SIB1ER IS IN JAIL Wus Brought in Last Sunday Ereniritf. (.01' I HM IKHH SUITE'S He Itiit Nut Try t :a Awar.-VerT rci-aliar Cu. Notion;; recently haa been so pro ductive of gossip '" business circles us t ! forgery committed In Febru ury l.y John Keiiiit-r by u lilch be drew hum Shute's bauk 1 1 500 In gold. After getting the mouey he piid m arly $l2nu to Mr. Roy fur bU farm Mini a lut of personal property. Tins laud is near Greenville, lu D.iiry precinct. Hit had already till to I toy :;iK)iir more. He bought Roy's interest in the farm aud its htiM'k, paying $1500. Scinier look lh property subject to a mort gage, vvhicli ho assumed. KeiuuT came hem in November or December, mid made his home with his uncle, Bernard Odertuan, his mother's brother, Mr. (Merman has known his nephew, John, from boy. IuhmI. John came from Mappen, 1 Vit In hi it county, Illinois, on the Mississippi river, a few miles above .St. E m is. There ho 1ms, or claims to have, 4(1 acres of luntl. He liked Oregon ho well that ho determined to Neil this Illinois tract anil reinvest hero. The Roy tract suited hlra, hikI, having a prospective buyer for the old Ir. ct, ho cIosihI the deal for this pieee, paying nil the money he had brought with him. Iloy want eil the remainder of Ida money. To get II. is Seiiner had to get temporary accommodations. The bank eug jested itself and the needy man con ceived tli" idea tliut ho could get the money, apply to present needs, null his Eislern property aud replace la the bank without any one belief the wi.Mer. Tiiu first part yt the scheme worked. It la of the name piece of cloth as that cut into Jy someoi fii'ials having the caro of trust funds. They urf't Iheui expecting to replace, never looking at the word that spells "embezzlement." Helmor never thought of forgery. He only hud in mind ids fertile Oregon acres, Ins beautiful young wife and the op portunity for work at Ida favorite oeciipniioii. Keimer has been a farm r all his life und is not versed in the intricHciis of hanking. He la In truth not Hcipiaiuted with thf larger things in business mailers. A few days after U.rrowing the money, de positing a note signed by himself ami hearing what purpoted to be the signatures of Jacob Mauss, his father-in-law, and Bernard Osterman, his uncle, he started to complete the miIi' of his laud there and get money to inert, within (10 days, his Oregon obligations. Two days he fure he reaebed Mappen, lite wifo of the man who was to buy hi place die, I and in) did not want any laud. The cup had slipped aud Johu put Ids hind again on the market. He stopped theie but three days. He ImsiiMiid his return, arriving here last Saturday. He hurried to bin home mid found his hearthstone cold. His wife had gone to her father, lie, when John called, re lu--d in admit him or allow him to see or converse with her. Instead he was brandid as a forger. The man was atuiii.ed. On Sunday Slier ilt Sewi-ll found him sitting by the roadside pluiigid in deep despair, 1'assively he came to tnwuandwas Inil:;. d ill jail. There, wringing bin hands aiid with gri at tear drops in his eyes-, he speaks lle desire of his heart. "1 want to get out of here aud go to work on the larm. I want to be at work." His wife came down la-t Monday to see him, and declares that li.- will not desert her husband. Hiemer says ii will be only a few weks till he can realize on his Illi nois property, when hn will pay the forced note. Hut tbat will be no de fence against the. charge of forgery. Indeed he has no ilrieuso of auy kind, and there seems nothing to do but submit the case to the jury. Mlllli; TO TIIK ri iu.ic. Are you looking for a home? lo you w ish t make an investment in u Miiail or large farm, timlier land or cilv prois rtV ! you wish to loan your lie ney? IH you want to bor row some none)? I you wish to sell vour propert ? Then come and led it with i.i. ; I make sale if any one csn. V. M. IU idol, H illsboro, Oregon A biiselmll