MILLSBORO INDEPENDENT gatom) la tbe p.4otBoe HUlaooeo, Ore. Uaawaa-lrt-w. "Wane. P '" 11.00 HiLLnuoao rcBUauisu to., Propa D. U. 0. OAULT, EJUuf. FRIDAY, NOVEMBEll 22. UILL8BQBOS OPPOUTWITY. There Is no bulne in Wa-ulntjton county that U more certain 01 pruu ..M. return, than the condensed inllk proposition now preeeutinir tu ' rumen. Money every month and poeltlon acrutinixed, the more favw able It appears. Examine the figure. The com pany offer. to guarantee ten cent a for milk more than the but r.rr-tuct of the milk la worth in .1.. inland market. At thi-date according price cur. rent butter H 27 J cento per pound.The coat of manufacture, Ireigni cuiuumw lon etc la Ave cent per pound, m that the patron get- 22J cent- per pound when hi butter U auld. Mind the last .statement "when aold." The farmer geU no tuouey for hla milk till the butler made from it 1 ld and the money collected and nturu- One hundrod ed to the creamery. pound- of milk testing 4 per cent will make -4.64 pounu- u .. Portland now this butter U worth $1 276 and that sum U the Worth of the 100 pounda of milk. But the milk factory proposes to pay not l than 10 cent-more hence the price of 100 pounda 4 per cent milk at the factory in HUtaboro b 11.376. But the farmer doe- not get 11.276 for hla milk at the creamery because be ha- to pay 6 cents per pound for manufacturing and marketing which la 23.2 ceni a. So that the 100 pound of milk nets but $1,044. The gain when -old to the condensing factory 1- !U76 le $1,044 or 33.S cent-. That gain la re gpectable to eay the least. The risk. When milk is delivered to the condensing factory It 1- -old, and the condensing company isas much obligated to pay for what it ba- taken as the mill man when he buys a wagon load of wheat. The farmer doe- not have to take the rl-kof the Portland market or the faithful accounting of thecomml- inn house. Th. .fahllltv of the factory i- manent. The company invest- 50,- aaa ..t tha farmer who hs a neru . . .- k.a at2.-0 tied up. The OI iO OJWi M " i.nA .n.t buildings on the farm are not considered. They remain If the businesa changes. But which par y will strive mt earnestly to remain In business he who has $50,000 In .nrtl. or the other who has 11200? Put In the graphic statement of one ofourcltlxena-I can get out oi i dairy business and sell my eows easier and quicker than the company can break up its factory and move away." It aeems to the Indkpkndbnt that here la an opportunity to get what we have been longing for- a pay-roll and a market for tne iarm products. Have we me unD promote the undertaking? to 8KLFISU PORT LA NIK Tillamook for some purposes is the richest county In the state but lac of transportation keeps It at the foot of the ladder. Easy and qutcx trans portation will make a thriving com munity out of a section lacking in many natural elements of wealth. But Portland or rather a few men Just now In authority seem not to re cognize this elemental fact. The street committee of the city council refuses to allow a railroad to use its streets for laying track and thus keeps out a transportation line that would contribute a large volume of business to the city. The electric road that is anxious to build Into the northern part of this county has te.