Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, March 28, 1902, Image 2

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Kouiwl in th poatolflc at Hillsboro, Or.
u moouii-ciitM uiu uuiur.
Hul.icription, iu tdvkno, per yoar, l.Ct
Hlf.IJJBOUO H'BUBkll.NU CO., frop
U. M.C.UACLT, Editor.
The movement of Urge financial
interest to prevent the renominatlou
of Kojeevell eemii to be taking quite
formidable shape. These Interests
know what a power tbey can exert,
uoi varlou occasions It baa been
demonstrated that when tbe capital
of tbe country become alarmed Its
power in politics la considerable,
Washington New Report.
Do tbe large financial Interest ol
tbe country want to wage a cam
paign along tbe line Indicted in the
quoted paragraph? If tbey do, there
ia little doubt but that an accomoda
tion can be secured.
It baa alwaya been a favorate par
agraph with a lot of people to state
that there ia only one millionaire to
a hundred or two common every day
citizen. Rut tbe rich man's vote
counta for no more than bia plebeian
brother and aince there are more of
tbe latter cUm the former can under
no circumstances win tbe election.
If Mr. Roosevelt antagonizes the
merger and tbe railroad people make
that an Issue, tbe result cau now be
seeu. Indeed it ia to be desired that
tbe trusts, ir dissatisfied with tbe
treatment heretofore received, should
take tbeir grievances to the ballot
box. i
Rut reasonable people are not op
posed to wealthy men till tbey be
gin to be domineering. They rec
ognize the right of every man of
money to use bis possessions but not
to oppress bia neighbor. To pre
vent this wrong use of wealth, is
why Pres. Roosevelt is moving and
if capital desires to organize against
biui, let it not for a minute be sup
posed that tbe people will regard
such an organization a dangerous
club. Merger capital will certainly
be worsted. It may as well give up
the tight now. Tbe situation will
be loss humiliating. In an appeal to
votes, tbe majority rules.
"And tbla a free country!" Whose
bearing and feelinga have been jarred
upon by bitter or Ironical exclama
tions of this nature uttered by per
sons who view with satire, tbe re
strictions to freedom which, through
the application of our laws, may
have justly, or otherwise, been 1m
posed upon them. Such remarks
Invariably arouse a flow of thought
and the question arises it ouii, real
ly a free country? Undeniably it is
ucb, too gloriously free for comfort
however. It unwittingly sanctions
Free practice of fraudulent metb
ods. i
Free Importation ot contract labor
. Free dumping off, of foreign na-
tioas of their anarchists, paupers, their
illiterates, tbe scum of their popula
tions, any single breed of which is
constant menace of our form of so
Free authority to beads of fatnil
iea to restrain their children from at
tending school. What more do we
Of 341,000 immigrants who enter
1 the United States during the
years ot 1899 and 1900, 79.000 were
total illiterates, while the financial
condition ol all, bordered on destitu
tion. Tbe expulsion of Jews, from
Russia, during tbe yean '82-'Vl was
highly conducive of tbeir multiplies
tion here: during the years of 1899
1900, 44,000 alone arrlred. Ry their
well known productiveness and
clanulshness, we may at some period
in the future tie blessed with a Jew.
ish president and a Jewish House in
which event, the "Jew's Wailing-
Place" at Jerusalem, will know
sighs no more, for tbe House of Is
rael will bave become a ruling na
HI r let laws should be enacted and
enforced to permanently and effectu
ally check the landing of undesir
able on our shore. Tbe deporta
tion of such characters would have a
salutary effect upon, and be of inest
lrnable value in maintaining the
peat and tranquility of our nation,
It is Imperative too, that all beads
of fam'lles whether citizen or alien,
should be compelled to have tbeii
offspring attend the public schools,
uutil at lent their fourteenih year,
Is it a wonder, with the la vigil
ance of our times, that we are sur
rounded by illiteracy and Inefficiency,
tbe Ideal field for the "grafter" who
preys upon Ignorance and the ignor
ant and that our much vaunted
boatt of supremacy appear at times
like arrogance and hollow mockery.
