Cif HILLSBORO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTPB.KR 5, ?9Ql XXIX t.K.N'ERAL DIRECTORY. dl'Af K OKEIUlCUa. Cbaa.. Moor t'ui.llo In.truotion.. J. H- A'1'Ir""?, ....... 1 , . u,r W. H. Lea . Cliaa. K. Wuivwrlow oi n id Court Ik M. ....r. A. Hotn e Fifth Distriol ....... T. A. Matti Atl riu-y vntu limine, . !""" . COUNTY oirrioiutH. L. A.Hood '....1. O, A. Ynime " ... K.J. Ward " '.tleo. A. Moran ..John W. Bewell .... Ralph 1. Wann ..It. rondall (Juniruissbsuars i'l.'M -LiTltI u"r I'wiir rtn-Mr i-'i .l Superintendent Sf-tMr .iwr.Ti " 1 ' ....Geo. 11. Wilcoi 11. A. "' ...T. v. VVilkea ...W. I. Via WiON CITY LAND OErTOK, . Register Chus. 1!. Moore". in. i.aliowiiy... Kwt CITY OKEICERH. K.A.l'aliey, Mayor John Northrup J. 1. i uiiieinic ..John 1.-miii ... K. C. Iirown ,4r.l n( l nu ... J. .hit Mil " Win. Boneon llento" bowmen Hnn'i Kverltt iii.3ir.!r IteW'f ' V'..t' li'vt .. Ivitine nf Teaow W T Atkinson , H. Kverilt I t u. itumiull ! IWI umCB INFORMATION , ho omtls eloee at b HitlhorotPot "il!! West Union. Bethsr., and Oadaf till, at 7::S0a. m. Uin Honth. :30 a m. ... . Moiiv to IMrllHud and w.y-ofrloea, J a. III. Olid 4 p. 111. jington and Laurel, dully " CHUlCH AND HOCIBTY NOTI0K8. KiNG REUATIONAL CliUUCH. ooroer avory rtHl.hatU, morning and avening. sao. n.etm innr.ay -xe. . "ZXrTi and helpful. "r'un" TvaUV HUGHES. P-U ?K.uh and rr every Honday u r. m.i every wmi i-diuK .1 10 a. n. it 11 r iveoT.tlld ever, " ... 1 lienj, ( l. i.a'ii I'lKhavor u iw V llarlinnn, lWor. '. mnmlllSIDd nsnohiau every 17: 1V(III. u Mnbhain Msnooi ever J """"""" nuKiinff every hnnday at ,.nfcrftl prayer meetinu arery li,nnKlivevenini. lHUera """: u i.atJ the third Inoaany eveuiim - i' ntu. -ill It ItSTl AS CUU llCILlWilnirlat C i.n.1 41. (tumhtyH ;''n;h ' " in. I'riiyer rawmn --- " ,:"""t'"n t Tl! HICKAmWK Ptor, Diiuirliteri ef Uebokafc. Hn.I..sli.iUl KKUKKAII U)1XJK NO W. 1 O l r . iiiiU In Odd KellowV Hull every riuuiruiiy evuiunw M. W t II I v.1I.M?ll CAMP NO. M.W, MEKT8 I L i v' ry Jml and 4th Buturdiiy nlgl't, at Wfitir.MK'" hull. A. O. II. 11 1 si'iiim t I.OlKiK Ml. 61. A. . V 11 W.. Mi.ti every hrai aad third Oi lnv evcnibK '' uioulli. V. f II. u U,J.!: !M)KO 01tANG NO. TS, nteeU itta and ith h day of eaoh Montn. I. n. o. . 'i Vinliiemiiiy eveuinira at Mo'eloek.ln I.O. t . r il. V'Mitora niaile welooma. Hotree f llanl. flMlK 1'KUKKK f HONOK. A. O. U. JL VV iu WeirunK' hall eeery urit mid third t'rhluy evuninK of each mm-.Mi. lUlliliene Mstera. DiUKNU'lA TKMPI.K NO. 10, R. H., I nii'Oirt-vnry '.'nd and 4lh rrldey liieneh ni'jniii at 7 : o'clock In Wehrunu'ilUll. k. or i. liM:MX LOIHiK. NO. S4. K. OF P, 1 nit'i i In Miimmie Hall on Monday -von.Dii of enoh week. Hojonrniim b re threw .liuipd to loue nieetiue". A. E. and A. M. ltl V.i I'Y UltXlK NO. A, A. P. A A. M 1 rnpFVfrv Hatnrdny ninht on or after nil moon 111 ea)b noo'-b. 0. E. . 'it!-.M..VTl.S :HArTKIl. NO.81.0. K.H, 1 nio'li ol Maaonlo Temple on 1 be 2nd tth Tutay 01 eaoh month. .E. KlNttKit MEETS IN 01I Efil.UIWB HALL ON the li rut 11111I third Krtdaya of a.icb mouth, ut 2 tKio'rlork. p, ni. K1S'JI rt)ST, SO. , . A. R El TS 1NOPD EF.LLOVM IIALI.ON v 1 the tirnt and third Saturday of each month, at -MO o'clock p. m. M ui.t for ?tni( puturraat the IxikifcMr:.T ofllce, 1 dos aad half lor 6 it. PUOEESMONAL CAKl'S. TMO". II TOUOl'I, . . TONOri N tury I'ublic. TIKIS it. E. U TOMU'E, TTOUNKYH-AT-LAW, UILUiltOUO, OltKiN. Orrma: Knorji3,t, a 6, MotKaa Hiook. , X. HiKKETT, 1 TOUN KYS-AT-LA W , IULIlOIUI.UKr).N lMia: Central HlooB. Itoooi" and 1. KENTON' ItOW MA A, TTORNKY-AT-LAW. Hll.LHiMUlO. OUEOON Onrmn: Kooan" C and 7. Mortiiiu block. II. T. IIAUI.EV, A'lTOUNKY AND aiUNCKLOH-AT LA W ' Illl.lifltoilO OREGON. Orrio: Oter JK'llu lru(? ritore JOIIJI M. WALL, TTORNF.Y-AT-LAW, HIU.silOUO, OllKOON. Railoy-Morcan ISUx-fc, lloonin J A 2 H. T. UfSK LATER, at. B. C. . JJHYSICIAN AND 8U11MN BlLLHllOUO, OKKGON. ftnum: itt realdenoe. eaat ol (our I Hooao. where be will he found at all uouis when not viaitinK patienta. , J. P. TAJIIEXIE, ... J., P. R. R. SUItOEON, BILLUUOUO. OUKUON. s. Owioa d UaninKana : oorner Third and Main Hlreeta. OfHoe hoora, HutO to VI a. 10., 1 to 6 and 1 to 8 p. ni. Telephone to naideaoa from Brook A Mela' lruntore at all boon. All oalla promptly attended, night or day. E A. HAILEY, M. U. pilYHICIAN AND SURGEON UILL8BOUO, OKEOON. OIHco Morgan-Ilailcy Illnck, up alairs, rooma 12, IB and Ifi. lteaidenoe, t. W. Or. Uau I .in and Heeond etreetA. Moth 'I'hones. j. e. aiikikm. Dentist, lllLLSliORO, OKF.UON. Orrict IIoi'R : 9 a. m. to 4 :3U p. ni. OlHca in Union block over i'hrniy H. RIXOM, rENTI8T, FOIiKHT 0K0VK, OREGON lleatart. ilal teeth .oll per set. Cement ami Amuliraiii flllinK" '" 1,ch- tiold lilliiiK from l up. vtuiiueii air lor pnui lera extraction. Orrntat tbroa doora north of Hnok tors. Offloe boar from a. ni. tot p. ni. TUKOVUH UTAH ASH C0L0IUIK). The IiImI trip to the rat during th hmt of Humiiu r In via tho Rio Oraode Western anil Denver A Rio QntntleH RnllrontU, Ihtt fHr Mrutil "Hcrnic Line of the World." The extremeHof teuioerttture are never met, a nil rmrwetifreni are Bure of Lkv iriK a deii;htfulty iimI ridu throuuli tiiri llesrt of lh RoeV-y Mouutdiu.s, ud a view ty daylight of aceniTy Which in now hre HuriHreied. IfdeHlred, atop en route may he made at quaint and )iulurfqup HttltUke City, the "City of the Saint," Olenwood HpringH, Ixnd ville, Coloradu SprinjfH, raehlo, Denver, or my intermediate niinl.' Then are thref dally Iraiim leav ing Salt Lke City for all oiut- put, which have clone con neet ions from the Northwest via either O. R. A N. Cix, or the Southern Pacific Co. Theae trains are rquipjied with Through SloeOM (Standard and Touriat,) Free RnclininK Chair Car and a perfect Dining tjtr Hi-rvice. Personally Conducted Excursions, in chance of conia tent and court". otw manaKera, are run aeverai tune A week without change ol car to Denver, Omaha, Kanaan City, St. LkhiIh, Chicago, Buttalo, New York, IhMton and all crwtern citiee. Ticket are on aale at all Roilroad Ticket officea. For further infonna. tion and cheanent rates, apply to ' J. D. Maxseield, GeneralAgcnt, 124 Third St., Portland, OrcKn. Ala aliraarare I oa .very bos of the irenain Laxative BromoVuinine Tablet. $7. ?? p; vj: tp Jt u A BELLE OF... CANADA U f-'r- u n n n-- -. V A s :.: !. i lii-'ow :i:i,l of flip ri ' r from !,is tin ' i'm- I:iiiiIri-iiM' 1 ni riiie whltoulni: C i'iM iironvixl film I he ilrlvi r ilrew lip I.l.-i. v. hip Kinnc'lv mi l t'; Ikk-I.n of hla fiit tle. Tl;i' nir iriev irr.i.!n:ifl.v il:irlier. tintil sml lciily It hi .! 1 n- I to illslnti'crate lino Invlsil h' untiy pnrtlrlca thilt swept tlirot.p'i tin- u.nrun I'rpaently tlicr" iitliiw lui-iiitie hctrler, more pcrt'eplilile iitul niIIk!ii'iI like amnll flint, nnil a keen wind drove them HtliiKliiKly Into the f.icea of the pasarn (,'i'in or lu.siiMouxly Into their pockets. collnrs or the folds of their clot lice. Tito leather curtains were battened down, lint tin' Biinw forced Itself tliroHdti the smalli-Ht crevices. "We'll pet over this when once we've pnsRoiI the lieuil. The rond seems to dip Iievouil," an Id Mastertoti cheerfully front his neat tieshlo the driver. The driver fjn ve