Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, March 21, 1902, Image 2

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Hubacription, In advance, per year, f I.Oo
V. M. V, GAULT. Kditor.
Fill DAY, MAKGTI21, 1902.
A republican convention for the
county of WttnhlDKtoD and etJte of
Oregon U called to meet at the court
house, la Hillsboro, on Thursday,
March 27, 1W)2, at 10:o0 o'clock a.
ui., for the purpose of nominating a
legislative and county ticket ami to
elect 12 delefratea to the atate con
vention, and 12 delegate to tht Firet
Congressional Diatrict Convention
and to ratify precluct nominations-,
and for the trauma-lion of such other
and further business aa may coiue
before said convention. The conven
tion will constat of 157 nelefratea, t
be apportioned and elected from the
(everal precincts as follows, to-wit:
Beaverdam 6 I Beaverton 10
Buxton 4 Cornelius 8
Columbia 0 Dairy... 8
Dilley 8 Kant Butte 8
K. Cedar Creek 6 dale Creek.... 7
Mountain 2 N. lIlllaboro....in
N. For. (J rove,. 11 lteedville 7
H. For. Grove. . 13 J km ton 7
N. Jllllaboro....lO Washington.... 8
8. Tualatin 7 Went Butte 7
W. Cedar Creek 8
By order of the Waahington Coun
ty Uepublican Central Committee.
Dated thia March 6, 190:1.
Cjiah. (). Hoe,
B. P. Cornelius, Secretary.
- Chairman.
The American augar refiners, sugar
trust and the beet sugar asoclalion
have contended the past winter, and
the truMt eeema to have won. The
waya and means committee have in
troduced a measure into tlio house
authorizing a reduction of 20 jier
cent of the Dlnglcy act dutit-a till
December 31, 1903, in exchange for a
Uke reduction of duties laid by Cuba
on American Importa.
The situation la erabaraasing. The
waya and meant committee seem to
be committed to the scheme. So la
the administration. The beneficiary
ia the sugar trust, that la unless It al
lows that 20 per cent to go on the
Cuban price of sugar. There is just
now a surplus of augar la the world,
and every producer ia seeking a
market. 8 it la very probable
that the Cuban planter will have to
aell at the same old price before be
can sell at all.
Iberewillbe no reduction in the
price of augar to the American con
sumer, hence we relinquish either to
Cuba or the augar trust 19,000,000
annually in revenue. Now, will 20
per cent concession of Cuban duties
upon our products give us trade
enough to compensate for the loss of
revenue? Can we get tho Cuban
trade with a concession of 20 per
We do not owe Cuba anything ex
cept good will, and on that question
the balance la decidedly the other
way. In a financially way we are
not indebted to Cuba, and hence there
la no reason for taking up the ones
tlon from the standpoint of relief.
But, aa said above, a reduction of 20
per cent on sugar will not reduce the
price to the consumer, and we do not
want It to reduce the price of tobacco,
That la a revouuo-producing article
and not a necessity to life. The 20
per cent reduction probably would
not reduce tho price ot beets directly
but it might frighten tho industry
and delay Investment. It might
create the impression that further re
ductions are to be made.
nut there la haste almost in
decent haste. Cuba has no govern
ment yet to make a treaty with, and
it reWly seems that more dellher
tion might be Used.
OieKon has good representatives in
Waahlngton. Mr. Toiikuo ia t-halr.
man of one of the moht iniportaut
couimitteee In the housp, tlmt of irri
nation. This coinmltlee la handliny:
one of the great questions of the na
tion. Another big couiniittte
that of rivers and harbors, of which
air. longue Is ameiiilxr. Another
man from Oregon who has great in
lunuence Is frenator Mitt-ht ll, who
has been aelected to manage the
Nicaragua canal bill instead of Mor
gan, who has teretofore had it In
hand. Mitchell's abilities aa a leader
of men are recogniznl, and hit -wr
vices are in deinaud.
The control of the parly organize
tion of Iho republican party In
Multnomah passes from the manage
ment of Senator Simon to that of II
111 ft . . . r. . .
v. cM-ou, Air. Simon's manage
ment has been called "the machine
auI nisderet In the priuiHrica and
county la a graphic illustration that
the machine may be broken. There
ruut always be leaders of ma-iely
and government, but those leaders
must be modest, and Mr. Scott must
learn this lesson, for w hat the people
have doue once they can do again.