Wm.C Diets,
Phillips, Ore.
Messrs. Bchulmerich Bros, are pay
ing $1 for first-class shipping potatoes.
Tbe appropriation for the fiscal
year 1S79 tor 4 lie postomce depart
ment was $03,2iG,373, and in 11)02,
127,78:,CS8. This la an iucressa or
272 per cent. Tbe Increase of appro
priation for rivers and harbors is 152
per cent.
i . . ... . v
There la leak. An anarchist Ins
been arrested on a complaint of
burglary. He claim to bave been
In tbe secret meeting where Casaljfosz
was selected to assassinate Pres. Mc
Klnley and tbat it was be who tied
tbe kerchief on the pistol baud of
tbe assassin. Would it not be well
to satisfy his longing for fame to try
and execute blui as au accessory be
fore tbe fact?
Tbe important bill to protect the
person of tbe president from anarch
ism was up before the U. S. Senate
last week. Strange, as it may seem,
there were senators who ojhI tho
measure. Tbey offered amendments
tbat, while on the face would seem
favorable for the punishment of the
criminal, In fact proved loop boles
for escape. Rather than have a lame
law on the subject, it is better to have
none at all for the certain'y ot pun
ishment under the present practice
is reasonably Inevitable, Three presi
dents bave been assassinated and
tbe three assassins bave been execut
ed. This certainty of punishment
ought to begin to bave its effect on
the class that assassinates presidents.
Let those fellows understand that
death follows tbeir act and it makes
little difference whether the judg
ment is rendered in a state court or
the United States tribunal.
Sugar is cheaper than ever before,
At the first of the week It was quot
ed at $4.25 par sack, of 100 pounds.
Portland and heie, at $4.60. The
freight from PortWnd to Hillsboro is
15 cents per sack and the draylug
breaks into the ten cents remaining.
Reet sugar is ten cents lower. All
this without the reduction of the
duty on Cuban sugar. Indeed it is
aid that we noed not look to the re
moval of the tariff from Cuban sugar
to make cheap sugar here. It Is
beets that brings the price down.
Home competition does the work.
The Interest that demands free Cub
an sugar Is the sugar trust- The in
terest that opposes Cuban sugar reci
procity is the beet sugar association.
If beet sugar lowers the price of
tugar to the consumer, and reciprov-
ty in the Cuban product does not,
then it is to the interest of the con
sumer not to disturb tbe beet Bugar
interest. Rut if taking a part f the
duty off, Cuban sugar reduces its
price to tbe consumer iu tbe United
States, the Cuban planter will have
to meet the cut and hence be cannot
desire or be Interested in lowering
the tariff between the two countries'.
Gov. Woods better return to Cuba
and take up bis work of cleaning
the towns.
Democrals having the welfare of
their party at heart refrain from
participation in Republlcau primar
ies. Others, who are the most
vociferous iu behalf of Democratic
principles in the interim, are found
el bo icg Republicans at Republican
primaries in the effort to assist in the
nomination of Republican lriends.
They are as censurable as are the
Republicans who encourage them to
pursue such a despicable course.
Their help is obtained merely to se
cure the choice 01 canuiuaies too
weak to get a majority of their party
at the primaries. Democrats who
are temporarily Republicans at tbe
primaries of the Republican party
are again Democrats iu the csui
palgn preceding tbe general election
Is this honesty? If so. then what is
dishonesty? What a difference there
is between the number of votes at
the Democratic primary in Wood
burn and that cast for the Demo-
cratic ticket at the election in June
Woodburn Independent.
The seeming fact that the nuuibe
or iU'publii'aus In Woodburn pre-
clnct has increased from li'4 to HU9
since November, l'JOO, is a mutter
for sincere congratulation. It is a
pleasure to know that so many have
learned oM he error of their former
political beliefs. Woodburn Inde
Miss Kllen Stone ban received
numerous literary offers, one of them
being from an American niagsr.ine,
which offers her f.'!5,Ct0 and a royal
ty for six articles. Here's scheme
Why can't she make money this
way and pay hack the (50,IM)U raisid
to ransom hei? Hhe owts it tbe
same as one owes for sitK'ar borrowed
of a neighbor In lime of distress.
