Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, January 03, 1902, Image 3

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Froii ujiiUw at II. A. Palmer's.
For m!( 1 new Buford plow; been
u-l ouo day. J. li. Ilauley, HiJIs-
itjws, Cw!!irt't'ltt j J-iae asMirt-
tut-ut. Iti-feM'tiahlc rices at bt hulm-
frith flnm.
Curving set, liutchor knives, I'oc
kfl kuives, Hciseors and lienors (
Me Curuiitk's.
.F()ttni tine photo's cell ou Pupe
at the Ellis gallery, 7th street, east
side of town.
1 he nest assortment of lino knives
and rzors in towu are at MeCor-
tukk's fuily warranted.
Artistic hair cutting and shaving
at tilt) Second street barber shop.
F. J. Barber, prop.
For sprains, awullings and lame
uess mere in nntiiiug so good bs
C'hainlieriiiin's l'ain Balm. Try it.
. For suie by tbe lJelta drug store.
Win Mohr make boots ut his
shop on Hoeoud street, iiillshoro, for
5.C0 jier pair, sewed shoe tot lo
and gives sH-lul M(ttnlioii to repair
Inn. Hi) uses only first-grade Bbx-k
whii'b enublts tiiin to guarantee hitt
Those wishing to purchase iuiprov
- ed farms, large or small, elty lota or
city residences, In Hillsboro or in
Forest Orove, will find it worth
while to see J. W. Hhuta at the bank,
lIillHl.ro or Den). Hcholfleld at For
est Orove.
Mrs. 1'. II. Itiiughinan la confined
In her boil witn a very aggravated
attack of 'pleurisy, und while her
illness l.s not considered alarming, it
is very p:ilnfui and the patient re
quira the elosxst attuution from her
husband ai.d friends.
A new remedy for biliousness is
now on nalo tho Delta drug Htore,
It is railed Chamberlain's Htnmaeh
and Liver Tablets, It gives quick
relief and wdl prevent the Attack if
given aa aoon as the tlrst Indication
of the disease appears. Price, 25 cts.
er box. Hamples free.
Many physicians are now prescrir
iii)r K(mIo1 Dyspepnla Cure regularly
Having found that it Is the liest pro
scription they can write because It is
the ono preparation which contains
the elements necessary to digest not
only some kinds of food but all kind
and it therefor cures Indigestion and
dyspeprilt no matter what its cause.
Delta Drug Store.
Tho Unitcl Evangelical Chursh at
Laurel which has been extensively
repaired, will be reopened, Sunday,
Jan. 6, 1002, at 11:00 A. M., 2:00 and
7:00 P. M., also servlws But. eve, the
4th. 11 -v. Poling P. E. and other
prominent ministers will conduct the
sorvimw. Special Invitations to every
body to attend.
Rfv. A. W. Brick ly, Pastor.
Tuality Lodge No. 6, A. F.& A. M.
and Chapter Ns. 31, Ordisr of tho
KAstern Star of Iltlhiboro, had a put)'
lie inslhli it.oo of ollJcers on Dec. 27th
(St. John's day) at Masonic Hall.
Mrs. W. D. Hare acted as installing
oflloer fur the Chapter, and Dr. F. A.
Bailey installud the officers elect of
the Masonic Lxlgn. A sumptuous
dinner was served at the hall to all
uieiutairs and invited guests after
which speech making was indulged
in by several of tbe leading lights in
both orders. Attendance 'from both
city and country was large and all
present seemed fully to it joy the oc
casion. Elsewhere will 1 3 found a
list of the ollicora installed for the
ensuing year.
Tho Oregou Farmers Congress
will Le held at Ha 'em, Jan. blh toDth
1UU2, Inclusive. The Oregon Dairy
men's Association and the' Oregon
Livestock Association will hold their
annus) melting at tho same time and
place. The Fruit Men, State (J ran go
and Hop Men w ill also be represent
ed. The Oregon State Board ft Ag
riculture will likewise hold special
Heelings for the perpoeeof prepar
ing a program for next year's State
Fair. In view of the recent rapid
advancement in stock raising and
dairying throughout the state, this
meeting should be ot gieat benefit to
all Interested in agriculture and an
unusual larh'0 attendance is assured.
