Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 24, 1902, Image 4

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Cintnw:l from t'irtf I'iip.
ho wa slowly dragging both across
tbo slippery floor to where the knife
luy. -Nearer ii1 nearer bia outstretch
ed linger cauie to the knife, lu Talu
I yelled ana truggled. My volco was
lout la the awful din, and tbe barri
cade held tuo fast. Above uio, stand
lug ou a barrel head, waa Ibiptlste,
yelling like a demon. In vain I culled
(a him. My linger could Juat reach
bla foot, and be needed not at all my
touch. Slowly Iduho wai dragging Ills
oluiout unconscious victim toward the
knife. Ilia finger were touching the
blade polut when, under n audden In
aiilratlon, I pulled out my penknife,
opened it with my teeth and drove the
blade into linptiste'a foot. With a
bloodcurdling yell be sprang down and
began dancing round tu hla rage, peer
ing among the bnrrela.
"Look! - Look!" I waa railing In ago
uy and pointing. "For tienven' sake,
look, Baptiate!"
Tbe fluger had Closed upon the knife,
tbe knife waa already high in the air.
when, with a ahrlek. Baptiste cleared
Uio room at a bound, and before tbe
knife could fall the little Frenchman's
boot had caught the uplifted wrist and
sent the knife flying to the wall.
Then there waa a great rushing
souud at of wind through the forest,
and the light went out. When I
awoke, 1 found myself lying with my
bead on Graeme's knees and Baptlste
sprinkling snow on uiy face. Aa I
looked up (interne leaned over, and.
Hulling down Into my eyes, he en Id:
"tiood boy! It was a grent fight, and
we put it up well." And then he whis
pered, "I owe you my life, my boy."
His words thrilled my heart through
and through, for I loved him aa only
men can love men, but I only answer
ed: "I could not keep tbem back."
"It was well done." be said, and I
felt proud.
I confess I was thankful to be so
well out of It, for Graeme got off with
bone In bis wrist broken and I with
a couple of rlba cracked, but had it not
been for the open bnirel of whisky
which kept them occupied for a time,
offering too good a chance to be lost,
and for the timely arrival of Nelson,
neither of us bad ever seen tho light
We found Craig sound asleep upon
bis couch. Ills consternation on wak
ing to aee us torn, bruised and bloody
wus luughable, but lie hastened to And
us warm water and bandages, and we
soon felt comfortable.
ltuptlHto waa rndlnnt with pride and
delight over the Ufrht nud hovered
fllxtut fJraeino and me, giving Tent to
bis feeJIiiRs in admiring French and
English expletives. But Abe was dis
gusted because, of the failure at Fla
vin's, for when Nelson looked In he saw
Klitvln's Trench Canadian wife In
rhurge, with hrr baby on her hip, and
he camo back to Bhntv and snld, "Come
awny; we cun't touch this," and 8haw,
after looking In, agreed that nothing
could be done. A baby held tho fort.
As Craig listened In tho account of
tho fight he tried hnrd not to approve,
but he could not keep the gleam out of
bia eyes, and as I pictured Graeme
dn thing back the crowd thronging the
bnrrivude till hp waa brought down by
the chair t'rnlg laughed gently and put
bla hand on tlriientc's knee, and as I
went on to descrllie my agony while
Idaho's lingers were gradually nearlng
the knife hla fare grew pnle and bis
eyes grew wide with horror.
"Baptlste here did the business," I
said, and tho little Frenchman nodded
complacently ami said:
"Iufa me for sure."
"By the way, how la your foot?" ask
ed Graeme.
"He's fuss rate. Iat'a what yon call
one blto of of dat leel Itees. He's
dere; yon put your linger dere, he's not
dere. What you call liliuT"
'Flea."' I suggested.
"Oul!" i-rtcd Baptist. "Dat's one
bite of Ilea."
"I was thankful I was under' the
barrels," I replied, smiling.
"Oui; Kiit's mak me rcr mad. I
Jump and aw ear mos awful bad. lint's
pardon me, M'sleu Craig, hell?"-
But Craig only amlled at him rather
"It was awfully risky," tie said to
Graeme, "and It waa hardly worth it
They'll get more whisky, and anyway
the lea gun Is gone."
"Well," said Graeme, with a algh of
tntlsfaction, "it is not quite such a
one sided nfTalr as it was."
And we run Id say nothing In reply,
for we could hear Nixon snoring In the
next room, and no one had beard of
Billy, and there were others of the
league that we knew were even now
dawn at Slnvln's. It was thought best
tliat all should renin In In Sir. Crnlg'a
shack, not knowing what might hap
pen, and ao we Iny where we could,
ami we needed none to sing us to
When I awoke, stiff and sore. It was
to find breakfast ready and old man
Nelson lu charge. At we were seated
Crnlg came in. and I saw that he wa
not the man of the night before. Ills
courage had come back; hla face was
inlet and his eye clear. He was bis
own man again.
