Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, April 11, 1902, Image 2

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Intoted iu tha poatottto at Hillabora, Urt.
M aoon4-laaa wan uialWr.
BubacripttoB, in adranca, par yaar, 11.00
I). M. C. OAULT. Editor.
For Governor,
of Umatilla County.
For Supreme Judge '
R. a. BEAM,
of Lane County.
For Secretary of State
of Claiaop County.
For State Treasurer
of Klamath County.
For State Printer
of Lino County.
For Sup't Public Instruction
of Multnomah County.
For Cbngreea, U District
of Washington County.
For Representatives
of South Hillnboro.
of Gaston.
of Eoreet Grove
For County Judgo
of Buxton.
For County Clerk,
of Eaat Butte.
For Sheriff,
of Weet Cedar Creek.
For Recorder,
of Beaverdaiu.
For Commissioner,
of Beaverton.
J For Treasurer,
of Dllley.
of South Ulllnboro,
For Surveyor,
of North Hlllsboro.
For Coroner,
E. C. BROWN, ,
ot North Hlllsboro.
The democrats of Multnomah
county may fuse with the Simon re
publicans, but If so they will art un
wisely. They have almnet lost their
identity by fusion In the past, and it
ia now time they stand on their own
merits. Times Mountaineer, (Dom),
It has been proponed to coin a spe
cial mintage of silver for circulation
in the Philippines. It is to behoped
however that such a policy will not
be adopted. A circulating medium
that is good for continental United
States is suitable for outlying terri
tory. Let the Philippines be on a
gold basis and let our nlcklen, dimes,
quarters and halves circulate thera
as they do here In Oregon. It Eng.
land waots a special coinage for her
colonies let It be so but for us hold to
the one standard.
Speaking of Mr. Tongue's renotni
nation, the New berg Graphic writes:
The record of Hon. Thou. II Tongue.
entbuelaalk-ally renominated for con
gross, la the best eulogy jhat can be
given blm. The editorial expression
of Wednesday's Oregonian Is worth
repeating, especially aa the Oregon
Ian has ever been conservative In Its
support of Mr. Tongue. "Represen
tative Tongue's bold upon the people
of bla district and the ability ol his
service at Washington were signally
attested yesterday by his unanimous
renominatlon at the Roneberg con
vention. Few seats la Congress are
more ably and Intelligently Oiled
than the one from the First Oregon
District." !
The Salem . Statesman which warm
ly supported Gov. Geer for the repub
lican nomination for governor has
these remarks pointing out the duty
of citizens at this hour :
"The suggfHtion of a democratic
governor at this time cannot be en
tertained for a moment by any re
publican who his the Interests of the
slate at heart. The election of a
democrat would bring discredit to
the name and injury to the interests
of the state. For Oregon to go dem
ocratic at a time when the state has
so much at stake In the Oriental
trade would be next to suicidal. It
would In effect bo saying to the East
that we are not interested in the re
tention of the Philippines, aud it
would be considered as a rebuke to
the republican party of the country.
The people of Oregou cannot afford
this. The republicans of this state
cannot afford it. They cannot at
thl time afford to do anything but
loyally support the republican ticket
especially the candidate for gover
nor. A breach has been o.ade in the re
publican party in Multnomah coun
ty. The party cannot look to that
county with confidence for assistance
In carrying the ticket. This Is
another reason why the republicans
of the stats generally should support
the ticket with more enthusiasm
than If there was certainty of a large
majority to come out of that normal
ly republican atroughold.
Mr. Furniih is a successful busi
nesa man. He Is honored and re
spected by all who know him. Ills
closest friends are among those who
have known him longest and best
As an official his record is clean. He
will give to the state a business ad
ministration of ita affairs. He should
and must be elected, and it devolves
upon republicans all over the state of
Oregon to rally to his support."
From national appropriation two
miles of experimental "good roads"
have been completed in Virginia
from Jefferson to Charlottsvllle the
nearest railroad station. Tho event
was celebrated Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of last week. The affair
drifted Into a "good roads" conven
tion. This was attended by the
Governor of Virginia, the two Sena
tors from that state, Congressmen
and other dignitaries. Mr, Tongue
of Oregon was the speaker for Fri
day. Mr. Tongue is recognized by
the public in the East as one of the
best speakers In Congress, and when
ever his official dutios permit he is
listed among the orators for outside
Notice to t'onnnmera.
