Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, December 06, 1901, Image 2

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ta th poatoffiwat Hikooro,
abswtptlnti, ta aaVTsaoa, par ,
hiixbuobo rceuuis(i co.. rropt
D. H. C. GAULT, KdHor.
Can one state lay duties and iin
posts on merchandise Imported from
toother? The Supreme Court oa
Monday last banded down iu decis
ion in the M14-diamondrin(4" taw
deciding that dutiee cannot be col
lected at the continental porU of
entry In the United State on mer
chandiae imported from the Philip.
pines. Administrative circles appear
to bold that duties may be collected
at Philippine porta on imruuanuise
rain? I nto the Wand whether from
the Continental States or from for
. eijfo ports. So It seems that the cot)
1 stltutlon follows the flag out of newly
acquired territory but not into sucb
colonies. To a layman there eeenis
to be a paradox coupled with the
. proposition. Senator Ledge hw ,iii
toduoad a bill into the U. 8. Senate
which provides for collecting a duty
on Island Imports for Its own treas
ury. This is after the idea of the
Porto Rico IS per cent tariff.
. . BECVMaUSDS. . 7 '
The Oregonfan condenses the Yce
sldont'i message that occupies fifteen
colums of space Into these paragra
phs. Tbey are the recamniendatlous
stripped of the supporting argu
ments: A Pacific cable at once.
A National naval reserve.
A safe and elastic currency.
Rateuttlng should be prevented.
The Nicaragua Canal is a necessity.
Re-enactment of Chinese exclu
sion. ' Abolition of convict contract labor.
The merchant marine should be
Extension of rural free delivery
That anarchists should be kept out
o the country.
A Cabinet Department of Com
merce and Industries. ' '
Enforcement of the eight-hour law
on Government work. ' !
The Census Office should be made
permament Government bureau.
He dose not commend the recipro
city treaties, but asks attention to
them. ' ;:-' i !
Four thousand additional seamen
and 1000 additional marines should
bo provided.
That In arid states the only fight
to water that should be recognised is
that of uee.
The Navy needs this year several
additional battle-ships and heavy
armored cruisers, ,
That anarchy should be declare la
crime against the human rare by the
treaties among civilized powers.
Nothing should be done to disturb
the business Interests of the country
Editor Ixt'Ki'KNUEN r:
In your issuu of Friday, Nov, 21,
you mention the death of J. V.
Itt.-lnr.ard, o Hath, Fa, weight, 403
pouuda aad 8 living wue each weigh
iug MO pound. " You isay they ar
av"Jtn f"V family. You did nut
s.- , whether they uero fed on l:id:n
i.fiu or Acuru. I would likd to
w which is the cheaper and brttit
on wtil'-n to rahs a Urge family.
A Regular fiupscriber.
Illltsboio, Nov. 23, l'JUI.
The iNOEFEMiKN r reoognues that
there is a difference In the food value
of Acorn, and Com Corn. A young
progeny will thrive and do woll oa
Acorn, and the economy of using
that ailment by stockmen of careless
and haphazard methods is shouted,
but theinost advanced heriismen cling
Ird'aa curs. Set- cJuj, J.o'
ever, bold that a finishing diet of Cora
Corn , is necessary; for a real Has
grained product of enduring flour. '
"" Sajs lie Was Tsrtered. '
"I suffered such pains from corns t
could hardly walk," writes II. RoU
inson, Hillsborough, III., ''but Buck
Ion's Arpica Salve cowpletefy cured
them." Acts like magic on sprains,
bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns',
boils, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin
diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed
by Delta Drug btore, 25 cts. (
Tho next regular mooting, of the
Coffee Ckib will be held tomorrow
afUrfiioon. at 8 o'clock at the resi
dence ef Mrs. J. C. Lamkin. : :.A
The theme of Mr Hughes' discour
se at the Congregatlouai Church next
Sunday motning will be: "Life iei
reaentod as an Unfinished Letter.",
The bird season is now open and
E. L. McCormick has guns for rent
Got In the game before the gamo is
all killed. Rest loaded . shells In
town. ' : , . ' ...
