Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, September 27, 1901, Image 1

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    OTTIocfetr ClfffiH
No. 19
bl'VIK UFFirrilUi.
T T llcua?
'taut. Tulilio Imta action.. J. H. Ackern.an
In.l.m Fifth Distrtot
AUxuey Ffb lurtct.
. T. A. llnlr o
Harrison Allen
county officuis.
. U A. Kod
y. a. Vou
fnd...- ......,
Hbefiil i-'
Itso-trJar n
wmhw h .
8oh.wl Haiierintendenl
Surveyor .......
K.J. wro
'.. iGeo. A. Morgan
... ..John W. ewfcii
... lialpb U Wanu
K. 1 randull
..Ueo. H. Vt ileox
' .... H. V
T. f. Wilkue
...'.'....W. F. Via
Chu. B. Mourn
VVm. alioay..',
. liuceivei
f ....F. A. Valley, Mayor
John Northrup
J, F. Tumeiaie
1 l..l. It .nii.n
Mif d il Tim
I '
I Win. I
K. C. I'rown
tt..nitii HtiWIUUll
f. .... i Hml K.veriu
' Vt 1 Atkinson
- j ..H. r,verut
astioe of Feaoe 1". Kundall
' ' ' t " .
.H. fcverit
The Bila ol'ose a the liillsboro Poet
"ura.We.; Union. Bethar., and Cdar
Mill, al 7:i a. in.
Going Honth, :M m. i
Going o Fortland and y-oBos M
""iirmiKton and Unrrf. dully at 18
Main and Fifth ."
ATery Sabbatb. mornina and awnm
.bathobl a 10 o'olk a. ra. I rayr
?Say at :80 p. n.. Ail .rice. -
hort. hrtKht, li.Uirn-ti" " nP,ul-
- . . . atiat rrum - nnmaf I
CHI . ftfitof j 10 ...
(IhriBtaln Kndvavor at 7 i. p. n- l"nJ'
liartnian, I'antor. , ,
MR. CHUKOH, H 0'r, raf.tor
.Pr-hmK.ry 8bbtb n.,,tnin and
.maina BabhatU .oliool aery Bnbhtb at
roT . Uue minir aery Sunday at
W' . Mineral prayer mwituiB
Taomday niutr. Leadera' and riteward a
"wttniTthatlilrdlToeaday ewninR I aoh
CU RISTI A NCIll' IICII. ,'''hl"1"t '
uiid 4 1. Bondayaln each nionth at 11
a in. l-rayer mating Ti.umlr efemiiR,
CbrUtir . JHl-f ()6K Pal(tor.
BauKhtrra f BrlH-knh.
M, I f, nitii in Odd llow
li.dl ry liatnrdHy eninir
. M. V.
yry Vnd and 4tb huturday nltil't, a:
Wehimm'a nnlt.
A. 0. I.
VI., ! evory lirai and tbiro
friday aveninK anob month.
p. r H.
iiiuuiuii liuiVlil Kit 711 iravta
........ -I .
2nd and flu p aay
I. o. o. .
(IN I KZUMA LOIH1E, N(). AO. mwt
WsdniMidaT reninR" l o'oluok.in l.O.
K. ball. Viaitora mude welonme.
' Htfrtc 1 1 lUnoi. ,
fllUR PEQttKE UONOU. A. . 0.
JL W.. mwu in ehrunn' baa wr
brat and ibird kiiday eTuin of rauli
muntb. .
lUlhuone HWlers.
nivol Trry 2nd ant h Friday In
o.onth m7:3Uo'ciorli h Wehrung'allall.
k. r i.
aita In M n imo Hall on Mundn;
imiinK .f Mdb wk. rVijournlng brat brat)
ulr-nx to Indft martinna.
A. V. nJA. S.
rnCALITT IADK NO. a, A. F. A L. M.,
I mavta arary Matnrday ntbt oa of after
tail noon of aajb mcab.
O. E. S.
fpl'AL.VTlN rMAPTKIl, NO. M, O. K.8..
1 nint at Mannic Tvmpl on b 2nd
and tlb Tuoaday Ol ra'h mouth.
th Mint and third Knday of o.ich
Bionth, at UUo'cliKk. p, ni.
VEX. KASS0M Y (ST, 50. . A. R.
th rt rt and third baUrdaya of aaob
month, al.i.00 o'clock p. n.