Mc.Miniiville Iteporter.
It must be couifortintf situation
lo coiiKreiman to remaiu at his
pMt of duty and feel thai his interests
are being- carefully laked after hy
bis friends throughout Ihe district be
reprvreots, at Is the ess with Con
gressman Tongue at this time. It is
ideal K)litics. It is also evidence on
tbe part of the friends that (hey bave
confidence In their congressman and
faith that he Is looking after their
interests at the seat of government.!
Mr. Ton?u .- re-lic;i in b a larger
vote thon ever may Ui considered a
foregone conclu-ion Yainbiil 11-porter.
The girl whu ciics fur a lie drt-ss
and is cimsolitt u itu r nnv ribbon,
should extend a friendly l. ioa across
the continent ' lo Alb-e R xeklt.
Sh was t- go to Kokand to M-e a
king crowned and i v ui.l'ii w ith
a trip to t'ubi. H'l.'t think that
wealth or iiliou ui!1 i',vf you
your own wiiy, c.rls -r-Kv'titcgft.
Lockjaw t roiu obuehs.
Cobweb put on a cm hiiely g:tvi a
woman lockjaw. Mtl'ii.u-i know
that the lest thing to put o-i u. cut in
Buck leu's Arnica ditve, the infallible
healer of Wounds, Ulcer,' .Sore,
okiii Krupilous, Uun;s, ScuMa ;.;;,!
piles. It cures or n 'iiy. Only 2"ic
nt Delta Drux Store. ' .
I'rarticaltr Starving.
"After using a few liolliesnf Kodol
Dysjiepsia Cure my Wile received
perfect and pcrinttnent relb-f from a
severe and chronic ctiie uf slimmi-fi
trotile." says J. it. Holly, r''l ,st'l'
Insurance and loan Mgent.of Macomb,
111. "Rnfure usini; lOidoI'liyMpcpMH
Cure she could not out tin ordinary
meal without intonw HiiUt'riiig.
Aduiinitralor' Suits
Notice i. liervhy v-n 'lint in purMiitiKT
of an order of the Cnuuly I'nurt lor Mill
iioinuli County, mudu un tliu 1st U tluy ul
Mart li A. 1). I:1-, in the matter ol I he
estate of John Hart k, deprnxetl, the imi
ilerHiiriHMl, administrator of said I'M.ite,
will Msll at public auction, to tin- li lnt
hiililt-r. stihjn't to coiiiiniiation ly the
said I'ourt, all til - lullovtin di x rilifd
real estate, vix ;
All of loin numht'ml ei'lit I and nine
(II) ot ''Uray tiak" us tlio haul tract np
peurit on the iiiuk anil iatH iu the ke
t order'8 ottit-e vi Waliinutoii County. ht
inR in sei-tion tivu (.") t 1 H It I V, V M,
and utno ttiu following trart.
'Mt:vtiHU on the section line IU.h7
fhs wet t ruin the intersect ion ot Mecliuns
Hi, 17, Aland !l T 1 fi li I V, theme wesi
to went line of !-eiii'or's donation ul.inn
11.40 clialna: thenev sou t li to the south
west corner of hencer'.4 tloii.ition L-mno;
thence east on the line of M.-iid claim o a
point P.h7 chains west of the section line
Detween sectionii 'JO ami -I ; thence north
P'.OS chs to the piaci' of hetriiinini;, all in
WaxhinKt 'II County, State ol )re.:on.
'1 hut saiii sale w ill be made m the 'Jl.st
day of April, A."l at ID o'clock a. in.
of said day, al the front dot,r ol the Com!
House of Miid W:itliinf;thu County, ht
Hillsboro, tireKon.
Dated this lMh day of .March, A. I).
