Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 11, 1901, Image 1

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A INK H M v 1 t SI NIK
. . . T T. ,J"''
O.voruoi i. Dunbar
B-otetarv of bit I cb. V Moor.
iutlTu" 'l.tnt.o.; J. wa
state Printer Wo'lverton
J K tujp
nuurem Court j; A Mc4r,
county oViicebb.
l . A lliind
J r'JC j" (j. A. Y nun
CmumlsHiuoerS I ...E.J.Wrd
- P.m. J.vHorpe
. ,,
ll,n W. fcHjWtil
M iMPll!
Vualph I.. V ann
K. i.Tundall
'Oeo. 11. Wilcox
.... II. A. Mi'l
T H. Wilkes
W.l. Via
Trenaun r
AtMOHftOf --'
Kiliool Superintendent
Oorrannr.... .
Unas. B. Moores
W in. UaUoway...
city officers.
, .F, A. Hailer, Mayor
.... . jonn nuriiiiu)!
J. 1 Tamsiaie
.. John D'nni
Board 1 rerteaej
IE. U. rrov
J..hn Mill
Wtn. B.hi
E. C. brow
"".Bonton Bowuian
fcrm1 Kveriti
Knoordi r .
1 ronMurer
on'ce of
" Atkinson
K. Everill
Pcaoe r-".. I. l. Kamlali
, . . ... -
lb. ortifl. close a bi HlU.boros.fort
22! was Onion. Bethany and Od.r
Mill, at co"
Going Booth, m- mnmM .Ma
Going to Portland and y-offloes, 8 m
"Ci liuiton and Laurel, daily .
maetina I bnraday ewmn. f. J-
VhriaUln BnUeaTor at7:J0 p. m.
llartninn, tantor.
f.?J UaV. mt.n every Hnnday at
Thnradav avetiinii . Leadera" and Bteward
iSlu.""irJfToead.y .venin '
CHRISTIAN CHUHCH Preachh rlat 2d
and 4ih bunday In each nioiith at 11
,a. Frayer n.eet.nK Tbureday evonmK,
Chriatian ' I'STU.'lI Jf JjVOB E Pto,
llauichtrra or Bt-bokiih.
M I (I II Dieeta In 0id r cllowa
II aU every Baturdny evening
M. Wa.
eV-ry 2nd and 4tli Saturday nil.t, at
WeUiUng'i hall.
A. O. D n
V., Miota every lirm aid rd
t'riday avBinn eaoli month.
1. af II.
2nd and Ith ' onyaoi eaou u-
t. u. u. t .
ON'I'EZl'MA MIDGE. NO. W. n.ee
uii....iitv ovMilnrant r)o elock.m l.u.
k. Ball. Viaitora made weloome.
Vrftre tl lionoi.
f IM1K DEORKR HONOll. A. O. 0.
I W., meet In V hruim' hall eye"
brat aud third Friday ev.-ning of i;h
BttlhboB SlUr.
IjHiENK'li TEM1M.K NO. 10, K. ..
i tnrel evry id anu ih Knday In ea;h
month at 7 :) o'clock In Wchrunn aU.ilU
k. r v.
1 meota in .Mnonie Hall on Monday
tTnm of eaoh vreek. Bojonrnlnii brethren
eleumed io lda Bieetlntra.
A. r. and A.
Mlt'AMTT LOIXIB NO. , A. F. A A. M.,
JL meeta every Batnrday ni(ht on or after
tall booi of ea;h month.
O. E. H.
ml'ALATlK OHAl'TER. N0.81.it.
1 meet at Slavonic Tcinr-ie on he nd
and th Tneaday of eaob mouth.
E5. BISHOW. ' (
the tin and third Krvlaya of ch
month, at .W o'clock, p, m.
EM. RANSOM V)T, SO. 9, . k. R
the tlrt and third Saturday! of eaan
month, at UU o'clock p. m.
Mounts for stamp pictures at thf
Ihdkpkxpknt olUce, 1 dot and
half for cts. I
Tvoa. TOiiura,
E. . TOKtirS
Notary Public.
Oruoa: Boonis3,4, a 5, Murium tnoca.
