Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, August 16, 1901, Image 1

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No. ij
rri Alt or-flus-ltH.
U vurno .-. I ' '
-I Silts f l"MlMir
Iraa.ur.r .. I'baa.B. Moorr
k..,.i I'm.li. lu.trautmu.. 4 11. A. kfH"MB
eau. triulr w. H. lastl
i t Lsa. fc, WdMiia
,.,......., i:..url H. B. Uau
i V. A. Ml in
I ..!. r lf lb Hialriot ... ' df
All. met itlh Inalrwt Harriaou Allan
'IV . oirt r
A i wisor .......
H"un i .nipe.riun.iidfiil
'. - -n.nr . . .
li. A. Loud
. . J. U A. 'i nn
K. J. Ward
lien. A. Moryaii
..Joliii W. resell
l.lllpll 1.. W anil
. .... It. l randall
..l.eo. II. Vi lleol
. . . 11. A. Ii i'i
, T ;-. Wilke
.Vi. '. Via
OIll.OON 'I I V 1.AN0 OKrllfc.
v. r
li. Yloorca
irkl ttM uy . . ,
CUV - Or ItfctuS
I . . K, A. lail.-y. May
Notary futilie.
uii.ijmm.iu., ut i n
Orrioa: It miui3,4, A i, Moiiiai, Ueaik-
W. K. BibKlT'l,
rru : Ueutral HUiea. Kmnii fi aud '",
iiem. itimmn,
rrit'.a: lUa.ui 6 mil 7. Moruaa block.
: ,r -1 I I runt mi
Iroon! r
U,tr .m.i ...
IllHtUM, of
Johu .Noillirni
... J. I'. 'I'ameisie
Jutili ilnn
K. I'. I '
j .i.ii Ma,;
. . . Vf III . liflllMI
.111 iiioii ll..llia
Huni'l Kvt.ru
... I Alkiuou
ft. Kverit
j. r itniiiiiiii
I'OHT Or'Vltlfc INrOllWATIoN.
Tba roail ol.. Bl tbB HillnlH.ru I'oat
w.i uu.o. hai v4.
Mill, at 7:) '
. . ... M .Uit BM
tioiutf to t-ortlBDU BIlJ . .
K..r r BruiuhB ud LbihI. duly Bt 14
....ii.L'.uTllMll, :HHliH, oorDer
I ....... .n.'l kiftb lrt.l. freBoUiug
bBth ...1..K.I Bt ID o'I.M,k B. m. Jnsi,t
. Ulll. 1. r.
All .mwi IH
mantiUK I'liiimtlBy evcniiitj.
inuuny bi n:.T ,.. Kii.fnl
liort, -riKlil. H.WrPHiinif n.l bl.lul.
L . .. M.r.ltrtllw lllll.
KVAN P. HlUillK!!,
I VAMOK.LIOAI. t;l'Ktlll. 5"ro
JVr, ItU Bud Vit 1'riwoU.ng .ery HonUay
Bt II B ui.i Kuily ohiol Bl 10 a. tu.
(ril?ilal.. K...l.-..r ut7::w V ""'i
llttrln.Bil, I'lmlor. ,
V. OHlllU'tl. H 0.erir, i.-Bi.tor.
.r-rtoh.ntlvry Subbhtb .norniiiRnnJ
viiiu Hblml . l.ool BT-ry SHl.btb Bt
1.1. . l " ' Hiiuday Bl
Ml'r " . iwiiBf! M'Byer nitwtiiHt Bvery
ihuM tlj nveiimn. IiBaer and HteWBrd
oietin.tthBiliird D.iBy eeuin -on
tnulilti .
nil i.iti'K.i oi:i .n
.it rii k '. Oyer Hvllu Krun bti.re
join m. wu.1.,
IlHilny MorHn ItkM k, Himiiiih 1 A 'Z
S. T. UNbI.ATKK, M. 11. I. M.
HI1.I4SHOUI , olli:uoN.
t)rrio: Bl rwdnuoe, nl of luiirt
IIiiiim, wbrre be will he found Bt hII ihhh
wlldU Dill VwltlUK liHllWll.