-n blocked because the clt council will not let the road through the streets. Washington county will give right of way to the line whero It atrlkes our borders conditioned only that dlDtch be used lo hasten ini th construction of the road. This company will not be permitted to keep out other lines of a like na ture. It must either build itseii or it .me one else. But Portland will lot no one build. The country to be opened up is a rich one especially In minor freights, such as milk, butter, poultry ami Doultry productions. The line would not be a competitor of existing line unlosa It would be in cmylng a few tosnenirerfl trom one or two points. Portland ought not to thus hinder the growth and thrift ol surrounding country that a lew people along Lovejoy street may have an extra morning hour of uninterrupted sleep. A correspondent writes that the Ixdkpf.!IDE.t made many errors In reporting ths cases of hazing at For est Orove college. That is probably true for It Is exceedingly difficult to get the order ot exercise of lawless tie transpiring at night, but it is nut denied that I'attou was buckt-d and gagired and left ou a cold versa 'da cr that Warner wout uador the bydraut. Nor 1- it denied that War ner, LMy and Dye were auapeuded. But favor is clnlmed for the eyntciu of A'.m lpilne by quoting thai the sign ing of a pledge to bo good I quMe common lu college. It will he r membertd that the Ixdktemiest frankly stated that it was uot will up in method- of college discipline, sud the statement of the correspon dent verifies the admission. Mr. Day was reinstated before the msis meeting oi the student body not be cause he la captain of the foot ball team, but because he signed the pa- per Dy wnicn ne prouaiscu -jo iJV- WTiuii il iVriMniPU" llio'l gjoun Vh'eu'it'wa- presenieu other two signed and were reinstated as a result. The resolution passed by the student body "requested" in stead ol "demanded." Several gxid citizens both here and at Forest Orove complimented the Indbi'KN ukht on the position taken. The Incident, however, Is ended, though the faculty must not lmmaglne that the first hazers have been disciplined for there have been instances of haz ing at T. A. A P. U. before. However no explanation, retraction aggrecing "to be good" or other thing will re lease the Board of Trustees from the duty of electing a president. Presi dent Ferrln would have authority and influence that Dean Ferrin can not possibly command. Agulualdo want- ptrraUriion to go with eight associates before Congress to express the desires of the Philip uino oeoDle. Ileally it dues not seem necessary for that trip to made. Agulnaldo la a prisoner be- cause he la an lnsurgeant fighting against the government. The United States has always been In the habit of treating the.people of the nation justly. The Tsgals, for it is that tribe that wants concessions, when they become peacable, will be treated as well as others by the same rules, There 1- no reason lor showing special favors. No, Aguinaldo better stay at Manila and enjoy his prison life. "If Lord Lands own obtained full commercial privileges In the canal for Great Britain the treaty will not be wholly onesided" writes the Westminister, England, Oazett Comment on the sentence may say that the official text of the treaty has not been given lo the public, but from what has leaked It is under stood that there la no discrimination in favor of any nation, not even the United Statee who puts money Into the enterprise. Perhaps though It Is discrimination in her own favor that England wants. It has generally been that way. The London Dalley Chronicle re. marks or Sec. or State 11 ay's very able speech made Tuesday night at a New York kanquct. "For better or worse, the United States has entered the Old World as a factor to be reck oned with and tbey will not be able to avoid their share of the Old World's dirty work." This leads the Ixdkpendknt to ask why should the Old World have any dirty work Xass Meeting. A mass convention of the voters of the city of HiUsboro Is hereby called to meet in the City Hall, on Mouday November 25, 1901 at 7:30 p. in, for the puriose of placing In nomlna. tion a ticket to be voted for at the ensuing election. By request F. A. Bailey, Mayor BRiUlirS DISEASE. The largest num CTer pni.l for a pre- St-ription, changed hanila in Kan Fran cibo, Aug. ju, ine transler m volvnl