Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, December 06, 1901, Image 3

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    i'ti .-.h oj -t n at H. A. Palmer's.
I'.,r I ofw Huforil plow; been
u-. U en- dty. J. U. lldiilty, HilL,
In -TV.
i'iiU Lent ii.M.lllu Ut c f lino kllivtti
iiuil T.t io town aro ut McCor
umkM !u!ly .triuUiI,
A i! tk-it eijftsr.-.' and Hhavirjg
t (It .' fN-cuud rttri-tt luucr simp.
U.trl'i ' & Uit;(li:nirj.hy, prop".
J'.ir .--).rsit:i, -lufiliu-t and lame,
iii -i tiure i: i..i-.iin o good a?
C'lidUilH'il.tin'.i I'uiu Ilaliu. Try it.
Fur sale by tho Delta drug ttre.
Win Mi hr makes boots at 1 1
shop on Haiii.l o!r'.ft, IliiirtiMtrn, lor
- iy.iwipsi iiut't' w.wed' shoes for t)
and fives special attention t.) repair
ing, iio u-n only first-grade stock
which enables him to guurantee his
Those wishing to purchase improv
ed farms, large or sumll, city lota or
city rt sitlenrcs, In HillHhoro or in
Forest drove, will find it worth
while (o J. W. Kliuto ut thelmnk,
Ililhti.oro or U-rJ. Kcholfleld at For
est (Irov,
Ttu sale of lands fr delinquent
ttxes was commenced laj-t Monilny.
The iiiimb -r ot bidder wan targe and
th.i competition was In some lu
Kiauces Miiaf' p. "Oho ID acre tract u(
on which the. (ax wan 2 40 wu Hold
forovir Jo'). Tho halo will continue
liom diyto day till ail the tracts
hnvc been cji'rcd,
Washington county tins a many
iiaturiti .biuret's of wealth as any Id
tlic H'Hic, hut for lack of develop
ment tin) money transaction are
Hiniil. T.ieru itrd several counties
eaxt of I ho CascndiM where nature
has done lir lem, yet money is in
greater ahuadtince. A few factories
mid a few pay roils would liven up
The -miners tutineiliog in the
Norih Yatuhiil mine beyond Oaston
have, -truck u large coal l)dy. ' For
some (H -tmeethe tunnel had Ueii
diivcn tn'nugh a seven fMr strata r.l
C-oftl, hut it whs divided in several
pi tecs bv' a sUte formation two or
three incite thk-k, hut lack wwk this
l):i.-c -lr.l',1 pinched out and a solid
ledge of l iiil came in. The, Company
is wi !l '!'ii-d with wlmt ima ben
An excitiut; ehu.-ie unexpectedly
OHCur-d in the neijjhborhood of
(laeloii latt Hauday, For a Kjiik
time hiiihII -to'k and poultry nufTefd
on Mr. iHl!'.-i farm. , Tracks pointed
toaoi'wo'f, ho laat Sunday when
tho "varuiint" waa al((hU d, a chuae
whh on. It wa-i excltliij; whllo it
l istej hut a rill'J in the hunda of Mr.
Tliompson brought tho amodown.
It pr..vel to Iw a larj;o ray wolf.
The se'h'i w-rn upphed to h ex
tinct lierealiita, but this capture if
evidence ttint a few reumiti in the
fool hills and mountain. Tho Ooy
otes at ii Uitu numeroua however and
fap:i!:le of murh annoyance-. ,
How things have chii(fe.l! Thirty
yeui-i ao or thereabouts Hen Holi
day wi-i ut thu head ol the inanaffo
iiieni wli'u'h built tho r-tilroad thru
HilNhiru. He was brusk, He wax
M)iipu. Ho 'Vhh dicatorial, He
liad l-ivorites, Ili'ishoio waa not oue
either. We reineiiiher that wo had
to go t 1) iry Creek bridge to gt on
th tral-i Ut l'ortl in-l. In thow dsj
th.'ie wns no st(;pilri(r ptatforai Hi
HiliMioro nut even a tl ti Utin.
Dil tho p-.iipb Im-cohi" restive?
Well, yea. It was exasperating when
a pr.vdnecr had a car of freight to
nhip he bad t) aU, bejr, iKwach and
Importune the coti.puiiy to take It.