For this occasion the Southern Paine
will grant a round trip rato of a fare
and omMhird, on the certificate plan,
to those attending.
The Oregon Fanners Congress
meets at Sail ro next Monday, Jan 6
and will rf main In seeelon to the 1)1 h
Inclusive. This congress takes In
the Diirymeu's Association, The
Live Stock Association, The Hop
Urowers Association, State Board of
Agriculture, State Board of Horti
culture, State Orange, State Agricul
tural College and State Poultry
Association. The Washington
County ja-ople wh are on the pro
grain for speeches sro Win, 8:hulm
erljh, suhjact: The proper animal
to keep for dairy puroses. Thos.
Wilhycoinb: Channel Island Calth ;
Hon. W. II. Wehrnnp: Educational
featuroa of tho Slate Fair and B. C.
Lwdy. Whst the Orange has done
for the farmer. The 8. P. Co. sell
transportation for round trip at one
and a third fares.
While at Corval'.Ui last Saturday the
new Orgau Factory wui vLilted. The
factory was ot lglnally a wagon fac
tory Willi a completo plant 'Dstallfd
auialilo lor building light bugiea as
well as heavy wagoiia. For some
rutauu tiie wagon makers could not
Huc.-ivJ. The uaacliiuery waa idle for
rtUit.l eigni years. This iazl fall it
was purcliitd by a oompauy oi
youug men who build parlor organs.
They had iuteudtal to acll the wagou
uiachiucry, but upon Inking posses
lou of the plant they realized that no
couuvru on the J'ucltio Coast needs
such machines and hence no sale
could be made, basidtw moat of the
tools can be used .for orgau work
therefore the machines will be kept
at leant till the 100 or more vehicles
that iid been couimeuced and are
partly completed ahull be finished
and put on the market. But the
lediug line of the Cramer Organ
MTg. Co. will lie parlor and pipe
orgaus.' Fashion iu musical lustru
wuuts change as In dress, though not
quite so rapidly. The time wa
when the wealthy Installed pianos
iu the music room. The demand for
those Instruments stimulated the
manufacture. Then came computi
tiou and chnaening of products ao
that now almost any oue can have a
pluuo. Wherefore the nabobs seek
something that the common herd, by
reason of expense canuot have. They
turn to pipe organs where tbe expert'
diture of money Is almost without
limit. Then the range of music and
musical effect for the ple organ is
greater. Firms In the east are hav.
ing their most profitable customers
from thoso who are putting organs
in palatial homos. Indeed some fac
tories get no orders from cathedrals
and churches. Tho Cramers at Cor
vallis are preparing themselves to
lake care of this trade which is com
ing within the next few years. The
demand for parlor orguns, a reed In
strument. is brisk and the company
has orders ahead. They take all the
skilled workmen they rn get. In
addition they have a number of ap
prentices. These young. follows will
in time be trained and will supply
workmen for'this new industry. Al
present fourU-en men are at work
and the tradesmen of Corvallls rO'
port that already the effect of this
small p:iy roll Is noticeable. The In
s:rutucnts nro ocautuui . and more
reasonable in price than Oregonlans
have lieen occustome'l t hear quoted,
The industry of tho Willamette
Valley Is changing. Eight yeait ago
on a trip from Hillsboro to Corvallto
a small warehouse for wheat and fre
quently two or three would be seen
at every station, and these stations
aro only three to five miles apart.
The warehouses aro there yet, but
they aro not used. They yet utand
but frequently present an uncared
for appearance. But this does not
mean mat iiio country Is less pros
perous, for we know that the con
trary is true. It dees mem though,
that .farmers are changing from
wheat growers to diversified soil till
ers and aro making more money.
