F-mcy uii't tuple grn.o'ifd J. A. Kriiiitt. Mr. suil Mrs. I'. O. ISrowu of Cor-lM-liliH, visited lit Hiltahoru last Ms AHv Tuwiirttnd, Grand Mstrori, liml Tund iy evening lilllcUl ly vW!n Tualitin ('hapti-r, ordr of I'.HHtt rn Htar A. 1 mid A. M. St-rvktM at the Jlnjiliht church Huiiitay, March lit, l.Hli. lice. J F. lsy, iswttnr. 8ijoday school 10 a. in. l'f-cl)inif II a. in. Mi)l at 7:30 1 1. in. Mr. K. F. IJiiinl rei-rewriting th liurlingtuii railroad was In town on Tuesday, lie Htati-d that fully 400 iiiiinijjrunlrt per ilny are stepping off tlio turn l Portland. Koine of thee .top t HilUlioro though not aU. Married: At t!i residence of Mr". M. A. Istne in Jlillmmro, Feb ruary 2.'.th, 1903, Kv. J. F. Day, FiiHlor i,f t ho Hiplirtt clmrch ollieiat- iiitr, Mirts IThUIo H. I.inr and Mr Caleb A. Miliir doth of HillHhoro. Mr. Wiltartl Tu"r, hrothrr of our WilliiiinTuppcr, itfu-r an alutpnc1 of ifti t yearn p'iit in Iowa, has re-tumid with liix family. Oregon Is aHiu l" their liixno. .IIh will work uitli Ida. brother on the Ltiee firm near town. Nttite orj'.wiiior J.N. Casto on M"n day evening l:int iiiatiliited at UankM, tlii-i county, Ii'wii A tliarko tirangt No 32(1. 1' of II witli a mimlMtrhip of SI. Tikto urn niV tn grandpa in the county with pnnp 'cls c" several moru in tho i.eur future. 11 hIiiiiiiiiI A Hiingtori will open the livery HtaWn at th. corner of Hucond antl Washington atreeM next week. Ninee. engaging in tlin train fer hininM, tho firm riiuN Itsi'lf crowded in t tin old (:!irtrHf Vhcro. for limy open thn atatilo on Sworel street. Mr.' W, L. DavW on Vedneailay afternoon etirteil to Kanxaa City, Mo., to buy n lilack jiereliprou horse. Mr. Pavia ha Hold 'Oregon" used in the Htud hint year and now poos to get thn liest aniiiinl ever brought to thn atitte. ' Only mieii an on will auit him. Andrew Olson Ht'tl 75 years died oil Sunday morning last at Verboort and WH!i burled on Tuesday. The old man hud been fur sometime in Htrdlghtcmiil circuin.-Haucea and had received aid from thn county for Huvcrnl months, amounting to five dollar per monh. Tho Minister Union wilt meet in till) Huptid churcii, Monday, at 10:30 a. in. K"V. Aila ma will preach from Hit) aulject, "Llf at Fourscore VcaM." It is) the purpose of tho Union to muko thin ewpeclH'ly an old eople service. While wo invite all, wo urge the old people, of the town to emno. Mr. Kreinia has installed an auto matic coal-oil tank of 120 gallon capacity, manufactured by tho Auto Oil Can Co., of Mead villc, lVnu.yl vania. Thn Tank id airtight and of com -to keeps all tho oil vapor, the lima of which injured the oil. l!y a aiiuplo lever the operator measure the quantity of oil to be drawn. He then acta the carrying can under thn aiHiut, turns thn plug and there it Is. Aaacsaor Wilcox will, by Ids deputies commence on Monday next, listing property lor, tho 1003 astteatt iiicnt. The fleld employros are Lv V. Walker who work in the goulli wi'Mt part of tho county; Herman Hendricks, north went; Irwin Kilter, northeast; . I!. Tigard, aoulbeaal and M. I). Catly, T 1 H It I W whh ti Inclii.leH Ileaverton. Mr. Wilcox will himself list II illation) property. II rover, mm of Mr. W, I, fate, who livia on the McKUlowney farm east of town la down witli nn attack of m-arlet fever and cryaiiH'las at O. A. V,, C'orvallia. Mr. Cato went to Cor vail 14 on Monday to ho with ills sou diirii.g Ida il'.ncs. Ho expected to call the family physician from Hillslxiro if ho found drover in a critical condition, and M ce the call ha not la en made it is taken ns a gtHMl omen. The honii Hekera ratea arn now in IT'ct tadwoen I'orlland and the nlatt east of the H'M'kica. Tho rato from Chicago to Portland U 3.1.00 f-'t. Iuin, f:!0. 