Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, January 03, 1902, Image 2

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Cnttm to Um eoeiofflosat HUUooro, Or.
m s oais slass audi sunt.
D. M. & OACLT. aVIUor. .
No on disputes (be advantages
that will mult from putting water
on desert land, but them I difference
of opinions touching method. The
undertaking Is ao great that private
enterprise fails to handle It except
on small scale in favored localities.
Those localities are Ibe spots that
can be reached by ditches that take
water from the natural streams. The
water in the rivers is not in sufficient
volume to cover all the ground that
water cam reclaim.. To supplement
thU natural supply, the advanced ir
rigation promoters propose to catch
the water from rain and snow and
store it in great reservoirs before It
reaches the rivers to be wasted In the
narly spring before It is needed.
These reservoirs are constructed by
building dams from hill to hill
across little valleys. Private enter
prise has not the money fir such stu
pendous work; or If it had the fear of
monopolistic: oppression dweourages
the class that otherwise wouldcupy
the land. Therelore for both money
and Detection, appeal is made to the
anrniuent. At the Uttt
lnui mt fj
Congress a bill was before the House
that provided for digging ditches and
noimtructlnir reservoirs with money
received from the sale of the public
lands of the nation. Thus the money
realized by the sale of our good
n..idA V.ul lurrlia that nMwl DU ir-
jraciui; v - -j. i
.i.ti n u to be taken to prf"te
nn-"'" i
inigation in Arizona, Nevada, J
, .
Colorada and laano. jumnnuio
thotmulil come and make fruitful
our well watered vales and plains
would be stopped long before they
got here and that too by our money
which if us?d at all for Internal im
provement should be spent where It
originated. There was so much ob
jection to this proposed legislation
that It could not be brought to a vote
in the Uonse. Another bill, a com
promise measured has been Introduc
ed at this session. At present only
telegraphic mention of the bill has
been received here, but the com
promise seems to be a one sided af
fair that extends only to the use of
the money received from the sale of
land. The new law proposes to Uke
only the money realised from the
sale ol land. The new law proposes
to take only the money realized
from the sale of the lands
benefited. But Instead of selling
suchlands at 11.25 per acre, or
permitting them to be homesteaded,
they are to be alienated at 15.00 per
acre. There are two objections to
this bill urged by legislators on the
Atlantic seaboard whom we of the
Pacini can properly join.
The first is that 16.00 will not pay
for digging the ditches and building
reservoirs and that the land when re
claimed is worth more than 15.00. As
to cost: The Secretary of the Inter
ior resorts in 1901, that the Ban
Carlos storage reservoir of Arizona
that will reclaim 100,000 acres will
cost 11.040.000 or $10.40 per acre.
Official reports of an extensive ini
gation project that has been carried
to successful completion in India, put
its cost at a fraction over $13.00 per
acre. Hence it seems that $5.00 acre
Is not a price sufficient for the work
for the general fund oflhe country
will be called upon to benefit the In
dividual. A more nearly equitable
figure would be 115.00 per acre, and
an Irrigated farm is well worth that
sum of money. It may be urged
that poor men desire to buy these
lands and nnot pay $15.00. Then
make the terms or times of payment
easy, a tenth cash in hand, a tenth
in three years and a fifth annaully
It was said above that we of the
Pacific can property Join the Atlantic
objoctors to a $5.00 per acre price.
We do this on the same lines that we
opposed the old bill. Our money is
taken to Improve the arid lands and
our Immigrants are located before
they reach here where they are so
much needed. This Is a selfish ob
jection? That may be, but.ls there
no selfishness in the bill Itself?
The second objection to the com
promise bill is that It is so worded
that the water rights may attach to
the Individual, instead of to the land
which it irrigates. In Oregon and
perhaps in the east the decisions ol
the Courts have been quite uniform
to the effect that the man who digs a
ditch has the rleht to use the water
which he diverts providing he returns
it to the natural stream before it
leaves his premises and provided he
does not diminish the supply owned
by parties below by reason of a
prior vested right.
This same ruling obtains in the
Colorado Courts but because of local
conditions the effect Is quite different.
There have been cases where Jones
has with a small irrigation by si fin
put water on his lands bordering the
lower coune of the stream and then
lost It when a greater company takes,
In a big ditch, all the wat-r of the
river from a point high up. The
rich corporation lu expensive 'law
suits has outlasted Junrt the poorer
man. Thus m that section the rule
of the law has come to recoguUe that
water rights vest iu the individual.
