Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 18, 1901, Image 4

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Continued rOM i'int fuge
about LliiutU o uutiiui 4,'. ai.d yuan
Uelptd old Sbadutiiy cutikitlt lubly ot
the way toward salvation. Lut l.- wa
right about one tHu;, M.sTrtv.liTh
house lit la ttiu h u iu of t! o law. I'm
rt'iircsi-atUitf It aj deputy slierifT meb
ha you mipht remember we JuLa
Poolo when j ur fttl.er vw aJdre.-:'
la tho last citizens' nut-tin, n.lt.ij
next. to UiUi on the platform. I'm lu
poeuesslon. It Isn't a Job I'm banlterlu
'much artxr. I'd a lief ruthcr bunt bust
this kind of fancy, underhand worV: Bt
you'll excuse mo, udwj, if I ain't got
tha stx W
pntIdoitlHidiaCBaoor. Tfcere aju't no
Inventory aktu or; sealing up i of acy-jKhj!trtnm.,?Jst:Tthoii(li'1I,liaTe--to
pvtlu'royalh;tjaiiyt!iiiii; li.iturtd., Hut
tkaitswHowlri.HiidjMitd wltU.a.biga
pf is,nlfcftjinlou if "it's? if : uilsbtxi pooty
srWjout.thiir.' It-just taken ule-'every
(,Aih'edurncAhiiuilwalk;eiout through
ilitKn.ncU;' wlndowf;iMy did, not f r a
(flomitit comprehend lilui;aon,ritraiire-jr&-riongh;kris
net of.rndc courtesy for
thCjiirst'iuie awakened her to,the full
&enSTof -tho 6 1 Hint Ion. This, house
rierjfal tier's horn) was uo longer hersl
lttu-t;.tttthet should : iwvr ' return, alio
wanted, nothing from It nothing h'he
BTlpiei;hpf beating hesrt'wlth the l!t
tlohunditibe had clinched' s valiantly
ai moment oro. Suddenly her 'hand
dropped. Somo ono bnd glided' noise
lesslyjlnro.the Lfu-k room, a fltrure In a
bluojldouse a C'liinnmiin, their house
errant. v'Ah To. Ho cast a furtive
fthincefatthe strnuKcrvoii tlio voranisj,
anditlwn- beckoned to her stculthlly.
fUie.fcame- toward him vfondcrliiKly.
fwhcn'ho suddenly whined a note from
hltfsleeve and with a dexterous move
ment? slipped it into her iliiKer She
tore i It open. 4. pintle tclmice showed
tier; a small key Inclosed In a line of
her'-father' handwriting. Drawing
quickly back Into the corner, hhe read
ail follows: "if this reaches you in
tlme.ttnlte from the second drawer of
rnyfdcslf. an envelope marked 'Private
(Wtraets' and (tlve It to tho- hearer."
There-vns neither signature nor ad
dress. ! Tutting her fingur to her Hp, she east
a quick' Ktyinco ,lt tlie ubHorbed figure
on the'vc'rnn'da and stepped before the
desk., Flfo iltted the key to th drawer
and-opened It mpldly. but noiselessly.
There 'lnyti envelope and, niuons oth
pr.tlckcted papers, a Binuil roll of greeu
baekiSrt injcli "as ber father often kept
thcre.JIt was hut money, RUe did not
acruploJ tt take" It with the euvelow.
Ilandln? tho latter fcthe Chinaman,
whomndo It lrutnjitly .disappear up his
sleovo'llko a conjurer's act, she digued
him to follow her Into the ball.
. "WhoKave you that note, Ah. Fe?"
Bhtf.whlspcred breathlessly.
? "Chinaman."
f TTio gave it to him" . .
G "An& jia him?"
rAnother Chlnannr '.
& Trejbeap Chinaman, 'Allee ameas
, TouTiaean It passed from one China
man's ;hand to another?"
I Allcdteame."
