Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1902)
I HILLSBORO INDEPENDENT Eotaiad in tb poatotfoa al Hditbora, Ort. aa aaeuud-cUaa wail walla. ubauriptiOB, tnadvaooa, par jraar, fl.00 HILL8BOBO fCBLlSUINU CO., Fropa, D. M.C.GA.CLT, Editor. FRIDAY, AHBIL 4, 1902. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE. Fur Governor, W. J. FURNISH, of Umatilla Couoty. For Supreme Judge . R. 8. BEAM, of Lane Couoty. For Secretary of State F. I. DUNBAR, of Ctataop County. For State Treasurer C. S. MOORE, of Klamath County. For State Printer J. R. WHITNEY, of Linn County. For Sup't Public Instruction J. II. ACKERMAN, of Multnomah Connly. DISTRICT. For Congress, 1st District THOS.II. TONGUE, of Washington County. IOCSTT. For Representatlvet , D. M.C.QAULT, of South Hlllsboro. B. F. PURDY, of Gaston. DR. CHARLES HINES, of Eorest Grove For County Judge THURSTON BUXTON, of Buxton. For County Clerk, E. J. OODMAN, of East Butte. For Sheriff, JOSEPH GALBREATH, of West Cedar Creek. For Recorder, ' E. J. KURATLI, of Beeverdem. For Commissioner, W. J. BUTNER, of Beavertoo. '.For Treasurer, W. M. JACKSON, of Dilley. For Assessor, O. H. WILCOX, ' of South Hlllsboro, For Surveyor, A. A. MORRILL, of North Hlllsboro. For Coroner, E. C. BROWN, ol North Hlllsboro. . When stripped of all covering the defeat of Mr. Moody, for now! nation to congress means that the peo ple of Eastern Ore. want the public domain for little homes and that they will not permit the leasing of the ranges to big companies, foreign or homer Mr. Moody seems to have favored the lease law now before Congress. The action of the conven tion ought to serve as pointer to the Interior department where the scientists seem bent on leasing the ranges. ' Hon. J. N. Williamson, or Crook county, Prlneville, was nominated by the Republican District Conten tion, for congressman, for the second district. The nomination was made by acclamation. If elected, he will succeed Congressman Moody. Wll llimson served one term In the Ore gon legislature and is said to be a very bright man. He is a plains man In sympathy, at leant and will ba a hard hitter in Congress In all matters where the Interests of hi constituents of the Inland empire are In controversy. Individual republicans do not dif fer on principle and pride themselves on that fact, but they frequently do not unit on the same man for nomi nation or approve some meibods employed to secure nominations. In voting, republicans generally And it Infinitely preferable to support the ticket than to renounce the principle tor wnlnh they have always stood by voting for the party that stands for an entirely different administration. Th scraps In a republican conven tion never can make so wide a chasm as ei 1st between th repub lican aad th democratic parties. HI VERS AND U ARBORS. An admirable system of planning Rivera and Harbors Improvmenls has bean adopted recently by the Committee of which Congressman Burtou, of Ohio, is ' chairman. The Committee takes up a river or har bor, mouth of Columbia for example, and determines how much work shall be don and its ciwt. It gen erally requires several years to muke th Improvment. Then instead of appropriating at one time mouey for the whole work, the bill carries the sum necessary for the Job but makes available only such sum ax will be required duriug the current year or until the next (netting of (Xinifrem. Thus the bill