00 and from all Missouri Uler points fS.VOtl. Holding to iu lilieml policy tt last year, the South wit Pacillo Oimpany lakea tlu pasaengpin without further expen. to Ashland allowing them to atop nt any atation along lha road, and again lesume thn tour when the viaitat the atopping station has Ihsmi completed. IMoil, at her hoine near Farming Ion, this county, Fcbinary 17. lOtt.'i, after an illncn of a month. Mrs. Catherine J. Withycombe, agiil ft 2 yrara. The'ilciiasnl waa larn Iec. 24th, ISiil, at St. Clcr, V rowall, Fnglaotl. 61ie was tho -trrnd daughter of Hcniutl li. Hcuder. July C, 1870, hv niarriml Thomas Vnhjc(mia,1 with whom she came to thl iKiintry, and w licre he lia aince riadi d ith the exception ol a abort vi.-it to her Halite home. Six children wero born h them; three wins and tlirre daiiKhlcra, of whom Qveatill survive her, and with her budhaud Uet'ply nioiiru their to. - ' Miv Klna, eldent dauxhter of lMtl J in trie was quite at-rioti-sly Injured la.-t Friday aftrnoou by a runaway addin-horae. Miss Imbrie fwunta )uuog Imrsi iu the atable had fallen in iU atali and was fast so thvt it could not gut up. She saddleO one f tho older borat, using a com mon range rt:Hle, intending to ride to n iirigh'.o('s f t help. A-t she put her fixit in tho c tirrup and rained to gt t her tuiat, tho horse ohled. For aupMirt kha threw her arms about the animal's neck, but the brute contiuutxJ its plunging ao that her hold was broken, but her foot was yet In thn Htirrup, She was dragged aomn distance and kicked aeveral times.. IVleaao came when the stir rup broke. . Lira. Uailey aud Link Ut r were culled. They found several abrasions and many hrui, but no fractured bones. Thn patient is renting quit ' cany, and will recover, though bIih may 1m an invalid for several weeks. At a Hjiecial mee ting of thn eity council held on Tuesday evening last, ordinance were ordered drnwu providing for plai.king h roadway sixKs'ii iia t wldo for nine blocks on First strict, from Mr. Allisons to the Itaptist church, p.nd eight tthx-ks on Main i-treet from ,Mr. Blow's to First street, 21 blia ks in all. It is estimated that this work Will require lilHMoOlO thousand fto t of lumla r, to coat say 7.00 per thousand rr l,2((0 in all. Over aixty kegs spikes will be required, costing 13.00 per keg, or nearly or quite 200. Thn labor of grading and. laying will amount to 3(I00, thus making new roadway that is now needed coat 7,400, a sum that would use up all tho money that the 10 mill tux could put in tho general fund for almost four years. Figuring thus it is seen that it is fortunate that thn charter amondment did not pass last week- There will tm a District Endeavor Convention at Forest drove, Oregon, beginning Thursday evening, March 12th, and ending Friday evening, March 13th. Delegates from fifty Christian Endeavor Societies in Washington, Polk and Yamhill Ciunties are expected. Mr. J. A. K ick wood, the State President and other oUlcers of the State Endeavor Union will be present and thn prin cipal address of the Convention will ba given by Hov,. Clarence E. Ebennan, Field Secretary of the United Society, Mr. F.berman Is a minister of ' tho Moravian Church and for years was President of the Pennsylvania . Endeavor Union, giving that stale the most efficient administration it ever had, lie is a splendid platform iqieaker and this district is very fortunate in securing hlin for one of the speakers. At tne bite session of the legisla- lure a fairly well studied bill was passed having for its object protection of furenU thut might be injured by lire The governor vetoed the bill. It is now suggested to propose another bill of the name nature by the initiative. A better plan would be to take up the old bill by tho referen dum, that is, if it is eatlbfactory, since a new law proposed by the people requires 8 er rent of thn votes cat for supreme judge in 1902 for petitioners, while the referendum requires but 6 per cent. Tiie votes cast at tlm lute election for judge. were 87,710. Five per cent of these are 4,885, while 8 per cent