Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, June 07, 1901, Image 4

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His Brother's
Christian Stewardship
nr. CHARLES m. sheldoh.
I AaUoro! "In 111 tup.." "Th. Uro..
Iim t l-hlii. kinim - iuiuwi f
V;.ir.'' I
at aoMfti.ru nun AX
Continued from Firat I'nye.
army banr asked Aunt Uoyal, with
a frigid look at ber nephew.
"My Wife" fcald Stuart, witb a dia
tlnctnesa that Ignored all this, but
mad one point very plain, "will be
the undisputed mistress of this bouse.
Mb la tbe peer of any woman living
la education, accomplishment ami
grace, and she Is the superior of most 1
of tbem In ber spiritual retlnement aud
aelf sacrifice."
"Are you going to bring her here?"
asked Louise, with a curious look.
"Where else should I bring the wo
man I marry T" asked Stuart, turning
to Louise.
"I didn't know but that Miss Dwlght
would prefer to live in a humbler fash
ion . after all tier talks and prayers j
about pi vim; rp tin ana mat ana tne
other. Kilt of rounw if she decides to
enjoy the sinful luxuries of life after !
ber routliln. lt lu army halls you
know what I kIi.iII do?"
Stuart did not answer. Aunt Royal
watched hlm closely.
' "I shall simply leave, that Is all," ,
continued Louise. "I don't live under
the same roof with Rhena Dwlgbt as nflcnce over all the miners In
dictator over mc. ; Cnnmpion ,0(1 rj. Mott." said Andrew
Stuart waa about to aay something, j pnti
bat Louise Intel-rented him. "I shall j Cm at otbeT
b. abb. to care for myself. You d Q, tbe j.., co.ld see Rhena.
needot plan for anything different, for gne U(J Jm un her task , WM
. I Lav. mado up 7 ulnd. Aunt Royal t0WBrJ nm utt wa, Tery
will let me slay with her until I am lwrt t( hlm now Wny ,noul(J te
married. I rhall be glad to go to New ! risk u ,B a -u, probable
York anyway I'm gott ng tired of A , 0VM to lne Bpene of
the winter up here, with all this gloom th,8 new dlfflcultrT w nU broth
and aacrlnte and suffering so promt- Rr.g
pent So don't put off the happy wed- niaa rouw,r
ding day on my account Stuart" wA An(Jrew.
"Louise, I want to apeak to you alone j Vou thInk , ougnt to gor nM.
a few minutes. Aunt" continued etuart caimi-
ttuart, politely, but plainly "will you j .., cannot an.wer for - Andrew
kindly excuse me If I take Louise into made repj low,y , ,
the library T ..Wliut ar, yo, talking aboutr asked
"Oh. by aU means," replied Aunt , Bhei.aasshe.ameup , .
BoyaL. who was outwardly cool and . ..Rhenn .. Mld gtuarti ..lt may aec.
placid, hot inwardly a raging Are. I for me t0 ga to lH Mott t0.
o Louise went with Htuart, al- git. It looks now as If tbe strike
tnongb she said at first she would not uaJ totl(,hea , crlglH and m0TU.
go. ne was unuer nis dominion wuen
be exerted his will.
"Louise" Stuart stood facing the
preny counienunce. inu a iook ot uuy
and lev crept over his own "I cannot
bear to think that we are going to
bave this misunderstanding to sep
arate oa. Cannot you and Mlas
Dwlgbt be friends?'
"No. It la out of the question." re-;
Dlled Louise shortly. She was think.
log of tbe lie she told Itliena, and she
knew tbat no matter If Ithena was
ready to forgive It, now that she was
going to be Stuart's wife, there was
a gulf of difference between tbem,
and, besides, she was out of sympa
thy With all of Stuart's present plans
of life.
' "Then If that Is out of tbe question.
Irviilti there Is another matter I must
apeak of again. I refer to your prom
ise to marry Vasplalne. Be patient
with me when I tell you, Louise, dear,
that, out of the love I bave for you,
I would almost rather see you dead
ihaa married to that"
. "Ia thla what you called me in here
forT cried Louise furiously, raising
ber voice. "I will not listen, to It
You are a coward to attack hlm ao,
behind his back."
