Dr. Brown, dentist, Monday, June 17lh. Dr. Lowe the well known optician who has been coming l Hillshoro for over 10 ye ra will lie at the Tua. latin Hotel, June tne 14 to Tin' last tlirvM dy of next week Ir. Ijowii will hem Hillsi.ro. Ktv him sure if you wan ( perfect glasses fitted to your eyca. Ilia prices are right. The Ciuuty Mupta. of Clackamas Mil t Multnomah eoiiniic will hold it teacher.' met tiot; at Willshurg .Satur day, June 8. Tho Willshurg grove mikI scIiimiI house la three-fourths utile eat of Hell wood. Tim fachers nl Ihe east end of Washington county uiay find il desirable to attend. They will reivive a cordial welcome, Mr. J. E. llawkiii, of llnl-lnir..', limiiKlil l the Iniikpkn'iik.mt a specimen of straw ta rries this wis k that are remarkable for hi". Home of them are 3 i lichen by 2J and J inch tliit'k. Ten berries weighed l.'ij ounces, lha la-mes are i toe Sharplea VHrit'ly very desirable for present table Ur, though not favor ite for running. E-quire Randall hits devised a pro tection for his cherries. Ho tutu one Irm where the cherries are la-ginning to turn ml. Through th" lop lie haw 8uM-riil'(i hy h cord three Hided a-icta of bright tin. The, ligntcst hrti i- causes these to vibrate and whirl. 'I'lic birds win to lai afraid of tho Ml of bright tl tailing metal and mIi u n what before wan A favorite tree in which to perch. x List Haturduy evening h squad ol 12 year old bojs were playing under I lie arc light at the intersection ol Main and Second streets. One lad mad m rtiMh on Carl, a in of Him, S. B. liuatou. Ctjrl dodged but struck hia lei; against a peice of farm nine liitiery HlHinlini; in front of Hchul nierich Bros.' Store. The skin was split ou the outside of hia leg over the knee joint and the (Mine laid hare, The iMiy is housed up this week, hut getting along fairly well. Mrs. Wiii. McLeod aged Ti -yearn died at her homo near Dlllev last Friday and her remains were huried Saturday afternoon at the Congrega tional cliurt-ti cemetery near Forevt Grove, Mn. Mclieod was Ixirn In Nova Scotia in 180, ami came to Oregon In (Mil, where alio had reaid ed Mince. She leaves a husband and the following children: William E McLeod, of Dilley; Mrs. Nels W. Durham and Mrs. James W. Hpang ler, of SMkane; Mrs. Jean Maurice, Mrs. Mtirian Lni'liiiiK and A. L. Me liwsl, of Koreal Orove. Mrs. Kainuel Matheny, an Oregon pioneer, died at her home near Ohm too, on Wedneaday of Juat wi'k, wlifflUMlie had rt aided 11 years, au'il nearly 4" years. She was iHirn in Maryland and had resided in Oregon tiiiiee Is.iii. I lei-cnstHl was a daugh ter of the law J. It. Mi-Clanc, ol Hiilt'io, who eroHhfd the plains e Ori'tion w itt lr. Marcus Whitman in ls;i, and returned to Maryland. Mrs Ma'lieny leaves a husliand and the lollop ill'.' children. Mrs. Joseph lirexlcr ami Mrs. W. Htnne, of Haleni; Mrs. M. Wilson, of Heatlle; Mian Katheriiin Mat hen, of I'orlland; the j Mid-eH Marea, iH'lla, Stella, and Hiuiuel Matheny, of Galon. Memorial Day was liltingly ob aerved at Miihllelon. A iiropriate to Ihe ta-caainn wer".l!.c .tAercisea held at Ihe pnolic rein ol I ni iling. coiihiatiug of songs, rci'ilations etc., after which a priHt-shion a half mile long was formed of mcIiooI children, old soldiers and patriotic (itizenM. Tlda man'hed to the wmelery where Iieu'iful flowers, n a lures own gift were lovingly strewn on the grave of the brave heroes of the Hpanish and Civil wars w ho have gone lo join tho silent hosts. A few years ago this day was not observed at this place, but by Ihe untiring devotion and anal of patri. t teacher and a few veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic It is now observed in a manner Is lilting the brave ones to whom It was dedicated. Htat" f'ipt. of Schools Ackcrnian ha rei-ctitly made a