Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, July 11, 1902, Image 4

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'out i nurd from 'iV tuff.
Finally, when she bad brought a brluto
r look to bit face, she exclaimed;
"Did you know, Alfred, that while
70a were lighting- Yunkis-s Ml tb fruut
my mother and I were unrein; on at
"Indeed. Bur' replied Layburn, uiucb
"I wrote you of It In my last letter,
which yiu failed to receive. One of the
Federal prisoner here wn very III
wltU typhoid fryer, and the surgeon
suld he would die If tie were Dot moved
to a more nlrjr room and given better
care. My mother heard of it and bad
him brought here."
'IHd be recover!"
"leg. Ho began to lnipror almoat
Immediately and in a few weeka waa
quite recovered. You tee, lie bad panned
the crisis of the disease and waa dying
merely from the luck of favorable con
dition proper food, care and all that
kind of thine- Mo waa a captain and
really n line fellow. I did not believe a
Yankee could be so nice. Mother be
came quite attached to him, and ba
waa the moat cntteful being I ever
saw. lie said we bad tared hi life.
You should have lieon here the day he
"A'our, boyt, I have a grand tchemc."
went away. It waa pathetic the part
ing. I truly believe be was sorry to
"I've not a doubt of It," said Lay.
bum, a little uneasily.
rrctending not to cote the alight
change In the man's voice, the young
girl continued:
"Hut listen. I haven't told yon all.
The strangest thing is to come, and it
reinliids me of a novel. Captain Adams
' that's his mime has returned. He
bus been appointed to command the
Federal gnrrlNon, and since ho came
back lie is constantly attempting to do
mother some kindness. lie insists upon
supplying her with groceries from the
barracks at cost lie would like to
make ber a present of them, but he
knows she would not accept them."
"Ioes he como to call?" asked Lay
burn, a little glumly.
With a strong effort Lnyburn strovs
to strangle, the demon that rose for
a moment in his heart. It was not be
cause Adams was a northern soldier
that be was tempted to hate him. He
felt sure that the fellow had fallen in
love with Mury. How could he spend
ten days In the. house with her and help
it? Hut why should he fret? If Mary
were not a little bit to blame bo hoped
Bhc was not the affair was merely one
of the accidental occurrences of life,
And so, after a little nioro chat, be took
his leave and resumed his way to town.
On arriving at the principal street
of tho village Layburn fell In wltb
.Tack Merlwenlhcr. Mcrlweather was
o kindred spirit. Like Layburn, be
bad Just returned from the army, and
his finances were, If possible, in a
more desperate comlltiou. The two
men met for the first time after a sep
aration of four years, for, while I-ay-
bum had lieen serving under Leo In
Virginia, Meriweather bad been fight'
ing n Ion it the Mississippi.
"l?y Ueorge, Layburn," said Meri
weather after a few minutes' conver
sation, gasing at bis friend's rusty.
Mack suit, then looking at bis own
shabby clothes of the saihe color,
"your appearance anil mine remind me
or two old black crows."
"Scarecrows, you mean," amended
John Palmer, an old planter, Joining
tho two men with atlangh. "I want to
hire yon two chaps to stand In my corn
field and frighten the birds."
"Ttetter not make any rash proposi
tions, Mr. rainier," said Layburn. "for
Jack and I are quite as needy as we
look and are ready for a contract of
any description."
"les; it Isn't safe to bluff 11s. What
d:d Burns says of 'honest poverty?"
hatever it was wo Indorse It I am
willing to drop corn, scrape taters, do
chores or anything. Aren't yon. Alf?"
ertalnly, when I've put on my sec-
ona best suit," laughed Layburn.
"Now. boys, do you know that's Just
what I rcckoned-thnt you'd I short
c! funds and reeding a few dollars to
start with," said the old man kindly.
"You've both got somebody depending
en you. ana lts going to be durned
bard at the beginning. Now, boys, I
have a grand scheme. It's such a good
thing I d work It myself if I were not
so Id."
"What Is'ltf said both the young
men in a orentn, intensely interested.
"Keep cool," said rainier, leisurely
cutting oft a cher of tobacco, with a
twinkle In his eye. "I'm not going to
bo hurried. I lay swnke half the night
. turning It over In my mind. Kays I to
myself. It's a royal chance for some
body, and who has a better right to it
than some of our poor boys Just back
from the war. with hardly a dime In
their pockets? So I determined to get
on my horse after breakfast and cosie
it town and unfold the plan to some
J. ervlng party, and I don't know any
tvfo boys that I think more of than I
do of joo. You see, I knew your fa-
tbera before yon-cot Jhnt I mean tc
say Tod Iri tUlU 'txfl, ""lnWrnJilid
the old man, with smile.