"Louise," Interrupted Stuart who
waa deathly pale, "It Is out of love for
you that I apeak. I forgive your mis
understanding of my motive," be add
ed aa be beard Aunt Royal nearlng the
door. "If tbe time should ever come,
dear, when you feel tbe need of my
love, my heart and home will always
bo open to yon."
How little aa be spoke Stuart thonghi
of the meaning of those words, even if
ho did look with some certainty Into
tba future. Louise turned from htm,
and their Interview ended. It was only
one more part of the evidence, dally
growing stronger In Stuart's mind, of
the great difference between his old life
and the new. lie realised now, as be
never had thought to know, the mean
ing of those words, "A man's foes shall
bo those of his own household." Tbe
division Line had been drawn the min
ute ho chose to follow Jesus Christ and
the separation of necessity had gone i
oo widening between hlm and the old
life, still represented by Louise sod bla !
aunt He did not blind himself in the i
least aa to the cause. It was very
plain. Ho could not be a Christian and
walk hand In band with tbem nor tbey
with him. "The two ways led In exact
ly opposite directions.
But all this was only a part of the
testing of bis msnhnod. lie had a far
mora severe choice to make at the end
of the week.
Matters were In this condition. Tbe
building of tbe new bouses was going
oa with aa much rapidity aa clrcum
ataacea would permit A big storm
had Interrupted tbe workmen. Tbe
Immense snows were a serious hin
drance. Added to all the rest waa tbe
difficulty of getting workmen during
the cold weatber. Tbe miners who had
been burned out were quartered all
over the town, Tbe hotel bad arramrcd
for accommodation, Stuart providing
an the expenses there. Tbe Salvation
Army did Ita abare and more too. Rut
the dlaoomfort and crowding and suf
fering were of snob a nature that even
me.iey, lavishly as Stuart was willing
to see It could not much more than
provide a temporary and partial relief,
lis was down at the Salvation Army
ftiall AM iftanuinn alt ttia Hum n f thu !
trying to make some arrange-
1 for better arcommodatlooa. Hbe-
aa waa at work with some of the wo- I
me at tba other end of the hall when .
trie cam In hastily. He was followed
la a few minutes by Andrew.
"News from De Mott Is serious." said
Erie. "The men down there are threat- '
aalog to pall np tbe pumps attain. Tbey J Bu Kr1c down moodily and wa st
ar at the end of their provisions and Vfhll Bhaaa and soma of tha I
"I oao't fivd llii' ri 1 1 ".i!uiuft coun
try, Eric!" khI-I W.'nrt u Mtle nuarply.
"I kuutr :t " !:... !'.! (Iniru uu a
bcocb auU , i I ! i... i- t iiw. t u lilt
handa. At :. ;trt i.xntJ him
of tb muii v rJ.
"Koritivtr H - I "poke1 angrily.
I will do all lu uiy power.''
"It lan't II rriillrd Eric la uiuf
lied voliv. "The men liar rvf lined to
llatvu to uip any l.iiwr aud aajr tliey
wean to act on their own account My
authority la all over.-
".Vonaenaer But Htuart aaw that
Eric auoke tb truiu.
"ItVao." Eric pok witb bltter
oeaa. "No one la quite ao ungrateful
aa a mob of worklngmen when It turaa
oo Its leaden. My day la over."
It waa Juat at tbat moment tbat An
drew came in. "Have you beard toe
uewr be asked. They aay the De
Mott men are going In a body to tbe
Queen mine to pull Dp tbe pump and
then to tbe Royal and w on until tbey
bare mined every mine on tbe range,
Tbey bave given tbe eompaule. two
bours to sire In."
Htuart waa very thoughtful. "If tbey
; do ao aerloua thing aa that. It will
lead to an appalling loaa of life. Tbe
j troopa at Hancock bare been kept In
readlnew by the Cleveland owners.
who bave been anticipating some such
move. It I" folly for the men to think
tbe owners will yield at thla late, day
' to tbeir demands."
"It will b. tbe deathblow to Labor
and the worktngman'a cause for all
time If they do as they say," said
Eric, with groan, "and I am aa belp-
1 less aa a child. I" Eric completely
broke down and actually cried. He felt
I that his reign was over.
I Andrew looked gravely ' at Stuart
' The short winter day was fast drawiug
to an end. Stuart still stood there,
! thoughtfully looking at tbe bowed
form of Eric.