Orriox: Central Uloos, Uooma 8 and T
Ouios: ttooma tail I. Morgan block.
Orririi Over Delta Drug Stora
Bailoy -Morgan Bltxk, Rofiins 1 A 2
8. T. LISBLATEK, M. B. C. M.
Orriam at reHidenoe, eaat of court
NmuM vberebeill bo found at ail noma
when not vmitinu patieota.
J. P. TAB 1 ESI E, .. J
Oniea aid Unnwici : oorner Third
and Main Htreeta. Olhoe boors, &JM to. 12
a. m., 1 to 5 and 7 to p. m. leiepnoue
reaidenoe from Brock A Bela' Dnwftore at
all honra. Alt oalla promptly attended,
nisht or day.
f A. BllI.EV, M. U.
rxtki , .. 1) . l..w H af V ii n etaira.
UlllUV .11 Vl ft"" , -r
rooms 13, U and 16. lieaidenoe, b. W. Oor.
Base bine ana neoouu imt
J. E. AUKtJiS,
Orricallouas: 9 a. m. to 4:30 p.m.
OOica in Unioo block over Pharmacy
rt. Mai tlh aAjui Mraat. Cement
and Amalgam nllinK ' cents each. Oold
lulliiK iroin ll up. vivuiiieu etr iur j.i.
leaa eatraution. . .
Orritia: three doors nortn or twioa
tore. OtBoa hoars from a. m. tot p. m.
The ideal trip to the et during
the heat of Summer Is vltt ihe Bio
Urantlo WftittTii ami Dfnvcr A Bio
Urumles lUilnmdrt, the . fur-iatiird
"S Tnie Line of th World." Thf
eztrtiot8 of teiutierature are never
m, antl parwungor are mire of bav
iue a drlltfhtfully cool ride throuKh
the Heart of th lix'ky Mountain,
itnd a view by daylight of ownery
Ahii'h in nowhere urianrMd.
If desired, a stop enroute may be
made' af quaint and lieturewqur
Sail Lake City, the "City of the
SaintH," Olenwood 8ringts Lead-
ville, Colorado Sprlugn, Pueblo,
Deliver, or any intermediate point.
There are thre daily traina lav
ing Salt Lake City for all point-
oaal, which have clone connections
from the North vver. va either O. R.
A N. Co- or the Southern Pacific Co.
Theae trains are equipped with
Through SleepeM (Standard and
Touri.-it,) Free Uvlinlng Chair Cam
and a perfect Ditilug Car Servicn.
Personally Omdurled Excur.-ioos,
in charge of competent and courte
ous manager!, are run several time
a wet k without change ot cars to
Denver, Omaha, Kanaaa City, St.
Ltmta, Chicago, Buftalo, New York,
B.t(in and all eaatern cities.
Tickets are on sale at all Btilroad
Ticket offlevw. For further informa
tion and cjirtipt-st rates, ar'y
J. D. Mansfield,
124 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Thia iiim.lv nt l every hot of the feaataa
Laxative Brorno-Quinine Tabled
u n
tt tt. $ St tt tt
Iii r hut ur.df!
;. a k at L.
(Miiilnv. pn
wlmlu'.v. TUt
i'in ii n l;.uU
(Ei'iuiiitl .if H'-rrn'.d ni-iii'tnin und olive
alinilnwed rniivim, wish -a faint addi
tional outline of a liltln-r tiow level,
the only tlrvnn.y anirontlon of tb?
