Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 29, 1901, Image 2

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KoMsW la lk poalofltoa HIUmuto, Or
mm tw inn mm Bum bummt.
iwiln, U minum, par Jmr, f LOO
HlLLBDOttO rUBUSUlttQ CO., Pr-ps
D.M.C.OACLT, Sailor.
FItlDAY, NOVKMBKll 23, 1901,
Last week it wan shown a dairy
man will receive don for hi mi
if old to a condensing factory Iban
when it U made into butter and the
product aold. Now it is deelred to
show bow much money the proponed
factory will bring to the farmers in
the immediate vicinity of the pro
poned factory. It wan shown that
' 'uu puuiiua of -pr 'cent uiiii' mi toe
Dreaeol butler Drive if 'Mold to the
condensing factory would bring
$1,376. The factory will buy i
minimum of 20,000 pounds per day,
ThU la worth 1275.20. That amount
of money cornea la every day. lu a
month of 80 days the amount distri
buted to the farmer id H25G.00 and
in 12 months or 366 ayH, for every
day is to be counted In this propoai
tion, the sum is $100,448.00. Be
wildering is it not? Can the same
farmers make that money on wheat
at 11.00 per bushel?
Now it is estimated that 1000 good
cows will furnish that amount of
milk. If a farmer has f0 cows his
income will be fifty onethousandths
or one twentieth of that sum or
6022. The farmer with 10 cows
will get one one-hundredth or
1004.48. Is there a farmer within
six miles of Iliilsboro who cannot
afford tj pledge the milk of 10 cows
when he Is certain of an income from
them of f 1000 per year?
Labor is a porlahable product. A
day spent in Idleneaa can never
be regained. Ton or fifteen cows
will be savings bank for the owner,
lie lean save his time which Is
llut the above calculations are only
for the minimum quantity of milk
The factory people want to double
the amount. If they get 40,000
pounds our farmers will get 1200,000
In return. The timid say "you are
not fair. You lake the winter season
when milk is highest." Well yes,
but the calculation Is made for a
seaaoa when there Is least milk. The
flow in I May and June Is a third
more, produced with lew labor. The
dairymen can take less money jr
100 pounds and have more meney
for bis out put, fur the eoadenclng
factory will be big enough to take
00,000 pounds per day. How many
years w,IU It take us to become a
wealthy comunlty if from $100,000
to $150,000 la poured Into our purses
each year? By no means can we
afford to let this proposition pass.
Continued from Firl I'aye.
. allowed the other side to accept or
eject our terms. During the time in
which I have been prominently con
cerned In our foreign relations, I can
say that we have been met by the
representatives of other powers In
the same spirit of frankness and sin
cerity, "As to the measure of success
which our recent diplomacy has met
with, It Is difficult, If not Impossible,
for me to 8eak. There are two im
portant lines of human endeavor in
which men are forbidden even to al
lude to their success affairs of the
heart and diplomatic affairs. But if
we are not permitted to boast of
what we have done, we can at least
nay a word about what we have
tried to do, and the principles which
have guided our action. The brief
est expression of our rule of conduct
is, ierhaps, the Monroe doctrine and
the golden rule. With this simple
chart we can hardly go far wrong.
"I think I may say that our Bister
republics to the south of us are per
fectly convinced of the sincerity of
our attitude. They know we desire
the proeiMwIty of each of them and
peace and harmony among them
We no more want their territory
thau we covet the mountains of the
moon. We are grieved and distress
ed when there are differences among
them, but even then we should never
think of tryiug to compose any of
these differences unless by the re
quest of both parties to it. Not even
our earnest desire for peace among
them will lead us to any action
which might offend their national
dignity or their Just sense ol Inde
pendence, We would eudow them
with all the consideration we claim
lor ourselves.