Thank you. Mr. Palner," sold Veil-
weather, twisting bis body impatiently
"But, for heaven's sake, go on!"
"Steady, boys, sUady," said Palmer,
with keen enjoy meut "This isn't a car
airy charge; it's a scheme. 80 Just lis
ten and posses your souls In patience."
Layburn gave Mcrlweather cau
tioning glaiH-e not to Interrupt again,
and after blowing bla bo tbe old mas
"Perhaps yon boys know, or perhaps
you don't, that part vf the Ctniferier
ate tatea was collected on the titbe
system. This applies " eseelsl!y U.
farm M-oduce. The tsx in kind vf po
tatoes and breadstuff's was quickly
sent to the front and consumed by th
army, but It was not the case with tbe
tithes of cotton. Tills US was collected
by steclal agents and stored away till
the government fonnd opportunity to
sell Jt and orders were given these
agent to com-eal the cotton whenerei
there waa reason to apprehend a raid
by tbe Federal army, and on ita ap
proach to burn it when in danger of
"falling into the enemy a hands. Some
times this order has been executed, bnt
In numerous Instances only the part re
lating to concealment has been carried
out. Consequently when Lee surren
dered there were thousands of bag), ot
cotton hidden in the hills and swamps
all over the south. Now, where is that
cotton at the present -moment, and to
whom does it belong? Well, boys, there
are hundreds of bags in this very coun
ty, fcnd, according to my opinion and I
bold myself an honest man it is no
body's property. To return It to the
taxpayers is utterly impracticable, and,
such being tbe case, it arems to. me,
since the Confederacy la no more, that
co one baa a better right to the cotton
or stands in more need of it than the
poor pigged soldier boys who have
fought for the soli that produced It."
"Bravo, bravo!" exclaimed Jack Meri
weather. "Do you know where any of this cot
ton la concealed?" asked Layburn eagerly.
"You are an inhuman old man if you
don't after all this preamble," added
"I do, boys, I do," said tbe old plant
"Hurrah, hurrah!" cried Meriwea
"Stop your racket," ald the planter
sternly, for Meriweather bad attracted
the attention of several Federal sol
diers ou the street. .
"If you don't move on the dead quiet
you will ruin everything. All this Con
federate cotton is being seized as soon
as discovered by the Yankee garrisoni
as government property."
"Mr. Palmer," said Layburn serious
ly, "if you will tell us where this cot
ton is concealed and give us your ad
vice in regard to securing it, we will
be supremely grateful and endeavor tc
follow your counsel in every particu
The old planter, seeing that the twe
young men bad sobered down and were
now in the proper frame of mind to bt
trusted with this great secret, drew tc
ono side and revealed to them the situ
ation of the cumbersome, but valuable
bales of tho south s great staple. The
Orst thing to do was to convey the bags
from the recesses of the swamp, where
they were hidden, to some stable or out
house and remove the Confederate la
bel and give each bale a private mark
This accomplished, it would not be dif
ficult to ship It by a night boat to Mo
bile, where it could be easily sold ot
sent to Liverpool and there marketed.
"The main obstacle," concluded the
01a man, "is the hiring or a wagon
with which to bring the stuff out of the
swamp. It la a risky business, and no
body like to let a wagon and nutlet
for such a purpose. -The work lis te
bo done at night, and if you are canght
by the Federals yon will be sent to Jail
and the wagons and teams will be con-
"We are willing to pny a stiff hire,1
said Ijiybnrn.
"You'll have to," snld Palmer. "A
hundred dollars a team Is t lie price for
night work. Let me we." The old man
rublied his chin meditatively. "Yon
couldn't do bettor than to try Jim
Itrown. He has two wagons mid teams
Jim's been transacting a little business
In this line on his own account, and no
doubt he'll be willing to help two de
serving fellows for a consideration.
There's Jliu, now." And the old plant
er beckoned to a stout innn a little (test
middle life who was standing In the
door of the nearest corner store. Brown
was a country merchant who dealt in
farm supplies ami the various articles
needed on a southern plantation.
When he approached the group, I'al
mr In a few words related nil the pnr
tlctilars of the business In liHiid. even
to the location of the cotton.
"Now, Brown," concluded the old
man, "these Ihijs need a wagon and
tonm, and I've told m If. anybody
could help 'em out It would be you, I
and If you couldn't yon'd keep the
whole thing quiet."
"Of course I'll be as silent as the
grove," snld Browu good bunioredly.
"but a for letting out my stock at
night-it's risky, very rlrky!" .
"Tho boys understand and are will
ing to pay," hastened rainier.