decision that touches the question of who Iiihj sign a ietition for revising the boundary lines of school districts. The superintendent rules that M HJua linitl elector in the third proviso, .Sec. i t ol the selnsil laws, reading as follows; 'provided, further, that in districts of the third class any head of family who ia otherwise a quali fied elector and having rhildren of school age, may vote at such election without pros?rty qualifications,' mean any citizen of the state, male or female, who Is 21 years of age and has resided in the district 30 days immediately proceeding the met ting or election; and, further, that such elector' cannot vote for any other purpose than the ehclionnf school officer-; and lurtlnr that atitious for changing district. boundaries must be signed hy legal voter? and that legal i i'. r.' here means those who ran vol lor any purpose whatever, and, hence th.iee who can vote only for Ihe election of school officer ran not legally signs petition for the change of a district boundary." 1 Fa'her B"yd, who hatches up near Dill'y tells a paid uiou-ie Hlory. I,aleiy mhtf had annoyed Mm to -ucli an e I tent that he dislared war. As an instrufiieiit ut extermination, he iHiught one of these n w fancied rod tit trsiM that has a hale wire that is thrown down by htrotig spiral Mprinirs. The mice iiitraeted the twd haliit of playing over tho top ol hia dining tahle, wherefore he set hi trap there. Just In one aide was a jirot jam. liuriug 'Hie of his meals he had lat-nsiou to go out of the din. ing room, Jail before he returned ho heard a great crash. The rat nolted past him, tail as big as a base, hi, II hat. She charged to the Imrn hut seemed not to find a resting place. Jiai k xhe came and ender the house she skipped. II returned ti the table for inveniiKai.on. Kvery thing seemed to lie in ouui except the jar of jam which was sptttured everywhere over the floor and the glass iu a hundred fragment. Koon Mr. Itoyd missed his new mouse trap nor could he find it any whi re. Whei next he skimmed milk he fouud ii; one of the puns his trap with a part of the cat' lip and hikers. That ex pi iued why the cut ran, and why she dND not now jump on the table The Quarterly f lhe Oregon His torical SiH-iety for March, 1901, hie laen rwivrd. This la the first num ocr oi voi.2. its contents are 8m followr: I'olitlcal History ofX)regon from 1853 to 18U5, by Hon. George II Williams. Flotsam and J tssm of the Pacific The Owyhee, the 8ul tuna and the May Dacre, by Mrs. r ranees Fuller Victor. The viwela refernil to eiit'rel the Columbia rjver between the years 1829 and 1834. An Historical Hurvey ot Pub lic Kducation in Eugene, Oregon, by J.weph Schafcr, The Aurora ()oui. inuiiily, by II. H. Lyman. All these tnticles are of vital intereat to every one who carea to know anything aoout the iH'ginnings i f things in our stale. The object of this publication ia to iTsalo an interest in the atudy of Oregon History and thereby assist in developing an Or gon spirit in order to Mtiinulate growth lu every thing pertaining to the welfare of the htate. Address all inquiries about this publication to Geo. II. ilimeri, AisiHlant Sei'retary, Oregon Historical Society rooms, City Hall, Portland, Oregon. John McNamara, "John Tom" was arrested last Monday morning ou a bench warrrnt issued out of the Circuit Court. The defendaut wa indicted at the March term of Court ou tho charge of taking a purse con taining money from a shelf in Gate' confectionary store. John probably had wind of what was doing and re mained in the back ground. He has been in town for five or more weeks, hut seldom or never came on the ctrects. He however diligently worked In tho onion fields in Tuala tin Ixittoms. The case may lie tried at the July term of Circuit Court if a