Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 18, 1901, Image 3

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    I.ioaded shot gun shells, guns, belts,
leggings no J hunting coats for Hale at
tichulmerich Bros.
Tor Hale: a meat market, busi
ness well established and paying.
Ecqyire of C. II. Kocjj, Ilillsboro.
Foil Isjalk An English Setter
hunting dt two yean old, black
and white, well broke. Address P.
(). box 170, liilioboro.
Base Lull players atiould use The
M4tiiUii, MA It Ciller 0J4'a
uud bruises, toughens the bauda and
ke ps.tho fingers auple,
The ludies of the Evangelical
church will give a dime social next
Tuesday evening, Oct. 22, at the
home of A. M. Peterson, opposite the
City water works.
The two are light i recently hun;,
one at Washington & Second and the
other at Main & Third streets are
much appreciated ly residents of
Washingiou and Third atreeK
The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Congre
gational church, will give a dime
social nt '-'-'v hoi? of Mr. d Mr.
E. P. Hughes on Friday evening
Ojt, 18. Everyone Invited to at
tend. 2122
A never failing cure for cuts, burns,
sculds, ulcer wounds and sores is De
Witt's Witch Ilasel Salve. A most
soothing and healing remedy for all
fliin ufl'jctioua. Accept only the
genuine. Delta Drug Store.
Win Moiir makes boots at Ma
shop on Kecond street, Ilillsboro, for
f.l.fl) per pair, sewed shoes for 15
and gives special attention to repair
ing. Heuiesonly first-grade stock
which enable him to guarantee his
Those wishing to purchase improv
ed firms, largo or small, city lota or
city residences, in Ilillsboro or In
Fore.4 Grove, will find It worth
while to nee J. W. Shute at the bank,
lnilsboro or Bi'iiJ. Scholfleld at For
est Orovc.
Mr. Perry Ellis, of Beaverton, was
In town this week looking after busi
ness. Interest. Mr. Ellis has an
apiary of (nuch proportion that Its
profits are enough for luxuries.
Honey this, fall is disposed of by
producer at 10 cents per pound.
N orris Kilver, North Stratford, N
H: "I purchased a bottle of One Min
ute Cough Cure when suffering with
a cough doctor told me was incur
able. Oiio bottle relieved me, the
second and third almost cured. To
day I atu a well man- Delta Drug1
Many physicianaaro now prescrib
ing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly
having found that it is the best pre
aeriptlon they can writo because it Is
the one preparation which eoutnlna
the elements necessary to digest not
only 'some kinds of food but all kind
and It therefore cures Indigestion and
dyspepsia no matter what its cause.
Delta Drug Store.
OiH). W. Iane, Pewamo, Mich.,
writes: "Your Kodol DyspciMjia Cure
is the best remedy for Indirection
aud stomach trouble that I ever us
1 ed. For years I suffered from
dyspepsia, at times compelling me to
sbiy in bed and euusing me untold
agony lam completely cured by
Kodol Dyspepsia cure. In recom
mending it to friends who suffer
from indigestion, I alwuys offer to
iv for it if it fails. Thus far I have
never paid." Delta Drug Store.
Surveyor A. A. Morrell is making
a preliminary scrvey of the city for
tho purpose of detirmining the best
ivlac2 for laying a sewer. Ihe coun
fill's studying the proposition and
the prospect for having a line Is
lu.tior iliMii it h;is before been. The
Indkpkxijfnt suggests that when
th.i .l.t ; li is ouened that two liuesof
nine be laid, one of vitrified tile and
thn miinr. common drtiin tile. The
tilth of tho city will go through the
itrvt while the.atreets aud bluks can
be drained through the second.