"Geordtc has been out all night, bnt
baa failed to fiud Hilly," lie announced
We did not talk much. Graeme and
I worried with onr broken bones, and
tlte others suffered from a general
morning depression. But after break
fast, as tlie men were beginning to
move, Craig toek down Ills Bible, and.
mylng, "Walt a few minntea. men,"
be read slowly: In bis beautiful, clear
voice, that psalm for a'l fighters,
"God Is our rvfti- and strength,"
a Oil ao en to the noblo words:
The Lor4 of Hunts Is with as;
Tlx Mod of Jamb Is our rsfucs."
Jlow the mighty words railed ns to-
gather, lifted ua till we grew anUuuied
of our Ignoble rage and of our Ignoble
And theu Craig prayed iu simple,
stralgutgolng word. There waa ac
knowledgment of failure, but I knew
be waa thinking chiefly of himself;
there wa gratitude, ami that waa for
tbe tnen about him. and I felt my face
burn with shame; there was a petition
for Help, and we all thought of Nixon
and Billy aud the nieu wakening from
their debauch at Sluvlu'a this pure,
bright niorulng. Theu he asked that
we might be made faithful and worthy
of God, whose battle It was. Then we
all stood up and shook hands with him
In silence, and every tuau knew" a cov
enant waa being made. But none saw
bis meeting with Nixon. He aeiit ua all
away before that
Nothing was beard of the destruction
of the hotel stock lu trade. -I'lipleusaiit
questions would certainly be asked,
aud the proprietor decided to let !ad
aloue. Ou the point of respectability
tho success of the ball waa not cou
oplcuous, but the antiieague nieu were
content if not jubilant.
Billy Breen was found by Geordle
lute iu the afternoon In his own old
and deserted aback, breathing heavily,
covered up In his filthy, molderlug bed
clothes, with a 'half empty bottle of
whisky at bis side. Geordie's grief and
rngo were beyond wen bis Scotch con
trol. He spoke few words, but these
were of such concentrated vehemence
that no ono felt the need of Abe's as
sistance In vocabulary,
Poor Billy! We carried hi in to Mr.
Mavor'a borne, put him iu a warm
bath, rolled blm In blanket and gave
hi in little lip of hot water, theu of
hot milk and coffee, aa I bad seen a
clever doctor In tho hospital treat a
similar caso of nerve and heart de
pression. - But the already weakened
system could not recover from the aw
ful shock of tbe exposure following the
debauch, and on Sunday afternoon we
saw that his heart waa falling fast.
All day rnc miners bad been dropping
In to Inquire after blm, for Billy had
been a great favorite In other days,
and tbe attention of tbe town bad been
admiringly centered upon, hi fight of
these last weeks. It was with no ordi
nary sorrow that tho news of bia con
dition waa received. A Mrs. Mavor
sang to blm bla large, coarse bandi
moved lu time to the music, but he did
not open bla eyes till he heard Mr
Craig's voice in the next room. The!
he spoke his name, and Mr. Craig wai
kneeling besldo him in a moment. Tb
WoiCo came slowly: -
"Oi ttled-to fight hit hout-but-OI
got beaten. Hit 'urta to think Vs
ashntnetl o' me. Oi'd like t'a done bet
ter 01 would."
"Ashamed of yon, Billy!" said Craig
In a volco tbat broke. "Not he."
"Aftdye hall 'elped me so!" he went
on. "Ol wish Ol d 'a, done better OI
do." And bis eyes sought Geordle and
then rested on Mrs. Mavor, who smlletf
back at him with a world of love tr
uer eyoa. "You hain't bashamcd o' ml
yote beyea saiga so," be said, look
ing at her. -.-.. f 1
"No, Billy," she said, and I wonder
ed nt her steady voice, "not a bit
Why, Billy, I am proud of you."
He cased up at her with wonder and
Ineffable love in bis little eyes, tutti
lifted hi hnnd slightly toward her.
Eho luielt quickly and took it In both
ot he.-y, stroking it aud kissing it.
"Ol naught t'a done better. Oil
bawfti! sorry Ol went back on 'lm. Hit
waa the leninnalde. Tbe boy didn't
mean ro 'arm, but hit started the '5i
Geordle burled out some bitter wordt.