The Freeman farm near Lenox
pout ofilc3 has been sold and part of
the purchase money paid. One of
the purchasers Is Mr. J. C. BecheD,
who has since October lived in Hills
W. W. Williams sent off his third
ear of onions this week, making in
all 'J12 sacks which netted him 12.00
per sack f, o. b. He has one more
car to go forward which is already
Thos. Tucker
this week.
shipped his onions
Best m sortment
Schulmeiich Bros.
of Shoes at
Highent market price for Potatoes
at Schuluierich Bros.
Lowest prill on hardware at
Kchulnier kh Bros, t'y them; Full
stock always on hand.
For ltubber Coats, Oil Clothing,
Macintoshes, all kinds of wet weath
er goods go to Schulmerlch Bros.
At the Ellis gallery. New photo
gallery. Pojk, the Photographer Is
hereto please you with Pictures.
Qlve him a call.
Cull at the Independent office
and examine the famous Melton
board for mounting kodak prints
Latest thing nut. Any alze.
E. L. McCormick has just received
a full linn ot M'in's fine gloves for
either dressing or working purposes.
Cull and see them. Ouod values for
tho money
A rhjrslclau Testified.
"I have taken Kodol Dysasia
Cure and have never used anything
in my life that did me the gmai that
did," says County Physician Oeo.
W. Scrogga of Hall County, Oa.
"Being a physician, I have prescrib
ed It aud founn it to give the best re
suits." If the food you eat remains
undigested in your stomach it decays
there and Hisons the system. You
can prvvont this by dieting but that
men 'is starvation. Kodol Dyspepsia
l?ure dlj.'psts what you eat. You
need suffer from neither dyspepsia
nor starvation. The worst case
quickly cured. Never fails. Pelt
drug storo.
M. C. Collier, m prominent onion
raioor aud farmer of Scholia, visited
In Hiliaboro Saturday last.
The petition to tho County Board
of Kiaml tiers asking that Mc
Hargue'a certificate 1 1 teach la tbe
county be revoked was denied after a
lull bearing.
Then will le a banket social at the
West Union church, Friday evculng,
Jan, 3d, for the benefit of tbe Sunday
School. The young people of Qlencoe
will render a fine program.
Four loads of piling loaded on
eight fist cars go forward this wrek
from the HilJshoro station. Some of
the poles in the yard are so long that
three cars are required to carry them
to market.
Miss BtMaie Slgler who last summer
took employment In the Portland
Central Telephone Station has been
promoted aud is now on tho day
force. Her many Hillsboro friends
congratulate her upon the rise.
Mr. E. D. Funk of Bloomington,
HI., whs met last Saturday. In Ore
iron he would be considered a large
and successful farmer. Ills, home
farm contains about 2100 acres of
land and his particular line of indus
try Is stock raising, for the Chicago
market. He finds that for profit he
mut sell his bullocks at an age that
vye call young, eighteen or twenty
months. He sells no grain
from his land but feeds all of It,
Thus, although adopting an Inten
slve system of farming, he is able to
keep bis fields li lino tilth. The
farmers of his class In Illinois are
not content with oue crop off the soil
during a season, but must have two.
The profits are greater. OI course
they do not expect to get two crops
of corn or oats, but they do get one
crop of oats and another oi some
other plant. In the spring oats,
rie and clover are sowed together.
Oats are harvested iu July. The
rape is a small plant then, hut Is a
protection to the young clover which
at that date is tender to the hot
burning sun of summer. Within
two or k throe weeke the rape has
grown till it makes a tempting pas
ture for sheep, hogs or even the milk
cows. Stock Is kept nn the rape till
snow falls. Then tho cold of the
Illinois winter kills the rape and
only the clover Is left to furnish, as
with us, pasture or hay the following
spring. Hape is a biennial but can
not endure the rigors of the North
crn winters hence the Illinois farmer
cannot grow his own seed. . He has
to import from a more favored
climate. Where from? That was
ono of Mr. Funk's errands to Oregon,
Can rape aeed be- grown here? At
the .Corvallls Agricultural Station
the answer Is "yes," and so answers
dozens of our Washington County
farmers. The growiog of rape for
fall pasture is a new thing In Illinois,
ouly two or three years old, and seed
will be wanted there by the car load.