C I. U. It. SiriUIKON,
(trriul 4Mb Kwukknob : miruer 1 bird
mid Mum htrtwM. Oltio bunni, H:U to It
ui.. I to ft Bad 7 to M ii. ui. Teloiiboii to
rtMiultdAOB from Itrook A Stil i.rtiifHtorti
all bourn. All enll promptly Btttindnd,
I 1Mb I or day.
OHitt- Morunii Itailey HI.kI. up tuira,
riNjin VJ, in and l.i. litiaidnnov, h. W. tor
KaHM l.ii.M nnd NMHind fltret.!
I'olb 'I'bone.
I i d 4 li tf.iniuyHiii fi-h iiKMilb at II
a in. flayer mtwtiuK i'urUy eyenm
I briHtian 1 ii.U-avnr ai p
K. li. Bl KaHmPK I'ai-to'.
lau(tlilT or Itf In kuh.
.II vlii.l il UKI KK All I.OIXIK NO
I 1 .a' I O i V. iiiwl" in odd reliowa'
Hull mry Nilurday evemni.'.
li IKH.illO f'AMC NO. : It). MI I' l"
ry ry iinl ami tin aiuni iy .
Wclu i. OK nal..
.id tbird
A. O. U. '
f II LSI OKU I.OPUK l til. A. O. U.
1 J Vlf., M.vik awry nra
i i iilrtv viiuini: twol. uimitli.
r. r it.
I 1 ll tllOKO OKANl.K, NO. J.1, BMH.U
X I : nd Bud llli H. ' dny4f anh u.iutu
I. O. U.
a. I liM .:Zl klA I.OlKO . NO. Ml. mwli
.ll yy.ainoa.iayt.Teului.inal Ho olook.in l.O.
t . Mall. Vimlora uia.lu wolotnu.
Urirrrr 1 1 iiontit.
plIK JitUKHK .1 HilNIIK, A. O. I .
V. ., iiiii lu v i In illicit hail i-ffry
(n il -..d i In: a hn.l iy t uinii d rai'li
Kalhlwur Mister..
I HO.t. HI A TKMI'I.K NO. In. 1L
A lin-dt
ui.iTii ii a.
'.! y iml .Hid 4'li Friday nmn !
i.'rliM in Wl'lirung nil III.
k. r I'.
JtlKKMX l.olXJt. Nt. H4. K. tK
m.nia in M'inu' Hall on Monday
rv a in; r"b wsxk. S.ij.nirninu brcthrHit
veto. d lo l.xtvn mmtiuuB.
A. I', aad A. M.
mjali rv i.oixiis no. , a. r.n.M.,
aiatila rv Batnnlay nllil no or altar
lull itiooti ofraih lui'ii'b.
l. .. H.
Mil' Al.vriN CUAI'TK K, Ntt.lll.it. K.
no.. ai MB..nir .lllpll m be 'nil
an t t h I iirly ol rat It nionib.
J. E. AllhlNH.
Urno HopK: U a. in. to 4:30 p. ru.
Ollira in Uninu Id.M'lc over riiarma'y
It. IXl),
Fi i U KBT ' i liO V B, OK KtH )N
i i-M net. Mai twth ;i.fl per net. ( enif lit
and Ain.ik'Uiii tilllnpa Ail ceim vaoh. Uold
lilliiiKS liuni 1 1 up. Vitalized lur lor pain-
Ua ritraclioii.
OTii a: ihriw dmim north of Itriok
st tra. OtHoe boura froni V a. lu. to4 p. ni.
W A N I i'.l). Capulilr, rrlialilo nrauh 1 .
cvniy county to rcurvsrut lurua company
of solid nnaurial reputation ; !ia aalnry
wr var, payable neekly ; J frt day abso
uiely aure and al expends; alraiiriit.
bona-lide. d.-tiiiite aalarv, no coniniiMaion :
alary paid ia. li ISalurdav and exM-na
iiH.ncv advamiHi em u BIA.MJAIlli
IIOI'HK, S44 lAm,a.i tT , t HI. auo.
