Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 29, 1901, Image 1

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    -V I .- Li U
i -a v a
No. a3
Vol. XXIX.
ttl vr- oFrioicuH.
T. T. Ur
O oniir
8 -orowry ut HUM.
if. I. Dunbar
Cbe.S. Mow
Ofaaa. K. WolTerton
H,reiiM I'oort
IT. A. Hear
T. A. Mot-fide
Alt.rney Uiatrlot . Harmon Allen
county oiokiuj.
. , L. A. Uod
,ttJ V j. U A. Voun.
Ouuiiwtouera 1 K.J. Wrd
,,,,,, Geo. A. Mornaii
n &V..".v. JthT"
.v:..::.:oei m.
H ,h.l Hat.erinlendeut J"
Surveyor , , vill
CIiuh. II. Muores ..
Wm. Ualloaay.
.t. A. Bailey, Mayor
.....John Korthrup
J, V, 'lameiaie
"" . Jihn lVimia
'V K.C. Urown
... John Milne
,m....Wm. Beuaon
...lien ton How man
Ham'1 Rveriti
V I Atklniioii
" u li'.arilt
Hoard t Tttnteeav
1 raaanrer
luittiM of faae J
The o.MIe U at th. UUUboro Port
UMft Dnl...
Mill, 7rJ0a.ro.
lis ..d.,-o".
"rffl ar'mtuaton and Lanr. daily at U
IvMnm and fifth etrneta. FreexjUmK
bntb aohooi at 10 o olooa a. m. j
a.oettn Tburoday ",
Kveryon. -ordtall, Paator
' 1 . ' ""' -runraday eveuln;
, UirwiH ...
1 lulpbe, I'aator.
Mt CHUUOH, B. H. Oreenlee.paior.
JaobrnBaery Habbath n"n
f,.mmabhib Jbool ary ttabtath at
K.rlu.aTanina. LendW and Btewarda
111 KISTI AN CHUnCH.PrMhliigltM
I mid4ilioaiiday In each mouth at 11
im. i'rayer J-dfn Thurad.y .Tening,
fbrUtinn ')3BifBK 1'a.tor.
llauRhtrri af Itfbeknh.
M, 1 O U K, meet in Odd tcllowa
Hull ery Baturdny enlig
M. WA.
eVTry 2nl and 4th Hatnnlay niKht, at
Wobreng'i halt.
A. O. 11. W
W.. Meau every Brat aad third
Kriday efeninx aaob month.
I f H.
nd and th He'-idayaof eaeh nwotb.
I. o. . .
Wednaaday eveninK at a omoea.m .".
F. Uail. Viaitora made treloonia.
Uriel-" f lUnai.
1 W., meet. In M ehrunna' hall etert
brat and third Friday anln of eaob
Katkbaae (Uatera.
1 meetn etery nd and th Krlda. In each
monlb at 7;30 o'clock In Wehrnng'aHalU
k. r r.
L opeta in Mawnle Hall on Monday
fvenm of eaeh week. Ho)owninc brethren
loomed lo lodiia nMetlna.
a. r. a. M.
i itw uimn vri a A n a a. If
1 meeta envy Hatarday niht on or after
oil aiooa or ea wiu.
O. E. H.
. i . -r, m iu ipTin tin n (V R
J nieelH at Maaonto Temple en i he fnd
til l in lueeuey oi u.
. i ffTn in nnn rri Tinrn ml.t. ftS
INI i lie liietand third Kridayaof ech
mcntti. at a.uuo ciora. p, .
t.1. KAMSOM PlWT, SO. 69, . A. B
the liret and third Hatnrday of aaob
nioutb, at lUwn chirk f. m.
Mount Ua Utnp irturMi t the
IKDEPK5DCNT offlr, 1 d And
Lalf for ft cM.
Nutary Puhlic.
TH.K m E, B .TMW' V,..
A tobnkys.at.uw,
brnoa: ttoouii U, 4, 5, Moman Uluoa,
Ovruni Oantral Hloea. Boom! and I.
