Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, January 03, 1902, Image 1

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v w Litre m
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il N T" 1
37- '5
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Vol. XXIX.
1 .ra Yi 23 Urt'l M fin VA M Rl H
JJ? i H HIT,
Owruor ' T'
Bx)rar, ol Blte Wuubur
inmiraror ( ho. H. Muor
Hap. Pnblio lmrtrooliou.. J- H- Acxermau
,op,... Uo,rt ........ ... ..IC H.
Vl.h lliatriot T. A. Mclltld
Alimony Fifth IMBtriet
Harrison Allen
corsi'V otFiciiita
TBiM. H TOKOl't,
C. . TOK 00 1
Notary Public.
HILbfc.l'-OUO, OtiKUON.
Ulrica: E)oni3,4, ft, Morgan UlooV-
Ooiiiuiineionere j
A Monitor
buti.wt Buterinlendent
L. A.Kood
1. t) A. Youni!
' ..K. J. Ward
,.lii-o. A. Morgan
..John W. frVwell
..Ralph I.. Wami
. . . K. Cramlall
..Geo. H. Wilcox
H. A. Hail
T. f- Wilt
'. .W. P. Via
l'l:i. B. Mooren PXlVr
W....Onltowy Loowver
" " (
f V, A. Hnlley, Mayor
J oil n Xorthriii
... J, F. TanieUie
' ";;;;V. j.,.k:,c.",;
1 ,.hn Miliw
I" Wm. Bcneon
. . ivnton Bowman
''"d.', Bnin'l K-verm
M",hal B. Kveritt
Instioe of Pottoe J'."j ''.'". j. P. Randall
Tte mail" close at tha Hilliboro Volt
"Sm'wo.. Union. Uetbacy and IM
"(in at j:ao a. ro.
U iu Booth. 8:30 a. m.
Ooiu to Portland and ty-olfloea, '
"iM FanuiKton and Laurel, daily at 1!J
Dinri: Central Hloea. Uooai and 1
Ortioa: Uooma 6 and T. Morgan block.
Optics: Over J)ol ta Drug Store.
IJailoy-MorRan Bhwk, llooms 1 & 2
Main and Fifth .trwta. 1reachmR
av.,ry a.,batb, mornina " ""V
t.otb ach.M.1 at 10 o'clock . m. Fraycr
oiostmR Tbaradny et.u. V. V. . j.
ihort, hrlht, IntereBtitiK and ftelpiui.
livery one "m. Ptor
Kiftb and W. '.'' Hunday
at 11 a. ru-: Rnnday anjinol at 10 a. m.
ChriHtulu KucluftTor at 7:30 p
l'hi'lpba, Palor.
S. T. LIXKLATEIl, M. it. C.
OrFica: at reatdonoe, eaxt of court
Honse, whr ha will be found at all nouio
when not tiaiting patieuta.
ni. u, 11.
f K. CHUK0H, B. H. Orccnlct.'pairlor.
M .l',oaol.mBTerj Babbath ""'"Jf-K"'
zoning Hahlmth acliool every hnbt.ath at
,., , Uauue m.wtln.evory Handay at
Bi:.'r M. uenural P'ym0n " rf'.
t l.urH.Uv eveniuu. Leaders' and t'w
.u"tm th.tl.i'd Taeday evenm of each
J. F. TAMIE.ME, m.
Ornoi and Bmnnoi t corner Third
and Main Btreeta. OWoe houra, HJW to 15!
a. m., I to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone to
roaidenoe from ilroek A Bela Iro(!8tore at
all honra. AH onlla promptly attended,
Bif btorda). t -t
r II HIPT! AN (.'HI' nrU.i;rchinr1t 2-1
I J mid 4:li Bunluyi each monlll at 11
am. Prayer meetinK T'buraday eveniiiR,
( brintian Kn-.eavor 1
Huuitliters of Kebckiih.
11 M, I O F, meet in Odd
ll.ill every Buturduy ev.'iiinn.
, M. WA.
ev. ry '2nd and 4th Buturduy night, at
VVehrunR'a hall.