Round trip rate to Statt Fair at
HhWu, 1195.. Dalsnf mtai 8t.
27 ami 28. Ono to rvtiirn, np to,
anil Including Sept. 30.
N.-tary Public
Omoa: K.iu 3, 4, 6, Morgan Jtlook.
. Hll.liniUJ,UlUilN
im'i: Central It toe a. boonia and T.
Orrioa: Koonia ad T. Morgan bluok
II. T. BAiLE, .
Orrica: 0er Delta Drug 8tor
Bailoy Morgan Block, Boodw 14 2
. T. LIKLATEK, M. B. C. M.
. . ... uit nl r nil rt
urnn.i io.iu.umi
ti....u ). sill b found at all noma
when not Tiwtinn pationta.
g P. R. R. 8U1UJEON,
ftvvioa amo KasTDMoa : ecmer Third
and Mam Htrmta. OiJio boors, h-Q to lit
a. ui.. 1 to 6 and 7 to B p. m. Telephone to
. i . ub i. UaI.I rivnuatiiM at
1 1 will jjiii.. i iv i .
alt hour. Alt oalU promptly attended.
uwt-or any.
V A. UAILEV, )l v.
Ofllce Moran Bailey Block, up atalrn.
rooma 12, 1 and 18. Kaaideuoe, b. W. Cor.
liaao Line and beoond atreeta
Both 'Fbonra.
J.E. ADklNH.
11illsbou0, oregon.
Orrica llouea: 9 a. m. to 4:80 p. m.
Oflica in Union block over I'harmacy
Heat art. ".iitl teeth '.( per el. Cement
ami AniulirHni tiUiiurK so crinaeiicb. Uold
lilliiiira from $1 up. Vitalied air for pain-
lew extraction.
Union three doora north of Briok
tore. OlBoe honrf from li a. m. W4 p. m.
The lilPttl trip to the eut during
the heat of uiiimcr la via Ibn Rio
Grande Western and Denver A Rio
Grrttidiu RailriMUn, the far lHUiiHl
"iiceuic Line of (lie World." The
extremes of temperature are never
tin t, ami prisM-nxera are Bure of hav
ing a 1 ll(;btfully pool ride through
tno Heart of the Rx-lfj- Muuutainf),
and a view l y dHylight of scenery
which to nowhere 8urpa.id.
If deblred, a slop enroute may br
made at quaint and pictureM'ie
Sh!I Lake City, tbe "Guy of the
gniutx," Glenvtood rjpriu'S Lewd
ville, Oulorndi) 8prltiK, I'ueblo,
Deuver, or any iuU-rtnwJiHH point.
Tiiere are tire daily train leav
ing all Ltske City for all point1
et, which Imve cioe innneetioua
from th Northwest v a either O. R.
A N. Co., or the Suutaern Pacific Or.
Thea traius aro equipped with
Through Sleejra (SamUrd and
Tourist,) Free R vliolnir Chair Carx
and a erfift Dining (Vr Service.
Pi rafinaily Conducted Excursion!,
In charif of comptft at.d court'.
oua managers, arc run aeveral (Inio
a week without ehangre ol can to
Denver, Omnha, Karntaa Cily, St.
Louis Chieao, BuOaIo, Nbw York,
lVton and all eastern cities.
Tickets arc on aale at all Railroad
Ticket fBcrs. For further Informa
tion and cheapest ratea, apply to
General Affent,
124 Third St.; Portland, Oregon.
Tkia ai(Mare i oa very dot ol the gaauhM
Laxative BronirHMoinc
U 33
4 , U
it-:': i.