Droorlates water to use it. Thus if
the Tualatla Ditch Company digs au
Irrigating canal to Portland it may
sell water to customer all along the
ditch. If Jones buys water for his
field a milo this side of Portland he
has it till he fails to pay his water
rent, or unUl all the water is ued
fore it reaches blm. As now Inter
preted it Is understood thut Jones has
no protection. The water Is pernon
al property. It is proposed that this
new congressional bill thall cbaDge
the rule and make the water a here
ditament to Jones' land, and when
once set flowing over it always to re
seals there. . !f Jw jleelH or re
fuses to pay his water rates, then, in
stead of turning the water off, let it
stay and sell the land to some one
else who will pay water rates, just an
land Is sold here tor delinquent tuxes.
The graft in the bill as introduced
is just in that question of individual
ownership of water rights. It Is In
the interest of good government that
water right? attach to the land In
stead of to the pt ran and It is proper
that all good citizens join eastern
legislators in demanding that l tie
statute now before congifss be so
framed that whm a settler buys b
tract of land in the arid weft. It li
an irrigating stream Bowing over it
that water shsll always Irrigate hi
The Panama Canal Co.. f
offers to sell Us powomilons
Isthmus for $40,000,000. Th
I . . I . ... ui.nl nut luur Vftir It
lirnnrnt rIUrtn that the IX I 111
- - - I
pleted Panama Canal will cost $253,-
000,000. That sum Included the
purchase price then anked by the
French company, $109,000,000. If it
were now taken at $69,000,000 dis
count, the cost would be $184,000,
000. The estimated costof tie Nic
aragua Canal is $190,000,000. If we
were to buy the French ditch we
would save $6,01)0,000, but that would
seem not to bo economy as the In
crease of distance is so great by the
Panama route over the Nicaragua
way that shipping can well afford to
pav an Increase of tolls made neces
sary by the greater cost of the north
ern dltcb.
Oermaoy wants what money Ven
ezuela owes her subjects and will
probably send some war ships there
to emphasize the domand, but it is
doubtful if that country fs ready to
go to war with the United States
since she has no coaling stations on
this side. In crossing the ocean
there Is not much coal left and coal
ing from transports is very uncertain
as Schly found in the PpnulKh war.
A battleship without cosl is help
less tub.
It is paragraphed that Hon. II. W.
Corbett Is a candiate for the Repub
lican nomination of Governor.
Saw Death Near.
"It often made my heart ache,"
writes L. C. Overstreet, of Elgin,
Tenn., "to hear my wife cough until
It seemod her lungs would collapse.
Doctors told me she was so far gone
with consumption that no medicine
could save her. but a friend recoiu
mended Dr. Ding's New Discovery
and persistent use of this excellent
medicine saved her life. It's guar
anteed for coughs, colds an w'hroat
and lung diseases.
At DMli
am ' a.
The square pes; iu the round hole
figuratively eipresaes the use of means
nnsuited to the desired enil. A great
many people who have lieen cured of
dyiipepMa and other disease of the stom
ach and its allied organs of digestion unci
nutrition by the use of I r. Tierce's Golden
Medical Discovery say: " We tried many
medicines with only tempomry benefit.
It was not until we began the use of
Golden Medical Discovery ' that we
found complete and lasting cure."
It is undoubtedly true that Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery holds the rec
ord for the perfect nd permanent cure
of indigestion and other diseases of the
stomach and associated organs of diges
tion and nutrition. It is not a palliative.
It cures the canse of disease and builds
up the body with solid healthy flesh, not
flabby fat.
H la with plcnmire that t tell ycai wha rw.
fierce a r.i.Mrn Medical lii?ovrry anil ' I'ellrta'
have done for me." write Mra T M Tilmer, of
Peede. Kaufman Co . Teaaa. "Two jrrara airn I
wan tnken with stomach and rumel troiiMe.
Everythine I al would mt me in tlmrcaa T
lived two week" on milk ami even that gve tnr
pain. I felt as thowirh I wcniW .irv to death.
Three doctors nttrmled nie iw aaul T had Jv
pep.la. two antd catarrh e.f the atoms h and
nowvla. Ihev attended me ilt at a tunri for
one year I torucd tatting their medicine and
tried other patt-tit uiedieine; av no better, and
I rrew an weak and aervona mv heart wmld
Sutter t could not do any kind if wots. Now
I can do mv hon-e work verv well : am gatntmf
m aj mm4 umgtH, and can eat anylhuiii 1
Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Inscovery.
Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Meilical
Adviser is sent i ff on receipt of stamps
to pV expense of mailing only: Send
a I one cent stamps for the paper covered
bonk, or st.tmtis for the cloth Imund
volume. Address Dr
R. V. fierce, Buf-
falo, N. Y.
11.' l-f
Uncle Sam's
Mail Service
requires phyvicid and mental
ability of a hih degree to
withstand irs hard labors. The
high tension to which the
nervous system is constantly
subjected, has a depressing ef
fect, and soon headache, back
ache, neuralgia, rheumatism,
sciatica, etc., develop in severe
form. Such was the case of
Mail Carrier S. F. Sweinhart,
of Huntsviiie, Ala., he sayat
"Aa attack of pneumonia left rue
with muscular rheumaUMn, headache,
and pants that seemed to be aU over
rue. 1 was scarcely able to move for
about a month when I decided to (rive
M5r... Pain Pills
and "Nerve Plasters a trial In three
days I was again on Dir route aud in
two .weeks I was fie from pain and
gaining in flesh and strength.
Sold by all Orussiats.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
I hav be-a troubled crt deal
with m torpid Dvvt, whli h pnxmttm cnn. na
tion. I fouod ( ASAhtTi to b all jrouclit.in
for tbom, and secured aucb relief the nrnt trial,
tht I purchased an ot tier supply aau i om
olettolv cured. 1 itUull only bo too irlad to roe-
ominund Cuncarout whenever tha upportuulty
U pr W'tl-eO. J. A- FiMITH.
shu nuBquenaaoa a to., A'nuaaeipaia. irm-
Pleaunt. Pulmtattie. I'dteot. Taut Good. Do
Good, Never aicivwo, w caken. or tin,, wc, kg. auo.
ttHIf 0m4f Cmbmb, (hioaf., MMlrcal, IW VJff. M
Hold and riiarantwrt br all drttj-
iua to tiai iuMccv uaoii.
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of the)
dlgcstant9 and digests all kinds of
food. It gl ves I nstant rel Iff and never
falls to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive;
tomachs can lake it. r y iw use mao
thnuiianrl of dvsnentics have been
cured after every thinii eluo failed. It
tire vents formation of ks on the storn
. 1 1 ..
arn, relieving an uistn-M mir cakiu..
Pietlng unueceasary. 1'lcasaot to takav
It atjtn't heln
but do you goof)
ftwrjarvdonlybv F.O. PrWirr . t'i . tlhlrafs)
Vba U. boitlu cuutttlvs X)i HUM iOn. ela
Tim Wr I.n nd, Act Jnue.t, 1H7H
xotic k run i'I'iilivatiox
Ukitkd BtATrji I.ahd Orrn'x,
Oakiiox City, una., lire, lti, l'JOl.
XI iu compliance with the provisions ol
the act of CongresH of June 8, 17M, entitled
"An art for the anle of tiinhor lands in the
States of California. Oreeon. Nevada and
Washington Territory,', aa eitended to ull
the ramie Land mutes by set ot Auaast 4.
lh'.r.', Julius C. llurku, nl Molnlla, county of
t'larkainas. Btnte ol Urefron. Iiaa tills day
tiled in this otlii'e his sworn statement No.
Wtf, for the purrliaao of IajIb a and 4 of
H etion No. 1 in lonhlp No. 2 North
liane No. A West, and will olTer proof to
sl.ow that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than Tor agrtcuitural
Duriinaes. and to rvtuhliah his claim to said
IhihI 1-etotethe Itemster and Keceiver of
this oirlee al Oregon City bu Monday, the
loth day of Aiareh, I'Mi. He name as
witnesaes: i
Holiert Louden, oi Tortlund, Ore,
hflward uurae, ot "
ilolert Mrne, of "
Lewis C. ihoinpHon. of '
Aneand nil nersona eLiiniinir adveraelv
the nbove-deiKirihed hinds are reqnesled to
tile their claim in this ollioe on or he lore
raidMirth day of Marrh lirr.',
XOTiri'.FOltri ltLU'tTH
IH'pnrtnir-nt of the Inirrior,
Land Orri s at Osianv Citt, Oaiuox
l.-c. n.ber21,
li the following named settler has hied
notice ot hi intention to make tlnal prooi
In supt.ort of his claim, and thats iiil prool
will be nuiiie liehire theCowntv Clerk ol
vVnahinirtoii county at ilillsboro, Oro ou
reiiruary t. iw.t ris:
It. K, No. V.'Mr,. f-.r the H i; ot N V
mswo w. .v vv , x w
S5 T i X It 8 V.