A. U. t. r
11 W., Meets every brat
r'ridnv evouini; end. month.
fil, A. O. II.
ecd tiiird
v. ii.
2nd and ttb Be day of eaob mouth.
Ollice Morgnii-ltuilcy lllock, np atairs,
roonm 1'.', 1.1 and 15. Ueaidence, B. W. Cor.
liaae Line and Booond atroeta.
liotb 'Phonen.
J. . ADklNN.
hillsbouo, oreoon.
Orru-K Kouua: 0 a. m. to 4 :30 p. m.
Ofliue in Union blrck over Pharmacy
Of Moscow i?
i :
Kent art. ilal teeth $R.B0 per art. Cement
and Awalgani ftllinj,-' M con la each. Uold
tillitigH Iron. 1 up. VitulUed air for paln-
leiw extraction.
Ornca: three doom north of Brick
store. Olfloe honra from a. m. to4 p. m,
i. . o. r.
(KlNTKZrMA LOIMIK, NO. 60. meoti
.i Weilneadnv evening a 8 o'clook.ln l.O,
F. Hull. V I'flitora made wileome.
jjopree of Honor.
1 W niiM'tn In rlehrunK' hail rverv
lirnt and third Fuday evruinx of each
lUlhhone Matnra.
1 mod a every in.f and 41 h Krlilav In eaob
month at 7 o'clock In Welirung'illall.
K. ef 1.
1HtKNIX LOIHilf. NO. 4, K. OF
nioeta in Manonto Hall on Monday
venina of each week. Bojnrnin brethren
eieorued to lode meetiutra.
A. F. anil A. A.
rpUALITY LOIH1K NO. , A. F. A A. M.,
1 tnort every Batorday nUiht on or aftrr
'nil moon of eaib month.
. e. .
f p i: A L AT I N CH A PT F. R, N O. Rl , O. K . H.,
1 nfetn at Mamnlc Tomple on be 2nd
and 4th Tuesday of each month.
(lie li ret and third Friday of each
month, at 100 o'clock, p, ui.
(E5. KAHJ V0T, SO. 60, H. A. It
At. the Ht and third Saturdays of each
nionth, at .00 o'clock p. m.
Mountn for tamp pictures at thn
Independent offloc, I dm and a
half for 6 cH.
Tho Ideal trip to tho eiirit during
the heat nf Summer In via Ihe Rio
Grande Wcnlttfl and Denver A Rio
Qraodes Railroad, the far-tamed
"Hwnie Line of Iho World." The
extremes of leuipTiluro are never
met, and paoMcnKerg are sure of hav
ion delightfully cool ride throutih
the Heart of the Rocky MouutaiiiH,
and a view by daylight of scenery
which im nowhere aurpaHHcd.
If daired, a atop enrouto may tie
made at quaint and picturexque
HaltlJike City, the "City of the
Saint," Glenwood Spring", Lead
ville, Colorado Spring",' Fueblo,
Denver, or any Intermediate point.
There are three daily tralna leav
ing Salt Lake City for ;ll point"
cost, which havo clone connectiona
from the North OFt via either O. R.
& N. Co., or the Southern Pacific Co. 1
These trains are equipped with
Through Sleepers (Standard and
Tourlnt,) Free Reclining Chair Cum
and a perfect Dining Car Service.
Personally Conducted Excursions,
in charge nf competent and courte
ous manager, are run several timer
a week without change ol cars to
Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St.
IiOtiiri, Chicago, BuAhIo, New York,
Itoston and alleMtern'tcitiefe.
Tickets are on salo at all Railroad
Ticket ntTices. For further informa
tion and rhoapest mtee, apply to
J. I). Mansfield,
121 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Uiise ball players should use The
Delta Liniment, as It cures sprains
and bruines, toughens the hands and
keeps the fingers euple.