! "Why'didn't the first Chinaman who
eotittjbrinK It bcrer
''S'poso Mellkan man want to cntcheo
letteLJ.lIctspotty Chinaman. He fulleo
OhinnmanXChlnaman pusseo lettel next
Chinaman. He uo get. Mellkan man
nolbab got, Sabe?"
'TThea ihia package will go back thp
r "Alleo lame."
! "AniJ'.who will you giro it to now ?'
Alleo game man bllugee mo lettel.
IIop LI, ,wbo mnkce wnsbeci'
Aa, idea here Htnick Clasy, which
mnda her. heart Jump und her checks
flame.. Ah I'o gazed at her with an In
f autilo umllo of admiration.
' "Ilow.'far did that letter come?" she
flBkcd.wIth eager, nuestlonlng eyes.
"Letteo me see blm," snld Ab Ve.
I' Cissy banded him tho missive, lie
examined closely some half a dozen
Clkilwso characters thnt were scrawled
nlontr tho length of the outer fold and
iwhlchebo bad innocently supposed
,weroli'part of the markings of the rice
pnpw. on. which the note was written.
"Heap Chinaman velly much waikee
longeo wayl S'nose you look." lie
pointed through the open front door to
the)prospect beyond. It was a famil
iar1 one to Cissy the long Canada, tho
crest on crest of serried pines and be
yond tho dim snow lino. All Fe's
brown linger seCmed to linger there.
' 'In 'the snow," idio whispered, tier
cheekiwhltcnlng like thnt dim line, but
Den eyes epnrkling like- tho sunshine
OTOT it.
"Alloo same, John," paid Ab To plain
I "Ah Fe." whispered OIsy, "take me
.with yon to Hop LI."
' "No'ffood,V said Ah Fe stolidly. "II.
IJ. ho.glvee this" he indicated tho en
velope In bis sleeve "to nest China
roan. He no go. S'poiw you go with
mo. ITop LI. Yoa no makee nothing.
'AUeo same heap fooled"
; "I know, but you Just take me thiM-e.
1 Thcyoung girl was Irresistible. Ab
tFoa face relaxed. "All Utee!" he said,
iwlth a signed smile.
"You wait here a moment." paid Cis
y t)lKhtenliig. fho Hew up the ptalr
cafe. In a few minutes she was l.n.'k
again;' She bail exchanged hrr smr,rt
roso sprigged chintz for a pathetic lit
tlo bluo check frock of her sch.nl davs.
Tha fateful hut had given way to a
.brown straw "flat." Itont like a fnime
around her chnrminar face. All the
Slrllshnesa. and. Indeed, a certain hon
est .boyfshness of her nature, seemed
to llava conic ont In her glowing, frec
Wedv cHek, brilliant, niulaclons eyes
and tho quick Stride which brought
fcerto Ah Fe's side.
' "New, let's go," she said, "out the
Vick way and down the side ftrectV
She paused, cast a g!auce through the
drawing room nt tho crntrmplntlve
figure of tho sheriff's deputy en the
veranda nn.l then aswl cut of the
honsa forever.
ciLvrmn n.
HE excitement over the failure
of Montagu Trlx't's l ank did
not burn Itself out until rohl
1 night. Ky that time, bow-
trer. lt-waa pretty well known that the
aiooubt'of tbe deful'-aflooi bad bu
emgpernti-d; that it bad been preceded
3 the bt!pei.iou of iho L'stcelstot
i.mj-'-.- tt K.u Francisco, of which
.Trlxlt was also a manaifm dlrtctor,
cccusloactl If tb. discovery . ot the
wlihdraAal of setaritiis fjr usu la. tho
biauiU bauk ut Canu.U C'.ly; that be
had t'.e.l tho t.utu ejslv.ard across the
blerras, ji?t tl.uL, owmff to ti.o vgl
ldLC of tha i-olico on tho f.outiei-. be
bad 'failed lo .. i.e aud wus lu bid
li.. Hut thoru VM adei? reports
of a nioix- !iiSlr na.i.rc. it wm mid
tiiat oli.ers were liuplieated; tiiat they
dui-o not biiti-f biui to Jutke. It was
puitited out tht tluro u more con
cern among m.ui.v who wetc not opc-aly
Luuiiix. fi'u ihO uuiik. iliuii among
Its uiifortuiuitix!eK)!,itors. Besides the
Inevitable downfall of those who had
Invested their fortunes lu It, theru was
dlatrustor ktisplelofi everywhere. Even
Trtxlt's enemies were forced to admit
the1 saying that "ruuada City was th
bauk, Iiiul the luiuU was Trlxit."
