Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, December 06, 1901, Image 1

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v.'. rcxix
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.-1 .111: ch'ii;i!!;s.
1 vnrnor
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noot. I'uune limtrnaiuui...J. 11- A.rkw m.uii I
-.tat Ir.nwr , '-'"!
1 Cu. li. V ol-rt.oii
tJourt .' I
1 K. A. Mrnn- 1
Jqd,i I i'th litstnct A. Vf.-tir:-!.- J
Allirru-y Fii'.l IW.ru-t llurriwju All. 11 '
ooiniv ivn('::is.
JiQiii.mtnuv j . . . ,
Tr '-aft-r
Hiliool S!ioriutfQ dent
I,. A. Iwh'J
J. A. Yo'u-u
. .K.J. VVj.-!
tiro. A. jloiyau
..John W. iitwf.i
. Iiull'll L. ) "
. . 1L I r:u.l;!l
.(co. H. Wil.-ux
. .11. A.
T. -. WilV.'b
. .W. I'. V ia
Dhnit. 11. MooreH
Win. Hailoway. ..
lt((lK .
A. Piiiliy, Mayor
Jol.ri North nip
J. 1 'limo'itm
. ... J.iOll 1) '11111:
. L, t'. I ruwii
J..)lni Miii''
Win. lt-.i ."i
KirJ ul I rn .,
Ira uMirt-r
lustioo at I'oaoe
S.i'u'l Krriii
W i Atkin.-oii
. . hvrrilt
J. 1'. lUnilllil
Tho o.biIh close " li'u liiU"Uro Hohl
Ul.uio.1". Wont i:nion, llMlmry nd ar
"till, Ht 7:M v
H iiiu HtmUi, R .:!0 a a.
Oomi; t. ':tlnutl imu v-nl'iee. ,l
u. iiui 4 r- . ... ....
For 'riuiiiKton and hunrsl. dmiy at 1.
1i)NiUWJAlItNAli OILI'KOJI, rornrr
VVMiiiri and titlii alnww. lrwuiliiiiM
avtrv HnMuh, ui'irmiiK ftii'l o"ninB- Nili
I..U. nniiojl at 10 o'clock n. !"'
uwmttUB '1 hnrrHlny evcmn!. V. f. b. t . 1..
4an.ly n. : p. m. Ail wrvlrwt
hurt, hrmhi. intcrfNiiiiu mut luli'i'H.
Kvnryuna ronlliilly wel.-omo.
KVAN 1'. illltiUKi,. lV...f
- I'j Tirth and Kir. l-ioain erery Sooilny
vnii. at H in.) u'ry ..f"""''"
al 11 a. m.i Hniulny wlinol at 10 a. u.
i,rajor 11 .tiiic ovory lln:rd.iT
t litintaiu ttiuliwvor ut 1:M p. m. . H
I'lu'lplia, I'ui-tor.
f V. 01II K0U,
H. 11. (irifiili-e.'paator.
HinoliuiKcvory rtnl.tiutu moriiinf? mid
FTimiliu hlll:ln' li xt-Jimii nvui y rsnimiu
I I,., I,mu?im m-tii'im evnry tmiimy al
HI 1 r . UMiicral prp.yof niwtinu ovcry
rtinilu nveritUK. i.oH.kra' aud Mti-wtrd a
ntMtir;i tlmil'iid i'aenday ovniii of laoli
(HI It 1ST I AN" ClirH'I!.'re;icliiiFlit 'M
J ami 4'li HiiinhiVH in -iirli intuit l at 11
a 111. l rnyiT nicu"ut; Tl.urlny ivvninx,
ChriMliaii hinltvivnral 7 p m
k. 11. hit KflW.icl. 1'unto-.
l)urlit'r of HvlM'kali.
f.l, I O l V, lllfClM 111 txl l I'Vllows'
Hall evciy hauinluy rvvniiiK.
r t ii.i,h1i()I:i
( AMI' NO.
it v.), MKI-. I S
1 X t:' ry 'nd and lt!i Stilnr.luy in,!iit, ut
Wain uiiK'a huh
A. . I
IM Si OUO K). 01, A. O.V.
W.. Mi-eta trv irm ai.il ttr.ra
Kriday vrt'Diu cm:1i ui.iulh.
V. of li.
NO. 7"J. nw. ti
'Jnd and tb t--
I. ). O. .
MtiNIKl'MA l.(.v.:;, M. , niff'f
Wrilnl.iTivimi..-f al o'clock,! W.