BtFtbuda or a Xra Jt-rar Towa
4ri I;i4 or a aiaaaa.
'I'm V'illuL' liii..i.fiucnt aotlcty f
S iutli Oiuiitji'. X. J , la atarted In
I. in.' in ally lo :i1k-IhIi li..- uioxultx In
a r.HfUt liitei vu w tliu- hau uiun of tlie
iiriiiiliti-e expluiiit-d lb.- uictliod adopi
ej. llrtaul:
"our work is uiily prt'llmliiury a yet.
Ir. O. O. Howard, tblff riituiiiuioi;iat
bl' I bi' United State ugrli-ultunU d.
urii!:it. Usiii'il a pamplil.-t in vrlili'h
h cjid thnt Hiiy i-omuiuuity might rUI
In. !' of uiiixipjituo If it took the rltflit
main iiih) an eueiKetlo and p-rxi-t
'l'lii' luipnivt-ineiil noi.li ty had BoUi
MiivsMiiidiiiH' with lr. Howard ou
tin- mil.Jecl. ninl finally, realizing that
tl:t i'liliridiiui co-opera Hull of every
liiiiiwlinl.l.-r was re. ii I red, we urraii;iHl
Lie a li'i'lure by Ir. Howard.
' In tlie first pljif. 'you au't have
urn tufit.HH union you have water.
Wiiiiuiit HtundiiiK water there will L
llil (IHiK4Mltlll-H.
" I li. tii.isti..n of 1niiria'e U linpor
l.n.t. and if a l.iBland ia drained a per
n.aii. tit liiipiiiveiiii'iit 1h effected. Three
fi.uiilis of l lie proiwrty owuera having
ICrtLimls bave xlaated to diuin theui
a. id i lie others are about to follow the
'I li u. we Uuvu boui;lit some oil. w hlth
t.i men. K.ilna: hImiiU tiio village with
a ran. Imvn uied to cover all the gtnud
lnt; vvnier. In aUiut five daya they
taiptli'd ten buriela of oil. Thia opera
tion w 111 he rejieated In about a week
and r-iiln t Intervala thereafter of
aliout lliree weeks.
t ;i Itaelf will kill the mosquitoes
whl. h allv'Mt on the water and will kill
I lie wrlfrgler. which have to oouie up
to the Mirfnre of the water every few
liiliiuteg lo olilaln air. We have been
foi l una le in timlUiK an enthualaHtic
ally in tin- Im-al liiNperior of the board
of In ;illli. ii'hI he ban practically taken
barge of the work for us.
"Arter taking care of the alandlng
vvnier we have Ihkiiu Impreanlng the
iinpoi tuuee of the work upon ludlvid
unla. CeKaiio.1. are reouHilile for
iiilllloua of inoHiiiltoea. It la the same
With rlnteriiM, lint there la Uo neceaally
for cMcrua n.iw that there la a public
water aiiiply. A pint of oil Is all that
I ueceaaary In a ceKool to kill off
w hole coiniiiiinillea and K. nerutlnua of
"We have lutereated people In the
poorer sections of the town by iff vinar
Uie oil away. We -elect Borne oue la A
ciiiral aectlon add' make bliu lue cue
toilluu. An the fluid uned la Dot II I U
uiluatliiK oil. we are not afraid that It
will be diverted tu usea other than that
to which It la Intended. We uae what
la called fuel oil.
"Kai n wnier barrels are a proline
F.iurce of propagation, and w have
found that four brooda of niowiultoea.
vertiKiiiK ,j.(HK a brood. Is the result
of one rainwater barrel.
or cnurue inuaiiulloes can breed In
water tank. Hush tanks and even In
the traps lu plumbing. We ad viae iieo.
pie to protect lliemielves from the uioa
qulloea by IucIohIiib water tanks with
We are oontident of local relief and
perhaps of Immunity from inomiultoe.
and we are encouraged, not only with
the sliifhl results we have had. but
w ith the cordial eo owration od the
part of the pulill.