"Dt'n't be 'ard on 'em, Geordle. The
didn't mean no 'arm," be said, and h'.l
eyes kept waiting till Geordle aatd hur
"No, na, lad! I ll Juist leave them till
the A lii'lchty."
Th'n Mr. Mavor sang softly, smooth
ing h'4 hand, "Just aa I Am," and Bill;'
dozett quietly for half an hour.
WU'ii he awoke again, bis eyes turn
ed te Mr. Craig, and they were trou
bled Slid anxious.
"Oi tried "ard. Ol wanted to win,"
he struggled to any.
By this time Crnlg waa master of
himself, and he answered In a clear,
distirct voice:
"Lbiten, Billy, You made a grenl
fight, and yon are going to win yet.
And, besides, do you rcinemlier the
sheep that got lost over the moun
tain)" Tills piirslile was Billy's sp
cltll delight. "He didn't beat It when
he git It. did be? He took it in bit
anna and carried It borne, and so be
will you." -
And Billy, keeping bis eyes fastened
on Mr. Crnlg, simply said:
"Stirr snld Craig.
"Will e?" he repented, turning bit
eyes upou Mrs. Mavor.
"Why. yea, Billy," she answered
cheerl',y, though the tears were stream
ing frail ber eyes. "I would, and be
loves you far more."
Ho looked at her, smiled and closed
his eyes. 1 pnt uiy band on bis heart
It waa fl ittering feebly. Again a trou
bled look passed over bia face.
"My poor udd mother!" he whis
ered. "She's b III t he wuk ns."
"I shall take cure of ber. BlUy." said
Mrs. Mavor la a clear voice, and again
Blllyt smiled. Then he turucd hi eyes
to Mr. Craig and irnm him to Geordle
and nt hist to Mrs. Mavor. where they
rested. Klie lient over and kissed lilui
twice on the forehead.
"Tell 'er." be said, with uitliciilty, "e's
took me 'onie."
"Yes. Billy!" she cried, gnzing Into
his glazing eyes.
He tried to lift ber band. She kissed
him again. He drew one deep breath
and lay quire still.
"Thank the Mossed Saviour!" said
Mr. Craig rcvenutly. "He baa taken
blm home."
But Mrs. Mavor beld the dead hand
tight and soMied out passionately:
"Oh. Billy, Billy, yon helped me once
when I needed help! I cannot forget!"!
And Geordle. gnsiuing. "Aye, laddie.
laddie!" rasscd ont Into the fading light
of the early evening.
Next day no one went to work, for to
all It seemed a sacred day. They car
ried h'm into tlte little church, and
there Mr. Craig spoke of bis 'long, bard
fight and of bis final victory, for be
died without a fear and with love to
tbo men who, not knowing, bad been
hla death. And there wa no bitter
ness lu any heart, for Mr. Craig read
the story of the sheep and told how
gently be bad taken Hilly home-, but,
I holts' h no word was spoken. It wai
tner ,u icngne was niiun- ng,... .
Thcy In Id him under Hie pine beside,
Lrwhi liavor. uuU Hi 4niuer lure
sprig of etrrcci Into the open
grave. Winn bUlin, sobbing bitterly,
brought b: nprlg, in l"l'pedt blm,
though all tliorv-lit it tmnge.
As we turned tu leue the grave the
light front 1 he etenlng uu euuie aoft
ly throiidt Hi-' gap lu the mountain
nnd. filling the valUy. louche J lue tree
and the iittlv uwuud beneath with glo
ry, uwl I thought of that othtr glory
wlnVJi Is brighter than the sun and
wua not aurry tb:.t F'W Bllly'a weary
fight was over.. and I could not help
agreeing w ith Craig that It waa there
the league had its revenue.
CIlAi'TElt X.
ILLY BllEEN'S legacy to the
Black Itock uilnlug camp waa
a new league, which waa more
twin the old league remade.
'! ho league wua new In It spirit and In
it methods. Tbe linpreaalon made up
on tho' camp by Billy Breen' death
waa very remarkable, and 1 have nev
er been quite ulile to accennt for It.
The mood of the community at the
time wai peculiarly susceptible. Billy
wa one of the oldest of the old tim
ers. Ill decline aud fall bud been a
long process, and hi struggle for life
aud manhood wus striking enough to
arrest the attention and awaken the
sympathy of the whole ramp. We In
stinctively side with a man In hi
struggle for freedom, for we feel that
freedom U native to him and to us
The sudden collapse of the struggle
stirred the men with a d.-ep pity foi
the Inuton man and a deep coutemp'
for those who bad tricked bin) to lilt
doom; but, though the pity' and tht
contempt remained, the gloom waa re
llcved aud the sense of defeat removee
from (be uieu'a luiuda by the traiut
forming glory of Billy's last hour. Mr.