K. hull. V iHitora uuulo wi'lonma.
Ht'Krf if lloiioi.
fllllK l'Ktill!;!'
.I ;ionuh. .K.
W'hruvK' "i:il
t). 11.
rat h
tlfHt H!ld
lliird 1'tiili.y pVfi'.init of
Kiitlilin Maters.
HHtotHv,ry 'itid and 4l Kriilnv ine-u
muni 11 at 7:JH o rlo.-k In Wphriinc ll
k. r r.
i.oiKii:. yo.
.14, K. OF P.,
1 in. M in .'.1 i "ii- Hull on Moii.it?
rmni: of okou mnrk. Mojonrning hrrttitfii
vrlnuiuvd lo Unite luertit.kH.
A. 1. and A. M.
M vL! rr i.oimik no. r., a. P.a M..
moot" eTt.pv Samrdny iiuuht on or afur
all moou of oa lb iron'K
. L. S.
K'ALATIN t'll AI'TKIl. NO.31.lV. K.S..
met nt Mu.-.o.ili' ri'ii'.if on . ne iio
and 4th Tupudar or p:ic!i rionth.
' i K I S IX OI'H FKI.UVW9 11 ALL 1 N
tin. lolun.ltK.nl I 1 Ki.i ro it rrcli
month, nt i W o i l'Tk. p, 111.
,KX. 1C ASU31 i't.sT, M. tir, f!. A. II
111 thr Hrxt and thirtl nilunlnya ni rac
monlli, at t.M o clork p 1.1.
Mount for r-titmp jm turtit tt the
Inpkpbvn df.nt oillot', 1 Ji i and a
half for A rU.
ni"t. H TON.U'K,
a. a. tooc
.U.ry I'ufolic.
" 'iiOy n'. m a. lo.ii,..., -
T i Olt. K YS-AT-LA W,
lUl.lJiltOKU, OltfctXJN.
(It rim: it-nuia 3,4, a S, Murimn Mock.
W. '. MA Kit EH,
1 1 ( UN K YS- AT-LA W,
1 nc: tfiitrnj Koea. lioonia ( and ?.
Oie-a; Uunioa 6 fcnd 7. Morgnn block.
t. r,A(;i.tv,
IIII.lll Ht') OKtXRtS.
lirKii ir: Over Delta l)rnj Hlore,
HIl.LsnoilO, OUWION.
Hi Miy -M.)rKiii Hint k, lltM)ins 1 A
S. T. LI.NkLATEK, M. U. t. M.
UlI,l.tilK)Ua, (KOON.
n... r Kt r"lileuoe. ait of to.irt
llonao; wtit.re ue will he found at alt noui
whi-a not viw.iDH pniiuuiH.
V. H. U. SUliOEON,
1 ihviu iHn HrKitiKtfna t oorntir Thin)
and Mam ttttneM. Otlico houra, hiHO to la
a. in.. 1 to tt aud 7 to It p. in. TeloplioiKi t
rtwi.li.nofl from Itroclt Jt Sola I)rnKtor a
nil birnn. All oalla praniptly alteniluu
nifibt or day. . .
ViVicm Morfiin Hiiili-y IU"ck, up ataira,
ritaiinu 12. 13iuid 1.1. Uesideuoe, b. W. tJor,
Uhho Uue and Heooud atrwta.
lioth Tlioncn
iiiu.sroko, 0uec10n.
Orrit'K lloi'ita: U a. m. to i :30 p. ni
OiVmh in t'nion Jilork over l'liarmacy
Ft) R Krit I. KO V K, URKUON
lU'atiirt. -ial twtli $.".) neraet. Cement
nil.! AinalL-ain llllinirs crntaeurh. Hold
ti'.lin,'.i trom 1 up. Vitalised air for puin
tiMM t' x Lriu-l.tiii.
OiFiri! three doors north of Krick
it irn. )tl"Mi bonra from 9 a. m. to4 p. m.
The idPiil trip to tlio fast during
tiif licit of SiiiniiuT 1 via the Kio
Urmnli' Wiwti'ru iitid Dt-nvi-r A Ilio
(jrtiiltH JtJtroinlH, tho , farlitojitl
".S.i-iii; Lint if the Wtirltl." The
fxtroint'. nf teuipt'ritturn fire ntvir
in. t, Hinl iirtt'nrt'r are ntirt" of hav
a il lir-htfu!ly rool riilti throtiKli
;ni' Hinrt of llm lvia k-y Mountaiiin,
rtinl h vitw by tl:iyli;ht if eniivry
A I. ii-li in nos lu-re hurnwl.