"As to what we have tried to do
that we are still trying to do In the
genrral field of diplomacy, there is
no reason for doubt on the one hand
or reticence on the other. President
McKlnley, in his messages during
the last four years, has made the
subject perfectly clear. We have
striven on the lino laid down by
Washington, to cultivate, friendly re
lation with all powers, but not to
take part iu the farmation of groups
"A positiuu of complete indepen
dence is not incompatible with 're
lations iuvolvtug not friendship
alone, but concurrent action a wall
lu iudfpo(ieiit t-tuergencic. We
have kept always In view of the fact
that we are a pre-eminently a peaoo
loving people, that our uatural ac
tivities are In the direction ot trade
and cooinitrcv, that the vast devel
opment of our industries imperative
ly deiuaudi (list we shall not ouly
retain ud coufiiui Our hold o our
preseut uiarkcH, but seek constantly,
by all honorable means, to extend
our commercial interest in every
practical direction. It is for this
reasou that we have negotiated the
treaties of reciprocity which now
await the action ot the senate; all of
them conceived in the traditional
American spirit of protection to our
own Industries and yet mutually ad.
"In the same spirit we have
sought successfully to induce all the
great powers to unite in a recogni
tion of the general principle of
equality or commercial access and
opportunity in the markets of the
Orient. We believe that a fair field
and no favor is all we require; and
with less than that we cannot be sat
isfied. We iiccept the assurances we
have received us honest and genuine,
and I certainly do, that equality will
not be denied us; and the rest may
be lett to American genius and tin'
ergy. W e consider our Interests in
the Pacific Ocean as great now as
those of any other ower, and des
tined to indefinite development
We have opened our doors to the
IKtople of Hawaii; we have acceptinl
the responsibility of the Philippines
which Provident) imposed upon us;
we have put an end to the embarras
sing condition in Hamoa, and while
abandoning none of our commercial
rights In the entire group, we have
established our flag and our author
ity in Tutuila. which gives us the
finest harbor in the Houth Heas,
Next in order will come a Pacific
cable and an isthmian canal for the
use of all well-disrsMed eople, but
under exclusive American owner
ship and American control of both
of which great enterprises President
McKlnley and President Koosovelt
have been energetic and consistent
champions, '
"Sure as we are of our rights In
these matters, convinced as we are
of the vision which has led us thus
far and still becons us forward, I can
yet assure you that, so long as the
administration ot your affairs re
mains la hands as strong and skillful
as those to which they have been and
are now confided, there will be no
more surrender of our rights than
there will be violation of the rights
of others. The President to whom
you have given your invaluable trust
and confidence, like his now immor
tal predecessor, is as Incapable of
bullying a strong power as he is of
wringing a weak one. He feels and
knows for has he not tested it In the
currents of heady fight, as well as in
the toilsome work of administration?
that the nation over whose destin
ies he presides has a giant's strength
In the works of war as in tho works
of peace. But that consciousness of
strenght brings with it no tempta
tion to do injury to any power on
earth, the proudest or the humblest.
We frankly confess we seek the
friendship of all the powers; we
want to trade with all peoples; we
are conscious of resources that will
make our commerce a source of ad
vantage to them and also profit to
ourselves. But no wantonness or
strength will ever Induce us to drive
a hard bargain with another nation
becanse it is weak, nor will any fear
of Ignoble criticism tempt us to in
sult or defy a great power because
it .is strong, or because it is
"The attitude of our diplomacy
may he found in a text ef scripture
which Franklin the first and great
est of our diplomats tells us pa sod
through his mind when he was at
the court of Versailles. It was a text
his father used to quote to liliu In the
old candle-shop In Boston when he
whs a boy: 'Heest thou a man dili
gent in his duxinee, he shall stand
before Kings.
"Let us be dil.sgent in our business
and we shall stand not crawl. n r
swagger-stand ss a friend equal,
asking nothing, putting up with
nothing but what Is right ami jut
among our peers, In the great ilemn-
cracy of nation."
There are strong Indications thst
the Chinese exclusion law, which ex
pires In May next, will le ro-enscted.