"well, gentlemen," said Brown, "dron
in at 1 o'clock, and we'll talk It over."
"By Oeorge, Layburn," said Meri
weather when Brown had left them
and they had parted with the planter,
"old man Palmer Is a trump, and this
scheme of his seems a direct tnterpost
tlon of rrovldenoe."
La j bum's burden of 'care was mue!
tightened, but be was not so Jubilant ai
Meriweather. I
"Yes," said the former, "but I an I
if conscience If we can ct tbe cotto.r
without being cuptuied by tbe blue
cuats," said UeriwutLr debonairly.
"Yes; tkufs tbe oifflculty. Unit's tbe
rub." aaid Browu isusivtly. "Ada ma
the cowiua:U'r ut IUj eaniaon, is very
active. U ba counselled a great deal
of govruuiut ivtiuu lu to county,
and there isn't u-tch left I am in
clined to think Hum fifty bag that
Puliutr bus told you of are tbe last of
"I presuiUM. Mr. Iti'own," aald Lay
bum after a pause, "that ywu are g.
big to blrv us your hhuik aud team.
We are willing to psy you tbe highest
"I waa Just cumiiig to tluit." said
Brown, with oily suavity. "I really
want to oblige you, and we slisu't
quurrrl aLout terms. When do you
wish the wagons?"
"Tonight." sirid Leybirrn.
"You mean business, see," smiled
tbe merchant. "Hut, gentlemen, it is
ImiMMMibie to accommodate you to
night One of my wagons baa gone to
Uainsville, and one of the tnnles that
draw the oilier w'agou Is laiue. Now,
if you'll put It off two nights I can let
jott have both wagons. There's really
no hurry, you know. You'll wait, won't
The man' tone were almost te-
seeehlng. -"I
suppose we must," said Meii
weather, greatly disappointed. "What
do you say, Alf?"
"We will let the matter rest for tbe
present," replied Layburn quietly.
This cloned the Interview. '
"Jack." snld Layburn when they
reached the street "If we follow
Brown's advice and wait till Tbuij
day night we will !o forestalled."-.
'By whom?" asked Meriweather in
"By Brown."
"Oh, no, Layburn. He would not do
such a dirty trick. It would ruin him
in the community."
"You don't understand. Ho will carry
off the cotton and then evince the
greatest surprise and Indignation when
we tell him we have been to the place
amf found, it missing. 1 he thing will b
managed o neatly that there will not
be a shred of evidence against hira.
But there be Is nt the window watch
ing us. Let us walk on," said Lay
bnrn, filling Ills pipe..
"Well, whut can we do In the matter?
We can't insult tho man by manifest
ing any distrust," said Meriweather
when they had turned n corner.
"Of course not," returned Lay burn.
They stopped under a large china
tree on a side street and leaned against
the fence in silent meditation. Baffled
in the first move and conscious that de
lay was dangerons, for a few moments
their thoughts were ns confused and
formless as the dappled sunlight that,
sifting through the wind . shaken
boughs, quivered on the sand at their
Meriweather locked Layburn In the
"Wc won't give it up, Alf?"
"Never, Jack. We've got to have
that cotton," replied Layburn. "Come
home with me. and we'll talk It over
with old Ben."
It was quite dinner time when they
reached the Layburn mansion. After
plain but satisfying meal, of which
boat aaidTU'lMejo-o.- "Listen.' Ma ra
Alf. liar's a foxOiMtt what b'loiujs to I
Ola plantation ifiy it tied up clow by
yo r giououseuuf dey' u skin dar too.
n -1 - . . ...
nui gwiua uruaer us touignt from
Sola in dut IWuout to tW uumf ob u.
creek an' den'poUdlln' up de creek In
de akiff? 'Taln'tjuo wore'n two hund'ed
yard. Why. liare.lf, we kin Jcs'
sup up oar an' bring off flat cotton an'
tut it in your giuhouse fu' daylight'
sorrr the old man told Bi-nwn when I
the cotton waa concealed."
Fshaw! Brown' all right." replied
"TMm't ratily no hurry."
butte,rmilk and hoecake constituted the
chief course, the two ex-Confederates
Interviewed old lieu at tho stables.
The old negro listened with the deep
est interest.
I know de place; I know de place,
I could go dar wld my eyes shet. "J'aln't
mor'n two bnnd'ed yards from de river.
It' on Blac kberry creek, which Jlnes
tie river at Palmer s bend."
Now, isn't it a pity we can't get
Brown's teams till Thursday night r
said layburn. He dropped the remark
with a purpose and glanced at Meri
Marse Alf. did yo' say dat Mr.
Brown knowed whar dat cotton was?"
