.MrO : ire per will -. Hiiiasro. it a -oud ui.i nuttier. . ti ao. U advance, jr ' 51.' lilLiV - "bLi.-UIXi i-.-. P' J Kill DAY, SEITEMIJKK 27, IJMU. ISTE&f ST OFliKST MARKET. The American pople have u v r lawn rexvgnlWHl a ilrmiwi, Ti.iy are an active, venturesome ami h-r-1c folk. 1 hi ia co in the iiiduodi 1 world ewtiwlaljy. They lnv done in 600 year, aa much and mort thao the olil civilisation of the old woild have accompln-hcil in 3H)0 yearn. Thia is wh-r our las, our literature, our methods of trana jiortation. our agriculture, our uiiinu lacturtw and our cuatouna are com pared with what la found on the other aide 6f the pond. For a .long time we have been having a eurplus of product for the worl-l'a market. At first it was raw material and la? cauae we sold cheap, we fouud rust omen. Then we began to rouixi out our country and protecied our manufacturing venture. A wonder ful growth resulted. Our surplus became' larger and more article were addd to the li.st and the strug gle for markets la fiercer. ' In his time, Blaine was a great champion for trade. lie saw that our Industries needed protection and hence endorsed a protective tariff. Witb this he r -jii.ticed another idea, reciprocity Home of the old nations have ("til led this a weppon with which to fight. Under the Morill tariff which wa ttle reveuve law in Blaines tlri , there were a lot of articles, augur, coffee, tea and the like upon which there wa a duty that lilain priKMed to swap for, privileges Invorable to us. That in, he promised to let into our country, free of duty or nearly so, a list of articles which We did m t produce or manufacture, provided the country selling to us, would re ceive our manufactures, free ol Duly or at a reduced rate. Hy the tir ranuient, we lost revenue tiit liy stimulating buint-sH, wj recoupot on other iuirH that did pity duty, ,When the republican tnrtn" i i i prevailed in the McKinliy Mil nmrij of the "weapons" were put in tin arm-rial, the door lot ted nti'1 (he key thrown in the well, that K they were put on the free list when they could not longer be umii for recipro city purposes. This free lint was much enlarged by the IWrglry uct so that now the imports upon which we can remit duty when a recipro city treaty la proponed is small in deed. Mr. Blaine would not balay, be very persistent for reciprocity. We, a manufacturing and produc ing nation, niust.havea market ami the beat one wo can g t into. The one that all civilised people nrc striving to enter is that of the United Htates, We call It our Home mark et. It is our duty to save it fur our selves. Hince Blaine discourse! reci procity, conditions have changed ae above painted out and all .r-pi.etl tariff legislation must take into uc cou ut those change. Our congress must lie very careful what duties arc remittel lest our home market he Jeopardized. In the iatafce of the Wilson bill in 18U4 theie was a con, promlre b tween protection and free trade. The factories had statu! as much protection as the Dinglcy hill gives but the farmer's and hi-ril-inaii's products went unproteetid. The raw material went on the free list. The manufacturer vtas aston ithl when he discovered that his best market had !a-cn invaded in that hia customers had nought with which to buy. The foreign nu reli ant too was an inv-tdi r. K.t t ry fires went out and optrrtivei uent on half l at ions. The ra Iroud oni panics viewed free trade vthh Ivr Carrying gissls Into a country and raw material out would lirir.g r-at profits. But with whu dimusy they viewed the situation in Ls'.l.i 6 Their passengers were not pn.weg era. They