Coorgo Adata.Geier at the 'age of
8o years, died at hislhouie in Hills
hm Wixlneadav rooming last. The
deceased has been sick for many
weeks and his death Isjnot a surprise,
lie wns a native of Mannheim, Bad.
en, Germany where he followed his
trade of theatrical scene painter. He
came to America in 1870 and work
ed in several of the large cities. He
bought property In Ilillsboro ten or
twelve years ago and has contiuu-
oulv lived here since. He painted
tho stage wenery used In Vert's
Hall, Forest Grove, and some of the
ndvertiain cartoon on the drop
curtain of tho lTill.sboro opcr house,
The scenery of the Ilillsboro play
house was painted In Chicago before
Mr c ier carne here, Deceased was
twice wedded. There are two child
ren by his first wifo but none by the
second who survives. In early man
hood a good salary was earned but
snent almost m fast as received
Ti,n ..mnnrtv where he lived Is all
A IIW V ," - -J "
that he accumulated. This.it Is un
derstood was doedcl to his wifo sev
nnntha ac-n. so the home that
.ha hniiuMl ! make, remains to her
The funeral occurred yesterday.
The County Court of Columbia
County tuck to the wooda last week
wheu lion. S. IS. II union presented
the petition digued by residents of
the eleven sections ak i ng that their
property bo removed iroui tho rs- i
essiiicnt roil of Columbia County.
Sir. Huston suggested that the court
could not retain those settious by re
fusing to act bluce thcra are a duiu
ber of ways for getting the tiutstiou
before tlie court. One way Is to get
a gunner to about a bird out of ron
ton, arreat'hiin ana at uie" i'riai rai.se
tje qUttion of venue. Another ai.d
i perhaps beet way is to, make an
I agreed cade to be submitted to Jud'e
McB'ride. The County Court seemed
dazed and would not even ask for
time to consider of a discision.
There will be one though, for the
people living on those sections are
In earnest and on account of roads
and business connections, want to re
aide in Wsshirgton County.
The Corvallis Times has seen Mr.
McDonald and his daughter sis they
parsed through its) twn on their
way to the old home In Washington
County. McDonald leads in a wag
on, following Is a band ot bunch
gra.se horses lorty f ur strong, noble
auimala driven by Miss McDonald
and her girl friend. The girls are
gowned with divided skirts and are
seated in the ordinary range saddle.
Their feet are incased in high top
ped shoes to which is strapped spurs
whose rowells are properly dyed ia
blood. A second wagon brings up
the rear. Mr. McDonald went from
Washington County to Klamath
County in 1872. The time is so long
that the oldest setter falls to locate
him, but'probably a winter's resi
dence will bring to mind faces thai
80 years have obscured.
John Dennis has just received an
invoice of heavy extension ladles
walking shoes that are so populsr
this fall, They are the alioe for our
winter weather, though 'hey are nol
in the financial interest of tho doc
tors, for tho lady who wears them
will bo exempt from colds.
Hoyt, the jeweler has a largo stock
of watches in store, At no tirao be
fore in the history of the County has
tho stock been so well selected or so
large. There are watch movements
in Ihe show case from a few dollars
each, uo to forty best that are
made in their class.
Mr. James, at ono time, a bust
nes associate with our A. E. P.'ce, is
inspecting1 Oregon this fall. He
pent Sunday with Mr. Ilice and
Councilman Wm. Birson is sick
at hla residence, threatened wun
tmeumotvohus. Tho attaik came
on while he wssat h's mill iu Polk
The bird season Is now open and
E. L. McCorinick has guns for rent.
(let in the name before the game is
all killed. Bust loaded shells in
Wanted: An experienced onion
raiser for wasres or shares. Address
Benton Killin. 727 Chamber of
Commerce, Portland, Or. 21-22
Call at the Indei-kndent office
and examine the famous Mellon
board for mounting kodak prints
Latest thing out. Any size.
The best assortment of fine knives
aud razors In town aro ut McCor
mick's fuiiy warrantee!.
For sale, S8 head of goats iu good
order. Zina W oor, Ilillsboro.
Dr. Brown, the dentist, will be in
Uillsboro, Oct. 21st for one week.
Tot Causes Mplit Alarm.
"One night my brother's baby
was taken with croup," writes Mrs,
J, C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it
seemed It would strangle before we
could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr
King's New Discovery, which gave
quick relief and permanently cured
it. We always keen it in the house
to protect our children from croup
and whooping cough. It cured me
of a chronic bronchial trouble that
no other remedy would relieve."