In coin and t' k $119,500.00 and paid by a party of busings men for l'cido for Brig-ht's IH-Hwt an I Iia let., hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the serious investi gation of the uprcitic 'ov. 15, l:iX). They interview! score ot the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over throe donen raat-s on the treatment anJ w.ntrhing them. They :ilso got !iyni ciaua lo mtrne chronic, inrural.le casi and administered it with the physicians lor judge. I'p to Aug. 25, eighty-seven per cent of the teM casrs were either well or progrenaing fafuralily. There being bat thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were utiaried an dosed the transaction. I lie protf-edini- of the inveatigtiting committee and the clinical reporbui the test casta were pub lished and will he mailed free on H pit. tion. Ad.lrcm John J. Fultos Com 420 Montgomery St. San Frnn iwo, Cal. A Ileadiob Attack. An attack was lately made on C r. (oilier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It came through his kll oeys. His back gtit so lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except prop d by cushions. No remedy help ed him until he tried Electric Hitter which effected such a wonderful change that he writes he feels like a new man. This marvelous medi cine cures headache and kidney trouble, purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only 60c at fMra drug store. Sr-hulrorrleh lii.c ( f hard- While S. liUiim'icil Li .told inoru hr.rvestli.g hupii-.tiieuts tbi-t son tliitn ay r.H.I il-wr In the WUIitln-tt" vuilt IwvlT in pl kliidrf of t.Kl i: th ir tm U an. I 'j. t'i -y are nl-o h-? rro and -.! ! in i f vr ii. r----l r.n! :', y..u ui.t-d Mith ly In their In PyrUaud HarUU. Wheat Wjlla Waiia, imininal 5tio lilutHem, 6c; vaiiey, Floor- heat radt-H, i' - o bO Iwrrci : eralium. Mj. per )! Ol.l. Wi-il .r (el..!, l'.arley Feed, I-.o"; l-f e ibn Iti.oil er ton. VliliMiuiiH -lirnn. ii.".- 17 n.i.iaiiujij $jikm so ; eborts. fltf.-' I ; -hca. ::5.. ' iiiiy llinotiiy" iii'''j'N;'iivi-r," 7( y.oU; Orvgon wild hay, $.".. 1 t. liut'er ran.-y cremnury, j;...ic; dairy, lsi.. Oc ; ttore, loj " I k- j or iound. KggS St'rai;e 2lk , freh J0:. Chew Full twijit, l.ljc; Young American, l.ijc ' 14c Jier pi", .nd. Poultry t'hickeiia, mixed, !f J. " 2.00; htna, t3.WiiM; dresKe-i, I0i. 11c ir iuu l ; kpriugs, f '-'.UOc.i .5.."i0 per dozen; datkd, 4j for old; f .i.ilOi 1 4 (JO for yoiuig ; geese, Jti lit sr doeii ; turkeys, live. iiT"ll.-; lnKd, Wv 12 '.is tor Mutton Luui lie, I!'.,. , ;ro3 ; d:e-d, 6o'.;cpir jkiuikI . sli p, i", grm-n , dree,t, be r pound. 1 logs O roks, hevy. t 25 : light. J-1.76iao; tl rawed, 7 7 1 v c er pound. Veal Small, ,S'.f!H-; Urge, 7 " 7 1 f per pound. IJeel tiroes top su-or, .t.5i"' i.CK ; cows and heifer, t'i.U0 3.5ii ; dn.KStd bee, at at 0c ( r (wuiiU. Hop 10J at I l ie lr pound. Wool alley, 11 lit ljc: ha.-'teru Oregon, 8 at ll'le: mohair, 20 :it 21.-. per pound. Fotatoea t.Ki iji t.fli pr i-uik. Ouiona l,2i c t, Xl'hyslclau Testillis. "1 have tiikeu KoJol Dynpt-psia Cure and have never utl Siiythlug iu my life that did me the good that did," says County Physician (ieo. W. Hcroggs of 1111 County, (ia. "Ileing a phyniclan, I have prn-rib-ed It and founn it to yivu ihe tiest re sults." If the f. m mI you en: reuiuiti. undigestixl in your nti.iu.v h it decays there and (muscus the saUu.. Voti can prevent th s by but that means starvation. Kodol Uyc.'sia Cure dlfts what you eat. You need sufTi-r from neither dyspepsia nor tdarvalion. Tdc worst i-sn quickly cured. Never failn. l)its drug store. Am Botli mr wif and mTwrLT have bero OfilQtf CASCAKETS Mid th- y arc tbe U meiiU-Ine we h&Te evr bnd In the hum. Lfct week my wife was frnntio with hpndttche for twodtty. ibe trlfnl mjumot ourCA5CAKETS, nd they rt-llevtl the puia