hint a slnclo scornful loolt and tiirmil to the pnMaeneer who occiipliMl the Kent on the other aide of him. "I don't like the look of things down there, but ef we nre stuck we'll have to strike out for the next "tat Ion." "Hut," said Mnstcrton as the wind volleyed the ehnrp snow pellets In their faces and the leaders were scarcely rtls tiiiKuibhahle throiuib the smokelike d Is churias, "It can't Ae worse than here, The driver did not spenb, hut the oth er passenger craned over his back and Fa Ul explanatorily: "I reckon you don't know these storms. This kind of dry snow don't stick and don't dog. Look Indeed, between the vollps Master- ton could see that the road wns per feetly bare utid wind swept, and except slight drifts and bonks beside outlying bushes and shrubs which even then were again blown away before hla eyes tho level landscape was unclothed and unchanged. Where these mysteri ous snow pallets went to puzzled and confused hint. They seemed to vanish ax they had appeared Into the air about theui. "I'd ninke a straight rush to the next station," said the other passenger con fidently to the driver. "If we arc stuck, we ore that much on the way; if we turn back, we'll have to take the grade anyway w lie n the storm's over, and neither you nor I know when that'll Iks. It may be only a squall Just now, but It's getting rather lute in the season Just pitch In and drive all you know. The driver laid his lush on the horses, and for a few momenta tho heavy ve hicle dashed forward In violent conflict with tho storm. At times tho clastic hickory framework of Its domed leath er roof swayed ond bent like tho ribs of nn umbrella. At times it seemed as If It would be lifted bodily off. At times the whole interior of tho vehicle was filled with a thin smoke by drifts through every cranny. Rut presently, to Slnsterton's great relief, the Inter mlnaliln level seemed to end, and be tween the whitened lasts lie could see that tho road was descending. Again the horses were urged forward, and at last ho could feel that the vehicle be gan to add the momentum of Its de scent to its conflict with the storm. Tho Masts grew less violent or became onlv the natural resistance of the air to their dominant rush. With the ces sation of the snow volleys and the clearing of the atmosphere the fund be came more strongly defined as it plurrg cd downward to a terrace on the moun tain flank several hundred feet below I'resently they came again npou a thii ker growth of hushes and here and tln-re a solitary fir. The wind died away; the cold seemed to be less bitter. Mnstcrton, in his relief, glanced suill Ingly at his companions on the box, but the driver's mouth was compressed as lie urgi-d Ids team fortril and the other pnxHengirs looked hardly less unxlous. They were now upon the level terrace and the storm apimrently spending Its fury high np and behind them. Hut. In Fplto of the clearing of the air, ho could not but notice that It was singularly dark. What was more singular, the darkness seemed to have risen from below and to flow lu upon them ns they dcM-cndcd. A curtain of profound obscurity, darker even than the mountain wall at their side, shut out the horizon and the valley below. Hut for the temperature Masterton would have thought a thunderstorm was closing In upon them. An odd feel ing of uneasiness crept over him. A few fitful gusti now came from the etisiurlty. One of them was accompa nied by whnt decried a flight of small startled Mnls crossing the road ahead of them. A second larger and more sustained flight struck hla astonished eyes that they were white and each