Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, September 19, 1902, Image 3

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    '(J il g'Hi nt ritit price,"
motto at the Itv-ktt Ktore.
Buy your cigars M McCoru'iiekY
hi.) has a good Block or o ml 10 cent
Tim U.u'ki t Klore has Just received
ili full mill winter supply of under
wi:ii for boys and geul.
Ihi i urn', uicnco ana money
by usin un inferior article. Oct
a pair of Olauis Shear lit The lelta
mill be happy.
What Is thu use of "chewing the
tin'' over a matter that has been bet
tied long ago? Kverybody known
tlmt the "Auuitan" is thu ouly clear
ll.ivana ( Igar; ho dn uul lie without
tin in. At I). U. M .Cor milk's.
C. J. Lieavcugood, iu the Interest
of the Fveuing Journal of Portland
was in HilMioro Wednesday. He
brings word that the Journal ia pub
lishing a weekly edition at ft ami
semi-wet kly at $1.50 per year.
Henshaw & Wheeler huvo their
fruit drier nearly completed and al
ready are ready to receive fruit. A
teat lire Inn tieen started in the fur.
naces which is found to work er
it you are ready to purchase your
fall underwear you will be interest
ed to know that we have a complete
lino ot wear lor gents and boys, also
woolen hox. Our prices are low as la
consistent with good goods. Our
goods are good uad our prices right.
Bucket Store.
Iteu'h & Bowers famous minstrels
will appear in II illshoro next Mon
day evening under canvass pitched
on Washington street next to Houses
wagon shop. This company has
earned the ilistlnMion of being at the
head of m J rn uiiuitroli-ty. Aa
evening's amusement Is guaranteed.
There were hut three uouuly ex
hihiti at the slain fair where eight
had been planned. These are from
l.lnn, l'olk and Washington. Waste
inglon county takes, first prizaand
now occupies the place which natur
ally belongs to us. This is without
doubt tho best agricultural county In
the state, and it is only right that
its exhibit should taku first place.
The school of the Sister of Mercy
at Cedar Mills, this county, will' be
open for Hindus on Monday, (Sept.
20. There is room yet uut iken for
a limited number of bo.irdera. Par-
ents (le.siring to place children In
school surrounded with home in
lluences and comforts should at once
correspoud either orally or In writ
ing with tit'" risteis at Cedar Mill.
Alrin of 12 tltt cars from the
Oregon Short I.ino H. 11. Is at the
lllllsliont Million loading piling
w hich goes forward to Ogdei, Utah.
The ultimate destination no doubt Is
Salt L ike. Tho II its are bigger than
wc are accustomed to see on this
road, 'their ' capacity being f0 tons
each. The only wood used in con
struction is the IHorii.g. The entire
frame is of steel.
llev. II. A. Kisser who supplied
the pulpit in the Congregational
church last spring and summer, has
eccepted employment iu an O. H. 1
N. surveying parly and has gone
with it fit the field. Mrs. Kisser
c pent H unlay in Hillshitro aud start
ed on Mond iy afternoon for St. Paul,
Minn., but her periiunnnt address
after a few days will tie Winona,
Minnesota, where several of her rela
tives live. Ksv. und Mri. Kisser are
very companionable people and it Is
regretted that they eould not see
their way clear to remain In Oregon
" Until attention ia directed to the
magnitude of the hop Industry tri
butary to llillsboro, we are not apt
to realise how important It is. This
year there wilt pass through Hhute'a
Bank either by withdrawal of de
posits or by loan $20,000 that will
bo paid for pick lug the crop. Five
yards In a radius of lesa tlianxfcix
uilles from lowu will use 115,000,
and the smaller yards will easily
take up $r.,000 more. )f this money
there will lie
1000 iiickle x $ 00
3000 dimes 300
1000 quarter dollars 400
0000 half dollars 3000
aooo dollars 8000
Kagle and half eagle 6000
305 doubld eagles - 7100
Fresh oysters at II. A. Palmer's.
(iood goods at right price at
Racket Store.
Total t20,000
The hops that this money pays for
picking will briug as Mr. Shuto ex.
pressed it, "f 100.000 through that
window." In addition to this In
the county, there banks w ith Haines
at Fort at Clrova as great a volume of
busiuess. And for the county about
Beaverlon, TUardville, Middletou
aud Sherwood, 1'orlland is the place
of banking.