.tdininitrtriK Xotiee.
Nnlirr is hercl y piren that the unuVr
s'kii1 lias kvii iluly uioiiiUI l.jr tha
futility ourl of Ilia llut ! I ! guii, lor
V :ihuiKlou fumity, ad ii 'Hi intra trix of the
ebtdte of C. K Wulueck.r, decvaanj, tlier
fun, all persona havinK elaiin aitaitiKt
said rntaU are liernuy r-Hjua-tril to preaviii
llietu t the uiulf-niK-m t duly vrrili-U at
tlia residenea of Jiu-vti Wiamer, lielhany,
Oregon, within nix uimulm from this date.
Admiiiutratrix of the estate ui C. V. al-
deckr, dtxuml.
Dated March U l'JO-J. 4IS-7
r? pi
8: i-3 M
d 11
Wltll prii'radi" ..'n rtj t. i , ,('.-:,( t -ti'tt
With 'DK h I Ti!-. J -,';(,.
j'ir. I ran wrnM your ( A:-'.ir.rTS in u.a
Iowa of Nvwna, 1 . :i.il n vrr t"i.j it !-'hti:i;
lu qual thm l.j-liv I fcn t rtueiy icvtt I.liu
piU's md Itx t iV i t.vw n: r. "
C UatiBitz, t.ii Jews Sioux City. I a.
1 1
t tl
!ai!y Kound Trti.a eicfcpl Suu.l.iy
All futility wurriiiita of Wuaiiinitim
County, Oregon, einlurl or nut eiulura
et, will he ilii and puyalde on anil aftrr
April ibi, iw- ana iniercM w;u cease at
that uale.
Co. 1 reanurer.
e Cure A Col J lu One Hay
Take Lsxatire linnno (i'litiine
Tal!et8. Ail tlrui'iri-t r firr the
money if it fail t rurr. W
Urove's signature 1- on each box. 2rf
r'aiiint. PaLttir.'... i.-u-i:i, Ts.te Owi. no
UumI. havlf Su-kOii. t Jik-.ui. or Urli". h.', XtQ. "JJC
aurilaf Ifaj CwHMf, IktMtfa, .Ir-.i, ktw firt.
af B)art Munrt nn' nt.i f t'l iItti
k tl SA
.dniiniitriitor'a NmIc.
. -3 hi a . J
fcW Knolvn and sohm
kfl toherelxr good crops W
ivf are grokm. V'
V jI Sold everywhere. f .
TCgL I9't Annual VRHE, J
D. M. f RV A CO.
Detroit, Ar
Notice ia hereby aiven that all accouuta
aigned and tiereafler all monthly accouuta
dua the city of UilUbnro for light, water
and aunpliea for the month of March, are
due and payable at the oltioe of the under-
Kotire i lifrehy i;.ven that in purnuaiite
ofauordurof the 4 utility I'ntirt fur Mult
nuiiiah tJounty, made on the lull day ol
aiuri'U a, J. ijo-', in me inattpr oi int
estate ot Johu hurt 'k. ueccaheil, the tin
derniirned. adniinistrutur of laid estate.
will Mill at public auction, to the hitjheM
bidder, subject to cunnrnuitioii by the
uia uoari, an tno iouowihk uencrloedj
real estate, viz: I
All uf lots uumliered eiijlit (s and nine
(!) ol "Uray Uak" aa the said traot h
peura on the maps and plats i'l the Ue-
.-ordHr'a nttira if MiMhliitiirioii frtnnlv 1..1
iiiK in aectiun lire (.") i 1 8 I! I V, W M, I 1'orllHluI liitraetH
u..i.,..it, . ..i' t... iu.? Wheat Wulln Walla, nominal
oha weet Iruni the intersei tiun ut aectionn '"'J1- bliietein, 5(lC ; valley, .rn..
IB, 17, ) and VI X 1 8 K 1 W, thence west I nmr i.el t;rmiri, L'.ti. . ;j 6U pur
u west nneoi rpencer s uonallon claim uarri'i ; cntiium, s-.im.
