aiLLSBORO INDEPENDENT la Mm snetoOesat HUUboro, Un, mtnam, par year, tlM HlUaUOlO tTBUSHISU CO., i-tops D. M.C.GAULT.Kdltor. fKlDAY, AUGUST 9, I9ul. Tha Union Pacific Railroad Co. has Issued a circular to employ lo which It la announced that drinking intoxicating liquors or lounging about drinking saloons will be u in dent causa for discharging such de linquent. The document is a better temperance lecture than Mm. Nation and her hatchet. l - ... . 3 The Oregon lan reports that there are 4,000 rural tree delivery , wail route in operation. There are 307 representatives in congress, where fore there are on an average 12 routes lo each congressman. Hut Id the 1st district of Oregon there are known to be -i) routes. That over number of eight U to the credit of Congressman Tongue, and be can't be blamed with neglecting bin people.. As it now begins to appear the United States will have to expand a little mure within the next few months. It seems that when the Paoama railroad was built 25 or U years ago, the Washington govtn mentroa eluded a treaty with Colom bia by which w engaged to main. tain free communication ucron the isthmus. Now that a rebellion I In progress in Colombia cur govern ment Is taking steps to keep our part of the contrail. A gunboat has Ixtm sent to the Atlantic side of the Isth mus, aud the battleship Iowa 1 ou the way to the Pacific aide. Several train have been stopped on the isth iuus and guerrilla fighting is going on inland. It any be found nei-es sary to passify tbat province by oc cupying it with U. 8. soldiers. ' An attorney for a Tillamook (Jo ni ps ny that has leased the Tills monk end of the Wilson river road was be fore the county court At Us August term asking for a lease of the Wash ington county end for a term of fifty Ave years. The court took i he mat ter under advisement. It is under stood that the company doe not pro pose to pay the county anything for the consession except to keep the road in repair. This is not consid ered much compensation seeing that on the stretch lying in this county there are no biidgesand the road will practically maintain itself. These long term franchises are to be viewed with suspicion, and since the county has done quite well for the past fifty years without a toll road, it may be best to continue the same iolicy. , UOTKK.U.E3T FOHEMTBT WORK. It la quite probable tbat congress will, In the near future, adopt mea -surea to bring all the forestry work of the government togtlher under the administration of a Forestry Iiu reau. At present It is divided Iwt ween the interior and the Agricultu ral departments, whose officials are co-operating as best they can to carry on the work. The secretary of the Interior proposes to include in the organization of the uew bureau au ' extensive system of reforestation on , a somewhat similar plan as that sue. " ceesfully pursued by Germany. A . number of years ago congress enacted a law to allow settlers on the so-cnlle I "great plains" to file upon an addi tional 160 acres and perfect title to it by planting and cultivating a certain acreage of timber each year for five years. But no one had oversight or , supervision of the matter and th re-1 suit was that the "timber" was at- ' lowed to goby default and thousands! of acres of the public domain went to ' people who had already received their share and the couotry was n better off for timber. This might have resulted In some lasting hem 111 If a bureau, such as that now pro posed, bad been charged with the j sutervlsioti of It. I The present division of Ponstry! lias done ffiod work, both iu connec tion with the Notional Purest lie-1 serves ami in diaseminatiug informa tion an ong individual owner. as to ' froier management of their tiiiits-r I lands, and it Is stated that as-islamc j ' has been asked for on more than , three rnilllou cres of private hold-1 ings. ! It is estimated that the annual l ss j from forest flres in the United gist- i , la about fifry millions of diiRar, most of which could be prevented by proper attention and management. Some of the states are taking stet In this direction but it is a subject which affects the whole country and should be managed by the general govern Hie It. In thoet! sections where ; timber la plentiful the tople ai ' . 