bird nn enormous flake of snow! Fot nn instant the air was filled with these disks, shreds, patches, two or three clinging together, lite the downfall shaken from a tree, rtrlklng the leath er roof and std v ttn a dull thud, spattering the road Into which they de scended with lar,'e rrsettca that melted away, only to lc fallowed by hundreds more that stuck and stnld. In five minutes the ground was white with It, the long road clean Ing out ahead in the darkness, the roof and skies of the wagon overlaid with It as with a coat ing of plasrer of pari; the harness of the fcor.--cs mid even the reins stood out over their steaming tacks II he white trnp;in?n. la five minutes more the ste:'.iuliig iuirks tlicmnclres were blan keted ni.ii It, tin- arm aad legs of the ootside pneii.;ers pinlooed to the seats with It, and the arms of the driver kept n BY..- BEET HARTE Copyright, ran, by Brat Harta, CITY. n It tt tt t$ U tt U free only by Incessant motion. It was no longer snowing; It was snowballing I It was an avalanche out of the slopes of xue say. 11m 1'xnaumeu norm -s noun dered in It. the clogglue wheels. drag- fed In It, the vehicle at lost plunged Into a billow of It and stopiicd. The bewildered and half lilludcd pas sengers hurried nut Into the road to as sist tho driver to unship the wheel and fit tiie ateel runners in their axles Itut tt was too late! By the time the heavy wagon waa converted Into sledge It was deeply Inilicildi-d In wet and clinging snow. The narrow, long handled shovels borrowed from the "prospectors' " kits were powerless be fore this heavy half liquid impediment At last the driver with an oath relln qulshed the attempt ami, unhitching his horses. colh'Ctcd the passengers and led them forward by a narrower and more sheltered trail toward the next station, now scarce a mile away. The led horses broke a path before them. The snow fell less heavily, but It was nearly on hour before the strag Kilns procession reached the house and the snow coated and exhausted passen gers hnddled and steamed around the red hot stove In the barroom. The driver bad vanished with his team In the shed. Masterton's fellow passen ger on the box sent, after a few whls pered words to the landlord, also dls apiiearcd. "I see you'vo got Jake Foole with your' said one of the barroom lounger to Masterton, Indicating the pnssengci who had Just left "I reckon he's here on the same fool business." Masterton looked his surprise and mystification. "Jake Toole, the deputy sheriff." re- .pented the other. "I reckon he's her pretendln to hunt for Montagu Trlxlt like the San Francisco detectives that kern np yesterday." Masterton with dlfllculty repressed a start lie had heard of Toole, but did not know blm by sight 'l don't think I understand," be said coolly. "I reckon you're a stranger In these parts," returned the lounger, looking at Masterton curiously. "Ef you WArn't you'd know that about the in man Son Francisco or Canada City wanted to ketch Is Monfv Trlxlt He knows too much, and they know it But they've got to keep up a show chase a kld of a clrkls rldln up here to satisfy tho stockholders. Ton bet that Jake Toolo he got his orders they might kill him to shct his mouth ef they got an excuse and he made a fight but he ain't no such foot No, slri Why, the sickest man you ever saw was that director that come np here with a detective when he found that Monty hadn't left the state." "Then ho Is hiding about hercT" said Masterton, with assumed calmness. The man paused, lowered hla voice and sold: "I wouldn't swear he wasn't a mile from whnr we're talk In now. Why, they