are 7,017. The governor's veto counts for naught in such proceedings. Mr. O.i U.Wilkes, superintendent of tho light aud water plant, was luite badly hurt last Monday evening. He bad started thn engine but found it mvHHsi.ry to slop. Hffore the big fly wheel had come to a standstill, Mr. wilkes thrust his arm under the piston rod, which, as It slowly came down caught his arm. The momentum of thtf wheel was mi 111" irtit to carry it forward thus lowering tho piston rod 'till it pinched hard. Mr. O. it. dates happened in nt the moment and stooisd tho wheel which ho turned back and releused Mr. Wilki'S. No bono was broken or muscle laccmlod, an that the victim- will in a few days l out. Mr. A. li irriu'tiin ami family late f Benedict, Nebraskn, arrived in Oregon this week and have taken los.s ssiou of their farm ol four inindred acres heretofore known as the Chalmers prosrty. Mr. Harr InutonN s'nek .and furniture is"m a ireight car d'ie to arrive in a few lays. When this is installed our new neighbors will be at home, and wUI t'ikn up thi work that comes to tlu in. Mi. E. F. Kugglif", of Chicago, is HjK'iulins; a few days in Hillslxiro, being th gncst of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kdee. . . Mr. Uugghs is in (Vllfornia for n month, but wilt conn tnOrciron from there, and will fpendsome time hero. IV 'fore her husband comes to this state, Mr. Ruggles ill visit her d.mghtcr, Mrs tVenlt, in Seattle. A f. sit pad at Cregon City last Sat urday rotihed a 12 year old child of oi). The little one had Un sent to A store to piy a bill. She carried n t2t ix, a tt0.no and a t'i.00 tiol In 4 'kerchief. No clue to tho theil ia iu the poKseaaioii (if the oflioira. Dried and evaporated fruit J. A. K n-ni la. Burn in Hillsboro Feb, iiih, to Kev. A. F. Zimmerman and wife, aoo. Mr. Thomas Conucl one of our most prosperous farmer, on Wed nesday last wcdwl Mis Alice, eldeat daughter of Dr. H. Sand ford of dlencoe. Mr, John ISeauchamp was in the city over Sunday, bidding adieu to hia many friends. lie left, Monday, for Starbutk, Wash., where be will enter the O. H. A N. roundhouse and shops. Miss Claclna Pyleand Miss Mamie Snyder came out from their home in Portland, Saturday night. Miss Pyle will visit her parents iu this city for a couple of weeks. Miss Snyder returned to Portland Monday night -The Ril vat Ion Army, which has been holding forth in this city for the pat-t two weeks in the Evangeli cal church, report having taken in something over twenty converts. Tho meetings will probably last a week longer, Senator Wehrung rame home last Saturday from Salem a sick man. lie Is yet confined to hi 'room and has had to call in a physician. . The attack is not thought t ho serious, and his friends hope to aee him on the streets in a few days. Mr. Henry D Mighty, who has la'en attending the Oregon Agrieui tural College at Corvallis, arrived home last Thursday. Henry was obliged to abandon his studies, on account of his eyes failing him. However, ho exacts to resume his course next fall.' Tho building occupied by II. P. Cornelius has lately been undergoing some repairs, preparatory to Itelng occupied an a real estate olllce by Mr. Cornelius ond E., J. Lyons. It has been raised and a new foundation put beneath It, and will later bn pe titioned oh inside. Part of the building will bo reserved for imple ments. M. S. Dai hey did the work. Governor Chamls-rlain has ap pointed the Hoard of InsH3Ctors ol Child Labor in tho Statn of Oregon, under the recent act of tho legisla ture, the following being named: Dr. Stephen S.Wise, II. O. Kuudrel, Mrs. Millie It. Trumbull of Portlandf Mrs. Unlle M. Wright, of Union; Mrs. A. Evans, of Oswego. Tiie la dies of Salem who lobbied the bill through received no recognition. The masque ball given in the opera house by Mr. Qus Wehrung last Saturday night was quite a succe-s in every way, excepting the number