UlLLUiiOltO, UUKoJn.
Urrioa: Itooma and 7. Morgan bloab.
Orrira: Over Delta Drug Store,
Baily-Motgan Block, IUkiims 1 A 2
tt. T. LISKLATEK, M. H. t. M.
of court
ti..n. i,JMhaaiii bs found at all noma
whoa not viaitmii patient.
nrnr Third
and Mam Blreeta. Oftioa boora, 8U V 111
a. m., 1 to a aud ? to p. m. ieiei.
rMidratae from Brook A Hela Dnmatora at
11 hnnm. All eaila Dromptly attendafl,
dikUI or day.
unM...n.ii.. ttliwk. nn ataira.
roouia 12, IS and 16. Keatdenoe, b. W. Cot.
Haae blue ana neeona k"r- . ,.
J. E. AltKINM.
Or rut Ilouua : 0 a. m. to 4 :30 p. m.
Offica in Uuion block over Pharmacy
tt.trt. U1 teeth IS.M oer act. Cement
and Amalxam fllllnK ) centa each. Gold
iillintca from 1 up. Vilalued air for paiu
Iomi extraction. n . .
Ovrioai three doora gem oi nnm
tor. Offloa boura front a. m. to p. m.
The IiIkhI trip to the Mat during
the heat of Hummer to via the Rio
Urande Weatora aud Denver A Rio
QrandM Ruilroadx, the,, far-tamed
"Scenic Line of the World." The
extremes of temperature are never
met, and tiiwnrere are euro of hav
ing a delightfully cool ride through
the Heart of the Rocky Mouutaiiw,
and a view by daylight of scenery
which is nowhere suroaneaxl.
If desired, a atop enroute may be
niade at quaint and picturemjue
HnltLake City, the "City of the
Hnlntu," Olenwood Spring, Lead,
vllle, Colorado Springs, Pueblo,
Denver, or any intermediate point.
There are threw daily train leav
ing Salt Lake City for all .point
east, which have clone connections
from the Northweat via either O. R.
A N. 00 or the Southern Panne Co.
These trains are equipped with
Through Sleeper (Standard and
Tourint,) Free Ilwlining Chair Cat
and a perfect Diuing Car Service.
Personally Conducted Kieursions,
In charge of competent and courts
ous mansger!, are run several limes
a week without rhange of cars to
Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St.
Lotiis, Chicago, Buflaio, New York,
ftnrton and all eastern cities.
Tickets are on sale at all Railroad
Ticket offices. For further Informa
tion and cheapit rates, apply to
J. D. Mansfield,
General A gent,
124 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Base ball players should ue The
Delta Liniment, as it cures sprains
and bruises, toughens the hands and
keeps the fingers auple.
The Giinmaker
Off Moscov
A iumiii ur, tilt count iind his sec
ond arrived and tho horra had boon
secured the lieutenant proposed that
they should repnir to. the building
which was close ut hiin.l. This was
a large open lv.nt house which wns
nniisetl nnl deserted in tlie winter,
and it was promised to go in thero
been two the n'rtiM-tion of tho strong
sunlight from tho bright Fnow was
calculated to blind imil blur tho cyo.
"Iln! What ineniift that?" uttered
Orsa na he anw a cledc just turning
the bend of tho river with an olficer
in it.
"It is only a surgeon," replied
Dnmnnofr. "I would ' not rut n
innn's (lesh without pivinj him a
fair chance to survive it."
"And then yon mny find him
serviceable to yourself, eh?" sug
gested the lieutenant. t
"Of course. There is no telling
Trhnt may happen."
In a moment more the new sledge
came up, and Ituric recognized its
inmate as nn nrmy surgeon whom ho
had seen before, though ho knew not
his name.
"Now for tho old boathouse,"
cried Urzcn.
"Aye," added DamonolT. "Let us
have this business done, for I would
be back to dinner. I dino with Olga
today, and a fair maiden awaits my
"Notice him not," whispered Or
sa, who walked closo by Kuric's side.