Mr John Milne of the Hillnhoro Mill
remembers how it was. Many and
many a time la ho l11 coroix'lhti
to truck his exports through the mud
to the t ar wheu it would have teeii
quite as ea-y to have dropped the car
at his mill door. Thfl nmnatremrnt
renllv secm-d to disirc tho ill will ol
the "people. They got it. Oh! but
It was laughable that day, when the
train mm heard that a mob waa to
tike the tram at Hillslairo, to see. the
speed made in whisking pr.st the foot
ot Fir-t street. Hut Hen Holiday let
go after a time and tho S. I. Co came
in. That is tho present management.
Tho old repellent methods have bein
replaced by others that attract. The
8. I1. Co. is out for business n'l
p.vt t get It by tho ways buslneos
travels. The company is accomodating-
Tho agents are courteous
They anwer all enquiries and ae-m
ghid to do so. Traveling, agonta l)th
pai nter and freight hunt up the
travelers and shippers. Tho compa
ny has even orgsrixnl a bureau ot
inform ttir.it where property of any
kind that is for sale may bf listed.
All details arc gien unless it be
price, that is fixed latwoon r"hlts'
er mid "elhT. The ciuipany Is gath
ering -tatisiics ;f the re.iitv of the
oiun'ry wh.ih it scatters broad cast.
This iil. ral treatment of thu public
is slowly breaking down tho opposi
tion which the bad methods of Holi
day ere. red. It will richly pay our
farmers, m clinais and merchants lo
meet the company In the same spirit.
The l intcrct v. ill thus harmon-tj-.san
lln able to do more for the
upbuilding of the country than was
Iirtibio by the old antagonism.
Portland la exjiectlng great tlitigo
to rsro't Hum hoiulot; liio Ii?wisV
ClaiU fair. Vet ilene ouUlo of
the city otiicials -.vh j ur dli:g uoth
li'.g to heli tliu cily. The council
so far rtT.-ics U raLt a riht of ay
to u rad that would carry toi.s aiid
ti.i.H of produce in from Watdiitiii
cuuii!y. Tlu iu ere h-.oi'i vry uu-
COO.i'lllJ.OI.lui I:lll l.l'ill'." ID H-tl-
iug t'iu ruiusal of t::e counei! to al
low ttie r. l X') h:' '"Jilt i '-'.'.Irhill'-
ton cour.!y. i'..r!liir.d lui.t hive
iiib p!aa' to .vnJi vSititurs "oeardc
tlie rlvt rs aud a road into the Tuala
tin I'lains is m absjlu to neeessiiy if
the full bemills of thu fair are to b
' iii ti i i.rt tirove ix'-g ihS to
thir.k tiiat he anil his company have
more than a st me quarry. During
the fall while quarrying sand nf-iw
for building purposes, several jwekets
of coal have lieen found. The coal
sterns to tie of excellent quality at
tny rate when thrown on a f.ra it
burns with a clean bright lUiuo.
While no well detlned strutu has
como in, tho Indications all point to
a great coal body m.t far away. The
company will not lie surjirised if It
is encountered this summer as there
ti to be much budding ntone quarried.
Not all of the potatoes grown the
past year have lieen dug. and the
wet weather we are having has made
digging very disagreeable. However
If nothing els inn be done, potatoes
chu lay in tho .round till February
when there will lie weather nuildble
for unearthing the crop. They will
keep and be better for thu wilder
rest. " .
The game of football played et
Itncreatltri I'ark Thanksgiving day
between Hillnhoro and Cornelius whs
won by the latter, by a score of ID to
0. The Cornelius team was entirely
too heavy for the lays here. Hegri.-t
and l'itteng"r wero thu stars for the
home team.
Tho Portland authorities have af
ter many months dickersn, granted
to the N irth I's'tlj Company the
right to enter tho city. Will the
taint) authorities lei allow trie
Washington County eletrio road to
get Into tho citvV
A pleasant pnrly was given by
Mr tint! Mrs O. H. Hpen -er, at their
home hit Sjnday eveuing in honor
of Miss Uussie Smith of Castle IIock,
Wn. ind Mr Dick-on ot Ca L. 7th U.
