Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, January 03, 1902, Image 4

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    $ Tur niTMii nrn
OP Mftsmw 3
cmwiMJ yWx jto -Pg
lainous looking man.'
"So be responded the rouut.
"I never itf uch a wicked look
before in any human face."
"Ah!" uttered a voice close by the
door. "Who cornea in for the flatter
ing remark, my friend V
Both the count and Stephen turn
ed, and thejiumphackcd prioat him
self stood in their presence.
Tla!" he uttered, as he noticed
the position of the invalid. "Up?
By the holy Virgin, you are recover
ing!" ,
"Aye," returned Conrud; "I am
gaining fast now, as you may see."
The nricet struggled hard with
his feeling", and at length he man
aged to conceal the deep disappoint
ment he felt that is, he hid it from
Stephen's eves, but the count knew
him too well.
"You have not been very punctual
of late, futhcr," the latter said, also
trying to conceal his real feelings.
"So, no," returned Savotano in a
perplexed manner; "I admit, it. But
the fact is I have been railed away.
Lot's see. I have not been here
since the evening on which I found
a stranger sitting by your side while
you were asUjep."
"Who was the stranger ?"
I "I don't know. I think I never
saw him before, He waa a good
looking young man. Perhaps hu
was some relative of vour r"
This downright falsehood, so bold
and flagrant, astonished even thj
count, for he knew the conversation
which the priest had held with Ita
lic on that occasion, and, quick a
lightning, too, went the thought to
the sick man's mind that this was to
hide the probability of his being
suspected in vujjuutUuii . ith I!ur:c's
"I thought voa knew that man,"
the count said, looking the priest1
sharply in the face.
"y o. I may have seen him bo
fore, but I did not surely recognize
him then. 1 asked him why he was
here, but ho would not answer nic
save by urging mo to silence. Who
was he, my pon ?" '
The count was at first inclined
not to answer, but ho thought bet
ter of it and finally told the priest
that it was Kuric Novel. Tho vil
lain seemed much surprised at this
and professed to wonder why the
fellow should come to that placo.
Urzen. who knew nothing of the
falsehood which retted under all
this questioning, went on and ex
plained tho naturo of Kuric's mis
sion and its result. And therou-ion
Savotuno expressed a wondrous de
gree of joy and gratification, and
he even presumed to bless God that
such a reconciliation had taken
"And now," the priest resumed,
after this matter had been i disposed
of, "how happened this sudden
change in your 'disease, my son?
The doctors thought you dying
when I was here lunt."
"Yes, I know," answered the
count, still hiding tho deep disgust
that moved within him; "but a new j
physician was called in, and ho pre
scribed a new medicine. ITa said
the medicine had beea taking was
uuiuited to my c:tse, und so he gave
me ne. You can see tho result."
"Yes, I see," wtts tl.e reply, "and
an you seem to Lave very good com
pany I'll take my leave. 1 have
several call to make tonight."
The count made no reply to this,
and a tho piit-st found that he was
2ct "T'u. riT".in ho.axoio at
onco. He "topped twice before he
reached the door, but in neither caso
did he speak. As t"iu as he gained
the street he turned toward tho up
per part of the city, and he stopped
not until ho had reached the pal
ace of the Duke of Tula. The old
porter admitted him without ques
tion, and he mad his way at once to
tho hall, where he inquired for the
duke.. One of tho servants went in
search of his master, and when he
returned ho bade the priest follow
Tho duke wus in his private room,
and as soon as the servant had with
drawn he bade his visitor take a
"Now, Savotano, how is it?" ho
asked. "Have you seen the count ?"
"Aye; I am from there now. By
all that's bud, my lord, the villain is
gaining !"
"Gaining?" repeated Olgn, with
surprise. "But you assured me he
was well nigh gone."
"So he was, so he was. But he is
recovering now."
"But how U it?"
"Why, he tells mo ho had a now
physician and that tho old medicine
Coughing until the veins in the
forehead seem to swell to the
bursting point, the eyes seem bulg
ing from their sockets and every
muscle of the body seems knotted
in the struggle - against the par
oxysm. Then, falling back in the
chair, the sufferer gasps for air
and feels the pain like a knife
piercing the lungs.