league of four, teams has Imvii formed to play on the W est Hide. Ke h team, during the sum nor. will play twenty-four game The teams listed are the Monogram sinl I'ls hureh, of Portland, the Ore eoii CUv team ami the Diamond V, At thP beginning of the season, the Monograms have the rep utation of being the liest club in Ihe utile. At the end of the season the liiam n.l W's propose t carry the eagle. Ktel.uliiierich Bros, have a large stock of burlap wtato sacks which they Bell at 4 c?uta. Ind plaster at Hcbulnierich Bros Lad lea' Milk walstaat Schuluierich Hros. Buy your campaign cigar at II. A. Palmer's. Highest market price for I'nlatocii at Hchulmerieh Bros. To loau, $doo on farm lands. F.u quire ol M. II. Hump, Hillsboro. For sale, thoroughbred Jersey bull calf, one year old. John Morcland. Messrs. Kchuluierieh Bros, are pay ing tl fr tirst -clans shipping potatoes. For sale, Wilson strawberry plants. P. II. Baughuiaii, Fine farms for rale dirt cheap by Ttioa. Witbycomlte, Scholls, Oregon. Hcbulmerich Hros. are receiving their spring HtotK of dry gcxsls, clothing, hat and ahoea. Kutertaluiuent and aupKr by the Epworth League on the Ui day (( April. Don't misa it 'twill la kcmmI. You can buy machinery cheaer at Schuluierich Hroa. than at any other place In Washington county, Come and get their prices. The Portland Evening Journal is talking in favor of the. Portland HillrilKiro eUctrlc road. It now be gins to look like the citi.ens of the big city will help to get the franchise. Chicken thieves are again about. On Haturday evening last the hen bousea of Mrs. Mary Humphreys and ber neighbor, Mr. Mains, were eutered and their beat fowls taken. Profs. Wltbycoinhe, Kent hiu! Kuiaely of O. A. C. met the larmtrs of 0 ales Creek last week in a farmer' convention. The exchange of thought was free and it is thought the results will ho valuable. The graduating class of the Hills- horo school baa chosen the following otlloera for tho lilOi da.-: President, Lena Johnson, vieo-presfdent, I'.va Cornelius; secretary, Win. Vickern, treasurer, Willis Ualloway. If you want to sell or buy, rent or lease, any kind of property, country or city, come and see us. We will treat you just as we would wish to be treated. Hoyt A Harnes, next door to the Argus, over Delta Drug Store. Win Mohr makes boots at Ma shop on Second street, Hillsboro, for 5.f0 per pair, sewed shoes for o and gives special attention to repair ing. He uses only first-grado stock which enables him to guarantee his work. W. II. Merrick, of tho Fidelity Abstract Company, Portland, visited in Hillsboro yesterday. He is a far- seeing Vermont Yankee, aud when asked what could he shown to him, said he wan looking for a silo for a maple sugar boiler. The precinct nomination in South Hillsboro are, road supervisor, F. M. Kelsay; justice ol the peace, Frank Paullj nonstable, C. W. Redmond. In Norh Hillsboro, supervisor, P. II. Haughman; justice ot the peace, II. T. Hagley; constable, II. K. Mc- Klnney. A new poatofllee has been estab lished In this county at Albiou, wt m aster George M. Holt. Albion is In Hec. 1 T. 3 N. It. 6 W., and is one of tbe eleven section claimed by both Columbia aud Washington counties. The petition wss worked through by Congressman Tongue. The bicycle on exhibition at Ihe Anticeptic Shaving Parlor is to be given to the most popular young lady of, determined by itoiiular vote. Tho nominations for candidates are now open. Ihe bi cycle was purchased at McCorniick's Bicycle Store, Imperial, model 215, price $3.1. Voting opens April 1, 1902. K. L. McCormiek has received his new stock of matting, carpets and wall par. His prices are the low est in town. He can save you from 10 to 20 r cent. Prices on wall paper are 4; js-r roll and up, mat ting IL'J; cariets 3ic. The slock is right from the mill and is first-clHss. You will miss it if you do not call and get prices and quality cf goods. S cond street, three door south of IHirtotnoe, W. L. Davis, proprietor of the well known Hlack Percheron horse, Ore goo, will, after March 15th, during the season, be at John Kamna's, Fariolngton, from Monday morning to Tuesday noon; at Arthur Flints', Sc bolls, from Tuesday afternoon to Thursday morning; at Lystrop's, llecdville, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., Thursday; at Forest drove, Friday, and at home barn, Hill.