He names the fillowin witneesea to
prove his rontinii.Mia ri'iden,e ot'on ami
cultivation ol said land vis:
Charles A a veil of Mr, Ore,
Louis P Hei !il of tle'iwoo.,
Mwant II, Colrn.a'l ol ront urove,
Cal'l T. Howen, ol I'orll.iini "
CHAs, B. MtMlttS.
&.'-i" lieniater.
J Knolvn and solvn
f j bhereber good crops I
J are$rokn. I
y 0 Sold everywhere. f 3
Nooy.i(a FREE. J J
vy D.4rfiaav a co.
kx Detroit,
Lazy Liver
tiiaoiftUkNtt aao7iiKo w,-g
sia Cure
1 lSrmM
mm -- - sskv-;?ui.. . . t&arxW'VC.
its! r-5rv ' JTTt
M CirfiA
t. a. i i .
u avaa vuw auuu wu wa. KJ va. Mbwa. j. v w f
my entire line of Shoes at a Big Reduction to get shelf
room for my new stock of shoes which will arrive during
that month and will surpass anything' ever brought to the
city. Remember I have no shelf-worn or old stock, every
thing bright and new and up-to-date. These shoes are the
best in the world for the money. Quote prices next week.
Watch this space, it will save you money.
Acker's IItkcpukU Tablets are m1i
on a positive g-uarantoe. Cures heart-hurt
raisins; ol the food, distress after eutiiiR o.
any form ol dyspepsia. One little tublt
fcives i in medial a relief. 2ft cla, and M) els
I he Helta lrn Btore.
ferlland Markets.
Wheat Walla Walla, nomiuul Mat
5t; Jo. bluentoni, 66c; valley, 6h.
Hour best grades, f.btnaa.ou per
barrel ; graham, 2.b0.
Oats Old. W0(t$l per cental.
Harley Foed, 15() 15.6d ; brewing.
$1B.00 per too.
Milletufis Bran, $15(U7; uiiddliugs,
$loi 20 ; Rhorts, lti' 17 ; chop, 15.
Hay Timothy, ailfjr 13 j clover, T7()
TJ,60; Oregon wild hay, $6iri jier ton.
Buter Kaucy creamery, i!6fi:S7ic;
dairy, lite '20c ; store, i:ii(i 15c r pound
Kngs Storage 20c ; iresh 28t 25e.
Cheese Full cream twins, 13jcj
Youtw American, 13)cf 14c per jionnd.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 2.Oc4
3.00 ; hens, $-1.00ei3 60 ; dresaed, 10K
11c per tMiund j aprings, $2.00ft3.50 rr
Jelozen; (lucks, 13 for old; 3.00f4.0O
for youn ; geese, tu ut i per dozen ;
turkeys, live. i0(nllc; dresaed, 10(
lic r pound.
Mutton I -auibs, Zl(c, gross ; di eased,
6i6c per pound; sheep, f3.25, grots ;
drew.', 8 p-r pound.
Hogs tirons, heavy, $i(c6.26; light,
ft.76ct5; dreased, 7(J7,'e per pound
Veal Small, 8ir9c; large, M7),c
per pound.
Beef Or o top steers, .'t.60cc4.00;
rows and heifers, $3.00(3.50 ; drcnsetl
beef, 6j at ttc per pound.
Hops 1UJ at lljc (er pound.
Wool Valley, 11 at 134c; Eastern
Oregon, 8 at 12 Jc ; mohair, 20 at 21c per
Potatoea 1 85 (ft $.95 per siM'k.
Onions 11,25 cwt.
The largest sum ever paid for a pre.
scription, changed hands in Han Fran
cisco, Ang. HO, 1901. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock $113,600.00 and
was paid by a party of business men lor
a seciuu for Bright's Disease an I IHa
betes, hitherto Incurable diseases.
They commenced the serious investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15, llKXJ.
