Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, August 23, 1901, Image 4

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    The Fo.ce t
1 Of Example. t
Coprrlcat, MM. b Ths Csatory t o. fr-
'Sn"t'ir?,i"t'i''' f
IT wai la tbe old time, and It
wan the oM story. A man
and a niulcl ml under a traa,
a little ativuui tit their feet
aud the lush summer nil around. The
Und waa wild aud beautiful. Tba cul
tivated Held to be seeu by a bird
abOT tbelr bead wore ouly little.
Irregular island grouped through the
ae of forest Near the pair that la,
not half uille away mood the lar
gest and bent farmhouse within many
mllea. It bad a frame addition built
In front of the older log structure,
big, rough, granny yard, and at one aide
' a garden equally divided between flow
era and vegetable.
Two tout dames tat on the back gal
lery, ona knitting, one with folded
"I tell you, Betty," said the Idle one.
"I don't give my approval to the way
you're alettln Luclndy carry on. That
gal la tba talk of the county."
"Now. Bint Emmy." replied the
other In an aggrieved, lung mfferlug
tone, "that's a turrlble way to talk.
If a oujust The talk of the county,' "
aba repeated, flaring luto a little un
usual vigor of utterance, "sounda as If
the poor child bad done sniuethln dis
respects hie. and goodness knows I
don't know scuce when there's a law
In the laud that a gylrl's got to marry
afore she's ready."
"The trouble wltb that gal," said
81st' Emmy. " 'ears to be that she
won't git married when she Is ready."
It was the belief of her relative that
Mrs. Eniinellne Slmms persisted In say
ing "Kid" for the express purpose of
mortifying nrl Irritating thorn aud
that all particularly loved to so desig
nate I.uclndu, Lucinda belug the source
of certain Innovations In the family
"There slip sits out there," said Mrs.
Slmms. pointing to the pair visible as
small blots under the distant feathery
walnut tree, "a-lettin that poor fool
spark her and as like as not a lettln
him 'p'lnt the day ag'lu, and then she'll
go kick over the traces once more at
tba last minute. And, talk about beln
the talk of the county, do you reckon,
Betsey Ann, that anything Is a-goin to
beMnore talked about on the footstool
than a gul breakln off her weddin after
they've begun to bake the cake? Do
"Now. 81st Emmy," began Luclnda'a
mother, exactly aa before, "you know
'there was mighty little cake baked.
Tou'd Jest come and hadn't fairly got
luto the fruit cake, and Luclndy never
let it get that fur afore, and she won't
ag'ln, 'cept she's goln through with It.
You forglt tbe feelln'a of a gylrl. They
don't alius know their own minds.
Ethan Slmms Is only your nephew by
marriage, and Luclndy 'a your own
blood niece, and my feelln'a la hurt,
81 sf Emmy"
"Betty Ann, don't begin like that.
Ton know I'm aa fond of I.nclndy as If
she waa my own child, but you never
did have no gover'meut, and I do aay
that to bave all this courtin Martin up
ag'ln with that eejet-l think the man's
bewitched when It was scan' a I enough
to have tba weddiu broke off after tbe
invltea was out" Mrs. Rluims stop
ped an Inatant, then escaped tbe laby
rinth of ber own sentences by cutting
through directly to the main matter.
"Tba gal ought to be made to drop
blm or take bim."
"Seem as If It's more Ethan's busi
ness than y than anybody elNe's, and
ba "pears mighty anxious not to be
dropped, whether he's taken or not"
"Humph! Etban's a plumb eejet
far be auy denyln of that from me
bnt Luclndy Is full as eager about
keepln him danglln as he Is, aud you
don't lift your finger about It 1 don't
kaow why the Lord sends fnmblles to
women wltb no gover'ment but he
moat certainly do."
Of course ber own caprices were also
being discussed by Luclnda and ber
lover under the walnut tree. Truth to
tall, these caprices had always furnish
ed tbein wltb conversational material.
commodity which otherwise they of
ten must have lacked.
For four years they bad been "court
la," and three (lines a wedding day bad
been set Tbe last time, ouly three
months before, the usual retreat by
tbe unstable Luclnda bad been delayed,
as we have already learned, until pub
licity and general condeifinatlou were
Its well merited portion.
Lnclmla now stood under tbe walnut
tree a lamentably attractive and ap
pealing tlgure of a culprit Slip wax
ouly a slip of a thing, though 10 years
were quoted warnlngly to her. There
were few unmarried girls in the settle
ment so old.