There Is opportunity for somo Wash
ington County farmer to make sone
money and establish an enduring in'
dustry by growing rape seed, How
planted? First the field set apart for
rape must be free from weeds, cepeci
ally must there be no mustard In It.
The grower must guarantee (he
purity of his seed. Not 'only the
guarantee must be financially good.
but the seed must be clean. The
careful progressive farmer of Illinois,
who alone buys the seed, will 'not
have anything but clean seed. The
introduction of a crop of mustard on
thoso caeefully tilled farms would
ruin it as a market for all time. It
is best to drill the soed In rows about
eighteen inches apart. So planted,
the Oregon former gets pay once in
the fall and winter pasture for sheep,
goals or hogs. This light stock will
pass along the rows biting off the
tender leaves right and left without
Injury to the root which is apt to be
received when the seed is sown broad
cast. Cattle will be too heavy for win
ter pasturing, utocit should be re
moved by March. The rape will
then go to seed and le ready for har
vesting in June. The farmer who
has never grown rape will want to
know how much seed can be obtain
ed from an acre, and for how much
It can be sold. The farmt r at the
Agri cultural Station stated that they
had threaded zis bushels to the acre
cut from a two acre lot. Mr. Funk
said it could be profitably grown II
no more than ten bushels per acre is
gathered. A Washington County
farmer seen this week thinks that
ten buthels is a small yield, ao there
seems to be a wide margin to the
good. SupiMxsc an ocre produces no
inon than 10 bushels, reconlng CO
pounds to the bushel, GOO pounds
will be sacked. Mr. Funk thought
it would net the grower f o b at the
lies rent railroad station. 4 cents. At
that rate fiie land would pay 24 per
acre, liut if the Uorvailis farmer's
ield tat verified we can see 113 or
50 er acre, not counting the value
of fall paxturage which will pay the
expense of plowing and drilling.
How much of a market? Mr. Funk
of in Id not state for t!mt Ian of farm
ing is yt new nnd farmers there
have not yet beeu able to get what
seed they have desired to use. He
himself would take a car load.
Several of our old-time citizen
Judge Cornelius aud Judge Rood
among them, atood on the corner of
Main aud Second l recta telling inci
dents aud experience of a half ecu
tury ago. Hiley Cava had this ne
on the County Court when Judge
Hyer Jackson, was on the lajiif-b.
Cave was a Justice of the IVace and
had monthly cost bills before the
Court It was economical and seem
ed to consider that iU whole duty
was not done In auditing a bill till
some iletu haul ImmU J.-.wV..w
Riley says to get even he waa in the
habit of ending his itemized bill
with "and so forth .25". The Judge
would run his blue pencil through
the item and pass the rest of the bill.
After the laugh Judge Cornelius,
"wondered If the fellows will talk
that way about us when we are
gone?" Something of a wag in the
rear of the crowd lifted up his voice
to say "Hub, they are not , waiting
till you are dead." Then we laugh
ed again.
The Sheriff having turned over
the 1901 roll will now take up tbe
delinquent mortgage tax roll. Blank
notices have been printed which
when filled out will be sent to the
people now owning the land which
prior to 18U2 carried mortgages upon
which the tax assessed remains de
linquent. There will be surprises and
some othor rather uncomplimentary
words for those money loaners who
dodged the tax when they wore re
ceiving 10 per cent Interest ou their
loan. ,
Ticket No 1895 issued by H Well
rung A Sons which drew a prize, tbe
Sideboard, has not been presented
within the stipulated 80 days, hence
it is now void. The Sidoboard is
placed as an additional prize to be
given for the successful ticket now
being Issued with each cash purchase
of 11,00. The prizes now offered are
five in number Instead of four as at
first advertised.
Harry Crane of Sherman County,
a former readout here, is In the
County. He has sold one of his
farms on tbe North pltiin, but still
keeps poweKsloiM that wM serve as
an excuse lor an annual visit.
Linn county, from repoits now In,
is t lie foremost borough for the pro
duction of eggs and poultry. Tho in
come from tout source being greater
than what we receive for hops.