now beforu the Henuie, having jhimhlmI the House, couk'iu plates Improvements that will cunt $d0,00O,0OO, but this work canuot be doue I u oue year or two, eveu, so that the amount of money to be paid at once or for the fiscal year euiliug July 11, 1'JOa is a trifle over tiU.WiO. 000. By the foimer mttthod of es timating appropriation bills trmt is the size of the present bill. The reason for making the change 1 thought to be sufficient and 1h not quoted here. As to worthy objects. It is ussert ed and not contradicted thnt no former bill has been clearer of items for small projects voto catchers than thia one. Every small im provement has been backed by the demands of commerce and the cer tainty that a volumo of tonnage is carried. Thus of the smaller rivers and creeks carrying less than 50.000 tons each, there passed 619,105 tons. To improve them. $214,100 are ap propriated or only' about 33 cents per ton. For the streams currying 50,000 to 100,000 each, 1.671, 203 tons passes annually. For these 1202,000 or, 12 cents per ton are appropriated. Thus, this appropriation of 'no more than $417,000 is to lake care of 2,200, 3C8 tons annually. , Compare this with the lordly Columbia where It takes a few cents more than $1.00 per ton, annually on its commerce for improvements. Yet no one begrudges the money 8ent or holds that it is unworthily appropriated. Those who sneer at the Rivers aud Harbors bill but show littleness of soul and want of information. 0REU05 IPPKOrKUIIOXS. The River and Harbors appro priations fot Oregon, are as follows : Tillamook $ 27,000 Coos Bay 10,000 Coqullle River 30,0K) Coos River ;- 3,000 Siuslaw ' 20,000 Columbia at Cascades 30,000 Upper Columbia and Snake 38,000 Mouth of Columbia... 1,000,000 Willamette and Columbia below Portland 225,000 Willamette and tributaries above Portland 68,000 Total l,9dfi,000 . a Tbe ticket put before tbe eoile by the republican county convention on Thursday evening of last week is one that deserves tbe support of its party. Tbe convention did not con sider whether a candid a to for the place belonged to one interest or an other, but only whether be Is - pable for the performances of the duties of his office and that he is of good repute In his neighborhood In geographical location, the ticket Is well balanced, In this campaign there 111 lie no Hillsboro rinir. Forest Urovecleque or liutteconting. ent. hvery part of the county is recognised. There is more harmony In tbe party than Is sometimes seen just after couveutlon day. ' Tbe ticket can be elected in June and there Is no reason why it shouM not be ia the lead by three hundred and fifty to four hundred plurality. KEil, MUTE. Lois O Mschmaliou t'i Man- che Langley, lot I blk 1 Nay. tors add Forest Grove I Vi: Mint K Peter to Aobo Peters roadway ; oo A llinman assiirnee to Am brose Porter wj lot 3 blk 10 Forest Urove . Ki2 BenJ. Anderson to Hylvester Vaughn part blk a Hillslmro U0O Hylvester Vaughn toL J Uuinh- wilier part blk S 900 Mary Kelleruian and hurband to Han lUsniussea 1 M a sec 35 1 1 n r 3 w ;,o Brie Wilson et u to Jacob li Werts 100 a sec 7 t J n r 6 w. .........., i I Msnche Langley to John II Fields lot 3 blk 1 Naylors add Forest Urove M0 H K Ileiitley et al to Msnche Langley lot 2, 3 blk 1 Nay lor add Forest Urove Geo II Ilrlggset al loKllxsbeth Uritxnssber lot 2!l Peachvale llugh Braonan et ux to V V Wiley and John Dennis 2ti 6.1 a Joseph Tupiier d I c 150 Tbos Mangura et ax to Martin II K'ndig 2 a near lHI!ey. .. 