Little, tricksy brown curls bad slip
ped from the bands and knots she tried
so hard to keep smooth. Her brown
eyea were swimming' In tears, which
were falling oue .by one over brown
cheeks as round as a child's. She
knotted ber hands In ber apron, though
It was her best one and Just Ironed, as
ahe said:
"I do care about yon, Ethan; you
know I do. I want to marry yon some
time; you know I do. But but I don't
aeem ready to settle down right off.
It looks sort of dreadful everything '
all fixed one way tjien for the rest of
your life. I like being a gylrl." On this
last word this frivolous yonng person
caught ber breath and began to sob.
"Yon wouldn't think that array If
you cared for me," said the seated
Ethan gloomily, prudently keeping hi
honest dust colored head turned from
the melting sight beside hlni.
"I would, too-oo. A gylrl ain't like a
"No'm; you're right, they ain't It
says In alt the books that women Is i
wlthouten no heart n:id man's destroy-,
er. That's the 'pinion of the wise !
men." j
It was eunset before the two could j
abandon the delights of quarreling and i
return to tbe house. There the stir of
getting a company supper made a pic
ture of kaleidoscopic activity, half
homely, half weird, against the soft
twilight of the woods and fields. From
the kitchen a broad, shifting flare of
firelight shone forth, through which
dark, turlvaued figure flitted deftly .
.nk u'il turili. M ..v.l ', ered dlah
e, nlnlc i-hl'droi! n: .1 ' t u'l color
and sisca apl-earid li t ! sains-ared on
every side. Mr. T !.!. I. Urmia's moth
er. I rent I'd r.lUan . !i an effusive hos
pitality Int' I'd' "' to i.i':ne for what we
in glit' en II the '.-atcd l.id'rrcreuee
shown by In r sli r.
It show : li'iw ab 't and delight
ful a top'.- wis I. ' 'nda's uilsroaduet
Dull lliU a' I'.-ni.oii it had displays! the
tiiiliM ;il Iheiie of I lie hour, and that a
ginj.l one I o. M-. !" 'iu and Ethan
nere stopping overnight with the Todd
mi their way to a wedding. Luclnda
was to go with them, and on the mor
row the three were to set out A horse
back Journey of 33 mile more was the
price, or tbe premium, for this social
"If you had any proper shame," said
Mrs. Slmms that night after the candle
was out. taking an unfair advantage
of the fact that she was sharing Lucin
da's bed. "you'd be too humbled to
show jour face at a weddin, andwltb
Ethan tool I'd never show my face
with you If Mllly Anson warn't my
own cousin's stepdaughter and her
umuiuij's faiubiy ail bein so drcaurnl
thin skinned about the way Sarah's
kin treats her. Now, praise the Lord,
this Is the last tipsettin botheration
Sarah'll have to have with Milly. and
she's been trial enough, for a more ad
dle pared fty-up-the-oreek than that
piiHty faced gal this settlement ain't
never seed. Howsomever." Mrs. Simms
quickly added, remembering ber text,
"'taln't becoiuin In me to talk long's
she ain't never done nnthln to ekal my
own flesh and blood niece. I tried hard
enough yesterday to get that fool of a
boy to go on wltb me to old 9qulre
Hunt's for the night, but he Jest vowed
that he'd come here or nary a step to
no weddin would he stir, lie ain't no
resMck for hlsself. I can't see what
use a woman's got for slch a sowf
mush of a man.
This bait fulled of a bite. Mindful of
the morning's early start, l uclnda was
successfully giving her exclusive atten
tion to tbe business of getting to sleep.
She was not going to disturb herself.
Khe might shed tears of repentance
when wltb Ethan. She hud noue to
spend for Aunt Emmy's delectation.
I'robably she comprehended that Aunt
Emmy was well pleased at the worst.
She adored Lucluda and loved dearly
to see her liave her own way. Her
vanity waa gratified for the whole sex
at the darlug with which the girl risk
ed the loss of a lover and kept blm,
aud she had nn unsurpassed opportu
nity for the dear' Joy of hectoring ber
younger sister, the poor lady without
"gover'ment" In fact she waa never
better pleased In her life.