1 "rtiAM la Ana tnnn who still has
lnx ipg wltt probally occur to
change the situation that bas held all
RhelM looked iteBdn- ,t the three
"Yon are keeping back something,"
she said at last
"Yes!" exclaimed Eric, lifting bis
bead. "Tbe men at De Mott are going
to pu np y,, Queentnlne pumps. I've
lost my Influence over them. If Stuart
goes over there to prevent the men, he
will risk his life. I know the men
when they are drunk are devils. Tbey
would kill any one, even Christ him
self. If be went over there tonight
Don't let him go. Miss Dwlght It's al
most sure death. He will only lose his
life and do no good by It"
Rhena did not say a word. Stnart
looked over at Andrew as if half hop
ing be would second Eric's request
But Andrew was silent Then be turn
ed toward Rbeua agnln. He had neve
loved ber so much aa at that moment
"Rhena." he said In a low tone, "I
feel aa if I ought to go over to De Mott
I am sure Eric exaggerates the danger.
If 1 am tbe only man with enough In
fluence to prevent an outbreak, I am In
duty bound to exert It" , ,
"No: don't gor cried Rhena, and
then ahe stopped. She bad taken one
step toward Stuart, lie waa not look-
log at her, but seemed to be hesitating
for something.
She spoke again. "I would not have
you a coward to please me. If yon
most go"
"I must" replied Stuart "God bless 1
and keep you." He leaned over and
kissed ber. and without another word ,
to either Andrew or Eric be stepped to '
the door and threw It open.
"I'll send over to the hotel barn for a '
horse!" cried Andrew. Just at that
moment Dr. Saxon drove up.
"He is just In time," said Stuart i
calmly, aa If be bad been expecting
He told the doctor In a few words
that be must go to De Mott at once.
Tbe doctor understood.
"Oct In. then! This means more gun
shot wound practice for me maybe."
He whispered to Rhena, who bad come
lit s iUx ml to Ithtntt, yi hn ttioxi ni the
title uf Hie cutter.
out to tbe side of tbe cutter, pale and
trembling: "Don't you fear. lass. The
Lord protects drunkards and fools
when tbey don't know enougb to stay
at home nights. Whoa now, AJaxT be
yelled at his horse Just long enough to
allow Bttiart to say (oodby to Khena.
The next Instant Stuart bad leaped
,n'0 ,n cutter, and ajm was flying
O"' the road to V Mott ' Andrew and
Eric and Rhena stood at the door of
n'l watching.
Finally Rhera said, "Let us go Inside
and pray."
Andrew and Eric followed her. and
Andrew comforted ber aa they went
otlu-r wo'uen and Andrew uere pray
ing together lie w.-nt So!':!;." ciX of tlie
ball and after looking srouud in t: e
irsttfili. dusk lie Knuily tat)-l In a
hrtHlc waik nnd i'rrt:!v,-i:.v l'un.i.d It
1 to s run. He to'lo ed Hie tra k of the
dot-tor's cntti'r slid mm n running
with sll liis hpced '(i r tt:c o Mott
A.1 OltATOB.
When Stuart and the doctor swept
Into Ie Mutt after a tierce ride be
blud the foauiiiiiX AJ:n they found al
most the entire imputation pitlicivd
a mini 1 tbe potftofllee lilo k, in which
M a Inrtre hall, used during the win
ter mostly for tiavtling r-how co n
punles. It wai packed, tonight with the min
ers. The uuli.n was lu session, and
every i:iati who could tiud a foothold
iuxide was there. The real were wait
ing outside to hear a liuul di elision.
Nut u luuu of tlielu but belie ud the
result hud already been determined
and tbat before morning every pump
on the rauge would be pulled out ami
the companies would lose millions of
dollars' worth of property lu a few
bours. It would be a grim revenge
of labor over cupltuL It would strikti
capital at Its most sensitive sjNit. lt
would lie a real sittlstuctlou for the
great suffering and want of the win
ter. And many aud many a bollow
faced pilner in the crowd around the
ball was thinking of a little child lying
dead under tbe snow In the great
burial place on the slope of the rauge,
and he graxped his stick tighter and
cursed the rich In his palace of com
fort that bitter nii;ht
Ktr.srt never felt more helpless. He
looked at tbe faces aroumi him, and
lilx heart sank as he realised how pren
was the force of a uioli bent on doing
Its own pleasure. Ho felt an If any In
fluence he might possess in ('liaiuplou
was au empty breath in De Mott. Sure
ly Andrew had been mistaken when
bo said Stuart could influence such men
as these at such a time as this.