1 ruthlessly wasteing it and complain- ingi.f flixsla and drxmlhs. It ts inn- Bdently predicted that the holale destruction of our eitenslvv timher areas will in time work an uuravor- j ble change in Ihe climate of western Oregon and Washington. j THE r WOULD NOTlViirfiOJtlSS. The strikers In the iron mills of the National Steel Company have unt been able to force the uianulae turers to terms. The presideut uf the Amalgamated Company bas call ed out all the men belonging to hi organisation. Added to the 40,700 tbat were already out, 20,000 obejed the second call but the men iu Illi nois and Ohio refuted to quit. Presi dent Shaffer ' is surprised and dis pleased but cannot help himself. There are uow about 63,000 men out who it Is estimated earned tl8o,000 per day. That sum is dissipated never f be recovered, tor as the Inukpkndext has before said lalxr Is a perishable product. The cause of this strike is not lor belter wages or for shorter hours, but a demand tbat orglnia d laborshall tie employed in all nt the Steel Com pany's mills. The Amalgamation proposes that non-union laborers, notwithstanding (hey may be skilled mechanics, mutt be discharged end "Unkn" meu substituted. To what purposif Certainly not in the In- they, tot 'scabs' to l mobbed and killed But rawier is it not the pur pose to Unionise all mills aud dictate their inansgement? The proprietors see this and elect to have the struggle now rather than later. The Amalgamated Association mwIs pickets, guards, about the mills that willing labor shall be prevented from working., Every one admits that a man union or non-union may quit work when he pleases, but there are those who deny that a class of workmen have tl, right to prevent others from working when they are willing and anxious to do so. Aud that Is what "organized" labor claims the right to do. And more. It will not touch raw material that has been prepared by non-union labor. Car penters will not work on a building if a few boards are to be used came from a non-union mill. Hheet metal workers will not use ingots prepared in a non-union fur nace. Non-union queers everything. What can the Steel Corporation do? If work meu are not to bo had young men must he found and train ed to the employment. The com pauy will have to assemble men as it has been for the pact ten years in stalling machinery. It may take two years to assembleand train these new men. Sixty-five thousandth led mechanics are not so many where there are seventy million from whom to recruit. What will become of the 00,000 strikers? They will enter other industries, farming erhaps. They cannot remain non-producers long for they are consu ners without a store laid up against this day. These 65,000 laborers and their fami lies cannot subsist on much less than 1.00 per day, and 105,000 per day will soon exhaust the largest labor organization's treasury. The output of the Steel Coriiora tiou Is going to be less than when running full handed. Already the shrinkage Is estimated at one third. Who will lose? The stockholders. Home of these are wealthy men and will not be seriously Iticommodod, but more of them in numlier are comparatively poor person, widow's, Asthma Cured