The sun was Just rising next da,
when the three horse were brought up
to the great wooden block by the front
gate. And such a day as It was, all
gold lighted blue and gold steeped dewy
"What' keepln Luclndy? Doe the
gal think we're Jest a-goin to the fork
of the road and that she's got halfcn
the day to spend puttln a rldln skyert
over her bead?" fussed Mrs. Slmms as
she gathered up the copperas dyed cot
ton folds of her own traveling costume
and gave a final adjusting punch to the
"Luclndy! Luclndy! Come out here !"
called ber mother sharply, desiring to
demonstrate her denied powers of fam-
Kllmn teas treated with an effwdv hot
pitaUty. Ily discipline. "What air you dotn
keepln everybody waltin? Put down
that baby. You're only gettln him
ready to cry when be sees you're a-go-In.
You, Koae, take that baby roun' to
tbe kitchen. Now, pick up that snack
basket and come along."
"She ought to be goln to ber own
weddin, oughtn't she?" said Ethan to
tbe sympathetic mother as be lifted his
bright faced, springing sweetheart into
the saddle. No horse blocks for them,
If you please.
"I wouldn't be goln if it was my own.
I'd be stayln, and I'd bave to lose all
this yere blessed rldln," said she. Tbat
small saying was afterward rcmem
Ix'red and was quoted for many year
among the Todd a if It were a witti
cism, but now It passed without more
notice than an Irrelevant speech.
"Well, bless you, boney," said her
mother a she settled ber skirts for her.
Surely It was not to be expected that
government should always prevail aud
crossness lie tbe rule of life.
Luclnda was not without a show of
reason In reckoning this ride as a pleas
ure overbalancing tbe pomp and pride
of matrimony. All day tbey ambled
on, with only woods and fields about
them, and were oftenest and longest in
the depths of the sun threaded, fra
grant forest twilight everything bnt
the road beneath their feet nntonohed.
pristine, primal, as If man had never
been. Ah, who has sucb Journeys
Aunt Emmy was as softly accommo
dating as poor Mr. Todd herself could
have been and often covered mile after
mile, riding on ahead, without once
directing her tunnel of a suultonnet be
hind ber. Luclnda' bonnet was gener
ally hanging backward over her shoul
ders. Poor Luclnda' reputation for
bcuty was sadly Injured by her brown
skin- milky whiteness was of all things
most admired In bei world but she
took the sweet with the bitter and al
solved herself - from the el.iliorate
swathing and bleachlngs wblcb were
the community's tribute to aesthetic
"A little more or a little less don't
matter when one dip more would bave
sent me to the kitchen anyhow," she
declared when entreated to return
from tbe light of heaven Into the
cavernous depth of tbe prevailing (un
bouii.t. Even Ethan did not know she
was a beauty, but thought It was by
some Nt'tul warping of perception
that she seemed so to him.
U was not only In the uii.ner of com
plexion thut Lueiud.t was out of Joint
with ber lot In lire. Khe had a touch of
Imagination . had vague Beslrea to me
beyond ber worl 1. to try aoniethlug be
yond, to have some chance at the mi-kmwti-dcK!res
which seemed all un
shared by any other belim. S'he was
world away from unhiippi'iei. It
ouly by some obscure movement of
soul that she was frightened when she
saw the opxmniltle i,f the future
about to narrow down to the f.im inn
lot of Ethan's wife. That was t' e lis. I
of all this extravagant ioiiclry thai
looked so haughty. She could not bun
told why. but she was frightened.
' Certainly she did not much console!
Ethan. As Mrs. Kituins coiii;laiiiei
she would not leave lilm any mure thai'
she would take him: but. truly, with
the world us it In and n bit or u girl
with her life to shape with such a loai
of biddings and forbiddinga uhui her.
who expects her to rise t fair .li-uilu,.
witu tree unit sovereign man'? Cor
taiuly Liiclnila did not expect It of her
sell. Sue never dreii tiled of sucha
thing. She vaguely int Muled li5 marry
Ethan some time If-maybe-hut- In
the iiii'iintin.c she had Uu notion of per
mitting him to discover that there was
any other woman In the world, not
while she had eye and such lime
lashes us well and was teally very lean
of the good Ethan. I'ity hlmV What
affectation! He was the most enter
tained uum in seven counties. More
over, he won the game. Itut this Is
The travelers went "." mills the tirt
duv and then, ull unannounced, de-
I1 seended upon a "neighbor" for t lie
Ulght Relumed proilUn!a could not
have been more heartily welcomed.