The attention of taxpayers is call.
ed to Assessor Wilcox's notice in
another column giving Information
of the meeting of the Equalization
Biard which is October 20, next. It
is a privilege as well as a duty which
taxpayers owe to themselves and the
county to see that tbeit property ia
properly listed. Great care-Is exer
cised that do mistakes occur, how
ever the assessor gives timely notice
that all may appear and Inspect list
ed property. It is just possible that
the county court will stubbornly hes
itate later, touching changes that
should be made before the equaliza
tion board.
If you want anything go to the
lUckct Store opposite Tualatin Ho
tel. . '
Burn, at Reedviile. (tent. 12. to
Frank Welsenback and wile,
The sawmill aud box factory io
stalled on the Necanieum creek near
Sea SltJe by Astoria parties has been
sold to a company from Minneapo
lis, Wis. With lira mill goes several
thousand acres of sprue) timber.
The consideration was 1100,000. It
Is understood that the new company
Is to enlirgn the mill and add to the
Martin Wynch of the
Keed Farm Co., was la
Wednesday last.
The new church at Forest Grove
Jutt building by the Free Methodist
congregation of that city will be
dedicated on Sunday, Sept. 28, The
service at 11a. ui. will be conducted
by Itev. A. Beer ol Seattle.
The prolonged dry weather is hard
on corns. Uemov them with the
Delta Corn Cure.
From the Ceecila down tl e Col urn
bla to the sea, a atr t -h .f 150 miles,
flame raged in every neighborhood,
la Clark county, of which Vancou
ver Is the chief rity, beside -deal ruc
tion of property, several lives were
lost and luore people left destitute tif
both clothe and food.
In Oregon the gt eat est lo-t-es have
been ustalne4 in the Eastern part of
Multnomah and Clackamas countiss.
The Bridal Yell Lumber Co. lost
their mill and the luinlsr ou the
yard. They gave out that M.000
went up la smoke.' Two or three
village .along the foothills were
burned. lathe western part of
Fresh Egg
Poultry ;f
Multnomah county near the Wash-
Married at the residence of the ,UWD ne, ore raged. Mr.
parent near Sylvan, Sept. 17, Mis
lio to Mccormick's for your nec
essaries; he ha most every thiug,
from a sewiug machine needle to a
bedroom nulte.
Martha E. Pointer and Mr. Perclval
I D. Austen, Rev. dray officiating.
A light frost on Tuesday morning
surprised It he people of Hills lair o,
Who bad not yet forgotten the hot
days of last week.
Mrs. Grace Poe Featheratone of
Wallace, Idaho, is visiting with ber
uncle and aunt, Mr. end Mrs. George
Wilcox, She will be here about a
The residence of Wm. Bonder at
the southeast corner of Fourth and
I tail road streets, occupied by II. E.
HtSunelson, caught Are Friday morn
ing at 8 o'clock where the aheetiron
stovepie passes through the kitchen
roof. An alarm sent the depart
merit out on a fast run, though its
services were not needed, as a buck
et of water properly applied killed
the young blaze. Damages trilling.
A dozen shingled will be enough for
Capt. J. p. Merry man came down
on Saturday last with a rather severe
attack or cholera morbus, lie has
been kept at home all " the week,
though he Is now able to walk
around. v
A small outbuilding and most ol
the feuces around . Dutch Johns'
place near Nelson A Reeds' mill were
burned last week. The empli ye
of the mill had a contest last Friday
with the forest fire to keep it out of
the green timber and away from the
mill. They succeeded.
Oa Monday the 8th instant, a
northeast wind but and dry came
down through the Columbia gorge
and spread out over all the counties
of the Willamette valley and ex
tended even to th9 Coast counties
west of the Coast (Range.' Before
that, many little slashings of brush
bad beeu burned and Are yet burned
in logs and stump. The high wind
fanned these smouldering fires and
they burned flsrea sending blss.
log torches to fresh litter. The fire
ia the forest was on in hundred
places Multnomah, Clackamas,
Columbia, Clatsop, Washington,
Tillamook, Benton, Lincoln, Lane,
Linn and Marlon. This in Oregon,
but Washington was not skipped. I
Bible lost bis barn and 700 cords of
wood. Oa the barn there was 1400
Insurance in the German Mutual
Company of Phillips. The wood
waa not Insured and is a loss of about
1100. Across the line in our coun
ty Mr, Young, son ofexCommlssion
er Young, lost a barn aud much of
bla fencing. His fine orchard was
also much damaged, especially the
fruit which It bears. It was report
ed that Wosdman Hall at Cedar
Mill waa burned but later word
state that it was saved, though at
one time it was oa flie. Judge Cor
nelius lost a stock barn on his Glen.
co place that contained eight tons of
hay. Bob and Jeff Uaydon on
Gales Creek near Glenwood, bad
fire all about the homestead and it
was reported that both houses and
barus were in ashes but this baa not
been confirmed. A gentleman who
was at Gales Creek iiostoffice on
Monday could bear of no bouse or
barns in that neighborhood that
We Pay
Highest Cash' Price.