Old Ben rolled his eye sagaciously
-une mme gone lame-1 other team
gone te Galnsvllle wait tl'l Thursday
night Look here. Mars Alf, don";
yo' smell a mouse?" '
"What do you mean, Ben?" asked
"I mean, Marse Jack, dat Mr. Brown
wan dat cotton hisself."
"There, Jack," said Layburn; "I told
you so."
"But we gwlne git ahead ob him,"
aald Ben, chuckling.
"How, t'nele Bon?" asked Lay burr
eagerly. "Do you know where we car
.hire wagons and muls?"
"Marse Alf, we don't need no mulet
tie conflding Jack.
"Time will decide" returned Lay
burn. Wheu they came back at 1 o'clock,
they found Brown In bla counting room
alone. A soon as tbey bad entered be
secured the door behind thein.
"I have been thinking tbe matter
over, gentlemen, and I feel sure that
old Palmer has nut rou on a nat
thing," said the merchant when they
were seated. "Aa tbe old man Mya, it
! nobody' property, and no southern
er need feel any aeruplc about helping
himself. It la merely a kind of inform
al administration. This concealed cot,
ton la tbe estate of the defunct Con
federacy, and you are the heirs."
Brown paused a moment to beam Ms
kind feeling.
"I don t think-we'll snffer any pang
n' wagons to do -dls lob. Jes' rmt
yo'r trus' in dis ole nigger. He gwine
pull yo' through."
Layburn and Meriweather were thor
oughly puiiied and exchanged glances.
Old Ben intercepted the look and read
their meaning.
"No, Marse Alf, de old man a!n' los'
hi mind. He' eighty year old, but
he' got his Jedgment ylt"
"Well, Ben," sold Meriweather, "if
we don't hire wagon, will yon pleas
inform us bow we are to get that cot
ton out of the wamp?"
"fufnly. sah. What you got to say,
Marse Jack, ag in a flatbnat?"
"A flathoatr echoed Laybnrn and
MTiweather simultaneously.
"Yes, sail, a flatbnat, whst don't haT
t:o wheels, don't need no mule an'
don't make no noise," said old Ben tri
umphantly. "t'nele Ren, Blackberry creek I toe
small for a flsihoat," said Layburn.
"Hut It ain't to narrow fr a skiff 1
Ben s plan upi-nrcl so practicable
tbat tbe young ineii were lucllned at
first to distrust it. They would have
liked It better bad It presented more
obstacles, but every attempt to find a
reasonable objectiou was met ana over
come by the old negro, whose know!
edge of skiffs, nutl-oats und the neigh
boring river was founded upon the ex
perleuce of a lifetime. After n long
discussion the plan was udopted, aud
to circumvent more surely Brown's
s1i"K'eted trickery it was determined
to executo It that night. At Ben's re
quest tht! preliminary arrnhgeiuvuts
were left to tiim, and the mectiug ad
A the young men left the stable
Ijiylmrii remarked that their return to
civil life was apparently dcHlinid not
to l devoid of excitement.
"True," replied Meriweather. "but
rnnnlng off Confederate cottou Im not 11
glorious oct-upatloii."
.o, rfspoitiK 11 1 ayituru, "not ns
glorious as seek In;; l! e bubble reputti
tlon at the camion's i-nuth. but It
promises to be vastly more lucrative.'
1 Hiring the Intervening time before
8 o clock, the hour upprltitcd fur the
expedition, I'nelo P.eu waxed marvel
Jtisly self Important
"Ole man," said bis wife, Nancy, aft
er a scries of snubbings, "ivhat's d(
matter wld yo'? Yo' struts nroun'
Ink yo' done when old marse bought
'o thousand dollar carriage hoi-s- i
v"Khet up, 'omiin, un' scour dat skil
let! Yo' gwlne see 1110 iliivln' tine
horses ag'in cf yo' live."
At 8 o'clock that evening Lay-burn
and 'Nli r! weather tt und that all was in
readiness 011 the beech blinded bank of
the river mljaeont to the I.aylnu-n gin
house. On the eapttcl.iun flat hunt,
which whs almost concealed by the
willows aud' muscadine that bordered
and festooned rh"e marge of the stream,
were several poles twenty- five or thir
ty feet in length that Men had provid
ed for the propulsion of the boot, and
tied to one end cf the boat was a
roomy skiff for tho navigation of
Blackberry creek.
Meriweather complimented the old
negro on the completeness of arrange
ments, much to his satisfaction.