"In ponds where It Is not deemed ad-
visalJe to .inad oil It Is best to stock
with fish. The ordinary HunHsb la very
fond of nioK iiiltoes and will clear out
poiid lu eiii llelil Hlnie."
than Ulf a do-u perpetua. ce. , WH TO VIEW. .
smallpox, says the Umporla Gazette. ,
The woman who buys her dreaaea in p. nilt m to expren toy inr.liiil
Kansaa City has a hammer knocking-1 . , , ... ... . ..
attheteapiMcf b-oTra toTro. "yS I 4 ,he Mifrm.ni Mr. Al-
woman a bo patroulxes a -mail order" t f rtHj 'I.diuaii, .ublianHi In ycslei.
bouae hurts her own town more than ' ''y'1 Orefrnuiaii. The Biiiji-niiiiBs
a saloon. Hhe sends money out of 1 ale huh tinn-ly ai. I wl . Tt.u i. iit-.it
town that should keep borne people at ofsnowirnj vi,iu, a,
work; she breeds lllneaa, the mother of I , . . .. . .
crime. Tb. womao for whom uotbtof x,il,M'vl'ly ,""J,'r """' pfxlue
In this town Is good euuuuu Is won ve rti(tis of thf stale? Is becoming
enemy to Emporia than the plagTie, It i "ai coi.flrmcd. Of (be ta-tiiile vialtin
P irtlanii from the easl, and return
ing, le-m than one in ten, my, or learn
anything; about either wnslern or
iiistern Onoii. In coming from
Ualifomia lh y r. acli P.irll.ttul in the
i-arly morninir, without liavini; aeen
aiiythmg of the UiiiKUtt or VVill.i-
melle valleys. If they art) taken
Tree naattaa; la WaaalBataa. , UJIoa ,, exi'ursiiHis from Portland,
II trees In the street of Washington.
bas always appeared to The Gasette
that the things sold by the merchant a
and manufacturers wbo support a wo
man's hu'liand ought to be g-ood
enough for the woman's back and her
stomach and ber parlor. If It bn't
good euouKh, she should take the old
matt to a lowo where tilings salt ber
spin ami after a Irii up the Columbia
lliey will leave for their homo,
lhursj y evening. F iilsy a party
under the chitrtrn of S. U. Akers will
tiriive. They art) Illiu is nx:liv
i hey are) ouukeii jor a trip up tue
, What this istaie ncetla now ia nv-r.
.twH or rutt sTaie.
are uuder the direct' j of the District
authorities. Individual preferences or
private enterprises are not allowed to
regulate this Improvement, as Is gen
erally doue la other cities. Moreover,
the city has Its own nursery, where
seeds planted from its own trees grow
and supply all the needed varieties.
In 1871, during the era of great mn-
ulclpal Improvements, Governor A. R.
Shepherd apiHiinted a commission to
tea-unite this Important matter, and Its
t'.l'' its bare brought about the beauty
ami uniformity of shade existing lo
Washington today.
Paironlae Home ladaetry.
The woman who won't nae boine-
Uinde ftolil- dues the town mnr harm I
Bastaess faylas.
It's one thing- to cat the price of a
carried over, soiled or out of date gar
uieut. It's (uite another thing to offer
the newest of the ti.'tv at prices like
the. e.
We make no apol "y for copying ex
actly the shapes i the stylemakera,
uor for marking them at half or leas
thau half their prices. The benefit Is
certainly yours.
The best of every worthy grade la
w hat we meau to provide. To sen e
you l etter, to make the store more
helpful and welcome to you la our aim
all the time.
R.ilk Shad.