Free Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Write your Name and Address plainly. CHAINED FOR TEN YEARS piimm, morphine, chloroform or ether. Ir. Tail Bioh. Mlicine Co. Gent etnea: I write tliis testiuioidul from s wnse ol, having teste-l the .iiiderful effect of your Asthmalene, for t lie euro of Apthnm' MT wife hit, Uen alhcuiil With spasmodic athnia for the past 12 years. Having exhail-led m ou kill ss well a many others, I ehance.1 to sec your ig , UKin your wuelowson I t 'tli street hi New ) ork, 1 t once obtaineil a Untie of Asthmalene. Mr wife con, men ced taking lit about tha 1st of Soveuilsr. I verv kjii noticed a radical i,,,,,!.,,. ment. After nsing one bottle her Asthma hl i'lisapaared and si,e is enlir. lv free from all symptoms. feel that I ran ion-l,tei.tly wo'mm.nd the nieilieju- t a who are alllicted with this distressing disea-e. Your, r.-is tfully . ft, pliel(,,'M. l.t. Ir. Talt I'.ros'. Meillcine Co. i-.i. l.ontlemen: I was troubled with Asthma lor 2J year. 1 hnuc triisl i.'unier .i, L0Vr'' V'i1 '.'!?y h.Tr llJ,"',e1 . 1 rHn vo"r .lvertiseinet sed .t., te i with trial bottle. I found relief at nine. I have since nurchased vonr full..;, ls,.tle, ami I am rver grateful. I hare a family of fourTh'Llren 7i l .r 'ii "ears' '"jble to work. I am now in the Iwst el health and am doing bn-inew eveiv n'ou.edrcLn XSr f " T',U fl',r Lt r'lh i, ! , . 1 ' h "' Trial Bottle Sent Absolutely Free on Receipt of Postal ' tv , , ,.. . JEXa', ,'lri,, D:' TAFT I!KO!i'- MKI'HIXE o., and eitiifM belonging t children. These littler can ill afford to have bloom- dwindle to nothing. The end will come after a tin;e and let us hope that the ludu-trial conditions will be so reorganised that the rights of both capital and labor, union and non-union will bealjusied along the Hues of equity. ttlATK VUEKS. Uow long the treasury can con tinue to show a monthly surplus ol receipts over expenditures Is a mat ter of interesting conjecture. Yi'h the July report disclosing a small surplus of about $15,000 as gaiti.-t a deficit of 14,000,000 at thit clone, July, liHHt, when all the. war Imn were In lull font', it begins lo look a If Secretary Owge had considerably undcr-estituittcd tho houuUiiig pros perity of the country lin be ex pressed fears last March that tin amendmeuls To the war revenue act as then proposed would force him to f.iee a deficit liefore the close of this fiscal year. It may turn put that the cut iu the internal taxes will have comparatively little effect on the treasury's condition on June 30 next. With all the ordinary expenses of the government met, as wi ll its the extraordinary ones incident to July disbursements and the purchase of bimds. it still was impossible to shift the balance to the debit side of our national ledger. It is not a little re markable thut the internal revenue receipts last mouth were nearly a million dollars In excess of thus'e for July, 1900, iu the face, of an estimat ed reduction of tt least $3,500,000 en accouut of the new law. And the customs receipts were nearly 1:2,000, 000 in excess of those for the corres ponding month of lat year. The secrettry of the treasury has about as small a basis for borrowing trouble ou as any head of the department ever had in mid-sum nier, Astoria News. 1 Tho great steel workers' strike, which it is hoped Is in course of sit I lemon t, will int be the Dual battle betweeu capli.u ard labor, for the. reason that it , s ars to be based on a Talse concept! i I of the relations of capitalists and laborers. The hteel trust on the .im hand Is fighting t retain thelibirl; for Itself of luuir tsiiiing non-uni. n mills, and the amalgamated iux.