Infallible for coughs, colds, throat
and lung troubles. 00 c and 11.00,
Trial bottles free at the Delta drug
A lienilista Attack.
An attack was lately made ou C
F. Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that
nearly proved fatU It came through
his kidneys. His back got so lame
he could not stoop without great
pain.'nor sit in a chair except prop
ped by cushions. No remedy help
ed him until he tried Electric Bitters
which ffected surh a wonderful
change that he writes he feels like a
new man. This marvelous medi
cine cures headache and kidney
trouble, purifies the blood and builds
an vour health. Only 60c at Delta
drug store.
gteppr d late Live CaaN.
'When a child I burned my loot
frightfully,', writes W. II. Ends, of
Joneavllie, Wa., w hich caused hor
rible leg sores for 80 years but Buck
Ion's Arnica Salve wholly cured me
after everything else failed." In
fallible for burns, scalds, cuts, sores,
bruises and piles. Sold by Delta
1 drug store. Price, 25e.
Mason jars at AxcUbotda, at prices
to tit the aeaaoii.
Mr. Johu Cuurch, of Spokane,
visited Saturday and Suuday with
tur sisters, Mr. John Dennia and
alui Mrs. D.
M. MeCoriniek.
Mrs. V. N. Barrett as delegate,
attended the gtand lodge of the
IUlbboue Sioters K. ot P. which as
Mumbled in Portland thla week.
Mr. C. F. Henry who formerly
lived near Pittsburg in the Nehulem
. r t i , s.. - .
UOu't'tJ, U.l C 4. U ll 4 Ai-f"
a part of the lit Urn douatieo, and
will renils there the coniin? yesr.
Mr. Btckwith, the S. P. Co. sta
tion agent Wfs kept at borne by the
rufh of business during the week
ending Oct. 6th and thus was pre
vented from attending the man 'age
of his favorito sister, Mi. Lina
Beck with, which Joccured in Call
fornia, Oct. 9lh. Miss B. married
Mr. Wm. F. Schween, a wealthy
farmer of the Sacramento Valley.
Uault Williams.
One of the, prettiest weddings xeen
In Tlurardville in recent years wa
that ti Ml Adtv'Wil'Sa'M d M
Fred L. Gault, which took place at
ti o'clock Wednesday evening, Oct.
9th, at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Williams. The hou-e
decorations were exceedingly elabor
ate and beautiful.
At the appointed hour, the bride
and groom, groomsman, Mr. Henry
Ilusilage and bridesmaid, Misa Eflie
Giulmuu entered the parlor and took
their places under an arch ol ever
green aud were united in the holy I
bonds of matrimony by Justice of
tho Peace H. B. Tigard, the cere
mony being (-implo and Impressive.
After congratulations, all were in
vitcd to the tlininir room where a
sumptuous repust was servea oi
which a'l belt g present did ample
Tho bride lookud lovely In a cos-
tuine of cream . uuusvemng wun
cream siik and silk applique trim-
niiugs with veil to match and car
ried a boquet of white carnations.and
KU"ax. The briacsruaiu wasureseu
in white and tcai.ied a-boquet ol
pink La France roecs. The groom
wore the conventional blaek.
Mr. and Mrs. Gault have hosts of
acquaiutaucesnd aie well known,
having made Tigardville their homes
r years.
M;uiy beautiful present were re
Mi. and Mrs. Gault left for Port
land after the wedding where they
will remain for several days and
will be at home, ou tho McFearlaad
place, after Oct, 12. All Join in
wishing them much joy and happi
ness. What's Voar lace Worth?