jury la railed otherwise it will go over till the Noveinls-r term. Mr. N. Johuaon, who livea on the Portland read, beyond Cedar Mill wa in lowu Monday. He Is busy planting potalis's and will cultivate 7 acres of burbauka this year. He lilies to now wheat on hia potato (ground, and almost alwaya has a good rrop. He prefers rotatieu to summer fallow. This year however w ill not have potato ground enough lor fall sowing of wheat. One of hin neighbors, Mr. Han-eii will have planted Is t en 10 and 12 acres ol potatoes. The River and llarlair Comtnittee of the House will visit Oregon tlii tumuier arriving in Portland on Fri day morning, June 28 and leaving on .Sunday evening, June 30. Three days ia a short time to tarry, but cousideriiig the vastness of the nation it is pcihaa aa long a visit as ran la? made anil leave any time fot rest be fore Ihe next sessioi, of Congress. The contract for furnishing the school district with 40 rcrds of fir wixsl was awarded to C. F. Crow at 1 80 delivered. The 10 cords of oak will l delivered by L. Hciiwanxe, of Ceuterville at 80 per cord. Mrs. Herman Koehnke who lived across the Tualatin Houth of IlilU horo died June lit ot acute t'j's rcu loris aged 32 years. She left a hus band and a child aged four months. Mr. L. W. House is this week fill ing a Portland order for neck yokes. What he is sending are la-autiful sticks turned out of second growth ash. Mr. F. M. lli i lel and her two .laughters ttartcd ea-t this week in tending to visit during Ihe summer in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Th .an desiring the ervice of Dr. Brown, dentlrt, will find him at the n-sidence of Mrs. J. W. Morgan, Monday, June 17th. Ilig dance at Hillsboro Opera House Saturday evening, June 15th. Come and see your friends and have a great time. Dr. Ii we the optician who will be here'-ext week dtw uot peddle, see him at the Tualatin Hotel, June Ihe 13 lo 13. UKllllATISti EXEKM'E. The closing eierc'.sea of the Hills hero Public KchiMd will be held In the opera house this evening com mencing at 7:3i) o'clock. The cla-a this year numbers i'i, vix: Kose Cave, 1L Lliialsth An h boh I, W. N. Barrett Jr., Wm. R. Bimon, Kthel Gertrude Wehrung, Nora C Kmmel, Emma A. Zimmerman, Ira E. Barrett, Birdie Mappington, John W. Humphreys, Huth W. J ines Oliver B. Huston, Ward Downs, jOuida Madge I in brie, Roy L. Groear, Arab Cleone Hoy I, Eul W. Walla, ,' Bertha K. Fowlea, Bradford Fowloa, Blanche A. Jvice, Grace Council, Irene Young, E. Leoila Donaldson. The progrnm of exercises Is a follows : Inwation Rr. E. P. Hughe Piano bolo "tirai t-lmle Muludiuue Cku. tlititr. ..Mian Wiluia Wagganer RsMty "Self iteliance". . lilanche A. Ki Kasay "The IjiIc War" Oliver a. ItuiUai VocaJ 80I11 "huiiiiiier". .V. Vhumimidt Miaa Jfiuiie M. Grer EsMiiy "The Hid. lea Treaurer of Ml. Nrcurney" KulU W. Jonu Viulin tolo "Scenes lluinoriatiouei U. Lfinutnl J. B. Wilkes Eway-Tlia World'! Debt to America" Arab Cleone lloyt PART II K-ay "Our Public School" Oulda Madin Imbrie. Piano bolo "lnv in May" fwr.n Ethel tiertruda Wehrung Heoilution ,'The ilypochondriac" Kosa i avo. Vocal Solo "A Mar Morning". . .Iktua Ansa blizuliftb Johiixon. Oration "luternational Arbitration" Wilhaiu N. Barrett. Vocal Solo (a) "Ah I Tia a Pream C. IIuuliv. (bl "ilie Answer Mr. Wnlkin U. J"ouell, Frtderic St. Elmo Vrooniau. PrescnUiiou ui Uipluunia llon.S.B.IliiMtoii Beunlictiou. . ..Kev. tieoj. llariniHU COUNT noise. COUNTY COURT LA W Uehmng&Sopsv E!i.alath Mi sire etui, action for money. Judgment for plaintiff hy default tor f31.7tt T (i Todd v A E Wilson, ac lou lor money, disiiiissed. M E Johnson v W A Wilkes, ac tion for money for tl0.r,31. i, .,!.,. fiimiff w - - I I FKOBATK. Et ho Hornbuckle, deiil; final report filed and July 8 aet for final set lenient of