I'erbaps this bad souietbiiig to do
with uq excited meeting of the direct
ors of the new mill, to whoso discus
slonv Hick MiiHterton, the ciifc'lneer,
had beeu hurriedly summoned. Wheu
ilieiprefideni told him that he had been
selected to undertake tho dilllcult und
delicate minion f discovering tho
whereabouts of Montagu Trixlt and, If
possible, procuring nu interview with
blm, he was amazed. What bad the
new mill, which had always kept itself
aloof from the bank and Its methods,
to do with the disgraced manager? Ho
was still more astonished when the
president added bluntly:
"Trlxit holds securities of ours for
money ndvanced to tho mill by himself
privately. They do not appear on the
books, but if ho chooses to declare
them as assets of tho bank it's a bad
thing for us. If bo Is bold enough to
keep them, be may be willing lo make
some arrangement with us to carry
them on. If be has got away or com
mitted Filicide, as some say, it's for
you to find tho whereabouts of tho se
curities and get them. Ho Is said to
have been last seen near the summit.
You understand our position?"
Masterton did, wllh suppressed dis
gust. Hut be was young, and there was
the thrill of adventure In this. "I will
go." be said quietly. I
"Wo thought you would. You must
take tho up stage tonight. Corue again
and get your rlual Instructions. Hy tho
way, you might get some Information
at Trixit's bouse. You or er are ac
quaint d with hla daughter, I think."
"Which makes It quite Imposslblo for
me to seek her for such a purpose,"
said Masterton coldly.
A few hours later he was on the
coach. As they cleared the outskirts
of the town they passed two Cblunmed
plodding sturdily along In tho dust of
tho highway.
Mr. Masterton started from a sllgbt
ftozo In tho heavy, lumbering "moun
tain wagon" which had taken the place
of the smart Concord coach thnt he had
left nt the last station. The scenery,
too, bad chimged. The four horses
threaded their way through rocky de
files of stunted larches and hardy
brush, ' with 'here and liero open
patches of shrunken snow. Y'et nt tha
edge of declivities bo could still see
through the rolled up leather curtains
tho valley below bathed in autumn, the
glistening rivers half spent with the
long summer drought and tho green
slopes rolling upward Into crest after
crest of ascending pines. At times a
drifting buze, alwuys imperceptible
from below, veiled tho view. A chill
wind blew through the vehicle and
made the steel slcdgo runners that
bung beneath the wagon ready to be
shipped under the useless wheels an
ominous provision. A few rudo "sta
tions," half blacksmith shop, bulf gro
cery, marked tho deserted but well
worn road. A long, narrow "packer's
wagon" or a tortuous file of Chinamen
carrying mysterious bundles depending
from bamboo poles was their rare and
only company. Tho rough sheepskin
Jackets which theso men wore over
their characteristic bluo blouses and
their heavy leggings weru a new reve
lation to' Masterton, accustomed to the
thinly clad cooly of the mines. They
seemed a distinct race.
"I never knew thoso chnps get so
high up, but tbey seem to understand
the cold," he remarked.
The driver looked up and ejaculated
his disgust and bis tobacco Juice at the
same moment.