of masquers. On account of the scarcity of masquerader, the prizes were awarded early in the evening, but there were several couples who came in just after the prises were awarded and were too lato to com pete for them. Walker's Orchestra, of Forest Grove, furnished the music. Duriug a dance at Beaverton last Saturday night, Mr. Btitt, who was Uuor manager, came very near losing art eye. A Mr, Huston, who aoems to have a reputation of breaking up dances, bad a few words witb the floor manager, and was ordered out side. Later, Mr. Stitt went outside to smoke a cigar, and was attacked by Huston, who struck Stitt over the eye with a rock, wounding him quite badly. Mr. Stitt came to Hillsboro, Sunday,' and swore .out warrant for the arrest of Huston, who was tried In the Justice court Monday afternoqn, and fined $40 and costs. , An amendment to the Australian ballot law was enacted by thn legis lature. The change provided that thn parties might print their tickets in separate columns. An elector de siring to support the entire ticket might volo it by marking in a circle at thn head of the ticket, but if be desired to vote for candidates on two or more tickets there were squares opposite the candidate's name where he might mark. Governor Cham berlain hits vet''' I Ibis bill. He states as ohe reason for the veto, that there is no demand for a change anil that the peopln understand the pres ent law. Being nearer the people than the Governor ssems to lie, the I xdei'ENDKST knows that bis excel lency is mistaken. ' The students and general public of Forest Grovo were given a rare mu sical treat in Marsh Hall, Wednesday evening, by Miss Maude Shannon, soprano; Mrs. Ltnccflnld, piano, and Professor V. T. Fletcher, Imrilone. 1 0 very number was highly appreci ated, a was evidenced by thn hearty spplau.sn. The debt lor theevening's entertainment is duo primarily lo Mrs. lUley, of Portland, vocal in structor In tho college, of innsic. The musicians wer gieeted by an espec ially large and appreciative audience. "So Huns My Dn-ams," by Mr. Fletcher, "The Nitingslo's Song" and "larlin," by Mis Shannon; "Canxone Amorous," by Mrs. Lance IMd, and Oh, That We Two Were Maying," by Mrs. Raley and Mr. Fletcher deserve special mention. 1 Messrs. Spoeht A ;Miitrrt, bakers. were asked u few days ago by Mr. U (i. Patterson, Dte of Portlaud, to set a price on their business. Ho lULtanlly they did m Mr. P.tlri too paid the prtc and we have a new proprietor for au established business. Mr. Patterson held the place of head charger in the North West bakery l.i Portlaud, a station of great responsibility and one thtt cannot be filled by any but the best workmen. All the skill and devo tion to business required u an em ployee was brought here when be became proprietor. The bread, cake and pastry offered to the trade In Hillsboro is in nowise Inferior to that we are accustomed lo set on our tables. Mr. Patterson Is receiving a cordial welcome. He bas employed Mlrs Mabel Morelaud for the front shop. . Mr. Willis Anderson, the progrets ive young farmer who lives just east of town was a pleasant ealler, yester day. Mr. Anderson's bobby Is beef stock and he has a goodly number on his farnr.; he also raises enough grain and hay for bis own use and while bay and grain bring a good pi ice be prefers Que stock. Willis Intends Increasing his herd so as to help meet the demands of the market that is bound to Increase In the next lew years. County Treasurer Jackson has Is sued a call for all county warrants endorsed prior to January 1st. This places Washington county Just two months in arrears with its indebted ness, a flittering condition, as taxes will 13 received on the 1902 mil about the 10th of March.' About 2f00 has been received from the old delinquent mortgage tax, and this amount has helped to a considerable extent to reduce the indebtedness. John W. Shute, banker, has