There are many kinds ol trusts,
hut we all have to admit that the
sugar trust la the sweetest of the
W hole lot.
Armnline to (Viioliel 1
P. Ti-hern.
navy, who
has lust sailed with hU vile and
duughrer for home on tho sleuuu-r
.St. laiuia, Uu.vU is not likely to
order any in.iro war ve-I from for
ultfu ahinbuildfs He has been lu
this country superintending th con
struction ut the Cramp yards of the
Fariug and llvtvizan for the Uunaian
navy. These vessels haviug .been
completed, he la now on his way
"Hutalau yards," he a Id, "havoa
capacity for building tlyht ships
niuiuitmclotisly. I have prepared a
report en A'nericau method which
will have the effect. I thiulr d
doubling their capacity."
The I.NDKl-tNDEX r publishes thb
week In another column from Un
pen of Mr. A. O. Brown, Socialist,
but tho idea cannot bo endorsed.
The writer nays one thing that is
reasonable, socialists ar dreamer In
very truth. For n one' else would
assert that, because a pair of shoes,
are made in 20 minutes, therefore a
purchaser need only strive tho same
length of time in- payment. It is
absurd that, because a man who has
sta-nt yesrs in acquiring skill to do
a eice of work by the aid of ma
chinery that has cost thousands of
dollars, must te matched by a man
working with only bare hands and
no training. The laws of nature are
not those. A man may move a very
large stone but to do it he sacrifice
speed for strength. There Is an
equilibrium that must be maintain
ed. A man who has toiled for ten
years, has a richer experience and is
more valuable than a boy of twenty
one notwithstanding the youngster
may be able to handle a bigger suck
of wheat. Only a dreamer would
claim equality.
Opiioaitioii to the Chinese exclu
sion bill ia developing In California.
One of the Henaton from that state
will not support it. Tho steamship
lines and the railroads oppose it an
well as eastern senator and some in
the south. The Mil will be talked to-1
death. . . .
flultnomuli fiolitielans seem won
derfully fond of prefixes. This year
they have regular republicans anil in
dependent republicans. 'To an out
sider there seems no need of any but
republicans men who hold to fio-
tm-tion', the irold standartl and e.
The aunual strike of the I'ctmsyh
vania coal miners is aliout to lt de
clared. It Is said that 100,000 labor
ers are to be Included in the striking
column. How many nt tliese belong
to the Itibor unions? Perhaps a fifth.
I'hls minoiity; therefore, control the
This in as bad aa the TillmanMC'
uiurin incident. John Dillon, a
member of the English parliament,
while on the floor, called Joseph
Chamberlain, colonial secretary, and
by virtue of his office a member of
parliament, a "diim-.ied liar." For
thia Dillon was suspended.
The Tillamook Headlight ia tight-
ing Couuty Judge Happington, and
from tho tone of the last issue, Hint
paM-r does not intend that the judge
or his friend Maxwell shall Ihi on the
ticket thia year.
The Cubans are not aaliaQed with
tho 0 lier rent reduction of Hie
Dingley turilf. , They want 'inure.
Could Sol Ureal he.
Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bron
chitia, other throat and lung trouble
are quickly cured by One Ninuto
Cjugh Cure. One Minute Cough
Cure M not a mere . exprs'toranl,
which givex only temporary relief.
It soltena and Ihpiitlea the mucous,
oraws out ine iiiiiainmatioii ami re
move a the rails of the disease. Ab
solutely aafe. Art at once. "One
Minute Cough Cure w ill do all that
ia claimed for it," :, Justice tf
the Peace, J. II, Hood, Cnwhy,
MisH.,'Iy wife could not gt t her
breath and wan relived by the first
tloac. It ha la-en s hcrioflt lo all mv
family." Delta Vw Store.