1-1.44) chains; tbeuee south to the sutilh-l ()ita 1M, 1H h. i I imt rci,l:il
west curuer ol Ppencor s dunatton ciaim ; Uarlev 1-W.l, l"i'" l...rni; luuwin,r
thuruiu anal Stat lu Imu il uu n .. I . . ' ' f
".-..rz'-, ru.:.". r. 7r"?'" r t-er tun.
uwll Wt.ni I'UUIIIB tUt UI I IIC BrULIUIl It lit I I I I " , n j . - t -- . n .
Utlwei-n aeotiona 'JU un.l ; thence nurth 1 1, nis'uns l,r:'"i ; ,l'",,,1""-r
ln.OS chs to theoluceol' l-iin.ii, ll i. T 1!"" M ; Hllnrts, $ lo" 17 ; rliuii, .(.
Washiiigt n fouiity, Ktute ut Oregon. Hay Tiinotliy, $1 1(" lo; clover, $71
That suid sale w ill be maile on the 21st '.'.fitl : OroL'uii wild liav. i.Yi ii iter tun
dayuf April, A. i l'.W't ut 111 oVImk a. ui. liutur Fancy iTcni'iitM V, "hi- J1,,'
ol suid day. at the front dior ol the Court dairy, IS,,. -JU,- Ktnre. I I w I V mt .r,tind'
li i7..; i7" . .. s i iv'a titor:ti;e LM.'t lich L'..
"V: . -. CiieM-KHll .-ruaiit twins. 13 le :
imtea mis mn day j.r .March A .. . yomu( Amerit-a,,, l.'i 'c-' I Ic per pound. !
administrator of the tate of John bar- 1 ry 'n , 'J,,,
tok, duceaaed. 44 4S hens, f l.tHK ' S fill ; dieted, lllci
)i ic per juinnii ; sprtiii.'!', l',ihiih ;t..iti pur
ilozon; ducks, i.i for old; f;.D0i.i -1.00
Agniiiiisirniur aiioiit r, lor youn; givse, ti at '. per do.'ii ;
. . turkeys, live. 10"11-; ilni.l, JOi'
Kotice if hereby iriven that the rjinler- 'lr T0",'"'' , ... , ,
iKnedlma been duly appointed by the L '-i.unit.s uross ; tires-eii,
( ounty t ourt ol the State of Oreaou. for P?1' l'f IW'1' om"i ' Um ''l' '''-' Kr"'8;
W'ashineton V ountv. adininia:rator of the MreweJ, tie per pouinl.
eatate of Hdoliion Wimner, deceased, Hogs tiross, liettvy, li.Jfi; lilit,
therefore, ull persona huviiiK clainia $4.75 O'o; ilresi-etl, 7(i 7'uc per iKintnl.
anaiust suid estate are tereby requested Veal Small M!lc- larire 7ii7'..c
to present them to the undersigned duly p(.r pound ' ' '
verilied at uia rejidence ut tfethanv. Ore- i. ' . ." .
gon, within aix mouth, from title d'uie 'T , i , !, V T. '
ACUB W JriMKK, i" iwui'i", t "'i"'i.i unn
Administrator of the estate of rJolonion beef, 5i at tic per (lounil.
wisiner, deceased. I J tops lOA nt 1 1 W. per pound.
Iated March 6. l'JCZ 4.')-4!J I Wool allev, II at l:!.',e:; Kartern
Hrenon, ut 1JU-; moliair, 20 ut ale tier
l-eave I'ortiHtul.
Lettyo Astoria..
.7 . in.
Acker's ItrntiepsU Tablets are aolt l'""1"1-
on a positive fruarun tee. f urea heart-hurl I 1 otalocn f
raiatnir of tils food, distress after entitle o:
any tor in ol dyspepsia. One little tuhli
lives mi mediate rettei. ' clH, unit 00 cli
.lie iielta Urug tttore.
K" ('"' .! per Hack.
Oniuna rl.it'i c t.
Notice ot Inteiilioii to With
draw I n -n ran co by tlic
I Hi ted States Kir I n
hiii'tiiieo Cmiipuiiy.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
will be due aud payable between the 1st
mi nun ot eaca and ev-ry uionth.