"I reckon they're cverywbar In Call
forny, whar ye want 'em and whar
ye don't; yo take my word for It,
nforo long Callforny will hev to reckon
that slio glnerally don't want 'em ef a
white man has to live here. With a
race tied up together In a langnage yo
can't understand, ways thnt no feller
knows from their prnyin to devils,
swappln their wives and bavin their
bones bent back to Chiuy wot ore ye
gofn to do, and where aro ye? What
aro ye goin to make outer men that
look so much alike ye can't tell 'em
apart; that think alike nnd net alike,
and never In ways that ye kin catch
on to! Fellers knotted together In some
underhand secret way of commual
catln with each othcr.so that ct ye kick
a Chinaman up here ou tho summit,
another Chinaman will squeal In the
valley. And the way they do It Just
gets in"! Look yerl I'll tell ye some
thin that happened flint's gospel truth.
Some ef the boys that reckoned to hcv
some fun with the Chinee gang over nt
Cedar Camp staffed out ono after
noon to rr.i.l "em. They groped along
through the woods whar nobody could
see 'em. kalkllatiu to come down with
a rush on the camp over two miles
awny. And nobody did see 'em, only
tine Chinaman wot they met a tnllo
trom tlie camp, linrnln punk to bis J.h-s
or devil, and he seoetvl nway Just lu
the contrary direction. Well, sir. when
they waltzed Into that camp, dnrn my
Fkln cf there was a Chinaman there.
ot as much as a grain of rice to gmb!
Somebody bad warned 'em. Well, tills
sort cf got the beys, nnd they set a!out
discovciin hew It vns done. One cf
'cm noticed that there was snni bits
Of tisfte paper Mi thnt llioy t.m
around at-funeral lyia along th road
near the camp, and another remember
ed that tho Chinaman tiey met on tho
bill tossed a lot ef that paper In te
ir afore be scixited. Well. sir. tiv
wind carried Ju-.t enough of that paper
straight down the bill into that camp
ten minute afore tbey could get tlicr
to give them chinamen warniaw hut
ever it was. Fact! Why. I've seen 'era
fitrtnglulalong tho Toad Just like them
nop all of a sudden, like hounds'off
the sreut, .labber among themselves
and sn.i t oflt in a different direction."
Ju-i what they're ilo.ng now! By
thunder" Interrupted uuother passen
S -r vl.i walu kmg through the rolled
up curtain at his side.
, II the pa-s.-tenser tinned with one ac
ton! und looked out. The hlo of China-
- Aw
V-v 'V'' Vrr;(Vk'i
I7 jMiifaeiitcr hurried out into the road
to uisiiit the driver.
men bud indeed turned nnd wa3 mov
ing rapidly away at right angles from
the road.
"(Jot some signal, you bet," said the
driver "somo yellcr paper or pleco of
Joss stick In the road! What?'
Tha remark was addressed to tho
passenger who bad Just placed bis fin
ger on bis lip nnd Indicated a stolid
looking Chinaman overlooked before,
who was sitting in the back, or "steer
age," seat.
"Oh, bo bo darned:" said tho driver
impatiently. "He is no account. He's
only the laundryman from Itocky Can
yon. I'm tnlkln of the cooly gang."
But here tho conversation flagged,
and, the air growing keener, the flaps
of tho leather side curtains, were bat
tened down. Masterton gavo himself
up to conflicting reflections. The Infor
mation that be had gnthered was mea
ger and unsatisfactory, and bo could
only trust to luck and circumstance to
fullill bis mission. Tho first glow of
adventure having passed, ho was un
easily conscious thnt tho mission was
not to his taste. The pretty, flushed
but defiant face of Cissy that afternoon
haunted blm. Ho bad not known tho
Imniedinte cause of it. but made no
doubt that she bad already beard the
news of her father's disgraco when he
met her. I"e regretted dow that bo
hadn't spoken to her. If only a few
formal words of sympathy. Ho had
always been half tenderly amused at
her frank conceit nnd her "airs" tho
Innocent, undisguised pride of "the
country belle, so different from the
hard aplomb of tho city girl! And now
the foolish littlo moth, dancing in tho
sunshine of prosperity, had felt tho
chill of winter lu Its pretty wings.