The most pathetio struggle ever made against disease is when disease attacks
the lungs. Other diseases may cause as much suffering, but the suffering is
not so palpable nor so pitiful as this struggle, from which doctors so often
stand aloof, declaring that there is no help and no cure. Because medical
skill has so often proven helpless when the rungs are diseased, there is a dis
position in many of those who are suffering from pulmonary troubles to accept
tne fatal termination of consumption as a foregone conclusion. The sufferer loses
heart and gives up hope, and can hardly be induced to try new means of cure.
This is the worst possible attitude of mind for any sick person, and it is entirely
unjustified by facts. In the examinations of the lungs of persons who have died from
various causes, physicians have found time and again the healed scars of tuberculosis,
proving that at one time tubercle had attacked the lungs and the disease bad been
cured. That is evidence enough that the hopeless view of lung diseases is altogether
wrong. Side by aide with that fact put another yet more important : There are
thousands of people living to-day in tho full enjoyment of health and actively
engaged in the duties of life, who declare that they have been perfectly and perma
nently Cured of lung disease by the nse of Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
They had all the symptoms of consumption : cough, bleeding of the lungs, night
sweats, emaciation, weakness, etc. In many cases the local doctor, and sometimes
two or three doctors, declared the disease to be consumption, and very often the
sufferer was pronounced incurable. Yet these peoplewere perfectly and perma
nently cured by the use of Golden Medical Discovery." Did they really have con
sumption T The doctors said so. The symptoms said so. But in any case they had
obstinate coughs and bleeding lungs; they were emaciated and weak, and were
cured by "Golden Medical Discovery."
"I was very sick indeed." writes Mrs. Mollis Jacob, of Felton, Kent Co., Delaware, "and
Dm inuij uucior ma i naa rnnampacm, i tnoagm 1 mum die soon, for I felt so awful bad.
Had a bad couch, ami blood, was verv short of breath: In far, ronl.l hantl htt
all sometime. I bad pains in my cheat and right lung, also had dyspepsia. Before I took
your 'Golden Medical Discovery and ' Pleasant Pellets? I was so weak I could not sweep a
room, and now I can do a small washing. I worked in the canning factory this fall, and I feel
like a new person. I believe that the Lord and your medicines have saved my life. I was tick
over two years. I took thirteen bottles of the ' Golden Medical Discovery ' and four vials of
Dr. Pierce's Pellets.
Can man or woman read the above letter and-not feel that there is hope of cure for
lung diseases in the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery t If Mrs. Jacobs'
cure were a solitary case it would still be a hopeful augury for any similar sufferer.
But so far from being a solitary case, it is only one of thousands, and only one of
the moderate cases, too. There are cures to the credit of "Golden Medical Discov
ery " which would be incredible if it were not for tho fact that the persons cured
are living witnesses to the wonderful curative powers of this medicine. For exam
ple, there's Mr. Cornelius McCawley, of Leochtmrg, Armstrong Co., Pa., who was
given up by doctors and friends to die of consumption. Tie had eighty -one
hemorrhages "sometimes spitting up five pints of blood at one time." It took
forty-two bottles of " Golden Medical Discovery " to cure him, but he was cured
and is to-day sound and welL That's an extreme case and shows what has been
done by the use of the " Discovery " when the conditions were most hopeless.
Some two years ago I was almost a helpless victim to that dreaded diamine consumption,''
writes Mr. Charles Froaa, P. M., of Sitka, White Co., Indiana. "1 was confined to my room
lor several months; my friends and neighbors had given op all hope of my recovery, until one
day a friend adviaed ma to take Dr. Pierce's Goklen Medical Discovery, and after 1 had taken
the contents of the second bottle I began to improve. After I had taken six bottles I was, I
honestly believe, delivered from the grave and entirely cured. I am now a strong and hearty
man. If you want to use my name in recommending your wonderful medicine to the world,
you may." v
If you are suffering from weak lungs, obstinate, deep-seated congh, or any form of
tum-ane wmcn is cd ron in, you are invited to consult
Dr. Tierce, by letter, rss. All correspondence is held
as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address
Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discov
ery." There is nothing " just as good " for diseases of
the stomach, blood and lungs.
tormd FRCE m
oopy of tho homt ntjMom modloml work, Or, .
Ptoroo'w Oomavoii Softs Modioal Advlr.