Sir Wulter Scott, In his "History of
Heotlun.l. " tells a tale or a highland
chief, oue of the Macdounlds of Koag,
which Ix worth repeating. This worthy
hud robbed of the little she possessed a
poor willow, who. lu her deapair. ex
claimed f hat ahe would dcuiaud justice
from her sovereign If she tared all the
wjrto 1-MiiiburKu on rct. "It ia a
kiug Journey." cried Hie riliber."and.
that you may make It more comfort
ably. 1 will have .von t.,nd." And he
sent for a smith. l.-oni he compelled
to nail a . r wf alioes to the wretched
woman's feet. Jn-i as liorseslioes are
fastened. .
But the u lilow was keen vltted. As
soon as tier wounds permitted her to
set forth she Is-look lieiself to Edin
burgh mid. i.litaiuiiiR Hilinlhslou to the
presence of .lames 1, Informed him of
the cruel treatment ahe had undergone.
The king. Justly ansTJ. ordered the ar
rest of lai-ilonald and of 12 of bis
principal adherents and caused Iron
Botes to be nailed to their feet Thus
quipped, they were exposed to the pub
lic ror mree nuys and then executed.
it is eitncr up or uowu, or both up
ami down Ihe Columbia river. They
leave Ihe stale either by way of Pu
gel Hi iu ml, or by way of eastern Ore
got), iu either case) seeing very littli
ol tiie slate,
Early lat apring some prominent
Kcntlciiiou from Chicito visited the
f ciQe Uoast, anil putilishisl a very
A case of stuaCpox has been re
ported at Howell, In Marion county.
Crude oil, in small quantity, Is
now spouUnir with the water from
o iv, ii ,.r w t ...u.
...! .,.!... I 1 .... . i. I'- - AUiiia.Ii ..-il
.- mi., uiuiv tipuai ui ueveiof nut Uujurj
r -Mourcen. Will this procedure bii:
i iilier oue or the othctf Orial t'y ui'alhs bydrowuing: are rt
not. On the other hand, it di-lit I'""1 ,r(,", i'ortland last Sunday.
polli. Those who come to Oreiron 1 " ,m",,"lt fuiphaslaea the ueora.
thiuk that if we had anything vulua-1'1 for " Hwiuiming both, ye sub-
bie lo ahow but scenery we alio Id ml,l'"3 re slow.
ivrlaiitly bnog It to then atleution, The Marion couuty court refused
ami so they g-o back, circulate broad- the electric railway -lompanv a fran.
oiHt wherever they go, that they chise along the oouuty rad from
oB- ii m vrcgou, auow aotun- pitverton to Halein. The electric
tiling about live country, and when company wanted twenty foet on one
anteu 1 1 describe It give an ai-count aide of tiio road.
of Htm ranges of mountttius, spleudid
neat volume, irivinir an acct.ui.t i.l iU gardeua, hop yards
their IravelH. Theoulv reference lo '"'"'"l? industrien, and then thru.
anything iu Oregon, oul-lile of Port.
land, is to the Cascade Locks and
Multnom.th F lis. In desciibiug
tin ir v:ait to western Wualiiiigton
there ia a splendid description of the
magnificent lumtieritig industries,
even giving the size and length ol
(he great trees witnessed at the saw.
Laborers excavating for a building
al 8th and Taylor streets, Portlaud,
unearthed buried treasure. A Mrs.
Nic-kutn years ago lost between $-100
and $600, and she supported it wan
buried ou her own lot by the burg.
lurs. For some reason it was left
The Lost Like Lumber Company
has alaiut completed a splash dam ou
the great wheat fields of eastern Ore- ',M, ""mch of Hood Uiver, Ihree
waterfalls, a magnificent rivtr, and
got enthusiastic over the matilfl-
m-e of Hood, 8t. Heleus and other
snow-capped mountains. It has lung
seemed to me that the sensible ami
wise thing to do ia to take these peo
pie out through the Willamette vai
ley, show them lis fields, iU meadows
iron, and Ihe mining ramps ol south
ern and eastern Oregon. 8how them
what Ihe mate is and what it has.
and what ita possibilities and opjsir
.....III.... mi . '
luiuiiiK are. iner-- is no stale in
the union with such splendid unde
veloped resources as Oregon that Is
and a half miles aliove the fi.rks
The dam will hold 16 feet of water
and extends 280 feet up the canyon.