Craig, reading of the tragedy of Billy'
death, transfigured defeat Into victory,
aud tiiis was gradually accepted by the
u)i"i as the trim reading, thoagli to
thorn It wa full of mystery. But tbey
could all understand and appreciate at
full value the .spirit that breathed
'through the words of tho dying man:
"lion't be "ard on 'em. They didn't
monn no 'unn." And this waa the new
spirit of the league.
It was this spirit Hint surprised Sln
vlu into sudden tears, nt the grave's
aide. Ho had come braced for curse
nnd vengeance, for nil knew It was he
Who had doctored Billy's lemonade,
and Instead of vengeance the message
from tlie dead that echoed through the
voice of the living was one of pity tnd
forgiveness. -t
But tho days of the league's nega
tive, defensive warfare were over. The
Bght waa to the duuth, and now the
war was to bo carried Into the eno
my'e country. ' Tho league" men pro
posed a thoroughly equipped nnd well
conducted coffee room, rending room
and hall ,to parallel the enemy's lines
of operation and defeat them with
their own weniKiim upon their own
ground. Tbe main outline of the
scheme were clearly defined and were
enBlly aeen, but the perfecting of the
details called for all Craig's tact aud
good souse.' When, for Instance, Ver
non Winton, who bad chnrgo of the
entertainment department, cam for
Craig's opinion ua to a minstrel troupe
and private theatricals, Craig was
prompt with hla answer:
"Anything clean goes." "
"A'ulgger ahow?" asked Winton.
"Depend upon the niggers," replied
Craig, with a gravely comic look,
shrewdly adding, "Ask Mrs. Mavor."
Abd so the League Minstrel and Dra
matic company became an established
fact and proved, a Craig afterward
toltl me, a great mean of grace to tbe
Chaw had charge of the social de
partment, whose simx-IuI care it waa to
ec that the men were made welcome
to the cozy, cheerful reading room,
wh'-re they might chat, smoke, read,
wrife or play games, according to
fancy. . . - . .
But Craig felt that the success or
failure of tho scheme would largely
deKiid upon the character of the resi
dent manager, who, while caring for
rending room nnd hall, would control
and operate the imimrtant department
represented by the coffee room.
"At this K)lnt the whole business
may como to grief," be eaid to Mrs.
Mavor, without whose counsel nothing
was done.
"Why come to grief?" she asked
"Because If we don't get the right
man that's what will happen ba
piled in a tone tbut spoke of anxious
"But we shall get the right man, nev
er fear." Her serene courage never
faltered. "Ho will come to us."
Crnlg turned and gazed at ber in
frank admiration and said:
"If I only bad your courage V '
"Courage!" she answered quickly,
"It la not for you to say that." And at
his answering look tbe red came luto
her cheek and the depths in ber eyes
glowed, and I marveled and wondered.
looking at Cralg'a cool face, whether
his blood were running evenly through
hla veins. Bnt hla voire wa quiet-
fchudc too quiet, I thought as be grave
ly replied:
"I would often be a coward but for
tlie shame of It." .
Aud so the league waited for the man
to come who was to be resident mana
ger and make the new enterprise a
success. And come he did, but the
manner of bla coming waa so extraor
dinary that I bare believed lu the doc.
trine of a special providence ever since,
for, as Craig aald, "If he had come
straight from heaven, I eon Id not have
been more surprised."
While the league was thns waiting.
Its Interest centered npon flavin, chief
ly because he represented more than
any other the force of the enemy, and,
though Billy Breen stood between blm
and the vengeance of the angry juen
who would have made short work of
him and his saloon, nothing could save
him from himself, nnd after the fu
neral Dlarin went to bia bar and drank
whisky as he had never drank before.
But the more be drank tbe fiercer and
gloomier he leeame, aud when the men
drinking with blm chaffed him he
a wore deeply and with sock threats
that they left him alone.
It did not help Slavln either to have
Nixon stride In throngh the crowd
drinking at hi bar and give blm word
of warning.
"It la not your funlt. Slavin," he said
In a slow, cool vok-e, "that you ami
your precioua crew didn't send me to
mjr ,,,., v V),.vr Wu ,
,nt wsll, t(J ,nlt m
though you' are aventu ou or ten
times tbat, w hen any of you bpya of
fvr me a drink )'li take you to mean
fight, and I'll not disappoint you, and
sum one: will b killed." And, ao Bay
ing, be strpd put again, leaving a mean
looking cruwd of lueu behind him. All
who had nut beita coacerued lu the
bust nesa at Nlxoa'a aback expressed ap
proval of bia position aud hoped be
would aee It through.