- .
s. Intl. Mttuoneu ai auivrnver, vn.
William Keitlt, ot I'ortlaud, who
has proerty Interests in Hiilnlioro,
was lu town Monday. Ho was pre
pared to make further in vest m. nts
and may do so if the dal he broach
d g'sw through.
The elei-tive otlirers chosen by
Montezuma Lode No M I. O. O. F.
for rho eusuing term uro F M.Kelsay
N.O.; M. R. Hump, V.U.; K.L. Mc-
Cormick, Hoc,; Calvin Jack, Treas.
K. L. McCormlck has just received
h full lino ol Men's flue gloves lor
either dressing or working purposes.
Call and see them. OdimI values for
the money.
Call at the I.NDEl'ENliENT office
antl examine the famous Melton
board for mounting kodak prints
Latest thing out. Any size.
Mrs. F. M. Heidi I ami daughters
r turned from tho cast last Tuesday
evening after a visit of six months.
Carving sets, Hutcher knives, Hoc
ke.t knives, Scissors antl Kszors at
Mo Cormick'a.
When you are looking for
Christ mass gotsls go toOreer's.
NumbersiliU 13;!1, HS8 tlraw
pnMs at 11. Wehring A Sons.
Next week Hob (ireer will have a
complete line of toys.
a iiu,itx oriouri .Mrv.
yMiol.u, OiiK , Nv. L'7, 11)01.
If the people of Hiilstsiro let the
npMirtunity pass of obtaining a milk
condensing factory, I think they will
miss a golden opportunity. ItHi acres
of such prairie land as we have In
Washington County will entirely bu-
piiort 40 givsl milk cows the who'e
year through. It is easily within the
rango'of posibilities for those cows
to averago titioo lbs of milk a year, of
a quality to command U cts. n't lb;
r a gross return of f.UnO ftr 11)0
acres. Upsides, young slock can ia
raised and sold fur ijuite a sum, anil
ine other feed than milk being ii-hh!
for raising tho calves. Uesldes thore
will la a wonderful difference in the
worth of that 100 acres after HI years
of such farming along side of selling
off all the crop year after year.
Yours Truly,
Tnos. WiTiivcoMiir.,
Satrl Hl'l.lfc.
Geo, W. Iine, 1'ewamo, Mich.,
writes: "Your Kodni Dyspepsia Cure
Is the best remedy fur fidiv;i'stion
anl stomach trouble that 1 ever 'us.
ed. For years I su tiered from
dyspiqtsia, at times comelling nie to
stay in Isd and caiHing me untoltl
sgony I am completely cured by
Kotlol DysS'(r.i cure. In recom
mending It lo friends who -ntftr
frim Indigestion, I alwsvs Tcr lo
pay for it If it faiis. Thus lar 1 have
pever paid." Delta Ltu,; Store.
of ShoM at
Highest market price for Potatoes
at Hchulmerlcb Bros.
K. II. Oreer load and the rest
follow ou Cbristmaa goods.
All kinds ol vases, lamps and
china goods at Hob Greer's.
Horn, Dec. 3, in HlUatmro, to John
Heaucliamp and wife, two sons.
John Palmer of McMinnvllle is
viailiug bis brother II. A. Palmer.
Hows, Collarretteg; Fine assort
ment, lleasonahle prices at Bchulm
erich Bros.
Schulmerlch Hroa. try them; Full
stock always ou hand.
. For Rubber Coats, Oil Clothing,
Macintoshes, all kinds of wet weath
er gtysls go to Schulmerlch Bros.
If you waut to make your hus
baud a nice Christmas present get
him a ii lew box of those cigars at II.
A. Palmer.
There will be preaching In the
German language next Sunday at S
p. in. in the Baptist church of this
place. AH welcome. II. Hansen,
Douglaa Leisy was hurl a few
dajB ago ou the Hiil sloplag on o
the Wooley bridge, doing down
the hill, bis saddle horse fell with
him and dislocated his ankle joint.
The Daily Astorlan, on Bunday
morning last, appeared In a uew
dress. The mechanical appearance
of the Astorian is the equal of any
paa?r published in the state. The
news columns are well filled with
the happenings of the day.