Sheriff Sewell haa completed the
collection of takes carried on the 1901
roll anil has turned the money into
the county treasury aud the roll Into
the clerk office. - . ' 'K v
L. L. Whitconih and wife visited
relatives in Hillsboro (his week.
Ooorge Morrow A Go's. Sail Fran
Cisco weekly market report glvs the
following reKirt present and pros
pective of the wheat situation under
date Dec. 28, 1901. It will bo kept
in mind that the quotations are for
centals of 100 pounds while ours are
for bushels of GO pounds. The report
reads :
"To the ordinary observer the im
pression has perhaps been a natural
one that the exports of wheat from
July 1st to date have been consider
ably less than usual, but, as a matter
of fact, they have aggregated 4,144,
457 centals, which is more than
1,000,000 centals in excess of 1 last
year, more than 2,000,000 In excess
of the year previous, and has only
been exceeded in the last fivo years
by the exports of '97 and T)8 which
aggregated 6,820,821 centals.
The market has been on the up
grade at all the important centers,
Chicago, of course, leading off aud
tbe rest following. It now looks as
though the world had realized that
wheat has been loo cheap, and that
the price, not only of wheat, but of
all ol her cereals, will advance ma
terially. While shippers have good
sized stocks on hand and are neither
active nor eager to make purchases,
they will, nevertheless, make good
firm offers on all samples submitted,
and the year goes out with the
markernrtirtrer-vshape than it has
been for many moons past.
We quote choice California milling
at 1.07 to 1.10. No. 1 shipping, 1.06
to 1.06. Oregon and Washlhgton
wheat, 1.00 to 1,07. according to
The Christmas entertainment given
by tho Woodmen was a success.
Miss Ethel Fitch, of Cornelius,
visited Oaston friends this week.
Mr. Haml Ralston has again re
sumed work on tho railroad.
S. C. Sherrlll spent a pan of his va
cation with Yamhill county friends.
O rover Qllpln, of Forst drove, vis
ited friends; and relatives at this
place last week.
Roy, son of Rev. Brickley, who
war painfully powder burned last
Satuday, has recovered.
Quite a pleasant surprise party was
given Miss Lena Parker New Year's
Eve., to watch the old year pass anil
the new come, by the young eople
of Oaston.
Wra, Seigrient, once a Hillsboro
lad, speut a part of his holidays in
Hillsboro, the guf-t of his mother.
The big football game in Portland
on New year's day between the Mult
nomah Athletic Club t-aui and the
Odklaud, Cal. IL-liaucn tem was
won by the latter. Score 6 to 0.
Id Bon ton county there Is one big
pruuri orchard, not taking Into ac
count the smaller. From tho groat
orchard 2l.4!)3 pounds of dried
prunes were sold in 1901, for which )
about 17,000 were paid. 1
Mrs. J. N. Gardner, aged 73 years,
died at the family residence last Mon
day morning from an attack of
pneomonia. The remains were burl
sj tt West Union on Wednesday.
She left a husband and two sons all
living in Hillsboro.
Tho services in the Congregational
church Sunday morning next will he
conducted by a speaker not yet
named. In the evening there will be
no preaching but the Christian En
deavor societies of .the town and Tu
alitan Presbyterian church will hold
their quarterly rally commencing at
7 :30.
MontezumaLodge No,60and Hills
boro Rebekah Lodge No. 64 jointly
Install their officers for the ensuing
term next Tuesday at 10 o'clock a.
m, Invitations have been giveu to
all the lodges in the county, both
Odd Fellows and Rebekabs to be
present. Hence the brethren are pre
paring for more than an ordinary
licit f IIOUHK.
O W Patterson v 8 8 Ricliey;
judgment for plaintiff for 1150.00
and cost.
Eit Jane Robinson, Insane; ordered
that the guardian ho authorized to
sell the personal prosrty for cash.
Est Jerome Porter, deed; ordered
that BanJ Schol Acid I appointed ad-
ministor-de-bonls-nnn. Bond $1000.