Tho widow tried to answer, but
instead of Fptakiiiff fihe hurst into
tears. Rot'i.Iiml struggled a moment
with the dwj) emotions that stirred
within her, and nhe too, fell to
weeping. Zcnohic was obliged to
"Good futlier," $nid she, "wo here
arc after tho Fitmo knowledge. Ilia
poor mother Iiuk come hero to try
if she niij'lit find ome clew to tbo
noble youth, and thus did my mut
trens giiin the first intelligent that
ho was gone. Pray, good eir, do you
know anything about him? What
have you heard?"
lioth Claudia Hnd the young
counters now rHi.-:od tlioir heads, for
they would heur what reply tho
monk coii !il make.
"I only Know thnt he is missing,"
Vladimir replied. "A little while
ago I raiiVd upon the sick count,
and there I Intnod that Huric No
vel hail mystcriout'Jy diriajipearcd,
ami i learned also or tho noble, pur
poso for which ho visited tho count."
"Aye," interposed Claudia, with
sudden energy; "ho went to try to
gain tho count's forgiveness. I don't
think they spoke falsely there. I
don't think any thcro would wish
him harm fom any lingering re
venge." "No, no!" returned the monk.
"Ilis mission thither was most nobly
fulfilled. So far from cherishing
any spirit of revengo is tho count
that ho will ever bear for Rurio tho
holiest gratitudo of hid soul."
Do you think eor' tho widow
asked hopefully.
I know it," was tho monk as
sured reply. "But," he continued,
relapsing into perplexity," "I cannot
imngino what lias become of him.
lut, hold I My dear child, is thero
not a humpbacked, ungainly priest
who sometimes visits your guard
This was addressed to Rosalind,
and a fearful tremor shook her
frame as she heard it, for its import
was at onco apparent.
Do you suspect She had
started forward ond grasped tho
monk's arm as she thus commenced,
but she could not continue. The
thought sho would have uttered was
"Go on," whispered Vladimir,
bending bis head low down so as to
catch her very thoughts if they left
her Hps. "What would you say r'
"Oh, I ought not, and yet I
know his soul is canablo even of
that." Thus much the fair count
ess murmured to herself, and then
she gazed up and spoko to tho
strange man before her.
"Do you suspect my guardian?"
"Do you suspect liim?" the monk
"Oh, I know not what to think !"
"But listen," resumed Vladimir
earnestly. "I would know all that
you know, ond then perhaps I can
assist you. Fear not, for as truo as
God lives I mean to save Iluric if I
can, and if I can but gain a clew to
him now I can surely save you .both.
Trust me, for I possess a wondrous
power for the good of those who
trust me. Now, what end could the
duke have in view in wishing for
Kuric's removal? I know what he
had in view in concocting the dud
it was tho death of Dumonoff and
tho undivided possession of Drot-
cen. JNow, answer me, what docs ho
aim at now V
In snito of all doubts Rosalind
found herself trusting tho monk.
There was an air of conscious truth
and potrcr in his look and tone that
won upon her.
"Good father, she returned after
Ruriu love mo. Aluy lie not umicr
such circumstances fear that tho no-
blo vouth will trv to thwart him?"
"Very likely," returned Vladimir
thoughtfully. "I will profit by this,
and I am much mistaken if you do
not also profit by it. I havo those in
Moscow who will work for me.
cannor, 01 course, aircctly assure
you of salvation, for Ituric may
never no round.
A quick groan escaped from
Claudia's lips as tho monk thus
spoke, but licforo Rosalind could
pperfk tho door nf the apartment was
opened, and tho Duke of Tula strode
inl Jlo stopped as ho eamo nigh to
where tho comnony stood, and his
eyes Hashed and his frame, trembled
with passion.
"How now?" ho cried as soon as
ho could command speech. "Wliat
means this gathering hero in my
own palace? Meddling monk, how
daro you drag your deU stable form
hither? 'Out, reptile, out 1 And let
mo catch you hero again and my
dogs shall tear you up as they do
carrion I
Without a word the monk turned
nway. His face was pale ns death
and his hands we're clinched till the
fingers' ends seemed to scltlo them
selves into the palms. '
"Remember, the duke exclaimed
ns Vladimir reached tho door, "if
you daro to cross , my door stool
again" '
"Hold!" gasped tho monk in a
hoarse, startling tone. "Offer no
more threats. But, mark me, proud
duke, you shall seo the day on which
you'll wish God hnd mado you a dog
cro ho gave you speech to o rouse tho
xt Tcngeitn.'.o Of Vtuirtvarri -r
Thus speaking, tho hlack monk
disappeared. Olga started to purouo
him, but ho did not follow out the
impulse. Ero ho reached the door
ho stopped and turned back.