Iti03. " II. (itytM ASM,
AdiniulMtrutor of the estate of John It ir-
tok, dure ised. 1 4- ts
A (J rn I o c' X ot ice ,
Notice is hereby civen that the under
signed has been duly appointed hy the
County Court oi the State of Creou for
wasiiingion i:4)uuiy, auminis raior ol Hie
estate ot H-douion lssier, dcceaM-d,
therefore, ull tierHons huvin: claiuiH
avuimit Huid estate are fccruhy rcnticstcl
to present them to the undersigned duly
verified at his re lideiiiH) at llethany, Ore
gon, within six months trom tin date
. .' A i nt lpM I'.K.
AdininiMtrator of the estate 4f rtolomoit'
Wisnier, deceased. , .
Duted March Ho, l!fi2. I.Vtli
Acker's llyspcpslu Tablets are sole
on a positive f;uarauli!e. t ures ticaii-luiri
raisiiiK ot the food, distress after eating o;
any lorin ol dysiepsia. One little tahh
eives iniiiieilia'e relief. Z els, and fst et
'm. 1 ...I. . u.
in i-rena 41 ill, phui".
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of the
aite8ianis) ana atresia nij Kinos or
food. It gives instant relief and never
falls to cure. It allows you to cat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. I!y iu use many
thousands of dyspeptics htivo been
eured after everything else (ailed. It
prevents formation or gas on tlic storo
ach, relieving all distress after eating.
Dieting unnccek-iary. I'lcatnitit to la kit.
It can't help
1 but do you gao4
TparMon1yly t.n. iikWitt., ri.,l l:!-jR
No Time to Lose
You cannot afford to disregard
the warning of a weak anj
diseased heart and put oi? tak
ing the prescription of the
world's greatest auihority on
heart and nervous disorders
mu' Heart Cure.
If your heart palpitates, flutters,
or you arc short of breath, have
trnotheriiiff spells, pain in left
side, shoulder or arm, yott have
l.eart trouble and are liable to
drop dead any moment.
Major J. W. Wmslcnck, ono nf thf
hest known oil imm rntor In I he coun
try dropped dead from liesrt, lt.t,o
r-cPnl ly . 111 hi lioiTie in PorilaTol, 1 11 J.,
whlls niowlnic Id; lawn. 'I ht- rfi.
Mr M. A. fiirdall. Watkins N. V..
whose portrait heads this advciti.c
ment, says: "l write tin t'-niech fr.it
itude for Is-nelita I recfiTrd from lir.
Milrs' Heart Cure. I had palpitation
of the heart, evrrc pains under the
left shoulder, and mr rneral health
was miserable. A few iot!h cf L'r.
Milei'llcjrt Cure cured mc entirely.
Sold br all Drustlst.
Dr. Milta Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Bean tU
Tin lifitl Yr.it Hiw 'r;j pjj
i 1 ho torture f tit tlitmntd
w Lh i,r..iru'l
t.'iQ iiu writ. I wits ;iirt,rf fr.r 1ntr.lv
y:.irs i i in r, - our ( AM 'A t'.r. i in tt.a
towuof Nev. a. l i. . -:iU fa' url'.i.nt anyibir.r
1,4.1.1) trM-ia. l.j-4iuy i :a ratirtly Irce I.-cia
U li. Kti:z, i,u J a . &lo City, la.
flf'SjtBnt. Pnlarsrle. r..rnt, Tote ff-1, Ik)
QihaI, huvur Su ncn. Weakt'ti, or tint, iiw, tie. bM.
StHcf Urmr4f tMr, Ct,lm S"tr,.l, Ink. Sit
iiSsixl t'nn.snlmHl by Slldr'.m
l U. flat. 'tol'tCUO ilAulk
,1 '1 t ciims ijtKMl H.fJ.rj
' .t' l" "i'" 'n;,'o' niiiiu flu.
Jj l,l.., !'J llU'll Jr'H liU
1 of, lint iiH'oiners hae T 9
t " I :T.u er. ater. 1 hut's the M
tf-j ri l ol Ion Kerry liuiio. fcl
;1 ?? .V.ue l-crrv's Seeds sold J??