Almi:iiMtrntr' Knl,
Notice i , herehv eiveu 'hat ill litlrsteoiec I
wi mi wnitT ui ine i oillity l iMlrl. liir.M.lll-l
niHiiah t'oinitr. m.idf on tlie Islli ikr ril
.Match A. 1. !.'. in the mutter of tlie I
estate of John Hart k. deceased, the nn-
ueru.-tieii, ailnuiiiKtrator of aaid vsluie.
w ill M il ut mi niie aiictioii.il the hu-li.-i.t I
niiioer. Kiitiiei'l lo coniirninlion lv the
aaid I'ouri, at th- loltoim: desiriU-d
real estate, vix : I
All of lotii lomil ere l eicht (si ami uiiiv I
t ) ol "(iray tNik" as the raid tract up-
peiim on ine maps and phiia in the l;e-
onier a Ollleo il WtlslniiKlon ( ounl v. Ie-
1IIIC in eeetiiin hve 1.1 1 1 s I: I W U' M
and nlso llie fnlhiwlii)r tract. Ml
iicciiiniry on the ni-inei line 107
clis ae-t Iroin tlie intersei'tinit id sections
Hi, 17. V mid .'l T 1 M U 1 V. Ihci.cn w
to est line of t-iwiieer'a donation cHaiiii
IMH chains : thence south to tlie south
west corner of iMHmccr's dolitiori c,nn-
thence east on tlie line of said claim 10 a
point Id.; chains west nf the section line
ix'tween sections J) and L'l : thence north
l".UN chs to tlie place of lieciiininir, all in
Washiii)tt m I'uunty. Klate.it Ore... 11.
I hat said sale ill tie made miihe'Jlxt
lay ol April. A. 1. l.arj. nt III o'clock a. m.
if said clav. at the front d.Mir ol th 'onrt
House of said Washincthii Conntv. ft
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Haled thia lNth dav c.f March. A. I.
!'. il.l.kK.NAS,
Administrator of the- cratateof John Itar-
luk, d.we isccd, 44 II
If T3 hftven t a n jnir, hf-mlty iwotm)! of tlM
borl tur) tl . . JJUU HI " l" kp JfiMaf
tViWt U fix ii. ai.'l h- w. I. k .. !-. Hi U.tf !! of vt i
K nu b, al- ur i- d:ii.:-rotn Tins MOMtb- i
CAU svAVl M to t.Ma
ri.-jair l'alatfit.l,-. Y -t nt . Til tm C.aod, PoOaM,
Kt tt-r t k'fc" ti V r i. n. L.t iiM'. hi, t-. and w ranU
This is one of the intensely
dramatic situations in our
new serial by Brigadier
General Charles King. ,
Railroad Strikes
Indian Fighting
Fighting; in Philippines
Furnish the stirring
dents in this story.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of the I
diesl.Miis ana digests an Kinas l
rood, it elves in.mantreiieiana never
f.iils to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food vou want. The most sensitive
atomachs can take it. f -y its use many
thousands of dvsnentlca have been
cured after everything else failed. It
prevents formation of eaaon the atom
acn, relieving ail a i stress alter eating.
Dieting u n necessary, i'leasant to tax
II can't heln
but do you gooN
PIHrdoMlybf K.(J. Kkwitt i'o.,Ohfc-
cza l- nouin coniiupa tjuvu-w too.
av -i -t. -i . .- v s. .
No Time to Lose
You cannot afford to disregard
the warnin;,' of a weak and
diseased heart anj put oil tak
ing the prescription of the
world's greatest authority on
heart and nervous disorders
Mues-Heart Cure.
If your heart palpitates, flutters,
or you are short oi breath, have
smothering spells, pain in left
side, shoulJcr or arm, you have
heart trouble and arc liable to
drop dead any moment.
Milnr J. W. Woodcock, ore of the
hevt known oil ojieralors In the coun
try dr.ippeii line! from tienrt disease
rreenl ly. hi hi- In. Tie In Portland. Iud.,
whilo unming hi Iawn.'i7e i'rou.
Mrs. M. A. liinlsall, Watkin, N. V,
wliose portrait heads thia advertise
ment, ays: "I write this thronjjh Brat
itiirle for lienelits 1 received from I'r.
Mile' Heart t ore. 1 had alpitatioii
cif the heart, aevcre pains uniler tlie
left ahoiihler. and my cenerai health
was miserable. A few Tiotllu of Lr.
Milti 1 le.nt C ure cured me entirely.
Sold by all Drugglata.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
1 '!.' .- iirmcr
- t. u
' ';A
i.V I j,
. m. r
Bari tLt 1,a ni) Ht Kwm Boag
Held at
tu7 7
fflu a.
ki mthixs.
IN 1
I Si
the fincriT
t'Ol'UT OF T1IK.
(ur VabinKu.u
fclla liuston.