He was roused from all this by the
doctor, who spoke, short and sharp.
' "Now, then, let's mako a break for
the ball! We'll leave Ajax right here."
Stuart Was UHtoulsbcd,.
"They won't let us in the- hall."
"We'll see about that," replied the
doctor. ,
He drove Ajax up In front of one of
the drag stores where he was In the
habit of stopping when he came to De
Mott, and. getting out of the cutter,
with Stuart following with much won
der, he began to force his way to the
ball door. As ''tuart went on he began
to realize thai r ere hud lieen a mis
take mado by ndrew. If there was
one man left v i.o hud real Influence
ever the miners, t was not Stuart Dun
csn, but Dr. Sa:. i.
It was altno-' comical to see the
changes stout ' . t over the miners'
faces as the d ". r shoved men this
way aud that lu der to get near the
ball. At first tin v . ire and threaten
ed to do unsui'sualil)' damago for the
rottgli treatment koiik- one was giving
them, but the mlnni;1 they caught sight
of the rugscd, kin ' face they were us
polite and ready to make room as If he
bad Itccu some high and mighty poten
tate and they bis loyal subjects.
"I Set out of the way there! Doctor,
be be needed In the ball. Some one be
hurt in there likely!" And a big Dane
reached out and caught a miner, who
was standing in front of the doctor, by
the collar aud pulled him off bis feet as
If be Jiad been a dummy In a clothing
In this way the doctor, Stuart strug
gling In bis wake, fought and bad
fought for him a way up to the bnll
door. Thirty years' absolute devotion
to the great needs of the miners in De
Mott as well as In Champion had en
deared the doctor to every stolid, obsti
nate, dull, heavy brained, but warm
hearted man nut of the o.OoO, but even
tonight he was privileged to go where
he wanted and no questions aoked.
toft OCtlGHS
rrT copvriomt Ao.
Anrnn ttnrtlnc nhrtoh and c! fcri M nr mmf
ttnU-kif u'Wlun or firltiitn frobtlw an
Invention in pn.hably ptttentHhln. (ommunirrV
tiuiipmMotlirr.mndentliU. Hikiiltxwk(n Pntent
vnt frtHi. 4fliltMt aumry fur Pniniit pavtflTitn.
I'ttteiitii tnkfn thrutitrh Munn A Co. riKwlrc
tperuu nowy, wtthtkut chunre, in the
Scientific flntcrlcan.
A hfinritttimt-ly' liTnnt' ttd wfklr. T-rvrt itr.
culAtlon f at.if )p"iif1 JonrtiAl. Tornm .t
NN I Co New York
Quinine is 10 years behind, Colda do not
now havs to brenlurcl. kmhi.'h Una
mic T a BUl l. (called riy- alnic Irom their
energy) crowd s week's ordinary treat
ment into 12 hours and abort the wora: uf
CO da over night.
"It waa tin, aorat rsae' of urip I ever had
A half dozen frienria hal sure enrea. Mill
It hunp on. Heard of the Iitsamic iah
risa. To my amasement they stopped
both colli anil cough the lin-t night. 1 en-dor-e
and recen-m nd them ttlie iieople."
11 ac t. at 11 inlut, Kx-Memln-r I'ongr aa
and Attorney. 101 Sanaome Street, l?an
Francirco. July 7, Pat).
Winuer eol have alwaya been struma
liirga to nie 'lliey arc hard and atay for
n onttia lint the liut waa atopped aml
denly by MiMiri.'a IiTnakic iAaeiKs
Until eough anil cold disappeared in a
couple cu" days. Nothiiig elae does thia (or
Sie.'' Mrs. Knma U ih.i.i.in, 14 Mosa 8 .,
San Francisco Aub fl, im.
I liv. acmes the atreet from where
MisitrL's 1mamic Tsri.lt are made.