Sometimes a fortune, but never, Ii
you have sallow cjmplexion, a aun-
diced look, moth patches and blotch
es on the skin, all signs of liver
trmiole. But Dr. Kinir's New Life
Pills give clear skin, rosy cheekc,
rich complexion. Only 25c at the
Delta drug store,
At the October term of County
Court the following claims were al
lowed :
L C Walker, assess'g and col.. .$ 12 00
C W Hendricks, lumber roads 2 80
LC Walker, bridges and roads lb 80
Tualatin Mill Co lumber roads 47 00
Bloyd & Sigler lumber roads. 112 70
Couitflman Bros lumber roads 5 70
J S Miller roads 5 00
New Gales Creek Saw and
Shingle Mil!, lumber roads. 28 20
S G Hutches nower and fuse... 'I 70
Fuegy & Tuelle repairing
blacksmith shop.... 9 65
John' Kennedy bounty wild
cat 2 00
J II Da is'Bame 2)0
Walter Willis hftme 2 00
II T Bae'.ev county records... 20 00
C F Cas'eel witness Ourdner
Insane " 00
H B Tisrard suuie 12 76
C K Bradley care county pau
pers , 103 15
W O Donelson supplies 6 25
Irwin Hodson Co supplies
county officers 22 95
Ulassltl Brudhouimelsamo.... 76 SO
O II Wilcox assessor and Ha. 72 50
A M Collins jnnitor and board
prisoners 40 55
II A Ballsuptnd sta 65 70
R Crandall treas 50 00
J C IiHinkin court houce and
jail 3 10
A B Cady supplies Mrs
Smith 8 00
Itai vt,3 Bros Cedar Mill, sup
plies A .Morgan J ou
J II Shearer bounty wild cat. 2 00
B L Wann recorder dep etc... 127 70
O A Morgan clerk dep and sts 201 76
J W Sewcll sheriff sal and dep 2o4 75
Independent stationery 35 15
Light A Water Co service 18 70
Hvire d Sfiimclte r wood C II 90 00
John Sinclair wood C II 40 00
L A Rood sal Cj judge sta.. . 61 80
C Eisenhatier labor drift at
long bridge. 4 60
J T Buxton clamps for crush-.
er .. 3 00
J W Pr well oak wood 6 00
HO Vincent lumber roads... . 17 30
B SchoQeld superintending
the bridge across Gales
Creek 2 00
Mr. P. B. Southworlh, son ot out
neighbor, Mrs. Reynolds, and whom
the boys, now men, called Pres
Sjuth, has been exercising hi In
vective genius. He has devised a
burners snip which is not equaled
by anythiug now in the market
He is negotiating with a company of
manufacturers iu the East for the
side of his right. The sum named
between fJOOO and 11000. Mr.
Southworlh has a fine farm near
Mayvillo in Gillam County, this
unite remote from
trauHirtition Hnes he cannot grow
wli.'at profitably for shipping so be
feeds it to hogs and thus is able to
keep the wolf from the door though
coyotas occasionally take a pig.
Mrs. N. J. Ursrermao , of McMin
oiville, visited with her daughter,
voterJav at tbo central station of
J w
the te lephone exchange. Mrs. Un
gcrniau has just completed a term of
five years served ss Grand M, 01 K.
& C. Rn hboue Sisters. Her efficient
rvice and great popularity with
hei associates is emphosiaed when It
is stated that the official term ra but
one year aud to serve five years
mi aus flve consecutive elections; A
sixth election was declined as the
lady felt that she haa earned a rest
During the year ending July 81,
1901, the salaries paid the sheriff,
county clerk and recorder of this
county, were W300. This includes
tho enumeration paid to deputies
and will be the pay roll till the law
..i, 1 T t.irlmr thn ftumn time I
"" I.:".:.," .
to the transfer ot real estate have
been MUdO 50 by which it appears
t wt tne county nas not uceu -u. vu
. . . .
, If ...hi.l h mna ftf h
Ullltvr: it ii w uuiv 'jr w
' I
fees. The general taxpayer Is called
UJJUU UIB-U t "W- rf
The merchants of Uillsboro
entered info an agreement tcr close
their several places of business at
eiLht o'clock in the evening here
after. This is a fair compromise on
that question. In
Portland, stores
cloe at six o'clock, p. m.
in I
groat inconvenience for Working
people who cannot do shopping out
of workiug hours. The ilillsboro
business people have been more
thoughtful for the interests of cus
Mrs. Sadio Bailee, of Illinois, is a
guest of Mrs. Moreland this week.