Don't forget that Hi-hulmerlch I
iircM., carry a complete liue of hardware.
While !x hulmvriih Bros., sold
more bsrvextipg implement this ai
son than any ivt.nl dtmier In the
WULun'-tt:' vttjiey, they are also
leadfrv in pi(H, harrows and all
kinds cl tools used on a farm. See
their b'.wk stid rt pruvs if you need
acyiST. in ttieir line.
(. ;
l'orllwnil Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, uoininal 6UQ
Sciej diuwUjmi, 6oc; vally, 60.
rlonr heat tirades, (2.ui(i3-o0 par
Uirrtl; yrati.un, aj.nu.
(lata OH, yo"l per cntoL- ' '
l iiarley tiwl, tl.Hi.16.6o; brewing.
10.00 per tou. -
MiiUtulia Bran, $15.'17; middlings,
MO; shorts, lrt' 17 ; chop, 16.
Hay Timuthy. SlK'ilS: clover, 7
t'J.60; Oregon wild bay, f5(iit jer ton.
Hut'er Fumy creamery, i!5(a27ie ;
dairv. ISw tn ; rlnrn, VU w 15- Jer pound.
;.,,ivfc'-i-,j,0i.i irewi iizoc.
CliouMi Full crmra twins, 13jc;
Young American, VAictie per pound.
i'oultrvihicktiii, iiiixwl. j2.t)(
3.00 ; lieu, $3.00 w J 50, tlresaed, 10t
11c t.er iKiund ; sprina, $J.U03.50 per
ioiseiit ducks, :l lor old; ftH.OOtft.OO
(or young ; guvse, ti at ID r dozen ;
turkeys, liv. 10(.llc; Urtd, 10
12!.i) per pound.
Mutton Ijimbs, S'-ir, gross; dreM)d,
6iiSii,'i..c Hie puund; sliee, 3.5, gross;
dre-etM, in: r pound.
' llos Grows, heavy, $1(?6.2W light,
J4.76 (?5j lrMd, 77.Hic per pound.
Veal I Small, 8(i!c; large, 7(7,'gC
per pouml.
Itoi'l (trow to;- xteors, ta.50(i4.00:
cows ana Usiturs, . to.llOWJ.bU ; Urensed
btH-f, Oi at i.' per pound.
Hops 101 at 11 (c per pound,
i Wool Valley, 11 at VShc; sturn
Origuu, 8 at ; uioli4ir, '20 Ht 21o per
i'otatoea-if W ffl .05 per sack,
i Onion Vet, ......
A Miraculous
"It seemed that nothing abort
of a miracle could save my tittle
daughter from an untimely
death," say City Marshall A,
H. MaMmCVMt&ui
" When two year old she was
taken with stomach and bowel
trouble and despite the eSorfy
of the best physicians we could
procure, the" grew' gradually
worse and was pronounced in
curable. A Wend advised 7
and after giving It few days
the began to Improve and final--!y
fully recovered. She is now
past five years of age and the '
very picture of health"'" '
old by all Drasalats. ,' ' ' '
Or. Mils Mseieat Oo Elkhait, In.
KUTK III'lllt PI lil.ir.iT!0
lsepsirtineut or the Interior,
Land 0ri r i'roo Citt, Uaauos.
Ocu 11.
lli fol(.wi,.t!iianu-l x ttlrr taut n If J
nolle ol Lis iiilnutiuii to runke lluul pruol
in suprurt of hi rluiui. and that iid prouf
iil l.B n.aio t oorij lli t-u.ity C'laik ut
v aHiuiiyioii c.ninir ut iiitlmtKjro, Ur on
Nov. IS, VX1 v:i: .
. K, .S'o. II jm. fnrtlio K '.. S W )i Jt lo:3
At brt, la, UN u 3 W
He 'iai.,u iUo iuilowi iK wttnmMS to
proy iu cciiiunu'-ua rvmiicncu uiuu uud
cuiliT itr.Hi oi ,;mi laaj via:
Dauiti H. U.ji-. !' Uui-ona, Ore.