The contempt be had for tho father
bad hitherto showed Itself In tolerant
pity for tho daughter, so proud of her
father's position nnd what It brought
her. In tho revelation that his own
directors had availed themselves of
that father's methods and the ignoble
character of his present mission, be
felt a stirring of self reproach. What
would become of her? Of course, frivo
lous as she was, she would not feel tbo
keenness of this misfortune like anoth
er nor yet rise superior to It. She would
succumb for the present, to revive an
other season In a dimmer glory else
where. Hla critical, cynical observa
tion of her bad determined that any
llllnl affection she might bavo would
be merged and lost In the greater de
privation of her position.
"For three days and nights I suf
fered agony untold from an attack
of cholera morbus brought on by
ealing cutncuml T8," says M. E.
Lowther, clerk of Ihe district court,
Centervillo, Iow9. 'I thought 1
nhould surely die and tried a doz3n
diCe.-ent medicines but all to no pur
pose. I sent for a bottio of Chamb
erlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Uemedy and three doses relieved rue
entirely." Th's remedy Is for sale
by the Delta drug stor?.
Ono of the most helpful books on
nerve weakness ever issued is that en
tit let! "Nerve Waste," by lr. Sawyer of
H in Krancipco, now in its fifth thousand.
This work of an experienced nnd repu
table physician is in agreeable contrast
lo the vast Ml in of I also teaching which
prevails on this interesting subject. It
alionmls in carefullr considored and
practical advice and baa the two great
merits of wisdom and sincerity.
It is intlorscd bv lioth the religious
and secular pre. TheChicags Advance
pay : A perusal oi the book and the ap
plication of its principles will put health,
hope am! heart Into thotuand" of liver
that are now suffering through nervous
The book is $1.00, by mail postpaid.
One of the most interesting chapters
chupter xx, on .Nervines an 1 Nerve Ton
ics lias been printed separately as a
sample chapter, anJ will be sent t i any
a.Mres for stamp by the nnblUher'c
Iiik Pacific Tea. Co., liox j'.H, San
t ranciwo;
1 1 riiWiSSM-.Wr- r-:i I
fe'. y 3 i
1US LOilE 1.0L0 CL KE.
a a lugeuloas Treatment by wlilcu
1'ruuluriU act lU-luir Cored bally
la Spite ef Themselves.
N .Vuxious Uoacs. So H etikeuiug of
the Nerves. A l'lcuut and
l'oi:tie Cure for the
l !iu.r Ha hit.
It Is now generally known and
uiiuora'Mu.l thttt lining nut.-; U a
disc'ds Pinl uot a weakness. A
Ixiwy uilcd With pe.ijuu uud uetves
completely shattered by periodical
or cons-taut uso of intoxicating liq.
neuirullzioir and eradicating; this
IKiison ui.d destroying tho craving
for iuloxicunts. Suilerurs may now
euro themselves ut home without
publicity or io-s ot time from busi
ness by this wonderful "Home (iold
Cure" which has boon perfected after
many years of close htuily and treat
mens ofincbriuus, Ihe fultliful us
according to directions of thid wond
erful discovery is positively guar,
anteed to cure tho moat oiwiinate
cane, no matter how hard a drinker.
Our records show the marvelous
trnnsformation of thousands of
drunkards into solier, Industrious
end upright men.
Wives) cure your husbands! !
Children euro your fathers! ! This
remedy is in no sense a nostrum but
i-i a fcjiecilit: for this disease only and
is so ekillfuly devised and prepared
that it is thoroughly soluble and
plessntit to the Urt.o so that it can be
given in a cup of tea or coll'oe with
out the knowledge of the peiuon
taking it. Thousands of drunkards
liavo cured themselves with this
prieolos remedy and as many more
have been cured and inado temperate
men by having the "Cure" Admin
istered by loving triends and rela
tives without their knowledge, in
tea or eoliee and believe today that
they discontinued drinking of tbelr
own free will. Do not wait. Imi
not deiude by apparent and inis
ieading "improvement." Drive out
the disetuo at once and for all time.
The "Home Oold Cure" is sold at
the extremely low price of one dol
lar, thus placing within reach of
everybody, a treatment more eti'ect
ual than others eosttg f25 to $60.