Many physicians are now prescrib
ing Kotlol Dyspepsia CO re regularly
having found that It Is the best pre
scription they can write because It Is
the one preparation which contains
the elements necessary lo digest not
only some kinds of food but all kind
and it therefore cures Indigestion and
dysspsia no matter what Its cause.
Delta Drug Store.
On Friday evening last the Indic
I'KNIikn r representative had his first
fxperience with pickpockets. The
repiesentative hoarded tho train al
the Union depot and occupied the
fast seat hut one in the rear end of
the car. At Stark street Dr. Card
well entered and sat in the same
seat next the aisle. When the train
started and had, attained its usual
shu1. all tho passengers had not
found seats, but were passing through
the car. Two fairly well dressed
men halted just against Dr. Card
well and leaned over him and In
tently gazed out of the window.
His seat mate looked out, too, that
the attraction might be learned. But
there was nothing unusual. About
this time the doctor's patlen was
exhausted and he rather shortly re
questod the men to stop leaning on
him. They then somewhat hurried
ly stepped away. Dr . C. remarked,
"Those fellows were rude enough lo
be pickpockets;" at the same time
he put his hand up to his shirt front
and found that his diamond stud was
gone. "Why, they did rob me,"
was .his somewhat startled remark.
He hastened to the rear of the train,
but it was too late. The birds bad
a own. The work was quickly done,
and though there wore no leas than a
dozan people within six feet of where
the Incident occurred, no one realised
what was doing till It was too late to
catch I lie thieves. Several persons
havo laen touched at the Stark street
station. A diamond thief was caught
the same evening and from the des
cription he is one of those operating
on the train.
Health and Beaaty.
"A pill's a pill," says the saw.
l)jt there sre pills snd pills. You
waut a pill which Is certain, thor
ough and gentle. Mustn't gripe.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers fill the
bill. Purely vegetable. Do not
force hut assist the bowels to act
Strengthen and Invigorate. Small
ami easy to take. Delta Drug store.
Haw Death Near.
"it often made my heart ache,"
writes L. C. Overatreet, of Elgin,
Tenn., "to hear my wife cough until
It seemed her lungs would collapse.
Doctors told me she was so far gone
with consumption that no medicine
could save her, but a friend recom
mended Dr. Ding's New Discovery
ami persistent use of this excellent
medicine saved her life. It's guar
anteed for coughs, colds and throat
and lung diseases. At Delta Drug
Of Beaellt U Tea.
D. H. Mitchell, of Fulford, Hd.:
"During a long Illness I wss troubled
with btd sores, was advised to try
DcWitt's Witch Hasel Salve and did
so with wonderful results. I was
Mrfectly cured. It is the best salve
on the market. Delta Drug Store.
For Infanta and Childrsn.
Tbe Kind You Hare Always Besbt
Bears ths
Sigoaturs of
Bust assortment
SichuluiL-ricii Hroa.
William IteldL a real estate owner
and dealer, la Portland, whose judg
ment of values Is rarely at fault in a
transaction where houses and lands
are concerned, tells a good story on
himself. He bad lust made a pur
chase of a block of bouses ou Wash
ington street at a most reasonable
figure, tbe purchase price being no
more than $45,000. About two
weeks before the last prestdental
election, be walhed down past his
property. It was a Bryan day. The
news from the canvass was anything
but favorable for the gold standard. J
Beldt's feet got cold. Why. if Bry
an was elected bis property would
not be worth a quarter of its cost
lie Outran to cast aoout lor a custom.
er. He found a man whose hope
was bigger than his owu and com.
menced talking. Every good point
of the property was touched, and
none of the bad ones, least or all the
effect of Bryan's election. He sold
the property for cost and a few dol
lars additional for conveyancing.
Now the ssme houses could not be
bought for $80,000, tho rents are
good and every way pleases. Mr.
Reldt Is not greatly mourning,
tho he keeps the lucident In mind
as a time when he had "cold feet."
Tile city election last Monday was
a quiet contest In tho forenoon,
though after that hour there wai a
little more life. .All the nomina
tions made by the mass convention
stood. There was a Saturday night
ticket put out which had supporters
but not enough to go to success
except in the case of Mr. E. O. Schul
merlch. Mr. W. D. Smith's friends
made a mistake when they put him
on the Saturday night ticket for
councilman for one year against W.