"That is ono of his chief points
when engaged in an affair of this
kind, lie hopes to get you angry
and so unhinge your nerves."
"Never fear, returned the gun
maker. "Bo suro ho only brings
new danger to himself, for such ef
forts will find their i point in the
musclo of my arm."
Tho party halted when they
reached tho interior of tho rough
structure, and tho count threw oil
his pelisse and drew his sword. Ita
lic followed his example.
"Sir count," tho latter said as he
moved a step forward, "cro we com-1
menco this work I wish all present
to understand distinctly now I
stand. You have sought this quar
rel from the first. Without the least
provocation from mo you havo in
sulted mo most grossly, and this is
the climax. So, before God and
man, bo tho result upon your own
head." '
"Out, lying knavo" ' f
"Hold, cried tho surgeon, laying
his hand heavily upon tho count's
arm. "You have no right to speak j
thus, for you lower yourself when
you do it If you havo como to fight,
do so honorably."
An angry reply was upon Damo
noff's lips, but he did not speak it
Ho turned to his antagonist and
"Will you measure weapons, sir?
Mino may be a mite tho longest I
seek no advantage, and I havo ono
here of the same length and weight
as my own if you wish it"
"1 am well satisfied as it is," re
plied Ruric.
"Then take your ground. Are you
"I ami"
Tho two swords were crossed in
an instant, with a clear, sharp clang.
There was so mo contrast between
the two combatants, but not much
apparently. Tho count was a little
tho toller, and Ruric was somewhat
heavier. But to a close observer
there was a peculiar contrast in tin
bearing of tho two men. That
breast swelling out so nobly and
those massivo shoulders, mado for
the seat of physical power, were Eti-'
ric's alone to possess. Yet Conrld
Pamonolt was accounted a strong
man. In tho athletic sports of tho
court club he had few superiors and
not many equals. But Rurio Ncvcl
had never shown his strength there.
Now, for the first time, that con
temptuous lok passed, from the
count's face. As his eye caught his
antagonist's poxition, as he notic
ed the calm, dignified, quiet ease
of every limb and as ho caught the
deep, mystic fire of those exprcssivo
eyes he knew that he bad no com
mon amateur to deal with.
At length Conrad PamonofT start
ed back, and a quick cry escaped his
lips. His antagonist's point had
touched bis bosom. It had pressed
against his heart and had not been
driven home. Well he knew that his
life was his no longer, for tho gun
maker had gained it and spared it.
,"You fence well," he gasped,
struggling to regain his composure.
"You are not a novice," returned
Ruric calmly, at the same time al
lowing his point to drop.
"Como on," the.count ttered,
now garnering ui 1" energies lor
another effort.
And again the weapons were
crossed. This tinia IinmonofI was
more- guarded. Before he had been
imjicllcd by his own asnuriince, but
now ho was forced to regard his op
ponent's power. 11 uric quickly
found that tho other was iuoro care
ful than at first, and he carried his
own point accordingly. At tho
twelfth stroke the count made a
feint to the left, then at the thmnt,
and then, with a quick, lightning
liko motion, ho brought his point to
his antagonist's heart. But his
meaning had been read from the
first by Ruric. Tho youth caught
tho motion of tho eye, and bo saw
thut his heart was the place looked
to. His own movement was ulmost
instinctive. He received his antag
onist's sword midway upon his own
blade, thon moved his arm quickly
forward and caught tlio point under
his cross guard ; then, w ith ull his
power, he wrenched his nrin upward
and backward, and tho count's
sword went flying across the build
ing. It struck the opposite wall
with a dull clang, and tho next in
stant it was half buried in the snow.
"Fear not, sir," 6aid Ruric os the
count started back, with both hands
raised. "I never striko an unarmed
Pamonoff's arms fell to his side,
and a deep blush of shame mantled
his face.