vpt tj.rg ner nai nnuer
!i r kiii:cI I'liiii I efni'e a oiuiill
v.indou (.';iv! epnn a hm-k-
pronnd of WTrtfi'il moKntiiln ntx! ollvo
t-lii!cv. i (1 -nnjoii. iviili n fuliit addi
tlonnl outline of a hicber snow level,
the only ilnmny anitkm of the
whole l.imlNcniH-. The fore grnund wa
a glurluKlr freah and unplctureariira
niinliitc town, whose Irregular attempt a
at reKUliirity were act forth with all tbe
cruel utieoinproniixlnK clcarneaa of the
California atmosphere. There waa the
atraljrlit Main atret, with Ita new brick
block of "stores," ending abruptly
axainst a tangled bluff; there waa the
rnthloaa clearing In the aedato pines
wLera the hideous spire of the new
elm re b Imitated the, soaring of the sol
emn shafta It bad displaced with al
most Irreligions mockery. Tet this fore
ground wa Cissy's world ber life, her
sole girlish experience. She did not,
however, bother her pretty bead with
the view Just then, but moved her
cheek up and down before the glass
the better to examine by tbe merciless
jrlare of the sunlight a few freckles
that starred thu hollows of her tem
ples. Like others of her sex, she was a
poor critic of what waa her real beauty
and quarreled with that peculiar tex
ture of ber healthy skin which made
her fnce as eloquent In ber sun kissed
cheek as in her bright eyes and expres
sion. Nevertheless' she was somewhat
consoled by the ravishing effect of the
bow U not she had Just tied and turned
away not wholly dissatisfied. Indeed
as the acknowledged belle of Canada
City and the daughter of Its principal
banker small wonder that a certain
frank vanity and childlike Imperious
ness were among her faults and her at
tractions. She bounded down tbe stairs and Into
tbe front parlor, for their bouse pos
sessed the unheard of luxury of a dou
ble drawing room, albeit tbe second
apartment contained a desk and was
occasionally need by Cissy's father In
private business Interviews with anx
ious seekers of "advances" who shun
ned the publicity of tbe bank. Hers
she Instantly flow Into the arnjs of her
bosom friend, Miss Dney Tlbbs, a girl
only a shade or two less, pretty than
herself, who, always more or less 111 at
ease In these splendors, was awaiting
her Impatiently. For Miss Tlbbs was
merely the dnnghter of the hotel keep
er, and, although Tlbbs waa a south
erner and had owned "his own nig
gers" In the states, she was of Inferior
poaltlnn and a protege of Cissy's.
"Thank goodness you've come," ex
claimed Mlas Tlbbs. "for I've bin slttln
here till I nigh took root What kep
"IIow does It lookT" responded Cissy
as a relevant reply.
The e)t referred to Cissy's new bat
and to the young girl the coherence
wua perfectly pla:n. Miss Tibbs looked
at "It" severely. It would not do for a
protegee to be too complaisant
"Ilem! Must hare cost a heap o'
"It did." said Hwy.' "Came from the
best milliner tn fan Ftnnclsco."
"Of conrne," said Plney. with balf
assumed envy, "wbeo your popper runs
the bank and Just wallows In gold."'.
"Never mind, dear," said Cissy cheer
fully. "So'll yonr popper some day.
I'm going to get mine to let your popper
Into sotnetbing-rditch stocks and such.
Tea! True, O king! Topper'H do any
ihlng for mc." she added a little loftily.
Loyal a's Plney waa to ber friend,
she waa by no means convinced of
this. Bhe knew the difference between
tne two men and had a vivid recollec
tion of hearing net own father express
bis opinion of Clsay'a respected parent
as a "gold shark" and "quarts miner
crusher." It did not. Iiowrver. affect
fcer friendship for Clasy. Blie only said,
"Let's romp!" caught Cissy around the
waist pranced with her out Into the
veranda and gasped, ont of breath,
"Where are we going first?"
"Down Main street" said Clasy
"And let ns stop at Markham'a store.
They've got some new things In from
Sacramento." raid Plney.
"Country styles," returned Cissy,
with a supercilious air. "No, Besides
Markbam's bead clerk la getting too
presumptuous. Just guess! He asked
me. M ile I ' was baying something.
If I enjoyed the dance last Monday."
"Hut yon danced with him," said tbe
simple Plney In astonishment
"Put not in hie store among hla cns-!
artrnavr tuili. mf aanlAtitlT. -Nv 1
We're coir;
lown Main street past j
Beca tup's.
eecamp s. i roe. oecamp gin. are sure theIr borlH, , on)ler
to be at their windows looking out h,' inspiring -ryes. nnJ -Vaquero
This hat will Just turn m green- i B1Uy - charging them full tilt brought
greener than ever up his mustsng on Its hanncbes and
-Wre Just horrid. Ctos!" said Pl-j rlgkJ tonlvfA wb . ,wwp,g bow of
Bey with admiration. 1 hls ,onibrf.ro Uui , foo, of ,hoIr n.