whole l.mrixr-une. The fnrrgmund was
a glaringly fresh and unplcturesque
ndnliiK town, whose lrrcffulnr attempts
at repulnrlty were aet forth with aU the
cruel uncompromising clpornesa of the
California atmosphere. There was the
straight Main street, with Its new brick
block of "stores." ending abruptly
agninst a tangled bluff; there was the
ruthless clearing In the sedate pines
where the hideous spire of the new
church Imitated the soaring of the sol
emn shafts It bad dlnplaced with al
niost Irreligious mockery. Yet this fore
ground was CUsy's world her life, ber
sole girlish experience. She did not,
however, bather her pretty bead with
the view Just then, but moved her
cheek up and down before the glass
the better to examine by the merciless
Klnre of the sunlight a few freckles
that starred the hollows of ber tem
ples. Like others of her sex, she was a
poor critic of what was ber real beauty
and quarreled with that peculiar tex
ture of ber healthy skin wblcb made
ber face ns cloquMit In ber sun kissed
cheek ss In her bright eyes and expres
sion. Nevertheless she was somewhat
consoled by the ravishing effect of the
bowknot she had Just tied and turned
away not wholly dissatisfied. Indeed
as the acknowledged belle of Canada
City and the daughter of Its principal
banker small wonder That' a certain
frank vanity and childlike Imperious
ncss were among ber faults and her at
tractions. She bounded down the stairs and Into
the front parlor, for their bouse pos
sessed the unheard of luxury of a dou
ble drawing room, albeit the second
apartment contained a desk and was
occasionally used by Cissy's father In
private business Interviews with anx
ious seekers of "advances" who shun
ned the publicity of the bank. Here
she Instantly flew Into the arms of ber
bosom friend, Miss Plney Tlbbs, a girl
only a shade or two less pretty than
herself, who, always more or less 111 at
ease In these splendors, was awaiting
her Impatiently. For Miss Tlbbs was
merely the dnttghter of the hotel keep
er, aud. although Tlbbs was a south
erner and had owned "bis own nig
gers" In tbe states, she was of Inferior
position and a protegee of Cissy's.
"Thank goodness you've come," ex
claimed Miss Tlbbs, "for I've bin slttln
here till I nigh took root What ker
"How does it look?" responded CI say
as a relevant reply.
The "It" referred to Cissy's new bat,
and to the young girl the coherence
was perfectly plain. Miss Tibbs looked
at "It" severely. It would not do for a
protegee to be too complaisant.
'Hem! Must have cost a heap &
"It did." said Cissy. "Came from tbe
best milliner In 8nn Francisco."
"Of course," snld Plney. with half
assumed envy, "when your popper runs
the bank and Just wallows In goldT
"Never mind, dear," said Cissy cheer
fully. "So'll your popper some day.
I'm going to get mine to let your popper
Into something ditch stocks and such.
Test True. O king! Popper'll do any
thing for me." sbe added a little loftily
Loyal as Plney was to ber friend,
sbe was by no means convinced of
this. She knew tbe difference between
the two men and had a vivid recollec
tion of bearing ber own father express
his opinion of Cissy's respected parent
as a "gold sbnrk" and "quarts miner
crusher." It did not, however, affect
her friendship for Cissy. Sbe only said.
Let's cornel" caught Cissy aronnd the
waist, pranced with ber out Into tbe
veranda and gasped, out of breath,
"Where are we going first V
"Down Main street," said Cissy
"And let ns stop at Markbam's store.
They've got some new thing In from
Sacramento," sold Plney.
"Country styles," returned Cissy,
with a supercilious air. "No. Beside
Mark ham's head clerk I getting toe
presumptuous. Just guess! lie asked
me. T.hile I was buying something.
If I enjoyed the dance last Monday."
"But you danced with him," aald the
Simple fluey In astonishment.
"But not in his store among hi cus
tomers." said Cissy sapleotly. "No.
We're goli g down Main street past
Beeamp s. '1 hose Secsnip girts are sure
to be at their wludows looking out
This bat will Just torn 'em green
greener than ever."
"Toti're Just horrid. CIssT aald Ft
aey. with admiration. j
"And then." continued Cissy, "we'll
just sail down past the new block to
the pardon's and mske a call."
-Oh. I see." an hi Plney archly. "It'll
lie Just about tbe time when tbe new
engineer of the mill work baa a clean
Shirt on and Is smoking his rtgae be
fore tbe office."
Cissy tnased her bat disdainfully.
"Much anybody cares whether he's
there r not. I haven't forgottea how
be shewed ns over tbe mill the other
day In s p: !r of f.rrslls Just like a
tt u u
Copyright. Hut by Brat Bait.
and well educated and needn't ww
and .I'm snre It' vt.nce-e Wa ts
dress Just like the other men wbea
be' with m." urged Plney.