had no money to pay f.r rides. They were not buying go n hi'uee there were no freight., to carry. ltailrotd stock holder" pre not advocating free trade as of o il The home market, the ls'-t of all, must be proletUd an 1 we mut look out for the, rclpra ity schemes hvi they put us in a hole. That FrcM'h treaty will bear acruiiny. Thr-Schley Ourt of Impi ry u il : riot patabllsli ficts fviruiile to the reputation of the ndn.lrnl utile-hi attorneys ptrsui anothi r phn f ues(ioning witnesses. Up to ih.ie. but few witm-1- have ! n on In stall land all ovMoni-e t at s not 11 e White is soiitflit t" le eM-ind. (I M'h ley's attorney i nj.'1-t to n that a dignill' d Mpiiiy hM'T imth h-va not oniire th" ..kiIui r-t.g f witness. It begin t-x k a trnth Is what the sttnii teisr The character of l lie commander f the Flying rjuadri ti in ilnner i t suffering more from hi a'tn-ty-Inan Irvui that histerian. 'Hie Victoria R C. Colonist pHik ug of the asa.-Mlna'.ia of President Mi Kin ley, u-h r this languaKU Ve f, . i ... li'. lj unable t exprtus i-n.rrow winch the tragic eud baa h'i-c.I. It is doubtful if he will b ii.Duri.e.i hii more riucerely ia hia couutry than iu Canada. Not u. ut ie his public career he has ever shi.wu any sat'ial frie' dshlp to- wards the Dominion. He wasj friendly, but no occasion, had ever( uristn uhUh fullcl for kr.yti.lui nu re than the ordinary courtesies tietween the two countries. Canadi ans respected him because he was a staunch, manly citizen of his own country, and liecausehe wa4 endowed with the qualities which go to make up a noble character. The t'zolgosz trial for the assassina tion of President McKlnley, was called in the trial Court, on Monday morning last. Part of the Jury was secured before the noon recess and the full panel of 12 men early in the afteruon. The testimony of several witnesses wa taken before the court adjourned for the day. On Tuesday the testimony was completed the ad dresses of the attorneys made, the jnry charged who retired to consider of their verdict at 8:61 o'clock, p. m At 4:26, just 35 minutes later, the verdict was returned into Court, "Guilty" as charged. The Court pronounced sentence yesterday, Thursday. He will be electrocut ed during the week commencing Oct. 28, HIT I tit AMI hiiiiH Ml OUT. A late market report thus dis course of two products in which most readers are interested ;i Notwithstanding the great ex pansion of the dairying business in this region of lite, the supply of butter is not equal 'o the demand, and Eastern nutter is finding its way to this market again. Last year i here was no eastern butter brought here but the long spell of dry weather, the last Mummer, had the effect vf lessening the output and the Imputation of the city has been in creasing rapidly, consequently east ern butter will have to be imported. List Spring, when the -supply of buhl r beguu to exceed the demand, a larye quantity some 160,0110 pound-- was t oi.e,lit up and put in cold storage. This has been nearly ail ilisi.t'd of already and as the pi e:':!t output of the dairies is not enough to supply the demand, the b'oingtt will have to he made good hy Eastern butter. I'Vg of bto have la-en scarce and several carloads have been sent from the E it but none of them have come here, ho far as known. With eggs at 25 cciit-i a ilezen, ia Portland and 1G cents u dozen, In Chicago, there is a good n argin for importers. After harvest, the output of eggs al ways incronges and it is said that tie re will la- mure chickens engaged in laying egs in this section this Fall ttuui ever before. It Is highly ilt'Hirshlc. tin t