Thhj groat work, containing moro than m
thommond largo pope ond ovor oovon hun
drod llmntratlomm. In moot FREE on rooolot of
tomum to amy oxaonto of mailing ONLY
SomdSI ono-oont mtomoa for tho ololh-bound
or only at mtamftm for tho hook lit
I Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, M. Y.
AYetfetflute Preparation fair As
slmilating it Food andBe uta
ting the StuiKKhs andBowv-I s ct
Promotes DigesllonJChM rtul
nessandltestConlains neJUer,
Opiuni.Morplune nor rtiuxaL)
AperfecJ Remedy for Cons tirwvl
Hon, Sour StomacruDiantocaj'
Worms .Convulsions .levenstvul
ncss find LOSS OF &LEEP.
Facsimile Signature or
ft T-!- Wi "1
t3 far, m
For Infanta and Children.
Th3 Kind JJfois . Have
Bears tho
completely shlterl y rio-1!.al
or umnttiut uao oi iiiixlcai!tig Ihj
uori, require an suti'iole capable ol
lii'UtrliiiiK' hint eradk-atiui: tbis
oiiiu ami li.c'.roylDir tl.e rraviug
lor iuioiivru. Suflmi ui;y now
cur" tln ui'lvt'tt m I I'liiM ii.ii.iut
iut.!iciiy or la-n t time fntm invl
ii sh liy this wojiderful 'llmiie C I
Cure" wl.ich hut lwn jw rfwlwl nfter
many ym-.m of cIoko tJiy unil tr t
mcnt ol ' (nrbr!:. I he Irtiihful u
a-'f'rtling t't dirctiimi of tnis wmil.
-rful ilistfovrry s pmotivc.ly tcur-;
miK! t cu:e the inot-t cliHtiu.tie
T Fnr flvnr
Thirty' Years
mm i mm
M'hcu w nmtouipluting a trip
vl.etii-r on busintwk ni ple i-urc, tli'y
omn.nlly wsnt the liot erv'n'e ob
litiimlilc m far aa f., rvnito't and
f-t is ruvrml. V.n: Ui" of
tlm Wixunam.tVnir! t.imii'j pid
l.i Mrri tli" ;ub!ic ou.l onr trnim are
.(rtoii to as io mk Uose i-otinrtv.
lion witii liivuiyiiift llut'S at all j'lix t
ion iKjiutu,
meHf'tiirUiiufcuif uu'H :'! sh ii.U.v. y i-uiiuiai'i Z'.ii?.:- --" -x--
Our ru-ords show 'the nmrrelou oa tbrouKh train,
imnsformatlon of t!)Oiiiini of
'iruuhanlii into sonrr, industrious : Dining Car srvu-e nnesvelleil. Mcnla
ami upright men. served a U Carte.
W ives cure your hm-Laml! ! ; r otj,.r , ..blaln this fimt lai emr
Chi!. In n cure your frtitterr! ! Till" ; aklheiikrt nent to rell you a
rrintly m in no iM'.'im' m nootiuin ut i ticket ovr
U a HH iUe for Ibiti 1ikh only and j -,,, ipiennvorW fTVTD 1 1 I n.TJ
irt so ;kilmi!y clt visf.1 uihI pre.frl i lull niOOUIlOlit ILiUflAL blilLo.
tht it is Ihi-iootthly lt!Ne and!,, . .. . ... . ....
pliant to ll.e lasU lht H t. I T , u
Umlnaeupof lea t xsnX with. ' waukestoralll-.fni points. . . .
out the knOWledRO of the IH I-M.n- , yur ui ihforiiiation call on vcjr iHrost
I taking it. ThouNanilit of druiikai.lH ticket aKiit. ur wiu ......
nave wn J tn-iu ivhs who mim.Ja .c . Poku, or Js. A, Cloc.c,
prioeiecH reansiy ami itn imny uinre
nsvo tHn eurl ro1 nmilH i-iiHH-rte ,
mn hy having the "Cure" tl(liin-
istercd by toying Iri-'C'ilrf and relrt-1
tive.i wiihout Uieir ki.ovviril.-f, in j
tea :r if I'.I'eo an I l; t!; vo tilny that i
they diwiiitinueil drinking of thetr
own Irw will. ! i"-t i-uif. lK)j
not ileiod.i hy b p(.r i't 'id iiii-,
leading "iinpnivurcnt." Drive out ,
tlui li.nt'Hse ul oiit' him! for !! time.