-boro, Sat urday. Dec rte your homes. Spring is the season chosen for bouse cleaning. In addition to scrubbing the floors and wissl work, the walls will Is Improved in appearance by spread ing on them fresh paper. W. O. Donelson, corner Main and Third streets, Is show ing the finest lines of iaier ever brought to Ilillstio, He also has a new and fresh lino of ro.-kers and, In fact, anything in house furnishings found In the metropolis, and at Portland prices. PRIMARIES ARE HELD Delegates Elected to the County Conoention. NMU'sr tiKOVK rillTlVt'T Ucoults a far as Obtainable, are I'ulilixhi-il Tli is Week. As far as heard from the following t.iwneU gentlemen havo tns-n electisl delegates to tho county repul.lintn convention whieli uni ts in next Thursday, March 27. South Julius Asbalir, F. H Tongue, 11 D, H "iiton ilowman, K J Lyons, D M C (lault, John Milne, U K Heckwith, W Mitjuiilun, A M Carlile. North liillslsiro A V Shu to, V L Johnson, S H Huston, II V Oates, H H Collins, J A Imbric, Win Smith W N Hirrott, H P Simon, W D Wood. South Forest drove J S Clark, F S Harm-s, A H Todd, J A Thorn burgh, J II McNumer, C O Hue, S tl Hughes, E W Haines, D C Stewart, M P Markham, t'lius Hines. F T Kane, Heu Scholtlel.l. North Forest drove A T Huxton, J T Uoos. Joliu Adams, Dugnn, J P Wagner, 111 (lordon, H V Lyman, D H Thomae, J V Clark, O Dolstrom, H M Taylor. Cornelius .leo HauiHKk, S H Acock. C W Fiteh, A Neukircli, F Schis-n, ( W Marsh, J C Huchatian. dales Cre'k J W Mcl.bert, Hrice Wilson, II HaUer, John MeClaren, C S Hateman, Clias Tarks, F Clnp.'.liaw. Dairy-Jnhu Carsteus, John Ire laud, Wm Moore, John Hneker, L';wis Carstens, deo Med raw, Cha. Herb, S P U 'eder. Dilley AILert D-llilef-, CU'Dell, J W Hughes, KJ llublert,d Hriggs. Columbia M Halm, S A D Meek, Jas Corey, J Luther, K Kchicffciin, W Hagley. Washington M C Lihcoln, John Joos, Henry Kuratli, Wiu R'ss Wm Histehedor A darber, John Uoodin. daston C W Hudson, Harry Hall, CC Hoopcs, D t! Newman, K X Harding, (Ji Mcisler., U Mattesan. W Hutte Chris Hesse, It S Robin- son, A H Flint, A N Davics, Tints Paulson, Olo Oleson, J (Taldvvell. Hist Hultc O A Plieth, John Hurrows, Wm J Hloomer, John Vogt, K J doodman, F Ldault, J M Overholtsser, C F Tigard. Heedville M Dilaboy, Jas Rass. mussen,Olif Nordlund, A Jack, J Horwlck, J B Imlay, A Saxton. Heaverton M H Harnes, John Johnson, J N Fisher, W J Hutner, F W Cady, d W Stitl, F A Howell, F K Nelson, (.:iias I'.iri.aid, Clias K Deiehman. COLKT HOl'St:. ItlL'NTV t'OUKT LAW. Hubert A Hubbard and Frederick A Hohman were admitted to citizen ship. ntoliATK. Kstate H H Rilchey, deceaseil. The nii'lpts heretofore rerpiired to be tiled having Is'en put on record, the estate is closed. F.state !ln is Stoller, insane. The final account allowed and the guar. dian discharged. ' I'.itiitn Kngm'nt and May Showers, minor: Chris Carstens appointed guardian with Im.iiiIs fixed at t00. Folate Wm F Owens, deceased. Mary Ovccns adminislratrix. Ap praisers, deo lU'eves, Clinton Burton aud Wm 11 Hutner. Kdate Surah K Patterson, dcciMis. ed. The roceipte for disbursements having tecn filed, the estate is closed of riii.rd. K-itate lOllon Porter, dewascd. It-.')ort of sale of personal property coiifirmed. Kstate Alex McDonald, deceasiil, Annual report filed. Kitato M P Smith, deceased. Will of deceased set aside. MAKKIAI.E I.IIKNSK. License to wed was issued, Marcli 12, Peter IttMclieu, CI, and Kisie llyser, 40; March 15, John Zyhach, 2S, an Anna Jolianesen, 19; Afarch I'.), Klward P Kerr, 20, and Ida F Thompson, Id. The