"Ana you, woman, who art
thou?" ho uttered, turning an nngry
look upon Claudia.
l am a mourning mother in
search of her lost son," tho woman
sadly replied.
"Ilal I seo the likeness now.
You are tho woman Novel, mother
of the young villain who bears" that
name I Lcavo my palace at once,
and don't you daro to enter it
again I,
Tho poor woman tried to speak,
but sno could not. v ith a deep sob,
she turned nway and slowly walked
trom the room.
"Now," resumed tho duke. turn
ing toward Rosalind, "what means
this secret council r
"My lord," returned tho countess,
struggling hard to overcome her
powerful emotions, "they wcro hero
to to"
But sho could not finish tho sen
tence. Iler soul was too deeply
moved. Sho only gave tho foul
wretch one look of horror and dis
gust, and then, covering her face
with her hands, sho soblied aloud.
If tho bad man had anything fur
ther to say, ho reserved it for somo
future time.
A citisxn, who fur wtuitt uukuowo
re&exin happened to be on his way
home along Broadway, in a auction of
Irvington, a few nlgh's a no, witness
ed a rather amusing incident. It
wm near midnight whe i a hack wrt
driven rapidly up the street and
stopped In front of a rather elegant
house and grounds. The hackruan
Jumped down and opened tho door of
the carriage and said something to
the occupant or occupants, but ap-
as he raised bis voire and addressed
the occupants of the vehicle earnest
ly and energetically for a short time,
Finally he ran up the steps to the
house and rang the doorbell, and af
ter waiting for a minute or so, pound
ed violently on the door with his
hand, Then an upstairs window
opened and a gentle, timid voice call
ed out: M Who's there? What is want
ed?" The hackman stepped back
until he could i"e the woman speak
ing, and said: "You must excuse mo,
marlRin', for illatcblng you, but the
fact h Iikvm two men in my hack,
and 1 must trouble you to come
down and plek out your hunlmnd, ftr
I can't tell them apart." lira few
minutes the woman came down to
the hack and pointed out Ihe man
who belonged to her, and he wax as
sisted Into the house.'fTShe hi
drove rapidly away
other pasHenger's home. This is a
true story, but if tho man who wit
neswd the occurrence knows any of
the parties implicated he refuses
positively to give any names. Ore-
a iVomiiY m ti'tssoK.
Sonietbluf Xew Under
The Sua.
AH Doctors have tried to cure
catarrh by the uj of powders, acid
gases, iritmlers and drugs in punte
form. Their powders dry up the
mucuous membranes cauning theiu
to crock: open and bleed. I lie pow
erful acids u.sod in the inhalers have
entirely eaten uuav the nainn iner.i
I branes that their makers have aim
ed to cure, while males and olnt
meats cannot reach the disease. An
H-l and yraj'i"rifs.l...p.riciionej'
wno tias for many year made a clow
Hludy and specialty of the treatment
of catarrh, has at last perfected a
treatment which when faithfully
used, not only relieves at once, but
permanently cures catarrh, by re
moving the cause, stopping the dis
charges and curing alljjtnamuiatiou.
It Is the only reirriy known to
science that actually reaches the af
flicted parts. This wonderful rem
edy, is known as "Hnufllw, the
guaranteed catarrh cure" and is sold
at the extremely low price of opcj
miliar, each package containing I14
ternal and external medicine suffi
cient for a full month's treatment
and everything necessary to its per
fect use.