There is an urgent demand from the
Pacific coast that the harriers be kept
up, and nobody Is taking the other
side of the question with any enthus
iasm. When this nistter comes be
fore congress in the coming session,
some slight opposition may be made
by a few of the lvwtorn meinher
but there can I no doubt that the
exclusion will be renewed. This,
unquestionably, is the wise policy.
Qlol- Democrat.
Don't forget that
Broj., inrry a complete)
H. hulrin rkh
Utie of hard-
While Sehulmerich tiro., sold
more harvexting Implements this stu
son than a:iy r'fil dealer in the
Willauit-tto valiey, tiiey aie ul-o
leaders in pious, harrow and hi!
kinds ol torn o-id ( ri a farm. S,-
tiieir stock and rt prion if you utti
ariyUunyr in iheir line
Portland Markets.
Wheat Wall Walla., no mi mil .Wi
SCje; bluciciu, 6oc; valley, Ixi.
Flour best grades, l' tati.i ;! 50 per
barrel ; graham, f'J tiO. ,
Oats Ol.t, W0''$! per cental.
Harley feed, lio'" . li.io; brewing.
tlt .00 er ton.
Millmulis -hrun, I.Vil7; middlings,
ll'.H'i '.'0; short, li'" ! , chop, d6.
iiay Timothy, 1 1 r- 13; clover, $7'"
t'.i.SO; Oregon wild hay, " " per tun.
Dul'er Fancy creamery, 25(. L'7lc;
dairy, lS(u ale; stove, l-'Um l per pound.
Cheese Full cream twins, 131c;
Young American, Kilea 1 Ic per ixvind
t'oulirv Chicken. mixed. 2."0"t
3.00; hens, .'t.(Hh' S 50 ; dressed, 10
11c per iH.un.l ; -prints, lr'?.00i" 3.50 pt'r
dozen; dinks, $3 ior old; 3.00i 4.00
lor rounir: aeese. ti at t't per doen
turkeys, live. 10llc; dnwd, 10c'
Kike ir round.
.Mutton ljiniba, 3'4c, uross; lreed,
6i.(i'vc per pound , alievp, 3.2 , grOPS
drewed, tic per pound.
Hoiis tiro), heavy. filtli.5; liiilit
fM.75u'i; d rowed, 7c7'aC per pound.
eul - Miiiill, Hdillc; l irjie, i(7'
ix-r pound.
Beel (irM top utexTH, (tf.fiOcM (H);
cows ami heileni, .J.bO ; uroBixi
bw-f, itk at ttjc per Kiiud.
Hops lUl at liU; per jhmi ml.
WimiI Vnllev. II lit l:ilc: K.mtcrn
Oregon, 8 at liMe; mrhir, 'JO at L'lc lcr
pou nd.
Potatoes t S3 (d Ji.05 per Mtk.
Unions II, 25 c t.
5 -'''--.v
t '
M'l'lt't: Hi!! PI It !.! 'A'U
IV-pirii.i. ii t .f tin- I . 1 1-r : o r. I Z '"
..!Hi;'n. , rii.lfi,'j l'lTl.l'li:..,v, t f
it. '. lAll
t- '1 ...
KJi V A'V4' .Va' Wr-1lfcft
f. i:
A I Ml
'(.'!!(.!: is
.'i CI 1.:.
. t of i
T h 1 !
: a :
.. t..r ti.
.n i: ;i
.a t,
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ilK i
A I'liynlcian Teotillrs.
"I have taken Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure and have never used anything
in my life that did me tho good that
did," says County Physician Oeo.
W. Hcroggs of JIall C-ounty, On.
"Being a physician, I have prescrib
ed it and founn it to give the best re.
suits." If the food you eat remains
undigested in your stomach it decays
there and poisons the system. You
can prevent th's by dieting but that
means starvation. Kodol Dypcpsla
Cure digests what you eat. You
need suffer from neither dysopaia
nor starvation. Toe worst cases
quickly cured. Never falls. Delta,
drug store.