U. B. Hullutrk au.l r .
Cliruli&n Nieluu. Uufeudant J
To U. U Ilollnuliwk. oim uf Ilia bIhc
nautl itvlwiUaTiui:
In lti NiuiM of tti 8tit of Uri-run, you
urn hereby require! to uner un, nnwrr
in cwiuuimui oi turn
piamtlll Wll'itu in
week Iruiii the tluta of tl nrvt uul.lkiilion
ol tlili KUiuiiious, una II you lull to lo up-
lrr aim uimwar toe piaiuun will apiy l.i
Ilia Court for the relief UeinaieleJ in lir
coitipluint, uit: lor a judgment aitaiiiiit
you lor III turn ol ltj.uo with liiierntt
iliereuu at tlie r..te of ton ( 10) oer riit. tier
annum sine ufiuet ia, irwt, anil me kuui
oi fcUiuu attorney leea ami tlieeosu un.l
iliebuneinenU of this null; that a certain
iiiorlaf eiecuteil tiy you upon the W 'i
ol the N V ;4 ot aectioil Tl. 'I i N U4V)
of the Will. ller. be foret-losml and eaid
lumU aold for the payment of the plain
litl'a jiidK'nent, and for such o.ht r relit-t
aa to tlie Court uiay apitear equitable.
1 1lls bDiiiinoiiK in avrreU upon yuu by
publication by order of the il.itin. al'le U
A. Hood. CouDiy Judii of Waahinirton
County, llieie'll, which order ia dau-d Kel-
ruary ttli, Isnrj. the time pie-en bed in
aid ordrr in which you are to anewrr the
name u ii x wwka from the tint pub'.ica
tinn of tliia Hunimona, and the date of the
lirst publication of thia buniniona ia tlie
in day ot iebruury,
i!7 13 Attorney lor 1'litiutiif
irkrr'a liysneiMla Tuhlrts ar olt
on a poaitive puaruntee. Cure heart-burl
milium ol the food, diatreaa alter eating o.
any torm ol dyapepaia. One little luhh
Kiveaiuiumliaie rebel. 25 cla, and Ulcla
a ue irrtia iruK Duire.
. Tertland Markets
Wheat Walla Walla, nominal
J W; bluesteni, 6Gc; valley, 6ti.
I; lour best grades, 2.o5(3
harrt'l ; graham, -'.(k).
Outs old. WhMfl percental.
llarley Feud, U0 15.rj; Ii
50 H-r
sin.oo per ton.
M illntulia rliran, $ir)iU7; miilillingg,
l!k,2U ; shorts, ltn 17 j ciiop, lft.
Hay Timothy, IU' 13; clover,
il.50; Oregon wild hay, $.rKH ;er ton.
litlt'er Fancy creatnerv. LW"??'.!!!
j dairy, i8(aoc; store, i:i( l. per pound
m .e ouirao n: , iremi .i z.h:.
Clieeae Full cream twins, laic;
Young American, MJc14c iter pound.
Poultry Cliickeux," uiizel, f2.tKJt'i
:!.00;hena, $,t.00c. s 50 ; dressed, 10r(
1 Ic per pound ; prini;s, $2.0l)ri :!..r)0 icr
.lo.en; ducks, $.'t for old; ;l.nudi 4.00
for youm; : aoese. P at t'.i ner dozen :
turkeys, live, lowllc; drcwed, luc
li-'H- r pound.
Mutton lmbs. H'.'c. trroas: ilie-js-d.
6(ff0'acper pound; sheep, f :5.2.ri, grots ;
iiwdeo, k' er pound.
Hogs (irons, heavv, 0(Tfi.25: liL'lit.
fl.75(.5; drewed, 7oi)e iur ponud.
Veal Small, 8illc; large, 7('7',.c
per pound.
Jleef Orosa top nteers. Xr0(iT4.00:
cows and lieifun, tXOU(3.50: ilresmsl
beef, 64 at flic per oiiiid.
llopa 10J at ll ic er pouud.
Wool Vallev. 11 at 13.'.c: Knxtcrn
Orokon, 8 at VJic; mohair, 20 at 21c jier
I'otulova-s.Rj $.95 per at k
Onioiii $,Si cwl.
Notice ot Intention to With-
d raw Inaarunre by the
I nlled Statea Fire In
Kiirnnre C'ompnny.