Full directions accompany each
package. ISpecial advice hy Rkilled
physicians when requested without
extra charge, tient prepaid to any
part of the world on receipt of one
dollar, Ade'ress Dept. K. 7o0 Edwin
B, Giles & Company, 2330 and 2332
a You Going East F
t.t i
! j
1 1
Perhaps I caa be of service to you.
1 can ticket you over any railroad running
trains out of Portland; tell you when to leave
home; where to change cars; when you will
reach your destination, and what there is to
be seen on the way.
Call or write I '11 take pleasure in answer
ing your questions.
Om,ih.i, Cliicapo, Kansas City, St. Louis and
25 W-JV'W 'mM'i,f.fIximawjfKm-'f
Asthma Cured Free
Asthrnalene Bring3 Instant Relio.f and Permanent
Cure in All Gases.
Write your Name and Address plainly.
piuom, nierphine, chloroform or ether.
(v--'-y J
Avos SrBi.tos, N. Y, Feb. 1, 1001.
Dr. Taft Rios. Medicine Co. .
Gentlemen: I write tbia testimoni.il from a nense of duty, having tested the
wonderful c:icct of your Asthmalene, for the cure of Asthma. My wife baa been
nliictcl wiiii f.i,sm.slic asthma for the past 12 -years. Having exhausted my own
fkill , well as ninny others, 1 chanced to see your sign upon your windows on l.loth
meet in N. w Y..r,i. 1 at once obtained a tiottle of Asthuialene. My wifo conimen-
eoil taking it alioni the 1st of Novemlier.
iiient. Alli-r using one Ixittle her Attn ma Had tiisappenreu anu mn emireiy tree
from all svnintoniB. 1 foel that 1 can consistently recommend the medicine to all
who are alllicted with this distressing disease, lours rmpw-tfiilly,
I'r. T ift I ros'. Me.Lcine Co. Feb. 6, 101.
l.eDtlemen : I was troubled with Aathina for 22 year. I haue tried numer.ni
remedies, hut iliey hn'e ail faileil. I ran across your advertisement ami startol
with a tri.il Uulo. I found relief at on.. I have since purchased jroor full-size
bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have a family of four children, and for aix years
was im-U.le tj work. I am now in the le"t of health and am doing husinen every
d.iv. 'i his tetiimn vmi can make such use of an you eo fit. 8. RA I'll AE1
! IK.riie address, i'i RivingMn street,
Trial Bottle Sent Absolutely
I'o not delay. Write at once, addressing
1 71) 1-jiat ia.H h Si , N. Y. City.
Market Street, Philadelphia.
All correspondence strictly coo fl
A new remedy for Llliousucs-i is
now on sale the Delta drug store.
It is called Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. It gives quick
relief and will prevent tho attack if
giveo as soon aa the first Indication
of the disease appears. Price, 25 ct:).
per box. Ha triple freo.
-.si:vri f,y. xXUf
r. . I. wo. 0!v-r:o.
A- V Armilrol-tf. I.L.. W., PrliKM"!
4 bt-ttotMl. in ufircasiv;: v heal, consetcodas
o ifi'wik,'h work, with hurtilrctls n( gni-ltiflUS
n piicxr.s hooLkcejM-r and aicnompber.
AUracly r.rrttitl t,! a h:yil Htandmg whrrvcf
known, H atrai'.ily ptowa brttrr and better.
Open alt the year. Students atlni'.tted ny time
Private or d-ufl instruction. Learn what and
how we teach, and what It cost. CutBlogwtfre
Hoard et Directors
It Happeaed In a Vtng Store.
"One day last winter a lady came
to my drug store and asked for a
brand of cough medicine that 1 did
not have stock," says Mr. V. 11.