Mrs. Jiei'kwitl. & Mrs. Fuller
Cor. OaUand Second Sts. llillsboro, Ore. 52
Last Monday," Frank, son of
. Hitlers, was on a hop box in
Wood yard releasing twine from
stake, when the box tipped over,
throwing tin lad to the ground. Al
though the distance fell was only a
few feet one ai iu was dislocated at
the elbow and one of the bones in
the forearm broken just below the
It is stated that the Cornel road In
to Portland is not passable with
teams. When the road was built
many'gulcbes were filled with 1im
ler. aud logs by the side of the road
heltl tho dirt that leveled up the
road. This timber has burned and
there aro caves ia the road that can
not bo crossed.
Mr. J. Binkley has installed a set
f blacksmith tools In the shop re
cently occupied by Mr. J. P. Gard
ner on Third street between Main
and Washington streets. Mr. Bink
ley Is a skilled mechanic, especially
on heavy work,' Jot entrusted to
him will be finished to do the work
Mrs, C. II. Koch, who has been
visiting In San Francisco for a month
returned this week. The trip wss
very enjoyable excepting only the
imprisonment of a day on the steam
ship Columbia when 'that craft was
aground in the river above Astoria.
On the fair ground- at Salem there
are 800 head of homed cattle, a dis
play tiiat ha never before been equal
ed either iu number or quality west
of the K icky Mountains. The ex
hibition of horses Is the best ever
iiiada in the North Pacific. Califor
nia l as doubtlesi had n Ix'lter show
of thoroughbreds an I trotttri, but in
tlraft and general f irm horses there
may not b no much difference. In
very trutVt the minting this year has
been j in-tly n.iuiocl the "Blue Kibbon
Were the iipiaarance of the town
the only question to be determined
in the passage of Hti ordinance for
bidding cow to run at largo, the ap
pearance of two lols at the Intersec
tion of Thir l and 'Washington ftreets
would I'O a graphic Illustration
th.1t would diet ie the deft at of the
ordinance. The lot on which the
Methodist church stand la common
and I he. weeds and grass cropped
ahi.rt- It presents a neat and titty
appearance. Just east ncn the
street the lot is ciosed. It vr
grown w it It weeila, grass and brush
f t that are not inviting. Final ar
il n on the ordinance may come up
at the special meeting of the council
next Tuesday evening,
The builders are making better
progress at the long bridge this week
since lumber Is coming forward
more freely. The contractor is get
ting from the mills some magnificent
sticks of cedar.
Mr. Jerome Palmatler who occu
pied a new residence in the fire belt
east of Portland, caioo home from
the hop yards the flist of the week
and f.und a heap of ashes. The sur
prise was bitter.
Mr. W. E. Thorn I making
thorough and extensive repair to
his dwelling on Second street be
tween "Wash i eg ton and Base Line.
The tenant has not certainly been
decided, though he may occupy it
Dr. C. II . Hall died at his home
iu Salem last Saturday at the aire of
69 years, The doctor haj acquaint.
ances In every part of the state for
there are but few graduates of the
medical department of Willamette
University who have not been In
structed by his lectures. In the CO'
he was principal of the Portland
Academy, the Methodist school then
located at Jefferson and East Park
streets. '
. Mr. Shephard, living near Kelson
& Keetls' sawmill, alighted from a
wagon last week while moving. He
was thrown against a wheel, strik
ing so bard that one or the rib on
bi right side was fractured. He
thought little of it at the time, but
by Tuesday last the pain bad so in
creased that be thought It necessary
to consult Dr. Tameisie. Relief was
obtained and damage are la a fair
way to be repaired.
Hon. II. V.Gates has entered Into
a contract with the city council of
Dallas, Polk county, to put in a sys
tem of water works for that thriving
city. The town gives a bonus of
$12000. The election by which this
was decided was hold on Monday
last. The Itonds were authorized by
a vote of 129 to 45 agalust. A moun
tain stream will be piped to a reser
voir on a hill near town from which
water will be distributed in the or
dinary way. Work oo the contract
will be commenced Immediately.
The Annual teachers institute will be held in the auditory of the court-
bouse next week, commencing Tuesday morning, September 23. Supt.