By order of City f ouncil.
it. T. BAGLEY,
April 9,11)02.
LockJ aw 1'rera Cobwebs.
Cobwebs put on a cut lately gave
woman lockjaw. Millions-know
that the best thing to put on a rut is
Buckleo's Arnica Salve, the infallible
healer of Wounds, Ulcers, Sores,
Skio F.ruptionH, Burns, Scalds anil
piles. It cures or no pay. Only 2oc
at Delta Drug Store.
Practically Hturvlnir.
"After using a few bottles of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure my wilo received
perfect and permanent relief from a
severe and chronic case of stomach
troble." says J. It. Holly, real estate
insurance and loan a Kent, of Macomb.
III. "'Before using Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure she could not eat an ordinary
meal without Intense sufferine.
HUp the Cough and Works Off the
. Laxative Iiromo Quinine Tablets
cure a cold in one day. No cure, no
py. I'rlce 2. cents.
Tradc Mapm
Copyrights Ac.
An tow Htnrl1nr thrh mn4k Acm iiwlon mav
quickly mortiti our opiKHm fn whether mn
tnTnthti m pmhnhlr ftn(nhtA. Coitimniit.
turn MriirtlyfsmntlntlaL Humirxvk on l"ntnta
vnt frtm OUIml mrvncj for turtnv pAttnta.
Pliit tnkmn tlirnuirh Munn A lu, rtxwlTV
Scientific Jfmcrican.
rulatlon of A.tT h intifl' h-nrnnl. HVrnn :;
ir: four metnrhfc 9t HuliI bjTAll nvwipalrm,
MUNN Co. New York
akaauk UOloa, Ut t BU 7uiu,u, Ii. L.
.0TII K.
All ersons knowintr themselves
Intlebtetl to the undersigned are re-
quesleil to make settlement.
8. T. 1,1 . KI.ATr.lt.
For Infanta and Children.
Tbi Kind Yoa Hare Always Bought
Bears the W7 .
of WUrttUZZtC
fo whom it nut eoiiferit;
In ttceorilnnee with the reimireiuents til !
the Inns of the State of Oregon, rel.it i e to
iiisuranre (.jiiiimiih'.-. imtiee in lip.eliyl
Kiven that the I niteil MmI.k l ire Iiiniii-I
Thl. preparation contains all of the 5Tr "L" SZL 7.V
uiKesutiii.1 unu uigei,a an ainua m the tftate nl Oreitoii. in en, Is to witlnlniw
food. Itgivesinstantrelicfandnever its deposit with the Treasurer of ml I
fails to Cure. It allows you to eat all Utte anil w ill, if no elan,, iiMaiit -aid
the food you want. The UlOSt Sensitive "Jouipany h..ll he liled ilh the tnsiir-
atomachscan take It. hv Its nseniane "ee oiiiii.i.ainn r within mix ini.nihs
thniiaanHa uf rivanpnt.lea hnvn btmn froni the -Jlxt day of I'el.ruaiv. Ill
Itttneeii I'orlluuil. 1 he Dalles u::l
liny I'uiuts.
I'lti!) 'Irip l'feit SuiiiIjiv.
Str. Tuliouia"
I.v. I'tirttsndMon. Wed. lri.7 a. m
i.v. I 'alios 1 Ufa. Tli nr. Sut 7 11. 111.
Sir. "lljitiU"
I.v. Portland Tues. 'J'liur. 8.it . .7. a. in.
Lv. Ilallos Mini. Wed. I 7 a. in.
flOr-This Koute li:ts the li Kindest
.Vvuie Altr.ietions on hurtli.
Ijintl.njj and Uliiee: Fst Alder fire, t.
I -'th I'litiiKin, Main :il
.! II V M. HI.I.OON, ,i,;tT,e l'alh
A. J.TAVMH;. .-lejt Antoriti.
J. t'. WVATf, nt Vainfiiiver,
woi.i oiiii x nvt:i;s, uiris vvuit.-
Sit I in 'i ii
l'IC VIIII K & IIKMJI AX, a,;U II, kh!