installed a new and larger safe in his vault which his growing business demands. The old one was safe but this is safer. The door fits so tight that air cannot tie blown in, much less powder or nitro glycerine oil. It Is protected by two time locks guardej by four watch movements. The now piece of furniture Is counted lire and burglar proof. J.N. Hofl'iusn, leading atlornoy of Forest Grove, who has been cast to attend tho funeral of his mother, Is txs ctod home thn last of this week. Fresh fruits and vegetables J. A. K rem is. Field and garden seeds J. A. Kreuiis. ' C017BT HOUSE. PKOUATK. ' . Guardianship Neilwig, Helnhold and Hilda Mattheis, minors. Ordered that said minors tile their consent for the appointment of Ettie Matthles as guardian. ' MARItlAliK LICENSE. Marriage license was issued Feb. 23d, to Samuel L. Lee, 63, and Alma Aids, 9. Feb. 24th, to Cbas. 8. Bateman, 25, and Ilosa May McKoberls, 20. Feb. 24, to Thos. Connell, 89 and Mary Alice Sandford 23. V TUE LAST DAY. The last day at Salem, February 20th, was one of feverish anxiety. Not a senator or a representative but had a favorite measure which be de sired to be considered. There, was the senator to be elected. The lob bies of tho capitol filled early; legis lation was fast and furious. The day before, It bad been decided to admit visitors within the bar, by tickets. Each momber was to receive two tickets. These he was anxious to get on Friday, and as anxious to give away. Only 'favorites got them. Even the wives and daughters were denied, since most of the mnmbers considered these privileged individu als. Tho price of the tickets was In the air. Instances were reported whore ten dollars were offered and refused. It Is believed ihat none were sold. The balloting for senator at noon was in no wise dflferent from that of any of the previous thirty days Ful ton 33, Geer 28, Wood 17, the rest scattering. Only one ballot wa taken. The joint convention ad journed until 8 o'clock p. m ; from that hour until 12, midnight, nothing was to be in ordT but balloting for U. S. senator or adjournment. There were four hours of monotonous ballot ing, for it was believed Ihat no elec tion could ha had till the tlms fixed for final adjournment hail come. In the afternoon, both house worked on general legislation till about five o'clock a hen a rece s was taken for supper. At that hour the annts outside the bar of the llous were already occupied by opln willing to ail seven hours 'till the fireworks were touched off. Himn who feared hunger carried lunches. When tho members returned, at seven oclork. every entrance to the hall of repre sentative was Jammed full of stand ing people. In was Impossible for members to enter by the usual doors. They went to the first floor through a committee mom ami up ny a private way. This narrow suir was v - nearly 1 half a eenturv V .- guarded by two atroug men. Ticket holders oised this entrance. Some smart ones thought to use the' tlcaet and then drop It by the window route to friends on the outside, not so; the guard took up the passport and lore It in two, so Ihat If the bolder went out tbero was no possibility for a return. - What the supporters of other candidates did Is not known; but Senator Fulton's falthtul 33 met at seven oclock for the last time. Fulton told his supporters that he met thorn for the last time and he desired to thank them for the loyal support they had given, lie thought such support would win if maintained to the last ballot, but that he left it to their judgement to determine how long that support should be continued. He then retired from the rtom. No one spoke of changing candidates; only arrangements were made for voting tho 33 as a unit, for the evening. An executive committee of six had been before appointed, three senatots and three representatives. Thisrom mitlce was to hold a continuous sea siorl on the floor of the