administration. E-t Mattie Campbell, dec I; sale of really approved and deed ordered made of real property Iu II illslairo. Eft Silas lieatty, deed; sale of realty confirmed. ' Eit Thos Britcher, deed; sale of realty confirmed. Est S II Humphreys 4 On; estate closed ol record, aud boudsmen ex onerated. Est S II Humphreys, deed; order ed that all preferred claims having been paid 02 per cent bo paid on oilier approved claims. Est Otto Jacobsnn, deed; estate closed of record and bondsmen re leased from liability. Est John Gilhooly, deed; sale of realty cm i firmed and deed ordered made to purchaser. Kt W J Robinson, deed; receipts 3120.45; disbursements, (101)9,70; balance f.2020.75. ReKirt approved. MAKKIAUK LICENHK. License to wed was iasueil May 31 to CI rich Gerta.tr 54 and Anna Wy- man 44. June 4 to Parvin Hender- .dit.tt 25 and Ollie J Hoffmau 23 M IIOOL KLPoKT. Following Is the report of school district No 81 Bcaverdam Pivcinct, for the third month of the achiail term which lagan March 11, 1901. Todd nuinls-r days attenilance, 685; nhseni-e, 88; times tardy, 9; num- lar enrolled, 42; average number be longing, 40; average daily attendance 3ft. Roll of honor Arnold Berger, Emma Berger, Rickard Donovan, Anna Donovan, Alma Foege, Clara F'S'ge, Maud Ilamniel, Eleanor Ham- mel, Harry Hansen, Viola Jackson, Janie Mead, Clara Mead, Eddie Ras. miissen, Freda Rasmussen, Ellen Z icrcher, Hermon Zuercher, Andrew Z'lercher. Eva A." Mii.lak, Teacher Ked ac'ed Kate te the East. Account Buffalo Exposition, the Burlington Route is naming a low rate of fare which enables passengers) to visit Ihe Exposition and other eastern points at greatly rcducrd rates. lie fore making other arrange ments call at our office or write for full particulars, R. W. Foster, Ticket Agen", Burlington Route, Corner rtiii ! and Stark streets, Portland, Oregon. -6 Ftipoi io Washington county who purport,- l iking the June examina tion for eighth grade county diplo mas wi!l please notify me at once to that effect an Unit I may know just how many set of questions to ask the state deparfiient for, and for a simi lar rea-oin tboM- who iulend to take the examination f-r slate, county or primary teacher's certificates will pleast t- dvie toe at once by -nch attention. 8, T. A I' A Ms, Dept- School Hupt, HiilsUiro, Oregon, June fi, 1901. OABTOIIIA j I liti4 Yoi m ann Sfcartua f CongreiMinan Tomfue accoinpanieti by Mrs. Tongue and his daughter, Mrs. Beams siaM this evening for Call for uia to meet ihe IUvei and Hartsir Coimuittet. Mr. Thngux will Join the arty next Tu a l ly at San Diego. The party embraces the 17 members of Ihe committee with probably the committee clerks and Mr. Burton's stenographer together with the wivea of the uieiuhen and nmubeia about lorty persona. It will come north Inspecting harbors and river along the way. The Willam ette river will le seen and th farms along the bank for Mr. Tongue think it la quite as important for the com. mitiee to know that we have some thing to export as It h- t have an improved harbor and river chauuei, or rather it is an unanswerable argu meut for shipping facilities to know that we have pnsiucU to be ahlped Portland will l reachel Friday morning, June zs. a suieirip to The Dalles aud possibly heyoud, will be taken and another one to Astoria and the mouth tf the Co'uinhH. Tho com in It tee will leave Oregon fur Pug. t Hound on Sunday evunlng, Ju.ie 30. At the luot uioeliUg of the city council a resolution was passeil which offers the Electric Light A Water Company 1 1,000 for its iu tereH In the plant and system now operated, and allowed President Gates five daya for acceptance or re jection. Mr. Galea heretofore has offered to sell for f 16,000, so the part ies find a difference of o,000 bet v. ecu th ni. It ia