Est Ellen Porter, deed; estato ad
mitted to probate, lienj Schol field
appointed administrator. Bond
$30,000. ,
Est Sarah Holcomb, minor; order
ed that citation issue requiring
Lizzie Holcomb, and others interest
ed lo appear Jan 27 1902 and show
cause If any exists whyOretU Finney
shall not be appointed guardian of
the person and property of said
. Est Geo R Osrdiner, minor; order
ed" that Mrs Sarah J Bodman, aunt
of said minor be appointed trustee of
his estate. Bond 500.
Est Thos Stewart, deed; ordered
that the salo of real estate made by
the administrator under the order of
the court, be confirmed. First an
nual report of administrator filed.
Receipts 15940.84. Disbursed I2G90.86
Uallance on hand f:!258.98, ordered
that the administrator-with-the-will-annexed,
pay to the devisees 93200
as directed by the will.
Est Jacob Brugger, docd; Inven
tory of property In Washington
County filed. Amount (20,233.3(1.
Est Laura M Cad well, deed; on
petition of Iloe & Buxton, it is order
ed that E PCadwell, administrator
be cited to appear Monday Jan 6 and
show cause why his letters of admin
1st ration shall not be revoked.
License lo wed were issued Dec 27
to George Biersdorf 31 aud Margaret
A Schulmerlch 28; Dec 31 to Chas W
Neep 35 and Estella TibblU 23; and
William Van 1-oh 30 and Riza
Tolitha Martin 19.
Win 1 Schofield to F Cics tier
62,31 acres in MeLin donation $1,900
Wm T Schofield to Juo Oppen
lander 27.85 in I) L C 028
A W Sax ton to John Lord
tract in Steward donation 2,800
Wm Bagley to Nellie Bagley
41 a In J Comelin donation.
Cicero Illnes to Armeuties
Hart 1 1 a 1 1 n r 4 w.-
Eva C Friday to J M Friday
86 a In t 2 n 4 w m 1,200
II Chadburn to F E Jamieeon
tract uear Bethany
8 Kuney and II Boy to II
Chadburn same as above......
Jno Friday to E C Erldny'
384 a ins 24 t 2 n r 4 w m...
L 8 Porter to Orla Buxton
part 1 4 blk 23 Forest Grove.
J 8 Buxton to Frla Buxton
31 a In Buxton donation 1,200
N Kurth to II Obcr 20 a In
sec 18 t 2 s r 1 w rn
Chas Kallus to C Nielson 169
acres s 22 1 1 s r5 w w ni
A Baldwin to 8 II Baldwin
part lot 3 ,bl 3 Wslkers
add to Forest Grove...-
E R Austin to Mary J Aus
tin 22 a in Brown D L C....
D T Crow J II Smith G9 acres
1 1 n r 8 w w tn
Investment Co to Yal Schmidt
20.02 a J lIR id DLC
Wm Rcidt to Jas Imhrie part
lot 6 and 6 blk 4 Falrview
add to lllllst-oro
Lewis Schrode to A L Qrelie w
h nw q see 2 t 3 r 1 w w m 2,Z'0
For Short Time Only
My prices have always lajeu as low as Portland
prices, but until February 1st I will otter aiiy article"
iu my store at prices that cannot be duplicated in
tbe state
Waltham and Elgin gents' watches 4.50 up.
Ladies' Elgin or Waltham watches in 14 k. gold
filled cases, regular price $12.50 now only $9.15.
Gents Elgin or Waltham watches in 14 k. gold
filled case, regular price $ 16.00, now only $10.40.
Every article in my stock at the same great redue
tion. I give you the best stock iu my line West
of Portland to select from.
A nice assortment of cut glass, staling silver and
plated ware. A lull full line of the celebrated
Rogers tableware. Silver novelties iu endless pro
fusion. Every article in ray store at the same ,
reductiou, nothing reserved.
Oa lou Seed Fr Sale.
The well known pure Oregon
Yellow Dauvor Onion sed raised by
Jos. Bachman on the Clackamas, for
sale in quanities to suit.
a Address, Jos. Bach man,
Stone P. O.