"Snuiliea" Is the only perfect catarrh
cure ever made and is now recoguU.
ed as the only safe and ioeltive cure
for. that annoying and disgusting dls-
, en" It
1 - irlr CO
the rLOTTrn is at wont
- Count Conrad DamonoiT was ahlo
to sit up. Ho was in a great stuffed
chair, playing with a favorito dog,
whuo near by him sat Steohen Ur
zen, Tho young nobleman find gain
ed rapidly since tho visit of Ruric,
for tho nntidotcs ho had taken had
proved ellicient, and ho soon came
back to tho point ho had reached be
foro tho administering of the poison.
"Stephen," ho said, pushing his
rinrr rrontllf frnm him "haa nnvtmnit
- ,.. t...u j..i r o o. v i 'J'""n
icw muiiii nn urw.iKiii, iiio uuao been heard yet f rom Ruric Novel ?"
ruts swont mr a most ieanui oam Not that I know of," returned
mill nu mil jmi: 1111-iur inn vilici I rTvn '
Ilal" uttered tho monk, starting
back a pace and clinching his hands.
"Does he mean that ?"
"Oh, most truly he doosl" tho
young countess replied, and she
r-pokc moro firmly now, for there
was Aomctnirig in tne su.nien energy is M npon by 80lno M ho?im:
of tho monks exclamation that gavo had somo hand in it."
aunp . ... "Hat And hew does suspicion
"Ihcn he wants your efdate too. toward himr
By my soul, he m aimmg for wealth nVhy, ln no direct way, I believe,
with a high hand I And do you sup- j cftnnot tj it JA11 j know
pose he fMin Kano Neve in con- ,8 ho mfipccU,A
iho count pondered a few mo-
"Oh, I wish I wcro nblo to assist
in tho search I But havo you heard
anything of what suspicions may be
afloat r
"Only that tho humpbacked priest
nection with this scheme Y'
"Yes, father I will "peak plain
ly, for I trust you. I do not think
you would betray ono who never
harmed you.'
ments, and he thought ho could see
it. l. rzen did not know the secret of
his friend's strange relapse, for that
had been kept private. So ho hnd
"Let the end of these things tell i ,, '
voa that But now finksh what you tw 09 thc tmavmewAm
Jia.1 bcpn-bout your thoughts of n thfJ JoHoW fa ft rMn,
the duke. TJnen resumed. "He is surely a vil
"He knows, holy father, thnt I . - - - J
love Ruric, and ho knows, too, that
Coniinmid M Forth Pagt,
Seeiug by Telephoue.
The Independent Beige says thnt
Dr. Sylvestre, born an American but
naturalized as a Frenchman, hps in
vented a spectogntph which enables
a person using a telephone to see his
Interlocutor and the latter's surround
Inc. a. A French minister,' according
to the paper, has witnessed conclu
sive tests of the Invention, and King
Leopold has arranged a special audi
ence for ur. Hyivestre lor tne pur
pose of inpect ing it. It is said that
the instrumennt can he adapted for
Utw on an ordinary f ileriph wire.
There is at leiift one democrat ln
the south who has courage of his con
victions. That is Senator M'Lturin
oi South Carolina. He stands for the
old democracy and refuses to te read
out of the party by the new. In do
feuding his jxwition in the senate tho
other day M'Laurin mado a master
stroke when lie said that although j
Samuel J. Rand 'I had fldviv-atud a
protective tnriir, ha had been voted
for In a Democrat ic national couven
tlon for president, llnncock, al
though he decltred thettrilr was a
local issue, had been nominated for
president, and David B. llill although
he opposed the income tax, had not
been rend out of the Democratic
party. He then added that when a
southern man tries to get the benefits
of tariff for his state aud favored rati
flcation of the treaty with 8pain the
democratic party was ready to read
him out of its ranks. Mc'Laurin is
all right and South Carolina demo
cracywill make a big mistake if she
ever lets him go Eugene Register,
cold iu the head
Catfarrh when neglected nlif n lead
to consumption "SnutllesVJil sav
yuu 11 you use 11 at once, it is 1
ordinary remedy, but a comple
treatment which is positively guar
arntexl to cure catarrh in any form
or stage if used according to the d
rections which aecomimoy each
package. Don't delay but sent for
at once and write full particulars as
to your condition and you will re
ceive special advice from the discov
erer or this wonderful remedy re
garding your case without cost
you lieynnd the regular price
'Snuffles" the guaranteed catarrh
Sent prepaid to any address in the
United States or Canada on imceipt
of one dollar. Address Dept. E 700,
Edwin II. Giles & Company, 2330
Mining in Josephine county Is
pursued night and day. There is an
abundance of water for operating the
The wind of Christmas night
traveled a distance of 1C0 miles ln
eight hours. It passed Corvsllls at a
speed of 20 miiea r hour.