, Much s.juuwkliiri aii. I Uoiieiinu uiuook
the chickens rismling In the apple trees
I In t lie back yard followed their arr'vul
and tentilli'l eloquently us to Hie t n i
per that they were to enjoy. Hut our
business lit m uow at the end of the
Truly. Mrs. Simms bad expressed
herself with her customary insight and
exactness when she palli d Mllly Anson
a pasty faced, addle pitted fly-up the
creck. On all sides It was felt as an especial
evidence of providential consldoratiou
that Mllly had got a tiusliauJ or the
promise of one. Here, again. 1 see
trauge evidence of the absence of Just
consideration for the masculine part of
tbe race. No one could regard It as
good fort ii no for a man to have M illy
Anson as a t 'fe. but his Immediate
female relntivi., alotip were occupied
with bis fate.
Mllly was in ' swimming In all the
Importance o: 'he occnsluti an Im
portance which t often unduly elates
the most plon
won. an ami which
affected Mllly
a way and degree
well fitted to
especially If si
dden any observer.
i re an unmarried
Tbe most famous ukeinnker of the
county, who had l ' :i lording It In the
kitchen for a we '., was by no menus
unmarried, and siie had t lie toleration
born of a large experience of brides
elect yet even .she found Mllly un
endurable. "I have be' ' isked to bake the cake
at eleben weddin's sence 1 mnrrled my
fust husband." said she afterward, "not
ouly for my own kin. but among t tic
Gileses and Kiiniuouses and dnwn to
Strathlioro and over the Itidge, end
I've seen n heap of fool gylrls. but I'll
gin up that Mllly AnRon that week was
a notch beyond any on 'em. I stood her
Jest as long as I could, and at last 1
broke out ou ber. It was Jest the day
before the thing was to come off, nud
ahe kpp' teeterin and titterin In and
out a-Jarrln the floor and makln my
heart come In my mouth for fear my
last big pound cake in the oven would
fall, and I'd told her tnore'n a dozen
time that very day to stay In the
bouse; but, no, sir, she would keep com
In to say how strange her feeliu's was
and that she knew she never could Turn
Tumnias' ways and she never would
'a' done It If Tuinmas hadn't estered
her Into It Tom Simmons bless youl
And lastly she iHitinced In on to me.
ratcbin hold of me. and me with my
hands all in the (lour, nnd says she:
'Oh, Cousin Liz. I'm sn ' -"id! I'm
gettiu so Rkccred!' Kits si, .ow. It's
! my conviction that she'd made up her
mind then ns to what she was goln to
; do and was sure enough jcettln a little
! fidgety, but In course I never had no
I sucb reflection then, nnd I'd had ill! I
could stomach. 'Milly Anson.' says 1.
; there's no need of your beln any big
i ger eejet than the Lord made yon.
Stop a-clntchin on to me! I'm wore out
with your porteiises. If Tom S;in
inous'll marry you, more fool he, but
yon better hnve n thankful heart, and 1
I ri'ckoii you have. As for liein sheered.
I wish you was skecred enough to
break your npH iite and stop you from
entiu them snowballs fast as I git the
fiostlu on 'em. You're n llvlu example
of the truth of the Itible and the wis
dom of King Solomon.' says I, 'for he
tells how the yearth Is disquieted for
three tilings yea. four which It can
not bear. says I. fur I seen that quotln
the Bible ag'ln her was strikln ber
tnore'u anything else 'a servnut when
he rplgtielh." I went on. 'a fool when
! he'a tilled with nnnt. nn handmaiden
I that's heir to her mistress and an
i ojeous woman when she's married or
i thinks she's goiu to be. It's the same
thing. And now. If you thluk I made
i that up outen my own head, yon go
J and rend your I'.ihle long enough nnd
you'll I'nin Isttcr. At any rate, git
back to the l.oufe. nnd don't you step
: your foot Into this kitchen ag'ln,' says
I. 'for,' says I. hollcrln after her she'd
! none staneo, i.yi.i ; w.-i .-.
' like 'twas a Joke-'if you does.' says 1,
j 'nary n table will I set for you. I'm
tellin yon the truth, and you know
' what things is likely to be withouten
j me,' says I."
The famous rnkemaker had relieved
! herself, but truth :. ml Scripture still
I failed to niako a new Milly, as a little
i time was to show. It was the after
: noon of the wmldiiu day when Lueiiida
arrived. The o i mony was to tie per
' formed that evening. The house was
j already full of guests and was like a
i hive of n firming lavs, such a Ionizing
j and hurrying nud scurrying were there,
j for toilets were In 1 lie making, nud
! many a v hite dress, brought like Lu
clnda' own. in saddlebag, must now
be liumil out. be the kitchen qnarten
filled with never so much anxiety 'and
turmoil of t:.eir im t.