"Bab! That was Just to show that be
didn't cars what we thought of h Ira
te' that conceited! And It wasn't r
pectiui, constaenng one or to direct
or was there, all dressed up. Don't
tell me! You can see It In his eye look
ing you over without blinking and then
turning away as If he'd got enough of
you. lie makes me tired."
Plney did not reply. The engineer
had seemed to ber to be a singularly
attractive young man, yet she wa
equally Impressed with Cissy's superior
condition which could And flaw la
ucb perfection. Following her friend
down the steps of the veranda, they
passed Into the staring graveled walk
of tbe new garden, only recently recov
ered from the wild wood, Ita accurate
diuuiond and heart shaped beds of
vivid green set In white quarts border
giving it tbe appearance of elaborately
Iced confectionery. A few step farther
brou. 'ht ttem to tbe road and the wood
en sidewalk to Main street which car
ried civic Improvement to the hlUsld
and Mr. Trixlt'a very door. . Turning
down this thoroughfare, they stopped
Inuiing and otherwise assumed a con
scloiia. half artlilclnl air. For tt waa
the hour when Canada City lounged
llHthVHly before Ita shops. Its saloons.
Its otilccs and mill or even held buy
meetings In tbe dust of the roadway,
aud the passage down tbe principal
street of Its two prettiest girl was an
event to be viewed a If It wa a civic
procemion. Hats flew off aa they pass
ed, pliice was freely given, impeding
barrels and sacks removed from the
wooden pavement and preoccupied ln
dwellera hastily summoned to the front
door to do homage to Cissy Trixlt and
Plney as they went by. Not bnt that
Canada City In tbe Here and unregen
erate days of Ita youth had aeen fairer
and higher colored faces, mors gayly
bedlaeued, on Ita thoroughfare, but
never anything so fresh and Innocent
They stood there all unconsciously
reverencing tbelr absent mother, sis
ters and daughter In their sponta
neous homage to tbe pair and seemed
to feel tbe wholesome breath of tbelr
eastern home wafted from the freshly
Ironed skirt of these foolish virgin a
they rustled by. I am afraid that
neither Cissy nor Plney appreciated
thla feeling few women did at that i
time Indeed these young ladle assum
ed a slight air of hauteur. "Really,
they do stare o," said Cissy, with
eye dilating with pleasurable emo
tion. "We'll have to take the back
street next time." Plney, proud In tbe
glory reflected from Cissy and In her
wn, answered, "w will sure.
There wa only one lutermptloo to
thl triumphal progress, and that was
ao alight aa to be only noticed by one
of tbe two girl. A they passed the
new works at the mill the new
glneer. as I'luey bad foreseen, was
leaning against tbe doorpost smoking
a pipe. He took bis bat from his head
and his pipe from bis mouth aa they
approached, greeted them with an easy
"tiood afternoon," yet with a glance
that waa quietly observant and toler
antly critical. "There," aald Claay
when they had passed, "dldnt I tell
you? Did you ever see such coo celt
In your born days! I hope yea did
not look at him."