Th "Home Uoltf (.'ore" U sold ft,
the extremely low pri'V of oi.c doi-
lar, thus pldfiux witiiin n-ni-ri ol (
overyUxiy. a treat n lit iii'iri IT. i t- :
llrll thul! OtlU lH COII ir'Jt lO 9SlJ '
Full ilirii't.ici.H Hivotripany -eh
mri.u;e. Sp.i inl advice tiy utt ilit-ti I
nhy.iii'iKn-4 wlieti'reque-iii'il A i'.tiaut ,
extra cl.Hrne. ;-.-i.t orepmd (o any
jmrt of ttif world on fv.vipl of one i
(iin. raf. Axl , tiniirrnl A'inl,
Milwank.Wir. v-lti Kmrh
TIMEStlltlll'l.r.S 'KIM l'OUTLAKlt
t hk ocntu- , ntw vwna orrv, ,
THE HOMC liilt.!) ( l UK.
jdoiliir. Ail" ri'Sfi 1. pi 1'. 7.'0 lvlwin ! '
I H. OilfM A C'liiiiiMov, 2u.it) ttml 2H.J2 , Chie:n:o-Portl:ind Sjwinl, via Hunt-
irk t Mi t, 1 iii'ndi 'ipliiu. j lTigton lesves a in lor fvill uk, iHn-
Ail eorrenpor.det.cv til.ly eoi.U "' Worth, Om:iia, Kansas ( ily.Ht.
doi.tinl. j L"UK C( ,ncu A Lnl. A rrives 4 :'M p m.
Auctioneer, Hillsboro Oregon a iHceoii.es Trrtmi.t i;r v.i.uu
I'ruiikHi (1 arp Hi IiibI oretl liaily
. . ' i I fu SpllH ef 'Mi.i!iejilve.
I offer my swrvieex to citizen of1
ih..,.iiliu hmull ffntwlM nipn-hanrfiric I 'e Noxfou l)i."i. o vPHkealiit el
...j.k...i..l.,..i.nniiu . the r. a l lcn.uiU and
lttlT Cure lor the
Mfi-ier Dnlill.
I will Htleml all sales at limes and
places spoeifled upon receiving re-1
qeruest to do eo. cnargw reaHonwi.ie. i lt is uow K,,Ilf.rs)y k n ind
i understood ihsst drui.ki'iii) is a
Mason jars at Archholds, st prlet-s . di.H ami nr-t a pakmi. A
Nxly nil'd with jiiHon and nervtn
Working; Mftiit and I).
The hunirs! f.tnt migliti-'t thing
thut fVr nun nrnlf in l)r. Kin;V
Now Lie I'll is. Tli.-si! pill ricir.gr
tic Fx press vin IIunttncton.de
p . at !i n in for Suit Iiko, Denver, Ft.
.rtb, Oniuha, Kansas City, i-t. l.ouid,
. liicnj;o and East. Arrived 8:40 a. in.
In tit the srason.
1: y
you mmww, teo
by our new invention. Only tlioc 'oorr. rtc.if ure iiicur;ible
1 .11 iisw you
CtniUmen ; Drill ft entirety currd of rtcnfnc--. (1i;.t k i U yn trtnuic:!
ft full hiMorv of my ce. lo W umA itt tour ilict lion.
Abuut fiv vt-nri ago my rijfht t.ir b; (,Mn taMt't. ar-d tii: -. kept on ; -ixuiu m-vr-tc, un:i! I ios:
my lirAiinic in thienr eiitirrly
I BnitTwritt n trr.ittncnt ffr rttirrH, fot thrtr mr i t It -!(. .m v -t:c c rsnhc-l n num.
Ixrof )i.yM4'iiiiA, aniuiiR oJit-m, Hk-iittt cnr.a ut .ir sp tinh.t ut ;!u.(iv. vrlio tnld m tl.u
only Ati ojirrMlion could roc. ami t-vin ttml nly it n..':..i , . i!i.4t tht hcftil ntis s wouM
thru ccuMt. hut the hrariii in tin- nflivud cur vttit 1.-.- Jn-i Rt, r.'
I then nnw voiir mlwrtiimtut. ucciUiu;!iy m i w iV;!N ..,n-r. ati-i itI.-paI v j- irL--t-miit.