If tltirol, a stop t-nniuto may U
muilo at tjimi nt and jiit'turtiMiu
Stlt I.ikt- City, tho "City if the
S.titil"," UlonwiMMl ytirlnps Leitd
villo, C'.iloraili) SpriiiKa, I'ut'lilo,
Dt'iiMT, tr miy intiTitiodiat xitit.
TIuti' are throo ilnily Iraitirt ltv
irif; Smt Iake City for all mint"
nitit.whiih hmo t-lon ctiuaottiotifl
from the North tvpi via eitlu r (). II.
A N. Co., or the Southern Pacific Co.
Tin-? trains uro riUtHtl with
Tlirou'li Mivpon (Stamlard and
Touriit,) Fri U x-limng ( hair Car
itntl a ti-ri't 1 1 Diiiit-K Car St'rvitv.
I'f'rxoJinily I'-nndttftttl Exfnr.iinr,
in rltnr; of rompt'tent and courttv
ouj roannor'1, art run afyrral tirne!
wiiliout t'lviup1 ot t'ars to
Ptnvor, (:ni'ii;i, Ka::-a.t City, Ut.
Iiim, I'tiii AK v, ltu:tlo, New York,
Ii.wtou ami all C'tiatrrn citii.
Tickt'ls nro on le at all lUHroad
Ticket olUit a. For further Informa
tion and 1 h m ratea, apply ti
(ii iii rtIAt nt,
lit Thir l S'., r.iriland, OrvKon.
1? ' Imil phiyer should arte The
lv;t I.tnimrt.t, ft It cure sprain
and bra!, toulit-iK the hand and
keoii the fingt rs up!c.
Of Moscow
''lint what ia it all?" tho surgeon
naked, fuzing first upon Iturio and
then u)oa tho count. "Speak, torn
"Tell him," proancd Conrad.
"Liftcn," Paid the cunmaker. "I
liavc my ni.'piriona. But, mind 701L
IIjOV ulm ri.tiiiiiuti on facta, and LM
facta ore these: The Duke nl Tula
is well nih freo from tho noaacaslon
of propert). Ilia half of Drotxen ia
nil mortL'af.'oil, and ho wants tha
other half. That. other half he can
rot have while Dumonoff lives. The
duke, too, hiis sworn that Koaalind
Ynl'lni ! i:al! Ik IiLs vi ife, ao he would
hitvc her property also. ' This hump
Imt ketl priest is OI'h'b tool. It was
OlfU pi him into the church, and it
waa Olffi h freed him more than
once from deserved nunixhinent.
Last 'l'litirsil.tj- evening ho was with
t!ic (liiki; in private council, and ha
came from thence directly to this
phico. Now von can judge for your
self." 1
The Furgeon atarted slightly, and
then ho bowed hia head. A few mo
menta ho remained thus, and then
ho leaped up and clasped his hands.
"lly the living God of all things,
ho cried, "it is, it ia!" There is no
burning up, na I thought, of icT,
vintry fire, but the helliuh work is
from a litimnn handl Hold! I know
tho ayniptoins! I know them now.
o qnict, Conrad. It may not yet
bo loo lute."
As the Furgeon upoke he hastily
opened a small leathern case ht) car
ried with him, and from thnnco he
took a powerful emetic. The wo
man was sent for, and when aha
crime fho obtained warm water. Tha
potion was given, a small quantity
ut a time, at intervals of about five
mi nut c3 until the desired, effect was
produced. A strange mass of atoll
was thrown up, and Kopani took it
to tho light and examined it. Moat
of it was of dark, brownish color,
but with streaks of yellow and
coarno blotches of red and green.
The yellow substance was of a mu
cous formation, whilo the red and
green seemed to more liquid.
J is poison v tho surgeon said.
And it has been administered In
Email quantities."
"And cannot something be
done?" nuked liuric eagerly. "Oh
envo him if you can I Save him, and
I'll bless you evcrl You can oh.
'Alio surgeon caught tho youth by
the band. Thero was something In
this noblo rpirit that moved him,
nnd ho knew now that all must have
been forgiven between tho two men.