N. Barrett. Barrett himself hail
friends, and they scratched Smith
who was on tbe Mass convention
ticket for councilman for two years,
Dr. F. A. Bailey, on. ol Ilillsboro't
most rahstantial citiuna, wu chosen last
Monday to succeed hhiuttlf as Mayor.
There waa ao opposition to his election.
His wand business judgment has repeat
edly been recognised by his townsmen at
those periods when matters of great im
portance to the town are up for considera
tion. Tea years ago when the City Hall
waa built and the franchise granted to
the Light and Water Coiiiiny he was
the presiding officer in the council. Iast
year he helped negotiate lor the purchase
of ths plant sad now the people want him
while it U being put on a paying basil.
Dr. Bailey is s native of Tennessee and
born In 1639, which at this time makes
bint 82 years of age. He nerved ai sur
geon two years in ths army, C. 8. A. lie
eboat 1863-4 accepted services as surgeon
lor tbe American Far Company antl ao
bompanied aa expidllion np the Missouri
river to Fort Benton. By 1806 he had
worked his wsy "across the plains." He
took ap his residence in Washington
Connty that year and here he has re
mainek. We, those of ns who hare been
here that long, bare known him for 38
year rnly to respedt and honor him. He
is a skilled physician, takes an interest in
politics, but cannot be induced to be an
office seeker.
In every enlarge nry he is to be relied
on, for he U as true as woll tcniierwl ale!.
and voted for Schulmerlch. Tbe of
ficials selected are all good men, and
the city Is well officered again. The
vote In detail Is as follow:
For Mayor:
Dr. F. A. Bailey 134
Hon. W. H. Wehrung 1
For Councilman, 1 year:
W. D. Smith 85
Hon. W. N. Barrett e
J.Milne..... 2
For Oouocllmen,2 years:
W, D. Smith 06
Hon. 8. B. Huston 128
MaxCrnnd.UI ..... 74
J. Milne .... 64
E. C Schulmerlch 66
Hon. W. N. Barrett 8
Joe Downs. . 1
H. T. Bagley 79
MaxCrandall M 64
A. C ShuteMMM.M....... 68
& Everltt.................... 67
John Young, of Australia who has
been visiting Portland, writes that
oak blocks Are much better far street
paving than fir. Ther cost more.
Milton Morgan, of the Corral I Is
Osteite was In town last Monday
E C Moore, J S Robinson, Fred
Elwert and James Smith, jurors, ex
cused for the term.
Estate Wm Chalmers, insolvent;
assignee's report tiled ami approved.
Yendell Scherschel v Jim B Scboll;
judgment by default lor f-102.50 and
14.60. Mortgaged premises will be
J W SliuU v J M Pitman; sale
Hannah Olsen el al v Mark Wood
et at; sale confirmed.
Charles Mitchell v R B Ooodin;
argued and submitted on motion for
judgment' on' pieatlings.
Saml Tunstall v Louis Freher et
al; motion to retax costs argued and
A Hinman v Forest Grove- de
murrer argued and submitted.
Elixabi th Shute v K I. and Saml
Thomas; plaintiff allowed till Nov.
80 to reply to answer.
Michael Rahn v Henry JJick; pill
allowed 10 days to file a reply or do
murr to auswer. The cause Is con
tinued till July 1902 term ot Court.
State v W.E Thome; hold for kill.
Ing a dog not his own. Tbe grand
jury returned not a true bill, the de
fendant Is discharged.
Claim of M B Hump; the court
allowed and ordered paid to claimant
the sum of IIS for professional ser
vices in State v Larsen.
Elizabeth Uulger et al W W
Uelger; E C Luce was appointed
guardian-ad-litein for W W Oelger,
insane. H Bernard, M Johnson aud
Oeo Hancock appointed referees to
divide property.
Minnie Peacock v R O Peacock;
divorce granted.
Lillio Meyer v Lewis Meyer; de
cree of divorce modified so asto
allow Lillie Meyer to have custody
of plffs and defts children from Fri
day evening at 4 o'clock till Huturday
evening at 6 o'clock of each week,
W N Barrett v W D Bradford; de
cree granted as prayed for.