Cvrdi Barou, uf '
Ai tLur tocuu, ut
mourn (j. JUucliurii, ol
uain, us
CHAS, l. 140OKK8,
lis-; Odlar
if Christmas
Basra tli
j ins tuna mil iiaw mm uaufnt
"F'n W a ifts - '..-It '
Mfi JIAhli , ,
The best Cough Itemoily on
i . th market, and if t ... , ,
( A Cough KuiueJy, our'a will ilo
the work. ,
WE KNOW -;.-';: '''
. ,. It contains nothing irjarious
. and gives speedy relief, ai
In this city will testify.
I'BICE 2i cu., sU cts. aud 1.M"
1 1'hyslclaa Testille.
'."I have taken Kixlol ' Dy'8peisla
Oure and have never UHcd anything
in my life that did me the good that
did,"' says County Physician Geo.
v, Scroggs of Hall County, Oa.
Being a physician, I have prescrib
ed It and founn it to give the best re
sults." If tho f.)iKl you ent remains
undigested in your stomach it decays
there and poions the system. You
can prevent th s by dieting but that
means starvation. Kotlbl Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat. You
need suffer from neither dyspepsia
nor .starvation. .' Tne worst cases
quickly cured. Never falls. Delta
drug store. .
leprtaaft of Interior, o !
Lads Omcs at Uasuoa Citt, On'. !
i October ta, liiol.
tha followlnK-iuiiiied aettlur has til4
notion of his intention to make rliml proof
in aupport of nis eiaini, ana inu emu
proof will be nnule before lU((iiter & its
ceiver at Oregon City, OreRoii, on lleceiii-
ber 7tn, 1801, vis! . : . (lii ;.-t t
H. E. 11008 forth NWK of tive.-M, T 3 Nv
K. S W.
He names the following witnesses U
prove bis ootitlnuou raaidence upon, ana
cultivation of said Innd, vis: . i
Robert Bervlo. of ' ' " Dixie Ore
James Uickman, of ' ' .-i , ."i j " ,
A.T, Workman, of . , j, "i . I
Allison Tsnniok, of ' " "
, . ... , ,Re(iaUr.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sell
on a positive (ruurnntoe. Cures henrt-lmrt
raiaiiiR ot the food, distress aftnr eatink ct
any form ol dyapepnia. One littlu tubk
fives immediate relief. 26 eta, and 60 eta
he Delta Unm Store. . i
: ,. ..i ,:i u.
Sour Stomach
'After. I was laSacea to tr fAMCA-
BPTD, 1 will never bo wllbont them In the boaM.
Mr Urer u In a Terr bad ihape. and my boas
acbod and I had lUimocb trouble. Now, alnoo tak
ing Cabvareta, 1 raol flue. Mr wire baa alae naoS
tasm with bcnouctul robulta (or sour atuaiaoa."
iu. aaiuura, iwi Comrreea Sk, St. Loula, ala
The new proprietors ot the IHlls-
boro cldsr mill ' and ( vinegar rnt'ctoy
are now preiered to make . a our
cldar and apple butter and . feed
grinding. , Give uaa trial. t , 30, .1 j
. 1: 1,1
Delta Drug Store. "
Main street, IliUsboro, Oregou.
If f' cathartic a
Mff'l vaaosauaa aaarsr(mo S?
tinner. j
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work.
All work promptly done. I
., Daily KouuJ Trips except Sunday
Leavs l'ortUml .
Leave Astoria..
. .7 a. m.
.7 p. ui.
Retweea Portland, The Dalles aad
Way l'oiuts.
l-eave Tortland TueB.,Tliurs.,Sat. 7 a. in.
Arrive The Dalles, same day 5 p. in.
Leave " Sun., WedKrf.. ...7 a. m.
Arrive l'ortlund, eamcdny 4 p. 111,
jtST"'i'his Iloule has the Urandcst
ISccniu Attractions on Earth.
I) -.1 .
Lijnding and OUlce: Foot Mer 8tre t.
, ,. . .lioth I'lionex, Muiu 351
J01I.V. M. MLLVO.X, agt The Dalle
, A. J. TA V 1.0 It, ngt Aatoria.
J. C WIT ATT, sv;t Vancouver,
'. WOLl'Oltl) Jt V) VE liS, aa-ts W bite
, j i . Salmon.