District Union Y. P. H. V, V.., in w hich are the Y.P.S.C.E. Societii ol the Evangelical church, the Tuala tin Plain I'nsbyti riaiw church and the t oiigregntional church, occurs next Sunday evening at tiie I'.vsii gelical church. The leader Is Mr. H. W, Harnes. The suljert Is, "Urnvt- ing in Grace." Tlie taxpayer occupying the most space on the tax roll of the county Is Wm. R'idl, of Portland. Twenty seven pages cl Ihe roll Is required to descriU' his 7S3 parcels of proerty I '.ill , contritty to what one might tupitose, his taxes will hardly come up t' tM. The trouble is his hold ings are very largely comM of town lots surveyej in the wiknIs during the boom times of li'.W-l . R Milton Morgan, of Corvallia, Js in Hillsboro visiting friends. Kx. Co. Treasurer A. B. Cady, of Heaverton, visited Hillsboro ou Wednesday. Fader Brown will preach at tbe Christian church, Sunday, morning ami evening. The first invoiiv of farm machin ery for the uew firm of J. C. A W. d. Hare was received on Wednes day. Sji't. Hall will hold a district teachers' institute nt Heaverton, on Salurdav. March 2a. Prof. A. P. Armrtrong, of the Portland Business College, w ill le one ol the maiu cou- iluetors. The United states Separator is no experiment, but Is a prie wiuner. Tha T. H. Towusend Creamery Co., of Portland, will sell you oue on easy terms ami take cream at highest market price. 3 Mr. Frank Dailey has occrplod his second hand store on Maiu street. one door east of li. Wehrung A Sous, wheie he is to be found during bus) ness hours, ready to repair a bicycle or sell a house keeping outfit. Ht-foKi purchasing a wheel, take a look at Donelsou's. He cau sell you a wheel as cheap as any one. Also rockers and wall par, In fact, he will save you money on anything you winh in his line. Corner Third and Main streets, Hillsboro. A gentleman In town on Wednes day last, slated that he had lost $100 this year on fruit, Imxmuoo the roads were so bad during the winter that he could not get it to market. Good roads or motor lines would make our farmers, rich men. Supervisor Wismer, of Heaverdam road district, is doing a lot of good work this spring. He really has the worst roads in the county to take care of and but little money to ex pend. He is ciosslaylng the worst places this side of Cedar Mill aud will, to the extent of his funds, ditch. Treasurer Crstulall finds by exam ining his bonks that tliu indebtedness of the county docs not exceed f 11, 000. As soon as the slier ill has time to turn over the money now in his hands, the treasurer will call for every cndoised warrant that is un paid. The county clerk's otUco will be relieved this vear of the labor ol drawing warrunts to pay for road labor. The county court has taken bonds from the suisrvisors, and the treasurer will pay to such survisor used in his district. It will tlien bo disbursed direct to tli laborer. The Hillsboro Hoard of Trade is i.uhliidiniLT an illustrated booklet that wiil advertise Washington coun ty and Ilillstioto. Tho copy and photographs urn in the bands of the printers aid next week will set them in circulation. Tho work has is-en entrusted to the Hillhboro Puli- Hulling Company, A circumstance which ought to uiskn the California hen droop her head in shame was the shipment ol twelve refrigi rator cars loaded with 2,01)0,000 eggs from St. Ixutls to San Froncisco one day last week. At the prevailing prico 2,000,000 eggs are worth f.SO.GIK! CG in the ('alitor niit market. Hut why could not Or ci'.m havo sent that shipment ol egg? W are nearer to tho eonsum ers than those Pikes. At the time those eggs were gathering and pack ing the price hero was alsiut $10,000. And in their handling they bring money to the ocki ts of railroad of ficers and employes, wholesale and retail dealers, clerks, buyers, ahip- srs as well. F.vcryone got some thing tangible out of the transaction We lose that much only because we did not have the product to sel!. KKAL KSTATK