"By St. Paul," cried the surgeon,
"your life is forfeited, sir count,
and now you should be satisfied."
"No, no," the discomfited man ex
claimed, starting up with rage and
mortification. "That was but a slip.
'Twns a false step, a etwardly feint.
I am not overcome."
"But, man of mortality, even now
your lifo is Nevel's. Ho may run
you through now if he chooses."
"But ho hns not," the count cried,
springing to where his sword had
fallen and snatching it up.
"Sir count," hero spoke Ruric
calmly, but with marked contempt,
"you should not blame mo' for what
I have done, for thrico have you
tried to break my sword."
"Then try it again!" Pamonoff
returned. "Take my sword again if
you can."
"Perhaps not," our hero retorted.
"But bo suro your sword shall be
used no moro after this day."
"Ha! Brag not, but striko. If
you can"
Tho conclusion of tho sentence
was drowned by tho clash of stccL
At the second stroko the count
mado another furious thrust at his
antagonist's heart. Ruric sprang
quickly aside, and with tho whole
power of bis good right arm he
struck Pamonoff's blade closo to tho
haft and broke it in twain.
"My other . sword, my other
sword I" tho count shouted, now
blinded by absolute madness. "Oh,
givo mo my other"
"Hold! cried both tho surgeon
and Stephen Urzcn in concert "You
arc mad, Conrad." .
"Mad? Oh, I shall be mad!
Where is my sword?" the reckless
man yelled, casting the bladcloss
pommel down.
"But will you not listen one"
"Away, I say ! Shall I give up be
cause my sword is broken? By tho
gods, tho weapon deceived me.
Whero is the other?"
"Deceived tliee, Conrad?" repeat
ed tho surgeon sarcastically. "By
the Holy Uhost, had thy head but
received A hundredth part of tho
blow 'twould not bo upon thy shoul
ders now 1"
But the count was beyond all rea
son. In his madness ho saw not that
his sword had been broken on pur
pose. He did not sec that he had
been at bis antagonist's mercy. But
his friends saw it all.
"Ha I Whom have wo here ?" cried
Alaric, whoso eye had caught a dark
form at tho entrance of the old
It was Vladimir, the monk.
"How now ? Wlin t seek ye here ?
isked TTrzen as tho fat, burly mock
-addled toward the pnrty.
"I heard the clash of arms, my
son, as I rode by, and I stopjied to
see what it was. Surely win re the
work of death is going on u child of
the holy church of od may come."
"Aye," cried the count. "Come in
and welcome, but meddle not. Now,
my sword, where is it ?"
Iicluctnntly I "rzen brought for
ward the second sword, but ro he
gave it up be said :
"Beware, Conrad. You had better"
The greatest sale ever known in
Waahington county will be conduct
ed tU ilio V.'. Ti.' JtxkMU 4o4 kou(u,
Mala street, op;x.it Tualatin Hutel.
The stock eoiiiU of dry gooda, fan
cy gootU, hosiery, underwear for
gents, I ttd ie and children, ladies'
eklrtri, shirt waists, underskirts, com
foriM, blanket, rhirts, overall, Junip
ers, clothing and all kindx of furnish
log goodi-; In fact, we have too many
goods to mention all. Talk atx.ul
your price! We have put the prices
down on them during this sale that
it will astoninh you. Just thiuk ol
it! Skirls we havo from 85 cent up;
we have sltrta for (1 each, worth
$2.60 comforts from 25 coots up,
blankets, Co cents up; underwear
Uotu -o o uti imuit ilom 4i up.
You should hot misa this chauee
ot buying your goods during this
sale, as you wi'l mi ve from 35 Jo CO
per cent on each dollar. We have a
large stock nf mh1s and we must sell
them out as quickly as possible. Do
not wait ti l tho Uat hour. The sate
will commence Nov. 27th and eou
iiuue till Saturday night, Dec, 7th.