Urandin, the popular druggist ot
Ontario, N. Y. "She was ditnp
pointed and wanted to know what
cough preparation I could recom
mend. I said to her that I could
froely recommend Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and that she could
take a bottle of the remedy and af.
ter giving it a fair trial if she did not
find it worth the money to bring
back the bottle and I would refund
the price paid. Iu the course of a
day or two the lady came back in
company with a friend in need of a
cough medicine and advised her to
buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Ivemedy. I consider that a very
good recommendation for tho reme
dy." It ia for sale by the Delta drug
A. C. Sheldon, General Agent,
Third and Stark Sts., Tortland, Ore.
There ia nothing like Astlimalcne. It
brings Instant relief, even in the worst
cases. It cures when all else fails.
Tho Rev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa
Ridse, III., says: "Your trial bottle of
Asthmalene received in Rood condition.
1 cannot tell yoa how thankful I feel for
the good derived from it. I was a slave,
chained with putrid sore throat Hiel
Asthma for ten years, I despaired of
ever being cured. I aaw your sdvertis
ment for the core of tbia dreadful and
tormenting diseaxe), Asthma, and thought
you had ovcrspoken yourselves, but re
solved to (rive it a trial. To my astonish
ment, the trial worked liko a charm,
hcml me a full-sized bottle."
Rabbi of the Cong. I'.niti. Iura. 1.
New York, Jan. 3, l'Ml.
Drs. Taft. Bros'. Medicine Co.,
Gentlemen: Y'our Aathmalene is an
excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay
Kever, and its composition alleviate? all
troubles which combine with Asthma,
lis. success ia astonishing and wonderful.
After having it carefully analyzed, we
can state that Asthmalene contains no
Verv truly yonm,
I very soon noticet a radical imirove-
u. u, i neips, -i. 1'.
0' " 1 -?
Free on Receipt of Postal.
I'U. TArT UKU., MimU.Mi
y i a, a o
When peo;ie mo tonleiophitiii,; a trip
HheV'ier on buiiiiios or pleasure, they
naturally want tho bct si'rvi.O ob
tainable so lar aa eid, eut.ioit and
.ifety is voiiverm .1. llmployecs of
t'iri ViM(iiu C'entriil Lints uio pjid
to serve tlie (.tu lic and our trains are
oH'rated so as lo make . lusn eunoee
tion with diverging lines .-.t all junct-"rvr-'-
. - - ' .
1'ullninii I'.ilai e M. epilog and Chair Oira
ou lluonh traius.
Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals
served la Carle.
In order to obtain thin lirst class service
ask the ticket aent to sell you a
ticket over
Direct connections at Chuai;o ami Mil
waukee for allKaatcru pointa. . . .
For full information call on your ui areat
ticket afcont, or write
Jab. C. Pokd, or Jas. A, Ci.oc.i,
Gen. Pus. Agt., Uentral A cent,
Milwaukee.Wis. 2P Stark
Scenic Line of. he World.
Salt Lak City & Denver.
The most inter ti) p and enjoyable trip
on this c tincnt is over this
Cboice of twor-M e .nroiinh the Rocky
Mountain-. . ! four routes east
of Den Pueblo
top o u era allot Salt Lake City or
any wlieit aeeu Onden
an 1 Denver
Ask your nearest ticket H'-'wOt for tic
Kets via tho Denver iV. iim (.iramle Kail-
road, Scenic Line of the World.
Descriptive matter mailed r.pon ajipli
TravcliiiR Agent (.leneral Aont
VU Third St., Portland, Ore.
Auctioneer, Hillsboro Oregon
I offer my services to citizens of
thia county to Roll Roods, merchandise
anil chattels at public vendue.
I will attend all sales at limes and
places fpecified upon receiving re-
qeruest to Uo so. Clmrgen reaunnuble.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
teach the seat of the diwaao. Caiarrh in a
blood or constitutional disease, and in or
der to cure it you must take inteniid rem
edies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter
nally, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces. Hail's Catarrh Cure ia
not a quack me. Heine. It was prescribed
by one of the best physicians in this coun
try for years, and as a rcxular prescription.