JOHN M. TOl'l ()., SteveiiM.n,
II KXItY til MS'H:I, Cursn,i, Wash
K. V. t II I N, art rorllun l
Just a : Little Cough
Hut il yiii v.vtc to prol-c the wmiiiiou iastsc !"
iuti.-.t l'.iu-r trouMcs, imlf.Jitit; coiisuiuptiou, you'd fiiul
tli.it tluy oitf;iiiaUtl in "Just a littlo Coti;li."
lWi ynu know it's jti.-t ns easy to gi t ridol tltitt
li'tle ouivt'-t. -r a I'iKX'f "ue. ;,s 1,1 kctl' 011 iiioliiii;:'
Our "Clinch Syrup" dues it every . day in the ut.vU.
Wliii li would you rather keep, your rouj-h or
the 50 cents that our Cough Syrup costs?
Which is Chcapor'
I' A
The Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Any liotiehl, inU'ilit'iit ill iiL'i.ifl or jiltyritUitn will tel you tlmt tiiiruitii- poisons
uneli us iij.iiiin, iniiih iue, ile.i'll.v inliMiaili' or fin uiiie and tneivnrv are and li:ie
U en him : I tie) 1 ark A v ''. in nil i'lle Me.lii'iiH'n, timl that n, Ii uiiilii'aliiHi
really irpi'tnaiin IMes. eruu I'ile elite is nut ti ivlie o( tint laik Aj;es, lietue
eoittaiiis in) itariutiiK or iiieieurv, Uewatd i( a trine ot any nan otu! or luer-
i nrv e:n, f.e loudd ill YtTiii. A H olliers inula 11 namitiiu or mrreurv. Deny it it
Mt dar inowliaeUt,. i.rii l.'ewai l ii' Verus jails to enre any ease of I'ile. Woiat
e.t.-"i eiue.l wii h one Ktx o( Vrri:s. Over I0,IM(I periiianent ell re 111 live years:
J"H11 in iIi;l-Uiro liv I lio Twi'iilietlt tVntiiry Store :
The Hillsboro Pharmacy,
i" J. F.
arcv and thcas
ii.ht tuu:
We filliT (Inn II it in I rc I Dollars Kew'ar.l
!". in:, f Calan h -that raniiot lie
l:re,l hy I lull's t iitarrli I 'lire
K. I. C1IKNKV A. CO., I'ropa., Toledo, O
We, Hie utiderf.ined, have known K. J.
Cheney tor the lat ."i years, and helieve
li 1 In perleelly honoiahle 111 nil Ius lies
traimactioiiH and linaneially aide to earry
out any olili ral ioiiH made hy their lirni.
Wrsr A' lui AX, Wholesale J)ru;;i-t',,
Toledo, O.
Wawiiio, Kinkax t Mahvin, W liolendi
DniKii-tK, 'lol.do.O.
llail i" Catarrh Cure in taken intern illy,
netini; direetly tipnii the hlood and iiiueo.L
Miir aees ol the stem. I'riee -er hot
tie. Hold hy ad Jinii;i;iM . To iiinni iaii
tree. -
Hall's Family 1'illa arc the l'e.-t.
1 ".1.1 .j . I siuiie m ill r iue nan- 01 me lu st null ira
ureuiireTeriri,uiui laueu. lion of this notiee. w ithlraw Us.l.iii.vii
prevents rorruationoiKas on tiiestom. from thebiate 'ivensurer.
sen, reneyinir ait uistress aitr eauny. 1 1 .m i h;Ii st.VTKS I II: I'.
Dieting unnecessary. I'leasant to taksa insiiianck mimi-ant,
haln I iiderhili. rreanh iit,
Can neip ltt-.l nt Sew York, this 7th day ol r.-h-
Dili HO yOU aOOal ruary, l'.aj-'. m 1 1
Uraaredonlyby K.O. mwiTTAt'o., uhloaH
tm al. boltis cootaioaSliUtuttaatioWii.Blaa.
The Im'hI nuii Ki-iiicJy mi
the muikt'l, Hiitl if
A Oniuli l;eiueily, tnir'i will do h
t lie wink.
St Charles Hotel
rout mid MnrrisD.i Streets. rorllnnd tlrrKim.
I'lm-triir l.i;htH, i:ieetrio Hells and Hydraulic Klevutor.