To whom it may concern :
In accordance with the- rtHiuiriiiHitn nt
the lawa of thuhtiite of OreKon, relative to
inauranct) coiiipanica, notice ia heiehy
ftiven tliat the Uniteil htutt-a Fire Insur
unce Company, ol New York. New York,
deairinir to ceaxe duniK hnaiiuaa within
the Mate of Oregon, iu.enda to withdraw
Its deposit with the Treuaurar uf aaid
Slate and will, if no claim uxuini-t aaid
Company ahull be hied aith the Iimur-
anee Coiiin.innioiler within nix mnntlia
from tlie litst dny of Kehruury, ll!, the
aiime heiiiK the date of the lirat piihlica
tiou of thia notice, withdraw its dvjiobit
from the rJtate Treanurer.
Hy VV. W. Underhili. Freaid.-nt.
Hated nt New York, thia 7th day of Keh-
ruary, 1!W.'. 40 14
Notice of Ntockholder .Meet-
the aunual meetimr of tlie atock-
huldcra of the Hillsboro t'o-om-iative
t'otnpany will be held In the Uruiie. hall
in HillslHiro. (Ireitoii. Tlmradav. llm ''Til.
I day of March, i0l, at 1 o'clock. This
inccliiig ih called for the purpose ot cloct
ine live directors to aerve one 'vear and
I for the tranatu-tioii of audi other business
aa may properly come before said moctiiK.
iiiiiaijoro, ureiron, Aiarch !7, VMS.
J. A. I in brie, ticcretury. 42 lo
The American Lady
Tho host and most .stylish
shoo on oartli for Latlios
1 lo not koop
L:uv slioos. I
JOHN DENNIS, Hillsboro.
5 Collar Lino.
U-iily hound Tri except Sunday
liCavt l'ortlaud...
Ia-uvc Acliiria ....
...7a. in
...7 p. in.
lletnorii l'ortlaud. The llallra nml
M ay Taints.
Inve I'ortlainl Mon. Wcl.,l'ri.
Arrive The Halles, mme day . . . .
Leave " Tues.,Tliurs..Sal.
Arrive l'ortlaud, same day
a. 1 1.
" p. ii.
7 a. ni.
1 p. in.
r"Thia Koute has th !raiil.-.t
Soi-nio Attnu.-tiius ou Kurlli.
UindiiiK and Olliiw: Foot AMt-r Street.
J lolli riionex, Main :!5l
JOUX M. Mhl.OOX. HKt Tlio Hallos
A. J.TAVI.OIt, nt;t Astoria.
J. '. W VATT, at Vancouver,
(H.10l;i& KYKKS, uirtH Hbile
K. W. t IUI IITOX.act l'oiiland
lion This!
We nlfcr One lluiidrcil llnllarM I!. ir.
rn- !. run,, of ( itl.inh thin raniint l
run-d hy Kall'H Citlarrh I'liro.
1''. T. I'll KN K V .V i'4., 1-nipM., Tnlcdn, l.
V; the iindiTni(,-iinl, havu knuwii K. J.
t'hi'iiey fur I he l:i.,l I,, vi-ata, and hclicvi'
him pertcctly lionoiahlc in all liiiM.nct.
trniiHactiiiiiN and liinun ially aide to carry
out any ol.li. :it ions niniic liv their linn,
Vnt 'liii'AX, WholcKalit iriii;i'i Is,
Toledo, t).
Wni'iMi, Kinnan A- M Aiivm, Wholeailn
UrtiKKi-lH, loli do, (1.
ilall'a t'alarrh Cum in taken intern illy,
actiiiK dini'tly upnu lli l.lixul and imini.ii
mir.iu-CH ol tho f-)leni, ( riee i.'mj Hir Imt
tlc. fold hy a t l)riii;i;i:B. 'I utiuiuiiial.s
Ilall'a r'aiuily l'llli are the lie.st.
The iM-st Ciiuuli Keini'ily 011
tl,i tuai ki t, and il
A tonilli Kemedy, nut's will do
the uoi k.
It contains iinlhin i r j 11 riolls
and i;ivpa aMcdy rolief, as
In thia city will testily.
l'KICK 2. cts., r,o i ts. and l.tm
Delta Drtijjj Store.
. Main Street, llillslioro, Oregon.