It ia composed of the best tomes known,
con blued with tlie best hlood purifiers, act
ing directly on the mucous surf-tees. Tho
perfect combination of the two ingredients
is what produces such won.lcrlsl results
In curing Catarrh, bend for testimonials
Address, F.J, CHUNKY A Co., Toledo.O
Hold by i)rllL'elnls, 75c
Hall s Family PUls are the best.
for acceptable Ideas.
State II patented.
Baltimore, Md.
tie- "ATPitr itHooao La
The Academy prepares f or Collefle and gicea
a thorough English Education, the best pre
paration for teaching or business. All ex
penses eery I oic. Board and rooms a the
(.dies' Hall $3 to $4 per tceeh, includin
electric light and heat.
Under cxpsrienccd management, tcilJ fur
nish rooms and board at cost on the club
plan, not to exceed $1.50
Per full pai iculars, address
president McClelland,
Forast Groce, Oregon
X. .TrTTTi
rVitlV Cunrrrrf 1N1C
Cbicag.vPortlan.l Special, via Hunt
ington leaves 9am for Salt Luke, Den
ver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St.
Louis, Cv ago k Fast. Arrives 4 :'M p m.
. At' tic Express via Ilntitlugton, do
py at 9 p m for Salt Ijtke, Denver.Ft.
jrtli, Ouiaha, Kansas City, t. Louis,
wtiicagoand East. Arrives 8:40 a. in.
St. Paul fast mail via Spokane leaves
fi p m for Walla Walla, Iwiston, Spo
kane, Wallace, Pullman, Minnenpolis, St.
Paul, Dulutli, Millwitukce, Dliicngo ami
Fast. Arrives 7 a m.
Freui l'ertlaad
leaves 8pm lor San Francisco every
5 days. Arrives 4 p m.
Ix-nves 8 p ra daily except Sun.lnv, on
Saturday 10 p m for Astoria and way
ludiiif;s Arrives 4 p in except Sunday
leaves daily except Sunday at (I am
for Oregon City, Newiierg, Salum, Inde-IM-ii.lence
and way-landings. Arrives ut
4:Mpm except Sunduy'.
leaves Tiles, Thurs, and Sat at 0 a m
for C'orvaliis ami way-bill. lings. Arrives
-Moil, Wed and Fri at 4 :'M p in.
leaves Tues, Thurs and Sat at 7 a m
for Oregon City, Dayton and way-land,
ings. Arrives Mini, Wed ami Fri at
3 :'M p m.
Leaves Ripnria at 3:40 a in for Iewis
ton. leaves ix'wiston 8::t0 a m for
Aadreas, A. I. CRAM),
Uen'l Pass. At;ent.
Portland, - Oregon.
Exroiss Tbairw Lkavi Pobturd Pailt
H.OO m I Lv Portland Ar ' :.' A at
8:15 A at I Ar Ban Francisco Lv H.O0 r at
Above trains stop at all stations between
Portland and Haloru, Turner, Marion,
J.'llerHon, Albany, Tangent, Hh.d.ln, Hal
aey, liarriabtirfr, Junoilon City, Kiu-eno
CottaKO Orove, Drain, Oakland, and all
stations Irom Hoseburg to Aahland,
8: A at I Lv
6Wrx Ar
Ar I
m ASC .
Secoiid-Claas Sir r pi no; Cars
Ar; .onau to au TnaoooH TsAiaa.
West Bide Division.
Mail Train Daily (Exoept Handay).
7-30 A K I Lv
M 44 am I.t
Portland ArldSOra
Hillaboro I,v4:'irai
Uorvallis Lv 1:20 p-
lliftri am Ar
" 4f.t Albany and ('orvallls connect
with trains of the Ureon (Vntrnl A Kast
ern Ky.
CM) m I Lv Portland Ar I ft:2T A
Mips L Hillsboro Lv 7:1)) a
T:M r at I Ar MoMinnville Lv ! 5:M) a w
8 :30 m InUependenoa. 4 roll A M
Threaitb caets
To all points u the Raatern states, Can
ii.la and Kurone can he obtained at low
est rates from C r Reckwith, a rent or
- A it K11A.M
Haoaaer. Portland ni l