The last of tho 11)01 prune crop of
Benton County was sold last week at
Corvallis for V cents per pound. The
pool contained 100,000 pounds.
jj, Y'ir-s, jsrir?'''.' . .f..h
Grant's Puss public school, has been
appointed principal of tbo Manila, P.
I., public schools with a salary of
They are having winter horse
races at Grant's Puss. This is made
possible by paving the track with
tho decomposed granite of that lo
cality'. fJ
Twa boys, Walteprfwn, 17, and
FreiLJiellinir. 16fcrwit skatlnir on
GeIi-e Like, lust Sunday. They
broke through the ice and were
drowned. - ; 4
The O. A. C. foot ball team Is or
ganiaing and planning for the cam
paign of next fall. Tho farmers pro
pose to take care of all the hayseed
that may bo thrown on them.
cures all lunammatiw
and permanently and is also
Vully quick tu relievo hay vPoftland has provided a rock pile
and 2332
Market Street, Phils
In 1899 or thereabouts, some fund
friend sent four cans of apple butter
to a soldier hoy belonging to the
Second Oregon Inf. It was forward
to Manilla consigned to the care of
Gen. Summcre, Col. of the regiment
Among 1407 packages of like charac
ter these four cans wcro over looked.
They were returned to America and
Gen. Summers has Jui-t received
them from the San Francisco ware
house express ehsrges 11.80.
Dr. Hale en the Revolution.
Dr. Edward Everett Hale's "Mem-
orles of a Hundred Years" naturally
contains things he heard as well as
things that he saw. The serial pub
lication of these articles in The Out
look is attracting general attention,
They have a wealth of anecdote
about old days. Dr. Hale believes
that he saw Lafayette, has had
Nathan Hale's cap on his head, and
has talked with several men who
had personal knowledge of Washing.
ton and could tell of Revolutionary
incidents. The third Instalment of
the Memories, which haa just appear
ed, is largely devoted to semi-historic
matter of this kind, and has many
unusual portraits and reproductions
of old prints.
It Is Jut as well that the American
people make an effort to keep their
heads. Schley is neither a god nor a
leinlgod. Had there not boen a
power behind him to hold him to a
Ingle purpose it is very doubtful If
the opportunity to fight the battle of
Santiago would have come to him.
An Evangelist's Nterp.
"I suffered for years with a bronch
lai or lung trouble and tried various
remedies but did not obtain perman
ent relief until I commenced using
One Minute Cough Cure" writes Rev
James Klrkman, an evangelist
Bolle River, Iilr "I have no hesita
tlon in rocommendlng it to all suffer
era nom maladies of this ksnd."
One Minute Cough Cure affords im
inedirte relief for cough.colds and all
kinds of throat and lung troubles.
For croup it is unequalled. Alisolu
tely safo. Very pleasant to take.nov
er fails and Is res I ly a favorite with
the children. They like it.
Of rteueflt to Yea.
D. S. Mitchell, of Fulford, Md.
"During a long Illness I was troubled
with Ud sores, was advised to try
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and did
so with wonderful results. 1 was
perfectly cured. It Is the best salvo
on the market. Delia Drug Store
- saved His life.
Geo. W. Lane, Pewamo, Mich.
writes: "Your Kodol Dyt.eisiu Cure
is tbo best remedy for Indigestion
aud stomacn irouole that 1 ever us
ed. For years I suffered from
dyspepsia, st times compelling me to
stay in bed and causing' me untold
agony I am completely cured by
Kodol Dysiiepeia euro. In recom
mending it to friends who suffer
from indigestion, I always offer to
pay for it if it fails. Thus fur I have
never paid." Delta Drug Store.