Alter I hni uik1 it only a f t w tfctyc nt-conl!- t t- ! i r-c rt- ih i a .!. Rtid
tn-dnv, slier flv-c vwk. my h;urinp in thl ilimnM tl nr li:t 1m. u cr.im-t ; Tf-u tol. I thank y u
heartily timl tey u rtnifuu Very truly ytuns
' 1. A. V.'L'KMa.V, T.tob lir -.,y, Kiilimoic. M I.
Our treatment does not interf ere with iur ustta? oe-ttj .-ut
Asthma Cured Free
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent
Cure in All Cases.
Write your Name and AdJress plainly.
There is notliinx like Autlimalune. It
brings iiiBtunt relief, even in tho worst
caws. It cures when all 1m fuila.
The Kfv. C. F. WKU.S, of Villa
KidK1, 111., fays: "Your tri.il l.otlle of
Asllmmlt iie receivt-d iu lmuI Ri.nilition
I cannot tt-ll you how thankful I feol for
the (jooil di fivoii from it. I was a lv,
chained with i.uliid Mrc throat ami
Asthma lor ten yiar.- ! luiaireil of
fvrt i liii curu.1. 1 mr your advem-
mrnt lor t!ie cure of lhi drei.lfnl and
tomientini; diwAM, Atlmm, ami Xhoitiitit
Ton had ovcrip'Ken youroivi', nut ru.
mdvrd l.i it a trial. To .tiy uHtonitli.
mcnl, the IM'.I woiki like a ciiiruj.
Send uie a fnii-ii.et.l iotile."
Nt. I'mJ f.iMt tnnil via Ktioknne loaves
n .. ... u..ii.. if..ijA i
WHukuoas into Hlrcr.jftfi, )Hil.-nwa , Wall.ire. l'nllnia.., MinnmiHins, St.
into cn. rfe-)', liruiii fi. inm mortal 1'tuil, I'liluth, Millwaukce, Dliicauo m,1
lower. Tl.fi 'f Wi.ii-r!ul in l.uild- j Km'x' Arrives 7 a m.
irK iiji tho hen I It.. Oulj 'Vn'p'r '"'X.
Bold hy Ltflta drutr toi.'.
. StooU Dentil tiff.
K, II. Muniiiiy, ii lwytr of Ileiiii
(jttii, Tex., trie fooled n jirHve-diy.
iitr. Hi; Hf.yt: 'iity lirolher whh
very Jo with itiaiurial fever and
jtiHintue. I jMTniirtiU-.l him to try
Klectriir Uittei and he was wwm
iKIXS AM HlVf lt, .SCllFlin.K
Frsni I'oitluiid
leaves 8 p m for Sun Francisco every
j days. Arrives 4 p m.
l-euvcs 8 p in daily exclpt Snnilny, i n
Siiturday lu p in for Asloria and wny
htudiiiKJ Arrives 4 p m except Sunday
ltMvea dilv exreot Kiirwl.iv nt A a m
mui li better but continued Uieir lor Oregon liiy, Newlierg", Salem, Indo-
ut. til ho was wholly tiiM-d. I am
sure Eleetrie Ititler unveil hiw life."
Thin remtjy expeilit uiHiAiin, kilU
flinfuw Keriiii und jmriliew th M.xxl;
aidd diention, rcfulateH liver, kid
neys and bowele, ttirta coiiMiiputiou,
endeiico and way-landiiiKg. Arrives at
4 :M) p ni except Sunday.
leaves Tnes, Thnm, and Sat at 6 a m
for (Jorvallis und way lundlnjra. Arrive
.Mon, Wed and l-'ri at 4:3b p in.
I.en.)i Tue, Thuin and Snt ut 7am
tor Oreiron Citv. Davton und wav-hind.
i.'(e'hir, nervous uiM-anea, kidney inB. arrive .non, wed nl r rl at
trouhli i., fi-nmle coiiiphtinl,; jjivpa I 3 :M P 1 m-
perfin t health. Only .Vie lit iH lta. Iavc Rlparia at 3:40 a m for Iwis
drujf nt;re. 'ton. leaves l-eviftoii &:M a in for
L i I'.inaria.
i8Ttv T tor "ccrptable Wsaa. i .