Julia Uodfrcy v J W Corey; action
for damages. Dismissed without
U S Mcilargue v II A Hall, supt
schools; ontered that demurrer be
overruled, Deft allowed till Dec ti lu
which to answer.
Schurchel v Watson; default wud
decree allowed as asked in complaint.
Elizabeth Hi.ute v E L Thomas et
a; continued for the term, a
Jos P HeUol v M E Austin; jury
trial, verdict for plfT of $30.
D A Watteis v W J Gerrlsh et al;
judgment for plff for 1842.50 and 135
attorneys fees.
W L El wood v J J Meacham et al
judgment for defts, costs aid disbur
sements. '
Washington Couuty v II P Ford;
the motion of plff to strike out that
portiou of the answer setting up the
raport of a former grand jury that
bad examined tbe books and accounts
of the deft was allowed.
Clerk of the Court was directed to
notify all sst-ignees of insolvent estates
to report by the first day of tho next
regular term ol this Court.
Georgia and Tracy Neep, minors;
semi-annual account filed and ap
proved. Ordered that guardian of
said minors pay to Minnie Neep her
distributive share of said estate, and
that he be allowed tl(K for services.
Est E F Sutherland, deed; inven
tory Yamhill county $500, Washing
ton county $3488. Personal proper
ty allowed by law set off to widow.
Balance will be sold at public or pii
vate sale as appears betd for estate.
Est Nathaniel Holland, deed; est
ate closed of record.
Nathaniel Francisco, deed; final
account filed ami Dec 30 set for ex.
ami nation.
Est Chas Brown, minor; ordered
that since Chas Brown has reached
his majority and that (vouchers for
all disbursements have been flled.the
estate is closed of record.
Est Dot and Edwin N Patton,
minors; annual report shows $100
receipts and $79 dlsbrusements, ap.
proved. Gurdian allowed $15 per
month for maintenance of wards.
License was Issued Nov 23 to I .L
Klnball 32 and Delia Carpenter 21;
Nov. 26, to Conrad C Caples 23 and
Alloa McOee 32; Nov 27 lo John A
Rassmussen and Francis E Gilbert 18.
To the Honorable Thos. A. Mc Bride,
Judge of said Court:
We, the undersigned, comprising
the Grand Jury in tbe Circuit Court
of the County of Washington, State
ol Oretron. for the November term of
said Court, for the year 1901, hereby
present to this Honorable Ccurt our
final report and respectfully repre
sent and show as follows:
That we have carefully examined
and Inquired into all charges of crime
which have been presented to us or
which have come to our knowledge,
and hare returned no true bills and
one not true bill.
Believing thst the beet wsy to in.
sure the county against financial Ions
on occount of its officials la to ret ju ire
ol said officials the best possible bond
Tho Up-to-date
Holiday Stock Has Como
My Hrtght, Sparkling line of Christmas Gift is now
ready for iusiection.
Come and Look. Your Jihtgment M ill Tell
You What to Do
You will delight in ruy fine display of holiday goods
because it is in close touch with the times and anticipates
your everYwant. ,
Do not fail to come and see my Christmas atti actiotLi in
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry', Mlwrware. .Novelties, Etc.,
ami hundreds of articles that I have not space to enumerate.
My stock is Thoroughly. I p With Hie Times lu
Variety and Novelty in every department.
The simple plain talk of The Price That I Itlghl is
my convincing argument.
I Can, I Will, I Do Supply Just What Every
Hotly Wants for Xmas -
If you waut to buy right, If you want to lie treated
right, make My Store headtjuarters for your Xmas buying,"
HOYT, The Jeweler.
One Door West of the Bank, Hillsboro, Oregon. .
we have made an examination of
the bonds of the various county offic
ials now iu office aud find some of
them defective as follows:
The boud of the sheriff as tax col.
lector is insufficient in form and d ies
not contain any provisiou which in
sures the county against financial
loss should the said tax col
lector fail to properly account lor the
moneys collected on tho delinquent
tax roll for the year 1900, aud the
said bond is not signed by the said
sheriff personally.