-iatiou of Meel worgers is lighting for the right to act m the representative of labor in all the mills of tliu trust, no question of wages, hours or other conditions of labor being directly involved. The strikers assume that because the employers are combined into one or gauisation, the employed should be banded into another, and the inter ests of the two become antagonistic. The present strike will decide no vi lal point, for thr-re appears to lie no Vital point at issue. The public is aim the lie. since it cannot verv heurti j ly sympathize wilh either party to a conflict which never ough: to have arisen. Yamhill Reporter. Binders and binding twine at Schulmerlch llroe., the old reliable Deerlng and Asborue luachini. Rxmember they buy from the fact ory and can undersell dealers who purchase from Joi.bers. There is nothinir I ke Asthmalenr, It brinu iimtJint relief, even in tlm worst ca-n. U curee when all else fails. e ,!'ev- WK1.IX. of. Villa bulge, III., ay: "Vonr trial IsitHe of A'-thmn leiiA rt'Mi V...I in ...u.l ...:.: . - ... H'""t 1 1, ,,i . I cannot tell vou how thankful t feel f,.r tlm finrl derived from it. i was a slave, chained with putrid nor.- Ihroat ami Asthma lor ten yearn. I de paired of ever being cured. I raw your ah-erti-metit for the cure of Hits dreadful and tormenting disease, Atlima, and thought you hail overspoken vourelye, but re solved to give II trial. To my astiiuMi nient, the tri .1 woikel like a charm. end me a full-sized t.nttlo." liEV. Mi. MOUklS WKt IISI.F.U, Ihibbi of tfn- Cong, r.rmi. I .ra 1.' .mv Y.uik, .Ian. ::, I '. K I . Irs. Tail. Una'. Medicine Co., tietitiemcn : Your A-tliniHleim i. excellent remedy Sr Asthma and Ilav ; t-ever, and it rnmp-Mlion alleviat. ail : troiililc- which combine with Asthma, us. anecf i a-toniiiiiig and womh rlul. e After having it carefully nnalvzed, we ' can state that Asfhuialnc contuina no 'erv irulv vnnrv RKV. Of!. M ll;iil. Wecii I.EK. AVoJI CHI N., '. Y., Feb. 1, V.H I. Tt.e st(Mn,r.ii!p no Is'tween Port hied sod S.u. Francisco that has been maintained for more than fifty years hss Us'ii vt ilh-rtran ii . Tho last to diM'onliuue the servhv is th O. it. 4 N. Hi. The wasiou fur (-t ipping ttie boats Is th lar strike at Sau Francisco. President Mobler slaltd that be could load bis ships at As toila, but it would be at the excuse of Portland's prestige, lx? Mr M.diler want Hie p. -j'.-j of Oregon to miderstainl 'hat I.;- i- villing ti s.ic rllice the interests, of tne Columbia river the Mtsie aud even Portland it s ilf that there may be present pres. tige? it looks like the . it A N is not the stale's true friend. IV N. P. Co., recently' issued a t:irirf sheet thit quotes eoininon point rales en lunilier from the lower tJolumhiii lo Union P.icilb' Mlatinttd .u-r the N-:r!h Plcifi anil Oregon Khort Line. 'I hi ts not don-, over the (). U & N. Ittallv it Muinis ms though, the in teution is lo divert trans-iontiiieiitsl and trans 1'seitlc liiisiness to Pui Sound stud to Kan Prancisisi. Theri" rn some ponds nlong tl e smith side of Main street Is tween Hwond ai.d Third Ihct 011 lit t be drhllied. The l.NDKl'UNHKNT nip poses that it is uot neis-sary to use superlative adjectives in deacribing the nuisance for ditchi-ig will do more prod. Ou Wednesday last the odor aii-ing was sickening. The stagnant ualer under ihe planking N'tVMiilne sidewslk and the road way ' i.yht not to be there. The health coiuuii'tee of ihe council w ill no doubt up t'e matter, lb" St. Liuis Gloiie-Deniocrst 1 f 9ih prints a list "I men In the s'rike id that dnt' aud puts the num ber at 40,700. Tl ere are certain so men political organs who Ctill these (Hilly tu'Ci.ii-e they lo not protect tbetliseiv.M A'illl the tiallott. It is HUt jested th! there sre "sdhs" win ll iv( I hi ! :!'' t ss well, and that the "m atf are 11. irethan the -ll), 700 or e!