The K.iul Tv... Have Always Bought, and which lias been
lu uk for rrrr 30 years, has borne tho Riff nil tnro of
, - and has been, made) under hla per
s ZXy-- sonal supervision since its infancy.
uxS4UcA4ii Allownoouetodwclveyoiihi till.
All Counterfeit!, Imitation and " Jnat-aa-irood" are but
KxpcrliiiiMils that trlilo with and endanger the health of
Iulaut aud Children Experience agrainst Uxiteriinvnt
CastorU in harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pwre
"rc, Ir";3 aud Southing Syrups. It ii l'lettwiuU It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other N'areotio
MuliHtance. Its age is its guarantee. 'It destroys Worms
ttuii uiluys 1' everislniesM. It e:irc: l:.irrliea aud Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Trouble, cures CoiiHtlpatiou
and Flatulency. It assin "- i, the Food, regulate the
Stomach and Uowcl, tfivi. healthy aud natural trieep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
Tie Kind You Han Always Bouglit
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The loin, more or lens unhappy and
s fancied, tried to keej out of the way
til staid cliieily out of doors. Despite
lliteinilitcni I'ecorous efforts to save
biiiwelf lor 1'ie creat moment, the
bridegroom u painfully conspicuous
aim lit: thi'in. i "ing a marked .and soli
tary man l. reiisou of bis "store"
i lollies.
Ktlu n S!iu- s was exactly the sort of
male 'reature tnat looks upon such
cmln. i co a .t thing hard to bear, but
uow. i the common fate of btide
'.riHiins, he KU.cd at thut long tailed.
hiaiK buttoned blue coat with heavy
liean (I envy, lie was sadly depress
ed r out I is N vo affair. He was an
oxci i. Mit i .-'low. nud there Is evidence
of it in the i ad I hat he had moments
of s. inpaii ::. '.v with Lnciuda' reluc
tance to ma: rv li.ui.
"Marvel N that alie ever think ahe
will." he would say to himself, but
linul lefleitious always suported him
in his desires, ns is the way with final
reflections, and he would conclude that
nothing better than weddluK hiiu was
likely to come to her. That be arcued
It out with his pussiou shows the rea
sonable temper of the man. Aud who
would bave liked blm better for arriv
ing at any other conclusion? Certainly
no woman.
Twilight found blm sitting alone on
the fence, smoking and meditating
mean for bringing Lucinda to the al
tar. "If It was once done," he said to
himself as be brought bis long legs to
the ground, knocked the ashes out of
his pipe aud returned it to his pocket,
"Bhe'd be lietler content nor she Is uow,
but she Is that skittish ami she see
through uie thut quic!; that I don't
know what sort of devices to fall
In the house the candles were now
lighted. Sleek ringleted young women
came forth In groups; family poten
tates disappeared: the store clothed
bridegroom was followed a moment by
the arriving parson, nud theu he, too,
became invisible. The air was tense
with expectation. Low. eager talk
about tucks und embroidery, "fine
swtss" anil "docked stockings' was
drawing the women's heads together.
Finally this died out. The parson was
spirited away to the fateful upiier re
gions. Still no hrhle and bridegroom.
The rte'ay was extraordinary Opin
ions that ii was outrageous were brew
ing, for supper, you si-e. wis still to
come. An mid uneasiness was lu tbe
air. In fact, to mane a long ftory
short, Milly Ansou had chosen this
hour to declare that she would not lie
uiarried to Thomas Simmons- not she.'
Tears, revilings. corporal slinking,
tliivius of immediate death from her
father, given with a truly awful sin
cerity of mien, ail availed nothing.