In 0 few moments .they were loosed
from the moorings uud eliding down
stream. Aided by the current, Ben de
ellued tho assistance of the two young
men. He declared that one polo was
sufficient to propel the flat, but said
that when the boat should be loaded
and the flow against them he would
be glad to receive their help,
Tho. lack of the moon was not la
meiited. Tho stars afforded all the
light that wa4 needed, and their sol
emu faces were reflected on the dark
waters. The breath of myriad bav How
era made the ulr heavy with Tragrnnce.
while from tho bunks on cither hand
came the sounds of the swamp, the
mcliHiclioly voices of whlpHNt-viils in
reiternnt song, und ever uud anon some
owl would rr.v "tuwhu, tuwhoo," aud
then break Into a is.al of ghastly
After about an hour and a half old
Ben exclaimed:
"Marso Alf, we's mighty nigh dar!"
Iu live minute more Luybuiu saw n
break In the umrgin of the stream,
fringed with eniie and overhung by
grapevine. It looked like the begin
liiug of a buyou. It was In reality the
mouth of Blackberry creek
Ben tied the flat to a low spreading
bough of a cottonwood tree, and the
purty entered the skiff. The old man
took his seat In the stern, aud, gently
paddling, they began the ascent of the
sluggish creek. When they bad gone
about fifty yards, tbey cuught a crac
kling pound.
"What's dut?" said the negro under
hi tires Ih.
"It must be a wildcat or an opos
sum, replied Meriweather,
Meantime old Ben had stormed the
skiff. -
No, sh," said tbe negro. "Look
lrl See dst light? Yo' never seed no
cat iMr shsiiiii totin a lantern. It's
1 vf 1 - 5 jt- S tj f. zi
.w .s.vv: cn.vn.vvCnn.x'oc'
Tho Kind You IIuvo Alw.iy 15.mi:M, nnl wlii. li lias 1.-m
Iu 110 lor over :tO years. Ims lxirno tlm sl-natnrci if
w uikI Iiiih boon matlo itiulei liin iier-.
txtital Mllicr isiim utiii-ti II 4 iiilAiucv.
Allow no ni to deceive you lu UiN.
All Counterfeits, linitut ion unil '.M'st-a-.-tMHol" ore but
iinetits that trilla with ami ciulanor tho lienlili of
. lul'uut uial C'buldrcu l-MW-ru-noo nuuint lJK'i-iiiicau
Castorhi i a harmless; substitute) lor Castor Oil, l'arcv
goric, liropx nntl Soothing Syrup. It is ricasatit. It
c-outaiuM neither Opium, Morphine) nor otht't Xawotto
substance. Its ttjre I its guarantee. It dcsltova Worms
and allays l-'tHcri.-dmcsM. It ures li,irriioa and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teethin;; Troubles, fu res' Const ipatiou
and Flatuleney. It assii'idait tho Tood, regulates the
Stomach and I tow els, jiving healihy and u.itural slei'i.
Tho Children's I'anacciV Tho Alolher'.s 1'i ieud.
Bears tlio ignaturo of
M 4 .1, teli j 1:41 Ml Irif
it lo tir-i ii 1 i..-u.e. Ilu y
li.itut .liy slant tJo' l,t -ivti jt
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Li'ullui.tii J'.il. tn Slt-t'iiiiiii ahti t't.Htr
"II UiM'llj li tiutiio.
lht.in Cur mm tier nuemvlll. MotiU
tri vi ) a (a Cm
The. Kind You Have Always Bought
In.Uso For Over 30 Years.
nrtr. mi w v
III crtti l.i oi tain llii first ilw-
;i i. ilieiK'kti m-i-nt ti.' soil
la het over v.
PilVrl Mlttlt tUMI- ut hi( A"-1 m M
w Hiil. in' .ir h(I Ku-trrn ; .i- . . .
Tor (till iiiliirnKii uui fii'i iu y i ir v un i
u l'i iii'i ni , r iu- . . .
J ah (!. Tomi, or J . A. Ct( f
Oi'ti. At., '!iit:ri) A-i'l,
He Collar Line,
us except V.uniiay
'Hinder liuiil, Act June 3, IsTs
Miiici: run ri hi.ic v 1 1 ;
I'nitkii Btvtks I.imii i i h e
OTiK'inx I'nv. Okk u. M:iv ''!. I'.WU I
in eoiniiliiincu with -1 lie nrovisiiins
ff the act of t'onyn-Mh uf Jum-, -!, 1'7, cn-
titled ' i n act lor the f;i of limlit-r lands I
in the Stmt .f ('alifnriiin. r-u n. N. v i.ci
and "A uliinifi" . territory " as ext. nii, I
to 11 Hit- I'lihlic l.ui.i stale l.y a I '
)UKllst -i, 1S!I.', (,iiM V-h o A. t. il ia, I
ouiitv ot ' latsoi) hlnte nf On ls.ii. lias;
tins .lav l ied in mis 'nflii-e Ins ;ia i-im-ia
No 'o'i.', Inr the ' uri'liasc of ih.. s W v. of
tier I in II No. !( fnT;t. li r, W, ami will
otier l.rnof to show that t e lain! xijiitht is
more v Inahle lor its tiinhi r or vtone than
fitr iiKriciillural tirioMs i mi to i-l ihli-h :.