"And then." continued Cissy, -well ,nioUfed trrror. , ,Ul, wm,
Just Mri down past the new block to rt.lu.bMi . vUarUX In tbe
the psrson s and make a call. forest tbe church, wit b its rst. ntatloos
"Oh, I M-e." MM Plney archly. "ltTl ,plre and Ur w,nalDrotkg.
be Just about the time when the new: dWctafr otherwise humorously known
engineer of the mill works baa a clean tb, paraoriage." where Cissy In
shirt on and Is smoking his cigar be-1 tended to caU.
,0 tb',;k,:" w . a, , I Re- Ur- Wradlbrook bad bee as
Cissy ted her hat "'fnUy.! b eccte,Ill4t,al, npeTiort w
"Much anybody csres whether he's mmItef (b, Mt WMot Can-
tbere or not I haven't toTtUhcw n , whst WM NU(d ,
he showed na over tbe mill the other m. ,.-.,,. ,, .tA.
.. . - i - . . t. n. t hi,-
j . i i ii ,i .it v, vi. i i .ii juri umv V
workmia." ..-. j
"Cut tin'! aay'be's awfully amart!
OopyriKht, Mil, by Bret Harte.
nun tt n
and well educated and needn't ww,
and I'm sure It's very nice of bus to
drees Just like the other men when
in m.nreJ TJiney. v-
"Cob! That waa Just to show that he
didn't care what we thought of bun
he's that conceited! And It waan't re
spectful, considering one of the direct
ors waa there, ail dressed up. Don't
tell me! Tou can see It in bis eye look
lng you over without blinking and then
turning away as If he'd got enough of
you. lie makes me tired.
Plney did not reply. The engineer
bad seemed to ber to be a' singularly
attractive young man, yet she was
equally impressed with Clsay'a superior
condition which could find flaws In
such perfection. Following ber friend
down tbe steps of tbe veranda, they
passed Into the staring graveled walk
of the new gnrden, only recently recov
ered from the wild wood. Its accurate
diamond aud heart shaped beda of
vivid green set tn white quals borders
giving it tbe appearance of elaborately
Iced confectionery. A few steps farther
brought them to the road and tbe wood
en sidewalk to Main street which car
ried civic Improvements to the hillside
and Mr. Trixlt's very door. Turning
down this thoroughfare, they stopped
laughing and otherwise assumed a con
scio.,8, half artificial air. For It was
the hour when Cciuda City lounged
listlessly before Its shops, Ita saloons.
Its oillces and mills or even held buy
meetings In the dust of the roadway,
and the pussage down tbe principal
street of Its two prettiest girls was an
event to be viewed aa If It waa a civic
procession. Hats flew off as they pass
ed, place was freely given, .Impeding
barrels and sacks removed from the
wooden pavement and preoccupied ln
dwellers hastily summoned to the front
door to do homage to Cissy Trixlt and
Plney us "They went by. Not but that
Canada City In tbe fierce and unregen
erate days of Its youth bad seen fairer
and higher colored faces, mors gayly
bedizened, on tts thoroughfares, but
uever anything so fresh and Innocent
Tbey stood there all nnconscloualy
reverencing their absent mothers, sla
ters and daughters In their sponta
neous homage to tbe pair and seemed
to feel tbe wholesome breath of tbetr
eastern homes wafted from the freshly
Ironed skirts of these foolish vlrglna as
tbey rustled by. I am afraid that
neither Cissy nor Plney appreciated
this feeling few women did at that
time Indeed these young ladles assum
ed a slight air of hauteur. , "Really,
tbey do sture so," said Cissy, with
eyes dilating with pleasurable emo
tion. "We'll have to take the back
street next time." Plney, proud In the
glory reflected from Cissy and In ber
own, answered, "We will sure."
There wss only one Interruption to
this' trinmphnl progress, aud that waa
so slight as to be only noticed by one
of tbe two girls. As they passed the
new works at tbe mill tbe new en
gineer, as 1'lney bad foreseen, was
leaning against the. doorpost smoking
a pipe. He took his bat from bis head
and bis pipe from his mouth as tbey
approached, greeted them with an eaay
"Uood afternoon." yet wtth a glance
that was quietly observant and toler
antly critical. mere," said Cissy
when they bad passed, "didn't I tell
youT Did you ever see such conceit
In your born days! I bope you did
not look at him."