understood that the city 'a proposition will be rejected The matter wilt then go to arbitra tion as provided in the contract sign ed leu years ago. Mayor Bailey tt..U that Ihe city ran get all Ihe money needed for refunding out stau.liug bonds from Chicago capita lists, at a rate of Interest less than six per i cut. Local money haulers offer Hioney at a less rate and it is proba. hie that a 4 per cent loan can be ne- gntiated. The COU..H1 nuus mailt terms can be agree. I uain mere will be no ditllculty in getting money for the purchase price. pM-iident Hays and party of the S. P. Company passed the Hiilsboro station last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. II ys during his hasty trip now tn king" has been over almoat every mile of track operated by his com I pany ii. this state, Regular communication ol Tuality L alge N t G A. F. & A, M. Saturday night. Work in M. M. degree. I ORXELIUS ITEMS. Alliert Bunning, who has been making i three month's visit to Ger many returned Weilnesday evening. He ia well and hearty hut look-' a little thin on account of sea sickness. Albert traveled on his out going trip ov,,r tne Southern Pacific via El Paso, Fort Worth, Atlanta and Washington D. C, to New York, on the return trip, from New York lo Buffalo where he took In the Pan American Exposition, from Buffalo via Chicago and St. Paul then by the Great Northern to Oregon. Albert says "Boys, there is only one Amer ica and only one Oregon." The game of baseball played on the Cornelius grounds between Cor nelius and a combination of Forest Grove and Greenville resulted In a score of 22 to 32 in favor of the home team. The boys are fixing up their grounds hy paring off the sod and harrowing and leveling. There will tie a twenty-five dullai purse lor the- 4th of July game. Who wants to come and lake it away from the boys? School will close this week. The celebration committee and citizens of Cornelius very much ap preciate the hearty good will shown Unem by the people of Ilillsbr-ro at their meeting I act week a here the meeting unanimously vo'ed lo cele brate at Cornelius. The president and secretary of the met ting were so kind as to send us a copy of their minutes. Thank Hillsboro, we will try to return the compliment. Only one stand privilege retntin unsold on the celebration grounds. Mrs. C. P. Blanchard ocrup'ea the M. E. pulpit next Sunday morning. M0L"TU. HOXEITEXS. Mrs. J, C. Em mel and mother in law, Mrs. C. E'limel have Iseri visit ing friends in Aurora Ihe past week. Mr. J. H'Mtons, Mr. II. Hopkins and .Miss Minnie Em mel have all gone to "II kxI River lo pick s raw berries Mrs. J. Wound-ill Is on the nick list. Mr. John R Tit, of Wisconsin who purcha-ed Air. E llm t's place has la-en the go"nt nf in "o i i.i, Mrs. A. Graves. Mr. S. Heatoti, who lias Istu work ing in a logging camp at Oak Point has returned home. Mr. C. H liiin-HaT has la-en im proving his house on Ihe inside this timt. Miss M. Kruger, who has Ish-u working in Portland for somellme baa returned home. K, L. MrCormlck la aelllog a great nutnlN'r of bicyclea tills spring, guarantees hia wheels for two years ard if any break be w ill repair them free. Call and see blm about It. natch for the clearance sale al Schulmerich Bros , when oa?oiiig up the annex to their store about April 1st. For domestic dry gotula Schul merich Bros.' prices are below all competitors. Him ike La Aprobar cigar. 