But the impression, of Nixon'a words
npon 81 via waa aa nothing coin par d
with that mad by Geordle Crawfuid.
It waa not what be aald M'tuuch iu
the manuer of awful solemn! ry be car
ried. . Geordle waa atruggUng consci
entiously to keep bla promise to "not
be 'ard on the boya" aud found consid
erable relief In remembering that lu
bad agreed "to leave tbem ta the Al
mlchty." , But the manner ot leaving
tbem was ao solemnly awful that I
could not wonder that Slavic' super
stitious Irish nature supplied him with
supernatural terrors. It waa tbe sec
oud day after tb funeral tbat Geordle
and I were walking toward Sluvln's.
There waa a great about of laughter a
we drew near.
'' Geordle atopped abort and. laying
"We'll Julat gaiig iu a uieenuta," pas
ed through the crowd and up to th
bar. ,
" "Michael fslavln," began Geordle, and
tbe men (tared In dead silence, with
their glasses in their hands "Michael
Slavln, I promised the Ud I'd bear yt
uue III wull, but juist leuve ye tue tht
Almk-hty, au' 1 wuul tae tell ye that
1 111 keepiu' ma wur-r-d. But," ami her
ui rawed hia bund, aud hi voice be
came. pK lei naturally solemn, "hi bluUl
I upon jer bun's. ' Do ye no' see It?"
Hi voice rose sharply, aud aa b
polute's Mluvln iuatiiietively glauced al
bis lisi.ijK, aud Geordle added:
1111' the I-ord will require It 0'
ye au' ;er boose."
Tticj told me tbut Klavlu ahlvered l
If tjkm with ague uftea Geordle. weut
out, Bd, though be la united aud swovrf,
he dio not stop drinking till be sunk In
a dru.iken stuMr uuJ bud to be car
ried L, bed. His littler French Canadlaa
wife .K-uld not understand the cbangn
that pad eouie aver her buebaud.
"II ;s like one bear," she con tided to
Mi's. M.tvor, to whom she was showlug
her l-ufc-y of a year old. "He's uot kee
me upe tain dls duy. He's mos' bawfui
bad. He' not even look at de baby.
, Aal this seemed sufficient proof thai
soui'tl's'ig wa seriously wrong, fur
tbe went on to auy:
"Hi's tink more for dut leel baby dau
for de whole worl'. He's tink more to
dat lby dun for me." But she slinij
ged pretty little shoulders In depre
cation iit her speech.
"Y.jU must pray for blm," aald Mr.
Mavor, "and u II will come right."
"A:i, uiailame." she replied earnestly,
"eveiy day, every day, I pray la saint
Vleriti ft tous lea saint for blm."
"Y u must pray to your Father ii
hea veil for blm."-
'"All, oul, I weel pray," And Mr.
Mavr-r sent ber away bright witb
snilil 1 and with new hope and courag
In hei heart.
8 he bad very soon need of all ber
course, for at tbe week'a end ber
baby lei! dangerously ill. Slavln's anx
iety tnd fear were not relieved much
by tl,e reiiorta the men brought blm
from (line to time of Geordie's omlnouj
forehjdings. for Geordle had no doubt
that the Avenger of blood was hot
upon Slavln's trail, and aa tbe slcknesi
grew be became confirmed In thi con,
vlctloti. While be could not be aald te
find satisfaction In Slavln'a Impending
a miction, he could hardly blue hi com
IilacitBcy In tbe promptness of Prov
tlrccf In vindicating bi theory of retrl
But Geordle' complacency waa some
what rudely shocked by Mr. Craig
answor to this theory one day.
"You read your Bible to little profit
it aeema to me, Geordle, or perhaps
you have never read the Master!
teaching about the tower of Blloain.
Better read that and take that warn
lug tij yourself."
Getfdie gused after Mr. Craig aa be
turned away aud muttered:
-Tut toor o' 81 loam, la it? Aye, t
ken tl'u) boot tbe toor o' Slloau an'
about tbe toor o' Babel aa weel, at'
I've read, too, about tbe blaapbeeuiioiu
Herod an' sic like. Mon, but he's a bet
belded laddie an lacks dlscreemetuie
tlon." "1bat about Herod, Geordle?" I
akfd. -
"Aboot Herod?" with strong: tkig
of contempt in his tone. "A boot Herod?
Moi. bae ye no' read in the Scree p
tur a boot Herod an' the w ur-r-mi Li
the weme o' him?"