No Time (o Lose
You cannot afford to dtbrcgard
the warnings of a weak and
diseased heart and put oi? tak
ing the prescription of the
world's greatest authority on
heart and nervous disorders
Mae's Heart Cure.
If ynur'-,-.rt pnl'tr.tr:, Hutu.-,-"
or you arc short of breath, have
smothering spells, pain in left
side, shoulder or arm, you have
heart trouble and are liable to
drop dead any moment.
Major J. W. Woodcock, Olio of tho
be,.l kno n oil opT;itors In Uieeoim
try ilrnpperl ilruil Irotn lirttrt (1Uejio
rpeeitllv. ut Itl. home lu rrtl;iril, Intl.,
while moH lu; hl lawn. lft i'n-4.
Mrs. M. A. llirrfsall, Watkim, N. V,
wlios portrait heads this advertise
ment, ay: "I write this throtiirli t":.it
itude (or l-ne(iu 1 received f.nni l'r.
M let' llcait Cure. 1 h ul paiiiatmn
of the heart, severe pains unitr the
left shoulder, and my eeneral henltli
wa miserable. A few Imttlc of L)t.
M:les'IIeart Cure cured me entirely.
Sold tr all Drucitsts.
Dr. Mile Medical Co., Elkhart, Incf.
t u... i...
.nth ur !
i limji '.
cunt .nil
1. It
!i hp, 1,1
l il A;,
White Collar Line
M M "S a K s
I'OM f LHiiJA6 I
Iaily Uuund Trips eicei.t Sumlay
Leave l'ortl.i:i l
lavc A.-triu
....7 p.
!HoWu Surpfry tirjiftsscil.
"While suffering from a bad cast
of piles 1 consulted a physician who
advised me to try a tox of I Je Witt's
Witch IIhz.1 Hulve," says (i. V,
Carter, AtKnta, "I pr. cured a
box sn1 was entiri'iy turrd. 1i
Wilt's Witch lln.' I Salve is a splen
did cure for piles, civinc relief in.
stantly, and 1 heartily rccommciii.
it to all suflTerers." Surgery is un
necessary to cure piles. DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Halve will cure any
case. Cuts, burns, tiruise anl ail
other wounds are also quickly cured
hy It. lewara of counterfeits. J)i ita
Druu Store.
If you h ' t rt-trnlnr, lit!ir movomrnt of th
bowtU wi'rjr liv, uio Hi uv will Kwp your
bowola on. avii'l h well. Force, In trm hi of vUt-,
It'iit hynlo iir pill Klnon, Id ltir.-rnut. llm riinoth
tl, t'ddttftt, nioxt ii-rfi't ujr of ket-ilng Ihv bowel
tier avoa cwma w to imo
Plpftmant. PaiUtfihlr. Potent. Tlo Ooort. DoOoM,
Nt'ver Htfktn, Woiikon, r (IH-. 10, t. nd tt crntr
r nos. writo ior in- stiuiMt', na Dooauei no
in. Atiort'Mi
vritKUin kkukdt roup nt, nut ago t kiw toui.
one ot tne moat lielpiul books on
nci ve weuknes ever inel is that en
titled "Xervc Wimte." bv Ir. iawver of
Han r rancisco, now in its lit Lb tnouaand.
Thin work of an experienceil ami repu
table pliysii ian is in agreeable contrast
In the vast 10m of false teacliinir which
prevail on tlii intereatins autiiect. It
abounds in carcfullT considered ami
practical alvice and lias the two great
merits of wisdom and sincerity.
It ia indorsed liy both the reliciotia
and aecular press. The CiiieaR Advance
auy ; "A periikal of the book and the ap
plication of its principle will put health,
hone ami heart Into thoaannilx of lives
that are now suffering tlirougli nervous
I he book IS fl.00, by mail postpaid.
One ol the most interesting chanters
chapter xx, on Nervines and Nerve Ton
lea h been printed m-paralely as a
sample chapter, and will lie lent to any
address for stamp bv the nublisherc
Tn Tacific I'cb. Co., Lox 2fv81 San
r rancisco.