Clackamas County.'
ffita 37
gThe printed testimony of President
and Cashier of the Bank of Bumpier
in the ease of the State v Austin Craig
has been received. ' Mr, Craig was
post master at Whitney a mining
camp near Summer and was made
the agent of the bank to receive local
deposits. Against these deposits he
drew checks. According to tho
evidence it does not appear that a
case of embezzlement has been estab
lished, only a case of crudo hook
keeping, and Craig was not tho book
keeper. Craig's attorney made a
motion for a non-suit, but it was not
allowed. The defendant was hound
over Ut answer at the February term
of the Circuit Court in the sum of
12000. The state must have better
evidence before the circuit court bo-
fore a verdict of guilty can bosocued.
Supt. Ball will hold tho next dis
trict teachers' Institute at Gaston on
Saturday, January 26th.
I'tuntuin Tens Itcduccd.
I have the the largest and most
complete stock of Fountain Pens in
the city.
Any of the leading makes at
greatly red ucod prices.
lVgulsr Lincoln $1.50 14 k pens
at $1.20.' All other grades and
makes at same reduced rato
Call and see them before buying.
HOYT, The Jeweler.
State of Oregon for Washington
In the matter of of the citato ol
To 1 Tarry W. Umbos, Weatunna Marram ,
win. victor runns, Lxnue uruniis, joiin
M. tirubhs, Theodore Jesler firulilw, Char
lotte J. Irwin. I-wis li, (Irublw, and I.yiln
K. ltedmnn and to ult persons interested in
said estate, greeting;
I nth name of the State of Oregon;
You are hereby cited and required to ui-
ix'ar in the County Conrt of the 8tate of
Oregon, lor tne county ot wuxmngtoii, at
the Court room thereof, at llillshom, in
the county of Washiiii-ton.on Mnmluy the
3rd day of February, UWri, at 10 o'clock, in
the forenoon of that day. then and there
to show causa, if any yon have, why an
order of said conrt should not he made auth
orizing and directing K. W. Haines, ad
ministrator of said estate, to pu ll at public
sale, the following dex;rted rinl estate
belonging to saiil estate. Mock ;W, in tho
city of J'orest urove, Washington County
Iregon, as prayed for in the petition of
said administrator now ou tile herein.
Witness, the Hon. J A. KOOI, Judge
of the county conrt of the Statu of t iregnn,
lor the county of Washington, with the
seal of said court allUcd this 2nd day of
January, I!?.'.
KO. W. MORGAN, Clerk.
J. W. MOKUA.V, Deputy. M its
Notice is horcliv riven that the unJor
signed has been duly appointed by ths
County Court of the Utate of Oregon, for
wusiiiucton comity, administrator ol the
estate of Chrit Htoller, deceased.
by i he county court of Washington county
Oregon. therefore all persons liuviug claims
against sa d estate are hereby reiHiestcd
ami renuired to present them to lbs under
signed duly verified a'' the olllm of the
county clerk at Hillsboro Oregon, within
six months from this date.
Administrator of the ealatt of Chris
Stoller, deceased.
Win. D. r KJiTON, ntty Tor estate.
Duted January Z, l!rj. 33 37
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
wnm ftswwei
HOY T, The Jewler.
All ersons knowing themselves
indebted to the undersigned are re
quested to make settlement.
- 8. T. LlNKLATKIt.
.lu.nmNTit.vroitN nam?
ft ' ,
1 11 iumuaiice of an ottler of the County
Court of the uLuto of Oregon, for Wiwtiintf
iuii county. Ori-K'oii, nitulu hiiiI entered on
liny J.7, lsuf,uuihoriziilgaiil dirrcliiiK the
ndiiiiiiiHtriktor with Die will uunexeil of
tint eiitntn of H nuel C. BniiliT. deceas
ed, to veil, ut private Rale, certain n al es
tate lieloiiKing t the evtate of Haul dervts
etl. the unilersignedailtiiimhtraloraHBloro
mid, will, from and after January '-It. I'OV,
proofed to sell, ut private ale the fol'ow
ins described trucu of rualeHtate, to-wit:
I.yiiiK ud buiinr in Wadiiugton county,
OreKOii, and particularly descrilxil aa bc
inRthe N W i ofrectton O, t 2 n r 2 w,
Willamette Meridian, containing l(K)urea.