Oregon should pro duce enough rggs and butler for home consumption, at least, Asthma Cured Free Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Gases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Write your Name CHAIN SO FOR TEH YEARS RILIKF. piuoui, uiorphine, chloruiorm or etliefi Avow Srsisos, N. Y Feb. 1, 1901. Pr. Taft Bros. Medieine Co. Gentlemen: I write lh!i testimonial from a sense ol duty, having tested the wonderful eliect of yonr Asthmalene, fur the cure ol Asthma. My wife has been iillii-teil with inasmislic axthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted niv own skill .is well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon yonr windows on l 'k th Mreet in New York, 1 at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wile coinmen eed taking it hIkiui the 1st of Novemlier. 1 very soon noticed s radical liiinrove nient After ti.-iug one bottle her Asthma had disappeared and she ia entirely free imiii ail srmptonia. 1 'eel that I can consistently recommend the medicine to all who are alllicted with this distressing disease. Yours ree tfully, O. D, l'hel, M. D. Dr. Taft Uru'. Mwlieineo. Feb. 6, 1S01. tu-ntletnen : I whs tronlilisl with Asthma lor 22 year. I hsue tried numerous reineilies, but they hsve sll failed. Iran across your advertisement and started wiib a tn il bottle. I lound relief at oms, I have since purchased your full size nttle, and i am ver grateful. 1 have a family of four children, smt for sli years nu," mi:, hi" to work. I am now In the best of health snd am doing husinew every .1 iv. '1 hi- le-tiiiionr von can make such use of as yon see fit. H. RA I'll A EI,, Ho n. e adilrCHS, 2: .5 Uivington street, 87 East 12Mh St., ( ity. Trial Bottle Sent Absolutely Free on Receipt of Postal. U) not delay. Write at onee, addiesaing DR. TAFT BROS., MEDICINE CO., 7i) Last lJoih tM., N. Y. City. TATE TUB. An extra session of the state Leg islature at this tluii would be suicid al for the dominant party in Oregon. Ho one questions the merits f the coining Lewis and Clark exposition lo 1906. But the movement to call an 'extra session on lis account, is foolishness. Oervalse Star. The father of Caolgosi says of the assassin: "He came home nights to sleep. All day be was away fishing or Id I inf. He said he was not well and could not work." This sizes up pretty correctly the majority ef the snurrhM who havh dedicated them selves to a general destruction of the existing order. These people are either loafing or steeping them selves in anarchistic literature. Work la what they avoid whenever possible. They desire a world that has no labor In it. ' And because others are up and doing and they are eking out a wretched existen v In Idleness tbey would drag the tollers In every station down to their own level.-Albany Herald. XETH0D1ST COSFESSatE OF XU I8TEU8. The Oregon conference met in the Methodist Episcopal church in Hills boro Wednesday morning at 9 a. m. HUnop Mallalleu, of Boston, presid ing. The sacrament of the Lord's Hupper was administered, and after the impiessive opportunity the roll was called, and Rev. C. A. Lewis was re-elected secretary and Rev. U. Hykes assistant secretary. During the morning session au audrit. was made by Dr. Neely, secretary of the Sunday School Union, and w-cretary of the Tract society. In the fter noon Dr. Neeley spoke on "How Can Men Help Men?" and also the general Interests he represents A Pentecostal service was held at 4 i. m. under the leadership of 'I. L. Jones. In the evening the mission ary anniversary was held, and a thrilling id dress was delivered by Dr. Smyth, of