100J Elizabeth Hhute to W A Hit hi 40 62 a AZcharydl c..... 1800 Nlsalieth Hbute to ("has K lUyniontl 42 62 a A Xichary I f J 1800 C It Adams H ux to Urouer A Iiowell Kroi tra t in c 15 t 2iriw.M into Christian tjoddkesen ei us lo J OGieshirt lot Iti, 17, -U, 21, 2Z sud 23 Whet-ler Mil- divi- sion i'MO WilliHUi Stephenson el vx If. John Schmidt 41 Uti 7 1 2 s r 2 w inl Ii f i iini-... li.'siu U Klilcr Arthur i: me, ( Sheridao, will preach, in the Clin-t !a:i ihuieli next Sumlsy miming mid evi nine;, I . T. 1'hilllpx, who h it lelri oii fined at home for no.ny a mouth, by an attsck of U grippe, whs on the streets st Wednesday prcelinsj frienils. Lockjaw r'roui ohm-h. Cub-Aibi put a .-at lately vc 3 woman ImL'jsW. - Millions know that the best thinir to put on a cut is ISilcklcn'H Arnica St. v. tin- infallible healer of Wound, Ulcer, Sorif, Skin Krutioii, Hurt s. Sothlr onl pilif. It cures or no pay. Only iV at.lMt Drue Store. Trucllcully Martini;. "After tisinj; a few lint tie of Kixiol DyK'Hia Cure my wile m-cived perfect ami permanent relief from a severe and chronic case of MoiuhcIi troMe." says J. U. Holly, n'sl estate innnrHijce and loan nowiiifMiieoiiili, III. "Iti-fore using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she could not eat an ortlinary meal without intense suITering. AdnilniMtrntor'H Snle. Notice ii herehVK.ven f hat ill nurmiiim of an order of the Count y ni"t fur Mult notiuth ('ounty, made on the Isth day of March A, J. 1!"'.', in the matter of the. estate of John Hurt k. deceased, the nil dersiutied. administrator of said estate will Mill at pulilic auction, lo the lin;liest bidder, subject to continuation hv the aid Court, aft tin folio mil? described real estate, v is: A II of lots nuniliertd elirht (s) and nine of "Oruy Uak" un thu :nl tiai:tap peuni on the maps and pint ii the lie- rorder'a otnie ol Wschinsioii t rinmv. irf in aectu.n tire (:.) T 1 H K i W, W M ami u'so the foflonini; ti:u't. r: l(ei(iiili'il'i on the wclioM I;ne IU7 elm mint from the iqtersei'tiun ol wclii us lli, 17, !M mid 21 T 1 S II 1 W, thenee went to treat line of !-cui'er' donaiiim e'aini 11.40 chuuiH ; thent'tf Mouth to the auuih west cor iter of Spenrer't. donation eia'm ttienee east on tlie line ol aht W:iinioa point 10.K7 chains west of tiie eet.on !:ne between aeclioiia uinl :li : thence co I lo.Os clis to the place ol be'-innim.'. a I in Wnaliinct m County, Hlate ol (. e- n i. That said Bale wil le made nnieVist day of April, A. 1) I!' at 10 o'clock a. in of said day, at the front door ol tne Cm HollKe of kaid Wushi HKt Ii n County, at uuiHDoro, 'recoil. Dated thin isth day ..f March.' A. 1) y.m. 1). (ilillAiANNfi Adaiiiiintrulor of the estate of Joi.ii ;nr lik, dpcoiscd. 14 Is AduiiiiiHtrutor'M oCkc Notice is hereby civen that the under slL'iieil has Imvii duly iipisiiiited liy I he County l our, ot Ihe Htate if OreRou for w asiiinixtoii I'oinity, aoiniiiis'rator .01 tne ealute ol o 'lonion miner, tleeeased therefore, alt miiom having clainiH ft-'aliit iiaid estate ure hereby nsiiieslei to present them to the iindrisigiiei. duly yerinwt alius rcintnce at l etliany, lire goli, within Biz months from thia date JAIXlB WJSMKK. Administrator of the estate of holomon Wisiner. deceased. Dated March I'.i, lit 12 IVl'l Acker's llyspcuKia lahlcls are soft on a positive Kliaranlee. Cures heart-hurt raising of the food, distress ufter eating o; any form ol Hynpepriu. tine little rives iminediaiu relief. a els, mid fill eta The lielta Drug Htore. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of tbe dines tan ts and digests (ill kinds of food. Itfrlvcslnstantrcllcf and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive) Stomachs can lako it. jy its use manf thousands of dvsmptlcs have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of tr;mn the strnn ach, rcllcvitiK all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take It can't help but do you rjootl vvm.lonlyly K.v. it.witt .(., Chlokfl Vba Ii. botlut coowins ttns. fm. u s No Time to Lose You cannot afford to disregard the warnings of a weak and diseased heart anJ put oil talc ing the prescription of ihs world's greatest authority on heart and nervous disorders muS's' Heart Cure. If your heart palpitates, flutter';, or you are short of breath, have smothering spells, pain in left side, shoulder or arm, you have I. cart trouble and are liable to drop dead any moment. Malor .T. W. Wnndrnrk, one of the tiel Mtinwn oil operator In theronn try dropped dead from In-art itae. fvrenllY. ml hi hnme In Port hind. InU., vhila mowing hit lawn. i V I'rrm. Mrs. M. A. Birrlsall. Watkins N. V, whose fmrtra't heads thi advrrtire mcnt, Mr: I write tlii.i tlmwh j-ut. itude lor benelit 1 rei-rived frum I r. Miles' Heart Cure. I had sl;'Hsiiin n( the heart, aercre pains umier the left houldrr, and mv reneral heai'li wa mieralle. A few Ntlle cf Lr. Mdct'lleart Cure cured me entirely. Sold by all Druet lata. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnS. jX(oI if It "- ii With 1'iof'jin . s rroltr!Vt CIi L tAiit .t ln va.iii ftbivh I m nr 'a 1 f t tt nlv yc.wH I ran i.ur I'AH'AH r-.TS in turn t .nuof wttl. la-. a- wTfT iiurti fcuvtiilrar ( ; t'ii tri. ru T-a.- mi ntiret Ircc liom piles iitJ lint a t. U U. kniiz, Uil jn-.-s tiL, t'ioui City, I. W JJi CATHARTIC ffsil.s, n-.str- Qotxt,tfvvrSt. ktu. wKfii. or Urn. I0c.c,6wi. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Uriti BrM.l; tru;, Bsitml, f .! iM.iiil ffm--nntMl by all dmg- U 1U i KB. iuOsUCO JlaUilk. "i-mrl iSjassaassassiMSSsrl Knolvn and solvit wherever good crops are grown. Sold everywhere. 90J sinnual FREE. D. M. FEKKV tL CO. Detroit, Mioh. l'orlluuil .Vurkets. Wheat Waila Walla, nominal fVKn V.:'i'; bliteKtem, Cflc; valley, f I. Flour best trades, i.t6 li.SO ier barrel ; giuham, SJ.'iU. Data Did, I0'.'1 ner n-nlal. Hurley l'eeil, fl-V- 15.5'i; brewini; lli.OO per ton. Millennia liran, sj.l"(17; !nidilliiif;, 1'K.. LHl; t-horls, sl'i.i 17; ehtip, ifl.ri. ilay Tiiimiliy, 'Uf" 13; clover, t'.i.'iO; Oregon wild bay, .-:' l r ton. l!utJer Fancy creameiy, .V27ic; dairy, l.S... Mc. ; Ptore, l.'V.i" Me er taiuml Knyw Storage 20V; fresh '3t.t 2V. t'lieehe i'uli cream twins, IS.'.c; Voinii; Aurui ican, l.'i'.cl ic per imnnd. I Poultry Chickens, mixed, J.eOct :l.P0 ; heiia, JSHJcfSW); dressed, 10ci I lc per pound ; "prints, $.U0rit:l.50 per dozen; ducks, f.! for old ; if.'t.OOc 4.00 for voting; gw, if'! nt !) ier dozen ; lurkoyu. live. lOoilIc; ilrcsw-d, 106? iLV'e l'r poiuul. Mutton Lambs, ;i'4e, groan ; Ure'l, 6('"'li'.c per pound: sheep, irroys ; dressed, lie per oiiild. Ho'B l irosn, heavy, !fil((i.2ri; liglit, fri.'b ('; lresi4xl, 7("7,'s!C per pound. Veal Small, Miille; lare, 7"'7'j' per pound. Heef (iiuss tot Hcers, t.5lh' -1.00 : rows and heifers, 5:i.iKiM ,1.5(1 ; dresse! beef, 6J nt lije per mnnd. llnpH Hij at 11 :.e ier jiounil, . Wisit Valley, 11 at l;i;.c; K:itirii t, x nt l-Y; nmliair, 20 at 21c vr pouii!. I'otati lis-.N tfl'i per saek. . Oiiiinu- 51,," civl, ' Notice of Intention to Willi drutv Iiinu tuitce by the I tilted NtalcH Fire In Nisrmire Company. To wliurii it may concern: In accordance with the requirement.