I hat is how I brat took them. hey atop
cold, without notice. I tw kadoaen boxes
with me lor sell and friends when I we.i t to
Nome" H. L. Vs Wivxlk, Cunitali-t,
SIII7 HSIiington Street. San Frunciac-o
August 1 , I'M'
ellt postpaid for '.'Scents in stamps by
INI.AMJ l;UiU it)., iflM Waaiiington
Street ban t r incisco
rbi. .''irnMur. f oneT'.ry box ol la. gcuais.
Laxative LnnnoQfiininc Tbk.t.
the raaaedy It a' cure a ewl) la m car
For Infanta and Children.
Till Kind Yon Kara Alwajs Bought
6iaara of dSUt
r. '
Tbe K:t. 1 Tc liuve Always Bought, aud which baa been
iu u for jvr SO years, has borne the slgriiatnre of
and bos been niado r.uder hi pcr
j . onal aaperTlalon since lta Infancy.
isWVr' Allow no one to deceive you la tbirt.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and M Jnat-as-trtMMl' are but
Experiiut-tita that trille with and endanger the health of
lufuuts aud Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castor!; ia a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro
. gorlc. Drops aud Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Marcotlo
substance. Its aire is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Feverishness. It vm ; D: .rrhwa and Wind
Colic. 1 1 relieves Teethlns Trinib:'s, eures Constipation
and Flatulency, lt assln." '.te., the Food, regulates the
Btoimu'li and Itowels. felvi:. ; healthy and uaturul sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Slother'a Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
If is 8,000 Allies Long.
The Durliugton Route ranks among the
greatest of the world's railroads.
Over 8,000 miles long; employing 35,000
men; teaching 1,300 towns and cities in the
eleven states traversed by its lines; having
through-car arrangements which extend more
than half way across the continent and earn
estly striving to give its patrons absolutely
unequaled service, it is the line YOU should
select, next time you go east.
Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St Louis and
, EVERYWHERE beyond.
Size! Speed! Breeding!
3-year-old record 2:20.
Will make the season of 1 101 at the Fairgrounds, Ilillsboro, Wash
ington county Oregon, upon the following terms:
Season, with priTilt'se of retnrn $23.00
Insurance $35.00
Lovelace is a dark bay, witb one white hind foot, ovei 16
hands high, weighs 1 300 pounds.
Sire Egotist. 2:22',4 and sire of
2:i2,4 and othets in the 2:to.
of 77 in 2:30 and Electrite 2Mli,
First dam Crepon, dam of Lovtlace 2:20, Dorscy L, 2:20; Betsey
Britton 2:203: Ooldlac Z-.iZ'A ;Ditchess,2:274 ; Bnllantine Ji-'o i:
Chantilly trial 2:29i; Klondike, trial 2:i8; Grand dam of Chanty
2:13 and Cascade 2.14 by Trinceps.
Second dam Crape Lisse, dam of
and Balzarine, 2:7 by Geo Wilkes.
Thitd dam The dam of Tarlton, 2:31, trial 2:21.
Lovelace, as a 2-year-old trotted in two races, obtaining a 2 year-old
record of i:2ol. As a three year old
states, trotted in 23 races, obtained
took a record of 2:20 in a third heat
mile at Cleveland in 2: 12. i
His breading is unsurpassed. He
and r.po. Wilkes the two urertest speed producing stramr
in the world. III. -dam, bis grand dam, tne dam ana
grand dam of his sire, and the dam ol his grand sire, are all in the great
brood mare list. Sprite, the dam of his sire, had five colts by Election
eer, and all are in the 1st. Three of them having at different periods
headed the list of winning sires at their age. Waterwitch, grand dam
of his sire, has six in the .2:30 list has over 300 descendants in the
2:30 list.
Mares from a distance will receive good care and pasturage at $1.50
per month.
A number of standard bred mares and geldings fit for road or racing
fir sale cheap. '
For further particulars see or address,
E. B. TONGUE, Manager,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Signature of
A. C. Shkldom, General Agent,
Cor. Third and Stark St,, Portland, Ore.
3-year-old trial, 2:1 2j.
Egozett 2:0014, the Conqticrcr,
Full brother. to Sphinx, ,2:20'4 , sire
sire of 48 in 2:30.