The visitor is delighted with our
October weather.
Born, in Ilillsboro, Oct. 13 to
M. S. Baggerly and wife, a daughter.
Oct. 11 to E. B. Sappington and wire
a daughter.
All nercons indebted to me Will
chase call and settle. J. P. Tamle-
SIC. J1, I). CJCl, 11, 1UU1.
.... . . . 11 .
UT. -owe, uie ojiiiuib u "-'"
,.,. ,:il tr.r him.
H1J1J1I. llJ 1. "
Dcutist Brown at Mis.
reaideni";, Monday, Oct. 21.
J.M.Brown has a lot of oilcake
J P Roach et ur to W A Clapp
82 97 a Donald McLeod die... 4000
Mary R Miller and husband to
Estella Trice part of blk 14
1'orest Grove 1860
I W Baldwin to Ernost Haber-
strot2 5 a John Butts die...... 416
John Schneider et ux to Phllo-
meno lViret 47 18 sec 21 t 2 n
Alice U Porter to Myrtle Port
er lot 4 blk 10 Forest Grove...
L II Alberts et ux to The Boav
erton Milling Co mill sight
and mill
Christian Madman to .John
Hchneider 35 a sec 4 tlnr
2 w $1100
Robert Eral Oottbardt to
Christian Masseman 35 a see
4 t 1 u r 2 w
Geo Schulmerich et ux to A L
Rutt 20 a Wm Adams die...
Thos II Tolbott to T II Miller
lot No 80 Cornelius environs
C C Whituiore jo Calvin Whlt-
1 1 nn
more tractin sec 10 t 2 s r 8 w.
P J Hosier to Mrs M J Gay 2J
a blk "E" Fairvlew add
I J Baughman to Victor E A
Lanbott 80 a sec 10 1 2 n r 2 w 1300
Joseph B Sehall to Henry Wen
rung tract in Mlchal Moore
Joseph 8 Gaston to Thomas
Blum part of lots 4 and 6 In
blk 4 Gaston 70
Jo'ph 8 Uaton to George
Vanhorn parts of lots 4 and 6
blk 4 Gaston
John W Gates and wife to
Frink Bkcr 6 a E Walker
70 1
Joseph I) Bates and wife t) El-
leu A Hat. h 40 a sec 28 t la
r 5 w
Sus;in McGuwaa et al to C W
Podson 40asec20t2nr3w
and other lands.........
Eva M Smith to, Elizabeth
Smith 30j a David ,T Lenox
lVt.T Pedcrson and wife to
Hannah L Height lots 1 and
2 blk 20 Forest Grove 200
Fdwaril Dalton and wife to
Teter II Peterson 29 sec 1 1
1 8 r 1 w 2600
the IStb
wife, ft
J. M. Brown has Just received his
first Invoice of new crop ot walnut.
First In town.
Palmer's oyster parlors are open
every evening till 10 o'clock and on
Saturdays till midnight.
Grandma Freeman vent to Port
land yesterday evening to visit with
her daughter, Mrs, Ouuklin.
' 'tadiea' Oi i.au iXifclV'ullojal
church will give a Hallowe'en soci
able Oct 31. The place will be an
nounced later.
Mr. Wm. Pitman, who is in a log
ging camp ou the Sandy In Multno
mah County, spent several days In
Ilillsboro this week.
Mr. J. C. McDouald, of Portland,
but formerly a resident of Forest
Grove, visited yesterday with his
friend, W, D. Smith.
Rev. Booaer, pastor about three
years ago of the Evangelical church
was In Uillsboro yesterday evening
visiting his parishioners.