do allow that he's taken a drink at this very bar since the news csme and that there's a boss kept han dy in the stable already saddled Just to tempt him cf he waa Inclined to scoot." "That's only a bluff to start him go- In, so they kin shoot him in his tracks," said a bystander. "That ain't no good ef be has as they say he has papers stowed away with a friend that would frighten some mighty partlckler men out of their boots," returned the first speaker. Out he's got bis spies, too, and there ain't a man that crosses the divide as ain't spotted by them. The officers brag altottt havln put a cordon around the district, and yet they've Just found out that he managed to send a tele graphic dispatch from Black Itock sta tion Just nnder their noses. Why, only an hour or so arter the detectives and the news arrived here thnr came along one of them emigrant teams from Tike, and the driver said that a smart look in chap In store clothes bod come out of an old prospector's caliln np 1 thar on the rise aootit a nine away ana asked for a newspaper. And the de scription the teamster gave Just fitted Trlxlt to a T. Well, tho Information waa give so ptibllcllkn that the detect ives had to make a rush over thar, and, b'gosb, although there wasn't a soul passed them but a file of Chinese coo lies, when they got thnr they found nothln nothln but them Chinamen eookln their rice by the roadside." Masterton smiled carelessly and walk ed to tho window aa If Intent upon the still falling snow. Put he had at once grasped the situation that seemed now almost providential for his Inexperi ence and his mission. The man he was seeking waa within Ms possible reach. If the story he hrd heard was true. The detectives would not he likely to Interfere with his plans, for he was the only man who really wished to meet the fugitive. The presence of Toole made him nncasy, though he had nev er met the man before. Waa It barcli posstble that he was on the same mis sion on behalf of others? If what he heard was true, there might be others equally Involved with the absconding manager. Hut then the spies bow could the deputy sheriff elude them and how could be? fie was turning Impatiently away from the window when bis eye caught sight of a straggling file of Chinamen breasting the storm on their way up the hilt A sudden Idea seized hjm. Terbapa they were the spies In ques tion. He remembered the driver's sto ry. A sodden flash of Intuition mnde Cowa.aa en Forth Page St HOOl. APPORTION E ST. County Superintendent Ball made the following school apportionment for Ootuher Dial. Clerk. Ami 1 L E Shule, Uillaboro, IH1 W) 2 A A Phillip, Cornelius, 823 SO 8 K C Mulloy, Lturel, 174 00 4 John Mar b, Centervllle, 171 26 6 Ira E Purdln, Forest Qrova 99 05 0 J J Wistner, Bethany, 7 Peter Rhoow, Hillahoro, 8 Lou la Powers, Uillaboro, J W Goodin, Gleocoe, 10 Mrs. F M Tum, DJJJty, 2(Hl 790 120 137 11 jt E X Harding, Gaston, 147 12 J VaiiderWahl. Greenville, 100 13 Geo Dooley, Greenville, 149 14 J Vaiidertelden, Ceulorv., 144 15 W S Hudson. F. Grove, 698 10 O L Perry, Dllley, 165 75 17 Geo J Jack, Farmlngton, 1G4 70 18 A V Denuy, Raleigh, 155 40 19 Jaa II Hewell, Uillaboro, 151 10 20 jt A W Wright, Mldeleton, 102 10 21 H A D Meek, MounUlndale,179 00 22 8 N Poole, Mlddleton, 23 Jt C F Titfttrd, Tigardvtlle, 24 J Q Johnson, liacoria. 183 05 241 02 82 90 -0 jt W M Tipton, Tualatin, 180 21 27 D II Thomas, F Grove, 2H J 1 HoopeM, Gaston, 29 J B luilny, Reedvllle, 30 R P Lilly, Gale Creek, 32 jt Lee Anderson, Gaston, 33 O F O Meyer, Cornelius, 146 45 99 95 ! 