'i L"."-J 1 'll''. H"ld n Bli dealers.
l'urtluud Markets.
Whe.it Walla Vul!.t, iioiuinal iVim
"niAc; bltietfiu, otic; vulley, Tsi,
I'lcnir hest grades, t'lxfv" :i.50 " per
barrel ; graham, -.iR.
lals Old, IHl.'iifl percental.
IJaih-y l-'m-il, if I )( l...rsi; brewing.
fKi.iKi per ton.
M illniuiia liran, 1 -""(. I ; luidiilinus,
.!! lit) ; Khurt, fi 17 ; i hop, l.r.
Hay Tiinolhy, U( l.'t; clover, 7"
if'.i.-.tl; On iroii wild liny, fowii r ton
llut'er Fancy cn-nmery, "oC'L'T'c:
daiiy, ls, i av ; store, l:t.!ei 1.1c r pound
Kirj;s Stoniire -(h-; irtb S.l 2V.
CdieeM'' rail cream twins, l,i'.c:
ytinj American, l.l.lc(" l lc ts-r pound.
Poultry ( hickmn,, mixeil, fi'.nOi"
o.(H) ; hens, .!.0i)(ii ,t 60 ; iliessinl, Ith.i
1 1c per jHiiind ; prini;s, iti.Otlw :!..'i(l 'or
dozen; ducks, i.i for old; jf.'i.tKl'" 4.M
for yonrnr; ituesu, at I'd K)r doen ;
turkeyB. live. ioi lie; dri.-il; !()"
1" c t er jxiiiiid.
Mutton l.iunhs, ;!'.,, ross; ditssetl,
(ic ti'.jO per pound; sheep, :!.2.r, ross;
ilivssetl, tic per pound.
I !; (irosj, heavy, i(.M.25; light,
JI.7o""; tlivsseil. 7i'i.7'.jC per pound.
Voal- Small, M,'!k:; large,. 7(" T'-e
per pound.
Ileef Orosw top steers. .'!.ri(ln 4.tU ;
cons ami lmifcrs, J-;i.0ll(,i ;!.f)0 ; ilrccil
1m-i f, ; nt die per pound.
Hops Hi?, at 11. '.c per pound.
Wool 'alley, 11 at l.Tc; Kasti rn
Oregon, if at 121c; mohair, LH nt L'lc per
I otaluc .i ( t.. ter viii k.
( )tiimr f I Z c t,
Notit'e ot Intention to With
draw 1 11 x urn nee ly
I lilted Mutest Fire 1 11
K.ieitiice 4'nipim.v.
To whoni it. may com-ern;
Iu uecordam o itli the reitiiirriuentN ol
the las of the Slate of Oregon, relative to
insurance comnauics, notice is hereby
Kiven that Ihe l.nilcd States Kire insur
anee Company, ol New York. New ork.
desirini; lo eeae doitif; husim within
Hie Stale ol'tlretroii. iuieuds to withdraw
its deposit witti the Treasurer of sunt
Slate ami will, if no claim against said
t'ompany tdi ill "be tiled with Ihe Insur
ance 'nuiii.ii.MOui r- M'ithiu six mouths
I'ioiii the 'lt day of 1-ehrnary . Ill 'i, the
same beineilic d.itu of tiie nr;t pul lica
lion of this notice, withdraw its dcpuMt
from the Stale 'I leaMllef.
I'y W. V. I nderhii;. President.
Untc.l at Ni w York, this 7ih dav of ri li
ruary, l:w.'. ' 40 II
olice ol'
Slock Iiolile
OI'll !. H iUvUKHY I.KIIS, TllrtT '
the annual meetitii; of the stock- 1
holders of the Hllj.-d'iiro l'o-oM' ative j
t'ompany will he held iu Ihe lira m:e h ill
iu !l ill.ilioro Ur con, T hursday, the '.Tth I
day of I'lirt li. I ttl, nt I o'ehsK. This I
luielinu is called lor Ihe purp, i.-e ol elect-!
init live direct"!. lo scre one year and
lor the. tr ilisaelion ot such other business '
is m.iv in'operiy come tM-foresaid mii'tiu T. '
Hilli-horo, tliei; oi. .March :!, 'r. j
.1 A MI'S ,11. r-KU KI.I..