in bcr bend almost immeaiaieiy. we win nconimvnnutuicareu. OH A3. STEMtfOKfJ. Plttabunr Safe & Itoposlt Co. , FitUburg, Fa. Pleaitant. Palatabl Hntnt. Ta.tle Good rm Uuua, M ver HU-keo. Weko or Orij Mr, ac. tUc ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... ar lsHr tmmpty, llitsMsy Mia. Em fecft. Ml HflT0sBlC !nM mnA F1""! bf all drn. w avrvw RUM iu t.1. no. IUDIL. NERVE WASTE. Cue of the most helpful books on nerve weakness ever iwued is that en titled "Nerve W'sste," by lr. S.iwver of Francisco, now In its tiftb th'Hm.ind. This work of an experienced and r pu table phyirian is in ngmeablc contrist (n the vast mm f (also teael.iiiK which prevail on this intereatiiix subject. It abottmls in rsrefnllv considered nn.i prai-tiral adrlee and has tlie two ptTit inerita of wisdom sud sincerity. It is indorsed by I wit ti the reliui"i: snd secular pre. The l'hi'-ag Advance mi : "A perual of the book and the im,- plication of its principles will put health, hope and heart Into ihonsnnds of live that are now raftering ihroiih nervous impairment," The book is f 1.00. by msil po-tpaid. One of the most interesiing chanters chapter n, ou Nervines and Nerve Ton- i his been printed --piritelv as a sample rhspter, nn l will Im- cnt to any address for sUnio by the i.tiblieherr Th PACiric I'ub. Co., box Jt)3, ,an r ranciis o. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Thla preparation contains all of tbe ditfesUnl and diL'ls all kinds of IchsI. it gives instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. Th'- most sensitive stomachs ran take It. Iy its use niany thousands of dyspertic h;tve been Cured afu-r everything cWfl f.iiled. It! prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary, i'lca.-uat to taiu. It can't Ivelp but do you fiuxm pjpwrl fv K. ' . prwir- o.. ( Lit SW W i X buttle coctalna HlU.' 'TTT " Covj.gti Ac AniM rntt'. fcf-trh Mrxl rawTps(,.n mnr n1-mi' M-vniii rtir (,j-tT'iiri frwa? whmtrr airt ntsiiit'n im trr.hajr.i prttarit jthi f ommriilrsv iMm srfnotif tnfl.iivnttsU. Iiui:f or i'--rt rnf frv i 'l1t sisfsT f"r t'ourin,' pisn. I'tnia tstk.'n t.1a, aT,n .1 l'i, iv-ctv) Scientific Jtasrican. A If llin.-rtrd vivnr. T him. ri- rnln::-" .f . .r w, -' ) .n-t ; T. rn.A - .ri-f i Ti-ri .' U r,w-.i -,! vTssti.ttfTu, IJ. v- l, 9k. S,aU LfM.I r.ew. Z I'fl J!8roW. on. i r st. : IVm't fo.-g.-t that Bros., carry a couipiolu ware. If LLl CATHARTIC sua vWlfM4rf. CO YEARS' YiiZ&& 1 A p E 9 ' 6 H c 6 i Headache kills, not necessarily luddenly, but surslv. It prep upon the intellectual powers more than we realize. It consumes the vitality faster than nature can replenish it, and we cannot tell just what moment a temporary mind will result. Headache and pain should be promptly re moved but properly. Many pain cures are more harmful than the pain. Beware. If you would be safe, take M?.re.. Pain Pills. "As a result of nturalcia I lost the sicht ot my riht eye, and the pajn I hae suffered u incomprehensible, be ing obliged to takt opiates almost con tinually. A fnend ge me one of Dr. Miles' Vain Pills and it promptly re lieved rue. 1 (hen purchased a bos and now my trouble is gone. They have also cured my daufhter of nervous headache, and I heartily recsmmend them to others." W. J. CoaLEV. Cre ruuiid, Texas. Sold by Druggists. J Doses, S$e. Dr. Miles Medloal Co., Elkhart, Ind. .Mod.