Berkley, concerning the condition ot-Cblus. The Held secretary affirmed the hopes of China rest npon the devotion and ChiNi likeness of the missionaries. The foundations of Christian civili,eion have been laid and no rebellion can remove them. Thursday morning Bishop Malla lleu conducted the devotions. In the remarks he made he said the great foods are bread, eggs and flh, which finals were made by Jesus to represent what our Father gives the prayerful. Prayer to lie effctive must be importunate and Oisl an swers prayer by a No as well as by a yes. Dr, Fisher eloquently rep resented the Pacific Christian Advo cate which he edits. Resolutions of sympathy with Dr Driver, in his bodily feebleness and with Rev, C. E. Crandall whoa wife is seriously ill were passed. UlUALIZATION lOI AS NKMSI1KST. To the Ta Payers of W'sxIiiiiKt-'n County, Oregon; Notice is hereby Ki-" that the I'oiinl of Equalization for WashiiiKUm County. OruKon will convene in the li-rk' ollit'e at the Court House in llillloro. on the ilmt day of October I! Ui and eonti -lie in esaion one week or an il tlie ifti'h rtiiy ol (lctob-r IncluMve, for the n'rP,M,B ol Publicly equalicinK and correcting the tui list of Washington County, Ornpon. Oo. ri. Wilcox Assessor of WashinKton County. Orc-g. Hillsboro, Or fcVpt. at, luol. VJ-2! and Address plainly. There is nothing like ABttiraalene. It brings instant relief, even in the worst It cares when all else fails. The Ret. C. F. WELLS, of Vills Kidge, Ul says: "Your trial liottle of Asthmalens received in good condition I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the goo-1 derived trora it. I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat ami Asthma for ten years. J despaired of ever being cured. 1 saw your advertis ment for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought you had orerspoken yourselves, but re solved to give it a trial. To my sstonivle nient, the trisl worked like a charm. Send me a full-sized buttle." REV. DR. MORRIS WElilSLKK, Rabbi of tha Cong. Hnai. Ira 1. Nkw Yokk, Jan. 3, I'.Hil. Drs. TafU Bros', Medicine Co., Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene Is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviate all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its. success is astonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthmalene contains no Very truly yours, REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLF.R. 3,000 people are killed every year In this country by CONSUMPTION. The fault U theirs. No one need hav consumption. It, ia not hereditary. It is brought oa by neglect. You have a slight cold and cough. You do nothing to get ::iiif it. Shiloh's Consumption Cure will cure a cough or cold in one night. "Shiloh U M nfallinf car for roughs, tJmwt and lucf trouble. It will core coo turn pt ion. It lft A remarkable remedy." A. K. SAL I ER, M. l , huflalu, K. Y. fthllnh'a Cnti'-urupttoB Onm la alii fcjr tl 4rutcuinta mt 4At, OlK a Holtla. A prltttftl ffiiiraitt ira with vry hot t la. If you art iMit aatlaAtxl ajo to your UruKKlal ui gAtywur an un j IfM-k. Write lor il! uvea ted bwk on coosumptK'Q. ?'