1 11 try, ho said. "I have anti
dotes with me. By heavens, ail ia
not loRtyetl"
"Then hasten,' urged Knrfc. ball
crazed beneath the weight of tha
great discovery which ho had thus
helped to make.
"lie not uneasy. I will see that
ho differs not for want of human
skill." And as tho surgeon thus
cpokc he moved to the sideboard and
mixed on antidote. But ho did not
give it until the invalid had vomited
all ho could.
"Hold!" cried Burlo as tha Bur
geon took up the wine to mix tha
antidote with. "Touch not a thing
here. Perhaps the villain has poi
soned them alii"
"So it may bo," Kopani said, act-
ting down the bottle, lie then turn
ed to the woman, who had remained
binding by tho fire like one in a
trance, and asked her to bring a
fresh bottle of wine. She Quick! v
obeyed, and when she was gone Ko
pani took all the articles upon the
able and set them on one side. lid
would not throw them away, for ha
nicnnt to analyze them.
When the woman returned, Ko
pani mixed the new potion and ad-minii-tcrcd
it, and ere long aftcr-
wm me count tell aslern.
' Jlnric Xevel," said the surgeon
as roon as he was sure the invalid
would sleep, "rill you remain here
nnhile? I wish to go end analyse
some of these things. I have only
to ro to the academy. I will be
l ack in an hour nt tlio farthest."
Tlie gunmaker gladly consented
to this, nnd, having gathered np tha
vials and tho wine bottlo and con
cealed them lienenth his pelisse, tha
aurrcon left.
Eiiric cvel was happier now, for
hope w.i with him wlu'lo he prayed
that Gxl might spare tha nnfortn
r.ate count.
av AfrmntrsM AfTara.
Half an hour had the gunmaker
sat by the side of the sick man's bed
when he was .arouaroritevef.
ia into which he had fallen by tho
gentle opening of tlio door, lie turn
ed and beheld a human form emerg
ing from tha narrow, dark entry-
war. Aa it came into the room the
watcher started, for ho beheld tho
humpbacked priest, Savotano.
Who fa here J";" the arch fiend
whispered, shading his eyea and try
ing to peer into the gloom.
8hl" uttered Ruric. "Tho count
ia alseep." -
By this time our hero had so far
overcome tho first emotion caused
by tha villain's entrance that ha
could be calm.
"And who is this r the priest
whispered, moving nearer to the
bed. Ha! The gunmaker!"
"Yes," replied tho youth, watch
ing every look and movement of the
feJiow most closely.
lou aro in a strange place, I
should say," Savotano whispered,
not looking the young man directly
in the face, but casting upon him a
alilelong glance, as though lie dared
not look direct.
"Speak not too loud, sir firiest.'
said our hero, determined to enter
into no conversation with the man
if he could avoid it 'Do not awak
en the count, for he ia very faint
and weak."
And then Euric had another rea
son, lie feared if Damonoff should
awake that tho strange discovery
they had made might bo revealed,
and, of course, he wished not that
the villain should Yet know how well
he was understood.
"But why are you here V pursued
Savotano, who seemed determined
to know. "I am this poor man's
spiritual comforter, and I surely
Kara a right to know wherefore is
tha presence of one bearing the pe
culiaf relations toward him which
are sustained br you."
Ruric'a first impulse was one of
disgust and wrath, but he managed
to I teep It to himself.
"Sir priest," ha returned, moving
hi chair noiselessly nearer to the
visitor, ao that his whisper might
not disturb tha sleeper, "I heard
that the count was dying, and I
would not have him die without first
forgiving ma for all that I had
"And haa he done it V
"He has."
"And why do you remain here?
Where ia hia attendant f
"Bhe ia out somewhere. The
count haa had a strange fit a star
tling spasm and I feared if he
had another the woman could not
manage him alone.
Ahr . Uttered Sarotano. "A
I ea most strange one, as
thobiA something were at his heart,
as though hia brain were on fire and
hia whole feystem shaking."
Tha priest turned hia head away,
hat Burio saw plainly the exultant
took which rested there. .There wss
ho mistaking any more. That one
look for Burio saw it was proof
"Welt, well,'' the misshapen vil
lain said, "I will call again when ho
la awake. . would not have him
die and I not by him."
Thus peaking Savotano aroso
and moved toward the door. His
step was eager, and hia every look
betrayed some anxious purpose. Ho
stopped aa he reached the door and
looked back, but he did not speak.