I..0 1:0,11ns nt 2. la .')iti'. Suites, 7.", lo $1, inoi lii-lsitraut
Give us a call,
DAVIS & r.KLCIItiK. UlaiiarN.
32 41
j year-old reconl 2:29
.'1-year old record 2:20. .'1-year-old trial, 2:12.
Will make the season of HM) al the l?airKHitiui1s, IIillslorf, Wash
niRttiii eoitnty Oreooti, upon the following terms:
St'tisoii, w f!h n iilee of iclurii jf j.",.00
Iiisiir.uirc .' :t;i.l0
Lovelace is a daik luv. with one w1iiir ln'11,1 f. in
liamls hiirh. wt-icbn 1 "(h) lvmnds.
Sire Kotist,2.-2'J
2:12.'..- ami .s others in the 2
il S.) 111 2:30 ami Klectrite
Xotiro of KtorlthoMerM tlei't-
i VK KX0.V
It fonlains iiollinif; injuriotlR
and gives speeily relief, us
1.1 the nniiual iiititiiiu of the nloek
VXmKil'i IniMsrily will testify.
l'IMI K J.'i els , H. anil I 00
lioldern of the ililW.iiro
1 ouipanv will ne iielil 111 tin- lirane
I in ilillMhoro . tlrei'on . i liurnilav. the "Till
I duy of March, l.iU, at I o'c'Iock. Thi.11
niiwtinp iv railed lor the purpoMi ol elect- ;
illtf live llireetol'ii to 8ere OIU' vear all.) Ill
I tor the tr unaclioii of Min-h ot.'ier'htisitiefn ! )j
as may properly eonie heiore.nd meetin:;. i V
tlillsiHiro, UreRoii. .Mareh 1 !).'. M . M. .
JAMKS 11. m,'i:i,i Main Street, llillshoro, Oregon
I'l-TMidellt. '8 .
i 1, v
Delta Drug Store
I J. A, Iinhrie. tjeereiiiry.
No Time to Lose
You cannot afford to disregard
the warning of a weak and
diseased heart and put of! talc
ing the prescription of the
world's greatest authority on
heart and nervous disorders
MneV Heart Cure.
If your heart palpitates, flutters,
or you are short of breath, have
smothering spells, pain in left
side, shoulder or arm, you have
l.eart trouble and are liable to'
drop dead any moment.
Malor J. W. Woodwork, one of th
bent known nil ntHTHtor in ineenitn
try dropped di'Btt from heart dlspa-e
rreenl ly . at his home in IVrt land, lad.,
while mowing hu lawu. 'iTw iYM.
Mrs. M. A. l;irdsall, Watkins N. Y,
whose portrait hei(U thi advertise
ment, ays: "I write this through grat
ittidc for iieneltti 1 received from Ir.
Miles' Keait Cure. I had palpitutiofi
of the heart, rrrre ptinn under the
left fchoulitrr. and my peneral health
w.-ir miseraiile. A few bottles n( Lr.
Mdcs'lleart Core cured me entirely.
Sold by all Drutflata.
Dr. Milaa Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
ii Heat Shoe
ami sire of IvRficit 2:H'), the Conqtierer,
i 2:.V. rull lirotlier to .Siihinx, a i'O' ,, sire
p 2:l'.s;j, sire of 48 in 2:,-,r.
First d im Crcixiii, dam of r.iivtlacc 2:20, Dursey L - -o':- Jk-tsev
"'""-"'V CMxc -:'-'l' ;l)ehess,2:27':: Rri'llantitic ' 2:2o'-
liantilly tnal 2:2.,;..; Kloiul.kc. trial L'.-iS; Craml dam Chanty
ami Cascade 2;i4, liy l'dneejis.
ScvoiHldain- Crape I.tsso, lam of liraid 2:10, King Rene ir, 3-17
d ll.1l.11 mo, 2:27 hy O,, Wilkes. 7
Third dam The dam of Tailton, 2:31,. trial 2:21.