Ball has made careful preparation for this meeting and it is believed that
it will surpass In Interest all heretofore held. There are popularj'jecture
on three evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdry, when the public
generally is cordially invited to be present urged indeed. The lecturers
are believed to be the best that has or will appear la the state this year
This statement Is made with full knowledge of what the Multnomth coun
ty auperintendent last week provided for his teacher. The full program
for tiie week is given below:
Opening ezercisea 9 o'clock.
Recent Educational Advancement Preston W. Search
Arithmetic '. Robt. C- French
Through Nature to Nature's God Preston V. Search
Opening exercise 1:30 o'clock.
Reading Rolt. C. French
Pestaiozzi 4. Preston V. Search
Geography '. Robt. C. French
8 p. 111. Lecture, "A Yankee Schoolmaster Abroad"
Preston V. Search
Opening ezercisea 9 o'clock.
Arithmetic Robt. C. French
The GrovCth of u Child v Preston W. Search
Business Forms in Every-day Life.-'- A. P. Armstrong
Reading Robt. C. French
Opening ezercisea 1:30 o'clock.
The Literary Training of Children Preston W. Search
Geography Robt. C. French
From an Ex-Superintendent's Note Book 4. P. Armstrong
A Ramble in the Land of Scott and Burns.. Preston W. Search
-.With every cash purchapo to tho amount of
$ on lioos, Hosiery, Kuhher (ioods and (j loves,
I will give away a beautiful doll.
These dolls are not of tho llimsy, worthless
kind hut are strong, and well made, suitable for a
gift to some pretty little girl who will appreciate
it and one she will not bo ashamed to show.
Come early and get one as they are limited
and as soon as present stock is exhausted this
offer will bo withdrawn.
It is stated that an ticademy fcr
students Is to be opened at St. Marys
Home near Beaverton. But probab
ly studies will not be taken up this
We have the mvt complete assort
ment ol mens' and hoys' negligee
shirts and tnir price are row We
guxranlcff satisfaction. Racket Stole,
8. C. SSherrill will preach
list church Sunday at 11
Theme, Itepntance.
Studies were taken up at Pacific
University last Wednesday. Among
the new Instructors who met the
students for the first time is Geo. E.
Coghlll a graduate of Brown Univer
sity, at Providence, Bhoda Island.
Prof. Coghlll takes biology, for
which he ha made special prepara
tion, not only In his college course,
but by a visit to Oermany, where be
critically studied the methods In
vogue there. Beside biology, the
Professor is a specialist In the ner
vous system. The chair was filled
at the beginning of last year by
Prof. Sweetzer, who 1 now at Eu
gene. Miss Jessie Lanceneld of tbe
class of IU00 Is In tbe Academy, and
Miss M. Hope Chase is to preside at
the piano. She' Is of the Oberliu
Conservatory of Music and for two
years sat at the piano for the "Ora
torio Society," Urand Rapids, Mich
igan. Prof. Uiteti, while not an en
tirely new man, Is to leslde this year
at Forest drove. He has. modern
languages German, French and
Hpanish. A new department ha
been added to tbe college course
where sleungraphy and typewriting
will be taught. II. II. Arnstoo, late
of Tacoma Is there. If. E. Wilson
though not a football coach, will
take care of the physical well being
ol students and turu them over to
the special trainer. Henry 1). Hmitb
of Beloit, trains in public speaking.
He bring) to his work an esperience
that carried to victory the Beloit
team that went against Knox Col
lege ot Illinois. The trustee seem
to have strengtheueu T. A. and P.
U. In every direction except in the
presidency. They seem to think
that the machine will run itself.
3 p. m.-Lecture- Robt. L. t rench
' Opening ezerclae 9 o'clock.
The Human Hand : - Preston W. Search
Arithmetic Robt. C. French
Election of Officers for County Teachers' Asiociation
The Teachers' Improvement- ..- Preston W. Search
Opening ezercisea 1:30 o'clock.
Reading : Robt. C. French
The Prisoner ofChillon Preston W. Search
Geography , Robt. C. French
C. F rench
8 p. m.Lecture, "An Ideal School" Preston W. Search
Opening exercise 9 o'lock.
Character Building Preston W. Search
Summary of National Educational Association Robt. C. French
The Netf Course of Study J. ff. Ackerman
Opening exercise 1:30 o'clock.
Selected Subiect Robt,
The School House as aCentre Preston W. Search
The Public School Library J. tl. Ackerman
Saturday, Sept. j, xo o'clock.