6c Delta, Mr. ltobt. Wagner, boot and shoe maker has moved bis shop to toe room next door west of Dr. Wood's office, in the Chen net te Row, on Maiu street. Mr. Wagner Is a finish. ed workman and la this change em- phaaizes the success which is going his way. Persons havinir work in his Hue ran make no mistake by placiug it with blm. IS. 00 te Baflala. inisis wnat tne established rate imonnta lo in each direction making 86.00 for the round trip, and by ar-l raiigiug with the Burlington Route, pasaengrrs ate given choice of seven trains on date of aale. Call upon or write na for full particulars before uaking other arrangements. R. W, foster, Ticket Agent, Burlington Route, corner Third . and Stark street?, Portland, Oregon. -ft Law Kate to BalTale. If you are going lo the exposition or ahy other point east, do not make your arrangements until you have secured rates from the Burlington Route, they will Interest vou. Call or write for full particulars. R. W, Ituilos Tl.r.lr svt A A. T) II A 1 - ....u.uu iMt 'H Ride a Rambler they go easy. You can save money by buying hicysle sundries of O, Q. Wilkes. Dr. Lowe the well known optician who has been coming to Hillsboro since 1891 will be here again the 13th to 15th of June. A. C. Archbold has an over stock of sickle grinders. These be Is sell ing below cost while they hut, ond street Hillsboro. See, PallcS-Portland RoCit WHITE COLLAR L1HE. Steamer Bailey Uatxert. Daily Koaud Trip tieave foot Alder street, every morning except Monday at 7 a. m, for Cascade Locks. Hood River. Whito Salmon and The Dalles.' SPECIAL Dound trip rate to dotal River for strawla?rry pickers, good until August 30th. This route la the grand scenic at traction of Ihe wortc. Both 'Phones, Main 851. E. W. Crlchton, J. M. Fllloon, Portlaud agt. The Dalles Agent. We wish to announce that the fine and newly equipped, fast steamer "Bailey Gatzert" has been placed on the Portland Dalles route as a strictly excursion boat snd to enable tourists and the people of Oregon and Wash ington to make the round trip by daylight on the Columbia rivar, through the Cascade mountains, on the following schedule: Leaving Portland at 7 o'clock every morning, (except Monday) reaching the Cas cade Locks at 12 in., stopping at Hood River and White Salmon and a. 1 1 t in i tic Ava tvTu m v . UJ., starting back at 4 p. m.t arriving In Portland at 10 p. m. Meals, the very best that Ihe market can affird, and only 25 cents. Fare to The Dalles, one way f I 50 and round trip f2.60 Landing and office, fool of Alder St. Phones, Columbia 851, Oregon Main 351. If you desire to take a trip, for pleasure, for grandeur, for every thing that eye or heart could wish and that no other part of the world can furnish, go for a ride on the Bailey Gatzert. Make up a party of your congenial friends and together pass the most enjoyable day of your livea. Very cordially yours, The White Collar Lint- Head t's Tear 5a me. If you are going east now, or con It mi late atrip at any tine in me future, send us your name; we II place same on our list anil will keep you advised from lime to time of any reduction io east-bound passenger rls and you will also receive adver Using matter descriptive of the Bur lington Rout" as fst, as it Is Issued. We have the lowest rates, quickest time and best service. Address, R W. Foster, Ticket Agent Burlington Rsjtf, Cor. 3rd and stark Ft., Port land, Oregon. Wasted. Fine specimens of Red Clover, Alaike Clover, Orchard Gra, June Grass, etc Also would like some lar samples of strawberrhs and other fruits. Will you kindly bring it in or notify me when I will call. This ia for the county exhibit tn thelOAVe, State Fair. Kindly help it along and oblige. F. M. Heideu O U. WUkca baa the finest lines oi llelaundriea and bicycles ia the city A Ik i a neat repair fchop In lion. All work guara' teed. - Call and see the Yale ai.d Miell bioyclea at O. (). WilkeV, Ke,-oi.d HI Mir CLUtitU. The operation of through tra between Han Franc lac i aud Lo An gles, via Surf and Santa Barbara Will begin on Kunday, March 31 1901 on the new Coast Line. Two through trains daily, The Coast Line Limit ad leaving each terminal in