( fmni wli l"),00l 'ii , J ir nee is Pennsylvania's mn tV Jl1 KM AlW.1,'S BoUgtB Ms dollar Line. PORTLAND-ASTORIA Route. STR "TAHOMA" Paily l.'onml Trips except Snmluy TIME CARD lxava Portland. leave A'turia... .. .7 a. m. ...7 p. m. THE DALLES-PORT- LAND ROUTE Str. "BAILEY G1TZERT" VANCUIVEK, CASCADE LOCKS, ST. M AUTIX'S SI'KIXiS, lltiolt WIIII K S4L.MOX, I.1LK, Till: IUI.LKS Daily ltoiuitl Tripi except Monday. TIME CARD Leuve 1'ortiand . . . . .7 a. m. Arrive The Dallea 3 p. m. Uave " 4 " Arrive Portlarul 10 " MEALS THE VERY BEST jjruuday Trips a leading Feature. 4rThii lioute has the Grandest Scenio Attractions on Karth. Landing and Olliee: Font Alder Street. Iloth riiones, Main 351 rOHTLANIi, OR KG ON. JOIM M. I ll.l,Ot5, agt The Dulles ' k. J. T t VI.OK, igt Astoria. ( J. C. W VATI, agt Vancouver, i'Ktl IIKK & KAK.M:s, agtslioo.1 liiver. . V. ( Kit IITO V, agt i'ortlan I Wirick. Aiunln Think The ononuous sales of the (jrnphone are U ClUIIUIIUIIO canscd by the fact that It has such 1 MATCHLESS POWER OF ENTERTAINMENT That an INTCNSI DESIRE for POSSESSION la swaknS In all who hear It. If supplies an actual want (the irresislihle demant for diversion and relaxation to gratify hicli tunny are willing to do without other necessite. It is the UMVi:i!SAL KXTKHTAINER OF THE A(JE an Inc.hauaitbla soijrc of wond.r sns rfeltghl lo all It i simple in construction, and prices while the demand will cont.nne as long as The iutrislui'tuin of a lew (iraphophoiies increasing demand (or h'eiorns and Suppl e - talilisliel. liv not secure the lilasnl i Write for Catalo - . uoiumDia rn 1'1't (ipary Mrcot.. Dependable Our drugs are pure and fresh. We are just as careful in buying drugs and chemicals as though we were .selecting them to be used upon ourselves at the critical point of a serious illness, Is'ut this the kind of drugs you want in your prescriptions and family receipts? You pay nothing extra for quality. Our prices are uniformly reasonable. The Hillsboro Shoa IN m fa Why su'eh y Babiea' Pirat I Why is f it? do Iliiiniltcii-iJiown shoos ii v o universal satisfaction to all? fa h Thoy aro .made IV js and ovpry pair is fa fa fa n Get a Pai iiv REMEMBR I HAVE NO -v. CITATin.V IN THE COUNTY COlUiT )K THE 1 tttate of Oregon fur Vi asluiiKtun o. the Matter "f tbe Kutateot I Kliiubeth RiU'hey, ileceiwd. f o iAu.y k. Yates C. P. Yutn Yutt-H. V'in. J. Hitc-lirv, Milt tie K. Kiuliev. bariili J. t ixl i...t. w. it...i...u u u m..i.u.. i-.. A 1, Kitohey, I barle K. lower, lieotye l bardner, I he Hies Merclinntile ,ie'iicy. a corporution, ii. W, I'litu-rscin. ami 1; Hrliiilmericli ami tt. V bcliiilinericli, l'urtners an ticliulmerich .V Hon. (iretliiiK: III the ua-i' of the Ktate ef Oreuttu. you are lnrely cited uml reimrel to appear In the County Court of the HtuttMif nn-uun, tor the County of WrsliiiiKtmi at the Court room inereoi, ut Ililltiniro in liie 1 uunty j of Wushinift 11, on Momluy the '.'litli Juy , of August iurl, at lOu'cliH-k iu the n ire noon of that luy. then and there to ahow j cause if any you Imye, why hii order o : this 1 ourt are uld not be mude, uuttinriz- inn mid directing the executor of said estate to sell at private sale, the to low ing dcBcribeii real property Isiloiiging to smd estute and described as lollows to-wit: Lying being and eituuie in YVuhington County, Oregon, and lieing all of lots line (It Two (2) Three IS) and Four (4) iu Mock rour(4)of and n Kuirvicw Aitdilion to 1 lie Town of HillsboM, WaHliington l ounty, Ore. 011, as prayed for in the eti tion of the exivutor ol sad e tale tiled lieiem, VViinesH the Hon. L. A. liood, Jmige of the 1 ounty ('ourt o1 theHtateof (irt gen, for the County of Washington with the seal of mud Court ullixed, this LMtli duy of July A. JJ, 1WU. (blAl.J attest: GEO. A. HOKUdN, Clerk. 