You cannot allord to watt too long;
the sootier you come the better; you
will have tirst choice of the many
bargains. Wo invite everybody to
come and look over our good. You
will 88 for yourself what we are
offering. We remain yours for low
prices, J. S. Una & Co.,
Hillsbofo, opposite Tualatin Hotel.
Soiiietliiutc Xew I'udcr
The Nan.
All Doctors have tried to cure
catarrh by Uio use nf powders, acid
gaam, inhalers and drugs in paste
Program Tor Cowl Ceacbers Institute.
ti U mi it Tmtot9, nowntber jo, m
General Discussion '
Literature in the Public Schools.
Arithmetic .' '
School Room Sanitation
General Discussion
How Can the School Room be Made More Attractive
Methods of Teaching Primary History... Prin. S. C. Sherrill
School Management : Prin. J. H. Stauley
Cjuestion Box.
Session begins at io oo o'clock a. m: and closes at 4 00
o'clock p. m.
The presentation of each of the above named subjects
will be followed by a general discussion of the same.
The presence of teachers, school officers, patrons and
all others interested in education is earnestly desired.
County School Superintendent.
trm. Their powders dry up the
mucuous membranes causing them
to crack open ami bleed. Tho ow
erful acids used In the inhalers have
entirely eaten away the same mem
branes that their makers nave alin
ed to cure, while pastes aud oint
ments cannot reach the diseaHM. An
old and experienced practitioner
who has for many years made a clone
study and specialty of the treatment
of catarrh, has at last perfected a
treatment which when faitlUuliy
used, not only relieves at once, I Hit
permanently cures catarrh, by re
movlne the cause, Htoppiiur the dis
charge and curing all in Hum million.
It is the only remedy Known 10
science that actually reaches' the af
flicted parts. This wonderful rem
edy is known as "Snufflos, the
guaranteed catnrrn cure" ana is wiiu
at the extremely low price of one
dollar, each package containing in
ternal and external meuicliie sum
cient for a full month's treatment
and everything necessary to tt- per
fect uae.
Snullle" Is the only perfect catarrh
cure ever made and is now recognis
ed aa the only safe and punitive euro
f.r that annoying ana ux?uiting ui-
ease. It cures an uinaiomacinn
quickly and permanently add-is niao
wonderfully quica Kf reuevu nay
fever or cold in the heayl
Catarrh when neKierren ottoti leaus
to W.n-amptlon-Sofflen ? il s.v-
wdinary"Uremefy. but it eoinjele
tnvtment which la nosiUvely vuar-1
arcteed to cure catarrh In any form
or stage uuseo accoruinaw, o -
reel ions which aecompitny enen
iw.n't iIpIhv bur at nl for it 1
atoncarxl write full pjrticulars as ,
to vour condition anl yiu wiU re
ceive special advice from the discov
erer of this wonderful remedy re
garding your case without cost to
you h-yuiiJ tho regular prii o of
"SuullW tho .'girtranteed c:arrh
Sent prepaid to au - xddr. -s in the
United Stales or t'siiai't on r"--i ( t
nrCii lionar.' ".AiitiVrcVlrpV.
EJwIn It. OilesA Company,
and 23;Ji Market Street, I':ul-
Portland now has a 21 f-K t chin .
nel through theColumli a rivet. LhH
vear a 30 foot channel wms t'm-.ht
to be possible and adept'.i that would
sati-ry the port or roruan.i ior ineie,
are other jiorts with !" fhsn
of water. Now Ihe demur. J it f r a
40-loot channel. St-e'ng thst f ;i I sr
at the mouth of the river li:n sin -led
a ri'-er channel of the depth now
wanted swms to belriihe naiuuof
an e'ephsut.
A new remedy lor bilinirr-nP'W
now on sale the Delta t u stor
It U called Chamberlain's Kiomsch
sud Liver Tablets, It gives quick,
relief and w II prevent thu attack if
given as soon as the first indication
of the disease appears. Price, 25 cts.
r box. Samples free.