- vMbout t u yt. &. U. Wiia Co., LaKuy. N For hhIu at iVlta Vru Stort1 The Burlington Itouto have the lowtut rat" to all jx)!n!a ea-t, qu'.i-k-eat tiuip, t t aervlne anl you ride on the Fintwt Train In the worl.l. Coniinoiieiug 8-it. 5th, next Thursday, the rail road faro la'twoen llillalioro and Han Franciaco will Iw 128.85 with a rebate of f7 50. ThU docs not include wleciiin ta-rth. The st-i-ot.d L-UH fare includintc lierth ix (15 8r with a rebate of 1 00. Wnilo Hchuluit rii-h ltroa., sold more harvetting iinpU ineuta this wa- win than any r-t-iil dealer In the VYi.laiuettf ' valley, they are al. 0 leaders' in plows, barrows anil all kinilnot IimiIh u-M'd on a farm. See their ntoek and Kt priees if you need anyth He in their line. XOTIL'K I'OK 11 ltI.lt:.TI4M lertiiient of Interiop. I.a.n 0 Orrn s at Ukkhon Citt, Ohs. June 8, l!mi. NOTICK IH IIKKR1IY GIVEN THAT tlit-MIo-MiiL'-imiiieil wttler lnu lile l notu-t- of hia i.iU-ntiun to make final proof in ffiifiport of his claim, uiul that aaiil proof will be nunle bt-fere ihe t'nunty Clerk of WnfliiiiKton rmiiity, ut ililUlKiro, llr, on Uctober6. l'.ml, OEOIioE M HOLT, H. K. No. lliflO. tor the 8 4 of N K K "d Lotx 1 ami 2 .-ih- 1 I H N It 5 W lie iiaiiien the futlowinir, witm-Knea to prove 11 in nuulnuoiiH resilience upon and cultivation ol nuiii laiult viz: Joshua Wiilliice Marsh of Center. lie, (re. (ieor)?e Wil iiiiu At irah, ol ' ' (ust Sc-hniiitlin, of llriiunsport, Ore. Kral.k Alslelien, of - " Wm, OALUWAY, 15-.0 Receiver. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If too havrn't a ii-pnlir, h'iiltliy moTftnent of tha bowels every l y, -m r III or will tw. K-rp your bwtirt inn-ti. iiikI ! well. Kurre, Iti 1 lie nha(tf-f vlt nt nh yitio or i 1 1 1 i."it'iit. In i1:.iict(iui. Thi smooth- 12 &t1in"I '."' t" """""I of water and he got better at oree." - rN A MHV I. ....sxw. n... CATHARTIC EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY PW.iu.nt. P.lntnM. Potent. Trtwlf- Ooort. Po flood. Sor Hu'ki . iv. ul.c n. or Hrl.c, ID, f.. nd W nau K,r 1ns. Writi. tot fre b.iuiiio, slut buufclut on i-nttll. Arl.lr,,. 33 . Ttui.im iimiiit inriT. run i(;e. iw rem. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN otlce to t.'oiitrticlora. Notice la hereby eiwn that sealed bids will be received by the Countv Clerk ill Hillsboro, Oregon, on September 14. 101 . at t p. in., for the cons' rueti n of a bridge at Jo-. le place on ales Creek. l'liiiis and specilicationa may I rft-n at court bouse L. A KOOfi, l ounty Judg -, Hy order Commissioners' Court. Hillsboro, Oregon. Sepiember 5, l'.IOl, Acker's llyspeusbi Tablets are solt on a positive guaritiitee. Cures heart-burl raising ol the food, distress after eating o. any form ol dyspepsia. One little tithl) gives immedia relief. 25 eta, and AO eta The Helta Drug Ctore. sv CATHARTIC A FALL STARTER My stock of iron beds is now complete, step in and examine n largo assortment of lockers of all styles, sideboards, chif foniers, writing desks, couches, center tables, largo assortment dinning loom chairs, matting, window shades, lace curtains, portecrs and telescopes Can y the best stock of wall paper in the county. I have a thing carried by a first-class furniture store. Stock is new and fresh from the factory. Come in and get prices. at DONELSON'S Odd Fellows bldg. HILLSBORO. Babies' First IN Shoes Free I Why is S it? M) Wliy do Ihunilton-Ii()wn shoes yo such universal satisfaction to all? Thov aro made and every pair is Get a Pair REMEMBR I HAVE NO 'V- NotireorNaleot Heal I'ropertj by F.xerntor at I'rivwle Male. NOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an oritur of mi If inaile by the Hon. County Court of the Mtiite ol Ore gon lor Washington ountv, in tlie n.uller of the estate of KlUHhrth Uitd'cy, ilec-aa-sl, and duteti thenth dnv of August l!ii the unde'iiKi-ed ill Irom and lOtnr Sutur day, the -th day of (September I'.Hil. pro. cred to sell at private eu e. in one pun-el, the following di-scnheil rent projierty lio lonKinK toaald estate and situate in lv as' -im toii ounly. and Miiteol