Braid 2:10, King Rene jr, 2:17
he was campaigned . in several
1st, 2nd or 3d money in 17 races,
in December; worked publicly a full
combines the blood of Electioneer
U tt i. (n-i'i U ?irv t-oi.tMi l;tt i ii tat u iri
hi ti r on IiiiHiivtfai. tti tU:fu.u, liny
u.itui u My a.int tlitt Mrivit ill
tiiiniit'if mi fur ii t! . sitttitott nit!
oMiriy in rom-rrm-il. I ti:lov'. n of
lltti WiM'twttiii ( Ytilrul I jut nit nitl
to Mrvt) the t.i lit- tint, our train art
Hl.U'l HO etf tO HlttlU' 4 ! IXMimf
ti" u it It liviM riii lim nl nil juiit'l-
1'uiliimti P.il.trt! Sifi jtiiiy hihI (Until Cr
(hi ttiioith train.
D'iiink fur w" vic i.rn'ivllt'.l. Mul
wrvitJ .t Ik Cants.
In mlt'F ir rtin lir-l rhiw ?rTiir
;iL t hi tit kt-i ut'iil u rtt'.l tm h
tit ket oviT
IMi'fct coiiiK-i-tiiiiis ut t'liicsiro s n
wuukce Ixr nil KsHtrrn Hint. . .
Kor full inlornuitioii cull on yonr 'i
tirkvt aKctil, ur wnte ....
is C I'dm, or J.. A. t'l.ix ,
Hen. I'sm. A t?t Iiiira! Aucikl,
JlilwsuKi-.W ia. J!4l Ktar
1 hi;
XTiiic Lino of (ho Worli!.
Salt Lak Cllj & Denver.
The most int,r
on I his i
in I ninl enjoyalile trip
tinent is over iliix
.11 rough the Rocky
four routes enl
Snlt Ijikft City or
sceu Diiden
CI'iiiiiM nl' 1 u-i. ,.
' . Xloiltilain
i uf Dec
tup oucrH ailo
I an
, S II !Ml';il C H 1 ItVlt'K.
I 1 MKll.l A I. V It'l'K
j A-.lt yo ir ncan st lii kct nuent for tic
1 kcls via tho I leaver A liio ( irinde Kail
1 road. Scenic Line nl' die World.
J le-( ipl'n e ui liter in liled rpnu nppli-
j K. II. liUKl- V, K. C. MCIIOU
j Tiavelini; Aijeiil (iener.il Went.
! r.M Thir.1 Si , l'..rtiand, lire.
AucMoiKv.r, Hillsboro Oregon
1 oll'-r my 1 1 iv. to I'liia n (if
1 Ins cot:, ty lo-i'l' if " iN. ineivlniTHli-'C
i.d chattel k piiHIf v initio.
1 will ritU'inl all nil' h t time ami
plait's r-pi'citic.l upon receiving rc
ip'riicMt to do so. OliHri;.'- rcB-uinHlilc.
Cnturrh Taunot be, Cared
will 1'Knl iipplirMtinna, aa tlicy en n nut
icturli the ncut of the (liHcuae. tuuirrh ia a
hlood ur ciiiiNtilutiiiiial iliMi'u.Mct mid in or
dcr tocure it you muat tukw intcrnul lein
iliett. llall'a Ciiliirrh Cure ia taken Inter
nally, and acta directly on the IiIihhI and
iiiueous aurfucea. llall'a fatarrli t'lin ia
nut a quark medicine. It waa preacrilHil
hy one nf ihe heat jdiyaiiriana in thla coun
try for yeara, and na n r- ularpreHcription.
It ia conipimed nt the heat tunica known
conhined with the best hhaal piiriliera, ni t
iiiir direr Iv on the iiiiicoua aiiruicca. The
perfect coinhinatioii ul the two inured ent-i
la w. at proiliieea ancli wonderful reanl a
111 euri jr ("al irrli, dcntl tor tcatiuiouiala
Adilrcaa, K.J. CIJRNKY A Co.. Toledo.O
Sold hy IiruirRihta, 7V.
lliill'a Kiiinily l"ll .ra tha beat.