house.,. One good loud voic"d reprisjiitaiive was appointed to make all motions. No motion made by any one else was to be supported. Two messengers for the West side of the hall and two for the Eist side were appointed to carry all official Information. Word car ried by any one else was to be disre gaided as unofficial. These messen gers and the executive committee freely mingled as did other members so Ihat it was not known to the un initiated what was going on. There was one motion made to take a re cess. The motion was not made by the right man, so the 33, with what aid naturally came from others, had their way. It took l.i. minute for a roll call and its announcement. The reading clerk of the senate, a most capable man, called the roll with a deliberation and regularity ol the swing of a peueulum, and the president just as monotonously read the result of the ballot, ending with so there is no election. Thn clerk will call tho roll for another ballot for Uuitcd States senator." Then Mr. Motter commenced calling the names again. Thus the work went on, Fulton 33 Geer 28, Wood 17. Along in the evening Geer gained a vote; Geer 29 Wood 17, Fulton 33. Fultcii sup porters early in the session had isoen the shadow of the dark horse on the rear walls of thestable. It reseinLled Scott and they called it Scott. It was rumored the dark racer was to be paraded at 11 oclock p.m. Our messengers whispered lo us that when Scott was entered as a candid ate, Fulton would receive two votes. The news was received without remark and no one around knew that pleasant words had beeu spoken. Just before II p. m. the vole stood Geer 80, Wood 17, Fulton 33, scatter ing 9, absent I. Geer was gaining. His stock was becoming valuable. Would be contiuue to gain? Just then McGinn, Piper of the Orego nlan, Hodson and Smith were seen in earnest consultation. Ah! now McGin is to set off the fireworks, but it was appointed for Senator Smith to light the match. He stepped to the main aisle, and in a speech of 20 minutes put Editor II. W. Sjott up as a candidate. Twentyeight votes were polled for him and nine for Geer. At the next ballot Fulton got his two Geer votes. Then there was enthusiasm. On the . next twllot Nottingham, Banks and Flfher changed. The band wagon was in motion and thero was s rush to get In. The old vehicle was driven furi ously and not all got lo rid who made a jump for the steis. When enough to make 4u had been checked up President Browned commenced read ing (he result. Senators and repre sentatives were clammorlng for rec ognition. No one heard them. No one heard the president but they knew there was an election and that it was C. W. Fulton. Card of thanks. -We wish to thank our friends for the many kindnesses tendered in our sad herevement. Titos. Withycombe and Family, P9179ER Absolutely Pure THERE 15 NO SUBSTITUTE i r or ( Jferr y & ) Seeds , to brft gnmirtt fame Intti i kml tl oil,rr IhT. oi.l I. 1 f U'WifT. tool M AtiiuaUT 1 J I i"W WMlM.4ftlull&i.tajriujU. e I I I k Bb M. rr.HUT . t. 3 THE OLD RELIABLE MR AT PoylslacSM Slope I Jat: Woolen Underwear . Cotton Fleece Lined 5z Woolen Hose Circular Shawls Flannel Shirts All going at prices that defy any place g on'eartlt. ' - CALL AT i Hoyts' Racket Store fauiuuiuuuuuuuuuuunul! NIIEItlFF HALF- BY VIKTITK OK AN KXKOU HON, Decree inifl Order of Hale, ixsuril nut of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, in favor of Klla lluaton ami ngaiiiHt II. It. llollcnbovk fur t he um c f f.ti coHt", nail lor the further sum of of $IU0 IT. 8. gold coin, with intercut thereon at tiie rule of 10 cr cent per annum from tiie Hb ilny of Auguat l&xi unit ad with intercut thereon at to' per cent per annum from Nor. 