"OU, yea, I aee," . I hastened ta an
"Aye, a fule can see wbat'a flappej
In his face." with wbicb bit of pre
verlilal philosophy be auddenly left
me. But Geordle thenceforth content
ed himself. In Mr. Craig' presence at
lea it, with ominous bead shaklugs,
equally aggravating aud Impossible tu
answer. , -.
Taut same night, however, Geordle
allowed tluit with all hla theories be
bad a man's true heart, for be came In
baste to Mis. Mavor to say:
"Ye'll be uceded ower yonder, I'm
"Why? I the baby worse? Have
you lieeu lu?"
"Na, na," replied Geordle cautiously;
"I'll uo' gang where l u no' wanted.
but yon pair thing ye ran hear ootslde
weepiu' au mount 11'. .
"She'll iiniylw need ye tae," be went
on dubiously to me. "Ye're a klu' o
doctor. I bear," not committing biai
aelf to any opinion a to. uiy profession
al value.
But Slavln would bave pone of me,
having got tlie doctor sober enough to
Tbe Interest of the camp la Slavln
waa greatly Increased by tue Illness of
hia baby, which wa to bim aa tbe ap
ple of bia eye. There were a few who,
!turcsset! by Geordle' profound con
viction titoii the matter, were Inclined
to favor tue retribution theory and con
nect tbe baby' illness with tb venge
ance of tlie Almighty. AuHing these
few was Slavln himself, and, goaded
by bi remorseful termrs, be sought re
lief In drink. Bnt thi brought bim
nly deeper .and fiercer gloom, so that
between Iter Buffering child and ber
savagely despairing huslmnd tbe poor
mother waa desperate with terror and
Ah. niadanie." aba Bobbed to Mrs.
Mavor. "my heart la broke fvr bim.
lie's beet noting f.ir tree days, but Jl
dreenk. dreenk, dreenk."
Tb next day a man cam for ma in
h ., i-s - -- -ll 1
oof W
ANcgetable Preparation Tor As
similating t&FoodandBegula
ling Ua? bfcjiflaxits aikUJowtb of
Pro moles DigeslioaCueet Pur
nessandHesi ConUiins ndilrr
Opuiin.Morplune norruieraL
lsui Xah c otic .
A nili). SmU-
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa-j
lion, suur aiuiuacn,uiarrroea
Worms .Convulsions .Feveri shn
ness And Loss of Sleep.
. Facsimile Signature of
II n.e,i- 1- .1
LI tl '
-1" weflgrnp
" ' "" TMC eCNTAUK COalMNV, NfW VtHllt CfTV.
. '' The school where thorough wurlc U done; where the roasnn h
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baste. Tlia baby was" SViuk, and tlie
doctor waa drunk. . I found tUo little
oh In a convulsion lying across Mrs.
Mayor's kuees, tlia motUer kueellng- lie
l(l It, wrintrlng her hands In dumb
agony, and Slavln standing uear, silent
and suffering. I glanced at the bottle
of medicine upon tbe table and askei'
Mrs. Mavor the dose and found tli
baby bad leen poisoned. My look ol
horror told Slavln something wai
wrong, and. striding to me, be caugb'
my arm aud asked: .
"What Is it J la tbe medicine
wrongr ......
I tried to pat him off, but bla grip
tightened till bla Augers seemed to
reach the boue.
"Tbe doae la certainly too large. But
let me go. I must do something."
lie let me go at once, aayiug.lu a
vole that made my heart sore for him,
"He has killed my baby; be has killed
my baby." And then he cursed tbe
doctor with awful curses and with a
look of such murderous fury on his
face that I waa glad tbe doctor waa too
drunk to appear.
' Hla Ife, hearing bla curses and un
derstanding the cause, broke out into
walling hard to bear.
"An. mou petit aogoi It 1 dat whees-
ky dt' keel mon baby. Ah, mon
cheri, inon amour! Ah, mon Dleut Ah,
Michael! How often I say that wheea
tf b not good ting."
It waa more than Slavln could bear,
and with awful curses he passed out.
Mr. Mavor laid tbe baby in ita crib,
for the convulsion bad passed away.
and, putting ber arms about tbe wall
ing little Frenchwoman, comforted aud
Boot bed her aa a mother might ber
"And yon must help your husband,"
I hrard ber say. "He will need you
more than ever. Think of blm."
'Ah. oul, 1 weel," was the quick re
ply, and from .that moment there wa
no more wailing.
It seemed no more than a minute tl.l
Slavln came la again, sober, quiet and
ateady. The passion was all gone from
bis face, and only tbe grief remained..
A we stood leaning over the sleeping
tbll.i tbe link- thing opened its eyes.
saw Its father and amlled. It was too
mu.-h for hlia. Tbe big man dropped
on It's knees with a dry sob.