It is expected that this will furnish
sullloieul force to drive logs beyond
the forks.
Thos. A. Edison the great electri-
inills upon Puget S .u.hI. Lslerthe 'nI,'K hih-Ii a slow growth. There wf Inventor has viewed Ihe Oregon
is no region in the United States """erai fauinit at isuualo and has
piaisesMiiig such great merit, and '"eoUie n,UL'u lutereated Mi our nlr
which is so little known throughout kle n"ue8- Mrs. Editlt Toil or-
Ihe United States as Ihe Willamette Weathered writes theOregouiau that
valley. I have met aud talked with ttiU iu"-rt4 Mr. Edisou rcpre-nts
didsensi.f (teoplewho have been to w'u 8euJ "n "gent lo Oregon for per-
Oregon, w ho never saw the Willa- "n1 inspectioii of the mines.
mette valley, .r the rich lauds of Li Moorehouse, The Dalles In
Umalilla county, who know nothing di;tn phot iirranher. has iimn, i.ia
wlmlrv-rahout them, who could not n todies pictures of A-lotn-mi, who
n il whether Ihey contain cultivated wns a convert to the faith of Mar-...
Ilelds, great sheep panturea, or arid Whitman, aud Pe-tow-ya, who
plains. And this result is due very claims to bave been 15 years old
I .a a..... I. a A., al a. ..a At...
.a.Ajnjr u. mo jaci mat wnen visitors when Lpww aud Clark-
congressional de legal ion. trotn Ohio
spent two days in Orego".. They
went away without seeing a single
productive Industry, or a single re
source of Ihe state. They were taken
up and down the Columbia, river
from The Dalles "o the Pacific' Ocean,
For what purpose? The reMson given
w as that it whs desired lo make them
friendly to Columbia rivci improve
iiienls. Did it ever ix-cur to any one
taking thia position, that when ii
river is improved, it is becuuse of Iht
commerce to be Is'iit fitetl, and the
proportion of the commerce to the
coal of the improvement, and not
from the l-eauty i.f the flowers, the
grandeur of the mouutnins, the num
ber of waterfalls or snow-capped
mountaius witnessed from its peace
come to this state, such extraordi
nary great pains are taken to induce
them to become eutbusiaatic over
scenery." Our scenery certainly ia
'li llj.;li!.u! ami attractive. Jt is an
element of pleasure to the visitor, but
mixed uiih it, we ought to keep in
' Tfca MrLly Got There Early.
Foundation is a new town up In the
Kallspell county of Montana, where
the new gold belt Is being unbuckled.
'TIs a very new town Indeed barely
three months old, but It bas a weekly
paper already la the West Fisher Ga
rette, which wag started ' within a
uinutb after the rush to the camp be-
pan. .Maybe li ,i.e follows the flag: cer-
tsinly. ni-.jn-ny. the press follows the
crriwi ,'ir. m y e . ,-a in-.
fui bosom?
A few mornings ago I converseti vl' ' '"'ful, and some of the
wilb members of the Uermail Hocie I ' i' -ri;. I renellts that should mfru
ties visiting Poitland just before 1 '"': ironi Ihe vimts of protni
leaving lor tha esst. It was the old ne"1 Pl'l.
alori: absolulelv no knowlediie of i Htu very much pleamsl that Mr,
the slate or its Industries. They had ,,"l,,m" """called the attention ol
seen nothing hut Portland and the ,,,H 'dTs of Ihe Oregoniau to this
Columbia river. matter. Truly aud sincerely youts
I n..ti, in pterdv .n.,r,.l no'- ' 0 """K""!"! August 8.