Dyspepsia Cure
Dioests what you eat
This preparation oonfaln9 all of tb
aigcstants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives Instant relief and never
falls to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The mostsensitlv
tomachs can take It. Ity Its use man?
thousands of dyspeptics have ben
Cured after everything elso failed. It
prevents formation of gas on the stom
ach, relieving all distress after eating.
Diotlng unnecessary, l'lcasant to taiba,
It can't help
but do you good
str1oriljrbr E. O. PrWm.i'n ChlrMf
wheal, buttle. C4)OUUn24 iljn.Wk- 5ft..
xtn it k loit rt itM(vv i'ior
IK'pHrtiiient of ;,;-rlor.
I. an o Office at Oiotoos City, Oiik.
IK-tnlwr lM, l'l'il.
the follo iiig-nained settler lian liled
uotiee t.f his intention to luuke linul prmf
in support of liia cliiiui, uud tlntt .kid
proof iillie Hindu beforu lleinler ,V lie
eeiver at Oregon City, Orenoll, un ite,ni
her7th, l'.HIl, ir. :
Jl'tiKi'H KKKl'K.
II. K. llunsfurtht) NW'.; of hoc. .11, T 3 N
K. a w.
Uu nullum tho following vtitneBae.i to
prove his continuous reanlenoe upon und
ciiilivation ol said land, vii:
Hubert ttvrviaa. of DUie Ota.
Jiimes Kickmun, of - . "
A T, Workman, o' " "
Allison J anniek, of "' "
t il AS. MOOIU', .
Jt-2i Rcgiater.
1 State
t'lucui r
of Oregon
I onnty.
Kul.ert T. 1'Litt, Ad
niiiiisirntiir ot the
estate of tTiriHlian
Toie. ileceused,
for VV ashill''t"li
lie! nee ii IVnllaiid. 1 lie Dalles uuil
tVaj l'iiiiils.
U'ave Cortland T:e-,, Thiiio..:
Arrive The Dalies, faun- day.
Leave " Si. ii., Wed ,1'ii
Arrive I'ottland, same day
at John
Santa Clans has made tho popul-.r
storo of John Dunnis' the licad
(iiarters in Iliilsboro this year for
his lariro lino of iroods containing
Toys, Bric-a-brac, etc.
In addition to iho fiiil iino ol "tovs
for thoyonni; folks ho has tin? most
lomploto lino of
China ware
Ever in the city. Ladies are re
quested to call and inspect' this
line. Xone so complete!.
i a. in.
') i. in.
r a. in.
-i V
This llmi'.e ha tlin (iramlest
eeuiu Attractions on Larili.
Landinix and llllicp; Fo-it Alder Slreit.
iioth Clioiie-i, Main ;'."t
J Oil .11. Hl.LOOX, nut Tl.e Dalles
A. J.TAYI.Oi:, agt A.noria.
J. C. W Y.lTf, a't Vancouver,
UOLI OitDi. VEILS, a-;tH White
1'iiVUii.K & iiti:i:s, ailU uHli
K. W. I KK IITO, net Portland
When you cannot rdn-p .rcUKh.
in):, il is hardly iicri .-ary Unit ny
one should tell you that you need a
few doses of t'haiiilierlain's Coiinh
Itemed- to allay tli Irtiinlion of the
throat and iiinUe leep pissihle. it
is Rood. Try it. For sale hy the
Dt-ltii drui; store.
riuintiuY, 1
Defendants. I
Henry C. Kneel,
CiaHH H. Mever.