nrignu.and tHiing particularly described ami Uusi;nui ed as to-low, to wit: 1 t-iiiir all of Lots I 2, H and 4 of mid in Illork 4 of Falrview Addition to the town (now City) of llillshoro. Washington I oiinty, Oregon, Haiti land will be sold for rush in hand on day of sale. Inds will be received by me at the law otln-e of W.N. Barrett, in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon mid said sale will i e subject to coiilirma tion by 1 he County ISourt ol said County. Dated the itxth day i f August, l'.MM. H. S. KIT' HEY. Executor of the ettate of Eli.atH-th Kitchey, deceased. JA-lil "Through the months of June and July our baby wan t'i thing- and look a running- off of the bowels anil siek neari of the stomach," says U I". M llolliday, of Demirnr, Iud. 'liw Ixiwela would move from hve to- eitfht times a day. I bad a b tt'.e of t'hiHiih.irlnin's (Vilie Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the bonne and gave him f'ur drons iu a teaHoonful r . " fAKK AND WASHINGTON STREHTS PORTLAND, OREGON . A. P. Arautrong-, IX. B., Principal ' A practical, progmslve school, conspkaooS fcr thorough work, with hundreds of graduates In positions as bookkeepers and stenographers. Already proud of a high standing wherever known. It steadily grows belter and better. Open all the year. Students admitted any time, private or class Instruction. Learn what and how we teach, and what It costs. Catalogue free Board el Directors f D. P. THOMPSON, PRESIDENT A SOUS COHEN - - DAVID M. DCNNI Bixby's Koyal Tollwh restores color and glim to ladies' and children' black shoes and is not injurious. If there, were any better rimmIh the Delta would have then). full stock of every to Bab.'ea Born during 1901 light, sold riirht fully uarantecd. at DENNIS' St SHELF-WORN STOCK. . Treaanrer'ti Xotlce. AH County wonints of V asliiuirton county state ol Oregon, Endorsed 'Not taiyatile tor want of funds" prior to Sept. , I'.ml, will be due and payable on mid after Sept, ;0, 1:01 und interest will ceuse ut tliut (lute. ROIMH.I'H C'ltA M)A LI., Co. Treasurer otlee uf Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that I. the under slglied, ailininiBtrutel-of the estate of V. U Olmsted, di--l have tiled y lii.al ac count us adm nistrator of su d estate, in the County Court of the State of Oret-on, for Wuslnn ton 1 ounty, ami said Court baslixed Monda Vet. II. l'Kii at 111 o'clock a. 111. of said : iv us the time an. I the County Court room an the place for hear ing objections to said cc t and the linal xeiilemeut of said estate Hated Sept. I'.'ili l'HJl. C. K TI UI). Adnilnisti-iitor ol the estate ol V, K, Olin- stead, deed. 17.. Oregon State Fair. SALEM SEPTEMBER 23 td 28, 1901. Great Agricultural , AND Industrial Fair. :B!G LIVE STOCK SHOW G'V.d Racing in Afternoons Liite-t Attraction iu New Auditorium building Eve.-y Evening, With Good mimic. Beautiful Ciiiiip Ground Free. Special Kates on Campers' Tirket. CVmie slid I'.ring Your Families. Reduced Hates on Railroads For Further Particulars, AJ.Iies W. 11. WfcllltUNU, Pres., HilblK.ro, or M. I). WISDOM, Sec , Portland, Ore. Hhulinerit h ltros. have a few ladies caia-M and cloaks left which will la cliHwd out at cost, also some lin n's ovemmts and mackintosh's. Call at the 1 nmcPkniikst olhYe and examine tli famous Melton board for .noumintf kodak prinli Latest tbiojj (int. Any ,1? J F. DAVtES. PRiatoivT. St. Charles Hotel ISCORfO RATED front and Morrison Streets Perllaa Uregea. Electric JI.lKhU, Electric Hells and Hydraulic Klevator. 150 Rooiiik at 25 to 60c, Suites, 7ft, U 91. 