Lovelace, as a 2-year-..l,l tiotto.l in two races, ohtainiiip- a 2-year-ohl
reconl of 2 2,0, As a three year old ho was , am,,aiK,,ed ii, several
states, tuilted in 23 races, olitaim.-d 1st, and or. '!.l money i ,7 races
took a reciird ,,f 2:20 m a third heat in I )ecemlier; worked jmhlicly a full
mile at Cleveland 111 2:12,', . 1 '
His breaJiiief is unsurpassed. lie cmliines the Mood of lilertimieer
i, 11, )l t, ,lww re-test speed puxlucim; strain-
. the world 11,3 dam, his Kra..,l dam, the dam and
Krund dam of his .sire, ami the da.nol his eraml sire, arc nit i ,l?
brood mare list. Smile, the dam nfliw tir.. f, . ... t.. .' ?.
.1 1 . -i.r -"., ...... inc onis ny jvteciion-
tllO list. I hr.'f if llioi ... .l:n-.. . .
he .11 ed the list of wiiiiitnii sues at their ace. W.-.tne...;.,.! V .
- r.-- ',' , f,l,UHl liatll
eer, .-md all aie in tho list
has six in the 2:30 list has over 300 descendants
of his Mre
in the
M.ties frtim a distance will receive o.wt ,v., ,.,t .. .
perimuitV i'.sti.tuKc at $1,501
Ki.r fimher particulars see or address,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
IIKK.'II'I ' nivt'ivi'
-never pii,, ,, n yrr.
A shoe for .your i Iiil
!reu, us well us ji scrvfr.ililf
one. A oo(l iiismy ural slsocs
arc not made til ijimmI stock
iiiino a iv. If you want
The umlerMiirnpil dojilrva to buy
or rent a good farm In Washing
ton or Yamhill County.
1500 to:.000 in Invest
Owner need only anawer. Pira
irive full dtfrription and term.i
when Hnnwerinir. AddreM
H. Vauilorlio, Jr.,
Cnrns, . . Oregon.
l or your children, as well
as a neat one, 3 ou will make
a mistake if you ilo not eel a
natnls in Nun Fran.
,91 HvL'J tlMXtL H I v,,v-'. "' " .! Hk fll,iVHi.lH. and
$ ! W''X&MJW 3 '",TVi,W'"i eure.1
t'i -lee i nrrora
E, .
I""1 '-. y-'' r of April ;.i. I V, I 0 M.mfc,.,,....- k. l-
Mens (Moves A Full Line of Hose
"... , ,,, ,,.r o.-1-fon, ,,
Ueilll.n.1 ,y t. -.,l, ,( - of April :;.i.
.ne ...ill 01 3 .,,- ock ,,. r.rt'ieeon- U aI
ntrui t...n of .- hri.l::.. on tl,. Kou-.,t (i -ov.. I
.'tn.i I ii'ii)i-Ii.. r.ei.l. ne ,r liill v j ?
hjH-l-ilie lii.liH t,:.,y . ,,.,. .,, 1 1,.. t.-rk
OIIU1-. Ill II il,li.,r,,. (), , --nn. I
1 1 iie.l tun. 1 111, ,j;iy , .r,.,( , i UmnVm
in, ui...
.t 1 . ' 1
"1- Ifeiitment n,l
W:.I.-C tl.mi. Tlley K,A (lVBi.
-M'ii to lining climni... inenral.ln riM,
an-l -..IntiniHier.,! it iU tl, , . 1. iA ,. ,
f-MuiL-e,. . ,, ,Alj;. r, i,,;.,,,,,.,,
ii r ,.tofl!,,.t i ,,,., .,,.,.
f- finn fu..r:ii,;y.
' l.-eillij Inn t.'ii ..... ,
. .. , ,,., (ll
rinliii.-i-, the .rl.;,.. wero ,,tiHr.. itlh
lo eiI ti, traiis,u ti,,. 1 h i- ...
or Hie t..vi-stiKMiy oo11iti,.,.an,j thK
. I.nieal re.n-of tl. t.t e.w,.ro .,,,.
h;W andwill I,. lmli(.,, (rM.(M, ,.
tin. A t. r.-K. J.o.v 1 l' "..
- . I H 1. I d.H I (l-.l-
rain i o,
1 1 Hi 'll ton HiwAlDivj (i
-mnu ins ,r,(n.j!i HtwAlaiv