Thia aiirnatiire Is on every box of Uio genuine
Laxative BromoQtiiniiic ti,ih
the remedy tlut enrea m cola In one day
tw, the I'M Kind You H;is Almys S'J'Jll
Anioi iciin
.soil thoni
a; v
Just u Little Cough
l'.iitil"youwerotoi)r.ta:tl!Ocomimin cause of
most luiiK troubles, iiK-lu.liiiK c.i.sutnpu.m. youM Cm!
that they oiiiiiaU-d in "Just a little Coiish."
Do yon kniiw it's just as o-asy t.) pet rid ol that
little aitiKli. or a WSKcr one, .is to keep 011 cnifihing'
Our "Coit-li vSynip" diK-s it every d;iy in lite uet-t.
W hich would yon rather keep, your iw,ih or
tho 50 cents that our Cough Sylup costs?
Tho Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Any honewt, iillellient di owlat or pliysiclaii w ill tel vou that narcotic .i-oii-.
ucli as opium, henbane., deadlv iiijihtsha.h' or isaino and mcn-iiry uro and have
been nin.t- tlia Hark A e uwl in all l'ile .Mclicines. ami that aiii-.h iiiedicnk.oii
really is-riK'iiialm Pile. Verua Pile cure is not a ivlic of Hie Inrk Ajiok, licr.cu
u.ntaiiiK 110 nar.i.ti, or nicicurv, 5(HK) l.'cwar.l if a tra.r ol any narclic or im r
eurr .1111 1h foiuld in Yernn. All other .smta n narcotic or mcreiirv len it i
voii.laro iiKawluu-kH. f Ccwanl if Verna fails to cure any i-aH of oes. ..1st
caties ciircl Willi one Ux of Verua. ivuV 10,tHK iruianci.t cures 111 live yi-ars:
Sold in IlilNU.ro ly the Twcniielh IVntiiry Store ;
The Hillsboro Pharmacy.
St. Charles Hotel j
1 rout ami Marrlsoa Streets, Port laud Orcitcui,
Kh-.-tric ;i.iKt.ts, Kl.vtric Helta and Hydi Miilic Klevalor.
15(1 tiotiius ut l .Vdc, Suites, 75, la $1. Knoil Itcstuiirant In j.
I'an noi l ion.
Give us call,
t DAVIS & I'.KLOIIlai:. Maiiag.r. 3
tic tit 4 'on true tore.
Sealed bids will lie received nt tlieCoun
tv I'oiirt rooms, in lliil.shoro, Dreoii, on
Wednesday, the IL'th day of April J'.srJ, at
Ihu hour of U o'clock p. ui.. lor the con
struction of a hri.l;:c on tin l-'orcst I i rove
and 1 alavette road, near Hilh v.
Hpcci licntions may he scen at the Clerk's
olliee, in llillslioro. OrcKon.
II atcd thia I "'i i'av of .March, V.nrJ.
I. A, i:nc)l,
43 -17 unity Judi;c.
Stops (lie touch and Works On Hip
Laxative Vrotno (Quinine Taldela
euro a cold in one day. No cure, no
l'iy. Hi-ice ''5 centa. ; -'
Dnrlj- Sntlve tlprlna; Floirrr.
tine of the most lienutlfiil early ra
live sprini; ttowers i4 North America
1m the pasipie, or Kasler llowcr, l'.ilsa
tllhi liii'NiitihKliiia, pci-hnpa more faniil-
i.nlv known it a Anemone nuttiilliniia.
It ia n iitilive nf tho prtilries of Illinois
:iml the norlliwcHt territory, vxtcmlliijr
from rrttlsh t'oliiiiilda Into Nebraska
find TextiH, Inliiibltlni; dry soil. An lu
tereidiiiK character ot the plant Js when
the fi ailing atuj,'o la rcnelied. Tho bilky
TIfK l'lSCjl'P. oil KASTI'.ll rtiiJWi:tl.
aelienea arc developed into loiijf feath
ery atylea recalling very much thoae of
the Ylrcln'a Howcr cleniutia, and In
deeil tho plant Itself una nt one time
recognized iih n clemntis. The llowers
are purple witii a bluish tlnceund Mit
ed in a feathery ctii. 'J'lie plant is di--vol.l
of petals, thu nhowy jMirtioii coii
fistin of iietaloid acpuls. Tho hairy
slnik rises thfe. to aix Inches nbovo
tin; rrouiid, and tho rlclineaa of tho
color of the llowcr In one that la much
appreciated nt this early aenicon of tho
year, attya American (iurileninii in .