the morning, equipped with elegant cafe and parlor ran, will make daylight trips through tl.e most picturesque, varied aal cuter twining sti-ene on the continent. Inquire of agents of the Southern Pacific Schulmerich Bros. Just received an invoice of men's clothiug, gee them if you need anything In their line, Dr. G. B. Brown will be at the re sidence of Mrs. J. W. Morgau. Mou day, June 17th. Second hand bicycles for sale at McCormick's stow, on Second street. A. C. Archbold, Second street llllllsboro baa Just received a large invoice of cook stoves and steel I ranges. Big clea i ance sale in shoes, cloth ing and remnants of eVery dewcrip lion to be continued indefinitely at Schulmerich Bros, Call on F. J. Barber, Second street I you want a first-class shave or hair cut- nis baths, either hot or cold, Schulmerich Bros.' Hue of hard- opened. Schulmerich Bros., have blasting powder for sale. Mrs. W. D. Hare started to Buffalo this week to be absent for a month Counell Bros, shipped a car o timothy hay to Portland this week realising about $14.00 per ton. They have more In their barns. "The Conditions of Constant Pos- session of Self respect" is the theme on which Mr. Hughes will speak at the Congregational church, 11 a. m. next Sunday. The other services will be held In their usual order. Elder W. A. Baker, of Portlaud, will occupy tbe pulpit iu Christian I church next Sunday. The theme for tbe mornlngdiacourse is "Charity and Christian V irtue." Evening: "lathe Bible the Inspired Word of God." The Coal and Oil Company operat ing In this county have a man at Glencoe and another at Buxton. These employees are giving their best energies to tbe Interests of the company In getting development projects suited. W. T. Eelwanger, representing Bradstreets Commercial Agency spent part of last Friday in town. Bradstreets Is seeking to expand its business this way and at the sami 11 me our business men access t the,, ery telMtle reports, Tbe Ladies Missionary and Aid Society of tbe Tualatin Plains Pres byterian church were entertained lat Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. C P. Blanchard at ber home on the North Plain. The work of the so ciety la in a satisfactory condition. Tbe entertainment of the hostess was greatly enjoyed by her guests. School Supt. Ball is not yet able to be in bis office indeed bis physician has forbidden him to do any business or receive visitors. Mr. Ball has ap pointed Mr. S. T. Adams to be his deputy during his. illness. Mr. Adams will be found at th Surin- tendent's office except when officially visiting schools. Ail c Tresponilence touching school matters sboulo la addressed "H. T. Adams Iept. Hupt Schools, Hillsboro. Messrs, Latham and Wm. B.-nson, of Hillsboro and Mr. Kyle, of Polk county have formed a co-pa rtr.ernhip and will this summer build a 11 ur Ing mill at Perrytlale on the line of the 8. P. Go's railroad Yamhill divi sion Mr. Bfnson wi I build the en gine at his shop here. The lumber for the mill-house conies from Hlovd; A. Higler's mill aud will be .) l.- t re.t to Ihe railroad at HilMmro. lui l- . fore It Is loaded on lie rarn ihe fram- log will ie tlone here w rkm n will stain he making Ihe chi a Hy as it is planned to have the mill ieadj to take care of this years wheat crop Perrydale Is the center of a fine farm ing community, and without a mill. The venture has everything favorable fr a positive success. Dead Utter UsL The following is a list of letters re maining uncalled for in the sitofflee at Hillst.ro, June, 1, 1901 : Jaa. Newport. Alice Peterson, S. A. Siemer. All letter not called for by June. 15, will be sent to the Drad loiter I One cent will be charged for ! each letter called for. A. WaMukb P. M. Tna I'ram Death. "Our liite ilaugiitt r had an almoat fatal attack of whooping cough autl bronchitis," writes Mr. W.H. llavi land, of Aruiouk, N. Y-, "but, whon Ii other reUie-Mc failed, we saved hi r lile with Dr. King's Now Dia- coveiy. Our uuoc, viio had Con- tiiiiiptiou iu an advanced stage, also u d this Notn.