Introductory Remarks ... Co. Supt. f7. 4. Ball
School Houses and School Grounds State Supt. J. H. Ackerman
What the Schools are Doing - Preston W. Search
Author of An Ideal School
School Lavi State Supt. J. H. AckernKin
Hints on School rfJmni'strution Co. Supt. H. A. Ball
The People's Part in the Making of a School Preston W '. Search
Questions and Answers. General Discussion.
J. II. ACKERMAN Supt. Public Initruclion
PRESTOX W. SEARCH Author of "An Ideal School ;" Honorary Fellow, Clark
ROBT. C. FRENCH Princljm.1, Training Itepartment, State Normal Schoot,
A. P. ARMSTRONG LL. B., Principal Portland Business College,
have been destroyed. Hjgh up on
the Tualatin there waa more tire. . A
county bridf.o across the river below
Patton Bros, mill was burned. Jo
Hare's logging camp was burned
over but most of bis logs were In the
water. The few that are yet in the
foreet are damaged some by having
the ends charred. Alarming reports
ciiuo from Tillamook but the Head
light that was printed on Friday re
ports the losses aa being only nomi.
nai. The fires all over the state
havo been In old burns. But very
Utile green timber has been touched
The smoko was dense on Tliurs
day, Friday and Saturdoy. On Sun
day a light fog with the smoke oh
scored the sun but on Monday both
clouds and smoke were gone, and
the weather cooled so that fires were
easily controlled. Unless wo have
wind tliuro is no fear of t'10
fire fprlnel3r uii ugain, and we urn
almost certain to havo rain next
Although the smoke was thick we
have had worse. A time iu mind is
.September. 1808. Then, farmers
from thu north plain of tho county
delivered wheat at Kpringvlllo on
thu Willamette balow Portland.
They had to observe all rules of the
road used at night to prevent collis
ions. That year Mr. Jas. II. Kewell
operated a four-horse headi ng mach
ine for cutting grain. The horses
were hitched behind the sickle
which are pushed ahead of the team,
the driver being almost or quite
twenty fret behind the sickle bar
The alternoons were so dark that a
man had to go ahead with a lantern
so that he could Know wnere to
guide the team. It is probable
though that no former fire has been
so destructive as the one that raged
last week unless the prospective val
ue of green timber Is listed. The
reason or that is, nomesieaaers in
those days had not settled far back
in the forest.
Portland people are generously
contributing aid to tho burned tut
people In that county and while hun
ger and cold will be felt at Dr-t, the
famine spell will be short.
The Portland papers put the fire
damages t $1,000,000. This is a
large aura of money and the Inde
pendent doubts that a careful in
voicing will show that Ios, though
It is admitted that thtM are no sta
tistics at hand for lowering the estimate.
Et II () Christen -on deed. Final
account allowed. Property turned
over to heirs and estato closed of re
cord. Est Anna 8 Baker deed. Final
account allowed and eslato closed of
record. . .
I'M II B Baker deed. Final
count allowed aud estate closed
Est Mel jC Johnson. Final
count filed and Montlay Oct 20
for examination.
Marriage Licenses
Licenso to wed vas Issued Sept.
15, Mr. Perclval D Austen 22
and Martha E Pointer M;
Sept 17, Fred W Muuley 23 and El
sie M Meyer 11).
Mrs. Sarah M. Smith aud daugh
ter have gono to Huston for the win.
ter whero Miss Smith la takiug a
courso in music. Their address ' bi
121 Pembrookc street.
At the tinio of going to press last
evening there was every appearante
of rain. There was some smoke but
no dense back like that of a week
Mr. J. P. Ctihow ofUcholls was in
Hil'sboro yesterday. He is suffering
yet from an iuj'jaed hand. While
working on tho Scholia bridge four
months ago he thrust a small sliver
of wood in his hand. Ulceration fol
lowed aud lie has not done a lick of
work since, and ho fears that he will
be disabled yet for several months. .
Mr. Antony of Danver, Col., visit
ed yesterday with his sister Mrs,
W. D. Haro.
Bi-rgains at the Racket Store.
Notice nfKenponMibilit)'.
AiiKUHtiifl, P.I02.
The iiinlernlnnc l will not he renponaitile
for any dt!U uulilic or privnts contracted
Ann 1 bom ptioti ot
by Mica
Korent Urove,
Washington county from this
' Mr. A Mrs. N J, Goodwin,
Est Martha Hjs-iieer dec-l. Hale of
real estate continued. The adminis
trator is authorized to pay preferred
K-t Margaret (liubbs deed. Final
account allowed snd estate closfd ol
recoi d.
Et W L Curtis fteblu mind. W
K Curtis appointed guard an of per
son and estate. Band $1000.
. mm
Absolute! Pure