Iiimratliiif thin pprln bhom.
Sean the
i iw mih ran Haw mm Baijl
pikm.-- tXPEHIENCE
vft-. mane Marks
Atl-ors siwrllri n Kr1rli snit rt-erii,m ....
eiitl.'kl- s-eensm eur . . .... i. tree h.lh-r sn
li..n.ri.-ll,..,..l,ls-ni,u. 11 it .(Look,, I-, te-nV
.-.IHr.s.. Ill.lr.i m.,.,,,-, f,,r ,,,.,,, ,,-,,""
Scientific American,
A linrt-im.lj Hln.irsIM wsfklr. I.srirM rtr.
e.ilin..i. .f orswiniir J-...r.mt. T.. : j
S.'lVv'ti"i"""- "' "'""'"a11 "l.:'r"
R'UrsN & Co.?6,B" New Tfcrk
asau unioe. ca r U VaahUufuiZ lL il "
All ppneona knowlnit thcnilvra
Indebted to the iiii,lcrsino,l
iU.Mle. to make acttleinent.
H. T. I.l N Kl.A Tl-H,
II lilt II o' w""
C. T. PtLCHFR. lj
Aduiinistrnt riit Xotico.
Notice in herehy itivcn that the under
s'i;ne(l has liceu duty appointed h tht
County uiirt of ttiu rilalc- of Oreccni, lor
ashnn:toii ('ounl y, adininiHtratri of tlie
estate of I!. V Wahlecker, deeeaeit, there
fore, alt person! having i-laiin-c ai'aiiiKt
H:iid cst.-itc am hereby rcHpie-l.st lo present
lliein to thu undersigned duly m-1 ili -d at
the. rcsidenee of .l.icoli Wishier, lictliaey,
Uri'KUii, itliin six months from tins ilaU-.
Adininistmlrix of thecalaie oi O. r'. Wal-
dec-ker, deceased,
H ud .March IA l!'-'. 4J-7
Troamii-or'ai "Vol Ice.
All County w irrants of WashiiiL-ton
county state of Oiveim, KudorMed 'Not
paytihle for want ot fundM" prior lo Jan,
1, will he due mid pavable on and
iifler Apr:' I, PU, and interest Kill cease at
that 'dale,
'c. I reasiirer
Tlio larcal sum ever paid (or a pre-a.-ripliini,
clianjed liunils in an Fran
cisco, Auk. :!t), 1!HM . The transfer in
volved in coin and Kt.sk $1 1 .oO.OO and
was paid hy a party of hii-ini-ss men Inr
a "ccilic' for trii;ht's Hiseaac an I Hia
lajtw, liiUiirto iniairal'le dinenscB.
They commenced tlie serious invcHti
pation of Die specilic Nov. 15, l!iHI.
Tliey Interviewed m ores of the ciii-nl mul
Iric.i it out on ila mcritH by pntline; ove r
three dozen ciiaes on tiic lrealni. nl and
a-alc-loni; them. Tliey ills,. K,n physi
cians to name chronic, incurable, cases.
and silminixlcr.'.l it with the physicians
forjudues. Hp to Ani-. fi, eihu-noven
pcrci-nt of the test enters were either ell
or pro);ngini favorably.
Then- lieintr hut thirteen iHr cent of
failui.-s, tlio liartii-a were s dtHiie.l and
ilocc.l the trunH.-it-tion. the pr.s ecliinrs
of the iuvcfctiijaliii!? committee and the
clinical resrUof the lent cases were pnli
lishcil and will lw. mailed frcecu uppli.a
tion. Address .T.uiv J. Fiuton Com-i-asv.4
0 Monljoiciy St. Kan Fran. is. o,
o ( arc A ( old in One Hay
Take- Lixativn Hromo (uininp
TahletK. All ilrtiircisla n liiu.l tho
money if H fiu t- cure. K W.
f i Ttyf LI bi.os.i t .
Tin- niiiii;rato;nfH .litres f ,y
'r rei.t a po.ai f irm in Whnin;
lon or Yamhill Ciuiniy.
1.00 to $!000 (o Invest
Owners mid only aimwcr. Plmmi
KlVH full .IcMcripiion it , trtmi
When anawcrinc Addrms
H. t'. V.niurlie, Jr.,
i,;r.ii ivj ( 1 i(:iniM-
t'arus, . . Oregon.