At a banquet eaten in New York,
last week, John Hay, secretary of
sUte, spoke on the subject American
Diplomacy. From thst speaker, and
considering surrouSiing circum
stances, the sentiments uttered by
the distinguished diplomat may I e
considered as tho policy rf tM-t !
ministration, as v;e'l as a !ati'i'-ut
ol what has teen the the polity of
the nation. The speech bus ni.!e a
profound Impression in Europe,
Dnglihh statesmen coinmeuil it. Mr.
Hay alter eulogizing Presiil.'jt Mi
Klnley, said:
"I dare to come to you her-e'
you have asked me, and he (McRIn-
: f
...The New Text-books
.....Prin. Merton Chance
Prin. J. II. Stanley
........Dr. J. P. Tatniesie
ley) would have wUhed it, for be
held that our persouH fee'lngs should
npyer lie considered when ih'ey con
flict with a public duty. Aui if 1'
Ml imme.sur.bly I mIow the st.id. (
ard to which he hss a. ,,,-t,,,,,..! you.'i, as ,tf'oih
ine very comparisons you 'ckkb win
be a trihu'e to his memory.
"I am asked to say Hometliing
about our diplomacy. You want
from me nothing but the truth, and
yet, If I eoofine inynelf to lhe ti Jth,
I cannot help feeling that I nha'l do
my profession a wrong in the mind
of thoae who have been in tlie habit
of considering diplomacy an occult
science, as mysterious ps alchemy
And as dangerous to mors1! n rncni.
cipal xliti's. It must be admitted
that this conception of the diplomat
ic function is not without a certain
historical loundation. There ws a
time when diplomacy was a science but when nn a-tertion comes from
of intrigue aud falsehood, of traps 'one u ln ti. s nothing but buyfiuit
and min"S and countermine-i. It ! (r one the b-t msrkets in the
nnty .e another Inataneo .i . tiint j w-.-ld, o:cj a l" r.'.tbJttaT than
credulity with which I rave be.-, 1 put u d 'i; ..9 1 m -.Id lu-t. erpecially
charged by European critics hen I when tin ' cm be no motive. Hur
the world : rj'i ior 'iiheiii ( .cgon's apple.!
haa mowed onward in ditrloniacy as
. h.r lutu(el4 ju Uly pi( crieni e
wh'ch n ,w
.more years than 1 like .0 look back
iinon. and in the far grester ret ord
wf Americst dir.loins. , b 'ti
, ,.udiei, j
(-i.ri ay
. .. ,k ,
without hesitation that
generally told ajur What e n
ed, announced early in neg.ft.or,s
What we were willing ti giv, aid
Continued oft cviul I'aj '.
.uvys or rut: state.
Evaug !L-t Marshall is holding
t i .'c-m'lI go.-fel uieeilugs In tba
ii'u2i;ii" lufifioOi.-s rtiurenr"
Tlie u .t 'A rains have been thank
fuOy w i ivt 1 .by the miners about
Grant's p.s., Ti. r Is great activ
i'y t'.iere. , .
Multnomah connty employs thirty
:-'i,-ksnn the V.Ml tax loll. It is
cluiuied th roll will be model aud
m murh wo.,f hHr(.HfUr
O':o Uu. .c? U. Evars is in Jail at
U u ':h mm i iiii'ityou the charge of
p.i-i.:.' a bnu check on a Canby
"dlooii kt iptr. " Roth go together, as
iui;:lit te f X,ected.
J dependence nominates a clti
ss'ii'muiiicipMl ticket this year.
t-.i re i-'i( ure not strenuous ana me
inuri-t i'i the city fleet ion does not
ju-tity t oiv'tiou of the forces.
i ti- Unim.Ua county wheat grow
( r are holding their wheat for ItO
j.i-r l u lid. Tlie price, IhsI week,
n.ni d tUiovu V cents, and they rea
Luiisbly lout for their price. .
An srioiivrnous letter writer at
Pendleton is sending accusing let
trr to ladies of that town, telling
vht-. I tin ir hushsnds did while the
wives tverc at lh "springs." The
p !:.(. sro investigating.