Pluey, conscious of having done so
and of having Hashed under bis scru-J
uny, nevenneiess stoutly asserted tnat
sbe bad merely looked at him "to see
who It waa." But Cissy waa placated
by passing tbe Becamps cottage, from
whose window tbe three strapping
daughters of John Becamp. lately an
emigrant from Missouri, were, aa Cissy
bad surmised, lightening the household
duties by gazing at the, to them, un
wonted wonders of the street Wheth
er tbelr complexions, still bearing
traces of tbe alkali dust and Inefficient
nourishment of tbe plains, took a more
yellow tone from tbe spectacle of Cis
sy's hst I cannot aay. Cissy tonight
they did. Perhaps Plney was nearer
tbe truth when she suggested that tbey
were only "looking" to enable them to
make a homemade copy of the bat
next week.
Tbelr progress forward and through
tbe outskirts of the town was of the
same triumphal character. Teamsters
withheld tbelr oaths and their uplifted
whips as the two girts passed by. wea
ry miners lolling in ditches looked np
with a pleasure tbst was balf reminis
cent of tbelr past younger skylarkers
d ln tDep BOrseDla. wlth h.
. ...
amlllhff. half a rkolAsTAtf a hMa
ambltlorj, rIoVni on the highway urged
, -
MUMines at cost MUU.
'The nineteenth century ran red
with the IiI.mkI of ruler, beginning iu
1801 with the killing of tbe Cxar Paul
of RuHei by soma of bl , noble.
There were over 60 atwaasioatlons or
attempts at anHawd nations of ruling
statesmen and crowned beada, begin
ning with the Czar Pml and ending
with Pmiitent McKluley. ; But a
clear distinction cau be drawn bv.
tween ihoae which occurred prior ,to
1894 and those which have crowded
the few years since Car nut full. :
Carnot in 18U4 waa the flrxt avowed
work of the modern revolutionary
anarchiHtrt. whose' propaeauda of
murder ia aimed against ail govern
meat of whatever character and bow
ever liberal and free. Every -
si nation and attempt at assassination
since ' then ha been " their work.
They have been exceedingly busy
and tbelr bloody harvest has been
uncommonly fruitful. Wihin seven
years they have shot tha presidents
of tbe two greatest republics la the
world, beside killing tbe monarch
of a great Power, tbe Eiopreaa of
another great Power, the prime
minlater of atiil another European
kingdom, and have attempted tbe
life of the heir to Britain's t'.rone."
The Springfield Republican.
At New Orleans, during the trip
acroes tbe (Joutiueut la.-t Alay, Mrs.
McKlnle- , in a conversation- with a
visitor, paid tribute t) the domestic
virtues of her husband. In the pic
ture we see a grand man and love.
able. But the painter! is it cot a
noble womau who cau awake such
devotion and thoughtful attention?
lior heroism was grantUy ' shown
during tbe week of uiTTlug that
came to bur loved one, a d during
tbe ceremonies attend! ng bis funeral.
There was no grief prostration, yet
we can imagine that ber sorrow wan
not less poignant The following
iove homage was teudi-red at a time
when it could in no way be effected
by the pronpect of separation by
death but when he was surrounded
by applauding lhousauds Sbe said:
"Do you kuow Mj. M'Kinle?
Ah, no one can know bun, because
to appreciate hiiu one most know
him as I do, and 1 am not speaking
now of MuJ. M. Kiuley as tbe IVtwi-
dent. I am speaking of him aa my
husband. If any one could know
what it is to have a wife sick, com
olaininir. always an . invalid for
tweuty-tlve years, seldom a day well,
and yet never a word of uokindneee
baa ever passed bis iipe; be is just the
same lender, thoughtful, kind gentle
man I knew when first ho-came and
sought my hand. 1 know him be
cause I am his wile, and it is my
proudest pleasure to say this, hpl be
cause he I the Prefident, but be
cause be is my hunbaud. 1 wish
lb. 1 1 could have eeeii him yester
day . I love to see him among the
people whom he seeks to serve so
faithfully. But I read his speeches
this morning. . I read all bis speech
es; l only wian mat x coviu neip
him as I should. But be is so iiotl,
so good, so patient. He give me
all the time he came. lie ;;evtr for
gets me, no matter bow buy be is.
But I will be glad when he l out of
public life. I did not want him to
run a second time. I thought be
had done enough for the country,
and now I know that be has done
enough, and when his term expires
he will come home and we will w i
de down quietly and be will belong
to me."