Bertha W. Meyer,
Henry Knircl,
Anna M. r.iiKel,
1. H. Marlay,
To has. II. Meyer,
Anna M. Kneel mid 1'. It. .Marlav. delenii-
untM aoore nainel :
In the name of the State of Oregon vou
und each of you nre hereby sum
moned und required to enpe'r iin-l
make aiibwer to tlm conipli.int liled
aj-aniKt you in the above entitluu nuit
on or In'fore tlio JUth day ot iovcm!ei.
l'JOl, which is mil.se'iiH'iil to the expiral ion
of six weeks alter Octola-r lth, l'lOt, which
is the (lute of the ti rut publication of this
summotiH, it beine; prest'ribed in the order
lor nulilicatiou tttut simirnons he pulllh
ed fiir six suic, s.,ive weeks, und if von tail
to so appear und answer, plmntitl will :i)i-
ij w i no eonri ior ine renei nriiyeii ior in
Trade Mauks
Antrtiie wnrtlr.f s .fcntrh And dMrnnllon irtv
qnlrif nrtflin nnr ..i.iiiion frw) wlipfhor itn
lnTnfn I. prfhly f.meTttnhlo. I "nimnntrA.
tloiifi .irlrtlf nnn.l.ntliU. lliinifh.lt ,,n 'trim
nl 1 Hilnfft ivmrT fur Vtint', MlfnU.
rntetitN Mken throiufh Htunn Jk l u, ree.
in.l, Wlin.tut cli.riro. In thrt
n.MSuid eoinpl.iiiit, to wit For a judg
ment aeain.t the delendants CTaas il.
.Meyer. Henry (!. kiiKel and Anna M. Kmr-
el and luram.st each ot them tor the Mini of
luree thousand dollars with inieiet tbeie-
on at live per cent per ttnnu.u from March
JUth, lih, and for the further sum of three
hundred doll .ra iilt' rniy's lee in this
suit, and the sum of $ , 1.3s tnxet ar d the
cotn and di.slurscnif nta ot this suit.
i nut tne inortiie set out in the ooni
plaint he deereed to tie a tirst and para
mount lien o:i tae iiind in Bant coii,iilatnt.
defenhed, and that the name be -lore ose-1
and suid property sold according to law
and the pructicc of Ihls court, und the
proceeds of such s.ile le applied to the ex
penses of said sale, co&tr and diuurM
meiits of this siiii. to the attorney's fees
and to the amount found due plaintiff,
bald nioritf.ive wits exerated and deliv
ered by defendants C'laas II. M nr and
llertlia W Mover, his wile, to Christina
f ode. on the :'Mh lav of March, lv.14. re
corded in I'rHik t, puKe M, Iteeord.H of
MArti:u't'H ill VV'iLkli i i, ni in Count v Orcnti.
to secure the navment of the inifcbtednes
for which Juilno'iil is now d"iiiHiidrd, ,
which said iiiortrai;v i iriven to secure a
promissoi y note, fur three thousand dol
lars, payuhlc on or before .-even years from !
date, witli interest at ti vo percent and tori
said purpose comeyed t.aid land to naid !
Christian IimIh, ut wtiith note and inoit-
Itaire piaintilt is now the owner and ho der
as H'lmiuuilriitor of the estate ol l lin-n
lode, dit-ea-ed. the payment ol ft h'ch note
was assumed by Jetemtants, Henry C.
Kneel und Anna M. Kneel, to w hom .ud
laud wits sui'S.iientlx converci y Claas
U. .Meyer and wile;
That the real propeity conveyed by said
mortgage is .iituatcd in Wi.sliiinftoii ouo
ty, tlregon, und is described as lollow-,
Hie Sort I; west V'lartcr ( 1 , ) of bee. T lurty
(iOi, lown.-liip Two 12) Mi th ol limine
l-'our(tj Ve.tof the Willnmette Meridian,
said County and Mule, coiitiiiiuiiir one
hundreo and sixty acre.', more or le ;
And I'laintitt will further apply to the
court for a decree i-arriiiK and lore.-!oMiie"
yon and each of yo j and a y Kiid all per
sons claiTiinir or to claim by, troni or und
er you or cither of ou, ol anj fr .'n .ny
and all rinhi, title, interoM, lien or claim
of lien ore aity o, redemption in or to
...i.i ...... I ,.i
i n , ' 1 X " ' , . "!" "' , county
I ii i o rc v M i. 1. p 11 in iMiro mii-ii mii , v 1 1 i I
to jiii urilor ,r . I... II,,,, 1 I . -1 : r , . I . . I' '- .'