-ra Surifery Murpassed. "While surTorinK from a bail case of piK I cousultud a physician who a.lvissl me to try a box of DeWitt's Witch Had Salve," says G. F, Carter, Atlanta, Ga. "I procured a box aii'l was entirely cured. De- Witt's Witch Ilszfl Salve is a splen did cure fur piles, giving relief in stsfitly, sn.l I heartily tecomruend it to hII sufferers." Surgery Is un necessary to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure any cast). Cuts, burns, bruises and all other wounds are also quickly cured by it. Beware of counterfeits, tk Its Drug Store. tTICi: KHtl'l KLIC ITIO.S IH-purtment of Interior. Land Orrtca at Uhxoon City, Oas. October 28, ltfol VOlK K IS HEREBY GfVKN THAT i the followina-naiiied settler has tiled notice of his intention to make linul proof in BimiHiri ol ma claim, ana inui auiu proof will lie made before Register Ke- ertver ui tin'H'in l-iiy, urenon, on worm berTth, l'Sil, vis: JuKKI'H KKKKE. II. K. litrfiortheNW of Sec. 34, T 3 N., K. 2 w 11 ntunea the following witnesses to provn bis cominaons residence upon and cultivation oi sum llliiu, vis: U"lwrt rk-rvico. of Ulxie tire, lames Kickman, of ' " " A T. Workman, oi " " Allison Tannick, of " " C'HAS. MOO HE. 2l-- IteRuitur. IN THE CIUCUIT COURT OF THE 1 8tate of Oregon for W'ashintun ountv. Hubert T. Piatt, Ad niinistrator of the of Christian lode, Dei-eased, Plaintiff, v. nas H Mever. bertha W. Meyer, Henry I'. Enirel, Anns M. Eneel. 1'. U. M.irl.iv, Defendants. 1 To t has. Jf. Merer. Henry C. Enirel Anna M. Eiiftel and P. H. Murluy. defend ants above named In the name of the Bute of Oregon yon and each of you are hereby sum moned and required to appe.r and mako answer to tbe complaint tiled aeauiat you in the above entitled suit on or before ihe duth day ot riovemher. 1JU1, which la subsequent to the expiration ot six w.-eks ufter Octoiwr lrtth, tlJl, which is the date of tbe lirst publication of this summons, it being prescribed iu the order lor publication tint summons be publish ed fitr sis suoceasive weeks, and if you fail to so appear and answer, plaintiff will ap- fjly to the court for the relief prayed for in lis said complaint, to-wit: For a judg ment agaiiint the aeieuuanis uaaa 11 Mever. Henrv C. Enael and Anna M. Knit- el and aitainst each of ihem for the sum of I hiee thousand dollars with interest there on at rive percent per annual from Mureh tli, ls, and for tbe further sum of three hundred dull .rs att-rmy a tees In this suit, and the a-im of I71..1K taxes atd the cwln und disburseuituts of thla suit. 1 hat the mortgnge set out in the com plaint lie decreed to I a first and para mount lien on the land in said complaint described, and that the same be forc.oaed ami a-nil property sola according to law and the practice of thla court, and the proceeds of such ssle be applied to the ex peuiK! of said sale, costs and disburse ments ot ibis suit, to the attorney's fen ami to the amount found due plaintitl , haid mortgage was executed and deliv er) by defendants C'laas 11. Meyer and Kertn.i V Meyer, bis wife, to Christian loilu, on the 2sth day of March, Isat. re folded in llnok 2:1, page 84, Eecorda of Mougagesof Washington Countv, Oregon, to secure the payment of tha indebtedness fir allien judgment ia now dmiauded, which said mortgage was given to aacnra a prunnsoiy note for tnree inooaana aoi- t:ii r.i. pavable on or befiire seven vears from d itr, with interest at live per cent and lor said purpose conveyed aaid land to said Christian lode, of which note and mort gage piaint.d is now the owner and ho der as administrator of the estate of Christian 1 ode, d.-cca-cd. the payment of which note was uasnmcd br defendants, Henry C. Kngeland Anna M. Kngel, to whom aaid land was subiiiitiitly conveyed by Claas li. Meyer and wite; That the real propyl ly conveyed by aaid inoriirage is situated in Washington Coun ty, Oregon, arid is described aa tullow, ' o-wit ' 1 he Nortli west t.'uarter ( ) of .c. Thirty I M0). Fownshin Two C-'l orth of Kaiik-e ! iinr(i) West of tbe Willamette Meridian, I said County and Mate, containing one liuiidre.i and suty acres, more or less j I And pl.untill will farther apply to the j court fur a decree tarring and foreclosing you and each of ynn and aiy and all per I ..n clainimr or to claim