Iiisc-laini to sai i l.i n. I In f. hi- ihc Kiyi-tci -i
anil liecriver ol this ulllis' nl Orct'oii I iiy.'
Oregon on l-'i iilay, the Kth day of A u;iist, :
lie iiaine as w ttncs.ses :
Joiiii iliser, of (Mm y, In
Julius liar, c, o
lara H. I iiis)in, of Asirin, ' j
Cla a i-lmaii, oi ' I
iVn" llliii all lii-isoiis cl iliilii - :ulviis Iv :
tlie nliuve di-si riheil laihls are iciiiitcil 'in 1
tile tlu-i- claim s in thir oiiice on or ii-luii-1 AllfLlrtlKlP.
naid li ilay of Au -iisi, I'.sl .' I
( II H li. Mi it; I- .S,
A nronp rfontMtiir ti
Tnoe Mapihs
licit h ntift in mnf
OtiiftiiT Mf iM tjtiTi ii r inMiitrt frt-t wh(Mhr hii
hi vt'tii i. in H pnli'Utly i-mt-nlrthlo. 4'hiiimiiiiiii hi
In. its hi rii l ly c.iiililfiil i.-tl. Uui i)iHok t'litouli
lenf f n'f. i 'I U' .t Htiny Inr mv urini p-ileMi.
1'iinpt! t.ikfn ihrtiiiL'li iunn A ( t. rculv
trrt-u vtfui., will. mil clitirt-'t, in HiA
I a :ive l'i4l:mtl .
1.1V A-Lui i .
a. iu.
. 7 p. in
Scientific Jlmerican.
1 nr.'ft rlr.
'I crins it
New York
rii;ttnn .f
!v Hln.-lrttHl wrrkl.
( 'V ItCii'Dl .tl'1 1 tlt ll'ti.
t'.nr'it a n . . .
II in her I.iihiI, Ait Jnur :t, ls;s
I od'er in v services
i-ili..'iis of
Hits eoutdy In fell kimdI-i, iiii-icIihihII-h
mill clinllcls Hi lnilihe veniliie.
uTi i: run ii i:i.kmto 1 ,u ntu-tPi n H.ir at itm.-H un.i
i1cmi 8cilhil tijifin ) ( I'ivinu re
'i ruitil to do mi. Clinri;.v re.Hsniuil.'e,
ITnitki) Status ()m r
in roiHiiliaiii c with Hit vt i.snn u '
tlie nt t f CoMiMt nt Juih- :t, t m ill-
wt A n art tor I ho : if limUr It iN in
llieHluti'M n Ctililti ni:. Orri-Mii. Nrv.l'hi I
I Wiihtn.'lttii 'IVrrit ry,'J :im xtfii.tt . .
hi nil lli-' 1'ithli I ami m it l-y nri o '
A HifUM I, ISirj I) .:iisunt ti A.-i u i t
coittilyt't' l:tfoii, H I u It of Oiri'iut, ;
tin flay tiM in lli) oHtt, Ul.i sui n i ; I -
ntt nl Ni. j'iiti.t. Itr thi oiirt hitsf ol tin .
w 44 H V 1 1 SfO :L K ' ; S I-, t S '.Ml'
ol Nr. , 4 i i I' :t U i. V, in, I v tl
ulli r I nxi in f Ituw I lull tlx- l:tnl m.ih'Ii i.
tuuri' xaluiiHtt Ur i,n linidt r nr stiii- ih'iii
lr!ii'ii'iilliM;il tiurn.i-i rt nuA to I 1 h
11 1M rLiilii tiPMtm Lilnl ht'ltHf 1 he lltyi
iiiul KciUrr ot t h i of lit v al iin'i-oii 1'ilv
Urtt(in, on fritlav, ththlh tlayTil Aiomi;!
Ht'itaiiif 4m ftiiusfNt
fuliii Dfiit-k, Kt Ohii'V. )rpi"ii-
John li laser, of
.lu tins fv.tt ho ut
;orvt' Vi !!, t A'.iia. " f
Antl run all h'im(oi t laiiuiiof .fivfisr-lv ' fcyi
it....). i i.... i- i - a
lilt tm ir ( I iiiirt in thi: ollu-f on itr M-lnr' (
lletneen 1'iiiIIhhiI, 'lite Itxlles sod.
r I'uiuts.