Rev. G. II. ' Phelpsj last of Port
land, has been assigned to the Hills-
boro Circuit Evangelical church late-
ly abandoned by Rev. Hartman.
ftcult getting as many China pheas-
ants as they need for their annual I
hanuuet. but they will ire them,
ihe event occurs tomorrow evening,
Wheat was eeiling this week at
" " . .
land quotation for corn is 180.00 per
. Tki. ..in . i:.i 4 I
i in . .i in wall in in m . i . -hi uu mi
Born, at Bethany on
Inst, to Wm. Boy and
nillv. .nnolnted administrator
-""5ruo W" """"' l
hn vl nrv rvtrn fnv ftlmnat nnA.hnlf whikt
The Grand Lodges of Knights of
Pithiasand Rathbone Sisters have
honn In ooiuinn In Pnrtlanfl. this
week. TheHillaboro Lodge, have
been reorganized In the selection of
i . w i itr.ii nr.inw
r onu "a" or ouwiuo -h;u
man ana xars. cut uwjoerii i iu-
rle for Grand Mistress ot Finance.
Some plats of land In the County I
have been found unsuited for or,
cbards. The trees grow fairly well
for a year or two and then die,
This, it is thought, Is due to poor
drainage. A hard pan Is found
from ten to fifteen inches beneath
the surface Which prevents the Water
, . .
leaching away. It is held about the
roots of the trees till they are drown-
tA out
This state - of things has
been remedied in some localities by
breaking up the hard pan with
Diasis oi aynamiie. a uuie uisub
. ... . . . .
with a twolncn curt;, auger aDou
Uk ,liun anil ra ,1 .111 urllK
lureeicCT uccj ..u- i".
a I
stick or two or dynamite.
I. tl,o h,H ...h I.
I " ' " - l
shattered but the blast Is not heavy
enough to blow out a great bole.
The water has a way of escape and
the trees are left to grow. Home or
chards about Scholia that have been
thus treated, show great thrift. The
same result has loiiowea orcnaru
shooting about Newberg In Yamhill
The foot ball team at Forest Grove
has has two match games within a
week. Last Saturdav the opponents
v. niiorA-i tniiknn The
score stood at the close of the game
16 to 12 In favor of the home team.
The sensational play was Falker's
long run for a touch down. The
Chemawas clayed a ood game and
whenever they attack the center of
their oDimnent's line they made
.t. t a a P. IT. mnlrl not
get through the Indians' line. They
hid to so around or punt, rne se
cond game was on Wednesday when
the school boys met the Multnpman
amateurs. The visitors out classed
the home team and gained six
I points to nothing for the school boys.
I "
The touch down was made near inei
close of the first half. The Forest
Grove people lost points on fumbles
1 wnicn ougai nut iu uo unfcuou
. . . L . . . k.A V. n -.f. n .ul
on a dry field. The uoitege team is
in ! making rapid progress toward good
playing under tne instruction oi meir
coach, and before the season Is over
...111 I . Hn
is good game win ijui u.
I will sell at public auction at my
place one-balr mile normwest
Reedville, at ten a. m.
Wtdaetdar, OcU 80th,
Blackhorse.il yrs. 1676: brown
horse, 9 yrs, 1200; light bay horse, 7
itnn. .ii wnrir ainrin nr double.
S vonntr cows. Dart Jersey. 8 to 6 yrs,
1 fresh. 3 soon to be: 2 2-year helf-
ers, 1 fresh Christmas; and 8 months'
calf, all Part Jersey. Two sets
double and two sets slnarle harness.
saddles, hack, too boggy, cart, wag
cultivator, 2 plows, roller, hayrake,
mower, sleigh; 4 dos chickens, 2 doc
turkeys, 8 Guinea fowl?; new Penln
solar Steel Range. Model Range,
Cook stove and two heaters. 10 tons
timothy, 10 tons clover. Household
fnrnitiire and farm implements.
Terait ef Bale.
810 and under, cash. Over $10,
one year's time, approved note,
per cent. Two per sent off for cash.
Haks Rasmcses, owner,
B. P. Cornelius, auctioneer.
Oline winter rains irum propenyito .-. the aania. with the proper
The Finest Cake
Is made with Royal Bak
ing Powder. Always light,
sweet, pure cwnoiesomc.
Eat P M Dennis deed; report and
account filed and approved.