1104 RenUaraat t'onnectlea. Cive us call, DAVIS & Dependable Our drills are pure ami fresh. We are just as careful in buying drugs and chemicals as though we were selecting tlu-m to lie used upon ourselves at the critical point of a serious illness. Ia'ut this the kind of drugs you want in your pntsciiptions and family receipts? You pay nothing extra for quality. Our prices are uniformly reasonable. The Hillsboro Us Thist We offer One Hundred IHillare Ueward for any race of Catarrh thai cannot be - urvil ny llall'i Catarrh Cure. E. T, CHENEY k CO., I'rope.. Toletlo, O. W, the undersigned, have known K.J. I heuey for the last 15 yean, and believe Inui perlectly bono-able in all bus ueea transactions and liuancially able to curry out any obligations made by their lirui. W(T A lnui, Wboieeale UruggirU, Toledo, O. Walmnu, Kiknas A Maivim, Wholes i U Druggists, lot do, O. Hail's I'atarrh Cure la Itaken internilly, acting directly UHu lh bltKMi and mucous or autw ul the system, t-'riee 7de per lait tlu. 8old by ad lruggisis. Te-tiinonims Hall' Family i'ilis are the Issst To ( are a t'slil la Oue Hay Take Illative Hrouio Quinine TablHa. All druglxta refund Ihe money if it fails to i-ure. K. tirove's signature is on eat-h box. '2..X-. Arker's tnrllsh Keuiedjrt will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money re funded. 85 and 60 cents at Ielu Ih-uK tilors, Ktops tSeToush autl Wsrks off the toid. Laxative Itromo-Quinine Tablets euro a cold in one day. Pay. Triee 2.5 eontn. No Cure'no We Collar Line. PORTLAND-ASTORIA Route. STR "TAHOMA" Daily Round Trips except Hunday TIME CARD lave l'ortland.. Leave Astoria . . . 7 a. in. 7 p. m. THE DALLES PORT LAND ROUTE Str."BllEIG2ERT" VAM'OUVKK, CASCADE LOCKS, NT. M1KT1VS Ml'ltlSUS, IIOO KIVEK H IIITENsLMOM, 1.1 LE, THE DALLES Daily Kound Tripe except Monday. TIME CARD Ieave Portland 7 a. in. Arrive The Dalles 3 p. m. Leave " 4 Arrive Portland 10 " MEALS THE VERY BEST f y8tiuilsy Tripe a Leading Feature. iF"Thii Koute hai the Grandest Scenic Attraction! on Earth. Landing and OlHi! Foot Alder Street. Both Phones, Main 351 PORTLAND, OREGON. JOHN SLIILLOOX, agt The Dalles i. J. TAYLOR, agt Astoria. J. . Wl ATI, aKt Vancouver, WOLIUKD k MYERS, agU Vtkite Salmon. PKATIIER BARSES, BKts Hood River. E. W. I KIL'HTON, agt Portland Timlter Land, Art Jane 3, 1M7M TICi: Hilt 11 KI.ICMTIOK Orkiios Citt, Orb., Ado. 14, l'Jtil. M)TlCl! IS IIKIIKHY UIVKN THAT 1 1 in Roninliance with the provisions of tlie art i f Congress of June 8, 1m7H, entltle.l ' ii act lur tlie sale or limtier lunils in the Htates of alifomia Orefron, Nevada ami wasliliiKtun lerrttory,'. aa extenued to all tlie I'll blic. Ijind Suites hy not ol August 4. istl.'. Charles Hull, of t'lulikauis. county of Columbia, Ht te of Oregon, n&s this ilay tileil in this olliie his sworn statement No. Mill, for the purchase of the ne of tha se V4 ol sec. Tl ami the w H of the aw K, of H-ctioo No. In Toolishin No. 8 North, liuuge No. A West and will offer proof to s ow that the land sought is more valuable for its tl in le' or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hlscliiim to (aid land i efore tlie Re.ister and Receiver of this olllc at Oregon City on Hatunluy, the '.th ilay of November, 11)01. He names as witnesses: T. Krnest Oates, of Clifton, Ore, W. A. Piitti-rson, or " W. . II ill, or Clatakauine, Ore. V. C. W hitten. of ' Any and all persons claiming adversely tlie Miove-deacrilMMl lands are requested to tile their claims in this ollice on or belore wid tab day of November Itsil. CIIAS. B. HOORR8, 14-23 Register in. j C. T. BELCHE O'V AND la KELCI1ER, Managers, j Drugs. Pharmacy. V f:.f