Mr, from or und i r y iu nr either of yon, of and from any I und all right, title, interest, lien or claim i "I lien nrcjuityoi redemption in or to Saul real property or any pan inereoi ; 1 lilli M .ViMONti is publ 'iished iiursuant ; to an of tha Hon. tha Hun. 1. A. McJIrid ;Juilgeot thp above entitled court mad icl iier ninth. Itfil. HAHK18UXU. PLATT. Attorney for Plaintiff. ! Pate of r.r.t publication, October lsth ' Z! i Atkrr's lypepl Tablet are soli I on a pneittve r'tarantee. Curve heart-bun I ra.suis; ol tha fooai, distress after eatina; ot I any lorm nt dyspesia. line little tnhli I irives lmmediaie relief 26 eta, and GOcta 1 The i.elta lru Store. MOTM K roitfM IILK .UION Itepitrtruent of the Interior, Lasu Urn. it PhI'ioh I'ity, uiiuos. Oct. 5, 1'JOL N'OflCKlS HKhiiLY lilVtS THAT tin !olb) ii-iuMicd s. tt'ir li:n tiled :.tK-eot h) i'itenii.,n to imike tlnal proot in supiKirt of claim, and lli.U i J proi f ill lw n.adt lH..jrB tl.eiouuty Clerk ot 'v.hii!gt.i:i c Uiily at Ji;iNboro, Ore., ou Nov. IS, 1'j1, vis: Ft:i:p!.t.vy meuux. H. K, No. ll:-.i,ri.rthe K K S VV i 4 lo!3 .V4 ri.c, 1, i 4 S 11 i W. ' li- the f.iilowti:g witne&Mtt to prove l i eoi, tii. a ,u n nOencc n;'OU and euliiv..u.iu ot sid iaud vis; Duuu-1 H. lioe. of liaeviia, Ore. Cyrus Hacou, ui Arthur Kwuii, ol luoinm li. .M.aclinm, ot CJlArt, It. MUOKES, li.((it.r. mil. tu.... mm Lias. PORTLAND-ASTORIA Route. Str. "BAILEY GATZERT" Daily Koiind Trips except Sunday TIME CARD Iavo 1'ortliind 7 a. m. U-ave A-turia 7 p. ra. THE DALLES PORT LAND ROUTE STR "TAHOMA" bet ween I'ortlauil, The Dulles and Hayl'oluU. TIME CARD I-avo I'oitlaiid Tue-., Thurg.,Snt. 7 a. ui. Arrive TI.e Dalies, same day 5 p. tu. Leave " Sun., Ved.,Iri 7 a. tu. Arrive 1'urtlauJ, aaiueilay 4 p. m. aTTliis Koute baa the Grandest S..'enio Altrac-tnuia on Earth. MEALS THE VERY BEST binding sud Ollice: Foot Alder Street, lioth Phones, Main 361 rOKTLAXP, OREGON. JOHN M. ULLOO.N, agt The Dalles A. J.TAVLOH, ngt Astoria. J. t'. HVATT, agt Vancouver, YVOLFOKD & WVEKS, agta Wklte Salmon l'U.Vl 11EU Jt btli.NKS, agUllood Juver. E. W. CKIl'HTUM, agt I'ortlanil When you cannot slis-p fur c-fiugli Inif, it ia hardly nevessary that any one sliniiM toll yuu that you nee a fiw dosea i)f CbamlM'ilain'.s (.'iingh Ueinexly to allay tht- irritation of the throat anil luake h'ct-p posHible, It is good. Try i:. iM'lta ilrui; store. For nale by the When you have t.o appetite, do not relish your food and dull afu-r fnlltig, you may know that you need a done of t'hauilx-rlninV Stomach and Liver Tablota. Price, 25 cetitH. Htmidcu free at the Delta lru; store. "ror tbrt-e days und nigbtH I auf. fered agiiny untold from au attack of cholera morbus- brought on by oat inn cuincumtx-rn," saya M. E Low thT, clerk of the district court, d-iiti-rville, Iowa. thought should surely d'e and tried a dozen different medicines but all to no pur pose. I -nt fer a bottle of Chatnb- erlrtln'.M Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ueiuedy and three doeed ri lieveil nie entirely." Thia remedy Is for sale by the Delta druij t-tore. -otle ot Kin I Settlement Notice is herebv eiven that, the undersiirn- e.i, aumiiiiKiratot ol tne estuti- ot Esther V Uurdner, dec u, nave hied my tinal accolln as Kxecutrix of the Ksiate in I tie County Court of Washington County Orea-on and that snd Cmrt has set Momlay, lVc. 9th 1!S)I at 10 o'clock A. M. as Ihe time and the County Court room as the nlnce for nearinir oriecii.,ns to num account and the tinal settlement of said Kstate. Dated at liillsboni. Ore., this Tlh dav of x- 1 , ... . - W 1). WOOD. Administrator of the estate of Ksther V Oardner, deceased. Xotiec of Final Settlement. The undersigned a Iniiniatratris of the estate ol J.ihn a. (jnnin, deceased has hlwl her tinal accouii' an so. h admin utrxtrix I. tl,a l'..,inlw lAr..