.ludfeot the above Hill led court ll.Ui
When you have no iippi'tito, do
not reliah your fiaal nml (eel dull
alter ulinir, you may know that
you need u dose of t'liiiiiiliirlditi'.s
StouiHcli and Liver TuhletH. Trice,
eents. S.impl..' free nl the l'lta
dru store.
"For three riHyn and nights I hh f
fered t;()tiy untold from uu utt'ick
of cholera morhiss hronht on hy
eatinir cuuieuinher-," nays M. K
Lowtlier, t lerk of Hie district court,
CViit-rville, Iowa. "I t!iouj;lit 1
should purely die and tried a dozi'i)
different inetlifinen hut ml to no j.ur
puse. I s-erit for a liot.li of ('hatn!).
erlaiti'a Coiie, L'iioU nt and Ilinri hoen
K 'liieily ami t'irce doses relieved me
entirely. Thit remedy i-t for onle
hy the iJeltu (iru' store.
Just a Little Cou"h
Jlut if you were to prolie the common cause of
most lung troubles, including consumption, you'd find
that they originated in "Just a'little Cough."
Do you know it's just as easy to get ri.l of that
little cough, or a bigger one, rs to keep on coughing'
Our "Cough Syrup" docs it every day in the week
Which would you rather keep, your cough or
the 50 cents that our Cough Syrup costs'
Which is Chen pei-?
The Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Any honest, intolligent di aroint or physician will t. l yo.i that nan-otic poisons
ich as opium, Iienhano, dwullv ninhtshiele o. ciK-aiiie ami meicnrv arts und have
lieen ainte the Durk A os use.1 in all Pile Medicine!, nnd that'sucn medication
really jieria'tuntes I'des, Venn Pile cure is not a relic oi tho Dark Ai?e.i, in-nce
contains no narootica or meicury, 6()00 Keward if n trace 01 any n irrotio or mer
cury can he fotidd in Vorns. All othern coiitu n narcotiis or inen urv. , n il ii
you dare ioohh barks. t50 liowanl if ecus fails to cnris MOV I-MHI nf I'.', d VV, r.t
casos eureu witn one imx 01 verua. tivor 10,000 permanent cure
J-ol.l 111 liidslKiro ty the 1 wentteth Century Store : .
ros in live years :
The Hillsboro Pharmacy,
Is the place to
buy Furniture
Cor. Main and 3d Sts.
Notice ,l Final Settlement
Notice is hen l.y given that, the uniiersit'ii
ed, administrator ol th- c-tat,' of l-.sther V
tiardner, d-c d, have I. led my iinal iiccoun.
as Uxeetitrix ot the Ks ate 111 the onnty
Court otV a.-liiiiLiion l oumv t'rL''n mid
that s ,ld Court h;;s n-t Monday, Hit. !ltll
l'"ll at lo o'clock A. .11. as the tune and
the county Court room 'o the phice for
henriii); oliirtiini t said account and
the iinal settlcinent c.f said Km ale.
Dated ul Ji dishorn, Ore., thin , tli day of
Adaiiuistrxtor 01" I lie. e.tatu of Kslher V
tiardlier, deceased.
otic nl' Fift 11 1 Ned lenient.
The underniLMi-d a loiinistratrix of the
eslHlenl John .-, (.n:lin,,liocHi.ed haM liled
hcrl111.1l iiceoun a-4 mil ti a I nun M r it - i x
in tlie county ' onn ol Uashini:! in i't.
,-I ' u ..111 r in ' ii'iii, 11:11 aj'poiniefi
t Monday ti.e .rd day ol lice, nn r. I'i.
., ! at lie hoor ot t en n'lini,,, in'orltie
i liearili:f ol sa d :jci ounl.