A.1 L f! W state If Dotsntcd. I
V THt PATEKT RECORD, ! Adlre, A. I . ( IUIU,
" DnTi r J . 1 I'.v.a.
la I anrt nrni
Port'Mtid, - UreicoM.
Balttraor. Uil.
piaom, nmrpbine, chloroform or ether.
kf.v. m:. moukis WKnisi.KU,
Italibi ol tli.i Cone. Himi. Inrarl.
Nnv Voiik, Ian. o, I'.'Ol.
Ir. Tail. lirW. Mcvlirme Co..
tinrtllemen . Your Ailimalene in an
excellent remedy for Aithm and Hay
Fcvr, ami iu oinfHK-.il ion nilevintef ad
trouble", which .iii hine with Anlhlna.
ItH. mtwi i. atiieliiif and wonderful.
After having it carefully analyzed, ae
can Hta'e thul ApthniuhMie containa no
'-l v truly yonr,
KKV. I) it. MOKhlS V.'Kt'H.I.KK.
4 i
I i
i i it is
is '
liS H
The liuilington Kontc ranks amon tho
greatest cf tho world's railroads.
Over 8,ooo miles loop;; employing 35to
men; reaciiinfj 1,300 towns and cities in the
ckven st.iti.-s traMTScd hy its lin.s; having .
through -car arr.inpement which exten.t more
than hiiif w.iy across the continent and earn,
cstly strivuif' to gi; its p.aron.i atiGolutely
uucqitalcd si'rxice, it is tin; lino YOU should
Beh ct, in 't time you 5,0 cast.
Ornihi Ciur.'.i.n. ;, insa City, St. Louifl- and
EVKKVWIltkE beyuiid.
A C. Si!KLrxiw, General Aeot.
Cur. Third and Stalk Stk, 1'ortLuid, Ora.
11 1 .
A va Sem.vt, N. V., Feb. I, r.Kil.
Dr. Taft Broa. Mwlioine Co
Gentlemen: I write hia textimonUl from a whk yl duty, havin; te"ie.l t'.e
wonderful erlect of yonr Aithmalene. lor the nro ol Aathina M wife haj km
arlicte.1 with fiaamo.lic asthma tor the paat 12 ye.ira. flaviuir exhausted ro own
kill aa well an many other, I chanced to aeeyour i uoi your window on l.Mth
Street In New York, I at one obtained a bottle of Atl.ma!i!ir. Jl; if. i.i.hhh
eed takiiiK it a I out the let of November. 1 very anon notice I rnt'c:,! ;,,.j.r(.vr
meet. Alter nrinn one bottle her Aathnia had d uappi' Tml end (.: i entirely free
from all vmptnnia. I feel that I .an coniliintly ri ,01 n . li t th. n.linne to all
who are alllicted with thit diitrenning iIiwahi, ") oii r pi. if .,, ,
. . !, I'l..-:, M. D.
Dr. Taft Broe'. Medicine Oo. Feb. 0, 1M)1.
tientlemen: I wai tnmblod with Anthma for 21 year. I ham- tri. d iMi!nepu
renieiliea, but they hara all failed. Iran acroae your advertim men: anl atart'd
with a trial liottle. I found relief at ow. I hive iti'-e pnrcii.uu'd your fnll i w
bottle, and I am rver grateful. I hare a family of four 1 hll.lren. an i for W yaura
wai unable to work. I am now in tha beat of health aod am donof hninw every
day. Thif testimony you can make aoch oa of a' yon s.v fit. SKA F'l I A E I.,
Home atldreae, Kivington at r rat, Kn.t l.".Hii t., t ity.
Trial t Bottle Sent Absolutely Free on Receipt of Postal.
Do not delay. Write at once, a-ldi.awi.tr Mi. TACT Ei.OS., JIEDICISE D.
79 Eaat 130lb Bt, N. Y. City.
The Academ'j prepares for College and flicca
a thorough t!ng!isli Education, the best pre
paration for teaching or business. All
pensiis cerij loto. Board and rooms a the
Ldics' H3!l $3 to $1 per tccek, includin
electric light and heat.
Under exporierccd management, tciP lur
nish rooms and board at cost on the club
plan, net to exceed 1.G0
For full pai iculars, address
pkesidext McClelland,
Forest Croce, Oregon