Piney, conscious of having don ao
and of having blushed under bla cru
tiny, nevertheless stoutly asserted that
abe bad merely looked at him "to aee
who It was." But Cissy waa placated
by passing tbe Secant pa' cottage, from
whose window tbe three strapping
daughters of John Secamp. lately an
emigrant from Missouri, were, aa Cissy
had surmised, lightening the household
duties by gazing at the, to them, un
wonted wonder of the street Wheth
er tbelr complexions, still bearing
traces of tbe alkali dust and Inefficient
nourishment of tbe plains, took a more
yellow ton from tbe spectacle of Cla
ay' bat I cannot aay. Cissy thought
they did. Perhaps Plney was nearer
the truth when sbe suggested that they
were only "looking" to enable them to
make a homemade copy of the hat
pext week,
Tbelr progress forward and through
tbe outskirts of the town was of the
same triumphal character. Teamster
withheld tbelr oaths and their uplifted
whips as tbe two girls passed by, wea
ry miners tolling In ditches looked up
with a pleasure tbst was half reminis
cent of tbelr past younger skylarker
stopped In their horseplay, with bait
smiling, half apologetic faces; mors
ambitious riders on the highway urged
their horses to greater speed under tbe
girls' Inspiring ryes, and "Vaquere
Billy," charging them fnll tilt brought
up bis mustang on Its bsntM-he and
rigid foreleg, with a sweeping; how of
his sombrero, within foot or their art
fully slmnlnted terror. In this way
they at last reached the riearin la the
forest the church, with Its ostentatious
pi re. and Bev. Mr. Wlndlbrook'
dwelling, otherwise humorously known
aa "tbe parsonage," where Cissy In
tended to call
Bev. Mr. Wlndlbrook had been as
serted by his ecclesiastical superiors to
minister to tbe spliitnsl want ot Can
ada City as being what waa called a
"hearty" man.. Certainly If eonaldersv
1 The chwlng days of th. Carnival,
last Friday and haturdy were as
succeeslul aa the first day. ' The
weather W4 splendid made to or
der. The paradis were complete,
especially tbe stock trocesions.
The bate ball game between -.the
Portland and Spokane teams was tbe
beet ga ne ever aeen iu the Couutv.
Neither of the team bud before
played upon grounds as good as Rec
reation Park and they played a
tStH .O OiaiOii. AC low eliu ut (ue
eleventh Inning the score atood 4 to
4 a tie. It being train time, the
gime wa supeoed.
Queen Annette I. held herself in
readiness to answer all demands
made upon her by the Carnival Com
mittee aud she was frequently ou the
street attended by her royal guards
and Daces. The queen drove ber
own chariot while the guard march
ed on either side, commanded by
Mr. II. T. Bagley and seconded by
Mrs. Beckwith, Oie incident oc
curred that caused lauchter on the
side of the spectators sod chargln
among the guards. The Royal cort
ege rested on Main S'.reet, between
First and Second, during the Fire
men's contest. When I tin excite.
raent waa at the highest, curiosity
took possesion of tbe guards and
they boltwl, leaving their mistress
uniruarded save by her two faithful
pages, .
The gathering last week inu-t not
be confounded with tbe fairs we
have been accustomed to attend
Fain are held for the exhibition of
product, when exhibitors compete
for premiums. Carnivals sre gay
festivals for noicy sports, Both
ideals weie combined last week, fur
the committee having the unange-
ruent sought to entertain the visit
ors. This It Is believed they did
The money at the disposal of tbe
committee was so small a sum that
cash premiums could not be award.
ed to visitors The comtuittee elect
ing to charge no entrance or gate
fees bad no source of revenue and
had to depend upon voluntary sub
scriptiona for money to defray in
cidenlal expenses.
Diulomss were awarded to all
meritorious exhibits, r a partial list
of which is given this week.
It ia said that the firmer will or
ganlse and hold a stock show next
spring or during the early summer
While the xsative nous win arrargr
for a carnival la the fall. - B;th in
teresU will claim their dates in tbe
oear future.
Diplomas were awarded to exhitit
or aa follows:
John Kamoa, best percheron mare
and colt and two-year-old, beat Shire
mare and colt, graded Clyde two-year-old.
Peter Ootleib, best Clydesdale
stallion, best span draft mares aod
two three months colts.
J E Reeves, beat Clyde gelding
two years old.
T Q Todd, best draft mare and
family of six colts.
N Hansen, Perclieron-Clyde geld
ing two-year-old, Pereherou mare
and colt
Peter Nelson, best ware aud colt
and yearling, Graded Pereherou.
Loyd Ingraham, best 2 year old
black Percheron gelding.
W J M rill, best Percheron stal
lion 2 years old.
C A Hanley, best 8 year old
Pereherou stallion.
II D Schmeltxor, best carriage
J A Messlnger, best Percheron
mare and colt.
A W Saxton, bet 2 jeer old
Clyde gelding.
C Rbese, beet 3 year old filly.
Oliver Newfm, bet 2 year old
bay stallion.
F 8 Gordon, best 2 year oid Alta
mont pacer.