" "K, W. tRiatlO.N'.agt I'orlluud
at John Dermis'
Santa Claus has made the popular
store of John Dennis' tho head
quarters in Ilillsboro this year for
his laro line of goods containing
Toys. Bric-a-brac, etc.
' In addition to the full line of toys
for tho young folks he lias tne most
complete line of
Ever in the city. Ladies are
quested to call and inspect
line. Xono so complete.
ine lurgcsl soui evur pan! lor a pre
s ription, changed handa in .San Fran
cihco. Aui!. So. 1. The traivqfit 111
by any general tariff chanue at this volved In coin and stork $llS,VXi.oOan
wnS nnlil nv a tiiiptv nf KnattiMht mnn f.,r
time, o 1
That trusts should be supervl
and regulatod; that full and accurate
Information regarding them should
be made public. , ;
That the President should by law
have the power 1 1 transferlng lands
for use as forest reserve to the Oe.
partment of Agriculture. 1
That the Federal Courts should be
given jurisdiction over any man who
attempts to kill the President or tils
constitutional successors.
Immigration laws should exclude
all anarchists: educational test for itn
migrants, who should also be able to
earn "an American living."
The Monroe Doctrine should be
continued as the cardinal feature of
of the foreign policy of all the nations
of the two Americas, as It is of the
United States.
Our militia law is obsolete and
worthless, and the organization and
armament of the National Ouard ol
the states should be mado Identical
with those provided for the regular
Indian tribal funds shjuld be
broken up and devldod into Individ
ual holdings. The number of Indian
agencies ahuule be reduced, the ra.
tlon system abolished, and the In
dian treated as an Individual.
That the Federal Qouernment
ahoutd build greet storage works to
teclalm largo arid regions; that these
lands should be reserved by the Gov
eminent for actual settlers; and that
the cost should, so far as possible, be
repaid by the land reclaimed.
Thai the functions exercises by the
General Lsind Office and Unlte-I
States Geological Survey In regard to
the forest reserves should be given to
the Bureau of Forestry; that the
scientific bureaus should be put under
the Department of Agriculture.
1 1M list Tm Hm tisan Uvgt
a apeuiflc for Brl;tit' Disease an t
hetex, hitherto incurable diseases.
Thty commenced the serious investir
Ktiou of the spxtilio Not. V, M):
Tbey interviewed scorea of the cored an
trii'ii it out on its merits by putting ovci
three do.en cases 011 the treatment an
watehing tlieui. They also got liyi
clang to name chronic, inouralile raxcir.
and administered it with the phrainlsni
forjmlBM. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven
per cent of the trt cases were cither we
or progrensing farorably. '
There beintjc but thirteen per cent of
failure, the parties were aalislisd ani
eloaed the transaction, i he proceeding!
of tlie invetigtiiig committee and tli
clinical report! of the test cases wero pub'
lirtlied and will he iiiailud free on applies
tion. Addreas Johs J. Fultos Com
fASY, 420 Montgomery 6t. San Franolsc-o
Cal. - ' . -
the unileroignod Mary Jane huther
land hiia been by the County Court of
wurhiiifrton County, OreKoa, duly sp
pulnt. it rulininiitratnx of the estate of K.
r . chithnnand decline, 1, ami nn euch nd
nani-tratrii ha lu y qunliiied. ami all
peraonn Imvinit clninia uirainat mid e.tata
am hereby notili I and reijoimi to preaent
aaid rhiima to thia administr lnx at
Ki nolla Wnahlncton Tounty. Oregon, veri.
lied i.a liy law reipiimd, within an niuntb
irom luu mite of tliia notice.
Hated this the 2mn ihiy of Bovrinber,
Adminiatmtrix of the entate of K. F.
euineriana, nnceiueu. , .
McCain A Vinton,
Attorney fur estate. . 27-81
Retire of Final Hetllement.