Men who do cot intend it some
times utter mischievous things and
arouse bitter feeling In others. The
truth may be spoken in tbe language
of exaggeration and thus do aa great
harm as a direct lie. It ia not Im
probable that those error which are
most lurtful, spring from an exag
gerated statement of what l. true.
Itls in this manner tb sniwt per
nicious errors are given some sembl.
ance of truth. Unthinking men see
the truth, but fail to ree its false set
ting, and so accept tbe whole mam
as truth.
Recently we beard one who de
sired to condemn avarice. This is a
mean, contempible vice, bat nut
many men In com inanity are real
ly avaricious. The greater number
of men are earnestly and honettly
striving to gain a competency,
wealth it may be, bat not great
riches. Under the modern condi
tions of buainea, men must do this
early In life, If st all. Thi Is the
'rule. We must have gained withUlj,
t h. VM1ra what our fathers were
able to galu only by long endeavor.
We rush after things. Our moral
ist sees this rush, and not belug
trained to close analytical thought,
conclude that all men are after the
"Almighty Dollar;" that the deetre
to acquire wealth quite absorbs fie
time and thoughts of men; that to
the neglect of higher and nobler
aspirations the mass of men wor.ihl
a golden caif. Men have forgot; en
the selt-sauritiolug, heroic spirit of
their fathers and are moved only by
love of tne "Almighty Dollar."
This is . misleading, it Is fa'se and
.mischievous. ; Never la our history
have men been more liberal In giv
ing out of their substance iu support
of every enterprise for the benefit of
their fellows. The weak, tbe do
fenceless, the unfortunate, the er
ring, never before received such
gracious and efficient help as their
more fortunate fellows gladly ex
tend to them uow. Tbe heroic
spirit is not dead, not even sleeping,
Grearer numbers of men and women
are possessed of the true heroic spirit
than ever before. The fathers may
Indeed, look proudly on their child
ren and children's children, for
theesj have shown their heroism, are
exhibiting it every day In some of
the walks of life.
There is less 6f selttshness and
avarice among men today than at
any former period. There Is more
of the berolo spirit. Men live in
purer; better atmosphere than ever
before. They are moving forward
nd upward.
A few men of limited -education
and small experience may amuse
themselves With mock heroics, but
the great heart of our American peo
ple beats true and right Gasette.
Slotios revealing the late Presi
dent's quaint humor during his last
week on earth are being told Irom
day to day In Buffalo. This one
comes from one of tbe consulting
physicians, who, while the Presi
dent's condition the first of last week
was regarded aa serious, did t ot
wish to see It Iu print.' Ou Mon
day, when every one was happy
over the apparent improvement in
Ibe President, Doctors Mann, Rixey,
Park and Mynter were iu his room
feeling his pulse and getting the
necessary data for a bulletin.
"The President ktpt up a running
conversation with us," said the in
formant, "aud for very good reasons
we did not want him to exhaust
his strength uselessly. One of the
doctors stepped t'l the bedside auu
said. 'Mr. McKluley, you are not
to talk; we have decided you must
not talk.'
;ine rresiaenrs Dig, dark eyes
were bent on the one who gave the
order," said the narrator, "aud,
without moving a muscle of his face,
he said, 'Well, I supose you gentle
man think you don't have a chance
very often to boas the President of
the United States, and now you are
improving your opportunity." "
The shot was so unexpected that
the doctors looked at each other in
pleased amazement, and when they
got outside the sick room they all
had a good laugh.
Juan d' Aljoris, born in Madrid,
and once a Spanish soldier, doffed
bis hat and bowed bis bead to-day
before the balf-mast flag and tbe
picture of the dead chieftain,
i "Even ln Spain," said the man
who fought for the red an I gold of
old Castile, "there will be mourning
today, and mourning oi the deepest,
truest kind. Tbe Spanish people
never hated McKinley, and they
will honor him in death as In life
a man who was a good ruler, a
merciful enemy and a kindly friend.
"I have known Admiral Cervera
in the old home, and heavy will be
tbe heart of our great sailor now.
He ever spoke of McKinley as his
ideal of a ruler the ballot-chosen
master of a contented people."
Tbe President McKlo ley's first
thought, after he was shot, it is re
lated la the preiw despatches, wss
for his wife. "Be careful about ber.
Don't let ber know," he said. His
second thought wa for his waaeiu,
"Let no one hurt him." His
third expression was one of regret
lest he might be "the cause of
trouble to the Exposition." -
Tbe laws of Fr nee cut off anarch
lt from notoriety. Their trials are
not reported In the news pat era.