1'nllr Ti l Fi f t Sunilny.
Mr. "laliomu"
I.v. I'orl hunt Mull. Weil. Kii.7 a. In.
I.v. Dalles Tiles. 'I'lmr. 'at 7 u. ui.
I ' S'lr. 'llciulta"
) Lv. 1'oitUnil Tiics.'Tliur. Sat. . .7. a. in.
I.v. Hallis Moii. Weil, iri 7 u. in.
sT'Tliis Koute lias the (imiiji-tt
Scenic AltractioiiR on Karlh.
I.ucliiii' Hid (iili.e: K,,t Al ter btrtt.
llotli Humes, Main ,iil
roirn.AM), 6rfon.
Jlll M il I.I.IM), npt Tlie Iallo
A. J. i'Al l.ttK, aKt Astoria.
J. V. M V AiT, k' Vi'.iieoiiver,
H0I.HIIIII4: MIEliS, Hhite '
J. J. I l l KKV, agt,, i,,h1
IIKMIV III MSIKtlf.-Caiion, Wath
V. V, l llll llll, avt I'orllun l
N il. I l l I.Kit,
.11(11 .11. lO I i'0,
raid Nil ilay
il At.pais-. I:iir
rllAK. I:. M(ii;i H,
Yes, Jurk. DUn't you hear a wbeel
treak?" siiiil l.ayburti.
"Itless fioil, sotiieboily's after dut
cotton! I liear 'em tnlkluV' returned
I lie netfro.
The three hud now gut out of the
skiff and were nilYiinciug cautiously
and iwrlnB thrtiuli tho timlcnrrowth.'.
"rerhaps the. parrisoii had Informa
tion of the r"t ton mill has come to
hsnl It nway," raid Meriweather.
N", na'i; 'tiiin't no Yimki is," wild
Id Hen In un excited vhlser. "It's
r'.rowu. I Mes him, mi' I sees two n li
ters, nn one of em in Illnck Juke,
Brown's driver."
Further reeonnollerllhi diseovired
two In lire wiisotm, one of vhii-li was
slreerty fi-elnhterl, aud the two negroes
were rnpidly loadinir the other with
the cotton lialis, which they were roll
ing out from a rouch shuck built of
logs and roofed with linrk.
Under his supervision Brown's lu: l.y
aids were working with celerity. It
wai not possible-to remove nil the cot
ton at a single tttn, and the hriste was
evidently occasioned by tlie desire to
haul away the remalnin bales that
night It was an exasperating siirht to
Layburn and Meriweather to behold lu
th light 'of tbe lantern tbe look of In
tense satisfaction on Brown's traitor
ous countenance, and when they pic
tured to themselves the hypocritical
surprise and sorrow with which the
rascal would condole with them their
Timber I.hiiiI, Acl .lime 3, 1,S7S
XOTM I. fr IIIC I'l Itl.M A l IO
UK.TKIl NTATB' I.4N I Ol' Kit 'K,
Oiifi N Ci rv l'hti.N, Vriv V?. i'
(M I.S H KlIKIt V OI i; I II A I i
mi tMHniihant'p with Ihc ornViShins nl
Ihe net tf ( uMffs ol Junt:;, 17, eninlctl
An a 4 lor Hit' fait' ol IiiiiIht I iicIm hi lite
Slult'M ol Cahlormn. Citjhi, Ncvatla : 1 1 I
WVMiiiit'ttin I erritory ,' as ex It-n.lnl tall
the I nl.ltr I 'in I M ile- h. :irl ot Anu.t I.
(' Clara V nn:iu. of Atotia, riiolv ol
(lat!op. Mnto t 1 Oi-pum, li-Li llii.s Ha . IiIimI
In lhi oil iot his Hrtoi n MaH'fni'iit N t. "(l'.
fur llic piirt ha. o ol the H W N W W
W ', rtf. 'I. r K 1 n r. 1 , l Mr ,n .a
inT.'lN K a W. am! ill t.ih-r l.r-H.f in
"how that Hip 1 hi) HtMiirhl in itnui! vahi.thlf
for its limhtT or Mont than lr a urill ur-
il iHiipu! nml to (Mtal li I. his claim t I
iiitl l.uiH ltfon Iho U );il'T ntiJ Ki rcivr
at thiH nlllft nt OitH'oo iiy, ?ft;n, n
rr nay me mii uuvoi aukum, rv.'
lit; naiiu'H as w luifs.sf's:
.ftihn lt'iiok, of Htu-y, Urchin,
John lihtM'i, of " t
tnriM VttHM.of . A;tor a, " t
Anviiipl ail t'r.' hi t l.tinii:tif rtiUi-rv- t
tlipuifc'v -iIcmm iIm' aiHN aro rtfj.iowi.tf 'i 1
lile lliHirrlai'n- in t h if ol" ta on or hi hp
nM Ifi Hay ol Aiil'iwi, r.fci. .