They interviewed scores of the cured and
tried it out on its merits by putting over
three dozen cases on the treatment and
watching them. They also got physi
cians to name chronic, inciirahle rases,
and administered it with the physicians
forjudges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven
per cent of the test cases were either well
or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent of
failures, the parties were satisfied and
closed the transaction. 1 he proceedings
of the investigating committee and the
clinical report, of the test cast s were pub
lished and will be mailed free on applii-a-tion.
Address Jons J. Fultom Com
past, 420 Montgomery St. San Francisco,
Says He Was Tertared.
' "I suffered such pains from corns I
could hardly walk," writes It. Rob.
Iumid, Hilleborouch, III., "but Buck
leu's Arnica Salve completely cured
them." Acts like magic on sprains,
bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns,
boils, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin
diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed
by Delta Drug fctore, 25 cts.
IHpnrtm?nt of Interior.
Laks Ornca At Oasuos Citt, Ore.
Decebnier 21, l'Jil.
the following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make tlnal proof
in support of bis claim, and that said
proof will be made before County Clerk
of Washington County at Hillsboro, Ore
gon, on February 7th, lwn2, via:
H. E. 1-T1I for the E H W X ol Pec. 35, T S
' He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, via:
Char es A. ( avell. of Fir, Ore.
Bertha Heidel, of Glenwwxl,
Kdward H. (tolman, of Forest drove, "
Cabel T. bowen, of Portland, -
:a-37 Kegister.
This sienatare Is ea every bo of the fnaoiae
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Table
tae raaavdr that swaae a eelslia esse T
wk Line.j
Dully Kound Trips except Sunday
Leave 1'ortlnu.l 7 a. m.
Lcuve Astoria 7 p. in.
Iletween i'urtluud. The Dulles and
iVuy I'oinU.
Leave Portland Tuck., Thura., but. 7 a. m.
Arrive The Dalles, aaiuo day 5 p. m.
Leave " Sun., W'ed.,rri 7 a.m.
Arrive l'ortland, mime day 4 p. in.
IT"Tliie Route lias the Urandeat
Weenie Attractions on Kartli.
binding nr.d Oltice: Foot Alder Sire. t.
lioth Phonos, Main 351
JOHN M.HI.l.OON, a-t The Dulles
A. J.TAVLOK, ngt Astoria.
J. t'. WYATT, at Vancouver,
YYOLKOKD ii WYKK.S, sifts White
l'KAl HtR A UAK.NLS, axtx Hood
E. W. tUU 1IT0, at Portland
How 'Ikisl
We orter One Hundred Dnllum Reward
foe n cane of CaUmh thut cunnot hs
crjrcil hv Hall's ('atari h ("ure.
. T. CilKNKY k (!(., I'ropa , Toiclo, O.
We, the undorsiiud, have known K. J.
Cheney for the hint l. years, mid helicve
him perlcctly honouihlc in nil business
transactions and tinaiicially ohle to c:irry
out uny obligations innde by their hrui,
Wbt A Thvax, Wholemile DruKintii,
Toledo, (.
Wali'Iku, Kisnun A Marvin, Wholeaule
DruRijils, lol. do, (.
Hull's C'utarrh C.irn in 'takeu interiislly,
actintr directly upon th hlmul and tnucous
surface ol tha f ytitem. rrt: e 7!c per bot
tie. Sold by ail Druggists. To- tinioniais
Hull's Pauiily l'illaare the best.
The l"?t Coiinh Iicineily on
the 111:11 ket, ami if
A Cough Ke'iicly, our's will do J
the woik. n
It coniaint nothing ii'jurious
and uives Bpt j.lv relief, a
In this city will testify.
1'BH'E 2.i cts., V) (ts. and 1 O'l
Delta Drufl Store.
.Main Street, IlllUhsro, Orettsn.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
r' -
.1 .. t -1 ,. ii wi r
Just a Little . Cough
Rut if you were to probe the common cause of
most lung troubles, including consumption, you'd find
that they originated in "Just a'littlc Cough."
Do you know it's just as easy to get rid of that
little cough, or a bigger one, us to keep on coughing?
Our "Cough Syrup" docs it every day in the week.
Which would you rather keep, your cough or
the 50 cents that our Cough Syrup costs?
The Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Any lioniHt, intulliont iliuwt or physician will t'l you that narcotic poisons
Kiich us opium, henbane, deadly niL'lililuicle or cocaine and mi'rcury are and have
been since tbe Dark A en iihoI in all Pile Mtvlicintv, ami that such medication
ruuliy H.-ratiiatea Piles. Vi rus Pile cure is not a relic of'llie Dark Ages, hence
contains no narcotics or meicnrv, S 5tKiO Reward if a trace of any narcotic or mer
cury cau Iw foudd in Vertis. All others coiita;n uarcotim'or mercury. Deny it if
you dare inoHaliacks. M Reward if Yerus faint tn rnre uny case of Piles. Wornt
niHes cured with one lxx of V'inis. Over 10,000 permanent cures in five years:
Sold in ilillr.horo by the Twentieth Century Store:
The Hillsboro Pharmacy,
i Pnr-30E.T.
St. Charles Hotel
V'rAMt nurl M nrrluf .. . Ha,Jil..-.l i ..
tf av.s, w..lv sisus 1 ' . S
Wcctno ;Lir;hl, Kh-ctrio
ft' KAistlltl ut ?A (s ;s(t(t. Sailllasti
( loniuciion
Is the place to
buy Furniture
Cor. Main and 3d Sts.
Tiuilter I.nnd, Art .1 line.'!, IH7S
.OOK K FOIX 11 Itl.lf AH(
Onsiiiij (,'ITT, IHr. Drr, " l-nt
11 in cnrnpiiaiina with the. provisions of
me act 01 1 oiires. , 1 lune , l'7s. entitled
"An act lor the sale ol timber Inula in the
fU-ili a uf California. Ilrekr,ii. Nev:ida and
uahiiiKion I err.tory," ,is c (tended to nil
the Public Land Statea by act ! Alleilut 4
!"., J. h Houston (i,.w- 1. C.uiitr 0!
Washifitton, MatH ol :r.Kin, hio
this d I, led in this olhev h s sworn st...
inent No. .i6Tj, for tlie purcha-e i K 1 of
the B W ; and lots 3 and 4 of Keri'.on' No
.11 in towiiabip No. 4 North. Jdnnrf. Noij Vt
anil will oiler proof to aliow 'hat the land
sought is titor vaiuab a f.ir its timber or
tiie than for agricultural purpose mid
to eat:ibl,s!i his claim to sn d land hi ., ,
the Jlosri ter and IMrw ut Una olhce Ht
tirtfroii Cnyon l!iuiiay, t!ie vuih day of
Mnrch, l!ov.
fie names as witnriea:
T. it. Hounton, of (iienwocd (Ceiron
Wm. A. I m-s, of , ..
i. tl. Whltten, of Woi.rll:,.,
A.tiordon, ot Purtlundj
Any nu t al! peraoi s cI miiook ndrer-lv
the abvelerrlbed la.i.l,. are re iueated to
nle their c aims in this otlii'e r. ..
find lt)th day of Mnre.ri, l'l e.
C1U8. U. .VOOI.K y
! gistcr
v'ri' - :
VI aW rf7"V Ia
T will sell nearly
Which is Cheaper?
t w l,r, 1 VI IIUUU UIIUUl
IioIIa and Hydraulic Klevutor.
"R. tl II.., ..I a a..
Give us a call,
DAVIS & HELCilEK, MaiiagcrH.
Xotlrr of Final N ttlrmcnt.
N dicc Is hereby Riven that tho nndcr-
hnh .'U,nrle'A1,, the ?'unt! , ourt of
I 1 1. c ron' fur Was,ln,ton
or of .L i . '""J '"n " adnnnihtriit
ed. And that sad Court boa iipiKiinte,!
a "l i n"! "i'. 1 " r J'ari.
ai . , I.'" V" f"r""'" Of ..fid day
w'Jcour ttrt"" nbjortion. to sucl.
UKLount, and for the settlement thereof.
AWd;' i.r "f''e "t"'0 W'i""Va
Hl.cply, liecenaed. ;M1
Xotle of FltiM iSftilrment.
ied'mia'hT1',' ?i,ren,"'" Hie nn.lrr.
IT' eo lins tiled hm lina nrrount in the.
wh'fT.A'0:'? ' 1,10 Bt" "" "
h i. aU,',y m"1 '' oi'l Cou.l
11 w set Monday, t1(, i, (1v ,,f
. oon',f.,lldVf,at ,0 -i- tiwrr..iS.r
ii ar o Li ;""r.",",",'.tl"'l'l'" for honr
littUd iec 17, 11)1.
n- 1 ".lymond, diwaaed. SI