In case of capital ponishment the
execution la not described and Ibe
burial plaee Is cret. These regul-
t()rJ9 r due to the fact that vanity i
- IutiM nation with anarchist!
About $7500 has been paid out for
chiitim lark at Corvallis this season.
Twelve carloads represent the ship
ments. There la talk of building a big
apartment house In Portland, that
shall be 150 feet square and seven
stories high,
Malheur County has an oil ex
citement. A company has been or
ganised to prospect the plains. Well
boring will be commenced as sooa
as an auger can be shipped from
A woolgrowera' association for
Wheeler, Crook, Wasco and Sher
man Counties has been orgauixed at
Mitchell. Following are the officers:
President, Dr. J. W. Dopuelly; ' sec-retary-treanure,
E. E. Allen.
Tht Northern Pacific opened bids
last Saturday In Tacoma for the
building of 20 miles of railroad, in
cluding grading, cutting, tut. Deling,
brldgiug and laying track Irom
Scappoose, Columbia Co., to Pitta
burg oti the Nehalem.
Stagg, who a few years ago, pub.
Ibthed In Portland, a local financial
paper and who was made receiver
of suspended banks notwithstanding
he had served a term In prison for
forgery, Is again io prison In New
York, charged with forgery.
Eugone has been asked for a bon
us of $15000, the payment of which
is conditioned upon the- building of
a 3 set woolen mill at that city em.
ploying 50 to 75 operatives, earning
a monthly pay roll of 13500. A
mass meeting of citizens was called
to discuss the. proposition.
Well diggers near Bandon in Coos
County have struck . natural gaa at
the depth of forty feet. The flow Is
not continuous but as new excava
tions are made fresh gas- holders are
opened that flow till exhausted. The
diggers, have quit Work regaiding
their Job as extra hazardous.
1 v
Albert A Schneider, have been
awarded a contract lo furnish 600
tons ol oats at Seattle or Tacoma for
the Phillipines at 22.70 per ton.
Bids for hay were invited at the
s.ime time but no Oregon firm re
scinded. The lowest Washington
bidders were $13 00 and the highest
Frank Rogers, grain buyer for an
Athena company, purcha-ed several
lots of wheat at 4i cents for club
and 45 cents for blue stem. Frank
Martin sold 12,000 bushels; Louis
Btirgevln 1600 bushels, Louis Aud
ette 10,000 bushels, Felix Morau
2500 bushels and A. R. Rice, 8600
Messrs. 8pecht A Moatert, late
ot Dallas, Polk County, have leased
the Finney bu'lding on Main street
aud will, ss soon as their oven is
built, commence baking bread.
Tbo new firm will, besides bread,
carry a full line of pies and cakes of
their own baking. A stock of can
dies will be In their show ca s.
Saleur has a report that large
prune buyers have sold short at 4
cents. If growers bar J the nerve,
tbey will be able to pinch the doal
ers, for the crop of the world is re
ported to be below the average crop.
In France, one of our consuls report
thst the fruit Is quoted at 16 cents.
It now looks like holding for better
prices is safe thing to do.
A Portland hoodlum named Mel
ville Blaochard, has been arrested in
Portland because be turned In false
fire alarms. He ia about 20 years
old and auys be Is Ibe McDonald
who two months ago confessed to tbe
Loodou Police that he was one of
the gang who robbed the Western
Limber Compauy, last year In Port
land. He Invented that story be
cause he wanted free pa-wage to
Portland Irom London.
W. Heitmiller, a resident of Tilla
mook County for twenty years,
made an assault Irsl week on Etnil
Arndt, with Intent to kill, being
armed with a pistol. He shot his
victim twice, one bullet pa ltd off
through the body, which wound
may result fatally. Heitmiller Is a
gro- drunkard and abusive so (hat
bis w le could not live with him, the
separation oocuring about six years
ago. Recently divorce proceeding
were commenced and Heitcciller
conceived that Arndt was to marry
the widow when the divorce wit
granted. Heitmiller is under ar
nut. When yon want a pleasant physic
try the new remedy, Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Tbey
f """y t1' ,rd pb-ssant In ef-
"TV- Price, i' .uu. riaaipl flue
1st Delta Drag Store.
a a t mmjmg.
Wilxss store. '