The bond of the county treasurer
thows among other sureties, tbe
names of two attorneys st law who
are by law, by virtue of their profess
ion, disqualified as sureties on stdd
Tho bond of the countv recorder
contains the name of oue attorney as
as surety who is by the law by virtue
of his profession, disqualifuid as sure
ty on said bund.
The bond of the ' county surveyor
shows among other sureties the name
of one attorney at law who is by law,
by the virtue of bis profession, dls
qualified as purely on said bond, and
said bond is also Insufficient in form.
The bond of the coucty clerk con
tains among other sureties the name
of one attorney as surety, who Is by
law, by virtue of bis profession, dis
qualified as such surety.
On account of the various defects
in the bouds herein above mentioned
we recommed that the county court
be requested to require the raid offic
ials to execute new bonds which
shall in all respects comply with the
law and we further recommend that
all official bonds be by the county
court referred to the district
attorney or his deputy for an
opinion as to their sufficiency before
the same are approved.
Tnat we visited the couuty poor
furni and we found it not well kept.
The sanitary condition of the build
ing and surroundings is bud, the
building too S'usll, aud not suitable
for the purposes lor which It is used.
We recommend a thorough white
washing and cleaning of the Interior
and a general clean-up of the sur
roundings. We condeui the contract
system under which the Kxr of the
county are kept, and we recommend
that the system tie changed so that
the county poor shall be kept under
the direct supervision of thu county
through the county court. We fur
ther recornmebd that new aud suit
able builkings be erected on tbe poor
farm aud that thu mental condition
of two or more of the Icmates be
judicially inquired iuto by the
County Court with the view of the
removal of said inmates of the poor
farm to the State Insane Asylum.
We have visited the vnrious offices
of the county officials and find their
hooks well and neatly kept. We re
cjmmend, however, that experts bo
employed by the county court near
tbe time of the expiration of tbe
terms of office of the various present
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county official, to examine their
hooks ami accounts. ' ' .
We recommeud that additional
facilities be provided lor the protec
tion of the books and paiers in the
clerk's office; also that's safe, be pro
vided for the protection of tho books
of the Assessor agttinsl fire. While
we recommend thnt all thu .vaiious
county offices should be conducted as
economically as possible, neveitue
less the county court should provide
sutticieut help to do the work exped
itiously anil well. .
We find the court' house imtl
grounds well kept and cared for, but .
we discovered a p'lo of old docu
ments In the tower which In their
present condition are, a menaco to
tho safety of the building on account
of danger from fire and wo recom mend
that the County. Court take
such action as to the said old docu
ments as It deem beet to remove tho
danger. ' '
It having come to our knowledge
that certain road supervisors havo
neglected and do neglect to take
proper care of and lo exercise proper
supervision of our roads as well as
the care of public property in their
respective districts we most reHpect
fully call the attention of the County
Court to this matter.
We recommend that no papers or
fllss be permitted by any ot the var
ious county officers to bo removed
from tbair immediate' 'yustotly' with
out the giving by tho recipient of
receipt for each document so removed
which receipts shall definitely speci
fy the nature sod character of the
Having completed our lalairs we
respectfully request of this Honor
able Court that we be eischarged. '
Thomas I'euUap, Foreman.
C. W. Odell, Clerk, .
C. L. K wander,
Julius Ashahr, .
Frlederick Schoen,
J. J. Wlrtz.
Aa Evangelist's Storp.
"I suffered for years with a bronch
ial or lung trouble and trletl various
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ent relief until I commenced using
One Minute Cough Cure" writes ltev
James Kirkiuan, an evangelist of
belle Ulver, Hi. "I have no licsitA.
tion in recommending it to all suffer
er fiom maladies of this ksml."
One Minute Cough Cure affords tin
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For croup It is unequalled. AImoIu
tely safe. Very plea-tant to take, nev
er falls and is really a favorite with
the children. They like It.
Tuality Lodge No. 6 A.F. & A. M.
elected Nov. 30, the following ofliws
who will serve for the year rju'2:
W.M., F.A. Hailey; H.W., J.W. Bail
ey; J.W., It. Cave; Treas., J. A. Im
brle; Becty., W. l. Wood. The In
stallntion will take place on Ht Johns
day, Dec 27 1101.