V V Wiley best stsn ard trot
ling stallion.
D Burk baiter te-t 2 year old
Percheron All,
8 II Dunbar best Percheron stal
lion, Oregon.
Alex Chalmers b-st family Short
Horns, bull, cows and csIvms
A G Anderson U it bent of r.ine
Jersey Including the bead of the
herd, a regirteded bull.
J B Hanley best blsck Jersey
bull with blsck and yellow Jersey
J T Young best 10 months black
Jersey calves.
J Wolverton beit 2 months old
grade Shorthorn bulls.
Henry Matthes bert pure bred
GoHwold sheep and two grade.
Peter Ool lei b best exhibit graded
P M Jackson betl exhibit graded
Ruth Moteland best three graded
Peter Golleib beat graded goats,
one and two years old.
O W Marsh best herd of elgM
Rowell Bros., beat exhibit bmk
kid, buck yearling and nanny goal.
J W Gates best two graded An
gora bucks.
Thou U Tongue beet 12 head An
gora goats.
J L Banks beat three Angora kids.
Will itoss beet graaed Angora
goats. '
Richard Beamish best Berkshire
hogs and litter of pigs.
J T Young beat exhibit of Berkshire
Rowell Bros best Berkshire shoats.
C A Hanley best Jitter Chester
white pigs. '
A McGabey beat exhibit of rabbits,
Herbert and August Ileldel exhib
it ot guinea pigs
M B Everitt Trio white Plymouth
John M Brown coop Oregon ducks,
Mrs Mary Landosaexbibit poultry
. AGAndersou best and largest ex
hibit pure bred strains of poultry.
Berger Bros exhibit 8 wit cheese.
Alfred Guerber exhibit Swiss
E L Schitffelin exhibit butter.
Grant Mann best display of grain
aud grasses.
II Prabl best exhibit of barley
H Gowsn exhibit of wheat.
Saml John n exhibit of orchard
P M Jackson exhibit grain and
8 Paisley only exhibit of cigars
manufactured from tobacco grown at
Buxton, this county
Geo H Wilcox best exhibit apples.
Miss Jennie Greer exhibit cling
stone i ruches.
Miss Bertha Heidel largest and
finest exhibit of canned fruits and
Wm Tupper beet display of fruits
and vegetables.
Mrs B B Collins exhibit tropical
fruit, Mexican apples.
J B Vrooman best fruit exhibit
Mrs. 11 Wehrung exhibit green
Mrs Mary Malone exhibit canned
Gb'iles Bradleydlsplay quinces,
A P Luther exhibit October greeu
C D Farnbam exhibit English wal
CS Tigard exhibit fruits, grains
and grasses.
S H Miller exhibit vegetables.
E F McNelly exhibit vegetable.
Benton Howman exhibit vege
Mrs D Corwin exhibit fruits and
W E Thorn exhibit vegetables.
J C Hare exhibit vegetable.
J T Young exhibit vegetable.
Ferd Groner exhibit vegetables.
The board of Commissioners,
Clackamas County, refused to allow
the bills ol tbe sheriff and clerk for
extra clerks. Last month an order
was made reducing the force In each
of the two offl s to one deputy and
was effective October 1, and the
board was compelled to refuse to al
low bills for extra help after that
time, to enforce obedience of order.
J. W. Black and family, of Meade
County, Kansas, arrived at Eugene
last week, having1 driven overland
in two light wagons. They left
Meade County, June 3 and were 114
days on the way. they stopped
two weeks at Boise, Idaho, and loit
ered along the M Keozie for a week
on the way down. Two Montana
men Joined them back on. the route
and came through In their wagons
with them, making four teams and
five people In the party.
Crook County la now out of debt
aod has money in tbe treasury. Tbe
Treasurer's notice calls for all war
rants registered prior lo September
30 and there is something over 13500
lo the road .fund to apply on the
new bridges that are now in course
of construction.
The Southern Oregon Oil Com
pany' drill, after several interrup
tions through the breakage of tools,
is again pounding at its well on the
Alflard place and driving through
blue shale, Tbe oil seepage en
countered during the paat week are
Ktill dripping with greasy liquid and
the tools come up out of tbe well
streaked all over with It.