-ol thu lawn of the (State of Oregon, relative to ' isuriinee companies, notice ia beiebv given that thu 1' idled (State Fire Insur- anee Couinany, of New 1 ork. Iew 'ork. desiriiiK to eeae doing hi. sin km within the titale of Oregon, in endh to withdraw 1..1 deposit with the Treasurer of said .Slate and will, if no cla'in apuiist naid Coinpany 8le.ll be I led with the Insur ance I oiniiiissioui r within six months from the Ist day of February, liny, the same beii'i; the date of the lirst publica tion of this notice, withdraw its deposit from the rilatu 'l'reioiirer. I'M IDii STATKS VIKK 1N81 'UANCK tO.Ml'AN'V. l'y W. W. rnderhili. J'resident. Dated at .New York, lhi 7lh day of Hcl- ruary, VW-. . H Xotice f itoiklioldern Jit pt- N'OI'U K IS HKKiJlY (JlVKN, i'lfA't the annual meeting of the atock- lioldeiA of the Hillsboro t'o-nneiative rompany will be held in the (.range hall in lli' shoro O'etron, Thursday, ihe '..itb lay of March. 1. I'J, at I o'rlncx. This nieetinjr is eai led 'tr tl.c purpose ol elect-j 111 if r 111 CCO -.IO se;H une ytur nut, for ' :ie tr uisaeiion of such oihcr'tusinesH 111:1 V projHTlv tome licforesi'id niiH'tinj. II dNLiiro, (o"'on. M:i-ch 'S7. I'M'. .I.VMi:S II. r-KWKI.I.. 1'resident. J. A, Imbrie. ricerei.ny 4J !." !y - "i"tt"t,ti 1 rmTBTinriiaWfi RAVEN BLACK TOM SPLICED TRIPLE TOE anb HEEL S V . ' -' ' , . X I FATHFR -v-t I have added a new lino the best in the market. None better, few equal. Full line for Women, Men and Children. Gloves for Men. JOHN DENNIS. White Collar Line. PORTLAND-ASTORIA Route. Str 'BAILEY GATZERT" - TIWE CARD Iava l'ortl.ind ...7 a. ni. ...7 p. THE DALLES PORT- i i STR 'TAHOMA" lletweru I'vrtlautU The Italic i'it.1 Way 1'oint. TIME CARD lave Portland Mini. Wed..Kri.. 7 a. tit. Arrive Tlio I 'alien, cunie day p. m. Leave " Tues.,Tliurii..Sat...7 . in. Arrivo I'ortlaatl, same day 4 p. m. tgr"Tliis lioute lias the liramhrl Scenitt Atlnu'tionn on I'arth. MEALS THE VERY BEST Ijindinrj ;ind Ullbo: Foot Alder Street. I-.lll Phones, Main "M rOI!TI.AM, OP.KtittN. join M. HI.I.OtlN, antTlie I tll.i A. J.TAYI.OK, n't Astoria, i J. (' W YATl', ant Vuniimver, WOl.l'Oltll li W 1KKS, aeln liilc Sill mi. n. 1 It A Til I'll Si 1IKMMA, ai;U lloo.'. Kiver. K. W. t'KICII ION, a;;t Portland lion ThU We niter One Hundred IMIara fiewnr l fA i-as of Catarih that cannot be 'ured hy Hall'H Cnlarrh I'uru V. T. t:iiKX KY .V CI ., Propa , Toledo, O V, the iiuilursi:n d, liae known K. J. t'beney fur the last 1; yearn, and believe him ertt-tly boiio'ubie in all IntH neha transaetioiiK and liiianei dly able to carry out any oblijationa made by their linn. Wkht A Iiicax, Wbnlisiale Krueiri-lH, Toledo, O. Walpimi, Kinsan Marvin, Wholeaile, ( ilatl'a Catarrh Cure in taken internally, uetmu direetly nsn the IiIiuhI and inlleo.u sur ace; ol tbe system. I'riee 7,rc per bot tle, fcudd by a:l liruia a. 