugixti,
1 bill's Family Tills are the best.
Trensnrer's Notice.
All county warrants of Washington
County, Htate of Oregon, endorsed "not
rifli'l for Want nfftinilM" tirlnr tn Jnna-w
'1st , 1110:1, will be due and navable on and
auer ua'cii isl, iwi, interest will c
at that date. W. M. JACK8DS
tt County Treaaurer,
Adniiuistrator't Notice.
Ihe undersigned has been, by the
County Court of Washington County,
Oregon, duly appointed administrator of
the Kstute of M, A, Danki, deceasol. All
persons having claims tsainst sa d estate
are requested to present tUelil to me with
eroer vouchers at the law ofliosofH. U.
Huston in llillaloro. (ireeon. within sii
;""ntns irom tDisaaU, Mils ten. 4ln, l!Ml.
!-. - . " .
l,lt",S IT
gon Yellow Danvcr Onion
Seed for iak' by Joseph riach
niann, Stone, Oregon.
To Cure a Cold in One
Any Kind of Kurnatiiic
Any Kind of Matting
Any Kind of Wall iaj r
lu.oou perimineiit inn's in I
live years :
lleiitnry Store:
Acker's lypcphi Tablets are soU
on a positive guarantee. Cures henrt-tiiirn
raising ol the fooil. distress after eating m
any form ot dyspepsia. um, jjitic talih
Wi,."i'Jl"?,i,,,e rtl" f- -'cis, nml tsjels
I ha Delta Drug Htore.
rortland Markets.
Wheat-Walla Walla, 7(V ; bln.-Kten,,
SOc: valley, 7fi, ( 7ii.
Flour lst grailrs, f.l :i-H,r. (Ji ,.r
barrel ; graham, :i L'Oi.r .1 no, 1
iais o.i white, fl irr,il 171
$1 12'., .t 1 15 ier eent.il.
i.aney teed, iVl )Hr ton ; f.
brewing, rolled, I Ml per ton.
..?!il.'..tUff.,,!n'n' ls'"l!; mi'ldliiigs.
2.tri,21; shorts. H'.. 20; . hop, $ls
Hay-Timothy, 12; clover," i-
clover, '.; wheat, f.H.s.hi r Ion.
But'er Fancy creamery. 27.1f..:!Oc
dairy, 20(.r22c ; store, V- , ,s ier ,K)un,i
Kggs Iresh 2.r)M;i(lc.
o , ir uozen ; g.i-se, (iciii.oO turkevs
live.l.Ic; dressed. l.rc;
Mutton UiuIsj, fr VTOHV. )liewej
drewl, , Jc per fsmnd.
Hogs ( irons, heavy, fi;ta(i.".v Iu-! t
$4.75 (5; dresse.1, 7(7'!c ir pound
eal-Sniall, iJw.Sic; large, 7m7'..-
per ponnd. -B!f
Oross top feer. t.OOr,,4.7r,-
cows and heifers. .i.(Kli.i3 7o- ,1-.....!
beef, at 7Jc pcrpotinil.
Hops 25iM2'i Jc per pound.
Wool Vallevl2.tr., l-J-t ... ..
oat 144; mohair. 20 ut -.'s,. . i
l'otaloee ..-() ot .i) p,.,. k
Onions 1 50 est. Shippers pri.
Sotice of Final Settlemeut.
Notice Is hsreby give,, that I, the un
demtgned adiiiinisjrator of the estate of
- Z1""'. have tiled in
the County Court of the stat of Or. g'",
for Washington (,ty. ,y ,,! a.c.ui
as adiuinistraUv of said dale and that
aid Court has se. Monday. April ,.H,
l.MI,atthchourof In o'elo, k a. m. of said
dayas the time, and the County Court
room in Hillsboro, Oregon, as the plaei.
for hearing ob) tion to said accimt and
the tinal settlement of mt'ui estite
Dated March Mh. 10.;.
.... KI.IArt. h l IlITCHKi:.
Adminutraf .r of the estate or Clark
Vt hitcher, deceased. 4,,
Currs Crla
la Two Days.
on every
dox. zzc.
Cheese r nil cream twies. liilr,! i7.
Young American, 17jc lic per i-ouml!
1 oultry t hickens, mixed, i:;r. ,-,.
hens, I4l 60 ; dressed, jOc per .und
npnngs, $.t.00r3.o0 i,er .h..n . i, '