"1 there no chance at all, at all "r" h
wbUpereJ, but 1 could give him on
uop. Hit Immediately rose and, pull
ing himself together, stood perfectly
, A t ew terriir seized upon tbe mother.
"My latby la m4 what you call it?"
going lliruUL-ti tbe form of baptihoi.
"An' .be will not come to la saint
Vlerte." she said, crossing herself.
"I rot fear for your little one," said
Mrs. Mavor, stltl with ber arm about
ber. "The good Havlour win take your
darling luto hla own anna.
But the mother would not be comfort
ed by tills, and Slavln, too. was uneasy.
"Where la Father Oouletr be asked.
"Ah, yon were not good to tlie holy
per d la tain, Michael." be replied
II y. "Tb saint are not please for
"Where I the priest?" be demanded.
1 know not for sure. At de Laodiu.
dat a lak."
"I'll go for him," be said.
But hia wife clung to blm. beeeechlng
blm not to leave her, aud indeed lie was
loath to leave bla little one.
I found Craig and told blm tbe diflV ;
cnlty. With bla usual promptness lis
wss ready with a solution. '
"Mien baa a team. He will ga."
Tueg.be added: "(..wonder if .Jby
For Infants and ClitMrcn.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
hj Use
U' For Over
Thirty Years
1 -
would not like iii (.i I iij-ii:-.!' Ib.-'r lil-.li-one.
I'utlirr I'miN t ;m I I Imvi- x
changed olbVi'K In-fore now. I n-uii'i j
ber bow lie i-nnic to urn- of my ,h;i!i
In my absence,1 when she wua (ljliii:
read with her, prayed wlih her, com
forted her and helped tier ncrosa the
river. Ho la a j-immI soul and lins no
nonsense al out him. Send for me ii'
you think there Is need. It will iniike
no ditTei-eiicc to tlie Imby. but It will
comfort tlie mother."
Nixon was willing i-uoiikIi to u". but
wheu he came to tbe 1r Mrs. Mnvor
kuw tbo hard 1. ok in bis face. He bud
u-it forgotten bis wfotiK, for day l?
day be was still ti;-lit i iik tbe iUvil u HL
III that Kliivin bud culled lo Mr.-. Hur
Mrs. Mnvor, under cover of pelting lilin
lin.truclioiia, drew blm into the room.
While HutetiliiK lo ber IiIm eyes wan
dered fluni one lo tbe oilier of tin.
group till -tbey rented ui,n the l.-tllj
white face In tlie crib Klie noticeil tbe
change In blH face.
"They fear tbe little one will never
sco the Havlour If It is not baptized,"
she said in n low tone. .
lie wa eager to j;o. .
"I'll do uiy bcHt to pet i ho priest," lie
said and wa koiic on bis Klxly tnile
ruco with death.-
The long afternoon wore on, but be
fore it was half tone I saw Nixon
could not win and thai tbe piK.st would
be too late, s i I kciii for Mr. t'raitf.
From the moment be entered tho rnoni
he took command' of us all. lie was au
simple, eo manly, so ti-mli r, the bcarls
of tbe parents Instinctively turned lo
As be was nbout to proceed with the
baptism the mother wli!H)crcd to Mrs.
Mavor, who licKilntiuKly asked Mr.
Crulg if be would object i, uxlng holy
"To me It Is the same n any other,"
he replied gravely.
"An' will be make the cd sign"'
asked the mother timidly.
And so the child was baptised by the
Presbyterian minister with holy water
and with tbe sigu of tbe crops. I don't
suppose It waa orthodox, ami it rcoocr
ed chaotic some of my religions no
tions, but I thought more of I'ralg that
moment than ever before. He was
more man than minister, or perhaps be
wa o good a minister that day lo
calise so much n n, an. As be rend about
the Saviour and the children and the
disciples who tried to get In Is-tween
tbem, anil as be told in the story In bis
own simple and lieanlirnl way and
then went on to picture the borne of
the little children and the same Pnt lour
In the midst of thein. I felt my In-art
grow warm, nnd I conhl easily nudcr
tand the cry of tbe mother:
"Oh, mon Jean, pn ncz im.l nusai, take
me wlz mon mignonr
The cry wakened flavin's heart, and
he said huskily:
"Oh, Anuetle, Annette!"
"Ab. oul. an' Miclrael too!" Tlw-n to
Mr. f'ralg: "You link lie's tnk me sonic
day? Kb?"
"All who love him," be replied.