. 7 1 tor acceptable
IS ) SUte If pate
l T4 1 ' t THE PATENT R
JLZJj. Ballimora, I
. f 'I lor acceptable Um.
tnuuiUu ii.pc :.e "ATeaT Kavu ui
nr .ia .uuDlaai trvfc
TnT Over
The Academy prepares for College and gices
thorough English Education, the test pre
paration for teaching or business. All ex
penses eery,, Uu. Board and rooms a te
Ladies' Hall $3 to $1 per treeb, including
f.'ectric light and heat
Under experienced management, trill fur
nish rooms and board at cost on thf club
plan, not to exceed $1.60
For full pai iculars, address
president McClelland,
Foiv.st Croce, Oregon
'$0 Snoiy
nd union Pacific
fliicniio-rurthiiiil Secial, via Hunt
in'ton Wiivi-s V a 111 f.r Salt Ijike, IVn
vr, Kt. Wurth, llniii'Mt, Kansas City, St.
UiuiK, f npo & Kiist. Arrivra i ::') y iu.
At' lie Express via Hiiiitinctnii, ilt
v at p in (or Salt Ijike, lK-nver,Kt.
rth, Oni!ii, KatiKts t ity, St. 1 ouis,
v1iica! and rust. Arrive H:W a. 111.
Kt. I'aul fast mail via SiMikann Icsves
(i p ni for Walla Walls, lawiNtii. Sk
kmic, Wailaii-. 1'iiiliiian, M iniininlia, St.
I'liul, lluliith, Millwankce, Iiliica!.'i ar.,1
Kast. Arrives 7 a 111.
( FA1 AM 1:1 V l it sen KIH I K
I'rsm I'ortlMHil
leaves 8 p 111 for San Francisco every
5 days. Arrives 4 p 111.
Leaves R in daily except Sumlsv, im
Saturday 10 p in lor Aioria uml "ay
laiidins Airives 4 p 111 except Sumla'v.
I leaves daily except Sunday at II a lit
, fur Orcein City, .e licru, Sslem, Imle
j p.-i dice and whv laniln.t. Arrives lit
1 :.. 1 p 111 except Sunday.
I ' U-aves Tnes, TIiiiim, and Sat at fi a 111
tor I orvallis ami way landings. Arrives
Mon, Weil mid I ri at 4 ;'M p 111.
Ian Tii TIor and Sat at 7 a 111
for Oregon City, I lay i.m ninl way-l iml.
iiijrs. Arrives Mon, We.1 hnd Kri ut
S p 111.
leaves ;iparia at 3:40 a 111 for It is
ton. Iaiivi-8 U-wistoii H::tu a 111 for
Aililrrss, A.I. I RAM;,
tien'l I'mks. Atrent.
I'ort'aiiil, ' llrtiros.
.r th 1
Exelirw luaiMa Um I'ortlkni) Iaiii
tKairatll.T lor 1 lurid Ar
8:1ft a m I Ar t-nii i rnnoiBon 1,
H.-4KJ ru
Ai ove iiaiiiH aui utali ata'ioM. iwlwiH-ii
C'l'1 m t iiu! S.tii-iii, Turner, Marlon,
J- Il'el- ill. A-twiiiv, Tiinectll, hediN, ,.
ev, lliirr.Ht.nri;, liuiclion I'll y. Kill" lin
C I H;fe (tr ue llr.iin, (l.tliinl, and nil
- it hi.- :rnni 11-H.t imru' Ui A-tUM.-l,
l"l l-liVt. '
ri:.U)AML r.inlrtliii Ar'l 4:''fl r
Sec- u-Miixa Mecphif far a
- At :hkI' to Ai l Tiiaouon I moo..
M eat Mile liiTiainu.
Mali I rani I'mly Kieupl huiiitK ),
; :w a I l.t
I'ortlnnrl Arifiinrii
tli11.v llillahom ' lii tJlia
llillalHim ' 1, 14 -.tin
lIMiialAi Car-zalli-i l.vll-iUr-
jtT.M Albany and Cnrvallia connect
wtin train-, ol the Oregon Central Kiiat
.im Ry.
r m I hi I'ortlnnd Ar I S:l a
1; HI rail. liillalaim 1.. 7-11 a
7::WrIAr MoJUnnTill ,v ! fe'ai a u
H Mrrn linleprnilciii .'1
To all pointa 0 the Kaalcrn alatea, Can
ada ami Kuropv- ran olitaiiieil at low
eat ralea from C K. Idckwith, ai;enl or
H. KltKi'I.KU. H.Atf't
Mnoaiw.! l i.rtlaB l
V--" '
f(J OQM I. tWA 21