175 90 90 80 132 50 35 jt J O Guittin, Charleston, 47 05 19 A B Flint, Klnton, 120 30 10 A N Culling, Klulou, 172 45 11 A C Wirts, Mountalndale, 151 10 12 W Clapehaw, Gales Creek, 115 45 i-.l ll II ltrn niAnnr. 1 27 as " ' a 1 . . . . w. a . .nsM.. otepnena, iuanniug, iu if W l.i . 1 -i . . . 1 r a a 10 1 r rairoanas, nnerwiMMi, ii 16 It Louis Flnliran. Laurel. 70 13 47 Krail krunmw. Miriiiitnn l.tii oft -- 18 C W Allen, Beaverton, 876 65 113 00 19 J II Hoffman, L turel, 50 W W Jaiiuith, Scholls, 51 T Murphy, Mountalndale, 138 70 113 65 52 Win F Haaae, Blooming, 135 53 W 11 Cady, Cornelius, ,,,u on IVO W 54 E I Kuratll, Phillips, 65 Alfred Guerher, Leuoz, 57 M 8 Rariif, Beaverton, 58 F Wallace, Hillsboro, 69 Jos Bucher, Gleocoe, 11B IK 162 66 110 80 137 15 00 Geo W Taylor, Reedvllle, 61 Carl Berggren, Dixie, 78 25 81 35 02 Jl W F ritomaa, Cedar Mill, 97 03 C F Jetwe, Greenville, . 129 40 64 W K Newell, Dllley, 89 10 05 Mrs C A Smith, Olenwood, 68 95 06 Jtsi Relfenrath, Gaatoo, 104 26 67 Jt J A Johnson, Portland, 131 40 68 Wru II Weir, Glencoe, 92 20 09 ChaaBateman, Gales Creek, 109 25 70 II L Duke, Glencoe, 71 Edwin Lee, Greenville, 72 J II Riucb, Buxton, 73 I C Cutter, Tualatin, 74 Erwln Ritter, Bethany, 76 W C Ingles, Manning 70 John Lippert, Buxlou, 77 D H Bailey, Blooming 78 Wm Feldt, Buxlon, 79 E Ilelvogt, Reedvllle, 80 G J Sauniiera, Laurel, 81 Fred Berger, Bethany, 82 We Shaver, Tlgard ville, 98 40 137 16 91 85 175 66 128 20 0095 156 76 72 06 106 15 122 86 179 00 120 10 83 A Thomas, Galea Creek, 66 60 84 JlWm J Dlcksoon, Glencoe, 78 91 80 N Bothmao, Hay ward, 101 60 87 Max Burgholcer, Buxton, 67 40 88 Ferd Langer, Jr Sherwood 255 80 fin t t trim uiii.h.n ill im JWMeIWrt.OaleaCreek.l40 25 91 J II Hanson. Seghers. 92 20 93 it J N Hoffman. 8herwood 20 83 94 A Gaasner, Reedvllle, 79 80 05 Win Jamieaon, Raleigh, 137 16 96 J C Emmel, Mlddleton, 90 66 97 G H liler. Centerville. 232 06 98 Clau Christiansen, Buxton, 90 65 09 F Thatcher. Thatcher, 101 60 100 Jt C W Skelton, Newberg, 29 47 101 Jt II A Kruse. Stafford 85 16 103 jt W E Young, Sherwood, 20 06 101 Jt O F Cooke, Sylvan, 22 66 HOW PROTECTION WUBKit. When a Frenchman removes his , " f J,akln In the af -taking craU. to wewcastH-, duimiu - m """"JT'J ' : m.raoto t-rtu . , 2 I 'll, for .he erection of Ah. largest cheese facmry In the orld, at Sidney, N. Y. He I the owner of a similar plant in France, bus, strange to say, Ihe largest market for hi cheese is found In the Uolted State. There I a duty of t cent a iound nn tlte Imported article, while milk la higher In price In France, which Imds to the abandon ment oj the factory in France and the establishment of one Iu Ihe United Stall's from which lo supply the French market a well as that of thia country for this rtlcular kind ofeneoae. That is another OM of numerous iuatanoee of the kind thai have come to light recently, showing tho wlxdoiu of our Protective Tariff. I Philadelphia "Press." For sprains, swelling and lame ness there la nothing so good as Chamberlain's Paiu Balm. Try it. For aale by Ihe Delta drug store. Mr. Donley, In di.eudnirthe pro. pects of Uemoeracy, any. xo, air, t'lii I me Dlmmycratic party Is not on 251 4eakin(f term with itaelf. Whin 10 y0 see two men with white ties go 15 i",( Htect car and set In opposite ol corners, n hlln one mnUhpn. 