Presiili'lil. I
J. A. Imhrie. S crelary. 42 l i I
HEEL and h.NC
. I r: v k t j s
St Zji'J, ' ' .1 llnuitl fli Li.: C
(221, OUTWEAR ,231)
I have added a now lino tho
best in the market. None
better, few equal.
Full lino for Women, Men
and Children. Gloves for Men.
Ks 0.llsr Line.
idily I:ouiul Tiips ixcepl Suwlajr
Ix-avo Portland. . .
1'ave A.-toiia.. ..
i a. in.
p. in.
ltetneeu I'oitluuil, The Haiti's iiikI
uy I'oluts.
l .ive Portland Moo. W'isl.J'ri. . 7 a. in.
Arrive TLi I 'a lies, same day .r p. in.
Leave " Tue-i., Thur.,Sat...7 a. in.
Arrive 1'orllalld, same day, 4 p. in.
fJJJf'J'l.iH Come has the drand.M
Sci-uio Attr.u'tionrt on I'arlli.
l.ui.ling mid tHIi.o: Kin it Aider .Sired,
lloth I'Iioikm, Main ;L" I
JOHN M.ill.l.OON. HgtThe Palles
A. J.T.U I.OIt, agt Antoriu.
J. t'. MVATI', agt Vancouver,,
UOI.I'Oltll ti Vr:iiS, als Mliiie
I'UM ItUt A lit JIM t, ngts lbs
i:. V. t lilt II I ON, agt i'oillaml
. lion I his;
W e oiler One 11 undred liollam Kewarl
r.r .... ,;1,. ,, c-uanh that cannot I
llrc.t tiv Mall's Catarrh I 'lire.
!'. T. ClIKNKV A. CO., Props , Toledo. O
We, the underMgllMl, have Wllowu I''. J
I heney lor I lie laM 1 vears. anil hebi'Ve
him perfectly honorahle in all hits ncss
transactions and liuaiicially able tu cany
out any oiU:f:it loos nmito hy Ifteir hrm
kst ,v 1hi'x, Vliolefalc irui:;-i-ls
l oledo, I).
Wai.iumi, Kinn,A' Mauvik, W holes di
llriiggi-ts, liil-do, o.
Hall's I'atarrh Cure is taken intern illy
acting tni'cciiy upon in-Moot! ami inueo.i
snr aces ol Ihe .syslein. Price js: Hr hot-
lie, tsdd l,y a I inuggis s. 'In t iuioui,ilh
Hall's Kaiuily Pills are the l-t.
The Is'st Coui;h Keintiilv
the Market, mid if
you m:i:d
A Conoh lieuieily, our's will do 1
It contains nolliiux ii'iuriotiH
and gives spwdv li'licl', 111
in t li id eily H ill Ictifv.
I'KII K ir, i ts , .-,0 i t, mill f l oo
I Delta Druq Store.
U Main Street, Hillsboro, Oregon.
This sipmsture is on every hox of tho penuini
Laxative Uromo-yuinine Tat.hts
tho reiuudy that rurva m ;oll In one day
nVan the Ihe K:nd Yiiu Haw i,tit Boii!
Do the
give yon
Just a Little Cougli
lint it' you wi re to irnlK' t'.ie cutiniKiit c:tns if
' tlllINt littler ttOtlMl'S, j llc ,J , , o if l Sit til pi t'!! , VOIlM fi"!
t tli.it tlicy oriiinnUil in "Ju.-t it little Con;li."
I Ih y-ni know' it's ju - t as r iy t ;''t rid of thut
' little eni;-;!l, ul a I'iftrr one, u In keeji m iiii;liiil
i Our "C'oiili Syrup" 1hs it every l.iy in the rt:k.
Whielt wuuM you rather keep, your coitt'h or
the 50 cents that our Cougli S rtiji oo-s'
Which is Cheaper?
The Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Any honest, intelligent diugist or physician will ti l ynu that iniri uli.r puisons
-in: li as opium, liciibase, deadly niiditshade or ci aine and mercury me and li.ive
Isteu since the 1 ai k A is used in nil I'll. Medicines, and that Mich medication
really perpW nail's Piles. Vorus I'ile cute is not a relic uf tit Park Av'cs, hcr.cfr
contains tin tiantities or tiiciouir, 5(H) Kcwiird if a I nice of any narcotic or mrr
cury ean 1h fiiudd in Vorns. All others inula' 11 iiareotii's or hick urv. Pi nr il it
you ilare iiioHsbacks. Sisl J.'t'uard if X'ei'iis tails to t'ure any ease of 1'tles. Worst
eases cured with one Imoc "f Vitus. Over IO.OiHI permanent ruri" ill live yems :
Sold iu llill'lsiro by Hut Twentieth Century Store:
The Hillsboro Pharmacy,
If J. F.
Si. Charles Motel
Itii'uiii'OU n:i
trout uinl MnrrKuii M reels. ' I'otIIiihiI OreOM.
I'.hH'tric ;i,ii-lits, Khftfio Hells mid Hydraulic lOlevator.
IIiiiiiiis at L'.i to i'.tlc Siiilrs, ;." til $1, 1, 0111I IteslMiiraitt
( iiiliiecliiiii.
Hive tts a call,
4: J 4
.olire lo I 'oiiliurlorsi.
Scaled bids will be n-ceived al. Iho t'oun
tv I'ourl riMitrs, in H iilshoro. tireitou, 011
Wednesday, the I'.Mt day ol April ii .t, at
tliu hour of 1! o'oiock p. rn.. lor the con
struction of a bridal on the forest tiroio
and I alayette mail, iuar 1'iif v,
Spccilications may Is' seen at the I'lcrk's
ollict, in llilhdioro, tlri'Kon. .
Hated this I 'tl' ' iv 1,1 March, I'll'.'.
t A, Until),
f',-17 'ounty J iiitj;e.
Stops tlio (oiisli and Works tin' Hie
(Oil). ;
i,xiilivn Hromo (Quinine Tulilels
cure h cold in one dny. No curt, do
ty. I'rieo 25 cents.
I'urly ntlve Sprlnjr Flower.
One of t li most beautiful parly na
live Kpi'iiu; llowei's of North America
Is the pusiih or Knsti-r Mower. I'ulsti
I ilia hiistillKKliiiii, perhaps iihuo fatnil
i.'iily known 1111 Aiienioiie iitilliillliina.
It is 11 unlive of the prairies of IUiiiols
niul tlu iiiitihweKt territory, eti'iidlii
from Jlrlth li ( 'iilunihia iiito'.Ncl,r:ikii
mid Tcmis. itiliabllinii dry Mills. A in
KKs lin' I'liumcti r of the plant Is when
the rniiliti;; t:unu in reached. The silky
Tin: l-AMii'K on i:c.ti 11 iX"i:tt.'
iii'heneH lire ileveloiM'il-into lone; feiitli
ci v stylivi r.-cnlliiiK very inncb thosi; of
Iho Ylr.'ln'H r.nwir cleinittls, uinl In-
(b ed tho plti'it Itself was nt 0110 tinie
rccorrnlzed ns a tleinatls. The llotfers
(lie pui-plo vcltli 11 bluish tincennd wilt
ed in a feathery run. The plant Is ilo-
id of petals, the showy portion con
sisting of pclaloiit sepals, 'iho lu.lry
sialU rises thr.. to sis Inches above
Iho ground, uinl tin' rhhintss of tho
color of the (lower Is one that is much
iippreei.ntod nt this early scaKiti of' the
year, sajs American Cnnlctiiiin In 11
lulr:itiiiK this rptin blosfoin.
ntrrMr ft. ,Tttiii our d
liUfiitM.ii H ir..l"lily r 1
V. " Miri'f' T I-T iiriiii; i.(rft'l.
-r m i .'men Wir..iiurh Aiunn Jk i .l nns.iM
Sckmmc Jfmcricaij.