Terms of Bale; One-third of pur base
price, canli In hand, one-third puyahle in 1
year, and the remainder in 2 years from
date of aiilo, deferred iiaymeiitx to bear S
tier cent interest ami
lie secured by
niortKnge on prvmiiies mild,
AH payments
to bo in D. 8. Ould Coin. I
Duted at Jlillennro. Oregon, tbia llilh
day of December, l'JOl.
Administrator with the will annexed ot
the estato of fiuinucl C. Hinder, deceased,
Denton Uowman, t .11 ;k"
Atty for Administrator.
: : ;
.0 TICK FOU rifltl.lCATlOX
IK-piirment of I lie Inerior.
T OubOiis citt, Om.
. December SI, W01.
ll the following-named settler bus tiled
notice of his intention to m.ike linal proof
in support of his claim, and thutsuid proof
will le made before the Cqunty Clerk of
Washington County at ililljiboi'O, Oregon,
on February 7, linrj vim
ClIAUlJitt A. CAVKLf.,
If. 13, 1-71 1 for the S E X ol Beo X, T 8 N
U W.
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence iiuoiisnd
cultivation of said land, vis:
Ixuis 1'. 1 1 oidi'1, of Olcnwood, Oregon
Itertha Hcidel. of i " "
Edward II. dolman, or J " "
Caleb T, liowen, of : " " "
. :v2-:i7 Register.
Mil Kill FP'.S NAM?.
Decree and Order of Hale, issued out
of the Circuit Court of the Utate of Oregon
for Washington County, in favor of
W. N. llarrett and against W. D.
Uradford, Elmo 111 ad lord and Lester Hrad
ford for the snip of S1 costs, and the fur
ther sum of l&i.UU (I. H. gold eoin. with
interest thereon at the rate of (J per Cent
Iier annum from the 'id day of octo er,
mil, and the further sum of I'J73.S7 with
interest thereon at the rto of lu per cent
per annum trom thegoth day ofHt ptcniher
11101 and lor the costs and exenves of sale
and of s dd writ.
Kow, therefore, by virtue and in ersu
ance of said judgment, d-f-ree and order of
sale, twill, 011 Monday the 27th day of
January l'JIii at the south door of the
Court llouso in Hillatioro, Washington
County, Oregon, at the hour of lit o'clock
a. in., of said (lay, sell at public auetior. to
the highest bidder lor cash, the following
described real prop rly, to-wit
Doing part of sect iuii K. T 1 8 It 2 W
Willa.iK'tlo Meridian, and also a part of
II. Nolaud Jr 1). U 0 , in said township
and range, descritM-ri as follows: liegiu
niug at u point on tbe H K Una of said I) I.
C, distant Is V" JC 11. .'si chs. from the
quarter H'Cfi.m corner 011 the H line of said
section K, s id tiegi lining pfiiiu tsring also
the hcginni'ig point of a tract deeded to
said l'errin M'i'pl'ii by T, 1). Humphreys
and wifi-, October . running thenre
N Vt" E ir chs to a stake; thenoa N t v Vi
2.ii2chktoa stake; thenre N 4.V E.t.lW chs
tea stake; thence. N la' W 8 Ho chs to a
stake; thence 6 4.V W W W chs more or
ess, to a stone; thenue H iiir If,' K 0.17 chs
to the place ol lieginuing containing lD.sl
acres, all situate within Washington
tjouuty. to satisfy the hereinbefore named
sums, anil lor the costs ami expenses of
said s du.
Bald property will he sold subject to re
demption as per statute of Oregon.
Witness my b tnd this i.'lti day of Dec.
l!l. J. XV. rSKWKf.U
WierifTof Wnshington, County, OraKim.
W. N, IHauKTT, Hy W. J. Wai.i.,
Attorney for I'lalntirr. .1-;J Deputy.
wfrn , or mm.