Mllly was a weak intiire nnd had
capacities fur si ul b' ; uiioss to lie found
In no other. Sli- li.nl long dreamed of
following In Lu. hula's font-lops. Tbe
nnto. Icy -.. buii i.ail 10,11 t Ii? ii -t upon
Lucir.ua by Hie f...v-lii sinre.l commu
nity slioiie before 1; -r as n prize to be
achieved, an!. 1110,1 over, there was a
half covert and ion -t n pn lu 'iodide '
relish in the men'' tu'l; about that
young l:i i.i: , s fn.svar.lncM that acted
as a bellows upon the Ihmie of folly In
Milly bosom. At In -t she had seized!
her opportunity. She was capping all
that had ccr been ic ird of reluctant
maidens '!,.. i' storm broke over
her. she was frigli'i m d. Things did
not seem exaiily c sb" bad forecast'
"Tuninms." for hwcrifv. w as iinhcrom-j
Ingly lliexp: ess e nnd inactive amid'
all thc-e violent 1 11. rales: but. partly'
been use she v as frightened, "lie clung
Immovably to the en - Ihiej that in all
the confusion she wmnol able to grasp
the cour-e of conduct marked out In
happier moment. ner poor little
aborted pmors of reasouing had of
course hit her at the first onslaught,,
and now to give way seemed to her
darkened con iclotisnoss to be abandon- j
Ing her ouly pi. ink amid the whirling,
Imagine Luclnda's feelings. A well
of bit'erness wire ttn-y within her as
she vat trj .ng to look unconscious of .
any spechil relation to the 1 atastmphe. ;
,whde the company ebbrd and surged 1
about her In suppressed but delicious
excitement flat even now "from all
side she felt eyes f.iniing upon leT.
To be forever Inacki ted with this fool
was sickening. And peppering her
other emotion wu undeniably a svn
Signature of
of Infringement Milly Anson of all
people to Imitate her!
At last such guests ns could leave
thut night tore themselves away. Our
trio were not nmong tliein. Till morn
ing they must' spend the weary, broken,
dream haunted hours In the midst of
the shattered household. They kept
apart and spoke little. Lucimla writh
ed to see how plainly hep aunt and
Ethan recognized the special shame
for their little party in this bigger
shame and how plainly they show-d
their recognition. 'She denied to her
self first Its existence and then Us Jus
tice and denounced Aunt Emmy and
Ethan for a "pair of ninnies, goln
roun' with their heads hnn'giu 'bout
aoilfvhln they had not bin In this mor
tal world to do with." Tes. It was
true. For once other considerations
outweighed Aunt Emmy's appetite for
sensation, and she was humbled.
Luclnda got up at dawn. She was
pale, and her mouth was shut with a
firmness quite absurd on sucb a be
curved little face. Before tho sun rose
she succeeded In getting hold of Kthnn.
Khe dragged him out of doors and luto
the dewy grass for private converse.
Tbe sleepiness left bis eyes when she
faced Jilm and said fiercely. "I want to
go to Strathboro and git married just
as soon a you ran saddle up."
Tbe poor man' bead whirled. A hun
dred thing seeming to demand consid
eration and time sprang to bis mind,
and withal his arms ached to catch this
small aniazon off tbe ground and to' his
hrcwKt But he was a wise one, was
Ethan. lie held himself quite still, as
be might If a bird had lighted on his
bead, until be could answer quietly
that he'd go right off and see about the
"You tell Aunt Emmy." said Lucinda
"Lor a'uilghtyP' broke forth Aunt
Knimy In totiea of real Irritation, drop
ping Into a chair In the deserted best
room. " never beam of anything so
ouidnclotis In n'l my days. Let tier
come home and lie married like a Chris
tian. I should think we'd bad enough
cinzy .luiieln to do us the rest of our
Ixirn lives. I ain't a-goin to have her
ma in my saylu 1"
"Good gracious"' broke In Ethan.
"Have 1 got to go tin, I cote you as long
a I been cotln Lucindy 'fore I kiu git
married? Can't you see. Aunt Em. that
I dasn't stand foulin and argufyln wltb
tbat gylrl? Don't you know I've got
to take ber when I cau git ber? And
If It ain't now there's no say In on the
wide yearth when 'twill be."
Ethan mopped bis brow on hi sleeve.
"Shore'v.' shorely. Aunt Em, 'taln't
S-goln to be you ns'll knock over the
bucket altogether! There' no tellin
what Liiclndy'll do next If she's filed.
Bless yon thanky, thankyl- Don't say
nothln to her: don't say aothln 00 way.
Jest help ber to git ready a If she got
married at Strathboro every day In the
It I pleasant to know tbat In tbls
case, too. the Impossible became po
ible, and that twlxt nature, ti.v and
holiest purposes Luclnda's marriage
was not a failure, and that she. selfish
human that she was. never regretted
an experiment which cost poor Milly
Anson dear Indeed, for only after years
of obloquy and sorrow, vnln efforts aud
Journeylngs to the Eclynols." a- far
country, was a husband for her at last
One of the moat helpful Isioks on
nerve weakness ever issued is that en
t:tlel "Nerve A'ale," by Dr. Sawyer of
S in Francisco, now in its fifth thousand.