Est Laura M Cad well deed; peti
tioners Roe and Buxton have leave
to withdraw petition for the remo
val of rdmlniatrator. Ordered that
the personal property described 1
sold for cash in hand and that the
petition to aet off certain personal
property to the minors be continued.
oi v - uf3 u.?y
filed, value of estate 1620.
w . Si a II.t., w.f A rvswl In.
M u"m"ua ' "
ventory filed, value of estate $ 99d.
nraved for. An allowance of $10 per
moQtn waji made for the -support of
Eat JoeDUlte deed; sale of per
sonal property confirmed . The final
account was filed and November set
for examination.
Eat Mary A McLecd deed ; estaee
Hmllu1 tn nrohaUt. Wm. M. Jack-
- - -
under bonds of 11000.
License to wed were Issued Oct 11,
to George Vandera tnden zi ami
Amelia Herb 20. Oct 12 to Erall G
5 D 01?
II McCoy 34 and Mary E Hart 2C
and John L Purh 81 and Edna L
Little 20. Oct 16 to BodJ lloskins
32 and Sadie Crowthers 20. Oct lo
James W Uesa 83 and Bessie Johns-
ton 17.
Notice of Appointment ot
Nntlra la hftrabv irlven that the UqJ T
igned baa bean duly appointed by tli
iVimiti Cnnrtnf the Htala of Oregon, for
Waauington OoniHy, ailiioiiixlraior oi tne
asta of Marv A. McLeod. decoaacd, and
I that all peraoni haviut? olnima amorist ml
I eatuta ar hereby requested and required
vnncliara to mL aithar at DilleT. Waclnnx
ton County, Oregon, or at the law oihce ol
Thoa. U. E. U. Tongue, in Hillttboro,
WaablDKton County. Ureaon, wittnniiz
montha Iroro the data hereof.
Dated at tlillaboro, Oregon, till jiiq
day of October, 1U01.
Administrator Of theeatats of Mary A.
McLeod, deceased.
Through the kindness of Charles
Martin, the citlsena ot Hubbard have
access to over 1600 books, which he
haa placed in the room over the
8too4 Death Off.
E, B. Monday, a lawyer of Henri
etta, Tex., once fooled a grave-dig'
srer. Ue says: "My brother was
very low with malarial fever and
Juandlce. I persuaded hlm to try
tuectrto mriers ana no wb booh
I mucn Detter dui connnueu meir use
I until he was wholly cured. I am
sure Electric Bitters savea his lire
I This remedy expells malaria, kills
disease germs and purines ine dioou;
aids digestion, regulates uvcr, aiu
I neys and bowels, cures constipation
dyspepelaj nervous aiseases, aiuney
I troubles, female complaintfj gives
I Derfect health. Only 50c at Delta
I drug store.
Porttald urelval's Brilliant Array
i r Attractions.
I Never In the history of tne North
I we8t have the people been offered
I "
8Ucn enjoyable entertainment mingi
I ed with useful instruction as will be
iaid before them during the month
I .. . . . n I , L. I V. ...Ml
qj (ne arortiana mruivai, wuiuu nm
I be held in the great Exposition
building from Bept. 18 to Oct. 19,
i and also in the beautiful Aiuiinomau
I Field adjoining. The Committee of
I . .. .1 l....lmi.
representative uubiucbb cu umms
the carnival in cnarge nave aireauy
made contracts involving the ex
I pendlture of $60,000 to make the
I Carnival a success. On the music
I nd amusemnw alone there will !
I $18,000 expended and the other ap
propriations win oe in proportion ior
I ... a a!
the Horse Bhow and the grand Mill-
I tarv Tournament and the Athletic
bxercisea, etc,
These ngures win give peupie an
Idea of the grandeur and Immensity
or me uarnivai, wnicn win i n
2 lumlnated with 8800 electric lights,
- The music by two full military oan.is
will be mod, and there will
not be
a dull moment, afternoon or eve
ning. There will be a reproduction
- of Multnomah rails In the fciposi-
tlon Building, a Dig woraing Aiming
Exhibit, a German Village, a show-
I Ing of all the products of the iorth.
I west, and many other sightfl to see.