A lmniMini. y Htmlr-itM wk!r. f.nrrrf rir,
I nlflt-.-n .f i i p j,.nniMl. TtTt'H f:i n
MUNSI & Co.;B18'M.d,TNsw Ycrk
rnui om.sfc Ot F St .?sbi.iio.i, li. X,
vK.W years' I i3t;&'vr '
8 41 Ewsas X-QyMM
Sinn k.
All iiers'itiH ktuiwint; tbem-sdvis
ill. lidded til tho unilorsio;iiei nr re
.tl."d'd to fimko settlement.
C. T
Rt-iCHf-n. ii
1I.AV1S& HEU I.E.:, SIsuiagrrH.
S " -S
. d 111 i it N I rn I- i i I i
Nntii-els herehy cjveii lliat the uiidi r-
s'l'lied has Is duly appointed hy the
County 1 ourt of the Stale 1 I Oregon, lor
N ash 1 nt: ton I 'ouiitv, nd mi nisi rath v d the
estilool O. T Wahni'ker, deceased, there
fore, all persons havinit t-laiui ii'-alnst
said culale are hereby ri ,lie-li d lo pieseut
llieui to the iniilersifiu d duly verili, d ut
the residence of J nd Wisnier, llethany,
Uic;oii, within six luoullis from tins date
Aduiinistriilrixif tliu estate oi C. K Wal-
decker, ih aseil,
H.itiU Aiurvli li, V.Wt, 4.J-7
'I ie.-isiiici H oli.
All! ounty warrants, of Washington
1 ounlv, Oregon, endorsed or not endors
ed, will he due and pavulde 011 and uller
April 1st, IMr-'und interest will cease at
that date.
t'o, Irea.suier.
liKllillTN DISK ASK.
Tho largest sum ever paid for a pre.
scripliiin, cliant;e(l hands in San Fran
.:ism, An,;. IJO, I'NU. The tiannfer in
volved i'i coin and stoik 1 1 ,:'shi.ihi and
nils' paid by a parly of huniuess Incii lor
aspiN-ilic for l'.ii:;l,l'M Iti c.ise mil i .u.
Iiclcs, hitherto iniaii.ilde diseases.
They minnu'iici'd tho serious iuvesli
'ation of (ho spuili,; N,,v, .HH
They interviewed scores of the cured and
Irie,! it out on iia ,i ii. ,y putting vt,r
three iin::cii cskcs on the treatment and
WHohhij; them. ' Tbey also ,;ot physi
cians In name chronic, incur . 1. 1..
uid adininisli red il with the physician
(or judges, fp to An;- T,, eicbty-scieii
(K-r cunt nf l. ti si rises weie either Hell
or pnsre-eiii f.i,-,.r.iMr.
There Is inl.ut tiii'lcvn T ceut uf
ailiit. s, Hits parlies w. rc ntislicd mid
lo il tin- transaction. . i-,H i-edines
of the invcstipiiin- coiumilKs-and the
clinical r..susof (he test .i were pub-
IMied and will m mailed Ire 1 upplicu-
tiou. ' Address ,J,nn J, mi.T,lM (,M.
, v iiioniritiiel'V St. Sail I
' raui'isco,
t'nre A (old in (hie Ha
Take Li.xilivo iiriiino liiiiino
Tablfls. Ad driifijisls) ri Inn. I tho
moiiiy if jt f:lis t., ,.llr(li j- w
Urovo s siinalnre U on (.,,( h lint.
Til" utidcrsL'r.e.l i v)r, .H () hllv.
or rent 11 v si f ,rm j,i Wnsliino.
'on t.r Ysmbill t Umuty.
iroo (o jooo lo hiu'st
Owners m e only answ er. I'Iohs..
Kivo full h-M riitinti mid u-tum
vi lien rinsw. rinc. Addr.-n
H. T. VaiMlorlio, .Ir.,