Burio was afraid he might go to the
sideboard to look at too medicine,
but be did not lie simply catt one
more glance at the watcher and then
left the room.
In half an hour more the surgeon
retarmed. His faco wore a clear,
emphatic expression, and his move
ments were all quick and prompt,
as though each one was for the pur
pose ei announcing some self evi
dent dedaioa.
"Watt," he uttered, with a quick
ly drawn breath, "we have put the
medicines to a teat" And then he
leaned back and looked into Euric's
."And what did yon find?" the
young man asked.,
"Just what we expected. We
have detected arsenic in three of
the anediefnes which the count had
to take. But this poison is not
alone. There is much opium in the
wine, even so that we could smell it
whffli onr awpkiona guided us. The
Poison has been most adroitly fixed.
The priest most have one of those
recipes which have been used by sci
entific poisoners, for no physician in
Moscow could have concocted the
deadly poiaon."
e JsrU tag.
A naughty eastern exchange tells
ol a young ruao call! ...ro.
evening with bis girl. A storm
came up, the gtrl'a father asked him
to tetnain over night and he very re-
luctantly accepted. He was a very
bashful young man, and the net
morning, wiiwi seated at the table,
wax very nervous and agitated. lie
aat opposite the mirror and discover -
ed that he bad forgotten to comb his
hair. Then he drop his fork on
the floor and as be stooped to pick It
up he upset his coffee. Matters went
from bad to worse until finally he
quit eating and put his hands under!
the table. The loose end of the
table cloth was lying In his lap and
when he touched it he turned palo.
He thought it was his shirt and that
in hht nervoua excitement while
drensing he had forgotten to put the
garment Inside hia trousers. That
accounted for his embarrassment,
Thre was no time to loose. Ha
hurriedly stuffed the supposed shirt
iushle his trousers, Two minutes
latter when the family arose from
the tahlo there was a crash. The
dishes lay in a broken mass on the
floor. The young man pulled three
feet of table-cloth out of his pants
and fled through the door. He Is
now io hiding and the girl is looking
for a lose bashful lover.
A gentleman was driving through
this section the other day when Tie
hancod to ace a boy in a field of
wi,i,.h ,ii,i ... i.tr ....... n,,i..
ing. Thinking to have some fun
ho accosted him and the following
conversation took i.lace: Youn
man, your corn looks kind of
yellow." "Yes, that's the kind we
i.lantod." "Don't look like vou
nrmil.l -or mr.n than half ornn
-We don't expect to. The landlord
rets the other half." Then after a
slMitt timo the irentlcman said:
i.Ti,o. mh .iifra.n k.
toen vou and a fool" "Nooe."
m. ama j aa a ia & auuu isiuti uiar uv
renlled the boy. only the fence."
The last information was sufficient
and the a-entleman moved on his
way. Ex.
Something New Under
The San.
All Doctors nave tried to cure
catarrh tiy the use of powders, acid
gases, Inhalers and drugs In paste
form. Their powders dry up the
mucuous membranes causing them
to crack open and bleed. The pow
erfui acids used In the inhalers have
entirely eaten away the same mem
tiranes that their makers have aim'
ed to cure, while astes and oint
ments cannot reach the disease. An
old aud experienced practitioner
who haa for many years made a close
study and rpeeialty of the treatment
of catarrh, has at last terimea a
liuuitmi.nt atihlnh Salhan ftl lilt II III I
used, not only relieves at once, but
UUn.UJCIH waisae weavaa aaaa I
permanently cures catarrh, by rv
moving the cause, stopping the dls-l
charges and curing all inflammation.
It is the only remedy known to I
science that actually reaches the af
flicted parts. This wonderful rem
edy is known as 'Snuffles, the
guaranteed catarrh cure" ami Is sold
at the extremely low price of one
dollar, each package containing In-
ternal anil external medicine su in
dent for a full month's treatment
and everything necessary to its per
fect use.
snunies" is me oniy periect catarro 1
cure ever made and Is now recognls-
i .a the oniv aafe and Dosltlve cure
for that annoying and disgusting dis-
ease. It cures all Inflammation
quickly and permanently and la also
wonderfully quica: to relieve nay
fever or cold in the bead.