'J4, r.102 ana for ttie cont end expeim of nule and of raid writ. Now, theretme, by virtue and ill perau unceof uid judgment, decree and ordurot aid in'e, I Wilt, on Monday the Zd d:iy of Marcli 1'IOH. ut the ouhdoor ot the Court Houte in llilUboro, WnnuiiiKto County, OrnKon, at the hour ot It) o'clock a. in . , of suid day, fell at public auction to the high est bidder for chbIi, tliw following deacritied real properly, to wit: the eunt i ol the Houth wottt V ot section 22 T 3 N K 4 W o. Will. Mer. all in WuliinRton County. Oregon, to utitify the hereinbefore named time, aud f"r the eoxte and expeuiee of aid (ale. 8aid property will be eold subject to re demption wt per etutute of Oregon. Witness niy hand this Wth day Juuu uary, l'Ju.'). J. W.BEWKI.U (Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon 8. H. Ui'hton, attorney for pluintilT. 41 Treaaurer'a Notice. All county wa'rauU of Woshiiiittoii County, htate of Oregon, endorsed 'not puid for want of funds 1 prior to Jununry (at, l!!, will be due and payable on and after Mu ch tut, 1'JU.I. Interest will cease at that date. W. M. JACKSON, 44 County Xreaiiurer. HOW'S TUIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cuor cuturrh tnut cannot lw cur ci liy Hull's l atairli Cure. V, i. CltKSKY it Co.. l'ropa., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, h ive known V. i. Oheney for the lat 15 yeira, and believe hi.n perfectly honorable in all busiuesft trunaactious, and linuncially able to carry out any obligations made by llieir linn. West to. 'f ruu. Wholesale DrU).'gh-ta. To ledo, O., Walding, Rinnan A Marvin, Wholeaule DruggiHU. Toledo, O Hull's Cutarrli Cure is taken interuully, acting directly anon the blood and inu coin aurfacee of the system. Testimon ials pent free, l'rico 760 per bottle. Hold by a I druggists, . Hull's Family fills are the bent, Notice of (nardian Male Ileal l'roperty. r NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT ' whereas, an order was made and en tered on tbe IMth day of January, l'.m't, in the county court of the 8late of Oregon, for Marion County, in the matter of the guardianship of LaKonda Molt fierce, a minor, authorizing and directing tbe un denitgned to sell at public auction, for cash in hand, all tbe right, title and interest of the aloresaid minor, in and to the following described real properly, situated in the County of Washington, State of Oregon, and desciibeal as follows to-wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of the Horace and Marilda l'ursons Donation Land Claim No. 40 T 1 B K 4 W of W ill. Mer. and running thence north 10!" west on east boundary of siid claim 21. tw chains to thi southeast corner or a tract of hind conveyed by the est ol J. O. fierce, deed , to Jacob Wismer by deed recorded in Vol. ." of deeds page it'M; thence west ZT 07 chains; thence sonth 14.4' chains; thence west 4i.l4 chains more or lesi to the wet tionndary of said D. 1.. C; thence south 1" I V east on said claim line to tiie s w cor ner of said O. I.. C; thence south fti" east S4 chains to angular corneron south Iku ra dar of said claim ; thence north Mijf" east 47Vhttins, to place of beginning, necond tract. Beginning on the poutli line of section II 1' 1 8 It 4 W i!lchairrs eait o' the southweit corner of said section 1 1 : thence in a line dlrectlv toward the south-1 eait corner of the W. H. Carpenter l. I.. I '. l.ttichains more or less to a point due west of tbe aouthwewt corner of a tract or land conveyed by theestat of J. O. fierce deed to Jacob Wismer by deed recorded in Hook "Y" of deeds pa2 rl Record of Deeds for Washington Connty. Oc'gon; thenr to ths west line of said farwins 1). I, v.; thence south 1" I.V cant on said went line to the southwest corner of said cliim; thence west 4 chains lo the place ff bCL'iiining. Now therefore, pursuant to saur order. I will, on Saturday the Mth day ol February, I'.si'. at lbs south door of the court houw in HilltKro. WashingUm I otmty, Orcm st the hour of ten o'clock in the lorcnoou of said day, sell for c.i.h In hand lo the highest bidder, all