'Tliralt- 67 I or ant! the other hles Miscreet,' 40 y n het they are two Dlmmy- 55 watlc leaders thrylng to reunite the 90 arand old party." MetropoH" (Ir) 80 " Journal-R publirtnn.n A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. Something New I'ader TbeSuu. All Doctors have tried to cure 1 catarrh by the use of powders, acid gases, iiitiulers auu drugs in paste form. Their powders dry up the mut'uous aiembranea causing them to crack oihiu and bleed. Tho pow erful scids used In Ihe Inhalers have entirely eaten away Ihe name mem -m oranea that their makers nave aim eu to cure, while paste and oint fii 1 11 111 mill iiAin -uriivwi Liini tmuiici who has for man v vears made a close sludy and rpecialty of the treatment of catarrh, has at last perfected treatment which when raimruiiy used, not only relieves at once, but I 1 permanently cures catarrh, by re. moving the cause, shipping the dis- coargea anu curing an inuammauon, I f s It Iko tnli suinuu arriftltjn f h t Bl.iutl rca-,.heg ,he af. fK . - . 1 Iff a. IX? U.I I J itiiuruj amaiv ww M u Dieted parts. This wonderful rem edy 1 known aa "SnufUea, the g laranteed catarrh cure" and is sold - 1.. i... at the extremely low price of one! dollar, each package containing in ternal aud external medicine sulB cient for a fujl i'n'h'- treatment n'1 "verythl.ig tieceaHary to It per- feet use. -onumen w inn oniy jsir.oeu ca-rru I n,..., uiiap iiiailn and la now Mncrnitc. yi4QAL.i ai i r. ,1.1 vw wmm ansa i v ismivi nuu Ki DI . I w fur tlmt Hiinnvlnir and disirustinir dis. nM(M 11 cures all Inuammation I lui'l,,T "n'1 l'nianently and Is Rlml r:i , h:,1""" Catarrh when neglected often leads ' ' 'Hum,',,"n. . ?,,u'" 7 '' Km " v e,e. v hut . comnle trw,tment which la iMisltlvely guar- arnteed lo cure catarrh In any form or stage u useo accoruing m me ui . L, j wrI fu Imrtcuttrs as to your condition and you will re celve apodal advice from lite discov 73 601"'" ,nw wonauriui reiueoy re " ... I von iH-vonu ine revuinr urii-n m 1 iiUfinfllua't il. -.riiurnntooil pwlarrh 'T. 1 1 l.i Kunrnu .... vvm..ui cure." "ent prepaid to any address in me United Stale or Canada on receipt lof one itnllnr. Address Doot. E 760. El win B. Giles A Company. 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Phlla. delphla. Don't forget that Schulmerich Bros., carry a complete line of hard ware. When you cannot oleep for cough Ing, It is hardly necessary that one snouid ten you inai you neeti a ',w doses of Chamla-ilaln a tough Remedy lo allay Ihe irritation of the throat and make sleep poasioie. it i gx)d. Try it. For aale by the rtru ,ore The assassin of Goebel ha never been searched for. He I not want - ed. The obiect ol the Goehel Dart, I too smirch political opponent. The identification of the murderer would be regarded by the Goebel. tie as a calamity. In spite of alt that the voluble naval olliiwra say alsiut each other, the people will always insist that Ihe battle off Santiago was a splendid sea fight and glorious victory. It was a sudden test, and none of the enemy got away. Gov. Shaw predicts that Iowa will ' Hcket this year. This looks ,nl... can,, hut It ha nVit done s in recent year, and I not likely to do so now. Ndy. of course, looks for an, such vole In Iowa this year as it rolled up for President McKlnley twelve mouths ago. It will he big enough, however, to snow that the Hawkeye Stale I true to it, tradi- lions. Ihe Democrat win get no I Id and comfort from Iowa's tally in the voting of 1901. When you have no appetite, do not reiih your fxxl and leel dull after eating, you may know that you need a dose of CharoUrlalo's Htmnaeh anil IJver ThloU. Price. 