Catarrh when neglected often leads I
to consumption "Snuffles" ill save
you if you use it at once. "V ' JJ I
-J, r
treatment which is positively guar-
arnteed to cure catarrh In any form
or stage if used according to the dl
rectious whlcn accompany eecn
. Ik .. Jn. haa, Mdil f... Ill
at ouce and write full particulars as
to vour condition and you will re-1
oeive special advice from the dlscov.
erer 01 mis "7,
gard ng your case without cost to
. 1 1
you neyond tne regular pnew 10 1
f'Hnuffles" the guaranteed catarrh I
cure." . I
Stmt prepaid to any address In the
t;niieu nunrnvi vui. v.. .-
of one dtvllar. Ailtlresa Dept. t 760,
Edwin It. OilesA Company, 2330
and 2332 Market Street, 1'niia
(ielphia. KASSA.I rKUHrEBITI.
Kansas has more reatly money on
hand at this moment than It ever
had before In alt its history. Its
banks are filled with cash. There ks
on deposit In the national ana state
banks of that state about 189,000,000,
which Is In the neighborhood of 60
for men man, woman and child in
the state, I
This Is far ahrad of all past reoords. I
On a bank capital of about 115,700,-1
OOO In Hie state theie la a profit and
surplus Item of over $6,000,000. These
figures were never closely approach
tkij fc-ftu a XaaiAa' crwr.
Of count, the amount of money on
hand in the hanks of a community
is not nocrttnarily a meature of that
I locality's prosperity. Often the bank
I deposits are large when there is
stagnation In business. Tha lack of
I a demand for money in trade will
1 send the cash to the banks, and It
I will pile up there in bis; hoards. But
his ia not altogether the case la
I Kansas at this time. The failure of
the corn crop haa injured the state
I to some extent, but there has been a
large yield of wheat, and although
this does not make up for the loss In
corn, it goes a good way toward
aieutlng this deficiency. Even in
the corn shortage the loss to the
I farmer is not so grett as la commonly
supposed. Short crops make high
prices. Corn Is selling at figures now
which were out of sight a year ago.
Most of the loss in shortages In the
great food staples falls on the con-
I suiuer, who has to pay the higher
I prices
I Kansas, like all the rest of the
I West, and tike country In general, is
feeling the stimulus ot the Bepubll
I can.prosperlty which Is diffused all
I over the United States. All sorts of
business has been active through the
nasi two or three years. Crops, on
the who,e. hMe foodt too ,n
"'8 Hme "OP8 ao nl
br,nK bl money t0 ,he P"iieer. for
I uuiess : ine waro-earuers 01 tuc
country are actively empioyea ai
pWr wages their purchasing capacity
" """ uu V" an rw nr
I I it a I .f.ll a..
I tides, an a oonsequonce, are low. The
Krw j,,, at
th Pet time than it ever enjoyed
before in all lis annals.
This la one
01 ,ne rwwoM ror lne rewn' arop ,n
,uo ropuusi auu i,mucrwc vow id
'o. r
I Al l. I .1 At
in the BepabUcBn total. St. Louis
i -
Tn ta "produced not ao
I m ,i . a. - a
ulu'u r porpow, oi wuiu. wnai
V 'ortuM overtaken that State
as to call attention to some "issues"
that agitated the whole country.
It was the populists that demanded
a percaptta circulation or 900.00 yet
here Is a state the very hot-head of
populism that by defeat of Its cher
ished dogma and the substitution In-
tead of republican policy actually
baa a percaplta of 160.00 In gold
when but $50.00 la flat money wss
asked. There may be defects In our
currency system but present oondl
tlons clearly prove that the Bryan
idea can not right them.
Portland now has a 23 foot chan
nel through the Columbia river. Last
rear a 80 foot channel was thought
to be possible and a depth that, would
the of Portland for there
ntLn. ..a. .i. A eWa
WOT T.'" w""
or water, wow tne aemsno is 101
40-loot channel. Seeing that the bar
at the mouth of the river haa shoaled
a river cnannei
of tne depth now
wanted seems to
an elephant.
be in the nature of
A new remedy for biliousness Is
now on sale the Delta drug store.
It la called Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. It gives quick
rallef and will urevent tha attack If
,j- . ih. an n,n.ln
.... . .
" disease Pi- 2 eta.
per box. Samples free.
Oregon should go Into a committee
0f tne whle on the Lewis and Clark
centennial and stay there unUll the
kl. ..wllln. lmU.lt. .