Tin' (Vntiueiuul mine, at Myrtle
I IWk, D.iual.i.s county, considered a
I Viiiu.iMo pp-perty, has been sold for
v!V!!0. Three years ago the mine
j wi i.'o'.jl,! for $S(J. Th developed
I mint' p-.iys $5 per dsy t the mail.
Oik' i. 'iu Dmvis, living on Snake
Itiver, in li'ker county, has neon
convicted In tho U. S. court on the
clii.'ire t mrtirj? some apple and
!eacli brstidy la-t summer, which he
sold tohi.i ii i:;htors. Hewsssen
u nccil I'lutvu a t -iiii of five months
iu Jm'I Hnd to psy.a tiueof 300.
D.'t'i Hoiton, the Well known Port--ind
t."'i' iiibit slipped and fell one
ily hist wi'oU. 'striking' his head on
the. stone curb. 'His skull was frao-tc-wJ
iiud ,t hft hiiri was so bad that
he- died a d-ty later, He was perhaps
tho best known hotel man In the
state. - " ' ' 1
Thi, Ysqu!na. Bay Coal and Oil
CoV steatii dri'1 outfit iias ' begun
operations on the 'fitsnton farm,
thiec 111 1 is north of Toledo. The
eompany has a Key .-tone driller out
fit and s-o rrepnr!ng to make a
2,000 foot puncture.
Tho Southern' Oregon Oil Com
pHny'HiIi.'t ontinue.1 its good work
ot the will east of town and has
been . nuking excellent progress
aiucu tlie . now steel Jsrs were at
Inched to too drilling machinery,
last we k. At noon today the drill
had eo' tra'" ) the various strata to
a Ucpt 'i ol l7i) ftct and all the
proiui.-tiug indications, seepages of
oil wiili ptrtine liBe, ele , have
c t!'.iun'il uii-.i the management is
iu riiioug laiili of soon striking the
oil cuidH thst tvrTry lhe "mother
lode" of tbo greasy fluid. TidiDgs.
Sid'icv t'pp-adlKirough', eon of Mr.
Spre::(iliro"oh, who lives on'-a part
of i'i" ItU iiVr l Arthur donation, br
yoii'l t'.'hi -rville, this' county, was
-bet nn 1 ittuntly k"lel last Sun
d.iy wb' e ilttctc huntihg on the Co
IcT.hla b-itfoTi, tweeti Pdrtland
and Vancouver. The decea'"l was
in a I ' ii'tj Bti!ts jut In the rear of
me over, Banks
jv -t as lim omfr r.i'seti w sncan.
The r '; ; un a'niot fou'ehed the
head iind . the 'charge made" great
hoi", cio-'tv in-'t-'nt drsih.
.'A ffiiit buyer or tb London mar
ket, who wji in .roiirord last week,
11: n 1" an a s-ition that might se-m
s'nliirt 'ous to many of. us who are
oot liiiL;:;yr with the conditions of
j in -u
1 V'.t ,
.whin. The as-t lion was
uir- trmt. the Rogue River
'i si utlicru Oregon, United
St itmnf A'uericu, produced a ew
ton .J '.ppiii apple that weld not be
e')Uii;' J .n place In the world.
Get, Iu' t::P wot id is a big place,
Sn.-'? .t w'-;,r with i whole
w .ri i a
' i,,-..,-i- ol
'iinpetit ii. There are
a. re.1 ,f land in South-
;.,n (n-g-,.. wl.id, will prodjc lho
;;.;,: , ai. 1 j:".n wl.ich there Is not a
I.fru.t l e glowing
T'aat borticuU
ture 1 a pron'tiile pursuit in nonin-
era f '.11 U no' rpie-iione I by p0-
p.e wi.., I.jvi iin I here for the past
five ' so i hue ri'if'd the im-iucu-1
atu iiiiit of ui'iuey made by
the t,to :H. Mlv"l