Tti is. work of an experience)) nnd n-pu
table physician Is in agreeable eon trust
to the vsst sum of false teaching which
prevails on this interesting ubH-t. It
ahonnds in carefully considered ami
practical advice and naa the two great
merits of wisdom and sincerity.
It in indorsed by Isith tho religious
and secular press. The (,'ldeng Advance
s.iv : "A peniksl of the book ami the ap
plication of it principle will put health,
hope and heart Into thousand of lives
that are now suffering through nervous
The book is $1.00, by mail pvdpsid.
On of the most interesiing chapters
chapter xi, on Nervines nd Nerve. Ton
ic has been printed separately as s
sample chapter, and will be sent to any
siidrpss for stamp by the puhliidierc
1h( Pscirtc I'c. Co., Itox 'JTM, San
W lu it n n mix mtileii iltftiitf rt r'
h In t..t i on Itu-Mitt- t;i Umu v, llu'v
f.alm.i tv want tho I "l M-'Viitv ot
luilikliU -mi fur MM rtl. 'XlllifO't niul
-itlfl in r, iH.r-rnI, j ti:lot of
tlie WiMiuirtii (Vniriti t iim-mhi) h'ii
l MTy lit )u lie mill 1 1 1 if triitti mv
oh ivirtl ho to iit;ikt j low umiHH-ti-it
m itti tlm'rtf ititf jiiifx ut nil i it nt-t-
i.'U I'liintt.
i'l.lliiiiin J'hLirc SU t inii Hint I'ttaii ( urn
I'liuiu C':if v'nv Illii'Xi llv-l. Mt-nls
tv,tl m la i'nrtrt.
III trtir t nlitain Uiin ljrt Ins rvuv
H-k I he l'U t :(tti In yuii a
lirki-t ovtr I
lilL iilijlliiiuni oLiiuunL LmtiO.j
llili-ol i-oi,eerli(ins ill I'lilcHKO SU Mil1
r'or Inll ir.lor.ieitioii cull on your n arest !
lict' t areiu 01 wile i
Jam. I', I'iiN". or ,1a. A. Cl.iK , 1
Un. I'as, A;.t., leiieral Agent,
Milaet.H-. Vi i. -to ..srl
ceak Line of the U'oiM.
Suit Lak ( Ily & Denver.
The most i'lter ti( and enjuy.ilile trip
on thi-n tineiil is over this
, lin 1 1 Ilroad
C'l'oiie of twor ' .oiough the Rocky
Mountain four mutes east
of Dee l'uclilo
top mier alio Salt Lske City or
, iinywliet seeuOgden
' an ihnver
TiiiMH'uM -rnvit F.
MAiJNII IM St'l.Ji Ii V.
Ask your near st ticket ae 1 t lor tic
kola via the Denver .V liio Ur- ode llaiU
road, Scenic Line of the Worli
IVsciipiive nnitti r nmileil npon appli
cation. E. I!. DUFFY, H. C. MCIIOI,
Traveling Agent. lioneral Agent.
14 Third St., Portland, Ore.
Auctioneer, Hillsboro Oregon
1 ud'er my service Ire filizoim f
this com ty to si P I'lssis, iiit-rcliandisf
Ki.d chnl Ids at 1 '.lie vendue.
1 I i'l Htl"il ii sales ut times and
I ' .lec.Med upon receiving ro
ll. -lie-: tJ-. diK Charge reasotiHble.
t'.itarrh Cannot he Cared
with h ciil applications, aa they cannot
tench Uie seat (if the disease, ('u'urrh is a
blood or constitutional disease, and in or
der tocure it you must take internal rem
edies. Hall'. Catarrh Cure is taken Inter
nally, anil acts Hirectlv on the blissl and
mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
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try for years, and hs u re -uiar prescription.
It is composed of ; he best tonics know n
conliined with the best IiIihmI pnritiers, ncl
ingdirisi.ly on the iiineoiin siirfaees. ihe
perfect coiiilimatioii ol the two ingred cot
la w-ftt p-odii(-es such wonderful resubs
in curb g Catarrh, Send for testimonials
Address, F.J C1IKNEY A Co.. Toledo,!)