The nnderaiKiietl a.lminlatratriii of th
eaxaieoi jonn a. untlin, deceaaed haa tile-t
her final account as au.-.h adminiatratris
in III I'TmintV I'llllrt .if Un.hti,n4.n rA
Oregon and and Court hiia appointml
MonUnvthe itrd day or Ueeemher. I'.mi
at tho bnur of tou o'clock a. ui, for the
ne-inng ol aaio account. '
iiiim hwiiia. formerly I.tna utillin. aU
hiiniatrnlriz of the estuie of John rl. ri;na
deceaacd. i i7 31
Bixby's Royal I'olixb restores color
and gloss to ladies' and chlldrns'
black shoes and is not injurious, if
there were any twlter goods the
Delta would have them. '
Plwuiant. Palatable, tntent, Tanle Ooml. Do
WQoa, nuvar aicsuu, waaaen.or urlj. UM, aw, wo.
H.HH Umt fi.rui. Clu mmtmi, torn Tw4. U
Mfl.Tfl.PSfi BnM anSjiiiHrnnteed hr alldnw
' Oue of the most helpful books on
nervo Wfttknws ever imued Is that en
titled 'Nerve Wnxte," by I r. Sawyer of
Nun Franf ibco, now in its fifth thousand.
Th work of an experiencod nud repu
table pliyxicinn is in agretublo contrast
to tlie vast auni of false teaching, which
prevailn on ihia inturoalinit vultiect. Itl
abounds in carufullv coiisldorcd and
practical S'lVh'R ami luis the two errat
morita of Wisdom and sineeritr.
It Is Indorsed nv both the rolieious
and aecnlur pre!. The Clilrna Advance
jiv : "A iieraaal of the book and the ni-
licutioD of its principles will pnt health.
nope and be&rt Into thouaands of lives
i . How Tlilsl
We Offer Olio lflin.lre.1 flollnr.
r ir oafl(j 0f f'atnrih that rannnl ha
cnrd by Hall's Cninrrh Cluro
Fl t. CHKNKY A. (H . Pnrna Tnl.ln t
We,' the umlemiKiied, have known f'. j",
t'liclicy fur the ln.t l.r years, unci believe
nini .Kirleclly honotahle in all buaincaa
tranauctiona unl linanciallv alile to carrv
oiitany ohliKutioua made by their tiriii.
WSKT k IHIAX. WlinitiKiilK IlrnuuUlji
Tolwlo, 0.
waluimi, kisxan & Marvis, Wholcanle
Drunpl'ts, i tl. do. O.-
. Hull's Outurra Cure la taken internally,
acting dirmtly upon the IiIim.U and imico.u
Jiir acea ut llio xyatem. I'rite 7fto r bot
tle. bold by ail DruKKisis. 'ietimoniaik
free, i .
Hull's Fuudly l'illa are the bent.
t f .
Just a Little Cough
But if you were to probe the common cause of
most lung troubles, including consumption, you'd find
that they originated in "Just aMitt'e Couh."
Do you know it's just as easy to get rid of that
little cough, or a bigger one, :is to keep on coughing?
Our "Cough Syrup" does it every day in the week.
Which would you rather keep, your, cough or
the 50 cents that our Cough Syrup costs?
Which is Cheaper?
The Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Any honest, intelligent (lraist or physician will te)t you that narcotic poinona
such as opium, henbane, deadly ni'!itshnilo or cocaine anil mercury are aud have
been since the Park A c used in nil l'ilo MediciueH, ami that such medication
really perpetuates Piles. Vcrus Pile cure is not a relic of the Park Aires, hence
contains no narcotics or meicurr, tStlOO Reward if a trace of any narcotio or mer
cury can be foudd in Yorus. All others roula' 11 narcotics or mercury. Deny it if
you dare mneehacka. t50 Howard if Yerus fails to euro nny case of Piles. Worst
cases en red with one box of Verne. Over H),0;i0 permanent cured in fivo years:
Sold in Hillsboro by llio Twentieth Century More :
The Hillsboro Pharmacy,
' ' wfcFMsLr Co YEARS'
LwanHUui ima'ii,A...J. f iiJ Commencing i Sept. t th, 'jnnjt
that are now suffering through nervous I Thursday, the rail read fare between
impairment" : I Hillsboro and ftan Francisco will be
chapter i t, on Nervines and Nerve Ton-1 dot no Includo sleeping berth." The
second class rare including Dorth" is
ics nas hern printed separately sa a
asmple ehnptnr, and will be sent to any
addreas for stamp bv the imblisherc
Tiis Pacific Pob. Co., liox ZU58, Han
Francisco. .