10-14 i. W. Morg in, Deputy. University of Oregon! Highest SUodarU In the State. Two hundr d courses in Liters. tuce, Kclence and Ihe arts, Science and Engineering and Music. New buildings and equipment. Seven ew Instructors. Nearly 6000 Voliiruett aibled to the library in 1901. Hummer school wilh University credit. Special course, for teachers, for Law and Medical student!. Department of Education lor teachers, principals and superintendents. Initios Free, Cos of living: tow. Three students granted scholarships In large eastern Universities in 1901. Send name to President or Regis trar for circulars and catalogues, Eugene, Oregon. Merchants add to your Business are arranged to suit all pocket hooka; hitman nature exists into community at once craatea an I, ami a continuous business Is thus Ii" which are aliowed dealersT erms, etc., to osraph Co. Sun Francisco, Cal. Drugs. Pharmacy. Babiea Born during 1901 VV Hi " yjjf M VI V t VI vf VI VI VI v; VI VI 1 VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI right, sold right fully uarantrcd at DENNIS SHELF-WORN STOCK, V TrciiNiu-er'K Police. All County wirrants of V UNliiiiuton county state of Onx-on, KndoriM-d 'Not ;i: 'iiyahle for want ot funds" prior to Apr , l!SH. wilt he due mid nilvahle 1111 after July ill, Pmi and interest will cease at mat uate. KODOMMl Clt.VN'l) ALL, Co. T reasurer CASTOR I A For Iufantg and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Signature Oregon State Fair. SALEM SEPTEMBER 23 to 28. 1901. (ireat Agricultural AND Industrial Fair. BIG LIVESTOCK SHOW Good Racing in Afternoons Latest Attractions in New Auditorium liuilding Every Evening, With Onod music. Beautiful Camp CiroumU Free. Special Kates on Campers" Ticket. Come and living Your Families. Reduced Rates on Railroads For Further Particulars, Add res II. WKIIRUXG, Pres., IlilM,, or 1. WISDOM, Sec, Portland, Ore. Khlilmerich Urns, have a few Indies capes and cloaks left which will I closed out et cost, a I -si some men's overcoats and nuickintoBh's. Call at the iNDtl'KSHKNT dfflee and eaumine tho famous Mellon board fur .nounting kislsk prints Latest thing out. Any ai.n. t eeaaiDa T. e.o-v no St. Charles Hotel tSCOKeoSATED trout and Mnrrlseu Sttrefts, I'orlland Oreg.u. Klectri:UghU, Electrio Bell, and Hydraulic Klevator. lUHUomaatMl 5Uc, Soltes, 75, to l, tiwl (eniiectleu. Give us a call, DAVIS & Bargains In Furniture. "SkI' ?"tire "". f,f fi'miture of 1. O. Urowtt. I " auyrning m tlie furniture line Wall Paper, 5c per bolt and up l nave a large assortment of wall pnper and c-i f;i.stidiotis. Matting, Carets, I'lushcs, Tatiestr vnKs, wiikiow anaocs ol all hiirff.nti itv-l-a t a. . ' 1 " '"' ru" '"K o Kockinir and ditiimr chairs, etc. When in town give me a call. ANoT-rry a Full Mne or tndertakrr'- ,MmI-. l,Htly Alton.lHiit W. O. DONELSON. I. O. O. F. Ulo-jk, cantor Tltird auJ , tins iiu.: ' V otter One tliiiiilrml IkjIUra l:nr for any caur ol I nUirrb llittl rmino! i t urvt 1 Hall's nlarrh lira r. T. I'llKA KY A. Hi., I'rops . Tol..l,., o. W-, iu uinieritii' u, liava kieon r.j l lieney for tile lu.t 15 y ! him perleclly liuiu tle 111 all lm tiMimuctlon mul liiiHiicUlly utile 10 rarrv unl nay oblu'tel ions untile ty llieir i.nti r ,v lul u, Vliulvnule Uru-i-u' t'ulello, O. ' Waluimi, Kiiii A Maiivin, U hulr.-, 1 Urugvi-ls, lul du. (. Had I'Mtarrli 'ur i Uikeli lulrrii .ly, cUiK dirrclly Ukiu til- IiIinhI uii1 niuiu.ii ur f ol Ilia syntem. l ine Vc H..r but. tlu t-uld liy a 1 UruKKis 'le lini..n,ji, tree, Hull's J-sinily fills ure.tlie dent. Ackrr DyHpepsIa Tablets are on a positive giiuritntue. Curea heart lain i...... tl.e wwi, tliaii.-Mi alter ealil. u any torm ol dyapepMu. line tilth' given iniinedia relief. 