'le-tniioiiiala free, llall'a Family PilU are the bent. L -1A K li The best I '011 1: 1 1 lieine ly on Die market, mid if YOUXEKI) A Omgh Ueiuiily, our's will till' work. lo WE KNOW It contain!) nothing ieitirioiiR and (jivea Msdy relief, ai DOZENS In this city w ill testify. l'KK'K : els , ;,(! cts. anil l.tMl Delta Dnifl Store. X iiu Street, Hillsboro, Oregon, ji Thia aiirnatare in on every box of tba frenuina Laxative Bromo-Quininc Taweu the remedy that curva coM la. no day OASTOItlA itnri th, In Kind Km Km lwaw BatsJl lln Kind t( gTatnra aT Do the Children's Stockings give yon good Results? Just 'a Little Cough littt il'yott were to proln: the i-oi'imim iii-' of most lttne; tri.tiMo!, iiuludi":! "iisimiptinti, yotiM find tliat tliey oriRtnatcd in "Jitt a li'.tle CoukIi." lo you Vnow il'ii just a easy to ct rid of tint little iutvjh, or a lii;;er imo, as to keep tm rini;liim; Ottr "CottgU Syrup" dot-s it every day in the week. Which would yoti rather keep, your rotiy,u r the 50 tvnts that our Cough Syrup costs? Which is Cheaper? The Hillsboro Pharmacy. DEADLY NARCOTICS Any lloneHl, intelligent dtilifiat. or physician ill lel you that tiai.olic poison Mich na opium, henbane, deadly uilitshade or ciHaiiio ami meicnrv 1110 an. I hart Ix'en since llio IhirU A r use I in all i'ile Medicines, Mini that aneli Inedii-.iliou really perpetiialeo IMes, N'erim I'ile cure is 111. 1 ti relit' of the Ifcuk AeeH, bcl c coiiiains 110 iianiui.-s or uieivui v, 'iraNkl lleuuni if a trace of any narcotic or inrr cury can Im foiidd in Ycru. Ail olliera eouta n nai-entii or nieicuiy. Ieu it if you dare ino-Mlia. ks. J.'iil l.'ewanl if Yerua failn lo euro any case ol I'iles. Worst euws enred with one lsx of YeriiK. Over Hl.lhKI s'ini;iin lit euivs iu live years; Sold in llill-lsiro ry lli Twentielli t'entnry Store: The Hillsboro Pharmacy, J. F. DAVIES. Hr3IDeNT, St. Charles Hotel IMCORpORtTin r'ront mnl Morrison M reels, rortlnuil Oreiroii. Klwtric ;r,ii:bta, Eleotrio Hells and Hydraulic Klevalor li liuoni ut i: t ', Suites, J5, to $1, liood l.'i-.luurunt I'enuectioD. Give 11s a call, t DAVIS Xolico lo Coiilrnrloro. Sealed bids will be received at the Cona tyl'ouii rooma, in Jlidsboro. tlreon, on W ednesday, the l'tll day of April j'. 'rj, at ibi) hour oi 2 o'elock p. 111.. tor the cou sIMietion of 11 bi idc 011 the Korest tirovo und t.atayette road, near lilb v. rtptlc:,ieatioiih ir.ay l seen n the t'lerk's ollice., in lldlst'oio. Oregon. l.aled Mi s 1 : ;-v ! V.'ircli, '.. ' A, liOllll, l:H7 . ..only JiiiIl-c. I htopa I lie Cough mid lnrkn Off the (old. Ijtxslivo lironm (juiiiinx TahlolH cure a cold In one dity. N.) cure, no p-ty. Trice 2o cenlH. r:rly Natlva Kprlnar Flower. One of tlio most lieiiutlful early na tive sprltuj llnwcra of North Anierien t the lnisiUO, or Taster flower, rulsn tllln fiii-sutlsslinn, pertuips more faniil Inily known ns Aneiuoiie iiiittalll.-iiia. It I n nntlve of tlio prnlrles of Illinois anil the northwest territory, extenilliiu fiv.m I'rllhdi Columbia Into Nebraska ntirt Tcxns, Inhabiting dry noiln. An In teresting character of the idant Is when the fi iiltini; gtngo Is reached. The silky .