Sold liy lirnirgisis, 7.'C
Hall's Kuril 1 ly f "i ir it.r best.
,t acceptable Mm.
yJile II patented.
Baltimore, Md.
: e itswt KkcoU $Lft
-m; ulm tytsk
bUliMIUUUU 1'lVl
The Academy prepares for College and Hires
a thorough English Education, the best pre
paration for teaching or business. All ex
penses eery loto. Board and rooms a the
Ldies' Hall $3 to $4 per trceh, includin
electric light and heat.
Under experienced management, toil) Fur
nish rooms and board at cost on the club
plan, not to exceed f 1.60
For full pai iculars, address
Forest Croco, Oregon
ud union Pacific
rim: ki hhih i.hs k i'ortlasb
f'hh'iigo-Portland Special, via Ilunt
ington leave H 11 m for Halt ljike, leii
ver, Ft. Worth, Oiii:rn, Kansas City.St.
loul, C noA Hast. Arrives 4 :Jl pm.
At' lie Express via Huntington, dp.
p.' at M p 111 (or Salt Lake, Denver, Ft.
.till, Omaha, Kansas t 'ily, St. I ouis,
Iticngo slid rasi. Arrives S:4i u. 111.
St. Paid fast mail via S)iLnn leaves
. , f,r Wniiit Wniia, I wist on. Shi-
kiii, Walluei. I'lilliiian, M innenpolis, St.
Paul, Dtiluth, Millwankee, lUiicago ncd
Fust , Arri":'? 7 a u;.
I'rsm I'orthiiid
I leaves H p m for San Francisco every
: i days. Arrives 4 p ni.
I I -clues K p m daily except Sunday, on
; Saturday 10 p m lor Astoria and ay
I landings A 1 rives 4 p ill except Sun. lay.
! l-caves daily except Sitndav lit ti a 111
for Oregou City, Ne U rg, Salem, Inde-
pi'inleiice ami way-landns. Arrives at
; 4:.i i p 111 except Sunday.
U'iivck Tiles, Tlutrs, and Sat at II a tu
fur drvaliis and wa landings. Arrives
Mon, Wei mid rri at 4 .'Ml p 111.
U'i ?js Tues, Thnrs and Sat ut 7 a ni
for Oregon City, Dayt.111 and way-land,
ings Arrives Mon, Wed hud Fri at
3 ::iil t 111.
Leaves liiparia at 3:40 h m (or U-wis-ton.
leaves U wistoii 8::i0 a 111 ior
Address, A. I. ( lUKi,
ieu'l Pass. Ageal.
Port and, . . Oregon.
Kxrsrss IsiiNs l.siv I'einl.Nn Hani
(i.ou r 1
s lr a 1
I I.v Port (mid Ar fe.'tnaai
I Ar Han Franeiseo l.v hidtu'si
AiMive triiuis stop at all ataiioiia iH-twet-n
I'oriliind and Salem, 'rurnr. Marion,
Jeller... ill, Aihmiy, THngent, ShHdds, IUI
sey, lUrrialmrg, liiiirilun City, Ktnrriis
Collage (rove, llr.iin, Onklaml, and all
stations Irom Itoseiiurg to Aslibind,
X::) h 1 1,
RsiopM I Ar
Art 4Mtu
Lv 1:Wkm
iMM.x; caks-on o(iii: nun 1:.
.. SD
ece .,. ('hiss Sleeping Cars .
Ar cost- to All 1 iisoiion lii.iss
W est Hide Divis,on.
Hf .'VKK II Mt'I LAN I) i. COrtVAId.lM.
M ill I rain Dailv (Kxoept Muudny).
J'f!fl t M
t:4t a M
!Km a m
i,t Portland Ar 1 TefSI r
I.t liiliatsirn I.v AWru
Ar Corvallia l,vl:aie"
t-tAl A 1 "inn y anil Corva'.lis conm ot
w ill ir on- 01 lite liri-t'on ( enlnil A t-.sit-ern
I:fsl e M
li llt r M
Ar I :. a
hi 7: III 1 m
I.v ! Mi) 4
I 4 .si h m
Tbrongh sets
To all points the F.astern (tales, Can
nda sud F.uriipe can tie oblainesl ul low
rat rates from C K. IWk with, agent or
V t w I 1 M
't. KOFI4I.KK, P.A'
VsuSiXf. I ortlaul lit