115.85 with a rebate of 11.00.
1.V VV.
lis , fv'"
fyijt Traoc Marks
Copyrights Ac
AnTono entUa a iktch mid dfwrtptlmi bib?
quIcbUt Mtiw4tBijiiti jitr opttiniii frte whether an
' lftvanthin )! pnhibly ttt?rtlaMn. romnmntra
t tmtsitriatlvotirlfln1tft). IImultonkon PaUmta
' mwvt frnsx (iMr4 utfoncr for iHtirni(r tMatmitA.
i l'ntort tukn thp.uirh Munti A Co reculr
i ' ffcitU ntUey without chnnro. iu the
....Scletttific Jhatrican.
A hanrtanmcly iDnntmtwl wwltiy. Urwrt rtr
eolation of any fHmuito inurnl. Tnrma. ' a
itinr : rur montlia, $U fluid by all nnwadealcra.
' KUNN Co.j-. New York
attain OOloa. OS T SuTraaMuaiua, I. u
I 1
erc-y AND TUBAS.
St. Charles Motel
Krsut and Jlurrlsi) i Mrecti.
I'ort l.i n l t'rpirnn.
Klcctrie ;r.iliti, Lleotric Hells mid Hyilriiulio Kiev it. ir.
loll Rooms at 25 ta f0c, Suites, 75, to fl. Keoil HeUin.rniil
('n iiertion.
Give us a call,
I14VTW C 111? I P V lt H...rt
jfii i 10 iv jfiiuviiiiii) iiaii iiiiii n
s-? tsssmsr
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of thai
oitresianis ana digests all kinds of
food, itplves Instant relief and never
falls to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The mostscnsiUt
stomachs can take It. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
prevents iornianonorpason the ston
arn, relieving ail distress after eating;.
xsiutiua u n uutx'ssury. I icasant Ml
It can't hsfa
but do yougooejl
CJTjirwfmi? oy f. u. lWITT.ro.,t!hlCS
mi, www cuouuaa an una
i ii. - , t
Ltu , . i . i : .., l i i., .ii
rJ' -'.it ''.'. t-
ka m f- i,.' i .i-. 1 1
ra 't j. ii-' i
iy , - I. i - i ti r
vl3IBVsf E7 II " 1S wrr JVWK JPT
fc.L VlaT V I IT kl tl If M II - t-r VS " ST 9j M V
Aoticc of Final Kettleinent. I
Notice is hen-hv aiven that. thennrlralirn. I
ri, uniiiiuiKiraior oi me eaiale ol Esther V I
liiinint r, d'd. hnve tiled my final acooan, I
us r.An-uiT-ix. ui me r n ais iu tne t ounty
I'mirt nf Washington County tirvrnn and I
that a dd t'ourt has set Monday, 1j, yth I
mil III l"0-ri,-CK A M. as Ih, tOna a...l I
thel ounty t'.uirt PHim as the place for
hnarimr ohjectinns to said nreount and I
the linal wittlemmit of said Katut. I
ilutnl at Hillaboro, Ure., thia 7th day of I
Nnvin.fM.r I
You Looking for a Snap?
Acres of Land only 12 miles from Port
land, 8 miles from Hillsboro, all prairie
eikdept',60 acres which is timber. All smooth land
and the best of soil. Living: water, good orchard and
fair buildings.
t ViiWe have placed this very desirable farm on the
market at S35 per acre, for 25 days only, from Dec.
H 5th; 1901, Cheap at $50.
W l wiimi
d:ninistrat.ir of the estnto of Kather
tlardner, ileceosed.
fi n ;.t i.l C
t i 'J rjj ? .
!! I 1 SI
For Further Information Call on
fcan tbs i l!4 Vcg Him 'rtTS BotrJI
SI . g . y,
t ' J - '
1 If . H ).- k. J
' t