-rful uiediriue aud li -iay -he is (M-rfectly well." Des- pera e thio.tt and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Dim-overy as lo no other medicine ou earth. Iu falli ble, fur Coughs and Colds. 50.' aud 11 on bottle guaranteed by Delta Drug Store. Trial taittles free. tievea Years Iu lied. Will wonders ever rease?" in quire the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, ol Lawrence, Kau. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed In seven years on account of kidney ml liver trouble, nervous prostra tion and general debility; but. "Three bottles of Electric Bitters en abled me to walk," stie writes, and in three months I felt likea new per son." women sum-ring from Head- che, Backache, Nervousness, Sleep- loasuess, Melancholy; Fainting and Dizzy HiM-lls will find it a priceless bles-iiiig. Try it. Satisfaction ia . guarttuk-ed. Only 50c at Delta Drug Store. A Terrible. Expltwlou. "Of a gasoline slove burned a lady re irigntitiiiy," writes ti. E. Palmer, ol Kirkman, Ia. "The best clors couldn't heal the running sore that followed, but liuckten's Arnica alve entirely cured her." Infalli ble for Cuts, Corns, Sores, Boils, Bruises, Skiu Discuses and Piles. 25c Delta Drug Store. ' lMdu'l Marrjr fur Money. The Boston man, who lately mar ried a sickly rich young woman, is happy now, for he got Dr. King's Now Life Pills, which restored her to perfect health. Infallible, for a u ml ice, Biliousness, Malaria, Fever ud Ague aud all Liver and Stomach troubles. Oeutle but l-ffective. Only 5c at Delta Drug Store. ' The Luce priqa-rty in the South part ot lowu has been sold to a gen tleman who for aevcral years has run on the 9 o'clock mall train aa route gent. The enUrtainineut given by the Epworth League last Friday eveniug was (lie tat of the series that the siK-i-ty has prepared. The music ia lasical and rendered by vocalists whose voices have been trained and . cultivared by hard study. .It is . understood that the society will In tbe near future give another oppor tunity to hear the excellent music of the program. ' - Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Raffety, of Mountain Dale, started east yester- iy evening prepared to be absent long enough to visit Mrs. R's relatives in Wisconsin, then attend a few days n Chicago and at the Pan-American Exposition in JiuHalo. Mr. Raffety has no acquaintances east of the R akies except scattering neighbors whom he has known in Oregon. 'lo reason is he was born and has always lived here. Gen. Ransom Relief Corps received and entertained its friends at the Odd Fellow's hall. The invited guests were those who had iu times past assisted the Cors in its work. Hon. II. V. Gates, for the ladies, welcomed the visitor. There was no formal response, though Hon. S. B. Huston, Hon. W. N. Ham-It, II. T. Bagley, M. B. Bump, Benton B iwman, B. W. Barnes, Rev. Hart man and Miss Rone Wilcox for Jhu outsiders and Capt. Craudall for the G. A. R had somewhat to say com tneudalory of the orgauizttion. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of tbe difft-siant and digests all kinds (if food. It gives Instant relief and never fails to cure. It allow you to eat all i the food you want. The most sensitive stomacbH can take it. liy iu use many thousand-i of dyspeptics have been cured after everything el.e failed. It prevent formation of gas on the stoat ach. relieving all distres after eating. Dieting unnecessary, pleasant to take. It Can't help but do you good n fi. UAue cubiaiaa tj uimv wu. iiw. fmmmt mi fm j tw