TRANSrEIW. K M Mcl'hcrson to Lottie Hon"- ruan 23.4(1 a R S Tunier die 5G3 Lattio Hoifinan to E M Mc- I'Kerson 1 a It S Tupoer die 4 A Hinman assignee to Clida Hoffman Its 1, 2, 3, 4 hlk 8 South Park ad Forest Grovo 60 Sam Lsnducci to G Ma.r."l hlk 5 Pleasant Home ad Heaver- tOIK 15 S B Huston to J M Owens 100 a sec 30 an.1 25 t 1 n r fi w 300 Maggie A Walker to W Van derzati.len 20 a Itoht Walker die 400 A Itellebuych to 0 Hellehuych 123 a sees 17 and 20 t 1 sr 2 w P J llassler to W L Parson 15S a sec 12 t I s r 5 w 700 W H Cromwell t Lyd In gram 2 a sec 28 t 1 s r 2 w . and other lands 700 J Clark to S A Kidder pt hlk 11 Forest Grove 2t 0 Thos Paulsen tli C Iehuianu 95 a c 2G t 1 s r 1 w 7000 ft Rcycrafr to J L Washburn 210 a sees 10 and 15 t 2 n r 5 w 675 C D HliimU'rg to J L Wash burn liiO a sec 28 t 2 n r 5 w. 1200 J C Maier o J L Washburn 100 a sec 7 t 2 n r 6 w 400 MARCH TERM COURT Concened in This Cittj Last Monday. jriKiK a'ltttlltt! ON TIIK KlXt ll Saiall LM lids 1 rm.--Setrral 1)1- vsree l'ase. A term of the circuit court for Washii gton is unty was Is-gun last, Moudsy. Pn-sent, Judge Thos. A.i Mi Bride aud Harrison Allen, dibtrii I attoruey. Paullue Hall v S A and S W Dial. Stricken from the docket. MarV M Bhepbard v Abner Frame. Stricken from the docket. Hummel, administrator, v A N Davies. Stricken from tbe docket. W J Vanchuyver v Ben R Pat- tou. Stricken from the docket. K Crandall v Wui J Bithwdl. Settled out of court and dismissed. Kllzalajth Geiger v W W Geiger. Benj Hcholttcld apsjlutcU relereo In- stead of Melkl Johnson, deceased. F M lleidel v Silas Bennett. Settled out of court and dismissed. W F llollenbeck v James nud Mary Burgess.' Settled and dis missed. Geo F Naylor v Hattie Naylor. Decree of divorce allowed. G W Patterson v Clay aud Mary Ann Freeman. J A Imbrle ai pointed guardian ad litem. Default entered. State ot Oregon V Washington County. Clerk directed to notify the attorney-general that defendant moves (o dismiss the case, Jury excusod till Monday, March 25th. The jurers excused for the term are C C Hancock, J O Gutin, F M Hill, John C Beach, John MeClaran and Ben Doolej. W N Barrett v W D Bradford Sheriff's sale confirmed. Ferd Langer, jr., appointed bailiff. Minnie Bprecht v O E precht Defendant's motion to strike out parts of complaint sustained in part and overruled In part. The plaintiff has five days in which to 11 lo amend ed complaint. O. B. Gates has gone to Ashland to commence work on the Midway Tel ephone Company's line. The line starts from Ashland eastward across the Cascade mountains to Klamath Falls. For about 30 miles of this dis tance the line runs through timber. Instead of felling the trees on the line they will lie used for poles. To do this, a pin about ten or twelve inches long will be used. About 1000 of these will be needed. The contract for making these out of fir lumber two inches scpiare and of the proper length has been let to L. W. House, of Hillslairo. He is now put ting them through the process oi manufacture. Another contract from this company comes to a mechanic here. Wiu. Benson will make 4500 iron insulator supports. Tbise sup ports are out of iron an inch wide, an eighth thick and six inches long, with three holes in each. After the mountains are passed poles will have to be set. SMALL MI! ITS. The people of Newlierg were great ly elated two years ago when it was proposed to build a l.eot sugar fact ory, but the enterprizo did not ma terialize. But the Newherg Graphic picks sour grapes Into this bas-ket: "The development of the small fruit Industry in this lm-ality will mean more to our land owners than would the establishment of tho Isn't sugar business. l his siaicmeni wouldn't have been popular when the canvass for beet acerage was lad ing made, but it Is a fact neverthe less. The small truit business at tracts a more desirable class of citi zens than would the sugar beet en terprise. Small fruits such as straw