I I.lna Ku'inc. foni'i rly I.i !i.i I ; i ill. n. a !
. lllia Mlatux of the est.ii.' ul John .- urKllil
d'.-C.'aj' d, 7
St. Charles Hotel
1'roiit mill .M.irrlsoii SlrreU. I'urtlautl ()reciii,
Khx-tric :t.ihts, Klwti ie llella and Hydraulic Kli-vator
ode, Suites 'i. to 1. ind ltevtanra.it
t onnettloii.
Cive us a call,
Tl'l' lie
Ixiro rid ir mill i.n l
hi no prep-rt.d
pniprii tori t-i th-- HiM-
in' .'r f-.et
in m.'il," jour
and foul
cidiir and apph' hilt.'; 1
riiolinif ii ve m vi 1 1 1 ii
. reeulTf
jk in sing tm saw mw uaupi
Scientific Jlntcricait.
rttlnfton .f iut 'trfitnt f..tirnit. TV-ru
T'"i: f""ir tnt.tui,, , liy all rcwwlc'ilrr'.
MUNNiCo.'""'"' New York
Utmnmm uitom. m r Bt, vrsrtin!,, Ii.u
I Ot'tohrr ninth. 14 1
I ItAliKISOV 'i. PI. T r,
Attonuy for l'liiiiliil.
Date ul l.r't puhln alion, Uctole r l.h.
Acker's lij'pi psla lubleti are sol
on a po.ttive piiiiraiit'T. Cures heart-ruin
raising id the food, distress after eating u:
nny torm ol dysp.p.ia. One little tahli
Rives iniii oli.nc rein I. ii its, and CO cla
ihe Delta DniK btore.
, llfler
that date
Trciisjirer'i .ti'e.
Comity irorants of ' asl.iiu-ton
slate nt Oni'uii. faidorsct N.,t
w i;,t "I luirl-'' l" lor t 1 ( et
l.will 1-e d.l" ami poaol" on and
and inleicjtt :.l ca.-e at
jj 100 Hon nit at 2. to
T' .1." t I
!.OiM)i.rit CHANDA
Co. 1 retiaurFr
Tin, ("upper nml Sioi t Iron Work.
AH work pr.ui tly done.
(iiinineiii'intr Kept. 5th, next
1 httr-day, the rail road faro hetwnen
lllllshoro and Han Francisco will lie
Jfi.Rj with b rehate of 7..r0. Thla
drs s not include Bleeping berth. The
('eond elans) fare including bt rth in
tli.H3 wiih a relmte of tl.00.
ir1 HiT.
( linn,:
. .
Hon IliN;
We ntVcr One lluiidie.l J:(,!.
caie of Catarrh l, ,t
iireii nr Hall's Catarrh 1 ore.
r. 1 . ill, nr. 1 a t 1 1., Ii,,ps , I ., ,. ,
tne nnnersiiMi"!, have km wn
I henry for the last I., ve ils, and li.di
nun perleetiy liono ahie n, ail l,Us,s
tlHlisactloiis. and linai.ci.olr alii to ci v
out liny olili -at kcis ma.ie I v t ..lr i.ini
S rsr .V l max. M..,;,.,ai,. i,
I oledo, () '
"O.I1O11, K is v ,v .S;
DrneKi'ts. inl do. 11
1 1 ...1- ... . . . .
aiarrn .uiu l tak.-n 1 1 1 1
m:vi, holes 1,.
actum directly i.poii H,- 1,1
snr aces 1,1 tne n'li'in, I'm
tie. Mild hy a I 1'lia-els s
1. a'
'le t,
i I iilia.o
per Ii .t-
:t: "ii , 1 s
Hall's Family p ,,. ,,, .
llixhy's K-.yal Toii.-h n-doro-t colur
and fiUmt to Iti'lH'' hp. r !. i i I
black mIh and I- rot injiii :ots, If
there were any .t tti r ooda tl,o
Ui'H would have th tu.