All railroad and steamboat lines will
sell excursion tickets to the Carnival,
o gooa ror i uays, at one inu ono-imru
I tare for the round trip. People bo
I mlsa the Portland carnival win miss
I a grand event
l V .yS)
I ll .
; r.-.
'V - vl?'V
ofr InJunij.hii fcjtbers ; t-t theidutiri-
ftotlhing chjir,ctfri:tic oi the New1 Gold; Filled
Wjtih CWve t:t td-nt it thjt iti'jjuirintcc
4t forever.
Fa-hys Permanent;
Gold Filled 'Watch . Case
the finest g"id filled watch c.ise ever manu-
endjft anj the remainJa v th ci ii eitii
thielc 1 kirirguld, MnitrorJ oith hauler mrt.il.
The sc re miJe with t'l the urc mj in all
he patterns whi huc uictt on the very finot
jlid fi'.i watchea.'
'- jThey are wirrjnte.I' turevtr Uth.by"ui'anJ
fjr;the." manufnturcni' who twill frepLce the
iu'with qew one ot (he tarnejaualiiyif th
'fold itovJttw'finawihA CsiLjn45d
The Jcnelcr,
The armies of cut worms that did
so much damtigo in Willuuittto val
ley gardens last yiar and tho year
before, were not cn hand this sea.
son. Last year they ata up garden
after garden.- Owners dosed them
with coal oil, chased them with
clubs, swore like steamboat captains
at them and tried every other means
to rid their garden of tlu multitudes
of pesis. But it all came to naugiit.
The worms got out of night when the
proprietor hove in night, and ap
peared again by countlins hundreds
when he disappeared. One row af
ter another of growing vegetables
was distroyed, the worms never
leaving tho garden patcli uutil they
had wrecked it. But tho worms
were absent this 8'isoii. They went
as mysteriously and suddenly as
they came and the fact of how they
went is most interesting.
The cut worms all died, and died
in a peculiar way. A germ disease
went through their ranks like a
pestilence, and never ceased its rav
ages till tho last worm was at rest,
The e'eath of every worm whs identi
cal with that of his comrade. .On
the rear end of each, a diseased place
appeared. Tho afl'i'ctiou was only a
speck at first, but it grew larger and
larger until half the worm was in
volved. As tho affection advanced
along the boly, tho worm grew
more and more feeble, and at last ha
Hundreds of tiieiu iu various slag
es of the discs e were put under tho
microscope at tlio college ami stud
ied. Germs were taken from them
and culturiS ninde. From the cult
urea other worms wero inoculated,
and the dipeat-o was reproduced with
perfect preciciun. The investigutiou
led to a fixed coiivitti'in that tho
disease whs eiilemic in tho tut
worm woritl, ioil the non-appearance
of the pe-is this wesson nhows
how fatal it was. Prof, l'irnot, who
made the inveaiig..tion, believes that
the disease was contracted by some
thing that the worms ate, as in every
case the dig'-stivo orgnns wero in
volved. Prof. Permit still has a
supply of tho fatul gerns on ha ul
ready to done any stray cut worm
that happens around. Corvallis
A Shocking Calamity.
"Lately befell a rralroud hil oicr,"
writes Dr. A Kt lktt, of WilJsford,
Ark. "His foot was badly crushed,
but liucklen's Arnica Siio quickly
cured him. It's sitnly wonderful
for Bnrn.s, Boils, I'ilo-s at; I nil skin
eruptions. It's tho world's cham
pion healer. Cure guaraiitc'-d. 2"i;
Sold by Delta tl rug fctore.
Working; .i.'hl ami 1),
The busiest and mightiest thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's
New Life Pills. Those pi, Is ch ingo
weakness into strength, li-dlo-rie"
into enerirv. brain-f.iir in' uientpl
ijiower. They'ro wonderful in build
! Ing up the health. Only 2 c per box.
; Bol
by Delta drug stop.'
Hhulmerich Bros. hv.o a few ladii-s
capes and clcfti left which will I
closed out at eo-it, al i soinq men's
overcoats aud mackintosh's.