Ing glory to the great, growing,
glorious. Pacific Northwest. Eugene
n, ,
Admiral Dewey haa added laurels
to nta taine b hu mnney of prenid-
ing over the Schley Inquiry. The
" . . , , , ...
ailmiral alarava mta sinner all rlo-M
- b --
when dealing with men. It Is only
when he gets tangled up with women
th t h , ,. h, hiunder-Enirane
If Cubans want a cot In the Amer
ican tariff that will favor them, let
them come and make an Integral
part of the United Slates,
T4 Caaag4 te Plia.
Puticfying food In the Intestines
produces effect like those of arsenic,
but Dr. King's isew LJfe fills ex-
pel the poisons from clogged bowels,
gently, easily but surely, curing con
stipattoo, biliousness, sick headache,
fevers, all liver, kidney and bowel
troubles. Only 26c at Delta Drug
Th Socialists organised a political
ftij mi ooioai laat Sunday all moon.
The party proposes to put a county
ticket In the field for the June
News reports from Salem speak of
a number of petty robberies on the
streets of that city. There are many
stranger theie who have not disclos
ed their means of subsistence.
The State authoritiea have received
the new barracks and addition to the
hospital at the Soldiers home, liose
burg. The new buildings have been
erecting since July last.
The Oregon National Guard which
Is armed with Springfield breech
loading rifles is to lay that one time
good gun to one side and take tho
modern Krag-Jorgensen. The state
has 97000 to Its credit. This sum
will buy 400 new guns.
The contract for the construction
of the faotory building of the Eugene
Woolen Mills has been let The
machinery is to be shipped from the
East as soon as the roof Is on the
bouse. Tho machines will fill ten
freight cirs.
Several daring robberies have oc
curred in Portland recently perpetra
ted by a class of burglars who aro
known to the police as second aiory
thelves. Diamonds and jewelry are
the article taken. Tho authorities
are having poor success In capturing
the house breakers.
The locks and dam oa the Yamhill
river below Lafayette have been com-
iletod and are now prepared to stand
winter floods. The cost of tho work
was 970,000. The lift is 18 feel.
Boats have been passing through for
several months even while the finish
ing work was In progress.
Interest In the quarts mines of
Union County Is reviving. About
40 miles west of La Orand, placer
claims were once worked, but being
about "worked out" the miners went
elsewhere. This winter however
the Camp has again taken on life.
Copper minnlng In Josephine coun
ty la attracting much attention. A
Waldo mine la to instal a smelter at
once and give employment to 200
mep. A railroad from Crescent City
is projected. Another mine further
north, the "Copper Stain" Is furnish
ing some rich ore, and Its owners are
in a cheerful state of mind,
A burgd loaded with lumber for
the San Francisco market was lost at
sea last week by the parting of the
towing Cable. Four men were on the
barge and It Is feared that the party
is lost as a furious storm was raging
at the time. The tug that was tow
Ing the Large got a new cable at
Astoria and has gono In search ot the
The old carriage factory at Cor
vallls which waa purchased some
time ago by an Organ Manufacturing
Co. haa been started up again, not on
wagons however, but on cases for
musical Instruments. Native Oak is
used for one style and Ash for ano
ther. The Ash cases are about 115
cheaper than the Oak, but the later
Justifies the higher price by Its super
ior finish. The demand for the cases
is pressing and every skilled me-
chanlcwbo can be found Is put at
The Un I versa, Sash and Door Fac
tory now of Portland Is to be moved
to Astoria at om. Judge Taylor
donated to the Company ground for
the factory. This move soems to be
desired because the factory wanted
to be nearer its lumber supply.
Spruce and Cedar are the woods to
be used. Tbe common point rail
road rates makes this change possible
since the product ts shipped east at
the same rate as it now goes from
Portland, and the factory Is released
from paying the freight on lumber
from down the river to Portland.
Aa Oakland, Oregon, paper pu b
llshed tbe week before Thanksgiving
haa this paragraph of the also of the
turkey market in Douglai County:
E. Q. Young A Co. are now dressing
4,000 turkeys for shipment to San
Francisco Saturday evening. This
la )uat the commencement of the
season. This shipment will Oil onri
car and will weigh 40,000 pounds.
Just think of ll? Twenty tons of
nice fat turkeys for the Thanksgiv
ing table. Almost every day farm
er are bringing In tbe birds, ami all
the extra men and boys In town aro
now earning holiday money picking
turkeys. Beckley Brother will also
ship a ennslgnment of about ten
tone of dressed turkeys and geeee to
Ban Francisco Sunday morning.