- -" - - - -.. n -
Ort'tonian that the sst.ie policy is to
be pursued with iiieuils'rs of III-
Cbristiun Einieavor Sis-iely. I read
liom Ihe Oregouian the following:
o'clock there will taj more river ox
cursions. On Wednisday 201) are ex-
ixcled to arrive under the guidance
of Rev. T. E. Davis. They will go
up Ihe Columbia. Later in the morn
ing another party of 200 will arrive
under the charge of Kev. D. A. (J lie
m , ittNHtm
Mr KM l Ol'i V Kl I.HVV8 HAI.I. ON
tin Ural and third t-ri.l.tyaof t.i li
Month, at i U'o't l.a'k. p, n..
I.t.. KAHIM I' .SI, Ml. BH. U. A. R-
the lnt and third Maturdaya of racli
month, at -'.ti o cluck p. in.
tmn ltd tird t.n Hj im (Ua
"To the mountains our people in
increasing minilars yinrly look for
those duvs of relaxation and reerea-
tio.i insM'rts.trv- to maintain Ihe hu
man, machine in fair working condi
tion. The languorous Moth of the
seashore provts very seductive while
it lasts, hut many have di-idsl thai
ihe annua! outing should provide not
miy railic;'' change el air and stir
rounding, hut aiso such stimulation
fttigk.'iug energies as will provide
br iw u and vicor fur the reiurn lo
abor. For this they urge the moun
tain c'.lllll' Hint rnllll.le, the I'sIshiii
if the mountain pines, nnd the clear.
unadulterated mountain air.''
1 1 this dins-lion the shii .ta Il..ui
now aif.ird a wealth i.f altraclioiis. 1
The entire line of road from Ahland
to Hlditu' is atu'ilihsl with charm- i
Ing and aeii-seilde hotels and camp,
w here are cheer and nun fort and
healing at reasonable st and w here
you ran bunt, fHh, ride, loaf, or play
Willi rtiiai Irii-iiiiy. '
"ttr if yon hs.k for histling waters.
none Is'tter i-m la found, hot or cold,
nan I lie springs of Ashlaiiil,'tileslin.
Anderson, Itnrth tl, Hvroo atid Parai
"Ilefore visiting r'.un po, the ssv
pie of Ihe North wet should ss the
glories of VoM inile Valley, and Ihe
Wondrous groves of Mnrirsasa and
Oalaveris; the PsrUinns are likely to
make inuiri'B concerning these at
tractive nvtirts."
Seinllo .r. C. II. M irkhsni, Oeii.
etal Pssng'r Agi'tit, Portland, f.a
new laiklets on t'a-ttelYag, hhasta
Springs, Mi-ileud Kiver, Yimemtle,
and excursion rali-s thereto.
First and Taylor Sts. Portland, Oregon. v
To be aksoulutely the Kestwagon built.
No man on earth can build a
better wagon than a MITCHELL
Blower Ensilage Cutter Made.
We refer to
0. V. Ilesse. Kinton, Oregon, aud
Win. Si'liiiliuetich, Farmington, (rrcgott.
Both in Washington County.
They have Blizzards.
Ball Iic.ititi, Galvanize after making.
Ixilts, double nn'ted. Runs lightest.
No Toot Can Rust
Can't i;el l-vc and rattle. Best Wind
MYERS PUMPS, Glass ralve seat. Can t
Mill Ma.le.
be equaled.
Si.iHbwuk Hay Ptessrs. Hcnney and Bee Line Buggies C4 I low. Hoosier Drills and a full line
of Agricultural Implements, Vehicle, Bicycles, Harness.
yn WEHRUNG & SONS, Agents. Hillsboro, Oi J
a UluUter'i (tood Work.