berries, can be raised with less labor and therefore less cost than sugar beets. More money can be realized on an acre of starwberrics or rasp- berries than from an acre of beets. The market, is sure and stable, there being no foreign competition. The beet sugar Industry is much at the mercy of our fluctuating government al policies, but high tariff, free trade Cuban concessions cuts no figure In the culture of the lucious red straw berry. Still the beet sugar industry is a goial thing w hich we would have liked to have had come this way. But if there is something 10-1 tir for us which we can l ave with one tenth the effort and expense, let's have It. There Is always the danger of underestimating those blessings which come naturally and easily." TheGrai.hic is right and we of Washington county ought lo I planting out Ptrawla-rry teds. If we overstock the market for fresh ls-r- ries. we can can them and ship to greater distance. 110 KS. M AR.SU -Marrh l!, limr rri.lcrville. to John Marah ami iff, twin danclilrra. FURNITURE REPAIRED Ikm't throw away a good piece of furniture because it a littlo scratched or broken. Take It to Dailey 's ou Main street aud have it repaired and varnished and it will look uew AC.KNT TOR Rambler Bicycles ... POPULAR WilKICLS Bicycle Repairing a Specialty F. R. DAILEY, Main Street, Next to Wehrung. Tbe intercollegiate oratorical eon- test was held last Friday eveuiug at Salem. The colleges sending con testants were University of Oregon, Eugene; Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Corvalli?; Albany College, Wil lamette University, Bulera; McMiuu- villa College, Pacific College, New berg; Oregon State Normal School, Moumouth; and Pacific University, Forest Grove. The winners are W. G. Hale, Pacific University, Forest Grove, first, subject of oration, "John Brown of Ossawatomle;" second, Sternberg, of Albany, and third, Tartar, of Corvallls. The standing of Hale and Sternberg was a tie in oratory, but in composition Hale had 542 credits to 635 J for Stern berg. On Saturday it was noted that according to the figures reported by the judges an error in addition had been made in Hale's favor, which, corrected, would put Sternberg ahead and take the medal from Hale, but when the original figures were ex amined it appeared that the mistake was in copying the figures. The totals had been correctly copied, but some of the figures in the column that made the totals were wrong. When these had been corrected the totals were not disturbed, and Hale is the victor. The flurry for a while was ice water to tbe rejoicing of the student body at Forest Grove. Hale had beea husabed by his Hillsboro associates as he passed on the train Saturday evening, and at Forest Grove his fellows would not allow his feet to touch so common a thing as clay, wherefore on shoulders he went to his carriage. A receptlou and banquet came later. It was about over and the last blissful moments were passing when the tel egraph messenger deliveren the (lis- patch saying a mistake In figures had wo o Ix-en made and that Stcrnla?rg won. Hale was chargiued, but be said he had done his best and if he had not won he could not make the effort stronger, and he would have to be satisfied. But news of the final In spection camo Monday and the seren ity of Hale's fellow students was re stored. They had tieen more cast down than Hale himself. Hale is a 1 boy and at one time was an employee in the Inukikmdknt office. So we all shine by rellected light. Wells, Fargo A Compftny was or ganized April IS, 1852 and fur 50 years it has been an active factor In the development of the west. In its earlier history It carried letters as well as packages aud was patronized by the Argonauts when they had a letter that was to be lushed. The express was certain and expeditious but latterly, the mails beat the ex press, not only hours but in some in stances days. This Is due to the fact that the government requires the mails