(iX-yT TUB I'ASiJt-E Oil F.ASTKH Aeheneaj nre ilevcloMsl Into lontr fonth erv Ktyhtt recalling very nuteli those of the Virgin's I'.ower clenintli, ami In deed the plant' Itself was nt one time recoenlzed ns n clenuitls. The lloweis nre purple with n bluish tln-cnnd sent- ed In a feathery cup. The nhuit Is de void of petals, the showy piirtinn con. listing of pet:ilo:d wpals. Tho hairy sin Ik rise Hire to nix Inchon above the Kniuml. nnd tho richness of the-! color of the (lower Is one that Is much appreciated nt this early Rorisoti of tho I year, says American linnleiiiiiK in 11 liiMlmtitiK this sprlnc Iilossom. I 1 1'8 Vrni H;na Km Bonjt- Traoc MAIn9 UCSIGN COPVRlQMTIt Aft Anrono niifllnir a Urih nri(f rt.rrlnflt.n rtiAV flt,,hia. n-MfrirttM (,nr nptmi.ii fn-fl wli'Tlt-r nil llV.-tVl..n im lT..hM, ;r t'-l'M-M' C'..l,itnilt rH. I.fitn(ly l-t!tnl. It in4tHWi,m Cnttania (it fr-. hi ti;t n'-f"n-T l"r HiH-nr'inr .ttiiiia I' ltptitaj tKk.-n tlir-mi'h Mui'ti A 4 tx ftftvln tT,tt withoui ctntTO, In the Scientific Jlmcrican. A h-jrrrxrtmf It HTn-fr-itM wrvklr. t nrrf rtf. nilfillon f iiif ait lotttiftr .nrnnl. Tertii ., t rr.V-I JVil 'ai."'-' L h"M "Winter. KUNNXCo."'8"-'"'. New York It. oibm. Ull V v.Tartimiii.i. li. X j XOTItK. I All erson knowinjr IIichihIvch ' hull-Mod to tlio tinilersk'ni-d am n. iiiieslitl to muke settlement. S. T. Ll.VKI.ATFK. J y. T T" T y. oWratlia O. T. r.FlCHCR. o c-y UNO THcaa. & IJEWJII Eli, Jlanaixers. .tdntiiti,! rnlrix olif. Nolire in liureby civen that Ihe un.ler-s'),-uel ban Iwun duly appointed by I lie County t'ourt of tbe Stale .. ( rce.on, lor W :ihiui;l mi J 'mi nt v. udioinistratri ot tba est iteol'O. ( Waldeeker, deceased, there fore, nil persons hnvi:it claim, u-aiimt said estate mv hereby recUe-teil lo present them In the undersigned duly vcriled at the, resilience of Jeeob Wisiner, Ib lhaiiy, Uri'Kou, within si inoiiiba from this dale. A X.N IK K. WAI.DI'IKKi:. Adiniiibitmtrix of the estate ii I!. K. Wul- dec k r, diseased. Jited .March J'. liaj-J. - 4-5.7 Trt'MMiirer'M olire. All County warrants, of County, Orei;oii, endorsed or not endors ed, will l due mid payable on 111,, I aiier April 1st, luoj and iniereiit will reus at that date. IMlJiOl.rit I I1ANHAI.I., Co, '1 icaHurer. Jtitniirrs imskask. Tlio InrircHt ftini ever paid for a pre scription, changed li'mds in San Kriin cipco, Aug. IJi), HKIl. The transfer in vol veil III coin and slink 1 1 ,MM.0c) and was paid by a party of busiiirKs men lor asHH-i(ic (or I'.rislit'a Disease an I Dia IiOUjs, bitliurte. inciiral-lo diiteasea. Tliey eon-.meiieed the serious invettti (jalion of Hie s,cilic Noy. J,-,, ;hk. They interviewe.1 m-ores of Hie cured and trioi it out on its merits liy tmlling over three dozen cases on the treatment and WalchinK thou,. Tliey alsrt got pliysi- Claua lo name chronic. iiicnr.ild rmw.. and nduiiiiMiered it with the. .h vsiciana forjudges, fp to An-;, fi, ei-lily-aeven per cent of the ti si eases were either well or prnjirei-ainn favorably. There Isini; but thirtnen tier cent of failiilcs, th,, parties were satimicl and loail tlio Iraiisaclion. I ,e iii-im ee1iuirs of the iiivestijeatini: cominitliv and the clinical roHrhnf the test cisecre pnb- lisiu-,1 and will Is- mailed free on applica- l' Adilresa .Ions J. Kin 0.1 'ou- l .y,4 0 Moii'izomcry SI. San I'i aii is, .1, Cil. o Cure A old in One Hit) Tnko Iixi'it-i- r.rniiio (jilnino T11I1I11-. Ail ilri)i;L,;,,, r,(m n,e money if it faili t i euro. K. V. drove's signature is on riich box. LT.i! Tim undi-rHli:rie( ih-ein s to my r renm K( K farm In VMbiiiK. In or Yemhill County. I500 lo $2000 ti Invest Owners neeil onlynnswer. 1'Iihs.. , Kivo full dcH(-riitin hi.,1 !,., when misw rifi!. Aildntw II. C. Vnntlerlio, 4r., CaniM, . . Oregon.