"I had m severe attack of bilious
colic, got a bottle of Chamberlalu's
"Tomorrow morning at 7 and 9 Choleraand Diarrhoea Kcmedy
tisk two doses and was entirely
cured," suys Itev. A. A. Power, oi
Emporia, Kan. 'My neighiajr
ucnwa the street was sick for over a
week, had two or. Hire bottles of
m dicine from the d'H-'lor. He used
tin m for three or four days without
relief, then cilhsi in ami' her doctor
M who treated him for some davs and
gave him no relit f, bo discharged
him. I went over t i seehiin Ihe
next morning. He said his bowel
were iu a terrible tlx, that they had
las-n running off so long that it was
almost bloody flux. I asked him if
he had tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed y and
he said, 'No.' I went home an i
It night him my bottlcand gave him
one ilia; told him to take another
lose in fifteen or twenty minutes if
; be did not find relief, but he took no
I more and was ei tirely cured." For
sale by la-lta Drug Store
What must people want Is some,
thing mild and gentle, when in tutsl
of a physic. Cnamla'rlain'sHt imtch
and Liver Tablets fill the bill to a
dot. They are easy t, take and
pleasant in effect., For sale by the
IVIta Drug Store.
"My baby was terribly sick with
the diarrhoea," says J. II. Doak, of
w illiHins, Oregon. "We were un
able to cure him with Iho doctor's
assistance, and an a last reaort we
tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am happy
to say it gave immediate relief and a
complete cure." For wde by Delia
Drug More.
The law of health require lhat the
bowel move once ei.-h day and one
of the penalties r violating this law
i pile. Keep your laiwel regular
by tiking a dose of Chamberlain's
stomach and Liver Tablet when
necessary and ycni will never have
that er. r punisluii"nl inflict.sl up-.
through these regions In 18C6.
V. li. Kurta baa leased water
IKiwer in Aurora for 20 years, aud
the city council next week proposes
lo grant him an electric light and
water franchise aud have him put
up six fire hydrants and five are
lights. Hdis thinking of using the
water power to furnish light to Hub
bard, Wood bum, (Jervais, Barlow,
Can by and other nearby places.
The Cascara bark industry la get
tiug to be imMrtant. Eight car loads
of the bark bave been sent out from
Corvallis this season. The price
paid this year la three cents per
pound. The price last year was two
to two and a half and the) year before
one and a half. Some of this bark
gas lo Euro) and some comes back
here iu the shape of proprietary med
icines, Cascarets lor instance.
Chief Johnson, the most prominent
I'idian in Alaska, and a ruler over
7000 of his IrilaAsmen, made his an
nual visit to Salem recently, to buy
his w inter shark of blankets. Chief
Johnson is a mcrehint, anil operated
large stores at Juneau and Dyea, and
supplies the smaller ludian chiefs
with the goods they require. He is
an Interesting figure, and wields
great ii fliience among the southeast
ern Alaska Indians, w here he is look.
ed up t't as a lending judge.
The Oregon Coal A Lumber Oo
sought to get control of the Nehalem
river under the late state law by fli
ng on it attaching blue prints for it
m ii. The Wheeler Lumber Co.,
sought Ihe same franchise but inter
preted the law to mean that the com- '
pany seeking the franchise is requir
ed to file original maps when the
time required for making surveys
delayed the Wheeler people and al
lowed t . oihcrs to get ahead ol them.
No.v the fight is in the Clubtnp
County Court and promisee to be
long and fierce. If the result shall
be a knockout of the law the public
will have no tears lo shod.
Across the river from Corvallis in
Linn they have a fashion of defend
ing fruit orchards with shot guns.
Tuesday evening member of a
thn-shlng crowd climbed over the
fetn-e into a jieaob orchard on the
farm of William Uogue. The occu
pant of the place, who Is a tenai t,
blazed away with his shot gun, anil
the young men barked out with
more celerity than Ihey went in.
Onnf Ihem had three bird shot in
hi leg, Just below Ihe knee. Two.
other incidents of the kind have hap.
peneil within the pad few weeks In
the samp vicinity, and In one of them
one of the young men fUl from Ihe
oo yon. Price 2 rent. For sale by I orchard wilb bir.l shot in hU shouL
! Delia Drug Store. Uer.