to go first. But the company yet does a business that is an accomo dation to the public. The Company this year celebrates the half century of its organization bypresenting each of its employees with a silver medal who has worked with it for a year or more. Mr. J. M. Brown, the Hillsboro agent, received his medal on tho 17, day before the Anniversary. It is a beautiful thing in silver, about the size of a dollar engraved in relief. On oue aide ap pears the express messenger on a running horse attacked by Indians armed with bow and arrow, just alntve is representation ol an advance step where the "Ikix" is carried in a four horse stage. The messenger is firing at the highway meu and suc cessfully keeping the treasure. On the other side, progress is illustrated by a train of ears, a telegraph line, stean)shi and keys, the latter, em blem of banking, Mr. Brown high ly appreciate the souvenir. Mr. Joseph Rector, who has been at the head of the light and water plant since it was owned by tho city, has resigned his place as superinten dent and accepted a plsce with the new telephone company that is building from Ashland into South eastern Oregon. Mr. Rector is lo retire April 15. HI successor has not yet lnn selected. POPULAR PRICKS Best in the World IIILLSHORO TIIE TAX PAYING RUSH Has Been Great for Last fcto Weeks. l(,:PIS OF 1!K)1 TAX ( 01 l i t I I t This It Due to tho He hate of Three Per Cent Alloneil. Since the sheriff has had the t . v roll and up to the close of busiie i on the 15th, $70,398 were colleen .i. The amount on the roll was $78,7 hi, or about that. From this latter mii i the 3 per cent rebate was deducted, about $23C0. That Is 'the aiiioiihl taxpayers saved under the new hue. It is expected that tho county li i;h ury will be reimbursed by tho p.- -alties aud interest that will bo ic- ceived from delinquents. The Evening Journal has mad its appearance in Portland. At pres ent, the candidate for public fuv r is a standard, 7 column folio, well printed and well edited. There m e some defects to be sure, but they Hie those always met, in starting a new enterprise. Tho Coinpuny has two type setting machines witli a capa city to Bet much moro type than can be used. The press is a Goss perfect ing machine with a capacity of 25, 000 four page or 12,000 eight page papers per hour. Of course a stereo type plant is Included. The news service is that of Hcripps-McRay aud SK!laIg. For the Jbuisy man, this service is preferable to the Associat ed Press since it is only a brief men tion of facts tbat are happening throughout tho world. Husiners is going to the new paper laster than it l.o I. ..n. ln.ft .l.nn u 1 1 .In...... A , muntii u vex in fiailjta It ii.lll I iiirinn aa v in viivi 1 n an? in&vu care of. The pajKir Is sold on tho streets at two cents. By the week, it is ten cents. The exhibition at the Opera house last Friday evening of the Athletes from Pacific University was very fine. The young men acquitted tncmselves with dignity and made many friends. The patronage of the public was liberal and tho boys were able to take a little money borne. The elder Mclntlre w)io was lost to his son for a few weeks last win ter, but finally traced to the Insane assylum, where he remained for a time, has been rotuned to that insti tution. There is littlo hope for a permanent cure of the unfortunate man. The West Willamette Association, of Congregational churches will meet with the Hsilshoro church on the 8th aud 9th if April next. Tho churches belonging to the association are those In Polk, Yamhill aud Washington counties. Twelve carloads of round lumber was taken from Hillsboro station this week. There is more in the yard. Prof. Bates, Principal of Tualatin Academy at Forest Grove, spent Saturday last in Hillsboro. Win. McFadden has sold his Ilill-i-boro property and will move to Salem next week. Baking Powder Mo5t healthful leavener in the world. Goes farther. fry. ftMM m-mrmm rv , mm vwnt. mm.