-kl f'A Oreiron anil id ('curt has appointra Monday the ri dav of Dccenilier, iHdl. at the. hour ol ten o'clock a. m, for the hearing ol said ac.sitli.t. I.ina K'.viuk. formerly Lina Iriilliii, ! ministraUU ol the estaU-of John f Orillin deceua'd. 'SI at RA.r.& KERR, Tbo niw proprb-firs i t the MIIIh boro cidar mill and viii .-ar factory are now repered to iimke your cidir Mii-I rs ;. le butter and feed riruliriK. Give us a triiil. 30 Trenanrrr' Xoilce. All County wirrants of W axhlnfton countv state of tlreon. Kndorse.1 -Nut raysble lor want ot funds" prior t tct. , r.sil.witl l due and payable on and afu-r Nov. .i. I HI and interest will CA-aae at that -late. ItODOLPH CRAXUALL, Co. Treaaorar W. A. HANSEN, TIXXER. Tin, Copper and Mtieet Iron Work, All work promptly done. r Christmas Headquarters at John Dennis Santa Claus has inado tho popular store of John Dennis' tho head quarters in HiUsboro this year for his largo line of Toys, Bric In addition to the full lino of toys for tho young folks lu? has tin? most completo lino of Chinaware Ever in the city. Ladies are re quested to call and inspect this elegant line. Just a Little Coimh But if you were to'prolie the corrimon cause of most lung troubles, including consumption, you'd find that they originated in "Just a'little Cough." Do you know it's just as easy to get rid ol that little cough, or a bigger one, .is to keep on coughing? Our "Cough Syrup" does it every day in the week Which would you rather keep, your couh or the 50 cents that our Cough Syrup costs? Which is Cheaper? The HiUsboro Pharmacy. DEADLY NARCOTICS Any honest, Intelligent drup'ist or physician will tel you that narcotic poison such aa opium, henbane, deadly nightshade 01 cocaine and m.-rcury are and huvo been since the Dark A. es need in all Pile Medicines, and that audi medication roally perpetuates Piles. Venn l'ile cure la not a relic of the Dark Aycg, hence contain! no narcotics nr ineicurr, $5000 Ueward if a trace of any narcotic or mer cury can be foudd in Verm. All other conta n narcotiia or mercury. Dene it if you dare moeelmcki. $80 Reward if Yerus fails to euro any case of 'Piles. "Wori-t caaee cured with one box of Verua. Over 10,0o0 erniauent enrea in five yeare -. Hold in Hillaboro by the Twentieth Century Store: The HiUsboro Pharmacy, Donelson's Is the place to buy Furniture Cor. P. OAVIES. emsioiMT. St. Charles Hotel iicoaroRATKD Kreat s4 Merrlsen M reels Pertland tlretren. Kloctrie ;Mht, Klectrie Di lls and Hydraulic Klevalor. 1UI Keema at ti Ut 6rtr,' Halted, J5, U l. tJeed Itrtnaraut (enneetlea. Give us call, DAVIS Commencing Sept. 6th, next Thursday, rail road fare between Hillaboro and San Francisco will be 128.86 with a rebate of 17.60. Thin dm not include sleeping berth. The second clam fare Including Urth In I15.H.'. with a rebate of 11.00. iroods containing - a - brac, etc. None so complete. Main and 3d Sts. C. T. BELCHEF etC'V AND TSJlaS. & IlELCIlKIt, Mnnagi-rK. Hew Thla! WenH'crOno Duni'-cd Dollar Itrwnrd fo .n. raB4! of iTntarrh that ranrmt he 'ored hy Hall's t'atnrrh I'nre K. T. I'll KN K Y ., I'ropa , Toledo, O. We, the underniiriK'd, have known K. j. ( heney lor the lant lj Tears, mi l Udieve him perfectly honu aide in nil hua nraa traiikat-tiona aM linnnciiillv aide to rairy out any ohlifut iona' I,y tlicir him WesT A ikux, Wholecale DruirL-i.-ta! I oledo, O. WUMVl, KlMAS ,t MaPTIS. Wholesale DniKKi-la, lot. do, t. Hall a Catarrh Cum ia taken intertmlly, actuia: dir:ll upon lhe,IHMi ,,,,,4 IIIUCijU i ur aeea ol Ihe SVHU111. Price TAr p-r tn,t tlu. tsihl by s I DriiKKiR'i. To tun. niais free, ilall'a Family I'iila are the lt. Bixby'a Itoyal Polish restiiri-a colur and glow to IwMiV and -liillr'-ri blwk ahia? and Im not injur iot 1. If there wire any twtter c'xxN the Unit a would hav thi-ui. !