"A Michael. tooT she a-d;cd. hei
eye searching hla face. "An Michael
But Tralg only replied, "AU who l.rve
"Ah, Miclmct, ym mutt pray le !n
Jestl! He's garde Uotre uiigii-'Ii." Ali-1
then she la-lit over the lialie, whisper
ing. "All. mon i h-rl, tnon r.mour. idii u.
adieu. iiHn angi-r- till Slaiiu put bis
arms a Unit her sr.. I fiok ber away, for
a she wa whispering h.-r farewell
hixr liaby, lth a little ants. '-rin:; sigh,
aaaae-l Into tjie Janice with many risitns.
Whr liif Oil l.llslira M !fliV, 1 1 !.
if.tlnr.iHy w -tut (lit; H--t M'irx ut
l.iiii.tlU' . Kr ,tf sjttt, muioit Hiiii
tit-t i 1 iMttrifi i(. i'li: Uu 3
' i' 'i.j-h 4 iitrl I. in uio I'Bul
it 'n i 1 lit 1 uli tic u : il u.;r imi h ki
pi4i('l t't a tt nt.tke ilo.- tHiutf
lit:t uitli 'h.i ii.jnif tut t nil jiliu I-
itttl 4lltr,
tui l!tr..i;.fli tiaiiiv
I'iniiiK Cut ivir tiiiexttilli I. Men'-
n rrl x lu I'aiii.
In nultr lo oltt.iiii 1 t'.i -t il.t-n r'u4
h k Ilit tit -kci m'nt In K4tl yon .4
lit kfi ovi r
Ini"rt r.iniirtliiiii nt 'tiii.i-ii sill Shi.
MUhthrffiirutl Kwd!! (Uti.il.-.. . . .
r'r Tull iii ii rin n t ion r ill mi v u nn -l
lirkt si-ut, or i'ilf ... . .
Iah. O. I'iinu, ir .1 as. A , I'l.ni
(tit. I'j.j. Att., (iinii il Airint,
M ilwHuki-.U '.UiiSiui k
lib. Collar Line.
l.iily Ivotiiul Triiis -.if. .Sniulay
l.nvp 1'iirlliiiiir
1Mve A-lm i;i .
. . . 1 n. 111.
. . .7 . iti.
Kelneeii I'm tlauil. The Dalles ami
iVay I 'oi ii Is.
Bilily Trip' Fre t Sunday.
Mr. ralii.ma"
I.e. I'oitlaud Mon. Wed. l'ii.7 a. in.
I.v. l'.illea Tiich. "l l nr. .at 7 a. in.
Mr. i;otiII V
I.v. Portlainl 'l'lies. 'l'lmr. Hat. : .7. n. in.
I.v. Palles Mon. Wed. I'rl. 7 a. m.
9'riiia l.'oulu lias Hie (irandeht
Scenic Attract ions on F.arlli.
I .mi. ling mill Ollhn: Foot Abler Street..
Iloili I'liiHies, Main ,"M
J. V.( IllM JII tIN, stTlio D.illir.
A.J. T.t 1 1.0 It, iigt Antoiia.
J. F. H VATT, agt Vnneouvert
woM oiiU a nn:u.N, Kts wbire
A. h. I I I.I FK ,,-s llmw!
H . 14 ll.i:if, I'.iill.-r.
4(111 M. 1 ill I'O.V, Mevenon,
IIFMiV 4(1 MSI i All, t aron, Wash
K. V. Flili HTOS.agt 1'orllau.l
""Wblshl. Anni ile, darling, HoiTl cry
for tlie baby." said her husband. "Suio
It's better oi'f 1 1 hi ii the rest of us it la.
And didn't you bear what the minis-tor
said nbout tlie lieantlfiil place It Ih?
And sure be wouldn't lie lo us at all."
1 ' 1 1 1 n mother cannot Ih comforted
for her lirsiunii von.
An hour later Nixon brought Father
lioitbt. lie was a little Frenchman
ft- i I Ii gentle iiianucra nnd the face of a
fiaint. I'raig w.li-niin-d bim wnriiilyj
n I id told Iii lit what be bad done. i
VTli.it M good, my brother," he said,
with geiille courtesy, and, turning to
tbe mother. "Your little one Is safe." j
r.chlnd I'.illi. - (biiih-t came Mion
Foftly nnd-giixi il down upon the little
ubt fa-c, iH-nnliriil with tlie magic of
deaili. Flavin came quietly and xtmsl
Is-shii' him; Niton tinned and offered
hi baud, but Slavln. looting slowly
Pack, said: I
Trsdk Msama
Sckniilic Jlnurican
MUNN X Co."""-' New York
J c nrriis.MM
5HJ, T.i ,Tr. ?? "' "'""n ,r '-'Is-r -i,
I a..fi Ihr-.M.S tl... H .... .