'J.. els, an. I :i ( ttie Delta Drug More. To ( lire a Old iu due lu Tak Laxative iirouio tjuimue Tableta. All l runlets refund the money if it fails lo cure. K. , Urovo'a aiifiiHture is 011 each box. jir.r. Acker'a Kngllsb Remedy will h( cough at any time, and will cure the worst ld in twelve lioura, or money re. funded. 45 and ot) cent at Ivlw punr Htor, Slops the Cough and Works 11 IT the (old. Laxative llriiiiio-Quinine i'nblels cure a cold in one day. No Cure, m Pay. Price 25 rents. XOTIL'K HUt VI IIMC ATION I.ano OrrieK at City, Uar. July 11, NDTICE 18 IIKKKHY OIVKN 1 11 AT W illmiu Maekennie and Halph i( iHllilway both of fort 1 1 ml, Oregon have lihsl notiisj of thei intention to make linal proof iu aupport of their right under the Act of March X IhhJ, to piirtliase the S , of N K K-i Si-c l V t N It I u , iH-fure the Kegisler and lieeeiver of the I', h Land Otlii at Oregon ity, Oregon oii Aiigmt 'M, mil by two of tnc lollowing witnesseac M. i.e.Namee of, llolhrook, Ore Win. J. Miller ol. Linlou 11 11... ... ,.r ., ... , .iA.....ita ui 1 on 1 ami , I James McDoiiaiigli, ol llolhrook, " CI I AH. 11. MlMIKKS. -'t liegiater. I'onml Xolice. Notice Is hereby given, that tlie under signed bus taken up and iiupiaiuded in tue isjiind of the City of Ifillaooro. lire on the lot o hig-dccrilttd animals tound ruiiuiiig at arge, tontr ry to ordinaiice. within tin, corporate limits ol said city, to wn: One cow spotted with red and white. Hhe s a muley with a liell ou aud looks to he about six years old. tine red cow with horns, looks to h three y ars old. If the owner or persous having charge of such animals does nor uiiiM.ari.iiil fl.... the same and pay all costs and ell irges of tiikiii and keeping such animals wi hin la days from the Uato hereof I will ou the I ?th nay of Au'iit.t, Uml at l o'clock on the alterniMiii ol suid duy at the livery stahlu ot Wiley A Dennis on recond strtssl of llillhltoro, llregon in fald citv of lldlslairo. Oregon, sell said ani .als at public auction to the highest bidder for canli, to pay cots and charges of taking, keeping and adver tising said animals in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No, lfi3 of said crty of llillshoro, Oregon, liaiei this 7tn day of August list, at llillshoro, Oregon. . W. T. ATKINSON, Marshal. HIIP.HIKF'.S S4I.F, BY VIltrDB t)K AS KXKCIUUIN, IHiTee and. timer of Hale, issued out o: the t) rcuit Court of the State of Oregon. .... iwhiiik vii vuiuiiy, in nivor oi j. u, bhute and nguinst J. M. l ituian lor Hie sum of ai.2u pokU, and for the further sum of $lo.'.7f. II, 8. ghl coin with Interest thereon at the rate of lo percent ner Milium from the l.itn day of .Inly. Itiol and for the cost and expenses of sale and ol aid writ, ow, therefore, I y virtue and in peri-u-ahce of said judgment, decree and older of sale, 1 will, on A.onday the t'.Mh day ul Aug. I'.wi. at the south door of the tVmrt House in ilillnlioro, Washiuicioil County, Oregon, at the hour of In o clisk a. in., of said day, sell at public auction to tlie tniiu est bidder for cash, all of the right, title and interest of said J. M. I'ituiau oi in and to the fol usring-desor.bed leui proiajrlv. to-wif ' ' All of the West lialfof Isits live and mi of and in Ulork mi of and in Kairview Addition" lo the town of llillslioro. Washington county, Oregon, to satisfy ihe hereinb -lore li ined sums, and for the oust, ami expense of mii.l Maid property will tie sold subject to re demption as per statute of Oregon. mul""" n'y hiu"' """ l7"' l,v "fJ"'' . . , J, W. HE A KM., Blierifr of Washington county, Oregon eo. K, Kigley Attorney for Plaintiff, im:1 HELCIIEIt, ManazorN. an suit the mnvt Tajiestry , I,aCe Cuttaius. in n. .,1 . -. colors .v...-. "'"in suns nave