.i HAss. it. rnii:i;s.
tUyi t. r, I
1 1
fA I
f13 M
i fca&3L:Trr J'Jmwr:
ureaui Information.
The nitrite :. n tii kct oftV in t'ortlanj i: a variublo
J?iireaii cf Jn oi n.-l i. .n tot tn.x'ns a pl.,te whcia
ll.tjr chii t irn l..a it w.ll rc-rt touacli A.Y jot iu
AnierUa or I-urope; li..iv l..'. th trt,-. will tal i.-, tnj
lut then- i.-i t-J .it'mi . e ..!.
. If yon are t..: ui i.i(- i n (.n i a -tern ti,',i. ,1t, p in ;.ai '
gpt full inf.-rmni.,j. 01. if o:i j-tel-.c. mn u.c ftl-nit it
llnialia. l.ic.-iKi. haii ,,
l:VI;KVWIIhhE Uijowl-
lima an J
A. C. Sum mix, General Af-enl,
Cor. ThiiJ aa 1 b,aik Bn., l oitlaii.i,
i h
Timltrr LnniK Art Jnno:t. IS7S '
mth p. nut rriti.H atio J
' I t k r HrATit l,M Orri
Oi itrio.t City. Hi.ron!
-I XLS I'll A I 1
111 COmpliu It Willi Ihl' OT'iY itM (l i
tht' act ol t'onn of .1 ti iip .i. ! 7 mi I ! !
'.in art for ihc Palp ol liinlwr lamN mi th'
Hlitlf. Ol I'ltl' lOWtll.. (IrfOtl. N':;i'i:l MimI !
miia v i - . m T ashin . ttui ttTfitory vx tvi.w ! :i I
Indignation w-aa beyond th power of , ht, ,,,lUi(, , an,, hf.tlJ- , ,K.t A ,.., ,
word to expi-ess. At whatever reso- j, j-rj, jutim ta he. of dim v. coumv ot -
Intion they should arrive, the demand t'latsop. Hut- of i 'n-ji.u, has ims ilay i I- c,
for action was argent In less than ten : " "s."":r; , .1' v- . v L- , 'T '. :
minute tho loading of the second wnp-1 w . p, i i- t: n i ' .,f e! i, '.
on, would be completed and the wretch in 1 a V u V. ami mil .n. r j.r..-.t t..
Won Id be 0 IT. ' ,how lhiit the lacl soiichl iuor v ll'l c :
"1 f I n'i i .i.i t.. i ! hie for its tim ' i t or ton. tl- in I. r iki n n! !
Alf, I can t stand .thls.I at going to , , ,., ,, , , tMllifh ,, ,.,
bootr exclaimed Meriweather, breath-1 1 ,,, .t t,. rur,. u,.. it k.,Mi -r au-l Ibv-i- ;
log bear iiy. 1 re- of this elhie at I in -!.-iii Oily. t- ;.". '
"Stopl- nid taybnrn. "If we kill '
Brown, there will bo an investigation, I ji,n l emk.i.t iln-v, Ori-:-'.n i
and we may not only lose the cotton, ' John t;iH,sr. c.r
but lo our lives, a the result of a " r ' .'
... i I laNt Hriinan, of '
court martlaU . . A ,..,. ,.,v,.r lv
"AM you gokig to let the scoundrel , tin- BlMrr-.li- i ih-1 lah.l-.ir. r.-..i.-sl...l t.i j
nilIKe nil Willi 111 COtlon I aSkCU Jiei I- i in--.) iidoo . in inr. o in -i ,.i ion- i
weather angrily. sa"1 ''"J" A:'T:':1; ,','.-,lL., , I
To bt iontinueJ.
UiA.i. li. IKKihl.-i.
Tim Acai-iomijprppares tor College and aW
a thorough Knqlish Kducation, tlie brst pre
piralion for teaching or busjness. All
puis;s i-rrii lose, l'joard uiid rooms a tlit.
Ldic.fi' Hall "Sfl to per nivh, induilin
.Irtti ic licjht and kcat.
Linder r.xp.riMicrd mana;jpmrnt, tcil' lur
nirslt roorm and board ot cort on tli club
plan, not to f.:cf'r.U $k30
I'or full pai icnlar.s, address
I'orst (Jroie, Oiv;UL