24 cents. Samples free at the Delia drugstore. ' KEWH OK THE STATE. Home people iu Portland want to cut down all the shade tree btcituse their riMit pry up the sidewalks. Tho crowded eoudiiiiiu of the Eugene public i-i-hmd necesstaUw employing more teacher. Inn Guard reports this j picrpm.t Morgan, the great capitalist and Iru-U orgsntz -r, waa in Portland last Saturday, llu sHnt Sunday on Puel Sound. L, Hale, of t'urrinsville, exhibited at Oregon City IhU weok a uiuplo sprout of la-t year's growth that measured 12 fact II inches in length. A funn of 307 ai'lt H, six iriilci south of Salem, consisting iif Ixdh boitom and hill land,' wuh cold last fl-ttunluy at administrator's sale for 17.30 per acre. A man named Bunker, of Hunan vista, Polk County, was killed Sun. day morning last, by tipping his I wagon over and falling umlt r his lo id of soda water. The great waste of prunes litis to experiments as to lis value lor the manufacture, of vinegar with the re sult that it if in.tsupi rl- - oj iuu ucwi ciuur vinegar j. jjf Huldle, or it id lie, hia just I , .... . " !"' I' poumiB, or two nrg nmnim a I Between 30 and 40 cai'lornls will lie forwarded from Riddle this season. Hiram Smith, of Buttt r Creek, has lost 600 head of sheep out of his bands, aud for the last week has had two or three men riding the ranges in search of them, with very little success. The Index mine neai Sumptcr, Baker Couuty, has been honded for 1250.000. The mine waa located , J(I lM11(lulM!U ,,y . . .,, ' .. . - A company at Salem U endi nvor- I 1 Iniz lo form a lion pool. It Is - I trust and 1 Opposed iiy the other trust middle men's trust. I n o new Mrnbine proK)e8 to advance 9 to 10 W V "tos remainder I realised when a sale la made. Mr. Henry Butlman. deputy llslt wanlen, came in from the aoulh part of Ihe county on Monday und has ince gone to Nehalem, reports ihe Tillamook Headlight. He predicts that hatch, ric will bu talahlialied on the Neatutx-a and Wilson rivers next year. i ineo. I . wi. s uepm grounus ni i cugene are to no eiimrgeu aim 01. .... I Dt3M nd warehotisei rearranged . ....... , - l tills ira-in ll-'un uu.iiii in r-i .i in ine cnanges auu imucanoii unit the connecting lino lietweeu the main road and the' Springtield branch Is soon to he built. Tho Slate Tcachera Asocial ion meet iu Eugene, Jan. 10th next. That city I already wrestling with the problem of entertainment, since theaatHH-irition numbers between four and five bundled. The hotels j ennol accomodate the emergency u thouglr they will probably charge as though they wer;- doing it i - oiu jmsjujt m r.uSnii- .... lyahooling within the city llnills last week when the shot from Ms gun hit a young woman who whs on the I street. The hoy was arreted nml 1 allowed to go nn his own t ail ti . I I the day for examination. At Hie I appointed hour, the defendant did I not show un. Hi hail proves to I have been his legs for bondsrnui. Perhaps it is just as well. The girl wa not injured except what hurt re sulted from fright. A New York Company that has been hnylng milling property at Gold Hill, Jackson County, lets it he known that the company will soon commence tunnelling Into lis quartz . veins and will build mills of a capao An electric plant win also ne i s.m Tno ,,w,r , niHfe lhP Inhlnery will bo wah r taken from Hogue river In. ditch 12 f-et wi... I t the bo ton. and deep enough to carry water five fir t deep, I An old duffer, named Pierce, nied kbout 70 years, ha been rounded up Corvallls and Is of the snme M ie Old Man of tho Sea, lio worried Senbad, the sailor, i'u rci; n .n upholsterer. On foot witn his simple kit of tools, he gsaiH,ut the country fixing up heds, lounges -"d chairs that pee.1 his hnndivuirk t farmhouse. He drinks, li, and h calling seems to lie m.t ri.wly followed. He proposed lo add su- Other occupation suicide, ami that wh worries the Cortallis police who do not want to lie acci spirits.