J. C. LmklD never had bete
stotk of heating stove In bis store
than he now has. They are genu
ine air tights olckle plated.
A largsan.ount of brome grass hat
been sown on the Ublelaud adjacent
to Wallowa this year, one man
alone having sown 140 acres.
Building of the Lakeview-Silver
Lake telephone line ha been pro
gressing rapidly toward the norths
From 12 to 16 men are employed.
fJThere has been a heavy loss of
cattle in the Umbered country north
of Wallowa this year from the rav-
ports be has lost 43 head of cattle.
D. W. Ralston purchased 472 cat
tie in Crook and Wheeler Couulie.
He shipped 150 head to Portland
last week from Arlington. The
o her will be fattened for the mar
kets. Tbe light testing plant ot the Ash
land Oil Company, at work south of .
town, has been having its share of
difficulties, and last Monday en
countered some boulders that put
the tools out of order for several
The brick walls of the new Normal
school building at Weston have been
completed and the work of setting
tho boiler for the heating plant has
commenced. The roof will next be
built and the lathing and plastering
begun. '
Several Chinese pheasants have)
been driven lulu the city from the
oountry, says the Albany Democrat.
D. A. Klikpatrick caught one uudr
a bush and today Dr. A. J. Hodges
captured one iu the alley near his
Mayor Bowe, of Portland, was
robbed by a foot pad, one night last
week. He might have shot his as
sailant but the law does not permit
him to carry arms, hence his shoot
ing Iron wai in the bottom of a closet
drawer at home.
Wheat Is coming in rather slowly
to Walloa Mills, owing lo the fact
that farmers are not ready . to sell at
the prices the mill in n are willing
to pay. So far the buyers and own
ers are about 10 cents apart a re
gards tbe wheat market, says the
An order was issued last week in
Clackamas County by the Board of
County Commissioners, directing
that Supervisors who have exhaust
their apportionment of road funds do
no more work on roads without
irders from tbe board. This doe
net apply to work on bridg s, should
Ihey become unsafe bo travel. -
Pilot It't'k may Incorporate,
Since a recent trouble there which
could not be demit with by proper
authority, the citizens of Pilot Rock
are discussing the advisability of in
corporating. They fay that they
need a Marshal and Recorder's
Court for protection agaiust drunken
characters and travelers who are
passing through the t wn.
Alex Delore, a resident of the
Suplee country, was held by Judge
Rulison. to answer to the Circuit
Court, on a charge of assault "ith
intent to rape on the person of the
wife of A. L. Smith, a resident of
the same community, says a C nyon
City correspondent. His bond was
placed al $300, which he readily gave.
The Condon Time says there is a
great deficiency In the yield of graiu
n that part of Uiliam County this
seanon as compared with last yeur's
crop. Cook Bros., of Matncy F;t,
who finished threshing some tune
go, iniormen me times vmi mcy
had a run ol 65 days lo 1900 to 20 In
1901, and they coverrtl more terri
tory this yearv than last. James
Cooke estimates the yield is Just
about half of last year's.
F. M. Pliter purchased 800 head
of yearling wethers from Mardie
Bros., of Trail Fork, paying 22S
per bead, says the Condon Times.
John M. Brown, of L'jne Rock, sold
1000 head of ewes to John Mald
ment for $2.80 per head and 240O
head of ewes and lambs to A.
Smythe, of Arlington, receiving 2
for ewes and $1.75 for lambs; ISat
Scott, of Line lvsk, i-posej oi
1250 head of Ismbs to a Ileppener
buyer f'H $1."5 her head.
The school text book contractor
have not deponited in the state books
enough to supply school children.
The same thing happenen before.
The time for exchange expired and
tbe boy and girls who did not get
to exchange had the privilege of
pajltig full retail price. Supt. Ack-
erman will do well to guard the in
terest of tbe r-tatt or bis pot uniform
school book system will become odi
ous and the law authorizing It will
' be repealed.
"But they ry be awfally
CemUmmtd m JVU Pag.