The experiment commenced on a
commercial wale last fall at the Ex
periment Station at the Agricultureal
College to obtain sweet ensilage has
gone far ejjongh so thst one of the
Siios has been 0ened. The contntiB,
is sweet and thn cows like It. The
experiment there foro is put out as a
success. The Silo was built of fir
lumber 18 feet long, 4 Inches wido
and 2 inches thick. It was dressed
and tongue and grooved. The hoops
aie of three eighth Inch iron roils,
round, tightened by a nut at the end.
The ensilago was ut In the uual
way and then steamed three h turs.
The stem pipe entered Iho tiilu at the
bottom anil extended to about the
center. From there the hot vapor
warmed the whole mass lo the top.
Fated ( hinged , l0ii,B,
Putrefying food In the intestines
produces ff net like those of aranlc,
but Dr. Kind's New Life Pills ex-
lel the poisons from clogged bowels,
gently, easily but surely, curing con
stipation, biliousness, sick headache,
fevers, all liver, kidney and bowel
troubles. Only 25c at Delta Drug
is brigade of hobos and hereafter
iVeary Willies of the metropolis
earn their bread though how
much sweat will be extracted de
pend The enthusiastic people of Tho
Dalles ste a public supper at their
City last Saturday evening. This
banquet was made possible by the
introduction of electricity for light
and power. The Juice is generated
at a plant located on a water course
thirty miles from the town.
A confidence man giving the name
A. Smith, swindled Albany parties
out of $1000 last week by producing
a deed to a well known farm and
borrowing that sum of money giving
a mortgage on the premboe for secur
ity. The deed was a forgery and the
swindlers name may not be Smith
but only a smith.
TheCorvallis Times reports that
there is a 17 year old boy named
Cleveland Baker over at Newport
who bites in two, brass pins, wire
nails and other bits of Iron, with ap
parent ease. He does these things
whenever requested lor the enter
tainment of those about him and
snaps off a piece of a ten penny nail
as readily as a school girl bites off a
chew from a stick of gum.
It Is feared that George Handley of
Tillamook, son of Thos. B. Handley
well known in Hillsboro, has been
drowned - in Tillamook Bay. He
started in a small sailboat last Thurs
day from Garibolda lo Tillamook
and has not boen since seen. His
boat has been found In a damaged
condition and one shoe, A sudden
squall is supposed to havo turned
tho boat over and thrown out Its
About May 26th last, a man
named J. E. Eudaily was assassinat
ed in Coos County. The crime was
charged on M. B. Land is who was
the last party seen with Eudaily.
Landis was a timber locator and
when his victim's body was found
the absence of several other timlsvr
buyers was a Jeoun ted for by laying
their murder on this cruiser. lie
disappeared and has never been seen
since by the people who want hiiu.
A reward of 11000 has been offered
for his arrest. A month or more
after tho Coos County trailegy the
decomposing body of a man was
found near Suver, in Polk County,
one hundred miles or more from tbo
Coos County scene. A bullet hole
was found iu his head and a pistol
was lying near. The Issly was past
recogniaatiou or deecriblng and was
buried on the sk. Now one G. E.
Landis visits Corvalli and gives out
brother and thnt the Silver remains
are thoe of the hunted man. He
went to Suver last week to dig up
the bones so as to verify his theory.
This he expects to do by means of
the teeth. One of Ihe front teeth is
capied with gold and other peculiar
fillings he thought to be sufficient to
establish identity. The hones' were
uncovered and the last Landis writes
to a friend in Corvalli that it truly
was his brother, M. 15. Landis, who
died by a bullet from his own pistol
In the thicket of brush near Suver.
Polk County. But Is the mystery
entirely explained? May not M. B.
be alive somewhere a-nl this state
ment by O. E., his brother, be a
scheme to throw the detectives off
the hunt?