of H e right title and Merest or the siid I-alfomta Mott I'u-.c". in and to all the real proerty above des- Clltitf I. ;lld sale ill te Diada and said property he sold subiect toeonnrmation, by the aid county court of the Stale of Oregon r Marion connt. s ilrx-ss my hand and sejl hereto set thisWth day of Jsnnarv. I'W. MATflK A. ARXOI.Ji, Oil rdian of the person and estate ol l.a- Romla Mott fierce, a minor. E. II. tongue Altornt y for Guardian 41 SNAPS 3 Notice of Scttlemeut of Filial Accsaat. Notice ia hereby given that the under signed administrator of the estate of 1 1 forge U Aleiiimler. deceused has, as such ad ministrator, tiled his tinal account and ra il 1 1 in the county court ol the State of Oregon, for Washington Countv. and that Mon. lay the HOlli day of March, "A. 1. l'Jtta, at the hour of 10 oc lock in the fureooon of suid day, at the court room of said county court ut Hillsboro, in said county of Washington, Stute of Oregon, hue been duly aiipoiuted and tixed by the Judge of said court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final account and report, and the sett emeut thereof. Dated February 18th 19U3. - li. t. Eatou, Administrator of the estate ot George O. Alexander, deceused. 40-43 AdiiilulNtrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given thut the under signed was on tho 6th day of F'ebruary. I'.iu.', by the County Court of the Stat a of Oregon, for Washington County, appoint el udministrutorof the estate of Thos, 11. Tongue, deceased. All persona having claims against said estate are requested to present the same, with proper vouchers, at the l .w ollice of the undersigned in -HilUboro, Washington County, Oregon, within six months from the dute thereof Dutedat Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, this lath day ot February, A. D. 11W3. - K. B. TONUUE, Adinintntrator of theestuteof Thos. H. Tonguo, deceased. miulstratrlx Koliee. Notice Is hereby )! K1V ive n that tho ander- aii!iied was on the litth duv of F'ehrnary. I'.oj.i, iiy the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, appoint ed udinmiHtratnx of theestuteof (iliurle W. Sin ith, deceased. Alt persons having claims against suid estuta are hereby re- inestcil and notiiied to present the same with proper vouchers, to me at the law of lice ol E. 11. Tongue iu Hillsboro, Oregon, within six months from the date hereot. I luted at Hillsboro. Washington County. Oregon, this l.lth day of February, A. i. rsj.. JOSIB W. SMITH, Administratrix of the estate of Charles W. Smith, deceased, I. 11 Tonguo, Attorney for Administratrix. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given thut the under signed has been bv the county court ol tho Stale of Oregon, lor Washington County, duly nnpoiuted administratrix of thn estate of Charles W. Smith, deceased, and thut sue has duly iiuulilied and entered 111101 the discharge of her duties as such administratrix. . All persons therefore having claims aguint the said estate are. hereby required to present the same to the undersigned administratrix at the law ollice ol K. Ii. Tongue, in Hillsboro, Ore gon, together with proper vouchers, with in six months Ironi this date. Dated at HilUboro, Oregon, Fetuuary liHh l'03. Josie W. Smith, Administratrix of tbe estate of Charlei W. Smith, deceased. 4 15 E. It. Tongue, Attorney for administrix. PRICK NOW ONE DOLLAR There lias never lwi a remedy r lint actually enrol pyles until thin one was discorerel by Or. 1'crrin. There is not a i;rson who suffers from this iliHtressing .liwsse who is not willing to pay 1 to have the en use removed per manently. Immediate results mil you take it, thats all. TII.LKLKV & W 111 TLA W Props. Central Meat Market, Hillsboro. All kin. Is ol fxesli snl rnre meats (or sale. (IGjiA-(9ClsMC'ce pai'l for liuti lirrs' Stuck FKK II FISTf on FrMays and Satnrdays Laxative BromH)uinine t EES mm IsjsjJLij I 0 '